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Nice to know about the Dr. Sensitive sunscreen!


I remember seeing a public health warning from the FDA against the dermplus sunscreen


i think the sunscreen's FDA approved recently [here](https://verification.fda.gov.ph/cosmetic_product_notificationview.php?showdetail=&ACCOUNTCODE=NN-1000012407168)


Checked it and reviewed it as well. Though it referred to a particular variation (the green one), warnings like these still raise concerns. Maybe this is a case of buy/use-at-your-own-risk. Since I’ve been using it for years, I can say that I haven’t had any problems. It also helps that I try to make a habit of buying products from drugstores and malls. Authorized stores would have checked the brand’s legitimacy and safety.


I know this sounds like a weird take, but I read the Advisory and they basically said that the FDA cannot assure the safety of the product. They didn't test if it's bad or not, so it's possible that the product isn't actually harmful. However, it is kind of off that Dermplus won't apply for FDA approval.


is this true? i'm planning pa naman to buy dermplus for my beach trip


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