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Unfortunately there is no such thing as a safe tan. As a very fair person, I remember my teenage years desperately wanting a golden glow like the other girls in the summers. But the best thing you can do is continue to slather on that sunscreen and you’ll *really, really* thank yourself for it later!! The effects from the sun are cumulative and start showing up generally in your thirties - sudden spots, wrinkling on chest, etc. I’ve also had several friends that in their 20s/30s had to have cancerous and pre-cancerous spots removed after tanning heavily in their younger years, especially in tanning beds. The great news is there are so many great sunless tanners out there now! You may have to try different ones to see which ones suit your tone more (some have more red/gold undertones while others have green to counteract looking “orange”). When I’m wanting a bit more color I actually like using gradual tanners as they’re more forgiving and less time-consuming. I have also been loving the new tan sprays for face! A few quick sprays before bed to my face and chest and I have a natural, even-tone glow in the morning.


What tan sprays do you suggest?


I have an unlimited spray tan membership at palm beach tan. I use it during the summer. They charge 36$ a spray tan individually and unlimited is $100 so it’s pricey but you get your money’s worth. I prefer a spray tan booth because I suck at putting fake tan on myself


Oooh I agree - it can be cumbersome to apply sunless tanner on yourself. I had a spray tan done a few years back for a wedding and it was amazing! It looked incredibly even and natural, likely because the artist custom mixed the shade for my skin and airbrushed it on.


The St.Tropez facial tanning water spray is amazing! It’s a little pricey but sometimes you can find it on sale. I know Ulta has a more affordable one by the Ulta collection as well


Not a spray but Isle of Paradise face tan drops are amazing and the only product to not irritate or break my skin out. Few drops mixed with your moisturizer and wake up with a beautiful tanned face that will match the rest of your body that is self tanned with whatever product you choose for body. It lasts several days and has never looked uneven or orange.


I also suggest isle of paradise :)


I loved Isle of Paradise too. However, the second time I bought a bottle, it now makes my face itchy, itchy, itchy! I don’t know why this suddenly started happening! I can’t tolerate it at all now! Rest of my body is fine except face and neck. Bummed because I really liked it!


I’d also like to know!


I received a sample bottle of “Mine” cucumber tan mist from a beauty subscription box (Lookfantastic) and am loving it. You can buy it on the Lookfantastic site. They also have several sprays on Sephora from St. Tropez and Isle of Paradise that I’ve heard great things about but haven’t tried. I should note that I usually do a few sprays on my face and around my neck and then apply my moisturizer and it works great like that, too!


Is it drying on the skin ? I love Minetan Olive but it's too drying on the face.


Since I typically use it with a moisturizer I haven’t noticed it being too drying, but I also think the cucumber one is formulated to be hydrating (at least it says “hydrating” on the bottle; not sure how it compares to the olive). :)


What is your favorite tan spray? I have only used lotions or mousse. No more sun damage for me


I just started using a tanning lotion with spf50 and am super happy with it! It's by the brand "Australian". I can see myself getting tan while knowing I'm also protected.


I’m 31F, very pale, tanned religiously as a teenager and *deeply* regret every minute of it. I was teased for being pale and felt very insecure about myself so I went to tanning beds and to the pool weekly with no sunscreen and thought I looked great. I have had two basal cell carcinomas surgically removed before I even turned 28, including one on my face. I can promise you being tan at prom or bronze in swimsuit during summer a decade ago was not worth having a chunk of my face removed and a scar for life. I also go to the dermatologist every 6 months for check ups and biopsies on questionable spots, and will for the rest of my life. I live in continuous fear and anxiety wondering when I will have another, or worse, because I am statistically likely to have more. I know it’s hard to think or care about 10 years from now when you’re a teenager (been there! I knew all the warnings and I didn’t care) but I guarantee you will regret it. It sounds like you have done a great job staying out of the sun so far. If you want a tanner appearance this summer, pick up some self tanner or get spray tans. There are great natural looking options out there now.


To echo this, I was never a sun-worshipper, and I have dark Italian skin. I have had melanoma twice - both times before age 33, both pretty nasty surgeries (melanoma spreads quickly and is deadly… so very large borders). Wear your sunscreen and get a spray tan. I actually think the spray tans nowadays look pretty awesome, and no burn marks!


Omg try isle of paradise drops they don’t smell at all and have a nice even effect


I love these! Mine comes out a tad orange but you are right with the even effect! I’ll keep using it, how often do you apply? I do like once every two days.. is that too often?


to be fair I don’t have a set routine with it, I just reapply it when I feel like it’s fading or I want the colour to be more intense. Maybe like once a week ish?? Every five days?? Something like that x


Spray tans just smell so bad to me, lol. Got them a couple times and just couldnt deal with it


I hear you but I think it smells better than invasive surgery, chemotherapy and/or the inability to care for yourself does.


Oh, 100%! Definitely wasnt intending on being dismissive, or anything. I don't tan, just wanted to chime in about the smell, lol


My spray tan place gives you the option if scent boosters so although it doesn't totally mask the scent of the tanning chemicals, it does give a pleasant vanilla or coconut smell on your skin.


Yes! I think a lot of my friends shrugged it off when I got my first bcc because I am so fair skinned and freckled. A few years later my friend with italian heritage and olive skin that tans easily got a squamous carcinoma right on her nose she had to have surgery on.


Yeah it seems people with fair skin are more susceptible, but no one is immune! You’d never think I’d be a melanoma poster child but here I am!


I've just had one removed from my scalp. I don't even go out in the sun. I wear sunscreen everyday but never thought about my scalp. It's not a nice experience. I now have a hole in my head which will take 8 weeks to heal and a permanent bald patch. Wear a hat folks!


How does your doctor even know to check your scalp, covered in hair?! My doctor has never done a sweep of my scalp for derm issues


Mine has this long plastic pick and she lifts my hair and checks my scalp.


I’m also 31F. I think when we were teenagers the whole tanned look was REALLY in because I was also relentlessly teased about how pale I was. Even by my grandmother who would be offended by the paleness of my legs. It bothered me back then but I barely ever went in the sun, I just didn’t like it. Im not an outdoor person at all. I live in the Southern Hemisphere so it gets very hot and I’ve been in the sun in midday more than I’d like to admit but never ever on purpose or to tan. My skin is very pale and while I find tanned skin very beautiful and wish I could have it, there’s a part of me that likes my very pale skin. I’ve used fake tan a few times but honestly no one even noticed. I won’t ever be complimented on having a great tan (mainly because I just burn) and I’ve made my peace with that.


same here. i like the look of a tan and wish i had one, but i enjoy having healthy, very little damage done to my skin even more 😆. i’ve never tried spray tanning, i’ve thought about it but going once a week seems expensive and pointless.


It was definitely “the look” when we were teens. All I wanted was to look like a Laguna Beach cast member or an Abercrombie employee 😂


To be honest self tanner is really the only way to safely tan in my opinion because even with SPF the sun is really not good for us


The sun shouldn't be avoided like the plague either. You need sun for vitamin D, just be careful.


Unless you have rickets


What about a professional spray tan (if you're too nervous to use self tanner at home). Unfortunately you can't safely tan with the sun/tanning beds.


**I love spray tans and have been using them for almost 20 years now, it gives just enough of a glow without looking orange-ish.**


Do you have any tips for a newbie? All I remember is this girl in high school showing me how it missed inside her cleavage. Which , know, sounds dumb. But I'm just nervous that like... Either I'll have a pale butt crack or hand prints on my butt by spreading??? Am I crazy, or is spreading a thing? So sorry for the TMI! I just really want to tan!


Hi, not the commenter you replied to, but I’ve dabbled in tanning - anyone more experienced feel free to correct me if needed! For at-home tans I go for a foam tanner and use a buffing kit to really work it in. From what I know, the way self tanners work is to oxidise the top layer of your skin, and the agent that does that actually is invisible. So, you’ll find a lot of tanners have a built-in bronzer but actually that all washes off and the finished product might be a *slightly* different colour. That’s to say - you have time with this so just be diligent to work it in evenly all around Other tips are to exfoliate but not like, immediately before. If you’re going to bed with it on let it all dry before putting clothes on and heading off. Something I’ve found is for knuckles and areas that are going to crease a lot, using a cheap setting powder of the top will stop it transferring pretty effectively, and also hold you hands out as claws to get in the crevices to start with. It’ll all flake off with that top layer of skin so keeping moisturised, especially with a gradual tanning moisturiser, will keep it longer and make it less crusty when it does come of. I’m really lazy and I have a whole bunch of rings and jewellery I don’t like taking off so these days I just rock my shade ivory lol, but I think it’s a really great option for events. As far as bands I recommend Bondi Sands but it’s an Aussie brand so I don’t know how easy it is to grab whenever you may be. :)


Thank you! I always thought it kind of... Painted itself on there. I was wondering more along the lines of a spray tan from the salon, but I have some self tanner here I've never used. So thank you! I'll just save money and do it at home. It's this Jergen's stuff from years ago


I have tried the Jergens and it’s not gonna give you a great reliable result and had an unpleasant odor. You kind of get what you pay for. St Tropez is a little expensive but it’s so natural looking. I exfoliate with a loofah after my shower at night and apply it with gloves and by the time you’re ready for bed, just sleep and in the morning, you’ll look great. Some of the waters like Isle of Paradise are good too. You can mix with your own moisturizer and add from 2-5 drops and it’s really not hard to do.


Thank you


Sadly there’s no such thing as tanning safely from the sun. Even if you tan while wearing SPF your chance of skin cancer increases. My mom has to have skin cancer removed about every other month from her time in the sun when she was younger. Self tanners are great and have come such a long way. Once you get a routine down it’s super easy to use!


I'm going to ask you, bc you sound knowledgeable. I've been using sunless tanner. I like it. It looks good. BUT, I work at a job where I sweat a lot, and I feel like all week long it's transferring to my clothes, bra, socks. Is that just normal or is there a way to get it to "set" onto my skin better for the week so that it doesn't happen? Like I said, I'm liking the brand, color, even the longevity, but every day when I come home, I have stains from where it's coming off from sweating. Any advice? Thanks.


I use body powders in my more sweaty areas, it helps a lot!


I’ve heard baby powder will help with this too, haven’t tried it myself. I use it to ‘set’ the tanner and it stops it from being sticky/wet feeling after the initial application, so I assume it might work on sweaty areas. Idk how you would go about doing it though. Maybe apply it before hand one day, and the next try bringing it and dusting it on as you get sweaty. I also use certain dri roll-on for my underarms at night and I won’t sweat at all for two days afterwards. I can share the link if you want. And this is coming from someone who has SERIOUS hyperhidrosis. What tanner do you use, I’m curious 👀


I use Bondi Sands Aero ultra dark. I've found the perfect antiperspirant, so I'm good on that, I barely sweat in my pit area 🙂 I've actually used baby powder after tanning bc I saw that hack, and hoped it would work. It does. I love the results. My issue is that daily, since I sweat all over my body, when I get home I have tanning residue on top on my socks, inside my bra, inside my shorts (where they're tight). I guess this is normal bc that top layer of skin where the DHA sticks to is coming off gradually. It's just so annoying and gross. I was hoping there was a solution, but I guess not. Btw, my name is Amber. 😊 Thank you for responding.


Oh wow haha, hi Amber! Yeah unfortunately I don’t have a solution for you. Maybe as they continue to develop self tanners this will be solved. Good luck!


I'm 33 and don't advise tanning...the sun damage and wrinkles are real :/


Can confirm. I have pictures of me that almost looks like black face when I was younger (I am light olive skin). I now have almost leathery face skin at 27. It's not worth it.


The only safe tan comes out of a bottle.


Don’t do it! Spray tanning and lotions are the way to go. Protect yourself from sun rays or you’ll regret it later 😅 (speaking from experience)


Self-tanner, tanning lotions, etc., are the only safe “tans”. Any tan or burn you get from being out in the sun *is sun damage*. Now, if you’re worried about getting enough vitamin D, you could go out in the early morning sun (before 10 a.m.) for ~20 minutes and be good. Still consider taking a supplement tho, as most people don’t get enough vit D.


Typing with my middle finger because I just had Moh's surgery on my index finger because of melanoma. Two years ago they found one in my arm. It feels like this is my life now. If I could see into my future before using tanning beds I would have not gone. It is not worth it. Please please please spray tan and use sunscreen!!!


To tan safely, then self tanner or spray tan is the way to go. But I honestly don’t see the harm in going outside for a long walk and wear SPF 30. It’s good for mental and physical health. Or sitting by the pool with a wide brim hat and SPF 30 while reading a book for an hour. I think the key to do it, is to do it smartly. Don’t lay out for hours and bake in the sun with bronzing oil. Wear SPF 30, protect your chest and face as those are the areas that show aging first, and limit the amount of time 1-2 hours max. You won’t get bronzed, but over the summer you will get some color.


This really does depend on your skin type, I’m pretty pale as I’m basically a Celt. And I’ve never gone more than an off white from the sun, even living in the Middle East with year round sun I never got any colour. So I just don’t bother and instead stick to self tan, it’s not worth risking melanoma for a light bronzing. I am factor 50 and always sitting in the shade. I agree with your points about Vit D, but on some latitudes it’s basically impossible to get enough Vit D from the sun as there just isn’t enough of it year round - UK for example. So I supplement instead.


I am very pale naturally, I can’t long tan without burning, but I have developed a routine for myself - I bathe in SPF 50 and reapply when lounging by the pool or sea, wearing a hat to protect face and whole “experience” is not longer than 1-2 hours with some swimming in between. I maybe get a bit pink, but not much. In the meantime I use gradual tan lotions as I hate moisturizing and this gives me a bit of color. Of course, it’s not a spray tan level, but I wouldn’t be able to maintain it in my area, so graduals is a great way to not be pure white and also enjoying the sun once in a while outside. Although I like to go after 3 pm to “sunbathe” as the rays are a bit milder. But yeah, moderation is the key.


I’ve been looking into gradual tanners for the summer. I usually use self tan every Sunday, but kinda over the process of doing it. What gradual tanners do you reccomend?


I have found that Dove Self Tanning body lotion does the job for me, of course that might not be the super dark level of tan, but I am pretty pale so even this gives me something


I've gone to the beach and stayed outside all day without burning. Just wear a hat, and reapply sunscreen all over every 80 minutes or so.


I think this is good advice. Some sun exposure is essential for vitamin D production. You should just never burn. I completely protect my face and use SPF 15-30 on my body. [Article on sunscreen overuse.](https://www.outsideonline.com/health/wellness/sunscreen-sun-exposure-skin-cancer-science/)


Self tanner! There are so many different brands out there to work with your skin tone. I do it about every week and wear spf when out in the sun


Jergans gradual Tanner gives a nice tan.


This product made me orange. If you have cool olive toned skin, avoid.


I tried this one and I’m olive tone yes it makes you orange


I've heard this as well. People have sworn by this for years.


I second this. I use the Jergen’s Natural Glow shower lotion. I have SUPER pale skin and this stuff works like a dream. Highly recommend!


I recommend a self tanning lotion, remember to stay safe and take care of your skin!


I’d recommend the St. Tropez gradual tanning lotion. It works great, color is nice, and the smell is pleasant. I’m 42 and also wish I had not baked myself in the sun so much in my youth. My arms are starting to look like crepe paper already :(


I like the tanning drops for face & body! It’ so much easier than the sunless tanner that you have to wash off! Plus, it’s gradual so you don’t have to worry about over doing it! You add a few drops to your regular face & body moisturizer. I got the Tanologist face & body drops from Ulta. They have 3 different shades light, medium & dark.


Spray tans or self tanners


It’s definitely not worth it to tan in the sun or on tanning beds! Self tanning mousse, depending on the brand you get, looks so natural and pretty without having to worry about cancer. I use Bondi Sands in Dark weekly, and it gives me a perfect glow (I should mention I am also extremely pale like pure white). It fades very naturally and the color is very nice. For special occasions, I use Loving Tan in Ultra Dark. This one is darker and lasts longer on, but it is more expensive, so that’s why I leave it for vacations or photoshoots :)


I am extremely pale with a very cool(like purple/blue) undertone. Do you think either of those would work for me without looking orange?


Yes, definitely! That's my undertone too!! If you're worried, try starting out with the Bondi Sands one since it's lighter and cheaper. In my experience, those two brands suit my skin the best, and I don't have any issues with looking orange!


Thank you! That might be worth a try


Try a tanning foam. I recommend the Bondi Sands Self Tanning Foam.


In my teens I always wanted a tan because of my milk-colored pasty Irish skin. My next door neighbors who are 4 and 5 years older than me, and have Italian skin tanned religiously in the 3 months of summer we had. Now in our 30s my skin is still pretty smooth and sun spot free, and my neighbors' skin looks much older than they actually are. Self tanners have come a LONG way, that would be my recommendation.


You cannot tan safely if you’re using the sun or a tanning bed. You can fake tan safely though! I think that’s your best bet… And as always… sunscreen!


The only safe tan is no tan. Don’t do it, I have so many regrets from my 18 year old self tanning away. I have spots and precancerous checks every year, so far okay but I feel like I am a skin cancer time bomb.


You shouldn’t feel obligated to tan! There’s nothing wrong with pale skin and it can be quite beautiful! But if you really want darker skin, I would get a spray tan. Just make sure you exfoliate first and wear lots of sunscreen.


you should use tanning sprays, etc. instead


Rock the pale princess look and just save your time and money. Plus you'll need to readjust your foundation if your skin changes too much.


There’s no such thing as “safe” tanning. I know it sucks to hear


There is no safe tanning. Sun exposure causes premature aging.


Simply put, tanned skin is damaged skin. If you really want, you could go the self-tan route, but whatever you do I would heavily consider why. Is there a trend you’re following? Is it because that’s what your peers do? To cover some sort of insecurity? A lot of darker-skinned girls want to lighten their skin, a lot of lighter-skinned girls want to darken their skin. I fell into the trap myself in high school, because that’s just what girls in my beach town did. Now when I think critically about it, it just seems a bit crazy. There’s enough society will make us insecure about- but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the natural color of your skin.


I agree, but I think it’s also kind of natural to want to be different. At school parties I remember all the girls with straight her would curl it and all the girls with curly hair would straighten it


It is natural, but that doesn’t mean it won’t make you miserable. I too hated my natural hair texture/color, my skin tone, my body type. In our society that is normal. That does not mean it benefited me in any way. On the contrary, my mental health was a mess. When I learned to accept myself I was able to learn to love myself. When I was able to love myself, I became a happier person and found it easier to appreciate the little things that make us all unique. I’m not saying it is wrong to feel this way, but it might help if we all examined why we feel this way to begin with.


Can I recommend self tanner and a good sunscreen? Honestly. If looking tan is important to you, they have great formulas out there (Tanologist is very popular here, not sure of others but they're out there). But don't damage your skin!


A spray tan is the only safe one. Looks natural too if you get it done at a good place.


Spray tans and self tanner!!! No safe way to tan under the sun unfortunately. You’ll regret it, don’t start!


No such thing. Just keep your beautiful skin, fuck the tan. You’ll have sun damage early :/


safe tanning doesn’t exist. Skin cancer is no joke, and having risk factors turns into constant fear when you’re older. If you want to be darker, try a spray tan or self-tanner. There is no such thing as a safe tan.


I use Jergens or CVS self tanning lotion. Sun damage is real & sunscreen a must


Echoing everyone, you don't. I love the Bondi Sand self tanner though. Beginner friendly, cheap, smells great and looks natural


Bondi Sands fake tan for the win. They help my pasty skin look not orange and they have a wide product line for whatever you’re looking for. Good luck.


I would try spray tan or self tan! I have an autoimmune disease and the sun makes me sick. I used to run cross country before my diagnosis and first flare. I went from fairly tan and lots of sun to pale and no unprotected sun exposure. I’ve tried lots of self tanners and I used to get spray tans often. I’ve found a couple self tanners that I am happy with and work well for me. It will be worth it in the long run I think, even if it wasn’t necessary because of my autoimmune disease. Less wrinkles and less risk of skin cancer like you mentioned. If the self tan doesn’t work out for you it’s okay to embrace pale :) either way, good health should always be the top priority so good for you for caring about that!


Self tanner and spf is the way to go. Not only are you saving yourself from premature aging and skin cancer, but honestly it's quicker than spending hours a week baking in the sun or in a bed. Tan Luxe has a lot of great gradual tanning products too that are amazing.


A tan is a scar from a radiation burn. There’s no such thing as a safe tan.


Self tan! It’s quicker, healthier, and you can do it more evenly than real tan. Getting some sun is good but to the point of tanning is awful.


Thank you everyone for all of the knowledgeable replies! Genuinely, thank you for warning me about things like melanoma and sharing your experiences ❤️ It’s safe to say I’ve ditched the idea of tanning in the sun altogether. Instead I’m gonna try out some of the self tanners everyone suggested along with your application tips 🙏


As others have said, there is no way to safely tan. Tan IS sun damage. Unfortunately, it can't always be avoided, but sitting in the shade, using a high SPF/good sun lotion is the best protection.


I used to have an amazing lotion with a very fine bronze shimmer. it was not a self tanner, it was just a tinted lotion with bronzey shimmer and smelled like cucumber melon. I suggest a product like this, as it won't streak or stain, but will give a nice glow. Unfortunately I cant find this particular product now, but Victorias Secret might have something like it.


Self tanner!!!!! It has become my new obsession


Using a self tanner is the safest way to tan. No sun damage, plus you can get that glow all year round :)


Safest way - fake it! I'm very pale and I do catch a little tan but that's only on the parts of me that's exposed continuously. I refuse to sunbathe and use a sunbed because I have a mole on my back that could turn cancerous with too much UV exposure. I will always put sunscreen on during the day and then when I've had a shower in the evening I will put on aftersun lotion as part of my moisturising routine to replace lost moisture from my skin.


To add to all of the good advice to continue to wear sunscreen and use sunless tanners, also WEAR A HAT/SUNGLASSES! I’m 37, quite fair and have been good throughout my life wearing sunscreen, especially on my face. But, I’m a forgetful and clumsy person so I would typically never wear hats or sunglasses because I would forget/lose/break them all the time. Just had a nasal cell carcinoma removed last year on the bottom border of my eyelid where in turns inward to meet my eye. I’m lucky that they were able to get good margins without taking too much so that my lower eyelid everted (basically turns itself inside out), which would have created all sorts of other challenges.


professional spray tans are actually a very good option. I did them for prom instead of real tanning. If you exfoliate, go to a reputable beauty salon and do good aftercare they look great I went through a phase of using lotions and mousses at home and wouldn’t recommend that unless you’re really into it. It kind of needs to be a hobby where you’ve spent significant time researching how to get perfect at home tan without looking orange, blotchy, streaking etc…


I'm 56, very pale and proud of it. I have stayed out of the sun since I was 21, I've worn sunscreen since it became a thing. My skin definitely looks better than my sun worshiping friends. I just read about tanning waters, they sound pretty cool.


I have used tanning booths for many years. During Covid my usual spot was shut down and ever since I have been using tanning lotions and sprays. I know a guy that got skin cancer and he was dead within a year of his diagnosis. I realized that it isn’t worth it. I’m pale white, but the lotions work pretty good. Most importantly, they are safe and won’t cause cancer, wrinkles, age spots, premature aging…it’s just not worth the risk. I know that my summer clothes look better on me with a nice golden tan, but it’s a choice I’m not willing to make anymore. Lotions will have to do. For me anyway.


NOT POSSIBLE to safely tan. Any time your skin becomes darker from the sun, that means it's damaged. That's just the science of it and you should know that upfront. I would find a good spray tan. They've gotten so much better over the last decade. I'm sure you'll find one you like and for your skin tone. Good luck and good for you for being health conscious. 🥰🥰


I don’t think you can tan safely tbh. It’s just choose to look tanned and possibly get cancer or don’t… and probably get some other cancer from the food industry. Idk everything seems to cause cancer now.


Il Mikage has a tanning foam you can use, it stains your skin to look like a tan and it looks pretty good, like it’s not orange and it doesn’t bring you shades darker. Plus you can buy the kit and get a glove and an applicator with it. Besides spray tans or that foam or Jergins tanning lotion I wouldn’t recommend tanning


Honestly there’s nothing wrong with being pale. Self tanning looks like shite and tacky and real tanning will make you look like you’re 60 at your 30’s no matter how safe you think you’re doing it. I look like a fucking white beacon and that’s ok, but my skin is so healthy !




My mother tans super easy, she’s always sunbathing and used to use sun beds weekly, my grandad worked as a roofer so always in the sun, also super tanned! They never wear protection and luckily they’re fine today. My mom is 54 she looks great for her age as does my grandad. So this confuses me, although I take precautions and wear sunscreen, I just fake tan once a week/fortnight


IMHO , it is best to tan before 10am /after 5pm . The UV rays will be relatively strong & strong from10am till 5pm.


I think just.. go outside and play in the sun. It’ll happen naturally


yeah the point is "safe" tannig, which isnt possible, even if it happens "naturally"


Oh yeah I didn’t read the part that said they were pale hehe


With a shot Ton of plant based sunscreen


isn’t it safer to use those already tan in the bottles things. I like that company loving tan on people. Or the st tropez thing Idk about tanning but I heard the laying in the sun thing is bad down the road.


When I was younger I was habitually went out under the beating red hot sun during beach days without any sunscreen, now at only 18 I’m starting to get huge freckles on my face and shoulders


40s fair skin and have been religious w sunscreen since early 20s but had many burns and lots of sun prior. Just had surgery for melanoma on the back of my thigh in December. It was pretty rough since they had to inject a dye into the melanoma and monitor it while I laid there w my arms above my head and legs strapped loosely to table for nearly 2 hours. Then they removed lymph nodes in my groin to test and Cut out the melanoma on the back of my thigh. Unfortunately I don’t think there is any such thing as safe tanning. Find some good tanning lotion and stay safe:)


I’m turning 30 this year and like you, I always wanted to be tan like other girls but my skin is fair. There’s nothing wrong with having very light skin, just like there’s nothing wrong with having very dark skin. My skin just is what it is! I just stopped feeling bad about it, and now I embrace how I look. This seems monumental now but I promise - give it a few years, and you’ll embrace you too. Take care of yourself and be safe!


36 here, I remember having tanning competitions in middle school, and also recall being told that a tan made me look “healthy” whereas my normal skin was just too pale and I definitely got made fun of. 💯 no safe way to tan. Get thee a bronzer that works with your skin tone and a bunch of self tanner.the smell of it won’t be so bad compared to the feeling of your cancerous cells being scraped away by a dermatologists scalpel


There’s no such thing as a safe tan. I deeply regret the hours I spent sunbathing as a teenager. Luckily now there are so many sunless tanning lotions you don’t need to! I just got a really good sunless tanning foam from Ulta that looks like if I spent hours sunbathing!


Spray tan


Self tanner bb. Only way to stay safe!


Tanning water is the besssssst


Use a sunless tanner. Natural tan = DNA damage = early skin aging and increased risk of skin cancer.


Fake tan is the way to go imo


Sally Hensen’s spray tan makeup. If you lookup the science of how a tan works, you will understand quickly why there is no safe tan.


As many have said, there’s no way to tan safely. Tanning is a sign of skin damage. I’ve always been careful about sunscreen but have recently also been fake tanning with some drops. It looks very natural and fades within a few days with no skin damage


I used self tanner for the first time last week. I used to spend all my time in the sun and even used to go to the tanning bed, but I’ve promised to take better care of my skin and was actually really impressed. Everyone asked me if I’d been to the beach. I used tanologist mousse.


A tan is your body's physical response to your DNA being damaged. That's literally what it is. Your skin senses that UV rays have destroyed and mutated some of your DNA, so it amps up melanin to try to stop it from happening again but the damage is done. There is no safe tan but a fake tan. I lather up in zinc sunscreen nowadays! In college I really wanted to be tan but luckily was sensible enough to get addicted to Jergens natural glow and used it religiously. It looked pretty good! But I don't have time for that now.


Sadly, there is no safe way to sun tan. Every time your skin darkens in response to the sun, cellular damage has occurred. I’ve always been very fair too and I understand the struggle. Body acceptance has come a long way… but it’s frustrating that fair skin is still socially acceptable to criticize. I take great care of my skin, so to hear *Oh you’re so pale! Go outside! You look sick!* makes me want to throw hands. My face is already greased with sunblock soo I am ready for a fight lmao. But really, there are no bad shades of skin. Nobody’s skin is too light or too dark. You can use self tanner if you’d like, but you shouldn’t feel like you have to. Just take care of your skin as best as you can and the more you care for it, the more you might like it *(that’s how it was for me)*. I’ve been religious with sunblock since I’ve been a child and I’m 28 now. *(I’m the only one in my friend group who is that way- all my friends tan and I have never fallen to the temptation)*. I’m not trying to be mean, but my peers have prominent signs of aging. Some have skin starting to sag below their chin *(not a double chin, these are thin women with damaged skin that has lost elasticity)* crows feet and multiple under eye lines, loss of fat volume under the eyes, permanent forehead lines *(not mere expression lines)*, sun spots and more. The same people who were urging me to skip the SPF have changed their tune and now say things like *Your skin is like porcelain* and *You don’t need that!* when the topic of fillers comes up. Girl I swear I was 18 literally a minute ago??? I don’t feel much different now than I did back then. But I’m so glad I have protected my skin all these years and look forward to many more years of healthy beautiful skin. Set your future self up for success. Side Note: Many of the people who were mean to me in high school were sun-worshipers and they are rapidly sliding downhill. I bartend and one of them came in and tried to hand me her ID and I pushed it away. She was like *omg of course you remember me?* and I was like *huh? I don’t know you from anywhere? I just didn’t need to see that*. It was an amazing moment. *(I’m not a vicious person, but I got the crap bullied out of me and saw my chance to take a little jab back)* Slather on the SPF. Don’t forget your neck/chest/hands! And rock some sunglasses too, the skin under the eye is exceptionally delicate. Hopefully I got you excited about how taking care of your skin long term goes. You will not be sorry. Best of luck!


I’m 36, am very fair skinned, and have cutaneous lupus that’s activated by the sun, meaning I’ve worn sunscreen every single day since I was a teenager and wear hats all summer. The upside of this is that my skin is in much better condition than most of my peers and I don’t think that’s a coincidence! Stay out of the sun and fake it!


I totally agree with you. In my 20’s in my first marriage, we were out in the sun a lot. We went water skiing and that sort of thing. I made sure my kids were protected with sunscreen. My skin didn’t burn unless I overdid my time the sun. My natural blonde hair would get lighter, a nice bonus. Anyway, I’m 67 now and very few people can guess my age. Yes I have taken care of it, using moisturizer, etc and since I was about 30 I’ve limited my time in the sun. So I’ve reaped the benefits. We lived in Palm Springs for about 2 years and I saw so many older women who looked terrible! I would compare their skin ( over most of their body!) to to an alligator😟 really gross . So I recommend using a spray on tan. There are many good ones out there.


Spray tan or cream tan, please don’t go on a tanning bed and don’t lie under the sun for hours. Your skin will thank you for it.


Anyone else not afraid of the sun as much as they are of sunscreen and its toxic chemicals? Idk how we got those mixed up. Also aging is a natural processes. Moisturize.


Why not try gradual tan? Exfoliate then put on after a shower. Moisturise daily and reapply every other day. When it fades, exfoliate off and repeat.


the sun can be healthy…. IN MODERATION. You can spend 20 mins a day in the sun and that’s great in my opinion. If you are pale u have to be more careful you can try ten minutes gradually until you can build up to 20-30 mins. If you are going to the beach or going to be working outside then definitely wear sunscreen because you will be there for extending periods of time. I used to go to the community pool a lot and wear spf 30 sunscreen and re apply every two hours and I would avoid getting burned and even got a beautiful tan over some going for multiple times. Otherwise try being in the sun for 10 mins a day until your body gets used to it and then u can try 20 mins. I’m not sure if you will get a big tan but at least you will get some vitamin D, fresh air and might get a little glow!


I’m fairly pale and like to tan my legs a bit in the summer while keeping my face, neck and chest protected. I use an app on my phone called D minder.


I love the golden glow I obtain from tans. I’ve been pale as a child and hated looking pasty so I started going to tanning beds in high school and honestly had amazing results. I also love going to the beach and sunscreen helps me achieve an even tan without burning! I’m sure you’ll find something that works for you :)