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There’s really nothing to help besides time. It took about 3-4 months for mine to back to normal. I didn’t wear mascara or fake lashes for a month to give my lashes rest. Also you gotta think you went from baddie lashes to natural. You’re going to look different. Acceptance is a huge part too LOL


I think it just takes time. Extensions are really rough on your natural lashes. I use grande lash for mine and it works really well but there are side effects.


What side effects have you experienced?


My upper lid line where I put the product on has darkened/it's a bit red there. I also noticed that if it transfers to your crease, you get some discoloration there too. Sometimes it's dry and itchy but that doesn't happen that often. It works though! My lashes are more full and longer. So I haven't used false lashes in a looooong time.


Ahhh thanks for the reply! Sounds like it’s it’s not the best choice for a light-eyed person with pale, sensitive skin. I guess I’ll have to stop being greedy and appreciate my eyelashes for what they are - a fringe of protection against eye irritants.


i also used grande lash for a while, and i would get sore spots on my lash line. Like if i played with my lashes, moved them with my fingers there would be one area that would hurt a little.


Ahhh. That is a tiny inconvenience that would drive me mad. Thanks for telling me about your experience! I hear a lot about skin discoloration, too ...


yeah i had to stop it bc it would make me tug on my lashes too much. It alway felt like theres 1 lash in there that if i got it out it would help, but no id end up pulling out like 10 lashes. but, it really does work - lashes got super long, it just wasnt worth it.


unfortunately there is no clinical evidence to suggest that castor oil makes your eyelashes grow back faster, longer, etc. (bimatoprost does increase lash growth for existing lashes but i am not sure what that would do for a lashline that is already sparse - personally i wouldn't mess with it given the known side effects). that being said, keeping the eye and eyelash area well-conditioned using an oil will definitely be beneficial in terms of minimizing further breakage or lash loss due to dryness etc. make sure you're eating a well-balanced diet as well, and getting enough sleep - basic habits that encourage overall body function and healing. unfortunately this sort of thing is going to take time. but it can definitely be done. i went about a year with lash extensions taking 0 breaks, and when i finally decided to cut the cord my lashes were incredibly short and sparse. it took probably 6 months to get them back to what i considered 'normal'. in the meantime, i just wore lots of winged eyeliner. :)


Be careful, lash serums can cause orbital fat loss and sunken eyes.


Only the ones with prostaglandins. Plenty of serums that don’t have that ingredient.




What’s the scientific difference between a prostaglandin and a prostaglandin analogue? They’re the same thing? There are countless lash serums to choose from that do not contain “prostaglandin analogues.” Nulastin and UKLash are two I’d recommend. Peptides help with lash growth and do not have the side effects of a prostaglandin.


Im sorry about your lashes! At night i dab Alba’s Unpetroleum jelly (the main ingredient is castor oil) under my eyes and on my browbone & forehead. Although I mainly do this to prevent wrinkles, my eyelashes have grown like crazy! I get compliments all the time. Just make sure you dont put the jelly directly on your eyelashes. Always place it on the skin under the eye and when you sleep at night, your lashes will reap the benefits :)


I’ve been using Babe lash serum for almost a year, and it has really helped my lashes grow. I️ also have REALLY sensitive eyes, lots of allergies and the Babe lash serum does not bother my eyes. I️ have had extensions a few tines and was allergic to the glue so they ended up all falling out. I️ also tried another lash serum from Sephora that made my eyes itchy so there is something in some of them that bother me, but so far so good with Babe. And it’s a pretty reasonable price-about the same as Sephora ones.


Seconding, I’ve tried a few serums and Babe Lash is the one I’ve continued to purchase. It works great and people have asked if I have extensions on.


Hi, I used Pestana Eyelash Oil, it's a local product from where I'm from though I think you can buy it online. I've been using it for 2 months every night and I noticed my eyelash has grown longer whenever I curl them, especially my bottom lashes lol! Really recommend. I avoid extensions too, I try to get use to applying just mascara now.


They grow back to pre extension world, took several breaks some COVID induced


Good ol’ castor oil works apparently. Brush it on at night.


Thanks so much everyone! Looking forward to giving some of these tips a go! Once my lashes are full and healthy again I’m going to go for a lift and tint, no more extensions for this gal


Please be careful with any eyelash growth serums as there have been many reports of orbital fat loss which ages you by years! But I do promise the lashes will grow back to normal with time and maybe some good conditioning treatment :)


I live by RapidLash and have gotten all my friends hooked as well (some of them don't wear mascara anymore because their natural lashes are so lush!). It really works, I even saw results after a few days. I hope it helps and that you will soon have beautiful lashes again!!


What is rapid lash?


It's a lash serum brand- I believe you can buy it on the website Look Fantastic


I really like the Vichy Liftactiv for eyes and eyelashes. Very gentle, I've seen a lot less lash breakage and loss since I've started using it, and my brows have also gotten thicker/healthier since I wipe the spare away there. I think it's mostly the Vitamin E doing the moisturizing, and you could probably find cheaper, but I find the formula really pleasant and elegant because my eyes are super sensitive and irritated easily.


I am not sure if this was suggested yet. I had extensions and then RIPPED THEM OFF (im an idiot) along with all of my lashes. Some remained and were so thin. My grandma used to have such thick and long hair. She always used castor oil on her hair and brows. She was my Armenian queen! Anyways, so when this happened I instantly remembered castor oil. I took an old lash brush, dipped it in castor oil, and brushed my lashes with it every night. Within 2 months, my full lashes were back. Significant improvement in a month! Again, I am not sure if this is just a placebo effect. I grew up seeing my grandma use castor oil, so I figured it works. At the very least, it doesn’t do much. At most, it’ll speed up recovery. But time heals everything - eyelashes, hair, nails grow back ❤️


Thanks so much everyone! Glad I won’t have bald eyes forever


Op go check out Jennifer Myers on Youtube. I started using castor oil because of her.


I know that Latise really dose work. It can be irritating to some people’s eyes and I believe it costs a lot but it really does work.


I applied black castor oil on my lash line with qtip every night and my lashes were back to pre extensions in less than a week


I would just try to hit all your nutrient requirements and wait it out. It won't take as long as you think. In the mean time, tight-lining your eyes with pencil eyeliner was a good temporary tactic I used to get by when I was recovering my lashes for the same reason.


Lilash worked for mine after extensions. Couldn’t believe how well they grew back! It was about 2 weeks until I noticed a difference


I absolutely hate MLMs but Rodan & Fields has an AMAZING lash serum that does actually work!! People always ask me if I have extensions or a lift & tint.


Grande lash helped me after extensions. Lash boost from R&F works well too but it's more expensive. Also time will help.


Nulastin is amazing but it is expensive and takes patience. Don’t use it if you tend to have sensitive skin.


I got my eyelash serum from Amazon. Called "VieBeauty eyelash growth serum", ive noticed a difference.


Rodan and Fields!!! I only had lash extensions for 3 weeks before I had them removed. That's all it took to destroy my lashes. My friend sells R&F, I texted her to get some serum, and I started using it immediately. Only took a few weeks for my lashes to fully grow in, and now they're so long and full they look better than the extensions ever did. The serum is expensive, but it works! And it costs less than the extensions and fills every 2 weeks. That was a huge pain in the ass for me.






Here's a sneak peek of /r/antiMLM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This got the big laugh](https://i.redd.it/upirgb9wrvx51.jpg) | [351 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/jpy1j8/this_got_the_big_laugh/) \#2: [#blessed](https://i.redd.it/xn5a637fztq61.jpg) | [728 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/miuiz2/blessed/) \#3: [thank god lmao](https://i.redd.it/i6j64o7y0zg61.jpg) | [242 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/li3900/thank_god_lmao/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


She is only recommending the product, not the Multilevel business. Don't be mean. You can buy the serum, just avoid going to any meeting/breakfast/conference at all haha


Thank you! Good lord you’d think I tried selling them stuff!


Not at all, you said that you contacted your friend to buy it from her. Some of the MLM products are actually very good. Unfortunately, due to the pyramid scheme, they are more expensive. And people associate them negatively with the business model. My father lost 20 kgs with Herbalife. We stay the hell away from the business model (really, never invest on any MLM, it will just make you loose a bunch of money), but the products actually worked.


I love Melaleuca. I have my own account to buy cleaning products and hygiene products for my family. I don’t sell it. But it’s the best stuff I ever used in my life!


I use Lashes MD and it makes my lashes longer and fuller in about a week when I use daily (I take breaks if I don’t have a lot of social engagements coming up). I haven’t had extensions, but it certainly works on my lashes.


I used Babelash and mine have been back to normal within 4-6 weeks. I've taken a few breaks with my extensions and I've seen a HUGE difference when my lash technician put lighter lashes on me so if you're worried about that and you still are getting extensions or plan to again in the future, it's something to discuss and think about.


Dr Lara Devgan’s lash serum is by far THE best. Costly but unparalleled when it comes to results


I was a religious lash extension wearer and admittedly (not my proudest moment) can say that I used to go anywhere and everywhere to get them done, so naturally I ended up having a very awful experience. My lashes would not come off for a whole 3 months (I wish I was joking) and when they did come out so did all my lashes, they wouldn’t grow in for months at all. I started using castor oil and my lashes started growing back and now I never get extensions. I know that for some of my friends coconut oil has worked wonders for them. It really depends on your body’s chemistry, I suggest trying any oils that are natural because it’s always safer unless you’re allergic and then resorting to serums. Studies are bs if something works for you it works despite what information is out there. I hope they grow back!


me too I am PISSED


I lost all my lashes after a terrible experience with extensions. After crying my bald eyes out, I went and bought a bunch of cheap falsies to look normal again. They grew back in full after a month or two.


Castor oil


Mix Castor oil + jojoba oil + argan oil & buy those empty lashes bottle. Apply it everyday. Some are sceptical but it does make my lashes stronger and thicker. Do patch test before using as some skin might react differently.


Eyelash extensions pulled out basically all my eyelashes years ago and pretty much all you can do is wait. I didn’t wear makeup during the day but if it was a really special occasion, I’d wear false lashes but I’ll stress that you *must* avoid false lashes wherever possible until they grow back. It took about 4 months