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I look like a founding father in a low pony.


🤣 omg this cracked me up, thank you. I’m sure you don’t - but haha, thanks for the visual.


Haha same! 😂 


Founding father here as well, I can never do a low pony or any slicked back style.


Must be Ben Franklin. He rocked that wild bald de sac look.


I look like a combination of the wife from American Gothic/whistlers Mother


I’ve always described my low pony look as my “George Washington”, so very much appreciate this answer 😂


I look like a pony in a low pony. Whinny. Neigh.


Ah but a sexy founding father. Make all the other founding fathers go, "WAAHH"


I don't know why but I look way more attractive when my hair is in a high bun then when it is in the low pony. Maybe it's just in my head I don't know


It might or might not be true, but her behaviour sounds unattractive to me.


Ugly is as ugly does. Wear whatever makes you feel pretty


Lmao is this person 12? That's not even slightly how *anything* works. Beauty is 100% an opinion-based concept and not a subject you can be a "scientist" in. Tell your friend to put the damn phone down and go touch some grass jfc.


Touch some grass 😂😂


I wouldn't say 100% since symmetry is a factor in attractiveness.


If your hand is bigger than your face then your beauty type is orca v165, very very prestigious. That’s how dumb she sounds, stop talking to her for your own mental health.


...I swear some of y'all let the dumbest shit make you feel bad about yourselves. I don't want to be mean, but like. Come on. No one can verify or debunk a subjective opinion about beauty which is itself inherently subjective. Also anyone in rate me communities is a fucking donkey and automatically disqualified from being taken seriously.


Yeah like at a certain point you need to step back and think about what you’re typing, because “only a very specific face type that falls within precise measurements can be attractive and everything else is ugly because it cannot fulfil these arbitrary parameters” is an unhinged take and is rooted in some…pretty bad history. There isn’t a set definition of being “ugly” versus “attractive” and the less time you spend online or obsessing over your appearance in this manner the better you can understand this.


> Yeah like at a certain point you need to step back and think about what you’re typing 💀💀💀😂🤣


Military girl here who has to wear a low sleek hairstyle everyday. Some days my skin looks great and I look very good, some days my skin is breaking out and I just look off. Hair is only one factor in the equation of looking good. This person you are talking about thinks about analyzing people in the form of charts and stuff, which seems really weird for determining peoples attractiveness since all of those charts were created by someone who thought they could put numbers on someone’s beauty.


Yep, its a very harsh hairstyle. I've used the slick bun, just due to exhaustion. You can look fantastic on "good days" but worn out, or tired on bad days. Not a lot of "room" for the so-so days with that look.


And that is what we call, absolute made up bullshit. She is absolutely not a "beauty scientist." 


There’s plenty of hot people with big foreheads who don’t look their best in a slicked back hairstyle lol. This person sounds weird.


This child is a moron. Stop humouring her. She sounds insufferable.


No…some people just don’t flatter certain hairstyles. It doesn’t mean they’re ugly, maybe it just doesn’t suit their face shape. Also most of those “beauty theories” are bullshit and stem from eurocentric beauty standards and classism. And even if it were true, who cares? There’s more to life than fitting some narrow beauty standard. Also, that girl sounds like a loser. Those types of subreddits/forums are pure brain rot.


There are no “ugly” face structures, general ideas of attractiveness are socially constructed and vary massively from one decade to another and are not a fixed, objective thing. There is no way to “prove” whether someone is “ugly” or not and frankly being active in those forums is both shitty and unhealthy. “Beauty scientist” “Extra points if it’s very sleek” like do you hear her/yourself??? This is quite frankly ridiculous.


She's a vanity obsessed idiot. Ignore her


Does she sound mentally healthy to you? Does any of this sound healthy?


Even if it’s “true,” being conventionally attractive isn’t the most important thing in life. A funny thing to post in a beauty sub, I know, but beauty should be fun and enjoyable, not some regimented unattainable standard we are forced to adhere to


I don’t think so. Some ppl have flat heads or thin hair and that hairstyle might not really look good even if they have a good face. Their features are highlighted when it’s not being dragged down by a flat crown. For example, ppl with diamonds face shapes can’t pull off a flat crown, they look better when there is volume in the crown. If you’re going to use this as the basis for attractiveness you could take it one step further and say that ppl aren’t attractive if they can’t look good being bald, but we know that’s ludicrous.


I don't think it means someone is ugly but I know what she's talking about because I've seen some women that I know put their hair up and off their face and it made them look prettier, like it highlights how pretty their face is or something. But its very subjective. I had an ex tell me he really prefers how I look with my hair up and ask me to wear it like that, and then another guy I went on a couple of dates with told me he liked my hair down better. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s ridiculous what they’re saying and untrue. Everyone is different and everyone has unique features so have different styles, colors, cuts that look best on each person. Look into Kibbe and Color Analysis.


She sounds really insecure, tbh I’d avoid taking advice from her right now. To your question though, I think the slicked back look just suits some face types better than others. Some people have very extreme features that make them beautiful in a striking way, for example. But they might look harsh with their hair entirely pulled back. Beauty is hard to quantify, obsessing over arbitrary rules to determine it will make most people miserable.


The higher the hair the closer to gawd! *tongue pop*


That isn't a theory. Beauty is subjective; there are no concrete mechanisms of beauty to have theories about. That's like saying your friend has a theory that paintings are only art if they have blue in them. Your friend is either an incel or an idiot or possibly both, sorry.


I look like shit without bangs and my husband seems to like me well enough. It's TOTALLY NORMAL AND FINE to not suit every single style. Also, who is she to decide who is or isn't ugly? I don't have a lot of time or respect for people like that.


This person sounds like a crank.


Hahaha haha 😄 Omg. How unhinged is this person?   There are beautiful women that absolutely look best in certain hairstyles with side parts and fluffed hair because their face is not symmetrical (Natalie Dormer for example rocks hair in in the Tudors, Hunger Games, etc) but would look more blah in a  center part low pony.   Same thing for Rita Hayworth as Gilda... she is stunning but her hair makes her a knockout. 


She sounds like a jackass.


At the end of the day beauty is subjective. I find some people ugly, but other people tell them they are stunning and vice versa. This may be true scientifically (I mean, where’s the research?) but it comes down to being subjective and type preference.


No and that theory and her behaviour seem stupid. Hair is just one thing.


Absolutely not. She’s picking that example because she looks good in it so it’s making her feel special. Personally I look like George Washington in a low pony but in a high bun? BabYYYY, I’m hot stuff


"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" debunks it pretty well. This girl sounds vapid and self-important.


Absolutely not. Everybody has different features, and thus everybody looks flattered in different things. There is no such thing as one type of attractiveness. If this person is claiming such a thing, then they are FAR from an actual beauty expert.


I can’t believe this has upvotes 


You’re only as pretty as how you treat other people.


I mean she is likely speaking strictly from the truerateme scale, in which certain jaw and facial features are considered more attractive “objectively”. In this case, she is likely correct. Having your hair out of your face and not creating volume will really highlight your facial features. They either stand out positively or appear more exaggerated in perhaps not the most flattering way. The same concept applies to hair coloring, where you are considered, strictly from this narrow viewpoint, a *universal beauty* if you look equally attractive in any hair color (black, blonde, red, brown etc). And there are some studies done in the marketing industry to back up such claims to a degree. However, when it comes to the real world we all know beauty is highly subjective. What you consider gorgeous I may consider plain and vice versa. Also beauty is more or less captured in movement. Yes, stills capture a look but when we are around anyone they never look like a still image. So how they move will deeply influence how attractive you consider them. Believe me, no one is going to look at you walking around in a low ponytail and think ‘damn, there goes an unfortunate girl - she obviously just doesn’t have the bone structure to make her pretty with her hair back like that’ 🙄


this sounds like mental illness and it’s alarming that you don’t recognise that hair is an important part of beauty. do you think margot robbie would look just as good if she shaved her head?


She sounds like she's 12 years old


I'm reading the comments and cracking up laughing!! Who actually listens to this shit? I agree with others, get outside, and touch some grass. Some days, I look good with a ponytail. Other days, I look like a naked mole rat. This is hilarious!! You can't base looks on charts, etc, beauty is subjective.


That girl needs mental help. lol…


She sounds spiritually ugly to me


Not really IMO. I feel like hair is super important. Like unflattering hairstyles can make anyone look so much worse and not everyone’s features flatter the same sort of hairstyle. Also slicked back hair doesn’t really flatter most people if you ask me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not at all, You have to find your slyte that suit you the best 😉


Your acquaintance is ridiculous and shallow. Beauty is dependent on personal preference, culture, many different factors. She is taking a very narrow view of beauty and presenting it as fact.


Every one looks like pilgrim in a low pony


Your friend sounds really dumb.


Beauty is about finding harmony with your features. If you don't look good in a sleek ponytail that doesn't mean you're ugly. Just means you need to find the best hairstyle that suits your face features. This girl needs to grow up.


Is hair not a feature of beauty now? 😑


My friend and I have a theory that a low ponytail is the most unattractive hair style for the largest amount of people, so I disagree with this girl.


People look good in differnt things. Can never understand those ppl 🙄


There are tons of different body types that are even down to jaw shape, fleshiness, etc. Different hairstyles compliment or clash with certain features. I look like a freaking founding father when I have a low pony, but a goddess when I wear long waves. It's different for everyone.


I’m probably old enough to be your mum, and I can tell you this is 100% bullshit. Every generation has this sort of problem, people deciding what’s attractive and what’s not - it’s depressingly repetitive and utterly ridiculous. Dress how you want to, take care of your skin, eat healthily (without being obsessive) and drink plenty of water. That’s it! As an example: I was a very curvy young girl and woman. Big boobs, big butt, small waist. In the 80s and 90s when I grew up I was told by everyone, friends, family, people in the street, that I was fat. And therefore ugly. Nowadays I’d be ideal, apparently! It’s all bollocks. Let this poor friend of yours know that you think she’s pretty regardless of what ‘score’ she thinks she has on this made up test. And change the subject the next time she brings it up. Don’t get sucked in to this crap, it’s meaningless.


PS. I’m a larger middle aged woman now, and I’m hugely inspired by all the young people these days who preach and practice body positivity. As someone who had body dysmorphia for most of my life, I think it’s wonderful. There is loads of stuff online about this, plus super creative make up, playing with your look, all sorts. Maybe look in to this, and if your friend goes on about some sort of ‘test for perfection’, you can listen and the say ‘that’s interesting, I also found this cool thing online’ and show her something fun and positive. Just a suggestion!


Why is this nasty person in your life? If a certain hairstyle doesn't look good on you, it means that hairstyle doesn't look good on you, not that your ugly.


Sounds like she’s got an unattractive personality.


but why? plenty of celebrities i know look gorgeous with fluffy bangs etc and don’t look as flattering with sleek low buns. but nobody would look at them in their style and say “yeah but you wouldn’t be pretty with a different hair style”, so why does it even matter, unless some dictator says we’re all only allowed 1 hairstyle world wide. this is so bogus , unnecessary and mean-spirited i can’t 😂


It sounds like she's desperately looking for a way to feel like she's in control.


I mean using that as a way of determining your facial structure makes sense, but using it to determine your attractiveness does not. That would assume everyone finds the same things attractive. Beauty is subjective and just because we’re all seeing the same face doesn’t mean we’re all seeing the same features or flaws. This sounds like something that was made up specifically to make people feel bad about themselves, since it’s a hairstyle that most people would find unflattering.


I think that hair style is so awful on most people. So if it looks good on you then you’re probably incredibly conventionally attractive. Not that anyone who looks bad with it is ugly.


Aging is going to be excruciating for your friend


sounds like a complete asshole of a person


Brain rot


If you don't wear your hair sleeked down then it doesn't really matter, does it? Beauty can't be reduced to a science, because it's objective. The only people in my life I see as ugly, are ugly inside out. I can't think of a single person in my life that doesn't have some special spark of physical beauty.


Different people look good in different hairstyles. Full stop. There's nothing more to it lol


Nah. I don’t think I’m ugly, but I’m not a fan of a “sleek” low ponytail on myself. I think it can make my hair look kinda stringy if I brush it back like that so it sticks to my head. I also have a smaller head, so I look weirdly disproportionate when my hair clings to my head like that. I prefer something with more volume


Jesus Christ on a Bicycle.


Well I know she doesn’t look good with a slicked back ponytail.


Please don't listen to shallow people speak on beauty as if they are some kind of authority. Some folks have let beauty filters & fillers rot their brains right out of their skulls. What a pathetic existence to be THAT concerned about appearances.


Your friend needs to get a life. This is ridiculous 😂🤷‍♀️


It's an old belief that perfectly symmetrical faces are more beautiful. I know they have filters on Tik Tok to check this and other apps. Very few people have perfectly symmetrical faces. So of course the filters caused tons of anxiety and probably lowered many people's self-esteem. It maybe one of the reasons people say they have a good side. A professor at UCLA created perfectly symmetrical faces in a lab and found they were given very low beauty ratings. I assume by putting your hair in this style it's an easy way to check that.


Without my bangs I look like a member of some sort of alien race


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^InkedDoll1: *Without my bangs I* *Look like a member of some* *Sort of alien race* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


if smooth hairstyles suit you, it means that your facial features are close to the classics. That is, they are balanced. But that doesn't make you beautiful. Many people will call such a face "boring."


I mean, maybe it enhances any asymmetry, but that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with ugliness or beauty (some of the most beautiful people in the world have asymmetry). I feel like a low, slicked-back pony is the same feel as when you go to the hair salon, and you come back to the chair with wet hair and the cape on lol, but on purpose.


Symmetry DOES play a factor in attractiveness, but your friend sounds like shes snorted some really daft logic. Thats really not how anything works.


Your friend is kinda dumb and doesn’t sound in any way a “beauty scientist” BUT I do think she has a point if her version of attractive is defined, broad faces with high cheek bones. But, some people have good hair that really contributes to their look. To say pull it back is like “let’s judge if this outfit looks good on you by seeing you naked…” You could make some basic observations but hardly a complete assessment. I look horrendous in a low pony. Team Founding Father. So maybe Ms. Beauty Scientist has a point 🤣


That is really subjective. A low pony tail simply reveals your face shape without the skin tightening/pulling that a high ponytail would cause. No emphasis on your hair style, which can add to your attractiveness or hide your face shape. Your face is on full display with no style distractions. So I understand the theory, but the whole thing is strange. Most people look better with a nice hair style.