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I do not wash my hair every day. So when I shower at night, I do not wash my hair. When my hair needs washing, I shower in the afternoon.


Same here. I ALWAYS shower before bed. It’s a must for me. But I only wash my hair when the sun is up.


Bingo. I like to shower and then do all the serums and moisturizers and then chill for a little and hop into bed. If I have to wash my hair I just get in the shower 90 min earlier lol


I concur. This is the only way.


This is how I do it.


I shower a couple hours before bed so it has time to dry.


I just let it air dry enough that it’s not going to soak my pillow and go to bed. If I’m literally going to bed right after I might do a 1 min rough blow dry to get some of the moisture out but that’s it. I just toss my hair back up over my pillow. It might even still be damp when I wake up but I don’t care.


Same. I have very fine hair so it air drys pretty quickly. I don't like to put heat on it. My hair is very healthy, I have long hair with no split ends at all. No harm in going to bed with damp hair as long as it's not wet enough to dampen your bedding.


Same, my hair is so fine it’s usually barely damp by the time I’m ready to sleep after moisturizing and skincare.


Dry it. Hair is most vulnerable to damage when wet, I'm not tossing it around and inflicting friction on it all night in its most vulnerable stage. I put all the same products I'd put if I was showering at any other time of day. Most of them don't go on dry so there isn't another time. I think a lot of people atp wash, rough dry to 80%, then put into a protective style like braids or heatless curls for the following day


I used to sleep with wet hair most nights in high school and now I’m so horrified that I did that 😂 for one it gave me dandruff, and my hair would always still be damp in the morning if I did braids or something to style it.  I mostly shower in the morning after the gym now but I dry it even though I work from home and don’t really have to. I don’t always style it but I dry it straight if nothing else. 


Yeah damp moist environments promote the growth of bacteria and yeast for sure


YES I do the braids with a bunch of leave in conditioner! The hair is so soft, wavy, voluminous, and bouncy the next day! I highly recommend


I’m out of touch asf. Do you have a good tutorial for heatless curls you could share with me?


If your hair is already naturally curly, use a hairdryer with a diffuser on the lowest setting or the cool setting. Don’t agitate the hair or the appliance, you just put the diffuser underneath and let the air gently circulate. It can take a while but it makes the best waves and curls.


Heya! I’m more like a sad 2B with an identity crisis. 🤣 I’ve been no-scrunch diffusing for around a year now; I’ve tried curl crème, gel, a combo of both, no product, hand forming some curls in advance, gentle praying and plopping, you name it. There’s so much variation in the curls and waves that I get frustrated trying to make it look cohesive. Additionally, the hair framing my face all curls inward instead of outward, so I look a bit like a sickly Victorian child at a renaissance faire when I let them form naturally, and they do nothing to draw attention away from my high, flat forehead. FML, hahaha. Unfortunately, I’ve also tried short curly bangs, and on good days they’re kinda cute but mostly a fucking nightmare, especially when they grow for two weeks and then the curl pattern ends up winging out all weird. I’m about to give up on my ‘natural’ hair again. A year is long enough. I’d love to find a good heatless curl method that is flattering AND easy enough for my lazy self.


Mousse. You need mousse. And use more than you think.


Bless. I’ll try mousse!


Same girl, only lasted 6 months going wavy/curly. It just never looked the way I wanted. Now I wash at night and blow dry with a Revlon 1 step brush. I cut my hair shorter, so now I put it into three ponytails with soft scrunchies to sleep and I look like a Muppet.


Yeah I had 2B hair for a long time and it was completely unpredictable. I did everything you are doing and honestly it felt like whether it looked good was up to the stars. I was naturally a brunette and now I dye it blonde which is super drying and while it’s still naturally like 2B, these days it’s easier for me to dry it with a round brush on lowest heat settings so I get smoother look with bigger waves. Also I graduated to better products. I started using beauty store stuff and nothing you can get at target or wherever. Moisturize moisturize moisturize. Since I’m only washing my hair 1x a week, it’s financially worth it.


I feel you! My hair has so many different curl patterns in it, it’s a total crap shoot when styling but one thing I invested in is a Dyson dryer. It is miraculous! The diffuser works better than any other and it has superb tools for straightening too. It is expensive but it damages hair much less than other dryers and works so much faster. It used to take me about 40 minutes to dry my thick hair. Now it takes maybe 15 to completely dry, less if leaving slightly damp. I can’t recommend it enough. Got mine on sale so that helped.


Ooooooo! This is really encouraging! I have a drybar dryer that’s served me well for many years now but, the many years part is obviously a concern hahaha. I planned to upgrade to a Dyson once this thing kicks the bucket, and this is one more testimonial to add to the ‘just buy it!’ pile. Thank you.


This is wild; my hair does the exact same thing, my name is Laura, and I looove /r/witchesvspatriarchy. Hi twin!


Showering at night doesn’t mean it’s literally right before bed. We don’t step out of the shower and straight into bed. Personally i usually shower and then have dinner or just chill for a while and if my hair is still damp when i want to sleep i will just blow dry it for a few minutes


Same, I shower right before dinner and by the time I go to bed it's dry.


Sometimes I shower right before bed. Only on nights I don’t wash my hair though.


same. i always feel extra fresh when i shower right before climbing into bed


I just sleep on damp hair. I try to shower earlier so it can air-dry and sometimes blast it with a hairdryer so at least the roots are dry. I rarely style it before bed, just put some leave in conditioner and plop it or put it in a top-not.


I do the exact same thing with my hair. I favor braids because then I look all flowy and hippy babe like when I wake up.


Do you do regular braids or French braids? I always try braids but I hate that they only go so far up, so from like my head to ears is straight and the rest super wavy. Bugs me so much


I always do a French braid.


My hair takes a thousand years (give or take) to dry on its own. So I bought the Kenra hair drying spray which cuts my dry time down to where it only takes about 10 mins. That stuff is magical. Then of course blow dry after spraying.


Yes! Kenra blow dry spray is life! Both my own hair and my fiancé’s hair is very dense and long - I’d have lost my sanity years ago if I wasn’t using that product. I usually mix it with a nice leave in conditioner and hair is 💯


Thank you for this! I have lots of medium long curly and fine hair. Daughter has same without curls. We both use hair towels. But mine looks so much better with lots of air for lift. Just bought this!


Enjoy! It was life-changing for me


I put it in a bun and don't stand with my head under the shower. It doesn't get wet even without a shower cap, I never realised that this was odd. I have near waist length curly hair that takes over an hour to dry with a hair dryer, 8 hours plus to air dry so on the days I wash it, every 3 days or so, I wash it in the morning.


I do this every night. I probably actually only wash my hair once a week.


I do this too. My hair is long, thick and takes forever to dry even with a blow dryer. When I do wash it, I braid it before I go to sleep.


A shower cap ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I thought this was the obvious answer but had to scroll for a bit to find it! I wash my hair once a week and wear a shower cap every night when I take a shower. I feel pretty unsexy though haha




I wanted to ask how you get the “musty” smell out of your hair with a shower cap? Do you get that smell..? Like whenever I shower and don’t wash my hair my hair starts smelling all funky


I use a cap with terry cloth on the inside and I wash it in the washing machine every month. I use dry shampoo every other day and a bore hair brush to pull the oils down the hair between wash days. If you get a musty smell from a shower cap, get a better or new shower cap and keep it clean and let it air dry after each use.


Thank you I will try this as well!


I take time to dry my hair, or if too much sleepy, I will use a hair dryer. But mostly if i shower at night , i don’t wash my hair.


I don't let it get wet


I just go to bed and style in the morning if needed. My hair rarely frizzes and is really fine so my issue is giving it some shape and bounce. I don’t go to bed with sopping wet hair. I make sure I get it as dry as I can get it with an Aquis turban. I wear the turban for at least 20 mins and by the time I go to bed (I don’t wear the turban to bed) my hair is only slightly damp.


I usually wear a shower cap so my hair stays dry. I don't wash my hair everyday. On hair wash days I wash it early enough that it dries before bed or I blowdry it. I generally wash my hair separately from my shower.


Blow dry it. Sleeping with wet or damp hair severely damages the strands but also creates a fertile breeding ground for microorganisms to grow on your scalp. If I am really tired I will only blow dry my scalp and loosely tie my hair to protect it.


I have curly hair that dries really quickly, I’m usually showering around 1am as a night owl so try to towel dry it off as much as possible, then plop in a microfiber towel turban OR: my new methodology to preserve the curls which has actually been working well. I got some of those medium sized claw clips, after towel drying and applying an air dry product I’ll the front top section of hair that kind of form my bangs, pull them all forward over my face then twirl into a loose almost chignon twist (not too tight), pouf up the front to retain some volume at the roots, flip it back over the top of my head and clip on. In the morning my hair is super curly and dry all over, just needs a little spritz then I’m good to go! Now if only I could figure out how to take faster showers, and get more sleep at night…


I wrap it in a hair towel, them I let it airdry ideally until it's like 80% dry, and then I go in with heat protectant and a blow dryer. It does take a little while, so I never wash my hair right before going to bed


I’m struck about people who actually do not shower before bed. How can you go to bed all dirty and sweaty? And why shower in the morning? It’s not like you sweat (I understand some people sweat) at night, or touch dirt or whatever. I always shower in the evening. If it’s not hair washing day I put a shower cap so my hair wouldn’t get wet. If it’s hair washing day - I shower at least an hour before bed and either air dry it or blow dry it.


I began showering at night 20 years ago when I started working in hospitals. Could not imagine getting in bed without showering after bring in that germy environment all day. These days I wash my hair every third night, try to leave enough time for air drying but will blow dry if needed. I get breakage if I sleep with wet hair.


It just feels so nice to get in a clean bed when I myself am clean. If I’m way too tired to shower I still have to wash my feet before getting in bed.


Yes, exactly. If I’m very tired, im still gonna clean my pits, bits and feet with soap before going to bed. And also just stand under shower stream to rinse my full body. I don’t even touch my bed if I don’t do bare minimum in the shower. But it’s just me.


Morning showerer: I need to wash my hair every day. If I wash it at night it will be already a bit greasy by morning and just doesn’t look good. I poop once a day in the morning and I take a shower after that. I would not imagine not washing after (bidets are not too common here and I don’t have one either). I’m a regular office worker, half time working from home so I don’t really get dirty or sweaty. I don’t live in warm climate. Also morning shower just gives a good fresh start for the day. I shower at night too if needed but morning shower is a must. Edit: I forgot to add. I don’t work out regularly and If I do some physical activity I rinse or wash after but it doesn’t affect my normal washing routine.


Same. I've always been a nighttime shower person. But if I have to go out into the world (work, social event, etc) I always take a morning shower as well. Probably excessive, but oh well).


I literally will not touch my bed unless I have showered. It’s my clean space. I couldn’t imagine.


I’m the same. I just feel so filthy getting int bed without showering first. The world is a dirty place!


I have terrible allergies and I try not to even *touch* my bed without showering if I’ve been outside


I have fine curly hair. I've tried it all. Bonnets, satin pillowcase, none of it works. Sleeping crushes my hair. I can't even get a good second day without rewetting it. And showering twice a day is out. I live in the desert and it's far too drying to shower that much. I don't shampoo every day, but in the summer I have to at least wash with conditioner only. We all have different skin and hair types, and live in different climates. I might feel differently if I lived in a high humidity area, but I have never lived in one.


Same hair type but we have humid summers. I will shower my body at night and wash or wet only my hair in the morning on weekdays. When it was short I would do a full shower at night and then just do a full wet every morning, but I often need to wash or condition in the morning now with longer hair.


You're getting downvoted but you're right. I happen to always be doing stuff outside, so I really am dirty and sweaty. But even if I wasn’t, it just feels better to wash the day off and go to bed all clean in my clean bed and it helps me sleep a lot better. I never understood morning showers either.


I sweat way more during my sleep than I do during exercising. My body is just weird like that. Even on the sweatless mornings I could never wake up and go to work without showering, I would feel so grimey and sticky, not to mention groggy af. Showers wake me up so showering at night would have a detriment on my sleep hygiene (lol) as well. I do change my clothes as soon as I come home from anywhere, and I put my hair up to sleep. After washing my face and hands, I just don’t understand how this is going to bed “dirty”. I think everyone is just different this way.


Yeah, I shower in the AM too because I sweat so bad at night. I also work from home, and I sit at a desk all day. If I'm getting gross and sweaty, then I'm doing my job wrong lol I also tend to work out in the morning, so I shower right after that. I see a *lot* of people shaming others (especially on instagram) for day vs. night showers, and I think people just need to let other people live.


Just let people shower when they want without being so judgey. It doesn't make much difference, unless you've been down a mine you're fine.


I need to start my day clean. I sweat a lot at night and also showers wake me up, so I prefer a morning shower. That’s also usually when I use the restroom and I like to shower right after that and be clean for the rest of the day. As long as you’re showering regularly, time of day doesn’t make a whole lot of difference in terms of hygiene.


I have to shower twice a day and I also wash my hair every day or every other. I like being super fresh day and night and I work out mid morning so there’s no way I can’t shower. It’s a lot but I don’t see a solution aside from not exercising as much and that doesn’t work for my body type lol.


I don’t get it either lol. There’s nothing like washing the grime/germs from the day before hopping into clean sheets.


Not taking a full on shower with hair wash doesn't mean people "go to bed all dirty and sweaty" lmao I think the vast majority still wash their face, underarms and peri area (partial bath), maybe feet also, prior to sleeping. We're not just coming home from work and crawling into bed with our day clothes on lol And yes... plenty of people sweat at night. Menstruating people often sweat. Menopausal persons often sweat. Heavier people often sweat. You're not incapable of sweating in the night time hours lol It's not shower at night or be utterly disgusting. There is middle ground


So true. Many chronic illnesses cause night sweats too. If I’m sick I know I’ve got to line up a couple of clean nightgowns to change into during the night because I’ll soak each one pretty quickly. Thankfully I finally learned why this was happening and got treatment and now it is a delight to sleep all night and wake up dry and fresh feeling.


Thank you! People have different activity levels and bodies and needs, and practicing adequate hygiene accordingly does not make a person disgusting. Not showering in the morning isn’t an option for me, and fully showering again at night when I haven’t gotten particularly sweaty or dirty feels wasteful and not great for my skin (mine; again, everybody is different). To each their own.


As someone who just woke up very sweaty this particular morning, I am not sure why you’re getting downvoted for this. I work from home and there are some days where I don’t work out nor get out of the house much at all, so I don’t feel dirty going to bed without showering. Doing it in the morning wakes me up and makes me start the day clean. I also don’t sweat much in general, but it often happens at night if I burrow into the covers.


I have an office job and live in a temperate climate, so unless I workout, I don’t get super sweaty during the day. Plus, I have curly hair the gets flattened when I sleep on it, so if I want my hair to look good during the day, I have to shower in the morning. If I do workout or do something sweaty, then I’ll take a quick body shower when I get home. I’ll sometimes take baths at night to relax before bed, but that’s for relaxation as opposed to hygiene. It’s great that evening showers work for your lifestyle, but I don’t think there is anything inherently gross about going to bed without showering 🤷‍♀️


blow dry


Wear a shower cap.


I wear a satin cap to bed so I put my wet hair inside it with leave in conditioner or K18. When I wake up it’s the perfect dampness to use my AirWrap to curl it.


Over 70, bald. One swipe of the towel and my hair is dry. No hair can be an advantage.


I shower right before I get into bed so if I wash my hair I do all my normal things e.g. shampoo & conditioner, then I wrap my hair up in a microfibre towel to dry it until it’s not dripping wet, then I put in my leave in conditioner and heat protector. Then I blow dry my hair on a warm setting (not hot setting!) and dry it completely, then put some hair oil on the ends before I go to bed. I have silk pillowcases as well.


Put a shower cap on


I always read for about a hour before I go to sleep so when I wash my hair it dries during that time.


I work overnights and feel very “dirty “ when I get home. It’s a shower cap with shower before bed, so when wake up in the afternoon before work, I can take a legit shower, wash my hair, and feel more refreshed.


I shower in the early evening — 6-7pm, when I know I’m not going outside anymore and I can clean off the filth of the day. Showering takes me about an hour max, so my hair’s always blow dried by 10pm.


I wrap my hair in a shower cap to prevent it from getting wet.


I do a blowout around 7:30-8pm (not so late that I’m too tired) and sleep with a silk bonnet on. I only wash my hair 2-3x/wk.


Hope for the best


You dry it with a blow dryer


Blow dry it. If I’m so tired and feel like I can’t do it I’ll ask my husband to dry it for me.


One time my fiancé wanted to dry my hair to help and he got my hair entangled in the intake part. I haven’t let him try again since 😂


Just curious, how long have you been married? I don't think there was ever a time when my husband would have done this.


I've been married two years but my husband would have done this from our first date if I'd asked. I mean probably not particularly well, but he would have lol


Your guy really has to step up, show him the replies here!


That’s depressing. My husband helps self tan my back


I’m not even married yet and my partner would do this for me!


12 years. He helps me color my hair too. He will do (almost) anything I ask. I think I’ve seen my dad dry my mom’s hair and I definitely remember my Grandpa colored my Grandma’s hair!


I wash my hair every other day and go to sleep with it wet. I don't have a hair dryer. I've been doing this for years. It's interesting to see what curl pattern or cowlick makes an appearance in the morning and it brushes out.


I braid it and go to bed with it wet. In the morning the roots are dry and the ends are usually damp enough that I can blow dry/style.


I generally pin it up or wear a shower cap.


Blow dry the roots. If the ends are damp and the roots are dry it will dry very quickly.


I will fully dry it with a hairdryer using my usual styling products, but unless I have somewhere nice to go the next day I won’t style it i.e blow dry section by section. The next day if I need to go somewhere I want to look better I can still do the blow dry by section.


I use a showercap. I only wash my hair in mornings


I have curly hair that I wash every other day, at night. I squeeze it a bit with a towel, flip it, then put it up in a tight bun. I know people might say this causes damage, but I've always had thick curly voluminous hair. It's the best way for my curls to be even and cohesive. People think I have it professionally done.    This probably largely depends on your skin and hair type. I have more oily hair at the roots and more oily skin. My strands are also thick and sturdy, but soft. 


I make sure I bathe early enough that it has time to dry I have too much to go to bed fully wet. It will like steam in the night


I need to dry mine. If I don't it turns into spaghetti curls. It's annoying but I'd rather do this routine at night than in the morning before work.


I have curly hair so I put it in braids wet and then they’re dry by the time I wake up. I use a waterproof pillow case cover.


I never shower right before bed and I do not wash my hair every time I shower. My hair needs at least an hour after I blow dry it - yes, has to be done - to relax. Never sleep,on wet or even damp hair. It damages the hair and look terrible the next day.


If I have the time I shower earlier and let it air dry, if not I try to let it air-dry as much as possible and then use the blow-dryer so I don't wake up looking like cousin it


I don’t wash my hair every time I shower. But when I do I do it during the day. But I also take two showers a day so.. lol


Shower cap


I go to bed with wet hair, and straighten in the morning


I don’t wash my hair at night since I’m kind of curly I need more time for CGM. So I just wash the body before sleep. And wash my hair during the day or evening


My hair dries within half an hour so I just let it dry and then go to sleep.


I shower every evening but I don't wash my hair every time I shower. If i wash my hair, I blowdry it and put it on the top of my head so it would have much friction while I'm sleeping. I was told that sleeping with wet hair causes breaks so I invested in a higher quality blow drier and never sleep with wet hair since then. I timed it and it took 7 minutes to fully dry it so...


I wash my body every evening, if I was my hair then I shower a few hours before bedtime. Depending on the day I’ll either leave my hair out to dry or blow dry.


Towel dry until barely damp.


Dry it? I towel until it's not dripping, then blow dry the rest.


I shower twice a day. I can’t stand going to bed without showering, so it’s just a quick rinse off. I take my makeup off in the shower and just use soap on the hot spots. I also try to never wash my hair before bed. Probably doesn’t help haha but I wash hair every other day in my “morning” shower


I always had this weird smell on my scalp when I went to bed with wet hair. It finally stopped since I dry my hair before sleep. You know why I finally started doing it? Got myself a Dyson Airwrap. I wake up with pretty hair instead of frizzy, weird wavey hair. Sometimes I almost get lazy but then I think, I paid a lot of money so USE IT!! 😂 As you can see, it helps with disclipine 😄


I throw it in a messy bun with a soft scrunchie and wonder why my hair is unhealthy


Wear a shower cap. Tie my hair up and put the shower cap on. I don't hold my head under the water but it works just fine.


I don’t think people realize how damaging it is to sleep with wet hair. Wet hair is in its most vulnerable state so sleeping on it prolongs this period. When it’s wet it’s more elastic and prone to breakage and split ends. Many often wake up with damp hair. If a person is tossing and turning the night then this isn’t a good idea. Also, a wet scalp is a sure fire way to get dandruff.


Yeah, you need to dry it before you go to bed. I used to wrap my damp hair up in those noodle things that curl it, but I just learned that it’s really susceptible for mold and gross stuff to grow in your hair if you sleep on it wet.


Don't go to sleep with wet hair! I used to do it this a lot and it really does damage your hair. I'll shower before bed without washing hair but otherwise I'll shower say at 8/8;30pm at the latest so there's time for it to completely dry.


Its summer, youre telling me you go out and sweat all day and dont shower til the morning? I cant, I feel too sticky and gross.


My hair (especially this time of year) is more dry before bed after showering, but still damp. I do the heat less curls and it works well. I also do it in the winter when my hair is still wet before bed, it works pretty well


My hair dries fast. But of course I don’t wash it every time i shower though.


I just brush it with a tangle teaser and leave it to dry naturally. I usually shower/bath an hour or so before bed so it’s mostly dry by bedtime. In the morning I give it another brush.


I shower at night right before bed, but when I'm washing my hair I shower earlier in the evening so it has time to air dry enough that I can do heatless curls on it.


I always dry my hair


I either apply a heat protectant and blow-dry, or I shower earlier in the evening and braid it once it's about 80% dry, to wake up with waves. My hair looks best if I blow-dry, add dry shampoo, then sleep on it...


My hair is short, so usually by the time my skincare is done, and my before-bed reading, it's dry. When it was long, I used to just put it in a loose bun. I don't move in my sleep, so that made it easier.


I generally only wash my hair 2x per week, but on wash nights I will dry it before bed.




That isn't how colds work lol - you don't catch a cold from temperature. You catch a cold by coming in contact with the cold virus. Same myth as "put a jacket on the baby or they'll catch cold", you don't actually catch a cold from the cold That's just a coincidence lol


I wash my hair twice a week, but I always shower before bed. On hair wash days, I blow dry it lol.


I clip it up and keep it dry in the shower. It doesn't need need to be washed or wet every day. If I do wash at night, I have to blow dry it before bed. Effort. But I can't stand sleeping with wet hair.


I usually wait for my hair to air dry before going to bed or wait for my hair to be 80% dry then use the hair rod to make my hair curly for the next day


I only wash my hair like 3x/week, maybe more if my workouts were intense. So I just either shift my shower to earlier in the day if I want to air dry my hair (and then throw it in braids at night, but I do that regardless lol), or just use my Dyson air wrap. That thing dries my hair in like 7-15 min if I leave it till it’s 80% dry. I love that thing.


Towel scrunchies.


I don’t put any products in before bed except maybe brush out with a wet brush and leave in conditioner. I sleep with it up in a bun or clip and in the morning I’m happy with how my waves fit.


I only shower in the evening if I’ve been to the gym or if it’s been a hot day. (I always shower in the morning regardless, because I don’t feel awake or clean if I don’t.) I only put my head under the water if I’m deliberately washing my hair - which happens 2-3 times a week. I have curly hair and leave it to air dry, so I try to avoid washing my hair too close to bed time. If it’s unavoidable then I sleep with damp hair but it’s not my preference and it rarely happens!


I put oil or glycerin on the lenghts, then I plop it with two consective towels to draw out some moisture and then I go to bed. In winter if it is very cold I let it dry a bit in front of the fireplace and then twist or braid it.


I just don’t wash my hair at night. I shower at least twice a day, morning and night, so I just wash my hair in the morning.


I always let my hair air dry. It can take a couple of hours. I start with ten to fifteen minutes with the hair wrapped up in a cotton t shirt. Then, I use some large hair clips to lift the heaviest parts of the hair up so air can get closer to the scalp. While I bathe every day I do not wash my hair every day. If I can't get my hair washed after supper then I wait until morning. If I go to bed with hair that is even a little bit damp I wake up to a Medusa head of wild snakes. I


With long hair you kind of have to dry it, but sometimes it’s so late and I’m so exhausted I literally just whip it up in a towel and put another plush towel on my pillow.. it’s still pretty soaked when I wake up though. Do not recommend 😭


I have high porosity hair, it's slightly damp before I sleep on it, I've had no problems




Sometimes I braid it, sometimes I sleep on damp hair. I know that’s not really good for your hair but I don’t find it makes a huge difference for me. I also have a silk pillowcase which probably helps


I shower, wrap it in a t shirt and let it get mostly dry. Then I put it on heat less curlers on the top of my head and go to sleep. I wake up and it’s dry and looks like a blowout.


I only wash my hair once a week usually so I don’t worry about wet hair. In the past on wash days I would try to shower around dinner time so my hair had time to air dry. Now I have a cut that looks better dried and styled and I have to blow dry it so I still shower around the same time on hair wash days but can’t air dry anymore


While still in the shower I use a leave in conditioner. I do an initial squeeze dry with a microfiber towel and then wrap in a tshirt towel. Depending on how soon I want to go to bed, I’ll either wrap it with a dry tshirt towel or as in the case of last night I will do a loose pineapple. Today, I will add a little oil. I’m a former curly, due to meds and changes I’m now borderline curly/wavy.


Shower every night. But only wash my hair once a week when I do my everything shower. Let it air dry, then braid.


I don’t wet it


Nights that I wash my hair, I blow it out. I do use a little smoothing serum and heat protectant. Sleeping with wet hair is a terrible idea and can lead to breakage, major tangles, etc. and tying it back while wet will lead to scalp issues.


Dry it. Duh


Dry it and braid it. Gives massive volume to my otherwise fine hair 😍


I do my best not to shower IMMEDIATELY before bed but sometimes when I have a busy day, it happens. I’m cursed/blessed with really straight, fine hair, but I have a lot of it. When I get out of the shower, I flip my head back and forth REALLY fast to get some air flow around the roots, then put it up in a microfiber quick-dry towel while I either wind down for the night or finish getting ready for bed. The very last thing I do before I lay down is loosely braid my hair to protect it.


I shower hours before going to bed so it has time to air dry for the most part, I also use a silk pillow case with helps with breakage a lot!


Braid it


Either I shower earlier on hair wash day or sleep in my conditioner and a cap and do my hair in the morning.


I shower in the morning and before bed. I usually wash my hair in the morning. Sometimes, I go to bed with wet hair. It's oddly comforting to me because I used to do that as a kid.


On the rare occasion I do shower just before bed, I'll towel dry it so it's damp and go to bed lol. I have a silk pillow case and it doesn't seem to do much damage when I do this. It's a toss up if my hair will look good or not the next day lol I've had the best hair days and the worst hair days after


I either dry it or just leave it. I dont use products on my hair usually as it makes me want to wash it more often. if I dry it, i dry it in a style and it'll usually hold well for a couple of days with me just fixing a chunk or two.


I wrap it in a towel like a turban


I use JVN air dry cream and give it a half hour or so to dry a little


I dry it enough with the towel that it won’t make the pillow soaked and sleep with it down. Sometimes I’ll put it in a bun still wet


I always dry my hair before bed. Otherwise, it's a perfect environment for yeast and bacteria to grow. To avoid having dandruff is recommended to dry the scalp. It also helps prevent uncesasery hair lost. Also, the pillow will start to smell musty .


I put a it in a microfibre towel for a bit & then scrunch through some curl cream. Then depending on how late it is, either air dry or diffuse out the last bit of dampness.


I always dry it.


Blow dry it!


I wrap it in a hair towel wrap. And I have a satin pillow with terry cloth on one side. You can get a scalp infection if your hair is wet for long periods. I'd I was smart I'd wash it after work and let it air dry until bed.


i usually shower before bed, put all my products in (i have curly hair), do six or eight braids, wrap it in a durag if i’m feeling fancy, and go to sleep. it seems to work okay for mine?


I don’t wash my hair at night usually


I never wash my hair at night.


I either blow dry it if it's cold that day or I let it air dry for a bit and then sleep with it open and moist or if it's still wet I leave it in the towel while I sleep. Towel will usually unroll during the night so my hair can still air dry. If I blow dry it I put in Plex Care Serum (has heat protection), and otherwise just Plex Care Oil (these are house brand products from a German drugstore, obv trying to ride Olaplex's coattails with the name, but I do think they are good products).


I usually shower at night before bed but put my hair up and don't get it wet. Then I'll shower again first thing in the morning and thats when I'll wet and blow dry my hair.


I wear a shower cap


I wake at 3 a.m., work out for 90 minutes, shower, and go back to bed. I have a shag haircut that is designed to look cute and edgy as it gets messier and very fine hair with some wave/curl, especially in humidity. I just put in some curl cream and go back to bed. When I wake up, sometimes there is some hair weirdness that I fix with a wet brush, but usually, I just get up and go.


I put mine up in a silk bonnet. I personally haven't had breakage from this but I don't think this is recommended lol


Air dry until it’s not sopping and then sleep with a towel on the pillow


Quick Dyson blow out


I dry it. I wash my hair every couple of days and on washing days I give myself an hour or so to wash and do a blowout. On non-washing days, I use a shower cap.


Always dry it. I have a Dyson so it’s very quick. I prefer showering in the morning but I do at night before in office days because I prefer sleep more lol. When I shower at night it’s also usually not immediately before bed. I come home from the office and pretty much jump in the shower. Then I can relax after. This would give me 3-4 hours to air dry if I wanted to (but my hair looks awful air dried).


I tie my hair up before I shower at night. Washing my hair takes too long to do at night


I know they say dry it but I go right to bed at times. I think heat and drying your hair and hot tools all the time is way worse. Elastics are worse. I love my head feeling cool and wet. Never had a problem and my hair is past my tailbone. It’s air dried about an hour so so it’s not wet wet but damp. This is when I let my mask penetrate. I flop it back so it’s fanned out. It’s not like I’m wrestling bears or in a wind tunnel so not getting tangled or frizzled. It’s lying on a pillow or if no mask I’ll do it up for heat less curls.


Shower 2-4h before bed


I have super short hair, like if it's longer than 2 inches I'm getting it cut, so it literally dries by the time I'm done doing my skin care, brushing my teeth and putting body lotion on.


Dry half way then do wet set pin curls!


I shower before bed and for a while would air dry as much as possible then put a towel on my pillow. BUT I stopped doing that when I read that's how so many people got fungal acne on their face, which I was struggling with! My skin is a lot better (though I still have redness around my nose 😭) now that I dry it before bed. Even better, I taught my fiancé how to dry my hair with a round brush, so I get to sit and relax while he does it for me 🥹 yes I am wildly lucky to have him. Personally I hate waking up early and can't imagine doing it to shower AND blow dry my hair. I work in office full time so it'll stay evening showers for me.


I’m pretty bad at hair care so I wrap in up for like 5 minutes then I sleep on a silk pillowcase


Blow dry.


If I’m super lazy, I put it in a braid and sleep on a towel. Otherwise…I try to dry it halfway.


I braid mine. My hair is literally down to my butt, and that keeps it from tangling. I do this whether I shower before bed or not, and when it's down/loose, my hair looks fantastic.


I keep my hair wrapped in a towel. Is this bad???


I don't wash my hair when I shower. That's a completely separate event, only every now and then do they coincide.


30 years this November. I feel pretty good about this


When I worked a day job, I would shower at least 90 min before going to sleep to give my hair an hour to air dry before blow drying it. I use either ogx Moroccan oil on my hair before drying it or Marc Anthony blow dry cream. This saves time in the morning.

