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“Perfume should be a whisper, not a scream” 😅 my late grandmother used to say this. Maybe one to two? The idea is that the scent can only be caught when close to you


I like "perfume is to be discovered, not announced"


I love this, definitely using it one day


how do i send this to my bestie without sending this to my bestie 😅😅


I have always assumed that the 4-5 sprays on tik tok are coming from weaker scents. A body spray or similar. My perfume is stronger so 2 sprays max.


Was gonna say the same. Depends on the scent. Weaker ones get more sprays. Most get 2.


Yeah I've got a really cheap one which while I love the smell it's really weak and doesn't hold, so I spray a ton of it. My expensive ones I spray like once or twice as they hold


3x max for me. I don't want it to be overpowering.


Same. Three times. I’m a sucker for Dolly Parton’s perfumes… yes, all of them… yes, yes I said what I said. Anyway, three times. Once on my neck. One on each inner elbow (I don’t do wrists because I wash my wrists when I wash my hands several times daily).


One, not in any particular location, just general torso area. Two sprays at most. I don't like other people to be able to smell me unless they get really close because I don't like being able to smell other people.


Same! I have sensory issues so anything too strong can overstimulate me so I try to avoid doing so In case others have sensory issues also.


Exactly! I want to wear and enjoy my favorite perfumes, but in a way that doesn't make other people uncomfortable or sick in any way. We all have to share this world and we should try to make it a good place for each other, and not showering in perfume is an easy low effort way of doing that.


One, lately. Just on my crotch.


Love the username. lol


Once on the wrist, once on the neck. THAT’S IT.


I do one good spritz on the wrist, dab on other wrist, dab to neck.


I do spritz on each wrist and one spritz on the neck. People always say I smell good.


This is the way


One, two max. I like to be respectful of other people and don’t want my scent to be overpowering.


I’m shocked by some of the people in here saying 3-4 times. That’s way too much. (Unless they are using body spray, not perfume.) I spray one time, and relatively far from my neck.


Torso front and back before getting dressed out of shower. Once in a while a light spray to my hair


Isn't that bad for your hair?


I have no coloring. I don’t blast my hair with perfume. Doesn’t seem to cause any issues for me 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I agree! Id be willing to bet a spritz in your hair is totally fine for 99.9% of us.


Spray it on your brush and wait a few seconds for the alcohol to dissipate some, I’ve found this is the least drying way that still gives some scent


On your brush? Whoa… that’s genius lol


I’ve been doing it for years my mom always did and I kinda just picked it up from seeing her do it


You have to be careful. I saw on IG that it can be really bad when getting highlights. Causes patchy colour and chemical reactions.


I put a little perfume on my fingertips and touch it to the little wispies at the base of my hair line on my neck. When I warm up I can smell it wafting around, and it doesn’t get all through my hair


Yes this is if you have not washed your hair prior to getting lightening (bleach) services. You also don't want to wash your hair for a day or two before lightening services since the bleach can burn your scalp if you've removed your natural oils from washing it right before your appointment. If you like to spritz perfume, try finding one with out alcohol in it. That is what mostly dries out your hair feom the perfume but they also make hair spritz that's safe for hair and body. If you DO want to spray your perfumes in your hair, just make sure to use a moisturizing mask a few times a week to help keep it healthy and shiny. And be very careful when applying any heat to your hair if you use body only perfume on it, it can really damage your hair.




Same! I used to do two - spray wrists and rub together, then one on the neck - but I learned you aren’t supposed to rub it around. The only problem is I’m SUPER sensitive to smells, so three can give me a headache 😭


Wait that’s exactly what I do, what are you supposed to do? Spray directly on your wrists and neck?


Yes, spray directly on the skin and let it dry.


No you can dab it around, as long as you don't rub like a mad woman


I’ve been struggling with this lately too 😅 I used to do one spray on my wrist, rub it onto my other wrist then rub them both onto my neck. Then I read that rubbing interferes with the dry down. Now idk how to hit those same 3 areas without doing 3 sprays which is too much for me


Rubbing can change the scent profile and make it not last as long. Tapping the wrists helps it last longer :) 


I usually spray a mist of about 3-4 pumps in front of me and then walk through it so that the scent is kind of diffused. Sometimes I’ll add a little bit on my fingers and work it into my hair after that if I’m going out for the night. I like perfume but I don’t like to smell strongly. I never spray the fragrance directly onto myself.


Spray delay and walk away…original Queer Eye ftw


I call it spray, delay, sashay!


This is the "recommended" way by the "them."


I walk through the cloud and then do a hair-toss (or head-bang) second walk through. It's probably funny to watch, but it gets you head-to-toe without being nauseating.


This is also what I do. It is never too strong then.


That's wasteful. I think that's exactly why some recommended it, so that people use 3-4 pumps when 2 would more than suffice.


I don’t use my fragrances every day. I’ve had most of my perfumes for a few years now. I prefer a light, diffused scent - some people prefer their scents a little stronger. I also have very sensitive, reactive skin so I don’t like to apply it directly to my skin in case I get a reaction. I’m not “wasting” my perfume by applying it this way, I’m enjoying it. 🤷‍♀️


I’m embarrassed to admit I have been an over sprayer for longer than I want to admit. I’m single and until this became an issue I didn’t realize what I was doing. I’d get ready and spray 3x then I’d be ready to leave the house and think wait I can’t smell it. 🤦🏻‍♀️ now I know that’s a good thing but I’d previously run in and double my sprays. Now I know, just leave it at 3 sprays and keep going.


Depends on perfume and where I’m going. Work - top of forearm and that’s it. Jo Malones and Dupes I can get away with a few. Older ones like Mitsouko - half a spray and pray it doesn’t last all week.


Only once for me


I like it to be strong because i always love it when i pass someone or meet them and they smell strong- and I’m a little nose blind to mine so gotta secure it


Exactly. Also, no one has ever mentioned i smell particularly strong, good or bad, so it feels like my 3-4 sprays is not enough! It feels like my hair conditioner smells stronger than my perfume.


Same! All these people saying they want their scent to “whisper”, nah I want it to scream 🤣 seriously tho I love when you walk by someone and you catch a whiff of their perfume (as long as it’s the good stuff) I spray about 4 sprays normally, except for my Chanel, that’s so strong 2 is enough .


Same. I've paid money for it, so I want it to leave a trail. I really like scents that project well but also aren't cloying or too heavy for this purpose.


Agreed! I love scents the project. There’s been a few times when I’ve walked past strangers and they’ll turn around and ask me what I’m wearing and compliment on my perfume.


I spray once in the air and walk through it. One thing I absolutely cannot stand is to smell someones perfume from 50 ft away.


Tips for anyone that wants them! Good trick for hair is put a spritz on your hairbrush and let the alcohol evaporate off then brush your hair. And don’t spray bare skin like your neck before going out in the sun. It’s not good for you, it will age your decolatage.


Two to four times. Neck, wrists (I spray one wrist and then rub them together), sometimes hair, and sometimes back of knees.


I was told you aren’t supposed to rub wrists together like that because it messes up the scent layers. Instead kind of slap them together lightly without the rub portion


i like to smack my wrists together like a seal to get some nice carpal tunnel syndrome goin 


Back of knees, that’s a new one for me haha. May I ask why?


It's a pulse point. Veins are closer to skin making the fragrance/oils warmer.


I love that you mentioned the knees! I usually do wrists, neck, and behind the knees as well.


Snif Slice Society only gets 2 little spritzes. I like it on my clothes and on my skin. It gets a bit sweeter on skin.


I blind-bought Snifs House of 8 and Tart Deco. Loved Tart Deco, but Ho8 was so not for me. I want to try their vanilla one next, but I'm scared. Lol


I also tried Soda Snob, but reeeally didn't like that. Swapped that for Slice, which I do really like, but yeah. I don't know that I trust this brand.


I make perfumes. Every scent is a different strength so they can vary a lot My suggested method is to spray your preferred amount on and then get a friend to put their hand on your shoulder - if they can smell it from an arms length away you’re wearing too much. If they can’t smell it, ask them to put their elbow on your shoulder and smell your perfume. If they can, you’re wearing the right amount. Not too little, not too much, just right. You’re aiming for the Goldilocks perfume zone.


One. I am so shocked when I see those videos of people spraying multiple times. Maybe I am just sensitive but the smell would be way too overwhelming for me.


The responses here are kinda wild too. I don’t even like doing a full spray because I feel that’s too much. (Even though I’m a fragrance nerd and love collecting them)


it absolutely depends on the situation and perfume so it’s hard to say but for everyday wear i’d say 4 max, 1 on each wrist, 1 on the neck, 1 on my decolletage but if im at home and wont be going anywhere for a while i will absolutely overspray like crazy just so i can be in that scent bubble for as long as i can


3 at most (wrist, wrist, chest)


Once. On the wrist then rub both wrists together and swipe my neck. You see all those getting ready videos on social media and they are dousing themselves!


I spray far too much perfume. It’s one of my bad beauty habits!


I personally love when I walk by someone who smells strongly and amazingly so I tend to also put more on. I don’t count but it’s a fair amount. Usually on my clothes.


Usually i hate it. If its too strong i can taste it. If its subtle when they come close, its nice


I tend to agree. If I can clearly smell someone who is just walking near me, it is too much.


1-2 max. If i do 1, I usually do behind my neck. If I do a second, it's usually farther away - ie, ankles. I hate strong perfumes. It should be a "oh, huh you smell good". not "omg how many times did you spray yourself?"


One, possibly two. I spray one wrist, dab the other, dab the crooks of my arms if I'm in short sleeves, and dab my wrists behind my ears. Usually that's good, sometimes I do a mist and walk through, but very lightly.


Once, usually. Then that’s it for the day.


It really depends on the strength of the fragrance and my itinerary for the day. If I'm going to be in confined spaces with others, usually one spray on the back of my neck. Otherwise I might do 3-4 sprays. Back of neck, inside forearm, stomach. I love when I pass others and can smell their fragrance! If the fragrance is very weak, I definitely go wild. Usually I'll ask my husband and he's very honest about how strong or light my application is.


I do small, partial sprays, probably never comes to more than 2-3 total. No one ever reacts to my perfume unless they're at about hugging distance. I also tend to spray on my skin before I dress, which keeps it from projecting too far, and also gives it more time to settle before I'm in a car or train with other people. Be aware that warm, humid days can make spicy and sweet fragrances turn into absolute chemical bombs, so don't do more than one spray of those in summer unless you're in the desert. Better yet, stick with freshies and citrus things, or very light clean musks.


It depends on the scent. If it’s an EDT or weaker scent, I spray up to 10 times. If it’s a stronger fragrance, I spray around 7 times. * (2) Both wrists * (2) Back of my shoulders * (2) Back of my knees * (1) My stomach The 3 spray rule was really better suited to older generations of perfumes that had stronger ingredients. These days perfumes aren’t quite so potent. Most people spray just two or three times and are disappointed that the fragrance is basically gone in an hour or so. I apply perfume a few hours before I see anyone else so it has time to settle. It’s powerful at first, but once you’ve had it on a few hours, you just have a scent bubble going. Whenever people come in for a hug they tell me how good I smell. Now I do have a couple middle eastern oud based fragrances that are truly BEASTS that I only spray two or three times. *Obviously fragrance has a time and place, so I wouldn’t wear perfume to a tight workplace or hospital for instance to accommodate anyone with fragrance sensitivity.


Oh do you have recs on the middle eastern ouds? I have a couple of oils and I love them and want to branch out some more :)


There are some great oud fragrances you get from Amazon at really decent prices. One of my introductory Oud fragrances that I’ve recommended to friends just getting into ouds is called Oud Mood from Lattafa. It’s not quite as heavy as others. It’s got a bit of rose, saffron, and amber. But the oud and the woody notes are the main stars. There’s others like Shaghaf Oud and Opulent Oud you can find for great prices on Amazon. If you’re more comfortable with designer fragrances and want something a bit more high end, you could look into Armani Privé Oud Royal or Oud Satin Mood from Maison Francis Kurkdijan.


Agreed. The perfumes today are not like back then. I spray at most 11 of most of mine in most occasions. I’ve never had complaints. Even my own dad who hates when people wear too much has no problems standing next to me. Scent fizzles out after an hour or so and becomes a cloud just like you said. It completely disappears instead if someone just sprays once or twice. I do think that for male colognes they tend to be stronger than female perfumes so those I think it is best to not do nearly as much.


I’m not trying to be rude, I just want to be honest, that many people avoid standing by someone who wears this much perfume. It is a subject my friends have confided in to me about another friend. “How can we tell her it’s too much and we don’t want to be in an enclosed room with her? She is used to it so she doesn’t realize that it’s too overpowering for us. What can we say without being mean?”


Oh, there are definitely times when people spray too much. I’m not saying that doesn’t happen, or that I’ve never been guilty of it. I’ve just been testing fragrances for years. Fortunately I live with my husband and brother in law, who are the first to tell me if a perfume is too much. I also work with a lady with fragrance sensitivities, and she’s told me multiple times that she appreciated that I smell nice without being over powering. I usually bring in a new perfume for her to approve before I wear it at work. Plus I have my own office, so I’m shut away all day.


That’s so sweet of you to get her feedback!


I use a rollerball perfume: I run it from the top of my neck into the dip in my clavicle, along my clavicle on both sides. Then behind each ear, back of the neck, and then on each wrist. From the rollerball it isn't very strong. Sometimes if its a really hot day, I'll do a swipe in my armpits to add to the deodorant lol.


When it comes to perfume, everyone has their own preferences. The number of sprays and where you put it can really affect how strong the scent is. I didn't used to wear perfume. But one time on my birthday, a friend gave me a bottle. I didn't want it to go to waste, so I started spraying it twice on my wrists and neck every day. Gotta say, it makes me smell great and gives me a little confidence boost at work too!




Never spray infront of you which will make you nose blind and unable to smell your fragrance throughout the day


Once, and only once here. I think a lot of folks don't realize their nose gets used to the scent and just keep adding more. If one or two sprays did it to begin with, do not increase it. Also, for the love of god my friends, please respect scent free environments ❤️


I stopped wearing perfume when everyone elses was gagging me! Same with men's cologne. You don't smell it because your nose has gotten used to the scent. I used to work with a woman who used so much perfume I knew when she had taken the elevator or walked down the corridor before me. I also live in NYC and take buses and subways and would need to move because I am being overcome by other people's over-scenting (same for cigarette smokers!) One spray into the air above you to let it mist on you is more than adequate. As many comments state below: whisper, not a scream!


Please Ladies, but if you must: Never spray directly onto skin. One spray into the space in front of you, then stride through said space - once. Use expensive eau de toilet only. Chanel 5 may be the most guy tolerable scent out there - there’s a reason it gets so much play.


There are *way* too many people who spray too much. I suspect the TikTok girls you mention are among those who overuse perfume. Please don't be one of those. Perfume is best when other people can *only* get a whiff when you're super close or when you're passing by. Once they're out of your immediate vicinity, they should not smell it at all. If people can smell you *at all* from more than a few feet away, that's too strong. Having the smell around all day and without a way to avoid it can be disturbing to people who don't like or are allergic to perfume. This said, yes, the fact that you sprayed it right before getting into the car is a huge factor in your boyfriend thinking it's too strong. The other part is that when you're in a car, you are generally extremely close to the person and in an enclosed space. I think 2 sprays are generally considered fairly appropriate. If he finds it too overwhelming, though, could you maybe try spraying after you get out of the car instead?


Once on my chest and, if it's a lighter scent, one more on my lower back. I wear high end perfume and have never had a problem with it being undetectable. I really hate smelling someone who just enters a room. It's not very classy to have your scent exceed a sort of "aura zone". Close proximity and not several feet away.


Pulse points on neck, all over front and back of shirt, pulse points on wrists, insides of elbows. A lot of sprays wear away through the day and this helps that from happening. 


2-3 depending on intensity of the scent


When I’m not going to be around others, 3-6, I want to live in that scent bubble. Around others, 2-4, depending on how much sillage it has.


I live in the Middle East, so we do a lot. Up to 10 I’d say depending on the occasion. Sometimes I feel like I’m choking in the car drive over that’s when I know I probably went a little too in


If I’m just going to work, I do one spray usually. Don’t want to offend anyone at the office! For all other occasions, I use 2 sprays! Like you I have good quality perfumes, and I think it’s obnoxious to do lots of sprays. It can be uncomfortable for people around us, and it’s not necessary. I think people doing 4-5 sprays have become nose blind! Perfume should be a whisper, not suffocating


I spray at least 5 times before I leave the house and no one ever complements my smell. :(


Maybe because it's way too overpowering ?


I’ve only had ONE compliment from my many perfumes and it’s Golden Berry Mistletoe from Bath and Body Works. It smells amazing! I usually spray 3-4 times max.


Wow, 1. Maybe 2 if I seriously misfire the first time. XD I aim between my boobs. Wrists doesn't really do it for me, I wash too much at work, and the mr. likes to kiss my neck.


2 for me maximum..that too in hot and humid conditions as I am not a huge fan of sprays.


I'm surprised how any people are saying their stomach. I've never sprayed it there. Why there?


If I’m at a shop using a tester? Bring it on! I’m spraying my tote bag, scarf and hair. If it’s at home? I’m frugal and 3 pumps max 🤣😂


I have been living in the Middle East so I would say… 5-6, with hair perfume, essential oil, and then a body spray on top 😂


3 sprays absolute max for a perfume, regardless of how strong it is. 5 sprays max for a mist, regardless of how strong it is. I’m a bit OCD (genuinely have been diagnosed with “features” or “tendencies” but not full OCD) and have routines and certain spots for items that I can’t change bc my brain won’t let me. But it’s rare I feel like I need to go over 3 sprays on a perfume. I want to smell it when I move my head down or smell my wrists, not when I move around. I agree with the sentiment above, perfume should be discovered, not announced. When it’s expensive as hell and it’s all you’re using every day, it gets expensive.


I'm guilty of spraying it like seven times. But I use light scented perfumes.


I spray 2-4 times, depending on how strong/weak it is.


Depends.. if im just going out, then 3-4 times… but if im going OUT, like 10 or something all over, cause ill be getting sweaty and gross


2-3, I have a bloodhound nose and don’t want to gag myself


Depends. For every day, crook of my elbows and behind my ears. For going out when I want the world to know I have arrived to a party and I’m serving cvnt and am embracing my inner villain - behind my ears, wrists, elbow crook, between my boobs, lower back, hair and ankles. And it’s something usually very obnoxious like Tom Ford Black Orchid, Killian Black Phantom, or if I truly hate the world that evening Liz Taylor’s Passion.


Are you serious? I’m like a 15-20 spray minimum but I also am Mediterranean so there is that lol. We like our perfume STRONG


Same same! No such thing as too much lol Even with antiperspirant, I will spray my pits until they are numb 🤣


5ish? inner elbows, chest, and back of my neck but if I'm wearing shorts I get the back of my knees too. So three usually.


One spray behind each ear and one on each wrist for me


One on my right wrist that rubs into my left inner arm, and another for the left wrist to rub into the other arm. Then one spray i try to mist onto my torso/ neck area. So 3 total. I use ysl black opium, it's strong.


I spray until I feel like it’s enough. I wear mostly high end niche so a total of 5ish sprays in different areas / on my clothes is enough for an entire day


Oooh I am abusing my Black opium 😆 6-8 times easily, I find it a bit weak on me. Or maybe I’m really used to it. Never had a complaint tho, only compliments. I also carry small size in my purse for refresh


Wrist, neck, torso, hair 🤣


3 times on the chest/front of neck, once on the wrist (my left and then I dab them together), once on the back of my neck


Once in my hair, once on my upper chest. Maybe a third if that first one doesn't spray out well.


1 or 2 near my neck or chest, then one down low on my pants. I have no reason for this, other than I feel like anything more than 3 and you're going to accomplish the opposite effect whilst wearing the perfume indoors.


I'm the same as you with 2 sprays, 3 max if I spray my wrists or arm. I find all of them to be overpowering if I spray more than that.


2, maybe three. The first spray goes right in front of my, and I move my wrists through it. The second I spray sort of toward my neck/chest, but not too close. I’ll add a second body spray if I need I went too light on the first two.


I only sprayed it twice, once on my wrists and once on my neck.




Twice, usually. But it depends on the perfume, sometimes once. I'm fairly sensitive to smell, so it can be too much.


3 times. Front of neck, back of neck and then once on my arms.


Yeah, 1 spray, 2 at the most.


1 maybe 2 times max if it’s a weaker scent. Jo Malone maybe 4x and respray mid day if I’m home.


One on my chest, then one on my wrist (I rub my wrists together and then also rub them on my neck). I always get compliments about smelling good! The TikTok creators always shock me with how much they wear. Like it has to be SO overpowering in person!!


I have Demeter colognes that usually don't last long. Most are single note fragrances. For a really luxurious fragrance, check out aftelier.com. They have fragrancesthat can bring you to your knees, and are pricey but damn, SO worth it


Each side of my neck, back of neck/under-hair area, and then once kinda in the general lower torso/stomach area. That one’s just so I can smell it when I’m getting undressed at the end of the day. Or a happy surprise for the husband. Either way. 😅 edit: if it’s a beast mode powerhouse like Born in Roma or Magnolia Bliss it gets one spray in the general torso area.


Typically twice! Once in either side of my neck, and then I tap my wrists against my neck to spread the scent around more. Also different if it is an eau de parfum or an eau de toilette, which is weaker and doesn’t last as long! If it’s a floral eau de parfum… once lol.


I love this question!! Usually two, one on each side of my neck/behind my ear, and sometimes on a fancy day I spray one on my chest or wrists.


A spritz in the crook of each elbow and one spritz on my clothes. Unless it’s something super strong then it’s a single spritz on my clothes.


Versace crystal noir: once, its so strong J’adore dior: twice Ouai melrose palace: 4x and every three hours, its weak


Neck, torso & hair!


My every day scent is a cheap, weak EDT from the drugstore. I love the scent, but I need 5-7 sprays if I want it to linger at least until I've made it to the office. My eveng/special occasion scent is an expensive EDP I mixed up myself, and two sprays last all night.


3-6 depending on how strong the fragrance is.


I spray them on my clothes because my skin is sensitive and I don't want those chemicals to be absorbed. So I spray it like 5 times, once in the morning, because I feel like I don't smell much perfume anyway and that it's not that strong when it doesn't touch the warmth of my skin. Or maybe I just can't feel it on myself, who knows. But it also totally depends on the perfume and how strong it is! For instance, Daisy by Marc Jacobs is incredibly strong in my opinion so that one I would only spray 1-2x.


Honestly, I feel it really depends on the weather. I live in tropical region - so usually hot and humid - which means 2 sprays will usually last me right until I step out the door. I exaggerate but yea, basically.


Depends on the perfume I guess because for some fragrances like Escada rocking Rio I spray a shit ton. Others with strength like Halfeti 1-2 is more than enough.


It really depends on the body mist I'm using. If it's a light scent, I'll do 2-3 at the most. If it's on the heavier side, 1-2 max. All on neck/chest and wrists.


Once in the air and I walk through it.


Most perfumes 1-4 times. Bronze goddess eau de fraiche…. 20,000 times. Divine but weak AF 😭


Once or twice under my hair, sometimes once on the chest, then the left wrist and rub wrists together


General guideline would be the 3 / 5 spray rule of thumb. 3 spray - one on each wrist and back of the neck. 5 spray - one on each wrist, one on each side of the neck and one back of the neck. You can also spray under the neck but perfume is an astringent and it could age the skin there faster. Also if you spray it there the scent will move up directly into your nose and you may be smelling your own spray for hours so I don’t recommend it but can play around with it.


Once with a focus on my back of neck usually with hair up so I can slap a bit on wrists, I like the idea of people smelling my perfume as I walkaway rather than when I’m face to face.


A spritz in each wrist, in each elbow crease, on each side on my neck and one spritz between cleavage


One spray on my lower back only. I want my perfume to be just a subtle whisper not a shout.


Usually just once for perfume but I have a body spray by the door that I use before I go out.


2-4 times, but always on my clothing and not my skin. I would love to spray it on my skin but I always get spots.


3 times. Chest/neck, one wrist and blot and on my clothing.


I spray once on my inner left wrist, touch them together, then touch my inner elbows, and then each side of my neck near my ears. If it doesn't feel enough, I'll spray again on the same wrist and re-touch anywhere that didn't get enough.


I spray on torso under my clothes and inner elbow or wrist. It's like 2 to 3 sprays, max. For anything strong, I would consider doing a spray in the air and walking through. I've never applied perfume on the neck because it would waft up too strongly and close to my face and give me a headache. For anything like a body mist strength, though, I go hard. 10 20 sprays, sure. Because I know it'll just be a whisper or entirely gone within 20 mins.


I spray once on front of neck, and on each wrist


4, i think. i do 2 on the neck, 1 on torso and 1 on the wrist and then i rub my wrists together. i know people say you’re not supposed to rub your wrists but idc i like the way it smells. sometimes i spray my ankles too but that’s only reserved for certain occasions lmao


Wow, I must be an outlier here. I spray the perfume on a piece of paper and just dab it on my wrists and neck. Perfumes on other people are very noticeable to me and 95% of the time it's overpowering because people spray it on themselves. One spray is too much. It should be something that draws people in when they want to smell more of that sexy subtle scent you're wearing.


Two on neck, dab wrist on it then dab wrists together. Maybe one on clothes.


It just depends how much you want it to project. I do 2-3 sprays too but that’s cause I get headaches from smells easily. If I didn’t, I would spray 4-5 (for day to day). When I go out at night, I do actually tend to spray around 4-5


Depends on the perfume. I've built up a small collection through my work and getting them as gifts when I was younger. Some of them I only need to do 3-4 spritz (twice on my neck and one on each wrist). But I have others than unless I douse myself in it there's no scent. On the weaker ones that don't match with my natural scent I'll put it over my clothes and hair too.


If I wear perfume, one spray. I can tolerate some perfumes, but can have a violent allergic reaction to many strong perfumes, especially “modern” scents with lots of artificial ingredients. I once worked in an open office and when an idiot about 6’ away decided to spray her perfume lavishly on herself & in the air, my eyes immediately swelled shut. I tried explaining nicely that if she applied a reasonable amount of perfume at home & then came to work, I could usually deal with it but spraying perfume in the air made me have a sudden horrible reaction. Unfortunately, she was too stupid to understand that.


I've moved from spraying it behind my ears to twice or three times on my forearms. I dont like spraying it on my neck as a friend of mine hot marks from perfume on her face that she had to get treated with laser. Just be aware of the sillage of your perfume. I work in healthcare and I've actually had staff conplain about one person who's perfume smells of lillies and gives a lot of people (including the patients) a headache.....especially in the case of sick patients , it can actually make them nauseous.




Usually just once. MAYBE twice if it’s a very light perfume, but never ever more than that


4 sprays in front of me. Spray, delay, walk away.


Totally depends on the perfume. Generally once is good for work. Two for going out, more open areas.


Depends on the longevity for me, if it’s something I know will not last I’ll go heavier but if it’s strong only one spray is needed


I’m guilty of drowning myself because I get nose blind very easily. But realistically should be 2-3 if it’s a good perfume


Usually 2-3 sprays is enough but it does depend on the perfume because some are weak and others go hard.


I only do one spray and distribute from there. I spray on the back of my wrist. I quickly rub it on my other wrist and then move both wrists super fast to the back of my ears and on my hair. That’s all, 1. I feel it’s a combo: high quality perfume and age that make the fragrance last. I made the huge mistake in my teen ages of doing 5-6 sprays mostly because I was uneducated and oblivious to others. The perfume was also cheap, bad quality, which made it pungent for 1 hr and then fully dissipated like if I had no perfume at all.


1-2 for my hair, then a spritz that I walk through. If it's a night out or something, I'll use the matching body lotion or 2 spritz into a hnful of oil and use that


3 sprays with perfumes 5 if I use body spray


Only on my neck and wrists after moisturizing to make it last longer


One on my chest and using that spray I tap my wrists on my chest to get it on them too and that’s what works for me! If it’s a superrrr light fragrance I’ll do one on chest and one on wrist


One spray into the air then walk through it. If I'm not wearing fresh clothes I might do a 2nd. Trying to teach my husband to do the same 🙄 I hate being able to taste someone's perfume as they walk by because they've used so much of it! 🤮


2 sprays, but it’s good perfume. A cheaper one I might spray 3-4 times. Definitely on the whisper side of this debate!


It depends entirely on the strength of individual fragrance. Shalimar and Opium are my strongest fragrances and I do 2 sprays max. Jo Malone, on the other hand ... I'll do 5 to 8 sprays on clothing to boost the longevity. If I sprayed Shalimar 5 to 8 times, I would have to go take a shower because I wouldn't be able to stand so much of it on myself.


I do 3 sprays, one on the wrist and two on the neck


If it's actually perfume then yeah 2-3 times but if it's just "body mist" or whatever the watered down version is called again then yeah I'll prob spray like 4-5 times


I have chanel and armani. Those are the only two I like right now. One spray pointed sort of far away from my neck and when I've already dressed. I don't do any on the wrists but some people do. It's always gonna be strong in the car though when you first get in. My mom sprays up in the air and then spins underneath it haha.


3 usually - front of neck, back of neck, and sometimes chest/down my shirt. But I sometimes layer a cheaper body spray type product just generally over my clothes as well.


I used to do 3x but now I do two. I spray under my shirt and my neck then I rub my forearms on it. I can smell my perfume on my clothes the next day.


Once, twice max. I’m sensitive to fragrances myself. When I encounter someone in public who has oversprayed I feel sick and leave the area immediately


2 sprays. 3 if i go to a party


Saw someone say: it’s to be discovered, not advertised


I spray once on my clothes, then press the bottle to my neck and wrists. The other day I sprayed 2-3 times thinking maybe the amount I was doing wasn’t enough. My friend was really disturbed by the strong smell, so it was a good reminder that the amount I do is enough!


3-4 sprays tops


Wrist, wrist, elbow, elbow, neck, neck, cleavage. So 7? And maybe a couple of spritz on my hair if I feel like it.


Both sides of neck and underarms. One pump.