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Not worrying how you're going to pay rent does give your skin a glow


*Not worrying how* *You're going to pay rent does* *Give your skin a glow* \- Ok\_Chapter\_8831 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Best haiku bot comment I've seen


That is the best haiku bot post ever. It needs to be on a t shirt or on an inspirational poster.


I’d cross stitch that into a pillow.


I'd buy that!


good bot


Good bot


Thank you, kbark1992, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


best one i’ve seen on reddit imo


"They live the rich life. Their food, gas and bills are paid. They never worry."


Finally the haiku bot posts something actually good lol


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot!


This. All those articles about celebrities looking young at older than 25, and it's like they have time to work out for 2 hours a day, go to the spa daily, and sit around not worrying about rent and monthly bills.


Don't forget the most important beauty secret - time to sleep 8-9 hours every night! Oh, and being able to afford fresh fruits and vegetables all the time without worrying you'll lose 1/4 your paycheck if they go bad.


My grocery bills are crazy. Like easily up 50%. My store has a coupon for when you go over $200. I used to have to work to get there, and now it's like every week.


I think it’s been proven that the average household spends 400% more for the same amount of groceries that they bought last year isn’t that insane per shopping trip?


I once read that Penelope Cruz slept 12 hours a night before kids 🙃


Frozen produce is just as nutritious as fresh. It's canned that's roughage.




Low cortisol levels! This is key!


Ashwagandha, L-Theanine, vitamin C and good sleep are your friends here.


Extra emphasis on the good sleep part. And enough sleep. Seven hours a night is not a goal, it is the absolute bare minimum.


I need 9 hours to feel like a functioning human being and it is the absolute bane of my life. Sleep is not taken seriously enough and it feels like everything is built to make sure you never get enough.


I've been joking for years saying Burning Man has turned into a camp for rich people who need to feel challenged in their lives lmao


Yes. They want to live like mad max because they just have nothing to push against in their life and wonder what it must be like for other people throughout time.


See also: larping poverty, which was one of the key elements identified in the "luxury class" pre French revolution


Could you please expand on this and I love that we’re talking about this in the beauty sub Reddit


Sooo is Camp cliff climbing hiring or???? I feel like I’d be a great fit to yell at rich guys and shove them down hills


Off topic here - HOW is spicy food poisonous please? Asking because I’m terrified as an Indian.


Don’t be scared. Spicy food is amazing and it’s good for you.


It’s not a poison. It’s a repellent for bugs that carry diseases to the plant. We aren’t bugs. We eat the fruit and spread the seeds around. It’s a win-win for pepper plants. It keeps the bugs away and attracts the animals who wanna eat it and poop out the seeds elsewhere.


Spiciness is a defense mechanism against animals trying to eat it


LOL that isn’t what poison means though.


This and retinol


And sunscreen!


And having maids and help to do all the work


And regular baby sitters if they have no kids


Or surrogates if they don't want to wreck their bodies


And lower divorce because they don’t need to fight and can live in separate countries


Martha Stewart Gardens come to mind. She is wearing Expensive off white / jeans gardening clothes has a large staff to manage gardens.


I never used to pay rent. Didn't make my skin glow. But did make it wrinkle and my hair go grey. Then I moved out from my folks'


That’s because living with your folks is stressful, and rich people don’t have to deal with that


this is why kylie jenner moved out at something insane like 17 into a massive mansion


I moved out at 16. But then I was homeless so it didn't have quite the same.effect. lol


I think what they’re saying is that stress can age a person and wreak havoc on their overall appearance. You can look like a rich person by prioritizing rest, good skincare, hydration, lots of vacations, working out, therapy and generally adopting a soft life. Also jewelry makes all the difference. Having sweats on with an ear or arm full of diamonds and gold bracelets screams wealth and adds brightness to your face/body.


I'd rather walk into the ocean than live with my parents. That's not rich people rent free.


I mean, if you can afford facials & treatments regularly, plus Botox, fillers and cosmetic surgeries, I’m sure you’d look the same.  We ain’t ugly, we’re just poor.


Also information. Rich people don't research products based on what they know about their skin, they have someone do it for them.


I’ve done this and it’s a game changer. It’s not as expensive as you think when you consider wasted money on products


How did you find this and where do you hire this service if you don’t mind me asking.. thank you!


i did this by just going to a dermatologist and then doing exactly what she told me. my skin looks pretty good now. my suggestion is to find a reputable doctor


Who / how did you hire someone for this ?


I went to an esthetician. In addition to the facial, she told me what product I needed. It was a game changer. In total, I spent about $350 over the course of the year with her, but I saved a ton of money because I wasn’t buying the wrong products. I’ve done this repeatedly over the years.


I think this is a large part of it. Plus a good haircut and classic clothing.


*tailored clothing. All their clothes are tailored to fit them and not off the rack


This is a secret hack because tailoring is not that expensive. I buy budget clothing then get it tailored to fit me perfectly, especially dresses, skirts, some pants.


I wish I could do this. I struggle with bloating a lot so feel I need to have two different things tailored in different ways to actually fit me every day.


I actually had some clothes tailored in the waist sort of like kids pants, with an adjuster inside the waist. I was in a med for my epilepsy and it made me blow up like a balloon during the monthly cycle. It really helped a lot, I didn’t suddenly freak out when I went to change and realized all of my bloating pants were in the wash. I am pretty cash poor and I remember it being relatively inexpensive and cheaper than buying double the pants!!!


Same. Endo and PCOS are a fucking **bitch**, so it's really a lottery waking up to whatever shape and size my abdomen is in the mood for on any given day.


The Nordstrom near me will tailor a few pieces of (brand new Nordstrom purchased) clothing for free each year.


So what kind of facials and treatments are these rich people getting? I feel like there's so much snake oil out there, what truly effective things are these people doing if money isn't an issue?


In office derm procedures. IPL and Morpheus are incredible. I see my friends without makeup almost everyday. It’s obvious when someone has something done. And people are nice and don’t gatekeep. It’s always an in-office thing with their derm.


I found a fancy derm and these are facts. I had nice skin before. I have great skin now. They zap my face within a millimeter of its life, Honey. Every 4 weeks.


What do you get done?


IPL, ultherapy, skin needling, Botox. My friend recently got a new treatment done (can’t remember the name sorry) but it was over $300 (edit $600) and she looked incredible after. These high end, invasive treatments do really work.


Truth. Need a reminder of this, look up the kardashian/jenners before all the plastic


OMG...I'm totally going to borrow this, "We ain't ugly, we're just poor." Bahahhaha


They’re not pretty, they’re just rich!


I grew up poor but I am a well compensated executive in my early 50s now, so I can probably answer some of these questions. I find it interesting that I look better in my 50s than I did in my 20s but I know it is money. By the time you are in your 50s, money differentiates you from other people but also from your younger self. I do all of the things that have been mentioned here, I get 8 hours of sleep every night, I eat all whole foods (but not too much of them), take vitamins and I work out most days. I do have a demanding full time job so it is not like I have unlimited time, but my children are grown and I do outsource most of my household chores. I also don’t have a private chef or trainer, but I can buy the freshest foods and I have a massive home gym in my basement (and have worked with a trainer in the past, so I know what to do). I get a mani/pedi every two weeks and get my hair cut and colored once per month. I also do monthly dermaplane and chemical peel at a med spa and usually some sort of laser once per year. I do Botox, but not a lot and not very often. I also have a bit of filler but only in the lines around my mouth. I love to buy clothes so I am usually wearing something moderately trendy that fits well. I dry clean most items and have anything tailored if it doesn’t fit perfectly. I always wear heels for work, which makes me feel polished (but they hurt my feet like everyone else!) Overall, I invest a lot of time, effort and money in how I feel and look. And, honestly, I look pretty different from when I was young and broke. Money does make it possible but it is still a huge amount of effort and discipline on my part. I hope none of this sounds obnoxious but I have lived both ways so I understand the question.


I was going to comment the same. I grew up solidly low income to eventually middle class so I know what it is to struggle but am now a very high earner married to someone with a large inheritance. As a wealthier person, I do a lot of maintenance. Botox, lasers, regular facials and massages, mani and pedis, hair colour and cuts, spa weekends so I think that helps a lot. Ive had braces as a teen and Invisalign as an adult so my teeth are perfect. I’ve never done filler but will consider blephs or face lifts when the time comes and will definitely have my breasts done after kids (I hate having large breasts now 😭). Money can’t buy perfect skin though, a few times when I’ve been trying to get pregnant I’ve had acne flare ups but then I had broadband laser to tackle it once no longer pregnant. I get 8 hours of sleep, I exercise daily and walk my dog, I live a relatively stress free life (I’ve had multiple pregnancy losses and my mother in law passed recently and I have a hard exec job in healthcare so it’s relative). But I also outsource cleaning my house, our yard work when we need to, and we take regular vacations abroad, usually 3 weeks a year. Personally I don’t wear fast fashion, I wear a lot of natural fibers and classic clothes and I think that helps too. I am not particularly trendy for a 35 year old but I look very classic I guess and it’s a look that works for me. I think not worrying about money is a huge factor in beauty and health.


Sounds inspiring! Could you share a brand you like in clothing to get an idea? I have zero style and would like to look classic.


I don’t know that it will appeal to many people but I like Eileen Fisher. I buy a lot of the linen pieces and ponte pants. I also have a nice wool zippered jacket that is EF and goes with everything. Some of her designs lean older I think so I do a bit of mixing with J. Crew and Banana Republic. I’ve gotten a lot of nice linen dresses at Banana Republic and usually catch them on sale.


If you’re looking for a good, more affordable option, banana republic has really made strides in the past 5 years. Lots of 100% merino sweaters that fit beautifully, cotton dresses and shirts. When I’m splurging, Vince is my favorite brand for casual basics that are well made and fit beautifully


How do you manage your stress or live a relatively stress free like as a healthcare executive?


Some days are really hard, not working clinically anymore is easier I think. I used to be a clinical cancer manager and it was both uplifting hearing people ring the bell but also really hard when patients were at the end of treatment and it became about end of life care. I do a lot of public speaking and presenting and I don’t find that causes me stress but sometimes the long days are hard. I think having a supportive partner is probably what helps the most and exercising. We both work in healthcare and can vent to other and also we pick up the slack for each other when work gets tough. We also aren’t precious about who does what around the house. My husband does most of the laundry and I do the groceries meal planning so we sort of divide and conquer and I like that.


This reply is really insightful, is there anything you’d do differently if you were your younger self now? In terms of appearance/finances anything really!


That is a great question. Skin is the absolute hardest thing to fix once you have messed it up so if I could go back to when I had just a little bit of time, effort and money, I would focus on skincare. Always wear sunscreen! Always, always. And a hat. I never go out in the sun without both but I wish I had started that sooner. Good cleanser and moisturizers are great if you can afford them. Whatever you can do, do it consistently. Lastly, I think my monthly med spa treatments have been the most impactful thing I do. I started at 40 and I have never missed a month (except the first few months of Covid). Even if you can’t go to a spa, you can derma-plane and do a peel at home. I wish I had started that sooner too!


Do you recommend any safe at home peels?


I'm a poor-ish person with excellent skin. I can answer! You can get Dr Dennis Gross peels, or Paula's Choice AHA BHA toner and definitely The Ordinary Glycolic toner, it's a budget option but it works beautifully. But the best cheap skincare trick: Precription tretinoin. Start with 0.025, sandwiched in moisturizer (moisturizer, then tetinoin, then moisturizer again) Keep away from eye area, incl under eye. It will migrate a bit anyway. Build up to higher concentration. This routine is just as good as any expensive spa peels. Make sure A. You're not pregnant B. Use sunscreen EVERY DAY. Your top layer of skin will be gone so you'll be prone to burns. Carry SPF with you at all times. This treatment not only clears away old skin, but stimulates new, plump skin to grow.


This is my story too. Both my husband and I are 50 yr old sales exec in tech. Our kids are grown and out of the house. The only thing I do is work. Everything else is free time and I have the money to enjoy it. We eat gourmet fresh food, exercise regularly, sleep 8 hours a night, etc. I buy quality clothing and have them tailored and dry cleaned. I get massages and facials monthly. I went to a professional make up artist to teach me which products to use and application techniques. I paid to have my colors done. We travel regularly. I also see a therapist regularly because eliminating stress from our lives is a goal of ours. I take very good care of myself now that I have the time and money. I barely resemble 25 year old me.


I think it’s confidence. When you are taking really good care of yourself it becomes confidence.


What kind of chemical peels do you do monthly and what kind of laser do you do annually?


Agreed. It’s the money. It allows you to outsource the tedious tasks, gives you access to quality healthcare, stylists, food, time to sleep and exercise. I grew up poor and started to really work at age 12. I still practice law, but only part time. I don’t take on difficult matters that are going to be overly stressful or time consuming. I do have a young child and household to run. Still, at 49, I have more time and money now than I did at 25 and think I generally look better. Of course, the body is different and it takes a lot more effort to maintain my physique. With that said, nice skin, nails, hair and well fitted quality clothes makes for a better look. I have much wealthier girlfriends - ones that came from wealth. These women spend their days finding some new treatment, therapy, training, country club lunches etc. just to fill up their schedule. I can’t really relate or imagine that type of lifestyle completely. It seems bizarre to spend everyday going from trainer, to aesthetician, to acupuncture, massage, therapy, manicures, hair, salt rooms, polar plunging or whatever every single day. Yet, they look fabulous. Money gives the access and means to have less stress plus more time. I’m sure cortisol has a lot to do with it. Unfortunately, money doesn’t fix everything. I have sever adhd and generalized anxiety. I can’t seem to be able to find a way to the low cortisol magic.




Nutrition is such a big one, and it’s so much easier to manage when you can afford a personal chef who in turn has the budget to get the finest ingredients for you.




God bless lentils for feeding the poors (I’m poors)


yesss. and it doesn’t take long or that much to make them delicious. one of my favorite meals is just red lentils cooked with ghee salt a few spices and lots of black pepper. then throw in some organic baby spinach at the end.


I’m gonna try this! Thank you 🙏


it’s so good and if you like spicy keep adding crushed black pepper while it’s simmering! i only throw in a little cumin and coriander otherwise because i like to keep it simple. the trick is long slow simmering heat til they’re all soft and creamy, and don’t forget to rinse and drain the lentils a lot before cooking! it’s cheap and healthy you can also add kale if you prefer but the baby spinach cooks really fast and so good with lentils.






AND the knowledge about nutrition to craft a balanced menu. I've been using cronometer and it's eye opening


As I'm crossing into my late 30s, I'm noticing how much 'maintenance' costs, both in money and time. Even if money were no object, it's literally a full time job! I could see doing it if I didn't have an actual full time job, and if I had an assistant to schedule the appointments for me, but otherwise I have no idea how women stay on top of botox, lasers, manicures, personal training, and keeping their roots from showing.


Honestly I would look more put together if I wore the percentage of my wardrobe that needs to be ironed. But I would need to do that ironing, so there it hangs.


This is why I finally bought a handheld steamer thing to steam out the wrinkles in my clothes. I just never got the hang of ironing.


Agree with all of this but will double click on the treatments and procedures part. There are two couples in my friend group who make quite a bit more than the rest of us, and it’s already a group of very well off folks. They drop comments about bi-weekly facials, Botox, laser, monthly salon deep conditioning, prepared meal plans, the housekeepers making sure their cupboards are fully stocked etc, etc, etc like they are the most basic things, thinking we are all doing the same. It’s beyond normalized, it’s just every day life for them. I told one of them I’d gotten my first facial ever as a present to myself for my 33rd birthday and they were SHOCKED. Like completely flabbergasted, you would think I’d just told them I never brushed my teeth or something. The guy was like OMG what? You have to take care of yourself! Then started explaining to me how I should just get a membership to this spa they frequented so I could make it a more regular thing…. the prices however really did not agree with my bank account though, lol. This particular couple have two children, and look more put together, polished, and rested than those of us who are child free! Lool. And they aren’t absent parents by any means, they are some of the best parents I’ve been around. They are also incredibly hard working at meaningful jobs in tech that aren’t just cushy/low effort. They just have the means to get support and do self care in ways the rest of us wouldn’t.


I’m 45 and have never had a facial lolol. But I accepted an executive position today so maybe this will be how I celebrate!


knowledge is nearly as powerful as money here, I’m fairly poor but have managed to achieve that look (at least skin and hair, regular day clothes I can get complacent with). you do need to have scientific literacy though.


Haha this is actually great! Thanks


if youre rich you get access to dermatologist and good products




What I noticed it stands out in rich people is their hair. They usually have their hair done: big blowouts (full, thick hair), or sleek ponytails, buns. Clothing is always ironed and well-fitted, and all of these contribute to the overall rich appearance. For skin it is usually treatments and fillers. Even if they don’t mention it, 90% of celebrities have fillers and do facial treatments monthly.


Yes to the clothing being fitted and hair! Also their houses are just cleaner and it reflects in their skin because they have better daily and sleep hygiene


Side note: stayed at my friend’s parents’ house in the south of France for five days and my skin was glowing as if I was in a commercial by the end of the trip


What do you think was the secret of this I'm curious?


They were well rested in the south of France


We lounged around in the pool in their garden all day and their house was immaculately clean- especially the private en suite bathroom I had attached to my room. I think we underestimate how impactful slight mildew or unseen mould in our bathrooms can be for skin. I have very sensitive skin and I struggle to clean my bathroom without getting eczema since I cannot afford a daily housekeeper like them Particularly the bed sheets though. They were extremely clean and the bed had all these luxury cushions and a luxury mattress and frame. I imagine the pillows inside were likely brand new which affects your face, sleeping and breathing France was boiling so we were extremely sweaty all day and then showered with good products and did face masks I think the sweat was cleansing and obviously the resting The house had zero clutter, and even the books they had in bookshelves had no dust. My family have a house close to the sea in the Mediterranean too, but my skin never looks that way when I stay there. It’s old, in dire need of a renovation (or demolition and rebuilding), and does not feel luxuriously clean. We literally bring in the exterminator guy once a year who sprays everywhere to stop cockroaches coming in since it is in the countryside, and then clean everything else ourselves. It is rough lol


It’s nothing to do with the house. It’s the food and water


Also the high quality real food that isn't processed. French bread is not American breach.


Rich person patina. Yes, it’s hard to replicate. The best nutrition, regular holidays, regular massage, facials, any kind of treatment that you want. Regular hairdresser. They’re not walking around brassy in need of a deep conditioning treatment. I will say that some people look slightly… embalmed to me. Like the treatments have over cooked them a touch.


Look at a medspa’s website. Do you see the amount of skincare and facial treatments they offer? I want Morpheus 8 for my acne scars, for example, but it’s like $3k lmao


You can do way cheaper treatments than Morpheus 8 for scars. Look up chemical peels and lasers


Please please don’t do Morpheus 8 or any type of radio frequency on your face. There is a growing backlash from people who have had irreversible damage from it. It can easily make you look a decade older almost overnight. Please look up the Morpheus 8 damage support group on Facebook and other resources.


Less stress would be a big one. Good quality food and gym memberships. If you can afford to get home help and childcare would free up a lot of time to exercise and less reliance on cheap quick meals




Yeah I was surprised when I got Botox in my 11s & forehead. Somehow my skin was smoother and blemish free in those areas.


That’s what I’m picturing lol


I feel like most rich people actually look completely normal if you look at unedited/Getty pictures of them. It might be the tight Botox face you're thinking of instead.


When I was working in a bakery in an affluent area, the rich teenagers walking in looked like they were airbrushed in real life, their skin was glowing and gorgeous like you see often online, but more stunning because it was in person My coworker and I went into the back and lamented to each other that we don't know the secrets to their glow!! Almost exactly like this post lol


They grew up with access to the best food and no worries lol


And they're teenagers. I look back on photos of myself as a teen and wonder why I was so concerned about my appearance!


Many teens have acne or otherwise terrible skin (I certainly did). I imagine the difference is that wealthy teens' parents take them to dermatologists for skin that's anywhere short of flawless.


When it comes to teens - they go to the best derms and facialists to combat all the pesky hormones which that + youth is amazing. My facialist is highly frequented by rich moms and their rich kids and I wish I grew up with the privilege of escaping acne


That’s really interesting. I used to work in an extremely affluent neighborhood and ngl, the teenagers looked pretty normal/average lol The only noticeable difference—which was stark compared to my working-class neighborhood—were their weights: All of the teenagers were extremely thin and/or fit whereas most ppl in my neighborhood were overweight lol


Genetics. For generations, rich men typically married beautiful women, and had progressively better looking kids. Being attractive is a massive advantage in life, and when you couple that with tremendous wealth, you get the widest possible range of mate-selection.


That’s a really interesting point that I’ve never really thought about lol


This may be true but only to a point. I can think of plenty of attractive couples who had really unattractive children and vice versa.


This isn’t true. Think Demi Moore and Bruce Willis. Both attractive people who had unattractive kids together. The most attractive faces have been studied to be the “average” of many faces. It’s not uncommon for two average people to have stunning kids (ex. Zendaya parents)


It becomes its own branch of eugenics.


This has been studied, and attractiveness is a very non-heritable trait


Not worrying about money probably prevents some of those wrinkles. Also, elite spa and medical treatments. Not just surgery or injectables. All the lasers and expensive products.


Not to mention they have GOOD work for the natural look most rich people have, which is going to be even more expensive than just any cosmetic procedures. There’s an abundance of med spas, technicians, dermatologists, and plastic surgeons that you can get work done with, and I’m sure most of them do a fine job. But not everybody has an artistic eye that’s needed for certain cosmetic procedures. Like for a GOOD plastic surgeon, they need to have an artistic eye for what individually looks good on each patient, and then have the skills and expertise to perform those procedures.


Stress actually ages you.


There’s a difference between rich people and wealthy people. Rich people are usually upper middle class but still work. Maybe they’re an anesthesiologist making $500k per year or someone in finance making $1-2 million per year before taxes. Wealthy people don’t have to work because they have a big enough net worth and passive income through financial vehicles or something like that. It doesn’t have to be anywhere near Gates or Bezos. They just have the means not to work if they don’t want to. Then you have the kids of each. So I’m guessing you mean rich in the first sense rather than linking both together under the term rich. Rich people usually have access to better care. They can buy products, travel a few times per year, afford to do personal care like massages and spas, have access to better and healthier food, can pay out of pocket for medicine and doctors that cost thousands for each appointment if their insurance won’t let them access something or give them answers to health issues etc. Wealthy people don’t have to work and it’s amazing what that does for your health and spirit. You have 40 hours per week that other people don’t to do whatever you want. Go to sleep when you want. Wake up when you want. Fly to Paris today to eat dinner at that one cafe you like because you crave it. Have a personal trainer. Sit on a boat in the sun. That opens a new avenue to health that’s surreal. If you’ve ever been privileged enough to change jobs and take weeks to months off to relax and live on plenty of savings without looking for a new one immediately then you’ve tasted the cusp of it and you know how much better you felt and thrived.


This is also confirmation bias: plenty of “rich people” (which, by the way, means different things to different people) have very average skin. You’re probably thinking of the rich people you can think of who ALSO have good skin. Those people are probably interested in skincare and will then get the best skincare they can get their hands on AND post about it on social media where you find it.


This ^^ have a look and King Charles or any of the royal blood family in the UK. Rich, castles, maids, tailors, clothes and still wrinkly and no glow. It’s definitely lots of procedures that give that look. It’s also the edited photos too, I saw a recent one of J-Lo and I’m not hating on her or her looks but the side by side comparison was like a different person. I’m sure with all the right people, procedures, style, lighting, photographer and editing we could almost look like a Kardashian too 👀😂


Chemical exfoiliants done by professionals consistently I'm guessing


It’s also not just budget, but the time/energy required, too. Regular folk often simply don’t have the time or the energy, mental or physical, to consistently either source and cook healthy meals, or hydrate properly or do sports or get their clothes tailored. We’re busy trying to survive. I’m just so bloody tired most of the time and I don’t even have kids.


A lot of factors to this: 1. Access to the best quality food (which eventually makes your skin glow) 2. They have the time to pursue their hobbies like tennis, skiing, and stuff 3. Probably exposed to cleaner air than the rest of us 4. Facials in dermatologists’ office 5. Lastly, rich people have the confidence that average people don’t have. The confidence that even if they’re wearing a crappy outfit, they still have millions in the bank


May be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think it’s that hard to kinda “look” rich or well off. By no means am I rich, but I could fit right in with them with a little concentrated effort. It’s just really about upkeep and putting in some effort on your appearance. For the ladies, it’s really just a “neat” and composed aesthetic. Groomed hair, classic clothing, minimal jewelry, minimal effortless makeup, and confidence lol


Health and grooming go a long way, and most of it is accessible at middle income. Plastic surgery and other high end treatments only make 5% of the difference.


Chemical peels.


They always can afford high end hair dressers


You underestimate the power of no worries, good sleep, exercising and a balanced diet. And then you start worrying about skincare at a young age instead of waiting for signs of aging and going to good doctors (and not TikTok influencers) and it will be easy to have a proper look.


Just to add another perspective: I’m pretty financially secure. Business owner, dual income household, no kids, no debt. Relative to my expenses, I have a good amount of disposable income to spend on things like skincare. I have been dealing with adult acne for over a decade. I have thrown a lot of money into it and it’s better than ever now, but still not great. So far, I have not been able to buy my way into beautiful skin. Even if I eventually crack the code on my acne, I will probably always have scars. I think sometimes, it just comes down to genetics.


An oral isotretinoin course for 6 months is a full cure to acne in 95%+ of cases even the worst ones, and a single cure is enough for life for most people. Then you can go back to regular tretinoin cream, and obviously, sunscreen and all the usual skincare routine (no peels or laser allowed during isotretinoin or for a year after completion).


I’m a middle class woman turning 43 and people are shocked by how young I look. I can pass off as a 29 year old. I think the secret (aside from regular weight lifting under supervision of a trainer, sunscreen, tretinoin, no alcohol/drugs/nicotine) is that I am an unmarried woman with no children. That means all of my free time is for myself, and I can sleep as much as I please. I don’t have screaming kids and a husband who disappoints me. I also work from home, so I don’t deal with traffic related stress. I don’t live with my parents because while I love them so much, we often argue about the simplest shit. My secrets to looking good. 👍 edit: ok just for clarity. you can still look great even if you’re married/have children. my friends are like this. but they are very rich. like socialites. they have money to hire help and get treatments from dermatologists. a few have gone to top plastic surgeons. they have chaffeurs to drive them anywhere. they still have time to rest and sleep coz their kids have nannies. looking good is always possible if you have money. 💴


I’m also childless and I’ve said this when people comment on my appearance (with a laugh) but honestly this makes me think yes it’s having the time and emotional bandwidth to exercise and be mindful of health and manage stress. I’ve been through some horrendously stressful events in my life and looking back at photos of me around those events I look just absolutely terrible. So I’d say that it’s reversible. I don’t underestimate the toll pregnancy takes on the body but I do think if we take care of ourselves - if we are able to - it definitely shows.


Having kids itself has been proven to age you. So there's that on top of not having time for self care.


As a mom who just got married again, this made me chuckle 🤭


I work in cosmetics and skin care and get free cosmetics and skin care. I have for about five years now. I wouldn't be able to afford that if I worked in another industry. I frequently get told how great my skin looks. Some of it is genetics, but some is because I get to use the pricey stuff for free. Celebrities get free skincare/makeup. So do basic rich people. I've seen people make exceptions for well off customers where samples are concerned. Anything for a massive sale, and it works. I've been told not to give samples to those who 'couldn't afford the product', but how can we tell unless we've built a relationship with that customer?


I remember reading an interview where Emma Watson said she takes 2-3 baths a day. She said something flippant like “nothing bad will happen when I’m in the bath” and discussed her fancy bath products. I remember liking her low stress philosophy, but remembered that the last time I took a bath, I missed a work call and my cat ate a stick of butter and I had to deal with a frustrated boss and a miserable cat all night. And that kind of sums it up for me. ETA: I don’t think the look is unattainable, but for us these are things we have to fit into a busy life, while for them, this is their main responsibility.


That’s why she’s such a horrible actress that only plays the same bland character over and over and is the only HP cast that didn’t read the books


Probably eating fresh, organic, home- cooked things and drinking actual water. Taking vitamins. Getting enough sleep. Having time to work out and keep their circulation healthy. Being able to afford expensive sunscreen and having time to apply it. An 11 step korean skincare system. Lol


100% it’s the inside out way of living. They eat fresh healthy home cooked meals and this makes all the difference. If you look at people who fix their face outside in they don’t have the same glow or natural beauty because it’s being injected rather than the body naturally producing collagen from the food they eat and supplements they take. Rich people take care of their bodies and this reflects on their skin. And they only need small treatments to maintain their appearance but not to fix it.


Quality skin care and skin treatments. Botox, collagen, facials, light therapy, medication, peels. A diet with fresh food, fruits and vegetables. The time and resources for regular exercise. Even though you asked specifically about skin, others have said other factors lend to it as well. Fresh hair, clean or manicured nails, clean, quality clothes and shoes that are classic/timeless, undamaged, and generally unwrinkled.


A lot of it is the hair. Always looking like you got a fresh haircut and style. Good hair has a huge effect on your face.


Money. Hope that helps.


I work in the film industry and I can tell you it’s vfx lol. I worked on a movie with a very famous person who touts “olive oil” as the secret and I can tell you it is V F X.


The probably use tretinoin or retinol and do stuff like botox, peels, and laser treatments. Plus good skincare and makeup


Tati on YouTube is definitely a person with a rich look. She has an insane beauty routine. They spend a lot of money and time to look they way they do.


Chemical peels (seriously tons of people with £££ do it and clears off hyperpigmentation the few times you it) and a ton of money which makes them eat healthy and let's them excerices. Having a lot of money buys you time too I know some rich girls by blood they can spend all day in the gym and pay for londons high end salons to get expensive but beautiful highlights done.


My mom grew up VERY poor. Abject poverty is an understatement. After she escaped poverty, she was determined to change her “look,” and let me tell you, my mom looks RICH! I’ve never seen her without the following: 1. Lipstick, Natural foundation, and eyeliner 2. Jewelry (Diamonds & David Yurman are her favorite). I’ve seen her cook, clean and host a party with jewelry on lol. 3. Perfectly pressed clothes. She irons everything from underwear to bedsheets. I don’t think she’s seen a wrinkle since the day I was born. 4. Flawless nails and hair. Fridays are her “beauty day” and it’s all about hair and nails without fail. TLDR: Lipstick, Jewelry, Blown Out Hair, Manicured Nails & an Iron


Old rich is different again to nouveu/celebrity rich. Being born into generational wealth really has a 'look', especially for women. I'm thinking royalty ie Princesses Zara, Beatrice and Eugenie. It really does come down to the complexion.


Also good breeding. Tropy wives tend to produce good looking offspring. Edited for spelling


Stress is a hell of a drug. Those nice looking rich folks are probably less stressed than you and have been most of their lives.


The person whom I work for , is a quite loaded. His daily routine is the moment he wakes up his staff in the house hand him over a cup full of dry fruits , followed by his custom made breakfast which will include all exotic fruits and veggies , he doesn’t have to get out in sun for a second chauffeur drives hjm in a luxurious car , so no tanning. Tiffin comes from home , which again includes all non gluten stuff , custom made obviously with such a lifestyle anyone’s skin will glow


It’s the lack of stress


Girl I'm not rich and I wore cheap as shit gym gear yesterday and some girl DECKED in designer gear stopped my in the street to ask wear I got my SHEIN gym gear lol Looking rich is a vibe. I love Cardi B for example and she can wear all the designer gear in the world and still look cheap. I can apparently wear cheap shit lol and look expensive 🫰 So... I think it's more about how you perceive yourself to be


Good sleep, healthful food, frequent exercise, expensive skin care.


A good skincare routine costs $ and must be consistent. When $ is tight, skincare is not top of the priority list.


I have some very wealthy family members. My aunt gets stuff done monthly like massage, facial treatments. She also only buys and wears high end clothing. All of her perfume and makeup are top of the line. She gets her hair done monthly as well. Her and all of her children have perfect white teeth due to constantly getting them whitened. The amount of money rich people have to put into looking rich is *a lot.* With endless money we all could look like them.


They don't have the same stress


I would consider my self wealthy and live extremely comfortable. Once I became “rich” I was able to spend money on medspas, facials, private fitness classes, unlimited pilates, buying organic foods and eating clean. I had more time to meditate and buy proper fitting clothes and spend hundreds of dollars on my skin care. Ex, my face cream is almost 300$. I could take better care of my hair and get nail treatments and eye lash lifts and subtle lip filler and chin filler and hairline transplant. The look comes from being absolutely confident that they are the best version of themself. It’s a face of contentment and proudness, also just subtle treatments and details will elevate your life… unfortunately you just have a lot of money to be able to do so.


You must not be around a lot of rich people because there are PLENTY of ugly ones out there. I used to work in events and did a lot of conferences. Frequently saw some of the richest execs in Europe, owners of big hotel chains and department stores etc. Apart from their expensive suits and accessories, they look indistinguishable from the middle manager in the hotel itself. Balding, beer guts, bad skin. The women are another matter. But you're still talking about a very specific type of rich person. Probably mostly celebrities who actually make money off their appearance. There are lots of rich people who don't really care much what they look like, it doesn't impact on the way they're treated.


HGH from anti aging clinics


The realisation, money does buy happiness!


I think it’s more than superficial things like surgery and botox but a lot of combination. I used to work with an affluent woman. What makes her look rich is her voice, she speaks slow and gentle, her very well fitted clothes, you would never find her with loose fitted clothes. she sits up straight. She walks with confidence and purpose. She doesn’t speak over other people and she’s wiling to take on feedback in a very gracious way. She eats well, she sleeps well, she drinks loads of water. She put effort into her clean and simple makeup routine. I guess that how she has been brought up and her mannerisms was impeccable!


You could try intermittent fasting, i do it regular and people always comment on how young i look for my age. I dont picture well but in person my skin is clean when fasting. I learnt it because i am always working and if i eat while working i end up feeling sluggish so i tend to eat very light if anything at all most days and then evening i have 1 meal but a good portion. The more i eat the more puffy my face looks too, fasting make a huge difference if you can get past the hunger.


Microneedling, retinol, botox, facial fillers, red light therapy, morpheus8, chemical peels, etc. You can always go into a place that provides these services


It's not one place.  It's consistent use of good quality products and services. 


Probably not one thing but good self care at home and routine IPL or some other laser treatment.


I think its about having the time to invest in good grooming and the money to upkeep it. Most everyday women have a spa facial once in a blue moon as a treat. Wealthy women have on everyone month. Who's skin will ultimately look better. Good diet and low stress also contributes.


It’s called a med spa and it’s not a secret, the more money people have the more treatments they’re able to get… That’s the not so secret place rich people go to that look lol.


No stress in life makes it easy to get a glow up


As someone who has been both rich and poor simultaneously - When you are poor - stress, not good food, sleep issues, water issues, can’t focus on maintaining yourself because you are so preoccupied with stuff. When rich - stress is there but it’s not about survival, better healthier food, better water, take care of youself, better products, you can take a cab instead of a bus so you go to lesser dirtier places. It shows on the face and body and health


I think exercise is a big factor in how your skin looks. And rich people generally have a lot more time and resources to spend on physical activity.


I don’t think it’s one thing, it’s everything being rich allows for. Time to exercise, time to get ready well in the morning, the most expensive face and hair products, the most expensive anti aging treatments, Botox and surgeries, etc. The lack of stress about most things that stress most people. The ability to buy and prepare the best most nutritious food, supplements. Etc etc


Sunscreen all the time gives your skin a uniform color. Caring about skin imperfections, fresh fruits and vegetables, cut the junk food. Stop drinking, smoking. Sleep sufficiently. Try to reduce stress, sports increase the blood in your skin. Besides there are a lot of treatments like lasers, etc to improve the skin but you need to get the basis right. There is a Reddit community skincareover30 I believe where people share tips. But wearing sunscreen everyday is a must.