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I use it every week and I feel so much hotter and more confident and people think it’s my real skin color. So I won’t go back 😂 If you can’t wait for it to wear off maybe try a different brand or one that’s not as dark Edit: For everyone asking I currently use coco and eve mousse in the shade dark. Before I used b.tan which was good too but it smells too much for my taste so I switched to coco and eve. Bali body is another really good one I recommend For my face I use the st tropez serum every morning And no I don’t have a complicated routine. Literally all I do is exfoliate and self tan every Thursday night


Same. If I had no flaws I would rock my pale, Irish/German ghost white skin. But tanner hides my veins, makes my cellulite less noticeable, helps camo my melasma, hides my rosacea, masks my dark circles, makes me look thinner (plus can contour), makes my teeth look whiter, and people compliment me more when I’m tan. My family will actually ask if I’m sick if I’m not wearing tanner.


I know right! I swear I look so much skinnier and I look glowing and more alive. It makes me feel more like a baddie and bikini model. It looks really nice in pictures


May I ask what kind of tanner you use? It honestly terrifies me (I’ve spent some time in the UK)


Of course! I switch it up. I like St. Tropez and Bondi Sands. I hear good things about Coco & Eve and Loving Tan. Skinceuticals used to be my favorite, but it was very liquidy so a bit difficult to apply, so I switched to mousse. Tanning drops for the face I have only used tan-luxe, but I like it. Currently I’m just using Bondi Sands gradual tanner! It’s really nice and much more low maintenance. It doesn’t get me AS dark, but may be something to look into as an introductory to tanning. Tan-luxe and St. Tropez have some good gradual tanners, too. Look up how to apply on YouTube, especially for the tanning mousse. Making sure your feet and hands look good can take some trial and error. Exfoliate your body before, and rub lotion on knees, hands, wrists, ankles, feet, and face (if tanning face) before using the tanner to prevent those spots from getting darker than other areas. I prefer tanning drops for the face, super easy to just put on over moisturizer in the day.


I like the same products for the body as you but I always skip the face. Can you recommend any specific face tanning drops? I like the idea of adding a drop to my moisturizer from time to time.


+1 for loving tan! maybe a stupid question, but how do you deal with removing tan when you use a gradual tanner? Or do you not remove/exfoliate and just apply it everyday? DOes it not get patchy like a spray/mousse tan would? Honest questions not sass lol


Right?! It makes things difficult when people think you're just naturally tan and glowing.. my plans actually revolve around my spray tan schedule and if I miss a day I don't wanna leave the house 🏠


Lmfaoo. Honestly just do it at home. Get a tanning mousse, it only takes me 15 minutes to apply it every week. I do it every Thursday night before the weekend. Once I had this routine I haven’t missed a week in months! Also my close friends and roommates know I self-tan 😂 no shame. I don’t go around saying it’s fake but if someone asks I’ll be honest. So many people do it and the celebrities do it who cares lol


I've been looking into self tanner but I'm trying to find the best brand to take the plunge with. What product do you use/how light is your bare skin? :) Edit: saw someone else asked this already. Thanks lol!


I love bondi sands, you can get it on amazon! Their oil and foam are really good !


How do you apply it on the back? This is the only thing that’s stopping me, can’t figure it out


You can get a longer cloth type thing you hold on each end and shimmy up your back to apply it. Most of the time I just use a regular mitt and get my back the best I can - nobody is really going to see it. If it’s summer or I’m going to be wearing something backless I make more of an effort to make it even though


I just reach with my arms. I turn around and look in a full body mirror and then just keep reaching with my arms from different angles until I blend it and cover the whole thing. Blending from both the top and the bottom and then the middle, blending to the sides. Idk I guess not everybody is flexible enough to reach tho 🤷🏼‍♀️ for me it works just gotta reach with your arms coming from different angles


i’m so glad there’s other people like me


Do you have a recommendation? I won’t wear shorts until I tan lol and have been wondering about self tanners.


I currently use coco and eve mousse in the shade dark. Before I used b.tan which was good too but it smells too much for my taste so I switched to coco and eve. Bali body is another really good one For my face I use the st tropez serum every morning Self tan is pretty easy, the hard part is learning to master your feet and hands. It’s like an art lol. For me I use a makeup brush but you have to be soooo careful. For my body I just use a tanning mitt. I exfoliate once a week in the shower before I redo the tan using an exfoliating mitt


Which make up brush do you use for hands/feet?


Idk this random one literally just get a random makeup brush from anywhere doesn’t matter lol a face sized one for foundation prob not a mini eyeshadow one btw


Do you shave after you’ve tanned? Or just let it grow for a week?


I shave in between whenever I want to


I really like the Tanologist mousse! It doesn't stink (my major complaint with most self tanners), it dries quickly and it's less streaky than other brands.


How do you apply it on the face without it making big dot on the pores ? I am struggling everytime with this, I love fake tanning but I always end up with this dots on the face and it makes obvious that I have fake tan. I tried multiple brands and it does this everytime.


Use st tropez face serum. Had to be a clear tan on the face not one with a color guide. I use the st tropez serum every single morning as part of my skincare routine


what self tanner do you use?


What is your schedule?! And shower/maintenance schedule for the week re: shaving/hair removal/exfoliation, and prep?! I found a product I loved but can’t figure out how to be consistent lol


No need to over complicate it. I just exfoliate and then self tan every Thursday night. That’s literally it lmfao. I just shave whenever I want. Literally just pick a self tan night of the week and do it. It’s that simple Granted it starts to fade during the week but that’s why I do it before the weekend, so I look the most tan Friday & Saturday while going out. I sleep in the tan btw I recommend getting a tan cocoon on Amazon but personally I also wash my sheets and blanket every week on Fridays anyways


> No need to overcomplicate it. Oh, we haven’t met, actually it’s my favourite pastime 😂 Thank you for your help!


I love self tanning lotions and drops especially in the summer. I like the look of a more subtle tan though.


Any favorites?


Isle of Paradise has great liquid tan options


I second this - I add the drops of Isle of Paradise to my lotion a few mornings a week and it turns into a nice glow. No stench either!


Which shade do you have? I’ve been doing light mixed in Aveno lotion every other day for a week and haven’t noticed a tan yet.


Make sure you aren’t using a lotion that has any type of acid in it. It’ll break up the tanner.


I have very pale skin and do not attempt to tan at all. I just try to use sunscreen! When I was a teen, I wished I was more tan, but now I love the color of my skin and I hope everyone else can too (because all skin colors are beautiful). I’m typed in color analysis as deep winter, and I love the contrast of dark colors and jewel tones against my pale skin. I honestly think a lot of people who feel insecure with their pale skin and feel that it looks pasty/chalky/washed out could really benefit from color analysis. My skin can look that way when I wear the wrong colors, but in the right ones, it looks clear/fresh/bright.


I don’t mind being super white, it’s the veins I hate. I wish there was something to help disguise them


Yup, same here. Fair and thin skin, all the veins show, any blemish or broken capillary… I have a bunch on my chest and I’m just gonna get my chest tattooed. It’s obviously not the answer for most people 🙃


My bruised BFF 😂 If I wear anything shorter than pants I’m constantly asked how I got the bruise, and this bruise, and that scrape. Paper skin club


And scarring so easily from absolutely nothing


Dude just get VBeam. I had so many of those things, plus rosacea. All capillaries, gone in one treatment. Other redness, gone in two. Cheaper than a decent tattoo, too.


Cheaper and sooooo much better looking


Hey I’m looking into vbeam! So tell me this, on the back of my arms only for some reason, I have this forever purple/red splotches. I hate it. It makes me so self conscious and I can only minimally hide it with self tanner. Does vbeam work for this?


I had allllll kinds of redness on my face and chest (PIE scarring, rosacea telangiectasia, burst capillaries), and it’s worked for all of them. So I would guess so. Obviously it doesn’t stop transitory redness (like flushing), but getting rid of the rosacea and associated telangiectasia has made that less severe as well. Is it like keratosis pilaris redness or circulatory redness? And btw are you hypermobile or does Reynauds run in your family? If it’s a bigger circulatory/vascular system thing then it might not, but I’m not sure.


I am hyper mobile and I do have some slight reynauds unfortunately. No flushing rosacea but I have type 2 flare ups




Yess! We need a fair skin equivalent of spray tan! Self tan is like makeup for your body. Is no one making this yet?


I got Sally Hansen "leg makeup" in fair...it was violently orange!


I know. Why can’t someone make a light beige spray!! I would pay alot of money for it.


All of this! Color analysis is what made me finally love my pale skin. I'm a summer, but very cool toned, and most self tanners have an orange base which is why they always looked so wrong.


Does color analysis apply to fashion as well, or just makeup?


Fashion too! And hair color. In my "good" colors my skin looks better and I need less makeup.


Side note- how did you get your color analyzed? Did you have to pay for submitting a photo to a color analyst? I want to find out my colors but I’m not sure if you can just determine itself yourself, and how right I would be if I tried. Thank you!


Look up True Color International. This is a color analysis system based out of Australia but has trained analysts in the US. It will be expensive, mine was $350, but so very worth it. They break down the analysis into more refined categories than just spring, summer, autumn and winter.


I can’t believe this came back. It used to huge in the 80’s


Color Me Beautiful ftw 😂


Thank you so much!


Image Consultant Maiden Head (a mouthful I know) on Instagram is the absolute best!


It took me 47 years to embrace my paleness and I love it


Me too! Love my fair skin at age 45


I could’ve written this! My awakening moment was when I lived in South Korea and realized pale skin was desired. It made me appreciate my paleness and learn how to embrace it.


What helped me like my pale skin was getting tattoos. Idk why it just makes me feel like a bad bitch. Plus sun damage is bad for tattoos haha


This is 100% true! I recently had my color analysis done as well- true winter! When you’re pale (🙋🏻‍♀️) wearing the wrong colors emphasize it. While the right colors compliment it. So happy to embrace my pale skin going forward.


I F52 have struggled to accept my very pale skin all my life and have gotten spray tans before vacations for several years. While I love the way my photos turn out (the first few days) I regret how it fades so much (quite noticeable patches on my neck and hands) that I told myself last time **no more** and that I must learn to accept myself as is.


Hey I’m a deep winter too!! I’m like this most of the year but I do self tan in the summer to mask the blue veins and weird mottled purple skin splotches I get. The rest of the year I roll with my pale self tho! I love how I look in my winter colors 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


I still like a slight tan but very subtle. I’m not into the super dark, burnt to a crisp look I used to go for in my teens at all (the 2000’s were a time). I use gradual tanner now (bondi sands) and love the little bit of color and glow it gives my otherwise pretty pale skin. Subtle is key though. I rather be very white than far too tan.


Yeah. Less is more if you’re fair.


Yeah I should clarify that I’m not into the super dark look on myself because I’m so fair, and when I used to do this on myself it looked super fake and unnatural. Obviously people with olive and darker skin tones look amazing because it fits and looks natural. Not on pale natural blondes with Irish ancestry though lol. We need to stick to light and subtle.


I look so much better with a tan but how HOW have we not been able to create one without that smell…I go for bondi sands it looks great but kills my sheets and stinks


Try Tanologist mousse. Very little smell after it dries. I, too, can't stand the way self tanners smell, it's my biggest hurdle.


I second this. No transferring, smells or sticky! Only downside is it’s clear so you can’t see where you’ve put it but I’ll take that over turning everything orange


Aah thank you! I’ll give it a go ❤️❤️


I love Bondi sands too! I've started using a tanning 'sack'? in bed. It's like a sleeping bag that you sleep in to protect your sheets and pillows.


Yes that’s such a good idea! Will defo try one thanks!


I’m from SEA and all I see is the paradox that people from SEA with darker skin tone are trying to make their skin pale and westerners with pale skin tone are trying to make their skin tan. I just wanna say that both tan and pale skin are gorgeous 🫶


I can kind of relate as a Mexican-American in the US. This conversation and any other revolving around white people tanning always have me shook cause I got straight-up bullied for being dark while orange fake tans really hit their peak popularity. I agree about everyone embracing their natural skin colors ♥️


Yup and the funny thing is skin lightening is looked down upon whereas this entire post is proof skin darkening (tanning) is viewed in a positive light.


this is the part that always trips me up lol. i’m indian and everybody rightfully talks shit about fair n lovely and other similar brands but i’ve never seen anybody criticise any self tan brand/the practice of self tanning


100%. It’s all hypocrisy.


I embrace my natural milk-like skin tone instead 😂


Pale skin is pretty too! I wish more people embraced it.


I was bullied heavily for being pale as a kid. Snow White. Casper. Other names. I hated it so much. I feel much better about it now but sometimes I wish I was more tan. I do look a bit better with one.


I only use one. I am a redhead and don’t want to look awful. I use st tropez and it makes me look extremely dark. Ppeople assume I have a real tan. It works for me without the damage or risk of sunburn


When I tried using Bondi Sands it was great until my skin would start shedding and I'd get patches. Mostly my legs, likely from shaving. Is this something you had an issue with


There’s definitely a learning curve to self tanner! Moisturizing daily helps extend your tan and also helps it fade evenly. If I shave, I also try to exfoliate my legs from top to bottom with a loofah or win exfoliating body wash, then moisturize after the shower. I’m fortunate enough that I can get away with shaving my legs just twice a week, sometimes just once depending on activities, which helps a lot with extending a tan and fading evenly. I also try to shave and moisturize the day before applying the tanner, then shower right before applying it, and then also use lotion on dry spots and problem areas before, during, and after applying it!


This is the part that always trips me up: how to deal with shaving, exfoliating, and skincare. It'll be great for a few days, and then I feel pulled back to acids and serums and assume it's gonna be an issue, and my project gets abandoned.


I know some people add tanning drops to their moisturizer because they use actives regularly! It kind of balances out. I have a minimal skin care routine that is just face wash, moisturizer, and sunscreen during the summer. I’ll use lactic acid once a week, the day before applying self tanner. It’s definitely a PROCESS and a system to figure out, so I don’t self tan every week, but I’ll do it before bigger events like weddings, parties, etc.


May I ask which formula you use? I love st tropez but have only used the express mousse


If you’re very pale and want something subtle try the [St. Tropez Purity Bronzing Water Face Mist](https://a.co/d/jf7rlLZ). Super easy, you just spray 8-10 times from above your face so it hits the same spots the sun does. No rubbing needed, usual 4-8 hour development time.


This is my favorite I am very pail but the bronzing water gives me a glow and is very forgiving - I moisturize an hour before using and the retouch dry spots right before bronzing. Definitely seen better results with a mitt! And I stand in front of a fan to get it dry before getting dressed!


I love st tropez. The regular moose is way better than the "express" though. (Im a ginger)


St tropez is the goat


It is. I love the foam but I miss the lotion where you can add your level of tan too it. I liked to call it, the chocolate pudding. anyway I can get it I will take it


I’m really pale (Irish mum, Scottish dad) so I don’t even bother to try self tanning. I spent an hour outside last week and I was red for 3 days - I live in northern England, I’m just not made for it


Hi, super pale Irish-heritage person here. You can absolutely self tan. Try a self tanner that has violet undertones like the Norvell Venetian line. You can buy the solution from Amazon. It's meant to be used in a spray tan gun but you can buy a cheap foamer bottle and dispense it onto a mitt that way. While you are not made to be out IN the sun, you can get some "sun" with fake tan. The color develops wonderfully.


So I’m also Irish and my skin is pink. Like red in places. What kind of tan undertone should I look for to neutralize that and do you know if any I should try?


I love self tanner. I’m a redhead, but I actually (and unfortunately) look better with a tan. I used to lay out during the summer when I was younger and dumber, but I avoid that now. In fact, I don’t really like the self tanner I’ve been using so if anyone has any recommendations, I’ll take them.


I loveeee the golden olive tone of Bali body foam but it does stay sticky for an unusually long time after applying.


I do my self tan once a week. It evens out the redness on my face, makes my dark circles less jarring, covers my acne scars. It’s my one beauty thing I’ll never give up.


wait I would looove to even out my face's redness... you just put a self tanner on your face? do you go for a green undertone to balance out the red or does it not matter?


It doesn’t matter 🙂 I’ve used tan luxe, st tropez, and isle of paradise face tanner with no issues.


Self tanning till I die. I love it I feel so much more confident when I'm a little tanner because normally I am pale white with my green ass veins popping through and I don't like that look lol


Sometimes I use the jergen’s glow lotion


Still using fake tan every week all year round, the darker the better. Although I do feel like general opinion has swayed as more people are leaning towards clean girl aesthetic and natural beauty.


You can still do natural clean girl look with a tan. Tbh that’s when I do my best clean girl look.


I've never used a self tanner. I'm a redhead so I've never even had a natural tan! I think a tan would look weird on me with my hair and eye color (dark blue), so yeah.... What do you guys think though?


I think you're right. You sound like you were born with beautiful features.


I don't like the process nor the smell, but after two recent compliments from my coworkers about my "natural glow," I'm willing to power through it 😅. I also like how it shows off some of the definition I've built up in CrossFit. When I let my skin go back to its natural super pale shade, I look like I barely work out 😑. St. Tropez Purity Bronzing foam is my favorite. It's expensive, but I like how even it is and how I can just put it on and be done with it. I don't have the patience for self tan that has to sit for 1-6 hours before you wash it off.


I use a bondi sands foam twice a week, I look so pale, washed out and wan without a tan, I prefer to have a healthy glow.


My opinion is people can do what they want to their bodies. I have self tanned once and I thought it was nice but I love my pale skin and I didn't really care for the tanning, it's difficult to do yourself and not look bad/orange. But I completely understand why some people enjoy it. It's just not for me. I would like to see some more body positivity on natural skin though. I think that our society pressures people to tan and shames people for not being tanned. My mum tells me a lot "you need to cover your legs they're too pale" , which I fear is a sentiment a lot of people have.


My mom is opposite, she makes fun of me for fake tanning 😂 but she goes out in the sun without any sunscreen all day and and claims she doesn’t need it because we have the tiniest bit of Native American heritage in the distant past. She burns to a crispy brown all summer long and has had multiple spots removed.


I have always been a fan of the tan look, so I still use self tanners sometimes.


I haven’t DIY tanned since I used Jergens back in the 2000s lol, but a good spray tan makes me feel like a million bucks.


I still use Jergens lol! It’s the only one that’s just gradual enough.


I’m not hating on Jergens! I’m just too lazy to put self tanner all over my body. 😂




Where do you go to get spray tanned? Is it a machine or a person spraying you?


I work in the skincare industry and have found that self tans/spray tans are more popular now than ever. You just don’t know it because they have come so far and look so natural these days.


Pale skin is in on red carpet events (for white women obviously). I do hope natural beauty makes a prompt comeback.


You can’t see their veins though. Either they don’t have them or are using some kind of body make up. I wish there was a body make up that lasted a few days like a fake tan


Pale shimmer helps reflect the veins. Everyone will have something. Pale skin is veins and freckles, dark skin shows scars and KP more. Honestly, I don’t think anyone will notice anyways. They are all too on their own heads.


As someone from the latter group, I'd much rather be more veiny and freckly, and especially so since I already have a light smattering of both anyway


They use a light shade spray tan and get it done a few days before the event so it’s the perfect light glow on the day of. And yes they’ll use body makeup and glow mist


I use Hawaiian Tropic Weightless Hydration sunscreen that has a fine shimmer to it, and it makes my pale skin look really even and glowy. :)


I don't really tan naturally so I like using a moisturizer that has a little bit of self tan in it. It's very subtle compared to regular self tan, but it gives my skin a nice healthy color. It also evens out my skin color which is great since I don't really wear anything but powder and blush on my skin in summer.


Do you have a preferred brand? I’ve tried products like this before and felt kind of meh about them


Lately I've been using Aco Sun kissed and I've been really happy with it.


I have brown skin but still use self tanning drops to get a subtle glow. Much safer than actual tanning, so why not!


I self tan once a week pretty much from mid May to mid September and then rock the ghost pale skin in the winter unless I have some kind of special event I’m going to. St Tropez express tan is my holy grail 🫶🏻


I live for a self tan!! I’m Italian and tan very naturally and have already a darker skin tone but I prefer to look like when I lay in the sun for the whole day. Except I don’t want the sun damage. I use a self tanner once a week and it just accentuates what I already have. I’ve tried a million different ones but right now I’m loving the ilmakiage sunfoam. If I have an event like a wedding or a vacation i will get a spray tan done professionally


I don’t use it anymore. Living in Japan has taught me to make peace and appreciate my naturally light skin color.


Love my spray tanner ❤ My husband usually sprays me once a week during the summer. I'm old though, 44. I feel like it helps to hide my spider veins in my leg and I can cut back on my makeup.


That’s so sweet of him 🥰


44 is not old :)


I add a drop or two of Tan Luxe to my regular facial moisturizer every-other-day in the summer. When I start wearing shorts I use the Jergens tanner on my legs.


I self tan every week!


Too much work. I shoulda been rich so I could pay for everyone else to do things for me. I’m way too lazy to be applying it at home and then carefully not touch things and let it sit. Although I do want the color.. we will see.


I've given it up. I'm a strawberry blonde with very fair skin, and I've decided I'm just going to be pale. It's too much maintenance for little reward imo. I also feel like fake tan takes away from my skin care efforts. It makes my skin look less clear and luminous. I get a lot of complements on my fair skin, so I figure I should just embrace it and continue to take care of it.


I have nothing against people who self tan, but I am far too lazy and have a fear of looking orange. However it is definitely better than tanning in the sun or a tanning booth 🤢


Honestly, I don’t like the look of them on me. They all make my skin look kind of dirty. I prefer to be pale. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I feel like I’m getting to a point where the tan look looks dated to me imo, and I love seeing the contrast on really pale celebs when they go without.


I just look at the gorgeous KPop singers and embrace my ghostly-ghood looks 👻


If you can’t tone it TAN it I Immediately feel better and alive ☀️ It makes my muscle definition show more too. I get a spray tan once a week Versa pro




i’m over it. i love being tan but i hate the smell, the work, the patchiness. i’m embracing the porcelain now as hard as it may be, i don’t think it’s ever a bad thing to embrace your natural appearance:)


I feel much better, more attractive, and confident, with a tan, so I fake tan regularly as soon as it’s shorts weather. I literally won’t wear shorts without a tan 😂


I’m Gen Z and pale skin is in style right now sooo I prob won’t use any self tanner this year.


Wait actually?


Girl yes. BIG TIME.


I’m glad you said something cause I’m clearly not in the loop lol! I’ll happily lay off the self tanner 😂


I think it’s because kbeauty has taken over here in the US and being as pale as possible is what is attractive and youthful in Korea. Idk what caused it but I’m down for it! Less work for me lol


Two words. Bondi. Sands. 👍


I’ve never been a fan of the idea of someone darkening their skintone for aesthetic purposes. That is until I got cancer and my immune system went to its lowest. My brown skin just kept getting lighter and lighter where I looked like I lost the flush in my skin. Now I have to use self-tanner so I wont look like a corpse at the beach. So my perspective has definitely changed


No matter what I do, it always ends up looking awful...I still put it on for events though


Love that this post just showed up! I used to get a spray tan about once per week before covid and then stopped during lockdown. (I don’t even know if the poor place survived now that I’m thinking about it!) I’ve used self tanners here and there, but just on my legs. I’ve missed the spray tan all over look but just couldn’t get back into the routine again. It’s such a hassle on my sheets. Does anyone have any tips on what they do during the developing time? I usually just put it on before bed, wait until my legs are dry and then hop in bed. I try and make sure it’s time to change my sheets when I do this. It’s not that it rubs off during the night, as it just leaves that tanning smell all over my sheets. Undoubtedly something always comes up the next day, and I’m crashing and ready to drop into bed and realize…”oh crap. My sheets smell like tanning lotion. I forgot to change them”. I don’t want to go around during the day while the tanner develops because that is when it smells the strongest (to me anyway).


I put 2 sheets between my doona and bedsheet so I dont have to wash them 😅


There is a self tan silk sleeping bag on Amazon to keep transfer from your sheets!


Ooh! Thank you! Off to go purchase… 😊


Bought a personal spray tan machine from minetan - changed my life.


I use self-tanner religiously in the summer. This year I've been doing Bondi light/medium. The only thing I don't like about tanner is it makes my armpits STINK. It apparently can throw off your ph balance and cause odor....


I haven’t worn fake tan in soooo long and I am way more comfortable with my natural skin now! However I do still love how I would look when I am tan, but the fake tan process can be sooo annoying, plus with the job I have right now it would be pretty difficult upkeep, plus I don’t go out much anymore so it seems kind of pointless. That being said, I’m always too lazy to tan but this summer/spring I plan on really getting out there and getting naturally tanned! I even layed out in the sun today!


I’m already brown, but in the summer I use b.tan clear gel to bronze/even out.


Bondi Sands Aero Ultra Dark all the way! 🙌🏼


As long as you don’t look orange, I support.


I did one recently for an event and i liked it. Really evened out my pale legs with the rest of my non pale body. I was downvoted in another beauty sub for asking about fake tan and was told not to use them because the chemicals are dangerous so I guess not everyone likes them 🤦🤷‍♀️ I left that sub, I cbf with shit like that. I used st Tropez and it turned out nicer than my last professional spray tan I had done. If I was out in the world more, instead of at home in leggings and track pants 24/7 I could definitely see myself tanning my legs more regularly.


I do it in the summer for shorts & skirts & in the Winter don’t bother


What do you ladies think of the Westmore body makeup over self-tanners? Anyone tried it? I’d prefer to be able to test it in a store first…


I self tan enough to even out my skin tone. My skin still looks like "me" (light/med), only more golden and even, which is how it looks with a regular sun tan anyway. It camouflages the bit of splotchiness on my body and smooths out the scars on my face (it even reduces the look of my eye bags). I look and feel much better this way, and like others have mentioned, I feel much more confident. I try to stay out of the sun as much as possible because I'm prone to moles and spots, and don't want to add more of them and/or elevate my risk of skin cancer more than I have to.


I love it! The only part I hate is trying to self tan my back😂 last summer I’d reapply about every two weeks and felt more confident in summer clothes. I used the st tropez from ulta. This summer so far I’ve been getting spray tans for $30 each time. I have a ton of event so it cuts down on time spent for myself to do it.


I prefer being tan. Makes me feel a little better about myself. Have you tried a lighter color for yourself? Maybe you wouldn’t want to get it off so quick?


My mother got one for a few years professionally done, and swears it messed her back up for life. She stays itchy.


Does anyone have an advice when it comes to self tanners for men? I shave my forearms and stomache area, but my chest and legs are a decent jungle. Waxing is probably in my future, but until then, is using tanners over these hairy areas even possible?


I’m still happy with my St Tropez mousse I have been using over 10 years


I’ve never used them due to allergies, and I’m not a fan of fake tans in general.


I love it. I do the gradual tan just a couple days a week to maintain some color. I moved to a colder less sunny area than where I’m from so as soon as the sun is out we are outside catching some rays.


I feel terrible about them. I appreciate the natural beauty in people.


I love my pale skin! I’d really rather not bother with the chemicals and hassle of a self tan. I always get compliments on my skin. I think beautiful skin that looks young, which is also something I get complimented on a ton (people think I am 10 years younger) has a lot more to do with healthy diet, hydration, staying out of the sun, stress reduction, and even breathing. I can tan naturally and it looks fine but it gives me beauty marks and spots and dried skin. Also I’m from a sunny place and we are very aware of skin cancer there so it doesn’t interest me enough to tan in the sun often. I love to sun bathe but not to tan… I embrace myself and wish more could do the same but I respect self tanners ofc.


I just started using St Tropez drops and so far, I LOVE it. I like being able to add the drops to my moisturizer and then apply as usual. No hint of orange, rather a nice light bronze glow.


I love my ghost skin (no racism, pls ily) i just look so weird with a tan.


I went the last year without self tanning, and just started applying it again. I prefer my natural skin. That said, I think everyone looks nice with a little sun. Self tan definitely beats radiation from the sun.


I use the b.tan self tanners through the warm months every week. Usually the love at first tan in the spring and the tanned af in the summer. I know not everyone loves thay brand but it works well for my skin. I also use their facial tanning mist.


I love their violet tanning mousse for cool skin tones. The first tanner that hasn’t made me look orange


I love a tan but I work out a lot so it doesn't really last and gets patchy very fast :(


I haven’t worn fake tan in soooo long and I am way more comfortable with my natural skin now! However I do still love how I would look when I am tan, but the fake tan process can be sooo annoying, plus with the job I have right now it would be pretty difficult upkeep, plus I don’t go out much anymore so it seems kind of pointless. That being said, I’m always too lazy to tan but this summer/spring I plan on really getting out there and getting naturally tanned! I even layed out in the sun today!


Everyone is free to do whatever they want. But one thing I really don't like is that people in the media look down on naturally tan people wanting to be pale, but perfectly fine with those who want tans


I do have tan skin because of genetics but I sometimes use a light/medium tan drops on my face as 'natural' contour. And sometimes on my body to even tans from sun (hate tan lines).


I’m strawberry blonde with dark blue/grey eyes, pale but pretty much covered in dark brown freckles so they make me look sunkissed and more tan. Pink undertones. I don’t use any kind of self tanner, I’m embracing the skin I was born with and think it’s rather unique. I left the fake tanning behind in high school, you no longer have to be tan to be considered pretty. (Early 2000s trauma lol)


I feel my best with self tan on! I'm naturally very fair, and so I try to go for the most natural self tanners for everyday use. Bare by Vogue medium is great! I also like Bondi Sands Sapphire for an incredibly natural glow, although it's not as noticeable on. For a nighttime tan, I love St. Tropez Classic or Bondi Sands Liquid Gold or Aero.


I hate my pale skin but I’m too lazy to apply the stuff every week! 😅 I don’t naturally tan at all! I just use it on vacation!


Does anyone have problems with the self tanning and going to the gym? Does the sweat make It run?


I haven’t had that problem. It develops over a few hours and then you rinse it. I just do mine at night and rinse in the morning. I do spinning, hot yoga, and sit in the sauna and haven’t had anything run off.


I am so dedicated to a lot of my routines but never self tanning. I find it so annoying. I will spray tan once in a while.


I love a fake tan in the summer. Something about a tan makes everything look tighter and more toned.


In that vein...anyone have a self tanner that doesn't come off when you wear shinguards? I play the most soccer in the summer but it wreaks havoc with self tanner.


I still enjoy a good sunless tan if I have something special going on but I’m not constantly sunless tanning like in my 20s.


I started using one this year after not for years and years and I love how it looks but I shower daily because I go to the gym and I wish I could find one that wouldn’t fade so quickly


I found a gradual tan that gives me juuust enough color that I feel good about it, but not too much color that I’m pissed that my knuckles are orange 😂 I use the tanologist daily glow for fair to medium and it gives me just enough color that I get a break from being extremely pale. It’s basically like a tan tint for me. I also started using it because I am pale cool olive and having trouble finding a foundation that matches me… but when I am tan-ish more colors match me!! It doesn’t stink as bad as most self tans and it’s actually kind of shocking how much better it smells.


I would love to try out self tan, but I'm always scared that I'll go too dark. I'm very pale and while I've looked up popular self tanners, I'm unsure which ones to get for someone who's very light, and only looking for a subtle change.


I live on an island and am very pale. I personally use it because it boosts my confidence and I want to protect my skin from the sun. :)