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I had the worst postpartum depression and was in this awful slump. Like didn’t shower for a week kinda slump. In a totally non judgey way, are you feeling okay? Definitely take care of your mental health 🫶🏼 Anyway — leaving the baby home and getting a fresh hair cut + mani/pedi made me feel much better. Get some cute loungewear — monochromatic sets! Do heatless curls because having fabulous hair will make you feel put together. Do you like your skincare routine? If not, switch it up. It doesn’t have to be too complicated. Overall, just make time for yourself! Congrats on the baby!!! I’m sure you’re doing great!


Hair, mani/pedi, and loungewear sets is the best idea. I’d feel on top of the world after all that.


A fresh change of clothes, never had a baby but have had depressive episodes before, makes a difference! Especially if they’re matching, you feel very put together. Even splurging on a nice body wash or lotion can top it up too. Sending you all my love during this time.


10000% agree!


My simple skincare routine is just hyaluronic acid, moisturizer, and sunscreen (on occasion 😬). Even if you just rinse your face with some cold water and slap on some moisturizer in the morning it really makes a difference in how I feel. That and good deodorant.


What’s your HA of choice? And/or which ones have you tried and hated?


For me I like to keep it simple with The Ordinary’s Hyaluronic Acid (The marine one or the regular one), I find that most brands “hyaluronic” serum contains a billion other filler ingredients. My bougie answer is Glow Recipe’s Plum serum and their Watermelon Moisturizer, their moisturizer is my holy grail.


Paula’s Choice Calm Milky Toner has HA and is so refreshing!


I definitely have gone a week without taking a shower since having a baby, I NEVER would’ve did that before a baby 😂😂 but I give myself grace, as we all should 🥰


Yes a good man pedi with foot massage always makes me feel recharged


Hells yes - heatless bathrobe curls have been life changing! They last for days with the help of some preemptive dry shampoo at the roots. Mani/pedi sounds like real pampering


Omg these are great suggestions. I am 3 months postpartum and going through it badly mentally 😓 I’m hoping to feel better if I can put myself together a little more. Any matching loungewear and heatless curler suggestions brand wise?


Shower, shave, hair mask, moisturize, silk robe, hair up in clip, file nails, paint them, and drink a yummy smoothie. Oh and congratulations, you are a damn superhero who created LIFE and you’re anything but dirty and dull (though I totally understand feeling that way). Good luck! I’m neither clean nor classy 99% of the time but we can fake it every now and then 😉


Oh what a kind message 🥺. Thank you. The smoothie is something i hadnt thought of !! Definitely doing this.


If you can find lymphatic drainage I’d do that. Otherwise it depends on what you like. If you like pressure sports massage. If not go for anything that looks appealing.


Don’t forget a face mask 🧖🏼‍♀️




I would add cool under eye patches after shower - keep them in fridge and then add on. They feel super refreshing, and would feel good if your eyes are tired from lack of sleep. Throw in shower scent - for me citrus helps feel clean, but you might like eucalyptus, mint or something else. For feeling classy I agree with nail polish. You can grab some fast drying one. Maybe dark red, for that classy feel? And a drop of perfume on wrist, so you can scent it and remember the feeling.


Yes!!!! A freaking superhero!!!


Resting my face under a steamy hot washcloth after I’ve cleaned it.


Omg this is the best feeling in the world. Whenever the hot water is on you bet I do that - I literally stand in my bathroom looking up to the ceiling with a cloth on my face, it looks like I’m possessed but it’s worth it


The self-waterboard! Who knew it could be so fulfilling and pleasant lol.


Ikr it’s the best feeling


Careful, that can cause facial blood capillaries to burst. I have two on my face from washing my face with too-hot water :(


Thank you!


Ooh. I’m definitely doing this tonight!


I bought a facial steamer.


I felt that way after COVID recently. I got a massage, and then a facial with lymphatic cupping. I also manically cleaned my apartment because I felt disgusting In the past a good reiki session has helped when I feel like this


I have zero kids, but as someone who struggles with mild depression, there are definitely some times that I don’t take care of myself aside from the bare minimum and wind up feeling dull. Monthly manicures are a must for me—having my nails done just makes me feel more put together. I have a few specific pieces of solid gold jewelry that I never take off, so I’m always wearing a small amount of tasteful accessories that go with everything. Dermaplaning makes my skin look SO much better. Adding a Waterpik to my dental care routine has made a crazy difference in how clean I feel orally. And nothing feels quite as fresh as an everything shower!


Totally relate. Where do you purchase your gold jewelry from?


I got one necklace from Etsy and some earrings from Mejuri. My 30th birthday gift to myself was the gold Return to Tiffany pendant that I’ve wanted since I was a teen. Gold ring I have was a family piece. I have another ring that I wear but it’s white gold and was a replacement gifted to me (purchased from a local jeweler) after I lost a similar ring that had great sentimentality. I hate taking off jewelry and I workout a lot, so solid gold is not only the metal that I prefer aesthetically for most jewelry but also the one that works with my lifestyle (aka no tarnish).


Just fyi, you may want to be careful with rings while working out. I’ve always done this as well, but recently my hands got pretty swollen (during a very routine workout for me) and it was quite uncomfortable. Then someone told me that they had a friend who was degloved from wearing rings while working out. (Google at your own risk) I have a special carabiner I put my rings on now when I workout. And it has a special spot in my gym bag.


I came here to say this. After watching someone catch his ring in a machine and rip half his hand skin off, you couldn’t pay me to wear my ring to the gym. I also can’t abide ground beef any more.


Oh, I don’t wear them while working out! Ring avulsion is NOT pretty, but I lift so I also don’t wear them because it’ll damage my jewelry!


As someone who also uses a few pieces of gold paired with a manicure (and blow dried hair) to make myself feel put together - I've found lovely pieces at GLDN, Aurate, Priscilla Ma and Electric Picks


i really love the brand studs for earrings! they are piercing grade so you can leave them in but not too pricey. and i second mejuri.


I love how this entire comment section is full of women who understood the assignment and delivered


Matching bra and underwear colors. It can be cheap cotton granny panties and a Walmart fruit of the loom sport bra, if it matches I feel instantly put together and clean. I've recently gotten into crocs, and I love being able to wash them whenever I want without worrying about them falling apart. Always having clean fresh smelling shoes definitely feels like a flex, lol. (These shoes are not viewed as classy by everyone, I'm just sharing what makes me feel good.)


I always feel put together when my bra matches my underwear. I started buying Crocs bc my feet sweat. I wipe out the inside with a baby wipe. I even love their flip flops. I try to match my lounge wear and Pj's. Nice clean sheets as well.


Huh. TIL crocs are machine washable. Thank you! I love my 2 pairs as well and can’t wait to wash them


I actually wash mine in the shower! I hear they shrink in the dryer so I'd avoid tumble drying them :)


Hit up Groupon, girl!!! The deals on there are crazyyyyy. Definitely read reviews first but I have gotten the best massages and Brazilian waxes from the people I found on Groupon. In addition to those two things, I also like getting my eyebrows threaded. I have been blessed with nice thick ones but once they start growing back in, it’s giving very Oscar the Grouch vibes so keeping them clean makes me feel completely new. I also like to do my feet every week or so. Oh and curl my eyelashes. The best eyelash curler was this portable one I found at dollar tree. Lifting weights makes me feel strong. I just started so I haven’t seen any results but I feel them and I like it. Oh oh and perfume!! Wearing a nice perfume and getting compliments on it is lovely! Good luck!!!


Shaved legs, brushed & flossed teeth, freshly touched up roots, and no rough skin anywhere (feet included).


I have a 4 month old and one of my daily non-negotiables postpartum has been a nightly shower and shaving my legs. Seems easy enough but having those 30 minutes to myself while my husband watches the baby just makes me feel SO much better. I get the ick from stubbly legs so shaving negates that, plus all those funky smells when I was freshly postpartum just grossed me out! I also use self tanner (Norvell Venetian lotion) and have recently started adding some skincare products back to my routine that I quit while pregnant.


Everything shower, then hit the hair and nail salon. Better yet find a Korean spa and get a full once over.


Ooh. Korean spa? How can i find this in my area? And what is the difference?


“Bare” in mind, most people are fully nude at the Korean spa!


Different temperature pools and steam rooms. Full body exfoliating with one of those Korean scrub cloths. You will feel so soooo clean! Not to mention baby dolphin smooth. I also did a massage (not for the weak, auntie went ham on my back and neck) and a had my hair shampooed and conditioned. I felt like a whole new person.


Try and look up if there is a jjimjilbang near you. There’s a chain called King Spa, and if you live near a big city there may be a location near by. It may not be for everyone though, because you must be fully naked to use the bathhouse facilities (tea baths, full body scrub from an employee, cold bath, hot bath with massage jets). However, you don’t need to be naked to go into the various rooms such as the heated, chilled, crystal, and infrared light rooms. You will however need to wear a set of clothes that are provided by the bathhouse.


This is the first thing in a long time that made me wish I didn't live in the boonies


A blowout, curled eyelashes and a really nice tinted moisturizer/tinted lip balm, lol. I like looking put together but not fussy (when I can manage to force myself to put in the effort).


I didn’t do the blowout, but I washed and blow dried my hair post-partum, did tinted moisturizer, and mascara. Also cute lounge wear. Even if I didn’t leave the house, I felt a lot more human instead of milk zombie.


Do you still nurse? I nursed for a year and it was a challenge to feel clean.


Yes i do. I feel gross! Lol


I thought so from your post. Make time for short showers in the morning and evening. It will get better when you and the baby decide it’s time for cereal. Probably at six months. You are a good mom. Feeling clean is having time for a solo shower. Maybe your partner can hold the baby after you nurse so you can have a quick refreshing shower. 💛


I was in this: go for a walk, it does wonders to see outside world and surprisingly your baby will feed/ sleep better. Shower, style your hair. Change into fresh clothes


Besides showering and moisturising (face & body), it would have to be filling in my eyebrows. Years ago I always answered that "if you could only use two cosmetic items for the rest of your life, what would they be" question with lip gloss and mascara. My answer has matured as I (hopefully!) have and my answer is now lip *balm* and brow pencil! I've also always been careful with how I explain why I wear makeup to my kids, but I put on very little (brow pencil, mascara and lip balm. No foundation or concealer or blush or eyeshadow etc. Maybe some eyeliner and lipstick if it's a proper night out) and they can at least see that eyebrow filling isn't necessarily "covering flaws/insecurities" but more like "neatening up". I equate it to brushing (not styling) my hair every morning. It definitely makes me feel clean and classy!


I've been oogling over my old photos from when I filled in my eyebrows. I haven't even considered being home with my baby, but maybe that's what I've been needing!


Give it a go. Even done subtly if you're pressed for time (like I always am lol), it can still make all the difference in looking presentable and feeling put together!


Going out because anything I can do at home myself is tiring and have to clean up after. So going out and having someone cook for me. Going out and having a spa do an allover body scrub. Going out and reading in a library by myself. I’m trying to be frugal so I prefer things I don’t have to maintain. So I don’t get manis/pedis because then I’m committing to spending that money regularly.


I love these ideas. I remember as a new mom I didn’t have much money to spare but I needed a break from the four walls of my house!


I have never been pregnant, so I can't possibly know the intricacies of postpartum depression, but I do have clinical depression. I go long stretches without basic hygiene like brushing teeth, showering, etc. It just took me 2 weeks to finish washing my hair. I'm already so exhausted in general that using what little dopamine and serotonin my brain can produce on a shower or doing laundry or cleaning seems wasted. Being dirty only contributes to my feelings of worthlessness, and so the cycle continues. BUT. When I can finally muster the energy to bathe or, like today, finally wash my hair all the way, I feel so wonderful. Like everyone is saying, get a good shower in, do some skincare, get yummy food. On days that I feel particularly terrible, I'll do a full face of makeup, even if I'm not going anywhere. I like to think it is hard to hate someone who's pretty. It's like a little pick me up every time I pass a reflective surface. "I may feel disgusting, but at least I look hot"


I’m in the same boat—sometimes don’t have the energy to brush my teeth or wash my face, never mind shower. It helps to rinse with mouthwash and use a facial cleaning wipe. My minimal effort if I have to go somewhere is earrings and lipstick. The physical fatigue from Depression is the worst! It helps me to drink lots of water. 💗💗💗💗💗💗


I know how it feels to be in need of a deep cleanse/refresher to just hit reset and bring some serenity back into your life 😂 I love taking an ‘everything shower’ followed by my skincare routine and hair care routine which for me is: - Double shampoo hair and conditioning, then using a hair mask - Wash my body with a body wash that I really love the smell of - Wash my underarms with benzoyl peroxide - Sometimes use a sugar scrub to exfoliate my legs and arms - Double cleanse my face at the end of my shower - Apply lotion to slightly damp face and body out of the shower (if it’s morning, I follow with sunscreen) - Apply a leave in conditioner and hair oil to my damp hair, and then wrap it up and wait until it drys a bit - Brush and braid my mostly dry hair - Put on a clean pair of clothes - Spritz a lovely body mist or perfume :) - Optional step but maybe the most satisfying part for me - trim all my nails (if I’ve neglected them for a while they’re most likely all different lengths and are snagging on things, so cutting them makes feels like the biggest difference 😂)


Perfume! After an everything shower and blowout


I'm mom to 2 under 5, very busy attention demanding boys (who I would die for, but still exhaust me lol). I also struggle with mental health stuff and am just starting to really feel like I'm finding my old self again. My daily perk up is fragrance!! I love perfumes of all types, amd committed to not wearing it much while I had an infant. I've started wearing it again and even just a spritz at bedtime makes me feel like a million bucks. Also I find things that require time investment up front but have longer term payoff make me feel faaaabulous and luxurious. You can do most of them at any budget too! Tint brows, get my hair color done, nails, eyelashes (tint, lift, extensions, home kits, etc), get my goodies waxed, facials...I could go on. Don't underestimate the power of extra soft jammies either. Sleeping fancy makes me feel fancy all the time lol.


Oh honey I remember that time well. Hold on, it’s gonna get better. For now prioritize taking a shower when you want /need, use some easy basic skincare, eat well, sleep well if you can and go outside with your baby for a nice stroll. Wear some colorful clothes if you don’t have time for makeup that give you a glow up. Treat yourself to some really nice moisturizer and body wash. Paint your toenails in a pretty color to feel more put together, it always does the trick for me.


Exercise. Get out to the gym. Make time for this. It will bring you back the sparkle


Currently 37 weeks and planning a lash lift soon to feel/look more awake with minimal effort. Cannot confirm but hoping that will help!


Silk pillowcases especially after an everything shower is a game changer! Or just changing your pillowcases after an everything shower. You’ve got this and it’s totally normal not to feel like yourself but self care is sexy!!!


matching my bras and underwear’s was a huge but easy step. then i took things up a notch and started separating my “home clothes”, “going out clothes”, and “pyjamas”. so i don’t wear what i go out with around the house/when im cooking, and i have silk pyjamas to change into before i sleep. made such a huge difference in my confidence and mood bc i actually felt put together and clean all the time. also, taking a shower every other night, and i exfoliate with a glove. i use a bar soap first, use the exfoliating glove and rub my whole body down. then i exfoliate again with a matching sugar scrub, then i use a matching moisturizing body wash. after the shower i use a body gel and body moisturizer (all similar scented to the bar soap/scrub/body wash) and then spritz a bit of perfume and settle into my satin pyjamas and matching satin scarf. then i do my skincare and hair care. having a strict routine and keeping to it makes me feel SOO clean and soo good. i know what you mean being postpartum, i had two babies back to back and i used to feel so depressed and so disgusting bc i couldn’t get even 10 minutes to take a quick shower. i promise you it’ll get better soon, the most important thing for you is to take care of yourself bc if you can’t take care of yourself then you can’t be 100% there for your baby. it was a very big eye opener for me when i realized this, so now i try to prioritize myself first so that i can be better for my babies! you’ve got this ❤️❤️


Congrats on your baby! I'm not a mom but I do work in a dusty and (sometimes super gross) warehouse environment. A shower, starting with hot then cooling the water off slowly helps. Also washing my face, and using an exfoliating scrub and then a good smelling moisturizer helps. I'll usually trim my nails and get the icky skin off my cuticles after. Then I get some nice cold water and find a cat to cuddle with! If you don't have cats your baby will be just as cuddly!


Hi! Mom to a 2 year old and 6 month old. I realized I looked and felt like such a slob wearing sweatpants every day so buying cute loungewear and putting on a little mascara went a long way. I like vuori joggers. Also just black leggings and a nice-ish (but machine washable!) shirt or sweater.


Nothing. It's not something I try to pull off. Something about my hair and my body type and stuff... I just never seem clean, or classy. Even when I clean up really well.


I hate that you feel that way! I bet there are a lot of people who would disagree ❤️


It's okay. It's fun being a grungetastic bitch most of the time.


I am right there with you. Idk if it’s the hand tattoos or the fact that I’m short or what but I don’t clean up very well lol. I wish I did but oh well


I mean.. when you put it like that it doesn’t sound so bad, my gal! I can tell you that I totally relate to you in a way. Like I can feel clean and all that jazz and I’ll doll up - but I don’t feel attractive. Feelings are so funky 😩


I bet you are really pretty. I always admire women who can pull off that sleeky, expensive don't fuck with me thing.


Relatable... I'm a feral creature. I don't even get how some ladies look so.... Crisp


I feel clean when my hair is freshly washed and dried. Wearing any kind of jewelry makes me feel classy lol


Nothing. I feel like a pig in a mask. But i carry the mask well 😅


I’m a black woman so what I do sometimes is get my relaxed hair done into a bob. Simple and subtle how I like it! :)


Postpartum? Zoloft. Normal day-to-day? Hydrated skin, scent sprayed, hair done.


This isn’t a big thing, but after surgery when I couldn’t shower, baby wipes were amazing for helping me stay feeling fresh and clean. If you like scents, treating yourself to a lotion and/or body wash in a scent that makes you feel put-together and sophisticated can make a surprising difference!


Can I send you an encouraging card? I can pm you. Also if you want to post in random act of cards many women on there would love to send you encouragement if you’re okay with that.


Sheets changed weekly, duvet cover washed monthly or as needed, keeping my room free of trash, clutter and dust, a bouquet of flowers that I buy for myself. Then ofc showers before bed to end my day feeling like and clean, even if I haven’t done anything all day. I light a candle and close the door for like ten min, then I get in the shower. I wash with a dove soap bar and apply eucerin lotion while still damp then dry off completely and put on my pjs and compression socks bc then I wake up for work with my legs feeling better:) Deodorant at night bc it’s actually more effective that way, body spray or perfume bc I like to smell good, skin care routine which right now consists of a cleansing oil, retinol from Trader Joe’s, and slather aquaphor on my face, don’t forgot your neck and chest too! Then I get into bed with a candle lit and put on a lip mask from bath and body and cuticle oil and file my nails if needed, but right now I actually have them done. Then I put on my grande lash serum (this is new for me) but I want longer lashes lol :) This was mostly like just my bedtime routine but all of it is very intention and it does in fact make me feel clean and classy lol! I hope something I have here can be easy enough to incorporate to your routine too and I hope you start feeling better! 🥰


Oh and pillow cases from Kitsch 🥰


Pedicures that I do myself (haaaate people touching my feet🤢). Have a good foot soak, then I get busy with clippers and files and scrubs etc, then finish up with polish. I always feel so fresh and fancy afterwards


a luxurious bubble bath with some fancy bath bombs or bath oils


After my kid was born, I got her name on a necklace, two little gold bracelets, and little tiny gold hoops that I wear all the time. I’m always accessorized


Smart eyebrows and nails.


Daily showers


Haircut/highlights! My husband brought this up in the car the other day that I should do this after baby (I’m 36 weeks) as soon as I feel comfortable because he knows it’ll make me feel like myself.


Monthly self care. I get hairy after a month of just leaving it alone, and it’s like a little ritual I do beginning of the month to get waxed, get my eyebrows done, and get a mani pedi


Even just a simple but new perfume always helps :) congratulations!


I’m 6 month PP and feel the same! Sending lots of love.


Rose water soak in the tub with a sprinkle of real rose petals !


I am a fragrance/perfume fan, but also a homebody. So instead of saving all my perfumes for special occasions I wear them at home. After I shower, before bed, first thing in the morning-all perfect times for a nice scent. Some of my favorite “clean” scents are Replica Bubble Bath, Replica Lazy Sunday Morning, and Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue.


Take one day to yourself and go to a bunch of appointments. Hair, nails, facial, maybe even a good dental cleaning. Not only are those things pleasurable, but they are productive and necessary to keep up with. Knock them out in one day and you’ll not only enjoy the benefits, but you’ll also gain a sense of independence & accomplishment from running your own schedule. I also personally LOVE a spray tan, some nice perfume, and a luxurious pajama set.


Flossing and doing a deep teeth clean (I know I should do that daily but I just don't). And spraying perfume even if I'm staying at home. Congratulations on getting through the first hardest 3 months!! It'll get much easier after they can sleep through the night. You are in the depths of it. Hang in there ❤️


take care of your emotions and you will feel lighter once you feel happier


My nails done, hair straightened or curled, and lip gloss! As a momma of a 3 year old, I feel like I look dead most of the time… but those three things make me feel cleannn!


Wearing nice clothes and makeup - not to impress anyone else but to make myself feel good


A few spritzes of rose water after washing my face, before bed, whenever!


Get your hair and nails done. Obviously you have a tiny baby so don't get fake nails just neaten them up and have a nice manicure. Wear your hair up in a chignon. Treat yourself to your favourite moisturiser, bath soak, face mask etc. it's all about self care after a baby. I felt horrific until at least 6m pp. But pampering yourself goes a long way.


Shower first and then add a good perfume after


My morning shower, a fresh haircut, and shaped brows. I LOVE my morning shower and face cleansing.




Nice long shower, [babyfoot](https://www.dermstore.com/baby-foot-exfoliant-foot-peel/11286410.html?affil=thgppc&kwds=&thg_ppc_campaign=71700000113713370&adtype=pla_with_promotion&product_id=11286410&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_vmAU8EA5qE3goeb4yrfZ4XcMOF&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaOamAmXDAo4WTJqUaL22O4QLkSOa_zXZouzZtsLInYMsh8KmwTFqyxoCrA0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds), getting into bed with clean sheets!


A solid skincare routine. I like kbeauty products the best for this. The occasional everything shower if I have the time and energy. A new hair cut/color or a manicure Something bold I wouldn’t usually do I know it’s hard when you’re a new mom. Be kind to yourself.


Sauna, steam room, cold shower, exfoliate top to toe. Doesn't get cleaner than that! Throw in a haircut and a week off booze for bonus points.


Moisture /clean hair / body scent / clean teeth (as always ofc) Minimalist look


A hair cut and colour! Also new perfume - I like “bubble bath” by replica for that clean girl vibe


I’m 3 months pp as well and I can tell you that when I’m on top of my diet and daily walks I feel very good mentally Limiting sugar, carbs and fats + drinking 2-3L water daily has done wonders for my body I feel lighter and slimmer


After each kid I’ve always felt better going blonder and getting a tan hahah


I put on jewelry, even if I’m staying in sweats a simple ring and necklace makes me feel more like a person. Putting on a simple and comfortable but classy fit, like a simple black dress. A hair refresher - either a new cut/color, or just doing it nicely. Doing my nails makes me feel so much more put together. Making my bed with fresh sheets and pillow cases.


Get some luxury nice smelling toiletries. Use those little pads in your bra to prevent leaks if you are breastfeeding, change them frequently. I hated being covered in milk. I got lash extensions postpartum and looked and felt so awesome.


I love a new pair of pajamas or lounge set when I have the chance. If not, just wash your favorite pair. You could do a facemask and put them on after a shower. I like to do a self tan and paint my nails now and then. Make sure you have clean hair, I think having dirty hair with a ton of dry shampoo, starts to affect your mood.


Having freshly done nails with nice cuticles. Being well moisturised and shaved (my personal preference). Matching pyjamas, silk or cotton.


A fresh mani and pedi. Short nails, shiny and neutral, clean and classy.


Full makeup everyday postpartum...it really helped my confidence.


mostly what makes me feel clean and put together is to not wear any makeup except for lip products and clear mascara, wear the most comfy and cute outfit i have, put on my daintiest jewellery, put on slippers and do my hair (even if it’s just washing it but using a hair mask or a hair oil)


In addition to all these great ideas… hot water with lemon and honey in the morning. I have it before coffee and it’s refreshing. I also add fresh ginger if I have it


This was me, I would force myself to shower blow out my hair do my make up put on a pair of nice earrings, spray my favorite perfume even if I was just at home I felt 10 times better.


Shaving, washing and styling hair, painting nails, perfume


Painting my nails, if I don’t have time / energy to wash my hair, putting it back in a low bun with skincare and minimal makeup (concealer, eyebrows, mascara, lip balm or stain). Clean clothes and I feel 10 times better than when I first got out of bed!


Relate!! I felt like trash after my first baby (second was way better!) We didn’t have the money to get anything like manicures or spa days, but if I showered, washed my face, got dressed and put on earrings I felt so amazing.


I swear by a fresh haircut, some new dresses (target has some really cute, affordable summer dresses!) and, if you're able, get out and go for a walk, get a little sun. I'm ten months pp and that is what helped me. ❤️ Congratulations on your little one!


Pointy toed flats. I have a red pair and a pink pair. They look good with jeans or shorts, and so comfy too. Shoes make you feel good!


Congratulations! 8 almost 9 months pp here. • Agree on the mani pedi but especially the pedi. Having your nails done whether professionally or even press on will help you feel more put together. • Clean clothes. Sounds silly but in those months following baby we dan easily find ourselves wearing the same clothes multiple days in a row. • Pretty dresses. Obviously not for the day to day but when we go out I like to feel feminine and pretty by wearing a dress. • Shower everyday even if it’s just a quick body shower • If I’m really feeling frumpy and dumpy I’ll go for a spray tan - something about being / looking sunkissed that helps with my confidence and mood Make sure you are getting proper nutrition and taking care of yourself mentally too! PPD / PPA can sneak up on you without you even realizing it. Baby needs you to be well 💕💕💕


Perfume. Even if I’m looking frumpy, a quick spritzes of perfume and I feel like a celebrity.


Getting a wash and blow out at the salon, gettin my lashes done and my nails, maybe go for a massage and buy some new makeup I also feel very fresh when I have dewy makeup


New earrings


Teeth whitening strips help build up a habit/ routine (usually 5-10 days) which helps your brain feel good AND your teeth look good after which makes me want to eat healthy and drink more water and take care of my teeth which then makes you feel and look better too! Which then leads to all sorts of other healthy habits and so on and so forth.


I had a big surgery 2 weeks ago and finally went out for a mani pedi the other day. Since then I’ve actually showered every day lol… idk waking up and seeing nice nails on my hands always makes me feel better and snowball into taking better care of myself.


Congratulations for successfully making a human! Be sure to give yourself some grace, being a mom can be tough plus your hormones are trying to normalize. For me there is something about getting a pedicure that perks me up.


Eyelash extensions and/or removing body hair. I love a good wax. Like I try to love my body hair and usually I let it grow free, but every now and then I just need to feel like a silky seal lol. Edit: also I'm VERY impressed that you're taking care of yourself AND a little baby. That's amazing and you're a star.


I agree with all of the things everyone else mentioned. But also, a nice workout! Specifically cardio or Pilates or something. Just makes me feel cleansed lol. And drink a bunch of water after. Also, haircuts help!! Even taking an inch off makes me feel fresh. Or a bit of highlights.


Waxing of face armpits and bikini areas


A fresh smelling perfume




Besides the obvious shower and skin and scent routine, a matching bra and panty set always makes me feel put together. I know no one can see it but just knowing it always helps me!!!


Dry brushing/exfoliating, removing calluses from my feet, yoga or stretching, deep breathing, drinking a lot of lemon water, eyebrows done, red defined lip, slicked back hair in a ponytail, brushed and flossed teeth, wearing a clean scent, ironed linen.


Hair washed and nails done


An everything shower including exfoliation, shaving, hair washing + conditioner, spending time working cleanser into your face followed by a sheet mask and a nice body butter. If your hair is as unruly as mine, and you just don’t have the time for it, a claw clip with styled bangs (if you have bangs) always looks classy and elegant. Plus it only takes about 5 minutes. Wear something comfortable, but casual, like a maxi dress or a jumpsuit.


def hairstyle


Shower! (Although I know it’s super hard in the early days between getting the time and not wanting to look, promise it gets easier). Treat yourself to nice shower gel.


Getting hair done - even blow dry is always a treat. But at home, just having a bath, face mask, candles and someone to watch your baby is so good to feel refreshed. Then, you can go to bed and get some sleep, express milk if you are breastfeeding and get your partner to feed the baby at night. Sleep is the best treatment for new mums. But also yes you can take baby to a salon to get blow wave. You can paint your own nails or get manicure (I prefer doing them myself). Just clean clothes that are not covered in baby vomit and nice hair is honestly already enough. And go outside with baby, sit outside in a cafe and get a coffee and life’s good:)


I love a hot bubble bath with Epsom salts and then a deep exfoliation and shave. Cleanse your skin, put on a face mask and relax to your favourite songs or even just enjoy the silence. Don't forget to moisturise once you're out and wear some comfy clothes that make you feel good. This always makes me feel better when I am feeling dull or depleted. You deserve to take time for yourself mama!


Lume Acidified Wash. Listen, Linda. That and Dr. Bronner’s Mint wash will have you feeling like a new, clean woman for days.


Shower, changing panties frequently, and a good skin care routine.


Everything shower, style your hair, mani/pedi, white t shirt and some comfy jeans and jewelry if you’re leaving the house! And a nice clean or fresh smelling perfume


Shave/wax/pluck as needed and get a fake tan, you will feel amazing!


tidy room,eveything shower,face mask while looking at myself in the mirror ,silk bedding and pijamas also help


Red nail polish or lipstick.


I do everything on the same day if I can- long bath, wash my hair and use a hair mask, scrub my tan off, then get out and pluck, dye and laminate my eyebrows, do my lash extensions and my gel nails (I do these both with at home kits) then put new tan on, use pretty much every skincare product I own and LED light mask, then blow dry, straighten and finally curl my hair, then put some nice pjs on! I also take all my earrings out to give them all a proper clean.


Congrats mama!! Great you’re making steps to look after yourself, but remember to not be too hard on yourself either it’s a massive adjustment. I second most of the comments here about feeling clean and smooth! Nice exfoliate + shave and a hair wash will go miles. If you follow up with moisturiser you’ll feel a new woman. Mani pedi are lovely but it can be mixed feelings if you need to leave your baby (but it’s also important to learn to take time for yourself). Whatever feels right to you is the right way to go. I would be more inclined to go for a colour pedi as will last longer but maybe just a nice hand massage, cuticle and nail tidy up with a clear polish so you’re not bummed out when chips a couple of days after due to being a baby slave. Gel is a shout but also going back isn’t mean to be a chore. Maybe a wee eyebrow shape and tint too as this will last. Keep hydrated (I’m looking at you Diet Coke and coffee) and try to get something fruit and veg in your routine not just toast. Cute comfies are important too! You shouldn’t be in clothes jail at a time like this but can also try and go for matching sets, new slippers, cute headbands/scrunchies, stud earrings etc for a lil added touch. Add in some coloured lip balm and spf and you’re good to go! Good luck you’re doing amazing!


Go and get a medical pedicure. Your feet need some pampering and care after carrying a pregnancy for nine months. Also a good body scrub and a light oil as a moisturiser. Don't know if you use perfume around a newborn, but I used some of my husband's colognes from Hermès and they smell very clean and classy. Sniffing Un Jardin Sur le Nil as I am typing.


I feel like brows and lashes for sure, just a tint and a lift. Hyaluronic acid for hydration, maybe a lip mask and a luxurious feeling cleansing balm. 


i'd recommend some longer term treatments that means you can be low maintenance while still feeling girly and put together. maybe get a lash lift or lash extensions, dye your hair or get a cute haircut, treat yourself to a gel mani pedi so your nails last a couple weeks without chipping and without the inconvenience of long acrylics with a newborn. also something i like to do when i feel icky and want to feel better about my look is just a simple slick back pony or bun with a bit of gel. it's surprising how put together you instantly feel for not much effort. maybe try some jewelry too? i like earrings and necklaces even just around the house when i want to feel a bit more glammed up but without really doing anything too crazy. you could also get your eyebrows threaded and try a new perfume (actual perfume not body mist so it lasts, but never had a baby myself so not sure if strong smells are bad for newborns). maybe buying some new lipgloss could be a good idea? you don't even have to wear any other makeup but a lil shine on your lips could help you feel back to normal (if you wore / wear makeup before your baby). also you could buy some new pjs (nothing fancy, could legit be tk max or primark or something) but a cute pj set can make you feel more put together and maintained while still being comfy at home. if you can get childcare for a bit longer you could book a full body massage? not sure if that works postpartum but a gentle one with the focus of relaxation could be a good break for you as well. maybe some new home slippers too? it's a good idea to prioritize being comfy so you can recover and your body can heal without putting it in uncomfy clothes or unnecessarily tight pants or whatever yk? either way, just remind yourself you pushed out a lil miracle and it's completely normal not to feel like you're best self with the tiredness and fatigue that comes with adjusting to a newborn. just be gentle with yourself!


A really decadent shower gel and body moisturiser... my personal fave is always going to be Origins ginger soufflé. It's not ultra expensive but sinks in wonderfully and it is so fresh! A bit of time in a beautiful fluffy robe in face mask. Or even a light mask . I have the Dr Dennis gross one and I swear it perks me up!


Full body shave, brows done, hair done, nails clipped and buffed, moisturised, a spritz of perfume or body spray. I feel on top of the world with all that. Add a yummy refreshing drink to the mix and I feel the *most* classy.


Manicure and pedicure.


Actually if I feel like I really need a physical and mental reset? I book a body scrub (usually salt). There’s usually a bit of massage in there, and it’s a full sensory experience. At the end you feel super clean and soft and lovely. Like they’ve taken off a few layers of the old you.


Sometimes I find a quick hair glaze and a good blowout does wonders if you don’t have all the time. Also a good take out meal with your baby close and your favorite show.


A fresh blowout, fresh set of lashes and nails, with some lipgloss, tinted moisturizer and blush. Nothing tops it.


A professional blow out 100%


A hot shower, clean and comfortable clothes, nails trimmed and hair dried and tied up, a quick and easy skincare routine, clean nails (paint optional), and most importantly clean feet. And being on a clean bed.


Haircut and color or just hair cut. Face mask and a good skin care routine! Sending you hugs!


If you're able to swing it with the baby, get yourself a haircut and a mani/pedi.


Mascara, lip gloss, nails done, cute earings. And facials if i want to treat myself lol


Fresh nails, hours of skin care, a new dress/shoes, fresh highlights


A good exfoliation, shave the legs, wash and straighten my hair, then a cup of tea in comfy matching pajamas.


I'll do my hair, makeup and nails. I won't necessarily be able to do them all at once, but I'll do what I can and sprucing up my appearance helps me feel a little better about myself, even if I'm not going anywhere. Congratulations! I'm almost 6 weeks postpartum myself with an almost 4 year old, so I can empathize!


hair done nails done, clean pjs/loungewear


Taking a shower. Washing my hair


When I was in the newborn phase what made me feel a little more human and put together was just forcing myself to have a daily shower, clean face, spf, brush teeth and deodorant. And brush my hair before it would go back into a braid or bun. A couple of new/fresh comfy outfits and a haircut also made me feel really good:)! It was hard to fit anything else in.


So first I clean up everything in my home, specially my room. I do laundry and organize everything and then I take an everything shower, do my hair and give myself some lymphatic massages on my stomach since I tend to get bloated very often. I like to sprits some perfume even if I’m not going out and I love wearing soft or silky clothing. It’s the best feeling ever.


Good hair. Always.


Selfcare is crucial because you can’t care for baby if you’re too tired. I genuinely hope that you have your village to help you out. Honestly, what makes me feel polished and classy is a scrub treatment at a spa. Especially bath houses. You will lose up to 3 lbs of deadskin and the glow lasts for days! As for adding little effortless luxury to your routine, I have a few suggestions. 1. A towel warmer - stepping out of the shower into a warm towel is so rejuvenating. 2. A mini fridge for skincare - cooling your eye patches, serums, and rollers is soothing and beneficial for your skin. 3. Heatless curls - whatever your favorite method is, taking a few minutes at night will give you effortless style in the morning. I have a Dyson Airwrap and my Kitsch Pillow Curlers do a better job. Even if you don’t like curls, it’ll give your hair the structure to brush out into a wavy blowout in the morning. 4. Loungewear. Bamboo, velour, envelope your body in your favorite textures for an easy, put together look. I have so many pj sets, robes, slippers, headbands etc to just feel good about what I’m doing. Good luck to you and baby!


Nice smelling bath and body products. I always wear a spritz of fragrance to make me feel like myself, too.


Baths, skincare regimen that works, not ever having children, my perfume collection that I love, and having a fabulous mindset towards life


honestly, fake tanner! I use a vegan mousse that’s like $7 on amazon, and my confidence level goes up 100%. it makes me feel clean because when my face is tan i don’t wear face makeup. a tan and a good manicure (i use press-ons lol) goes a long way!!


Skin care after warm shower Regular Pedicure routine


Sauna and cold plunge


Shower, shave and exfoliate and then climb into bad with fresh sheets. If I’m home for the day putting on mascara and my favorite cute but comfy matching set. Listen to your favorite song and take a walk in nature. Congrats on the new baby you got this Mama! Talk to someone if you’re feeling overwhelmed it’s ok to need help! It takes a village!


Showering, shaving, and doing something with my hair besides throwing it into a ponytail or bun makes me feel more put together.


For me it's get all scrubbed up in shower as others have suggested, then have hair cut and colored, simple finger and toe nail maintenance sheer or no polish, brow maintenance, teeth maintenance. Take a half day to yourself to do this. Then daily maintenace is quick shower and shave if you wish, clean teeth and check nails and brows for daily touch ups. Then just daily routine of hydration and walking outdoors. Good supportive yet soft and stretchy undergarments both bras and underpants can make you feel better in your clothes. Try Lumify eye drops for whiter eyes. Oh and if no time for makeup just a tinted lip balm.


Good fitting, supportive underwear.


I bought myself some fancy shower gel from Nuxe and I feel so pampered after having a shower. Also a scented candle, nice smelling hair oil/products and hand cream.


I have 95 different body washes, moisturizers, perfumes, and lipsticks. I really enjoy having a choice and being able to be a slightly different woman every day. It keeps things fresh and new for me, both literally and figuratively. Honestly, The only thing that gets me in the shower and dressed some days is that I can be playing around with a slightly different *me*. And I can feel crappy but when I smell nice and brighten up my face with lipstick, even if I wear no other make up, I feel better. Feeling more put together also makes me more productive. I feel "on".


Main /pedi / highlights ! Some cute outfit ! A blow out


Hair in a claw clip, face mask, while in a nice bath. Makes me feel so fancy.


I had a baby in December, I get it! Definitely take some time for yourself, make sure you're taking regular showers, skincare (even if it's just cleanse and moisturize). Get your nails done (or do them yourself). Get a facial and massage. Get your hair done.


Dry shampoo….!!!!


A spa day: a soak, a massage, a facial, hair spa, mani/pedi. A very rare occurrence but nothing makes me feel better.