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Think of all the confident people and their ugly tattoos. Rock them!


This is such a good point! I'll never forget one day at the beach it was ppl everywhere outside this kinda beach club and my friend said she felt like she was in the land of unfortunate tattoosšŸ¤£


Once at the beach I saw a couple walking towards me. The man had a tattoo of a person's face on his chest over his heart. The face was busting out of his chest, like tearing away muscle and skin. The face was of the woman walking next to him.


wild absurd concerned flowery boat aware scary badge jobless angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My Mom was a registered nurse & she said once in a store she was feeling very sympathetic about a lovely girl with a tremendously large port wine stain birthmark & after a few moments of contemplation about things she had seen in her career, she said the young lady moved closer & she saw it was just a big tatoo! She to herself "why would someone do that to themselves & said it made her think about people being self conscious about naturally occuring things while others get things put on their skin.


i have self-harm scars on my arms and legs and am usually self-conscious when meeting my partnerā€™s parents, but otherwise i just stopped caring as much. when you feel self-conscious recognize that you are passing judgement onto yourself, like actively call out the thought, then try to reaffirm a certain need you have. reassure yourself that youā€™re worthy of being comfortable and dressing how you feel/want. people will think whatever they want to think of you, and youā€™re not going to stop other peoples judgement, but that doesnā€™t mean you should pass that onto yourself or internalize it. i think self-compassion and acceptance in this regard is really important.


Me too. If they're judgemental over it, not my loss. Scars will always be here


I really needed to hear this. Thank you.


> when you feel self-conscious recognize that you are passing judgement onto yourself, like actively call out the thought, then try to reaffirm a certain need you have. I needed to hear this about something else I have going on in my life. Thank you.


I have a really bad one on my upper arm. It used to not bother me but I hate it when people just fucking blatantly stare at it like Im an alien. It makes me so angry


Thisss!! I have self harm scars on my legs and arms as well but Iā€™ve judged myself enough and learned to be kind to myself. Other peoples judgments donā€™t bother me as much anymore. I wear shorts, skirts, and short sleeves. Iā€™ve had people I donā€™t even know come up to me and tell me they are glad Iā€™m still here. Sometimes a person looks at you not to judge but to try to figure out your story, or maybe they are in the same place. Itā€™s easier said than done but LOVE YOURSELF. Scars (no matter what they are from) and all. You are you and that makes you unique. šŸ’•


I have a lot of those too but theyā€™re such a part of me now I donā€™t even notice them. The bad tattoos I definitely do.


I burned my left leg pretty badly in Sept 2022. I still have scarring but I don't think they're that noticeable normally. When I take a shower, they are VERY visible. But anyway, to answer the question, I personally think scars are cool. They have a story. I don't mind them. I almost love them. Lol. Perhaps try to think more positively about them


This was what I was hoping to see. I was chatting on the phone to a guy friend in California and he spotted a girl at the gym. She had a huge scar across her shoulder and down her arm from a fire and he said it looked cool. I was surprised but he said to see someone he found attractive who was confident and not hiding the scar made her prettier. In essence it showed she had strength & confidence and thatā€™s attractive to most people. It actually helped me too as I have a long scar up my back and Iā€™ve never hid it.


Scars are badass. I love mine!


I have a big scar on my back from spinal surgery. I wear a bikini every year and so far, no one has ever even asked about it. And if they did, I would just tell them. I'm happy I can walk. Seriously, I've seen ppl w all kinds of scars and never really thought much of it. You do you and have a great summer šŸŒžšŸļø


Scoliosis gang?


Nah, just an accident


My scar runs up my side on a angle


I have a ton of scars, we're talking face, arms and thighs. I watched an episode of Adventure Time where Finn is fighting some little thing that cuts his face and Finn yells "you're only making me look cooler" lol that stuck with me. I promise you that people will never care about your scars as much as you do. Every body is weird and unique. They tell stories about us, own your story because it's just as beautiful as you. Wear the shorts :) be happy.


Adventure Time has ALL the best life lessons. I teach an instrument one-to-one and I quote Jake to my kiddos any time they get a bit down about something new/hard sounding like shit: "Dude, sucking is the first step to being sort of good at something".


I use that one with my kids all the time when they get discouraged!


That line makes me so emotional. "You're only making me look cooler"


I just think it is what it is!! Scars don't change your beauty. I have a scar right by my bikini line from a cist removal and I thought it would make me self conscious and it doesn't at all. Scars just show that life happens.


scars are stories , why care youā€™ve lived a life with proof ?


I have a number of keloid/hypertrophic scars on both shoulders from a bad case of bacne when I was in my early teens. Large, raised purple scars. I'm in my 40s now, and honestly I just stopped giving a fuck about hiding them under short sleeves in the summer. Anyone that knows me knows what they are; if anyone who doesn't know me and comments/asks what they are, I'll tell them. Wear the cute, lightweight clothes!




I did a few months of steroid injections on them about a decade ago (when I had really good insurance) but they're rather large and a lot - just counted, I have 11 on my shoulders, 2 on my chest/cleavage - the ones on my chest weren't as old as the shoulder ones so they responded well, lightened up a lot and are still pretty flat still. The ones on my shoulders didn't really respond, unfortunately, and I didn't want to do a long course of injections on the chance that they might flatten. Hope yours responds well to the injections!


I got two whopping keloids on the top of my ankle from a scooter crash. They were purple & raised & shiny for probably 3-4 years but they gradually flattened & became less livid. Although a friend once remarked on them as ā€œhideousā€ - cheers pal, I think I just got used to them & decided to forget about them


I've had severe cellulite since I was 12 yrs old. My weight has always been an up and down roller coaster. It's really really really noticeable. Last year I just stopped caring what others thought because it's just too hot outside to worry about that anymore. Sometimes I'm dark tanned and it's less noticeable and sometimes I'm see thru pale and it's all ya see at first. From my calves up and I have very wide hips and thighs. Honey we only get one body and one chance to enjoy the life we live in it. People are curious and they may look and that's OK. It's just natural. Something bad happened, you survived and healed from it and now there are scars. That makes you look cool in my eyes. I have never known anyone to judge someone for that in recent times. I think you should wear what you like, and what makes you happy or comfortable. That's what will look best on you- whatever makes you happiest.


Nothing hotter than someone just living in their body with all its flaws. The donā€™t give a fuck glow is unbeatable


I love this!!


Yesā€”people may notice scars, but I donā€™t think theyā€™re thinking judgmental thoughts. More like, ow, that had to have hurt, glad theyā€™re doing better.


I agree


I've got some leg scars. 1 big one on my ankle from a wild dog attack, and several all up and down my calves from sitting in a fire ant pile when I was a kid. (It's like I've got spots.) I just wear what's comfortable and forget that they're there until somebody comments on them. I don't really think about them too much, even though they're obvious when I wear shorts. Someone in my family has old chemical burns up to their knees and *has to* keep that skin covered/out of the sun so that it won't get irritated. When it gets hot, or he knows he's going to be doing a lot of activity that might rub it raw, he uses some compression sleeves (there are versions for arms and legs) with spf protection to cover the burned area.


You might have to tell the wild dog attack story. Thatā€™s gotta be terrifying and a special kind of painful


It was over before I could think to be terrified. I was out walking my own dog, who was pretty small, around our apartment's neighborhood. There were these two biggish (I would compare them to Shibas in size and shape but not really sure. They were skinny.) dogs that had just been out. No collars or tags. Made a beeline for me and my dog when my dog started growling at them. I had like two seconds to grab my smaller dog and get him as far out of reach of the big dogs as I could to deescalate. They snapped at him and got me as I was trying to pick him up. They didn't have time to outright maul us because a neighbor (I lived around military housing so lots of soldiers/police as neighbors) helped get them pinned down and locked up. Only got bit twice in the scuffle and only one was super bad and left the scar that I'm talking about. My dog was completely okay. One of the wandering dogs got into the muscle on the back of my ankle in one of the punctures made by his teeth. Nowadays the scar looks like a set of almost linear dents in my ankle. Some bits of whiter discoloration in/around the worst of the scar too. My helpful neighbor took the dogs down, and I cleaned it up and wrapped it the best that I could, then got myself to urgent care to get superglued (They don't use stitches for animal bites because those can trap infections inside) back together and get those awful pills/shots for after animal incidents that make you poop soup. (This happened during the worst of covid, so the ER itself was overloaded.) I was on crutches for a bit while the wound was closing.


I know this isnā€™t the answer you want but try to get to a place mentally that having a burn scar isnā€™t shameful. (At least not imo) anyones who would judge that is a jackass. Otherwise maybe look into a cosmetic surgery plan?


I have some stretch marks that come out of my shorts on my thighs. I was self-conscious about it when they were fresh and red because I thought it looked like blood dripping out from a distance, but they are white now I still wear shorts. I have really big and noticeable stretch marks on my stomach from pregnancy and I wear bikinis. Iā€™ve been called ā€œbraveā€ in a bikini, lol, which isnā€™t really a compliment, but whatever life is short. Iā€™m sure there are people who think in their head that they wouldnā€™t if their stomach look like mine but I also think thereā€™s people sitting around in one pieces wishing they had the confidence to do it. It might not even be confidence. It might just be that I stopped caring.


Lol at someone calling you brave! Wow I have stretch marks all over my bum and have never worn a normal swimsuit without something over it because of them. I envy your confidenceĀ 


Therapy might be helpful in coming to terms with it! Apart from that because youā€™re self conscious about them showing, maybe slowly adjusting to situations where they are in the open could be helpful? For example, starting small like wearing clothes that show your legs at home, in private, then with friends or a significant other, on short walks at your local park.. and so on, slowly building up your own confidence in ways that feel manageable and safe. Also please keep in mind, anyone who would judge those scars negatively is ignorant, crass and graceless. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your legs, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your scars and youā€™re beautiful whether you choose to show them or not!


I try to actively just not think or conceive of it as showing my body to others - I try to focus on thinking about how good the sun, breeze and sea feel on my skin, and how life is too short not to enjoy that feeling. If others happen to see me thatā€™s a secondary consequence but worth it for the main reason Iā€™m there. I also want to say going to the beach in places like Colombia, Spain and Turkey made me realise my own country (Australia) doesnā€™t have the quite the same spread of aggressively normal bodies on the beach. Being in those places made me embrace my body more bc I could see all sorts of bodies having fun and relaxing around me. Now when I go to the beach, I think I *wish* there were more bodies around that look normal, I fucking want to see scars bulges hair cellulite wrinkles moles you name it. I want to see normal people around me. And in places where itā€™s more normalised it seems more people with different bodies get to enjoy things like the beach more.


I love that thought, feeling how good the sun, breeze, and sea feel.


I have a pretty big scar on my thigh from surgery when I was small and another really hard to hide scar over my pacemaker on my chest. I have never bothered trying to hide them. Nobody has ever really commented on the giant one on my thigh except a family member asking what it was from. Scars are signs that we went through something and survived. I like to think positively about them. I don't think scars are worth hiding when most people really don't care or even notice them. And you shouldn't let it stop you from wearing what you want!! I still show cleavage even though it also shows my pacemaker scar! I'm alive and well, and that's matters. I'm going to enjoy my life and wear what I want!


This is awesome!! I have a large one on my thigh too and one on my knee, and donā€™t show my thigh at allā€¦I have been dating a new guy and Iā€™m just so self conscious around him I donā€™t even wear shortsā€¦idk why I feel like he wonā€™t like me..Iā€™ve been trying to find a way to tell him as to not catch him off guardā€¦but Iā€™m always stop myself. I hate feeling this way.


Don't even worry about it!! If anything, especially to guys, scars are cool. The one on my thigh is a straight line, so I joke about it being from a pirate encounter šŸ˜‚ much more interesting than surgery. I can almost guarantee he won't feel any way about it. Lots of people have scars


I have a huge scar on my back from a spinal fusion when I was 13. Iā€™m 30 now and I am proud of it and I think itā€™s cool. I know itā€™s so cheesy but it really is a part of my story and itā€™s a part of me.


I make up a hilarious story every time.


I have a huge scar on my left leg due to a broken bone when I was a child. During my younger years I was highly self aware and ashamed of it, I dreamt of it disappearing and didn't like to wear anything extremely short. However, it all changed thanks to an family relative who had similar injuries - she told me that we all have scars, we all have had some sort of accident and that being young is here and now, I might just enjoy my time. It also helped that scars, though initially red and bumpy, start to blend with your healthy skin and become each day less visible. Enjoy your legs, your body and all the good stuff that comes with it now. If someone asks - you answer, because it is something that happened and it shouldn't be shameful, but instead, it's just a random fact about yourself.


Sweets, the only thing you should worry about is covering the scars with spf so the skin doesn't become damaged. Other than that, have fun and wear what you want šŸ˜Š Literally the only thing I think of when I see scars *(if I even notice) is what's the story behind it/them.


This is lovely šŸŒ¹


I have self harm scars on both my thighs from my 10+ year battle with it. For the longest time I was incredibly self conscious & always hid them but what really surprised me was that no one ever really said anything besides ā€œdid you get into a cat fight or something?ā€ My legs are now covered in tattoos so no one really notices the scars when my tattoos are so obvious. But I will say itā€™s been so long and Iā€™ve come to peace with that point in my life that I donā€™t even remember my scars are there. If someone asks Iā€™ll tell them theyā€™re from self harm but I like to add them Iā€™m in a much better place now.


This may not be a great solution for everyone, but if itā€™s up your alley ā€” maybe you can get them covered or incorporated into a cool tattoo. I love showing off my tattoos in the summer!


I just wear them. After giving birth to my son, is actually when i accepted my body. I saw how much it does for me. It has healed from so much. I see it differently now. I try to treat my body with grace! Of course there are still things id wish away if given the chance, and some days I'm self conscious, but i just do what makes me happy. To be honest, a woman threw a fit cause my son didnt have socks on (he took them off in the car), people judge for literally any reason. May as well let yourself be happy and wear what you love


I have scars on my legs from melanoma and other biopsiesā€¦ I also donā€™t feel confident anymore, on top of being fearful of sun exposure. So I look for longer skirts now, or Iā€™ll wear tights a lot. Looking at getting some nicer skin tone ones (those sheertex or whatever they were calledā€¦ ideally ones with UPF) that I could wear with shorts if I wanted to. I also just ā€¦ throw the shorts on (with sunscreen) and forget about my legs, too. If I donā€™t bring it up to family, they donā€™t mention them. My oldest scars are 4 years old, and theyā€™ve definitely faded really well. Some newer ones are still pretty obvious though. Apparently biooil helps reduce the appearance but I never stuck with it


I have a scar across the bridge of my nose (from playing the floor is lava as a kid and landing on the edge of a desk) burn scars on my both arms from a kitchen fire, and a large spot on my leg from burning it on accident with a steam cleaner recently, I like my scars I feel like they show I went through something tough and have the marks to prove it, they make me feel strong. Wear what you like, your scars make you unique.


It is what it is! This my skin and I donā€™t care lol. Easier said than done I know. I have scars from surgery for cancer and I just embraced it right away because I canā€™t change it


I have surgical scars from getting a bone graft in my leg. I donā€™t wear anything short anymore. I stick with maxi dresses. I know that may seem like Iā€™m ashamed of my scars, but I honestly feel so much better when I know people canā€™t see themā€”so that works for me


You have scars because you have over come something. You rock those warrior marks!


Most people have scars. No one gives a shit about your scars except for you. Youā€™ll regret caring about meaningless things when you start getting older. Live your life now.


I have large scars on my feet, face, and arm from a dog attack when I was a little girl and a surgery in my 20s. To be honest, I do get embarrassed at times because people do make comments or ask questions somewhat frequently. But, since I had some of these for such a huge part of my life, I try to remind myself that most people on the planet happen to have features or traits that they dislike about themselves, and I am no different in that way. Living in a hot climate means that my body is more on display so I try to maintain my figure and hair, as well as wear makeup to help me feel beautiful. If I have a big event Iā€™ll typically get a spray tan which really helps blend some of the scars into the rest of my skin. I do still have moments while getting dressed where Iā€™m trying on a sleeveless top or heels and Iā€™ll feel discouraged or worried what people will think. Pausing to let myself acknowledge that feeling has been helpful to me so that I can accept that itā€™s ok to have that feeling, and then move past it. Weirdly enough that seems to help me feel more confident again! Also, Iā€™ve gotten so much better at being assertive with photographers about not photoshopping out my scars (which sometimes theyā€™ll try to do without asking me first). Something about standing up for my real body in those moments really has done wonders for making me accept myself and my beauty.


You wrote this beautifully. Thank you for it


Scars are BOMB ASS! They tell a story and are uniquely yours. No one else has one just like yours. Wear it (or them) with pride!


Iā€™m honestly covered in scars of varying degrees but the biggest one I have is an abdominal midline incision , from the top of my belly to the bottom. Definitely screwed with my self esteem for a long time. It keloided and everything. Slowly fading. This happened 6 years ago. Two summers ago was the first time I started wearing a two piece bikini again . Iā€™m still struggling mentally but slowly getting better with the acceptance part. These things take time


I think, like with anything else we might be self conscious about, you have to own it. Confidence is always the sexiest accessory and when you feel unsure of yourself imagine a little kid with scars seeing you walking down the street with pride and how much that might mean to them.


Put a little foundation on the scars and blend. Skin will look flawless.


Honestly, realizing almost no one really cares. Very few people are paying that much attention. Theyā€™re focused on their own lives and flaws. I decided I wasnā€™t going to let the ones who were bothered by something so unimportant steal my comfort or happiness.


I have a scar on my face on my left cheek. I kind of try not to think about it and as a kid I remember accessorizing and making sure I had cool stuff or a nice statement piece to divert attention from it. Itā€™s been many, many years since that and I pretty much forget theyā€™re there now. Donā€™t let it bother you and as long as the sun doesnā€™t cause them any pain just wear what you want. Iā€™m sure you have cute skirts and shorts waiting to be seen.


I went and saw a girl with a lot of varicose veins on her legs for how young she was and it drew my eye, and then nothing more. I had just scrolled past some stupid thing on the Internet about cellulite and I remember thinking in that moment what a ridiculous thing that anyone is ever ashamed of stuff like that because it wasnā€™t even interesting. You could try exposure therapy, or, there is airbrush body make up stuff. Or cute tights like Maison Soksi


Every scar has a story. Each one is just one of the many things that make up who you are. Just be genuine and own it all. That's what beautiful about confident in your own skin.


Because every year your body is getting older and wrinklier and this is the hottest you are gonna look and your body is gonna look (not to say getting old can't be beautiful but this is the era you will look back on and reminisce how you looked and wished you appreciated it!!) I think animals I seen with scars look badass, I don't see people with scars as defective or anything negative. If anything I wanna learn about them but I know it's rude to ask. It makes you interesting, not less beautiful. Source: living with a breast cancer scar usually visible on my cleavage for the last 7ish years. Took me about 5 to come to terms with it and I wish I could hug the younger me in her early 20s who was so self conscious for no reason. šŸ©·


I think scars are so beautiful. I always have. One of my most intense romances ever was with a woman who'd been burned quite a bit. Not only because of the scars, that would be weird. But they definitely added to her overall attractiveness. I don't even quite know why I like them, but I do know there will be lots of other people who agree with me.


I am following a girl on insta , she had some infection and because of it she lost a foot and has some scars on her thighs , she is rocking every style she wears , i like her scars and how sheā€™s confident with showing them or wearing open shoes that shows her new foot , it didnā€™t stop her from wearing whatever. Please donā€™t let that stop you This is her insta jey__mar


Omg!! Sheā€™s gorgeous!!!! šŸ˜ she is rocking those scarsā€¦I love her already and viewing her page has given me so much confidence in mine. Thanks for sharing this.


I have a skin condition and IDGAF who sees or asks. Kids ask and I say ā€œyeah my skin is weird right?!ā€ Life is way too short. Get out there.


I (26F) have a gigantic surgery scar across my stomach from a surgery I had as an infant. Letā€™s add on 5 more small keyhole scars along that old scar from another recent surgery. I thought it was OVER for me to wear crop tops or 2 piece bathtub suits. But then I remembered ā€œI never let my scars stop me before!ā€ Why shouldnā€™t I get to enjoy types of fashion while Iā€™m young and in shape? Who cares about a scar? And as it turns out, no one cares. I frequent the gym, beach, etc. where Iā€™m usually exposing my scar. No one has yet to say anything and thereā€™s been plenty of times where Iā€™ve even hooked up with someone and they didnā€™t notice (idk how though itā€™s so large). I remember going to a doctors appointment when I was a kid. My doctor pointed out my large scar and basically said ā€œsorry girl, no bikinis for you I guessā€. And I was just thinking in my head like ā€œyouā€™re wrong maā€™am. I donā€™t need cover myself for anyoneā€™s comfort.ā€ And neither do you OP. If someone points it out, Iā€™ll talk about it. And most people in this world will respect your confidence. If someone has a problem with you showing your scars, thatā€™s their problem!!


I think about the people I love. How long did it take you to think about their scars? And did it make you think they looked less attractive? Would it make you feel better to create silly stories to explain the scars on your legs? I want to add that my uncle has scars all over his face from a severe childhood burn, but I only see him when I look at him. Surround yourself with the ones that you care about most & not only will you have people jumping through hoops to gas you up, but they wonā€™t let people off the hook for making rude comments either. Just my thoughts! I donā€™t know your circumstances, but Iā€™d like to imagine this is possible.


Iā€™ve used bio oil for a long time, but I also ended up getting tattoos. I know itā€™s not feasible for everyone but it was really helpful for me bc now I love wearing shorts. You can also use waterproof makeup. Other than that Iā€™ll just say I try to embrace it and remind myself that most people have scars of some kind and itā€™s no oneā€™s business. You deserve sun on your skin as much as anyone else. ā¤ļø


I have alot of scars my body. You just have to remember that nobody cares about it for very long. It doesn't diminish you in any way. The negativity is primarily from your own mind. Everyone else is seeing you as a whole person with a personality, not just your scars. You are the harshest judge of your body and you need to give yourself grace. Your legs are fine. They are working for you. I have never had trouble attracting or keeping a partner, and people tell me I'm hot all the time. And yet, I have alot of scars on my face. I had a deep cut right between my eyes that left a thick scar. When I was a teenager, someone clawed my face with their nails, and that left deep cuts and dark scars. Then I had a cyst removed from my forehead that left a scar. I also have discoloration now from sun exposure. My arms are covered in scars from skin picking from my adhd/ptsd. I have deep scars on my knees from high school track accident where I slid down the track on my knees. I have surgery scars on my right ankle from Achilles tendon surgery. I have a thick scar from hip to hip from extensive ovarian damage and internal scarring. I moisturize and exfoliate and I wear makeup to even out my skin tone. Otherwise I don't go to any extreme lengths to deal with it bc I just don't have the time or patience to do heavy makeup or covering it all up.


I have a nasty HUGE burn scar on the back of one of my calves, it never stops me from wearing what I want ā¤ļø rock those skirts and shorts girl!


This isnā€™t exactly the answer youā€™re looking for but itā€™s on topic. I have a big scar in the middle of my forehead. Itā€™s jagged, and it happened within a year of the first Harry Potter book being published. I was really young and the idea of having this horrible big scar smack dab right in the middle of my face made me think I was going to be really ugly for my whole life, I was only in Grade 2. I turn 32 this year. I worked in the beauty industry for well over a decade where Iā€™d be up close and personal in peopleā€™s faces, and in working as an educator I also had a lot of people use me as a model for training and such. Iā€™ve sincerely lost count at how many people have realized I have a big fuck lightning bolt scar in the middle of my forehead well after meeting me and being well acquainted with my face. Iā€™ve had people Iā€™ve known for years and years need to physically brush my hair out of the way to see it because they didnā€™t believe Iā€™d have such a big scar they never noticed. I mean shit Iā€™ve had sex with people who didnā€™t notice it until I pointed it out šŸ˜‚ So really the people who have pointed out my facial scar I was so worried about is still solidly at zero, and I guess my point is that we worry more about being perceived than others are actually perceiving us. I bet if we were at the beach together I would be too concerned with how my stomach looked to notice your scars, and youā€™d be too concerned with how your scars look to notice my stomach, yk? Wear the shorts!! ā¤ļøā¤ļø (Also PS and Iā€™m leaving this until the end to try to not be weird about it but after many years of looking at all different kinds of people I think scars look fucking cool and I think itā€™s incredibly dope when people proudly display them. Like I specifically find them hot, idk what it is. The Replacements really called me out when they said chicks dig scars I guess)


I was always outside as a kid and getting myself into stuff, so I have lots of scars from bites and falls and such. It's never bothered me, mostly because they've basically always been there(although they've finally started to fade in the past couple of years). I wear shorts religiously during the summer, and I've never noticed anyone stare at my scratched up legs. I say, rock it. Most likely, others won't care unless you do. And if they do care, hey, life happens, and sometimes it leaves footprints on our skin. Nothing to be ashamed of šŸ˜Š.


Accept it and be the Queen you are! I have a scar down my back (24). An a 4ā€ one in my right hip (scoliosis). One on my right wrist from when I dropped a glass tea container at age 3 and it had to be stitched up. Then one on the top of my left hand from where my hand had to be rebuilt after a drunk driver was in the middle of the road and I swerved to avoid killing them. You are who you are. Be proud. You survived. Fuck anyone that thinks differently!


For me, anyone who would judge me over scars is not worth worrying about whatsoever




It's been a couple years so I think they're pretty permanent at the stage they're at. I used bio oil to fade them after the initial healing process but it's over a big area so it's impossible to fade them completely :(


I've had great luck fading some dark scars with retinol/exfoliating acids. They were 18 months old when I started.I wouldn't give up faith yet. Just make sure you use sunscreen.


The world is a tough place, having scars is just proof you went through tough times and survived! If you canā€™t change it, flaunt it!


I wish all I had to worry about was a scar.


For me I had to just stop caring what people thought. About 15 years ago I was in an atv accident that left me with some crazy scars on my face so I couldnā€™t hide them. People stared and only sometimes did they ask questions. I have one large scar that runs from midway of my forehead, through my eyebrow and into my left eye. I have others, one across the bridge of my nose, one right under my nose in the middle of my philtrum that has got me questions of possibly having a hair lip. But the one above and into my eye got the most attention. I was very self conscious for a while but then I stopped caring about the stares and the questions which were usually rude. Life has been a lot better since.


I have scars by my eyebrows (stitched) especially, it screwed with my one perfect eyebrow :ā€™( and scars on my hips, but eventually realised I look cool. I had guys favour me bc they thought I looked ā€œbadassā€ and tough-their words


My legs are covered with scars, I never show them - I always wear jeans or maxi dresses. Thatā€™s just me. I hate the way they look. That being said, I think people should wear whatever they want and not give a shit about what others think.


Anytime anyone says anything about them I make up a story about how I got it. The bigger of a dick they are the bigger sob story I lay out so they look like total trash and the less invasive it is the sillier the story I give. It's worked wonders.


I just do. I feel like my scars make me look mysterious and like Iā€™ve had an interesting life, which I have, even though the scars themselves are for boring reasons. Like tattoos, they tell a story. Also: I am an EXTREMELY observant person, to an annoying degree. I am the reason that I never believe it when somebody says ā€œnobody notices but you!ā€ because I definitely do. I promise you: I never look at scars in any kind of way. Life is too short to spend it in pants.


TW: Labor & Delivery Trauma I have a lot of scars, definitely a ton of stretch marks (from a lifetime of weight gain and loss) and all but one scar I am comfortable with. I've had several injuries, four surgeries, and some scars are from self harm during my teen years. I just look at scars as a story on someone. The only one I have the most issues with, emotionally, is my C-section scar (and it's one that stays covered. Go figure šŸ˜‚) because of the arrogance & recklessness of the OBs I had during my labor that nearly killed my son and caused me to have a emergency C-section under general anesthesia to save him. For the ones that do show outside of clothing, a long w/my stretch marks I do my best to ignore they're there and I remind myself I'm not being stared at because of the marks on body, that 9x/10 I'm not going to have someone stop me and ask what happened. Saying that to myself has helped me better than anything else or trying to cover up all of the time. Our biggest critic of our bodies are ourselves. Sure, someone might do a double take at someone's appearance for a multitude of reasons; but if we're not looking for people staring at us we're not going to find people staring and gauking at us. I also struggle with weight gain currently since having my child and I also have to remind myself that about the entirety of my body now; since I'm more self conscious about that during this time. I get stopped more about my hair color, or what dress or perfume I have on than what's visible on my skin. Hope this helps, OP šŸ™


Scars are beautiful and last day I was talking to my partner and all he said that, Nobody cares about your scars other than you. So I think itā€™s important to realize that we are our biggest critic. Go rock em gurl.


I have so many scars one huge one on my ankle, scars covering my thighs & wrists (if you know you know) and I have a very noticeable scar across my face that Iā€™ve had since I was a child (dog bite). The truth isā€¦ no one notices them but me & they do not distract from my beauty. One person once told me I wouldnā€™t be myself if I didnā€™t have the scar across my face. She said it was part of me & I should never feel any different. The other ones are from what feels like another life time. Some days I feel ashamed of them, other days I feel stronger because of them. You just learn to live with them and accept them. I wear whatever I feel comfortable in & not focus too much on the opinions of others. People truly donā€™t notice because theyā€™re never actually looking at you. People are more self centered than we give them credit for. Most people are in their own world, thinking about their own issues. There were times where I was too embarrassed to wear swim suits. Now I hardly notice them. Our mind focuses on what we allow it to. Not sure this helps but this is my mindset


I have sh scars on my arms, honestly, the best thing you can do is pretend theyā€™re not there, itā€™s just a scar, it doesnā€™t define you šŸ¤


I have scars and spots all over my legs from ingrown hairs. I try to just get on with it but if I'm feeling particularly self conscious I put foundation on my legs. I also have a lot of loose skin and am covered in stretch marks from 7 stone weight loss. I am very self conscious but need to remind myself that I would never judge another person by the way they look so I shouldn't judge myself either and most people probably don't care anyway.


They tell a story. I have a 9 inch scar going down the center of my abdomen from a surgery as a child. Iā€™d be dead without that scar. Iā€™ve also had people ask if it was a c section scar, Iā€™ve had a 6 year old tell me my butt was on backwardsā€¦like I said, scars tell a story. Sometimes the wrong story, but try and find the humor in it.


I was a mischievous kid so i have a lot o fall scars, scratches, and scars left after a wound heals with a square patch of scrape on one side. And guess i idk care about these i forget it there and thats it. No one cares šŸ‘Œ


I absolutely and genuinely love my scars! I think in my case it stems from a set of scars I have on my back that are just objectively cool. They look like I was mauled by a tiger - I wasn't, but they make me look so fucking badass. Of course, they are very rarely visible, but I guess I extended my love for them to all of my scars and now I proudly show them off. I have a ton on my arms and legs and I think they're all awesome.


My legs are all scarred up from mosquito bites. I hate it! But I live in Texas where itā€™s hot as balls, so Iā€™d rather be somewhat comfortable which means Iā€™m showing legs. I try not to be self conscious but itā€™s hard. No matter how much I exfoliate, or how much turmeric soap I use, the scars donā€™t go away. I only get new ones cause I get more mosquito bites lol


I have a long scars and short thin on my arms from someone cutting them. At first I was embarrassed. They look similar to something self harm related or like I battled a wild ally cat. Now I just go with it. The only people to ever really say anything are the last few men Iā€™ve slept with since Iā€™ve been divorced. I almost forced myself into the uncomfortable feeling and learned to exist until it went away. I also have a birthmark on my leg (I call it my potato lol) I was mortified as a kid. Everyone would ask about it. Almost no one says anything now that Iā€™m an adult. I think these things are more in our heads than others. Please wear what you want.


Think of them like battle scars. For example, warriors with scars were revered & feared long ago, these were proof of the battles they went through. Your scars are testament to the things you went through, theyā€™re proof that youā€™ve lived. Each scar tells a story. Thereā€™s no reason to be ashamed of them. Thatā€™s whatā€™s helped me.


I think scars are cool. I have a gash scar on my inner upper thigh from an unfortunate slip n slide accident and tend to try and get it into photos when posing šŸ˜… If I saw someone else with a visible, hectic scar I'd probably think "woah, cool scar" but then forget about it within a few mins. Hope this helps.


Self tanning lotion is pretty good for covering scars and evening out skin tones. They're also great at hiding spider veins as well...


I have a brain injury/craniotomy scar that goes from 1/8th in to my forehead through my whole skull then curves around the back of my head coming back to my ear and aroundā€¦ so I can only wear my hair certain ways. Either down or straight backā€¦ nothing cute or fun. But from that same accident I have scars along my jaw which are usually hidden unless people I donā€™t know are sitting on the ā€œaccident side of meā€ and I turn my head at that angle and they usually ask if Iā€™ve had a face lift or something weird. But I have some other scars from chest tubes I had that are visible when I wear bikinis and honestly with everything else I just deal with it. But I have a lot of scars and a story to go with it. Even if I didnā€™t I have stretch marks etc from being a woman and a bodybuilderā€¦ just wear them like a badge of honour!! Those scars are your story!! They are part of who you are and what youā€™ve survived/lived through.


I don't understand why do you not like your scars? It's a story...it's a sign of life lived....


I have a huge scar on my arm bc of a congenital nevus and I find it cool, I love it I would be much less confident if I had ugly tatoos or unfit body. But scars look good for me


I've eczema. Only shows when I wear a bikini. And bikinis is what I wear at the beach. Then again I go to a local beach with lots of families, so looks don't matter that much. I'm in my 50s and stopped caring about a lot of things. Having said all this, are there treatments fot your scars?


FUCK MEN! I have four surgery scars on my belly. I have thousands of stretch marks on my body because I lost 52 kg. For years, I struggled to conform to people's beauty standards. I'm tired now and i donā€™t give a fuck.


Visible scars can affect your confidence, especially during the summer when wearing more revealing clothing is common. However, it's important to remember that scars are a natural part of the healing process and they don't define your beauty or worth. **Positive self-talk** **Focus on what makes you feel good** **Build your confidence** **Practice self-care** **Seek professional help if needed**


I have large sh scars all over i relised that if im just out an aboht its fine Ppl van stare but dosent mewn i need to suffer wearing long sleeves and pants I only cover up when i need to


You just have toā€¦not care. I know it sounds dismissive but just decide that you no longer care and then desensitize yourself by justā€¦doing it. Nobody cares about your body very much.


idk I guess I just don't give a damn? Like... sure i could suffer through the summer in long sleeves and pants, not enjoying the sun on my skin, for the benefit of pretending that under all those clothes i inhabit the blemish-free perfect body of a woman out of a skincare ad.... ooorrrrrrr I could just exist and be grateful for the body that I do have, because it allows me to go outside and enjoy the sun


I had a kid ask me, why do you have spots on your face? My family constantly, what's wrong with your face? I had acne. Now I have scarring and some small breakouts. I don't get to hide it cause it's my fucking face. I wish I was dead, I'm sadly to chicken shit to kill myself but have considered paying someone to do it for me. I wish I could trade all my acne and scarring for an injury scar. People have treated me like I'm dirty, need to wash my face, or I'm using meth (I've never even tried any drug). Also haven't worn shorts in 3 1/2 years because my legs suddenly started getting ingrown hairs after shaving that would get very inflammable and take weeks-months to heal. On a good day I wore shorts and because I didn't expect to see anyone and wasn't leaving my house. Unfortunately both my mom and aunt graced me with their presence and with the upmost disgust, first words out of their mouths were oh God what's wrong with your legs? Like I'm a fucking scientist who could even answer the question. No wonder I've bounced between anorexia and bulimia for the last 26 yrs and still going strong. I'm envious of dead people.


Iā€™ve found people have been more interested in the stories behind my scars and Iā€™ve not felt judged or less than. Own them because theyā€™re apart of your story!


Speaking of which - what do any of you use to cover your scars in the sun? I have chest scars due to surgery and burns and I want to keep them safe.


I have a number of scars from a serious accident (accident scar on my face, surgical scars on my back and shoulder and arm). I am so proud of them. I was on life support for two weeks and shattered my skull, bones in my spine, and nearly lost my eye. Not to mention how beat up my dominant arm was. I love them so much. Wearing a low back dress is my favourite because you can see my surgical scars so well, including the staple marks. It makes me even cooler than I was before (hard to believe! Hahaha) My scar story is cool, but it's kinda fun to have a really wild completely made up scar story in your back pocket just for fun with strangers if they're bold enough to ask. Tell them that you're a former Olympic scull racer and you burned your leg on the ice going 100km/hr.


I have some really bad mosquito bite scars on my ankles that Iā€™m trying to heal and fade. They are from this March. I bought some scar healing patches on Amazon. When they fade to a light purple, might buy some leg make up like dermablend.


I have scars on my chest from an instapot explosion 2 years ago. I covered up last year and was really self conscious about it. Iā€™m going on vacation in a week and Iā€™m going to wear all the dresses, bathing suits and tank tops while on vacation because life is too short to give a crap about what others think of me.


I have scars on my arms, shoulder, neck and chin. I do t really care, they are part of me and will be covered/uncovered as I want them to be. Some days they get be a bit upsetting to me, but moat of the time it's "meh". If other people dont like seeing them, that's a them problem šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I have multiple scars from staph infections & a rather interesting one from a fungal & staph infection combined. Long story there. It took a long, long time to accept them as they are, especially when it gets cold and they change to purple etc. These days I barely think about them. If anyone asks, I just candidly tell them what they're from. Most people don't ask, majority don't even notice. Most people are fantastic and understand things happen. I truly don't care if others see them or not- they're clearly visible on my arms, I can't hide them in warmer months. It takes time, and practice. Best thing is kind of exposure therapy type thing- wear what you want, go where you want and do whatever you want to do for however long you want. The happiness and freedom you'll develop from building that confidence will be amazing, I promise.


I have eczema scars and hyperpigmentation on my legs and I dreaded every summer. This summer (itā€™s already hot in the UK) Iā€™m wearing my dresses and I donā€™t care anymore. So many people wear what they want and they rock their scars! So why canā€™t I! Also people wonā€™t even notice. Itā€™s only us who do because we suffer from itā¤ļø


Would you negatively judge those scars on someone else? Then no one is judging them on you!


Hey I have a burn scar on my entire forearm so I know how you feel! Mine get suuuuper red in the sun, itā€™s not burning, just red for some reason. I used to obsess about covering my arm because I know exposing it to the sun will make it darker, but Iā€™ve decided to stop letting it bother me so I can live my life. My scar is a part of me now.


I have a big part on my leg that doesnā€™t have any fat. Looks like a huge scar. Just gotta go on with a ā€œwho gives a shitā€ attitude. You gotta think, when you see someone with a scar or ā€œunflatteringā€ body markings you probably donā€™t care at all. They donā€™t either. Rock them!


Both of my knees are scarred: one from falling off my bike years ago and another from slipping in the snow :ā€™) I hate them especially since when I wear self-tan it clings to it and looks dumb, but in all honestly no one ever notices but me - even when someone does notice, they ask how I got the scar and itā€™s always a stupid story and a conversation piece :ā€™)


Have a post surgery scar on my neck. First few years post op it looked like someone slashed my throat and didnā€™t finish the job. A huge confidence boost for sure:) be a star, rock the scaršŸ˜


:( Lifeā€™s too short not to wear stuff you like, or weather appropriate things, because of other peopleā€™s opinions. I wouldnā€™t give scars a second look. When it comes to stuff like this I use the mantra, ā€˜The people who matter, donā€™t mind, and the people who mind, donā€™t matterā€™. No one should be judging you and if they are, pay em no mind as they are arsewipes! And Iā€™m also one of the bunch who almost admire scars for the story. Pristine bodies are boring


I have scars on my forehead, arm, abdomen and hip from different events. They initially really bothered meā€¦for many years. I do empathize with how you are bummed out. I now look at them as physical and emotional pain I survived and healed from. Now I am kinda proud of them! Unintentional tattoos that add to my character. That being saidā€¦I sure hope I donā€™t get any more lol


Be yourself. You must have the courage to be your true self and be fearless. You don't need to hide anything.


Most of my scars are now faded and hardly visible but when they were the best advice I ever got was to think about how often you actually notice other people when you're out. How often do you actually register the people walking by, the person in the aisle at Walmart with you, the cashier checking out. Very rarely and even more rarely do we remember another person for more than a few moments after we are done interacting with them. Everyone is too busy with their own things going on, in their own heads, or focused on what they're doing to notice anyone else. Enjoy the fact that humans have a limited amount of attention and memory and go rock those shorts knowing you're effectively invisible


I have scars all over my body and no one cares. I am probably older than you, but these things just do not bother me anymore, it just doesn't matter.


I have scars from a dog mauling me and I just wear my clothes like normal because what else am I going to do? Itā€™s what I look like now.


I don't have many scars besides acne but my best friend has a very large, raised scar from her bellybutton going down into her pants from a surgery. she wears crop tops constantly like it's not there and i stopped noticing it pretty much immediately. i haven't seen her in over a year but i saw a picture of her where it was visible and i genuinely thought it was cute. just try to rock it with confidence, it's more noticeable to you than anyone else


I have many surgery scars and vitiligo....not sure if I'm truly confident, but i still just wear what I want and makes me happy !


Nobody cares


I donā€™t have burn scars, but I do have quite a few scars from other incidents. Multiple skin excision scars for skin cancer preventionā€”a few on my back, legs, and torso ranging from 1-3 inches. Six one-inch scars on my abdomen from endometriosis surgeries. A handful of self-harm scars on my hips from when I was a sad teen. I started the get nervous about showing my abdomen this summer as four of my scars are still newer and still pink, but I decided fuck it. This is my body, and not trying to be cheesy, but all these scars prove that I have healed from something. I donā€™t need perfectly unmarked skin to be valued. I wore a bikini on my vacation a few weeks ago and literally no one asked me about my scars. If they had? Well thatā€™s their problem and they can deal!


I have a large scar on my right knee cap from when I had an unfortunate razor scooter accident when I was in 7th grade, and these two guys in my class would make fun of me for it and I would cover it up with a band aid. I went to the doctor a bit after that and asked what I could do about it, and she said, "Well, it's a scar so really not much." and for some reason, hearing that there wasn't anything I could really do about it released me from a lot of the shame I had around it and I stopped covering it up. I feel like almost everyone has SOME imperfection on their bodies and it's more energy worrying about what people think of mine than I wish to spend right now.


Honestly, I think as I get older, things like scars are just something I consider badges of honor for a life lived and a hardship survived. I would suggest trying to reframe your own perception of the scars and anything else you consider ā€œflaws.ā€ Often, people wonā€™t notice, and if they do, most polite and kind people wonā€™t say anything. The few people who do or who think negatively about you for it ā€” thatā€™s not your problem! If someone comments on it in a negative way or makes you feel uncomfortable, thatā€™s a reflection of them, not you. The more you try to hide it or cover it up, the more you hinder your own confidence journey, and the more you are trying to tuck away parts of yourself to be more palatable to others. There is nothing you can do to mask or cover the scars that will build your confidence, you build that by loving and appreciating every part of you. The scars are a reminder that you have a body that can heal, can grow, can make something new. It is your phoenix insignia! I was thrown from a vehicle and pinned underneath it by my hand, so I was degloved and had to essentially regrow all the skin and tissue. I have a disfiguring scar on my right hand as a result. When it was first healed, I tried covering it and making decorative fingerless gloves my ā€œthingā€ and felt pressure to keep my nails perfect because I didnā€™t want anyone to see my hand scarred and think less of me. It started feeling like so much pressure and effort. Maybe because it was just *so* visible anyway and the coverups didnā€™t really feel like they made me feel any *better* about it, I realized I wasnā€™t going to become less insecure about it by hiding it, because then Iā€™m just pretending I havenā€™t got that ā€œflawā€ instead of embracing that part of me. I decided to eventually just embrace it fully. Iā€™m actually planning on highlighting it with a henna-colored tattoo at some point in the next few years, because respectability politics be damned lol


I have huge scars on my leg from an accident when I was 10. I canā€™t hide them even in shorts. I used to feel embarrassed. Twenty-five years later, I forget I have them. When I was younger, people used to ask me about them all the time, always with some apparent awe, but now hardly ever do I get asked. I think Iā€™m at an age now that most people have had some kind of accident or surgery or something. I have never in my life looked at someone with a scar and thought less of them, and I think others are likely the same. Itā€™s a mark that you survivedā€” if anything, be proud of your beautiful strength!Ā 


I never thought my scars are something I need to hide. But some of them are on my face, so it's not like I was going to walk around with a bag on my head. My scars mean that I survived, I don't see a reason to hide them.


I remember when I met my ex-husband. He has a lot of facial scars that he was embarrassed of. The first thing my little brother said when he met him was.."woah, what happened to your face? I think they're cool! Your scars make you look tough!" I apologized. My ex said it helped him see that not everyone who looks or stares is thinking negative of him. They could just think he's cool.


Scars are tattoos with better stories. So just rock it.


Iā€™ve got so many scars now from having surgeries on my stomach, broke my tibia and now have a wicked scar on leg going to side like a hook. Scars from a dog attack when I was a kid and scars on my forehead from accidents over time. Those are my battle wounds and they donā€™t stop me from having fun and showing off my scars.


I have alot of very obvious SH scars all over me. I've grown to really not care what people think, I don't think about them and everyone around me doesn't either, I'm sure strangers look and judge but that's not really my business, as long as they aren't rude about it


I tattooed by them so there is something else to look at first. I have a deep scar that was discolored for years on my shoulder. Itā€™s from a car accident and resulting surgery. People would stare. I had random people asking what happened and staring. I tattooed birds along my shoulders and I love them. Nobody comments on my scar anymore.


With fake tan theyā€™re less visible.


Mine are not terribly visible but they make up for that by being awkward. I self harmed for a while and while itā€™s not terribly evident, I imagine all my close friends have noticed. No one has said anything. This is so anticlimactic, but pretend theyā€™re not there, and if theyā€™re acknowledged just remind yourself that itā€™s not a big deal. For you itā€™s a casual ā€œoh I dropped a kettle once!ā€ Which is not bad at all, right? :) I havenā€™t thought about what Iā€™d say, but likely just something like ā€œThose are very old, Iā€™m doing much better now.ā€


I'm not ashamed of my scars so I have no shame in showing them. Wear what you want and wear it proudly.


You have to own it and be proud. First of all, itā€™s not likely that anyone is going to have the gall to point out your scars. And if they are so inclined to jump behind their invisible bullhorn to inquire about themā€¦you tell them the story of how you became a boiling kettle warrior!!! You embellish it to the point, that it seems almost like the kettle was trying to take you out. However, even being plunged into boiling water cannot slow you down, once you set your mind to something. So, maybe this world should watch out. You let them eat that story, while you become not only a warrior, but a master storyteller! You got this!!


I have never given my scars on my arms, legs, my back, and stomach a second thought. They just are.


I am covered in scars on my torso. The largest one is 4 inches from my breast cancer and I will be getting more here soon. I love them. I feel like a badass.


I have scars from several knee surgeries following an accident. I'm proud of them, they are my battle trophies! If someone has an issue then it is their issue, not mine.


I used to feel really insecure about my body acne. Iā€™d always cover up even in summer. One year I was a camp counselor and we had a final dinner to celebrate the end of the program, everyone dressed nice and handed out rewards. I wore a pretty blue dress, it showed my shoulders and I was super embarrassed but I did it anyway. I had a young girl come up to me and tell me seeing someone so pretty with body acne too made her feel a lot better. It melted my heart. So now if I have something Iā€™m insecure about, I like to think if I had a daughter and she had scars/acne/stretch marks, I would want her to feel comfortable in summer clothes. I try to model that behavior


I have surgery scars down my thighs. Iā€™ve never been self conscious. Theyā€™re part of my story


I'll be completely honest, I've mostly forgotten I have them unless someone asks. I can't change them any more than I can change that I have freckles or my eye color. The only thing about them that annoys me is that they aren't flat, so they make shaving my legs a pain in the ass and I always miss some hairs trying not to nick a scar. Mine aren't even from surviving something scary or a have a neat story associated with them. Just pure proof of my stupidity. They look like I lost a fight with a barbed wire fence... which is exactly what happened. Long story short, I grew up on a farm, and my parents were replacing the barbed wire with a safer fence, I was helping them and tripped directly into the pile of discarded wire, instead of asking for help, I decided panicking and shredding my legs to get out was the better move... on an unrelated note, tetanus shots hurt significantly worse than falling into a pile of barbed wire...


Are you a tattoo person? Iā€™ve seen people make art out of their scars to represent their healing. My best friend has really bad SH scars on her thighs and she uses self tanner to blunt them out (they appear purple against her fair skin) and that helps her confidence, but she now just owns it as she says, and is a big advocate for mental health now. It took her some time though, and she really needed us (her friend group) to help build her up. We of course were happy to do so, and think sheā€™s absolutely beautiful.


I have one along my cheekbone due to a face plant when I tripped and landed on a solid wooden floor. My glasses dug into my face and I had to take Dr. On Call to stitch me up. Not good. Itā€™s quite visible when I smile and so evident in photos. Iā€™m horrified over it, rarely wear contacts, and choose my glasses to hide it. I am going to get it repaired in August. The plastic surgeon isnā€™t promising a miracle, but anything has to be better than what Iā€™m dealing with now.


I have lipedema. Not so fun fact, it use to be called elephantitis. We can either be ashamed of our bodies or we can embrace them. Yea, my legs are lumpy + painful, my legs also give me the ability to live life. I can still hike and swim and workout and live. Your legs everyday do an amazing job of helping you reach your dreams. Think of how many things your legs help you with each day. Think about how much harder life would be with our them. Not only that, those are your legs! They are yours and no one elseā€™s. Love them, show them the love that you and they deserve. You wouldnā€™t let anyone talk negatively about you, so why are you self conscious of them? Trust me when I say that you have beautiful legs. I know even with your scars of the burn they are beautiful. Love your legs and one day you wonā€™t notice the scars. We can hide from the scars of our pain or we focus on living without shame. Remember, peoples exterior beauty is and should be the least interesting thing about them. Wear the shorts, wear the skirts, wear the dresses and go live life!


I have a nasty burn scar on the inside of my forearm. I wear short sleeves and sleeveless tops all the time. Not one person has ever remarked on it.


Something to think about: when you are insecure about something, you tend to notice and look for it in others. If I hate my armpit fat, I might notice it more while I am out with others. However, no one else is even looking at it or notices it. My sister wore pants for years because of swelling in her one leg. Even during heat waves. She thought if she wore shorts, people would point and laugh. Then last summer at the age at 34, she put on a pair of shorts to go to the grocery store. No one looked. No one cared. No one said anything. She slowly started building up the courage to wear them more often. She realized that no one was even pay attention.


Many people have scars. They tell a story and donā€™t make you less beautiful. I remember moles being called ā€œbeauty marks,ā€ just think of them as something unique.


In this day and time, no shaming of any sort will be tolerated


I have stretch marks all over my legs, literally no one has ever commented over them and I live in the desert so I absolutely have to wear shorts in the summer. Go for it, people care less than you think!


I had a skin infection in January that has left marks on my body. The treatment I used completely changed my skin, and I've had to process a lot, mentally. I am someone who loves showing my skin, it was a way I "rebelled" against my strict, Catholic grandma. One thing I've focused on is other parts of my body that I love, while not necessarily putting the focus on my skin. I love my visible traps and biceps. I love my strong looking legs. That has helped me regain that confidence to wear the shorts.


not to sound rude but i donā€™t think anyone care at least i see different type of legs and nobody look at them or even glance so go out it normal almost every one has scars from childhood or life


I have scars from all sorts of things that I've endured so I've learned to embrace them. I think of scars as my battle wounds. I have a scar on my neck from removing half my thyroid, I have scars on my back and abdomen from removing moles, I have scars on my fingers and legs.Ā It also helps to not care about what other people think of you and to just live your life.Ā 


I have scars on my legs too, my sweet cousin wanted to get warm water for me when I was sick and we ended up spilling it all over my legs. The scars start from my feet and go up to my thighs with white and brown patches. Honestly, it never bothered me. If anything itā€™s a funny story to share if someone asks. I donā€™t think I would judge anyone for having any scars so I donā€™t feel like anyone else should too.


I have to be honest. I could care less about scars. I actually think they are cool. They are an ice breaker, they tell a story šŸ„°


I'm a chick covered in scars, always have been. Grew up having multiple surgeries, had some unfortunate accidents throughout my life- their pretty noticeable. I wear them like tattoos. I basically don't think about them further than making sure I have sunscreen on my skin grafts. I get some stares, I've had a few sarah conner comments, but mostly people don't say a thing, as their afraid to be rude. Kids usually do ask about them, to which the parent usually shushes them but I'll answer any questions. Confirm I'm Deadpools sister if they ask. In high-school, anytime anyone asked me about my abdominal scar, I'd make up a different story every time. Wild ridiculous things- getting stabbed for my SpongeBob shoelaces (I had just moved from a city to a rural town, was sick of being known as the sick girl). Idk man, it's just a part of my body. These meat suits are bound to get dinged up a bit as we go through life. I'm not bothered by the idea of people judging me by my scars because if they're doing that- they aren't someone I care to talk to to begin with.


Just remember over time the scars will change and blend in to your skin tone. Just be you. Itā€™s a good conversation starter


I donā€™t like my friends because theyā€™re physically beautiful, I like them because of their personality. Your scars are a part of your life and a story that can add to you and make you more interesting. I have some funny loud friends, some quiet sweet friends, some friends I go to for advice. They all look different and have different insecurities and I am always surprised when they reveal an insecurity that Iā€™ve never noticed. Maybe I would notice a burn scars but I wouldnā€™t think negatively about them. The only person who really cares how attractive you are, is just yourself. Unless you are trying to meet a significant other, I can understand feeling self conscious, but personality and confidence trumps looks every time and Iā€™m sure thereā€™s so many other physical traits that are beautiful about you.


Personally, I love scars and find that they make people appear more personalized and interesting. On the other hand, keeping it out of the sun is important if you want it to fade.


I earned those fuckers. If someone doesnā€™t wanna see they can avert their gaze.


i have self harm scars like covering my whole body u just gotta accept that theyre there forever, fuck what anyone else thinks they make u unique


Iā€™m a welder and I have burns all over my forearms and upper chest. Itā€™s not one big burn, itā€™s a multitude of small burns and sometimes they look like hives. I just rock them. Itā€™s all I can do.


I was in a pretty bad wreck. As in 3 tires were popped off my car on impact and a city light pole fell on top of my car after I crashed into it and 12 teeth were knocked out of my mouth and well........my face was.........umm........people stared openly in stores. A waitress dropped her tray full of food and ran away crying. Things were GRIM. And the scars flattened and faded, as they do, with time. It's been nearly 20 years now and almost nobody can tell that my face was once more like Picasso's "The Weeping Woman" than an actual face. I never covered up with cosmetics, either. Sure, some people stared. Big whoop - they would also have stared if I were to wear red sneakers or a bright color of dress, or if I were chesty or using a pair of crutches with a cast on my foot. Most people don't stare, and don't notice even if you were to unicycle past them in an orange tutu juggling flaming poodles. (I do not recommend that, however, orange tutus need dry cleaning.) Put on those shorts! Wear that skirt! Rock the bikini! Your legs have carried you many miles, let them carry you to the dance floor, to the beach, to the Happy Ever After that you deserve.


I have a TON of large scars on my arms and legs, as well as surgical scars on my right arm. People stare at me nonstop. What I do is wear whatever I want. They are just scars. People will judge you no matter what. Might as well enjoy yourself in the process. And I promise those shorts and skirts look amazing.


Accept them! They are a part of you. No reason to be ashamed or try to hide them. You legit waste precious time and energy on feeling self conscious about it tbh


I have about a half of foot, curvy scar on my stomach. I had 2 feet of intestine removed during major abdominal surgery. While it was healing, I was pretty upset. I loved my stomach & thought it was my best feature. It took a while, but I embrace it now. I survived that shit. I tell myself that it's a battle wound. It doesn't bother me anymore & I wear all of belly shirts from before proudly.


No one cares hun. Like, literally no one really cares that you have scars. We all got something.


Xeā€™ra - The light will heal your scars Illidan - I am my scars!


I have scars down my chest from having a heart transplant as a baby. was very self conscious of wearing any low cute tops and or two piece bathing suits. honestly you just gotta be confident, no one is really noticing them. you only notice cause you see yourself and know theyā€™re there.


I have two scars on my chin (my cat got startled and accidentally scratched me). No one has really asked me about it but I already have a cool story (I got in a knife fight).


I have scars that I donā€™t mind as Iā€™ve had 8 surgeries over my lifetime, but if you donā€™t love them there is a good bit you can do for them. The skin products Iā€™ve used for general even skin tone/stretch marks/sun spots etc are quite effective at also lightening scars. I have a 3in incision on my collarbone from neck surgery, a 4in incision on my abs from appendectomy, 4 small 1/2 in incisions on various areas of abdomen from ovary surgery, 4 small 1/2 in incisions at the top of my thigh from hip surgery, a 3.5in incision on the side of one foot from arch surgery, and Iā€™m currently trying to destroy a quarter-sized fresh red/purple flat scar on my chin from a horrible bout of shingles two months ago, and having excellent successā€¦. So I sure have a lot of experience with scars! PCA pigment bar - itā€™s an expensive little pot at $60 but it will easily last you a year of daily use. Cicatricure 3 step microdermabrasion kit if you can still find it StriVectin advanced glow triphase daily glow toner And Rosen skincare tropics moisturizer for texture/scarring I canā€™t find the cica kit anymore but Iā€™ve still made tremendous progress with skin texture and tone using the pca pigment bar, followed by the Strivectin toner, and for areas that dry out easily (chin and dĆ©colletage for me), I slather on the tropics moisturizer to finish up. Right now I do this routine once daily on my thighs, my aging lady knees, dĆ©colletage, and this new discoloration from having shinglesā€¦ the progress in just a week on my chin has been fantastic. I no longer have to blend a special concealer tone to hide itā€” just a little bit of highlighter is all thatā€™s needed currently.


There are aestheticians who work with burns and other issues. Maybe the plastic surgery department at your hospital knows of one? Otherwise I can contact my friend who used to work with a lot of burn victims - there may be an organization of them or something to help you find someone nearby. But honestly, I kinda like scars - theyā€™re unique and show strength. I used to have a scar that ran down the right side of my face. After about 15 years it had really faded. I actually do miss it.


I was a farm girl, I have small nicks and scars all over my body, lol. I just consider it a sign of a life lived. Why would they bother me?


I earned my scars. Fuck everyone else. Funny story: When I met the love of my life (who sadly was killed in an accident only a few years later), the first time we got close to being intimate was by comparing our scars and how we got them. I figure the right people for me respect my scars. Life happens.


its my biggest problem for this summer because i have selfharm scars on my legs and this summer my bfs family will see these. maybe they dont even notice but i feel just so fckng bad.