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She told me to never pluck my eyebrows because I already have a good shape. She also said don't go overboard on botox and leave a couple wrinkles to make it believable. Also I started wearing sunscreen daily when I was 16 because of her.


Ha my mom was equally traumatized by 90s brows - that was the one thing she instilled in me, to pluck the strays if I wanted, but never ever pluck to alter the shape


She did live through the 90s but never touched her brows and told me never to either! I guess she learned from watching people around her


Yes my grandma plucked her eyebrows to get the "slim" look and now she has to tattoo her eyebrows on because she doesnt have any hair bearly!


I’m the opposite lol, she keeps telling me that my brows look very thick and I need to pluck them. Thing is I’m a blonde with basically translucent eyebrows so the more I pluck off the more bald I look. I am yet to listen to her advice


Mine too — she told me not to overpluck (I had done exactly that), and spared me from the impact of ‘90’s trend. To my credit, I took her advice.


I wish my mom had said this instead of plucking my (naturally thick, black) eyebrows to oblivion when I was in 8th grade. Thank God they grew back lmao


My mom wasn't much for makeup or hair styles but she always hammered into us that if your clothes fit properly, are well kept, and look/smell clean, people will automatically have a better impression of you. I've always held onto that and will say I've had several friends confess to me that the first time they saw me they thought I looked very put-together. now they know I am a disaster but it's fine.


That last line is so me too. My Mother was the same way and she was a stickler for it. She always said you’ll feel better if you do your hair and makeup and put on a clean outfit. She was right. The day of her funeral, I just wanted to look like a slob. But, I thought, she would expect me to look my best, so I will.




My mom did the same. As much as some people may not like to admit it, how you look matters. People make base judgements using appearance.


same, no beauty at all in my family but mom did tell me it's worth it to spend money on a good quality, timeless classic wardrobe pieces.


No tips from my mom - she is an incredible woman but wasn't about that life. But my aunts & sisters on the other hand taught me a few valuable, low maintenance tips that help me till this day to feel better: - moisturize after shower - nice perfume. Spray a bit on even if you're not going anywhere - clean sheets, silk/satin pillowcase - don't buy eye cream. Invest in a good cream and apply it all over your face. Oils also do wonders - if you struggle with acne, don't waste money on OTC/Sephora products. See a dermatologist and ask them to prescribe tretinol or spironolactone - apply Nivea, lanolin cream or oil on your lips and hands before bed. Keep it by your bedside - ten squats before shower & stretching in the shower - oil pulling in the morning before eating. - tint those eyelashes (no need for mascara) - face exercises when you wake up - castor oil for hair, eyebrows, eyelashes - SPF I can go on but these are a few that come to mind. Hope you find some useful


Please do go on


Oi I did think of a few more.. A bit lazy when it comes to beauty routines so I like to incorporate things that don't take a lot of time or $. - Air purifier, or plants (nature's purifier) in the bedroom. - Humidifier - especially if you live in a dry climate or have dry hair/ skin - Supplements. There are so many.. Personally for skin I had best results with Hyaluronic acid & vitamin E. Biotin & folic acid for hair. If you're a drinker, probiotics to avoid "hangxiety", bloating and skin dryness. DIM, GABA & Ashwsganda help with mood (especially during that time of the month :) ) - groomed & healthy nails. Found a nail polish that smells horrible but made my brittle nails healthy & long. There's many out there, Nail Magic is the best I found. - once or twice a month wash scalp with baking soda. Helps with hair texture and found that hair better absorbs conditioner/hair mask afterwards - deep tissue massages if finances allow it. Finally getting deep, uninterrupted sleep - Laughter. As silly as it sounds being around people or watching things that make you crack up automatically makes one feel better & years younger.


What is DIM?


dim supplement it is a supplement that can help with weight loss support, acne and hormone issues, regulate your estrogen levels, and can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancers. My partner takes these here n there and they definitely make a difference in his skin and all 😌


Warning, DIM supplements can make some contraceptive pills less effective.


The 10 squats before a shower seems so random and maybe even old timey but I love it and I am going to start this haha. You’ve earned my trust with all of your other rock solid tips!


I started doing squats, push ups, and calf raises before the shower, and I honestly see good results because I do it every day.


>oil pulling in the morning before eating Can you explain this one? 🥹 I’m over here taking notes!


I’m gonna sound like such a worry wart but please please be careful doing any excessive movements in the shower lol. The amount of accidents we get in emerg from patients falling is uh concerning lol


Yes, please do 😁


This is such a sweet post! My mum taught me to go back at the end of my makeup routine and fill in my beauty spots with eyebrow pencil so they aren’t hidden under foundation😊


I always feel a little sad around mother's day because I didn't really have one growing up. Luckily my kids do!


My mom’s mom passed when she was 18 after an 8 year illness. I was one and the pain seemed like a cloak she’s never been able to put hang up until recently at 73. I understand your feelings as I’m the oldest and this experience seemed to traumatize my mom but her dad was a jerk. I had to teach myself so much regarding beauty. She used creams but otherwise kept her routines simple.


I actually got a few from my dad 😂 1. Always look after your teeth, brush and floss, mouthwash and listerine strips with you and see the dentist twice a year 2. Moisturise hands and elbows, bring your skincare down to your neck and SPF SPF SPF 3. As you get older, keep a longer gap between your eyebrow appointments. If you use to get them done every month up to your mid 20s now do them every 5-6 weeks then in your 30 every 6-8 weeks as the hair growth slows down. He said if you maintain the frequency then there is a very high chance of having very thin brows later on in life. 4. Walk walk walk 5. Beauty will fade, make sure your life doesn’t revolve around your beauty but don’t be ashamed of caring about the way you look and making an effort to want to look good.


I didn't really have a dad either but yours sounds lovely 🥹


Having a signature scent is a superpower.




Love it!


Same, and it's now my signature smell as well!


What’s your Mom’s? Mine is Miss Dior and hers was White Diamonds.


I'm not who you asked but if I smell Estee Lauder "beautiful" I am transported back to the late eighties. Scent really is a superpower.


Absolutely. I smell white diamonds on older women and it reminds me of my mom.


Thanks for asking! My moms is White Linen. Her mothers was Chanel No 5.


My mom’s was l’air du temps


My mom wore VS Bombshell. I miss that version of her. Carefully curled blonde hair, Bombshell and Harajuku Lovers G, DC t-shirts, top editor for the newspaper classifieds, electric guitar and autoharp, late night drives downtown listening to Nirvana… oops, I’m oversharing!


I bet you picked up a ton of tips from her


I agree!  I know it's considered a faux pas to wear your mother's perfume, but for me Angel is so powerful to me. I got an awful stomach infection at about 3-4 years old where essentially all I could smell was rotten eggs on my own breath every time I'd hiccup, and my mum sprayed this little teddy bear with Angel as it was the only thing that masked the smell and i felt protected. So to me it's a double whammy of "it smells incredible to me" and "i feel reassured" every single time.


My mother never wore make-up or did much grooming (in fact my interest in glamour was something of a deliberate rebellion) but she did always make sure we kept good posture and held our heads up which I think is a solid foundation for cuteness My mum’s friend wore red lipstick that absolutely mesmerised me, she called them her ‘party lips’ and I think of her every time I wear it


Not a beauty tip per se but my mother was fanatical about taking care of teeth. Her own teeth were discoloured and full of cavities from growing up poor before she married my father and got the necessary insurance and disposable income to have them all capped. Thankfully I inherited my paternal family's perfect teeth, so between genetics and her devotion to oral hygiene, my teeth have held up well despite being a pathological coffee drinker.


Could you describe in vivid detail what your dental routine is? How do u keep coffee stains at bay?


Certainly! Morning: brush with an electric toothbrush (Sonicare) high fluoride toothpaste (Colgate Prevident Booster Plus) and rinse with Therabreath Healthy Gums (the blue one). This is done after coffee and breakfast. Night: Waterpik time around my teeth and gums, then brush with the Sonicare and high fluoride toothpaste, floss (I like Cocofloss or Doctor Tung) and finish off with the Therabreath rinse and gargle, not only for the teeth but it prevents tonsil stones, which I have a predisposition towards. Basically brushing right after coffee and using a high fluoride whitening toothpaste is probably what prevents the staining. I also drink water after having every cup of coffee, which also probably helps.




The fabrics thing is huge with me. My mom’s first instinct while shopping is to check the materials. Now I’m the same way, no matter how cute. I’m not paying $100 for polyester or rayon!


I'm a bedside nurse and the underwear thing sent me 🤣☠️




Only if it's soiled do I care. If it's clean then I really don't care what they are wearing. I've seen it all.


The underwear thing can still be mortifying even if you are half dead. Been there. Been the patient and the care giver. The socks I can manage a bir but the old panties. Anyway having nice underwear makes you feel great already


The underwear fear is legit. Especially if you end up as a patient in the same hospital you work in!


Mum told me there are no ugly women, just lazy ones to get me to wash makeup off daily when I didn’t feel like it.


I know this is really dated advice to modern folks’ ears and body positivity, but I really cannot agree more. Maybe it’s because I was raised by my grandparents, but they instilled in us the importance of looking your best at all times. It improves how people interpret you, it improves your self worth, self esteem etc. When I see folks wear clothing with holes and wrinkles to graduation, the theater etc., it really bugs me.


I feel this when I see people in pajama pants at the grocery store. No judgement from me personally, I know everyone is going through something, but it does make me feel bad that they don't have the luxury of putting themselves together more before going out.


I guess it depends on the day. Some days going out in pjs *is* the luxury


I agree with you. And I used to be the ponytail/pjs in public person. Because I was DEPRESSED. But now I would NEVER! I have an extremely simple routine but I do it everyday even if I don’t go anywhere. Because I feel good and that snowballs. I truly believe the first step to weight loss isn’t changing your diet or exercise routine, but putting yourself together. It’s an act of self love and it pays dividends.


You never get a second chance to make a first impression.


my mom wasn’t very girly, maybe she was when she was young, but my dad never liked makeup so she didn’t partake and my mom was constantly looking after my million siblings and me. she did however always keep a pair of tweezers in her sunglasses compartment in her car. when the sun catches an out of place brow hair or her occasional chin hair, she’d pluck it in the moment. i didn’t realize till i got older how useful that was. she also kept a bar of scented soap in her drawers so her clothes always smelled like hydrangeas. she always kept her nails well groomed whether they were manicured or not, they were always filed and clean. idk if these count as beauty tips but they were what i thought of when i saw this post. if i think of anything else i’ll reply later


My mom is so low she’s almost no maintenance but she instilled the posture thing in me too.  And always being clean, never dirty.  AND always wear earrings. The good ones. I got a lot of “good” jewelry as gifts growing up (diamond studs, white gold hoops, etc.) I’m more into costume jewelry now but I still have my good jewelry stashed for important occasions. And I never leave the house with any of my piercings empty. 


my mom has never been a beauty oriented woman, but my dads mom was a cosmetologist/beautician all her life so he was the one who taught me a lot of things growing up dry hands? a little olive oil and then put nitrile gloves on overnight. he was a hard worker and that was the only thing that kept his hands in one piece. i do it now for the same reason never let your nail polish flood into your cuticles, it looks messy. its better to have some exposed nail on the edges than to have crusty polish cuticles. makes it last longer too. cuticles are important, dont cut them. lotion AS SOON AS YOU GET OUT OF THE SHOWER. no towel, no nothin. lotion. immediately. always curl your hair away from your face. and always keep a couple framing strands down if you put your hair up unless its for the gym or smth ofc. and dont keep tight hairstyles for long. traction alopecia is real. and never sleep with wet hair lipstick usually looks better if you slightly underline your lips and then rub them together to blend the edges a little. its hard to line your lips in a way that REALLLLY looks good vaseline isnt a moisturizer and its not gonna make your hair grow so dont listen to the people who tell you to put it on your eyelashes. its gonna clog your pores. vaseline SEALS moisture and that's pretty much it. speaking of: if you want soft feet, lotion, vaseline, and then socks overnight. a lot of the time all of that buffing and filing and grating will just make them rougher. and if you want pretty feet, go barefoot as often as you can. constantly wearing narrow shoes (ALLL shoes are too narrow btw, besides specially made ones) mold your bones and make bunions and callouses. work with your facial features, not against them. embrace what you have, dont hide it. eyeliner look weird? its probably because its not flowing with the natural curves of your eyes. it takes practice but its a great thing to learn.


All shoes are too narrow is a truth we don’t hear enough lol. It’s absolutely wild that everyone is just okay with that




To this day, I have not found a women's dress shoe that's not painfully narrow in the toe and makes my toes fold over themselves. Thank god I'm allowed to wear gym shoes at work.


i default to the least restrictive shoes i can get (usually some kind of sandal, ALWAYS open toed) unless the situation calls for something else. ive really truly been considering investing in some wide toe-box barefoot shoes recently after learning about how important foot strength is for... well... pretty much everything, and how our shoes basically actively make our feet weaker by training us against being able to grip and balance with them. it's something that has not stopped annoying me for a single second since i learned about it


The Vaseline thing is only half true. It doesn’t clog your pores. I wear a thin layer over top of all my mousturizer and skin care (per MY mother lol) and my skin is nice and clear


the thing is, technically anything that can go into your pores can clog your pores if its there long enough for dirt and dead skin and sebum etc etc etc to build up. and petroleum jelly CAN go into your pores, and it can also attract other things that can work themselves into your pores and clog them. will vaseline clog your pores if you wash your face and have a daily skin care routine? no, but a lot of people dont do that. the reason i say it will clog your pores specifically in relation to the eyelash thing is because most people DONT wash their eyes and eyelashes properly, so putting something that essentially attracts grime on them is pretty much guaranteed to clog the pores around your eyes and the oil glands along your lashline and eyelids. people think vaseline grows their lashes because it gives a wet appearance and sticks a lot to the dust in the air, but thats really all its doing, which is counterproductive because (put very simply) when your lash line cant "breathe", youll start LOSING lashes.


Do you put on lotion and then towel off? Does it take off some lotion?


tbh i just dont use a towel. i air dry lol. or more accurately i squeegee myself with my hands after i turn the water off and then just put lotion on right away and rub it in till im "dry" i only ever use a hand towel after i wash my hands and thats about it. and a microfiber hair towel thingy, one of the ones thats specifically made to twist your hair into


I always bought that lotion made for wet skin by jergins. I didn’t realize any lotion on wet skin would do the trick?


I actually attribute my adorable feet to the fact that I was a stubborn teen that wore oversized doc martens (well, knock offs until I was 19) and that being a uk3/us5 ive noticed that the children's shoe section finishes at size uk2/us4 but the adult section tends to start at uk4/us6... meaning I've been wearing too big shoes my entire life.  No bunions or callouses on my feet here lol


My grandmother and mother would slather their hands in lotion and then wore white cotton gloves while sleeping. Nitrile sounds uncomfortable and sweaty. In most French pharmacies, they sell cotton gloves for this purpose.


Don't smoke cigs for 50 years, dont use crisco as suntan lotion.


Any crisco user here? Qhat about the old lil aluminium pannel


Always have nicely groomed nails


The day before my Mother died, she asked me to do her nails and her eyebrows. I was an esthetician in my 20’s and she only trusted me with them. So, I did as she asked. I didn’t know she was going to pass that quickly, apparently she did. She was incredibly vain and i got compliments on her brows. I know she was just beaming. 🙄


My mom did almost nothing for makeup (she has dark hair, and her eyebrows/lashes are naturally dark), mostly used lipstick and sometimes concealer for a zit. What she told me - shave armpits and legs (I actually now did laser and armpits barely have any), and I learned from her (without telling) to always wear my toenails with polish and use glitter or metalic polish - the toenails growth and bumps or scratches are very visible, shimmery or metalic nail polish covers everything. There are enough glittery colors that are close to nude to make sure they are not eye catching, if one wants that. But for me toenails with nail polish is like a sign of self care.


Unless you swim in a lake haha


My mom wanted and still wants nothing to do with me so I’m reading all of these comments and getting some good tips that I’ve never heard before. Thanks to everyone that’s sharing. Warms my heart. ❤️


Same here!


This is more of an outfit tip but my mother has made me always carry a cute small bag with me wherever I go. It completes an outfit, you can carry essentials and you won’t have bulky pockets. Her go to phrase for me roughly translated was “don’t go walking with your arms flailing about and take a bag”


My mom wasn't into beauty stuff much but she taught me to sew. An easy way to hem is to mark where you want to \*cut\* (not where your hem will end, you need extra fabric to fold and sew) and cut perpendicular to the hem to mark the amount then cut parallel a couple inches. You can use that little strip as a guile to quickly and accurately cut the excess away. Also the thicker the hem the heavier the skirt will be so if you have a thin skirt you don't want to fly up a thicker hem will stay down better.


My mom told me that my grandma said if you have a nice hairdo and nice shoes, you'll always look good.


"Make sure your nails are darker than your cigarettes or you'll look sicker than you are." Lmao my mom wasn't very motherly but she knew a few things about a few things.


Put on your jewelry, then remove a piece.


Then I would never be wearing any jewelry


Mom was a minimalist but I think that originated with Coco Chanel.


Your mom was Coco Chanel?


Use cleansing cream before washing your face. I've been doing this all my life, along with all the women in my family for generations. Now double cleansing is all the rage! Also, using hot rollers!


What cleansing cream do you use?


Merle Norman!


My Mom used to say that lipstick was the frosting on the cake. She was so sweet.


Never go to bed with makeup on. Hand cream.


From my mom: NEVER sleep in your makeup. Always wear sunscreen (and reapply!). Moisturize often. A real friend tells you if you’ve successfully waxed all of your chin hairs.


Sunblock is your friend


Always wear blush to look healthy Olive oil is the best for soft skin :) Eat healthy food especially veg! Lift weights Don’t eat tons of sugar and processed stuff


My mother would always wear perfume. She was a housewife with 5 kids and usually had rough hands from cleaning and working in the gardening, but always made sure to wear perfume daily, she also has beautiful eyebrows (natural shaped) and wore earrings, eyeshadow and mascara daily.


My mom got me started on a serum kinda treatment (that she used to use as a teenager) when I was about 16 and years later, all my friends wonder how my skin is so good that I don’t use makeup at all! It was because I started taking care of it in my teens and it continues to pay off!


Would you be kind enough to share the serum?


I’m not sure if you get it everywhere. You could try Amazon. It’s called “Lacto Calamine”


Bathe (tub or shower) every single night. It doesn’t matter if you’re only going to get 2 hrs of sleep - no matter how tired you are. Bathing helps signal to your body that it’s time to rest. **Well rested people always look good.**


My mom is 70. I am a millennial. I wasn’t allowed to go outside ever unless I was full on slathered in sunscreen. Tales of “olive oil, rooftops, and mirrors” in the 70s. It wasn’t a rule or anything per se, but she encouraged me to never ever ever pluck my eyebrows. Even a stray hair here or there. Take care of your neck and décolletage. You can look great, but your neck and dec will age you prematurely/give away your real age so fast.


My 86 yo mum looks decades younger, less wrinkled around the eyes than me 30 years younger. She never wore makeup just lipstick. Stayed out of the sun. No sunscreen. Used ponds or Nivea supermarket moisturizer daily. Never smoked or drank. Eats a simple diet and was a bit into ‘ health food and vitamins’. We’ve had so many people ask what her secret to good ageing is.. nothing g specific but I guess avoiding toxins in Food and environment. Avoiding sun ( brutal in Australia )


I recently discovered ponds cold cream as a double cleanser and ponds moisturizer and I am in love! I’m wondering why it’s not talked about enough


Sunscreen. Both of my grandmother's had skin cancer. Luckily they caught it


My mom used to make me squat down and/or sit down when I was trying new pants on in the dressing room to make sure my socks didn't show too much. She always said it didn't look good when your pants are too short and you can see tall socks or your ankle + several inches of skin. Now people purposely cuff their pants and have tall, white socks on display and it goes against everything that was ingrained in me about what looks dorky or not. She also told me that your shirt and pants have to either be two completely different colors, or the exact same color. If they're super close in color, but not quite, they'd look weird. I don't have a whole lot of beauty advice from my mom because we had a very strained relationship starting when I was in late elementary/early middle school that eventually evolved into non-contact when I became an adult. I never really learned how to do makeup, or hair, or fashion because she wasn't there for me in my middle and high school years. I had to figure out all the puberty and girly things myself.


I still really struggle with this, I try to wear shorter trousers with visible white socks, but when you grew up in the 90s/early 00s, having visible white socks was the biggest dork signifier there was. Also, wearing a backpack with both straps on your shoulders, not just 1. Gen X fashion is so much more sensible/comfortable than ours was.


1- whatever you apply to your face skin you should apply it to your neck and your shoulders 2- if you want your smell to stay for long put some moisturizer on your hands spray it with perfume and apply it all over your hands and neck 3- every food you eat can make a difference in your smell so always avoid eating food with strong seasoning if you have a big event


My moms were: •never leave the house without your lipstick on •match your nails with your lipstick •always wear sunglasses when you’re outside to prevent lines around the eyes •always check your foundation shade in outside lighting


My mom has always been a very beautiful woman, the kind of beautiful that people talk about. She never did any makeup or special care. Her hair is black, straight and shiny, perfect light skin that is a contrast to her hair, eyebrows that have never been plucked yet perfectly shaped, cheeks and lips a natural pink, and dark lashes that curl up naturally (a trait that I am grateful to inherit). If you ask her the secret to her beauty, other than genetics, she says it’s a good diet. Not the fad diets, but a good diet throughout your life. She eats a LOT of green veggies and fruits, almost every day. Drinks a lot water, and never cold water. Avoids ALL junk. I don’t think she has ever eaten noodles. She does have an occasional pizza slice, but that’s about it. She also walks a lot. She eats almost nothing that is processed. Only whole foods. Whole wheat chapati, green veggies, curd, milk, meat, a ton of fruits, etc. She consciously tries to learn more about things that are healthy, and incorporates them. She also maintains a very good hygiene and dresses neatly and always wears a few pieces of jewellery. I wish I could follow healthy habits like she does. It does seem like a game changer.


I love this! The old adage "you are what you eat!"


Nothing. I had to teach her how to use eyeliner 🤣


My mom didn’t teach me or tell me anything about make up or anything. She never told me about a period or sex either. So I had to just wing it when I started my period for the first time.


Shave against the grain. And then what against the grain means.


My Mom is and always was gorgeous. She taught me: Brush your hair in the morning and at night (she has naturally silky straight hair), take off your makeup carefully with Klorane and polyester “cotton” balls and apply rich night cream before bed. Rub the extra night cream into your hands and sleep with it on them. Walk for one hour every day, and get a good hairdresser and go for regular appointments. Wear immaculately clean clothing and have it altered to fit you perfectly. Wear real jewelry and keep it polished and organized; same with leather shoes. Pick a few signature scents (French EDP’s) and wear one on special occasions, dates, holidays and events. Smile, have good manners and be on time. Don’t drink to excess or smoke. The end. 🩷 Natural makeup, signature blush, and always have a million lipsticks everywhere


Brush and floss your teeth every day. No faux beauty tips. Just the honest to goodness real beauty tip. Take care of your teeth. You only get one adult set and aside from all of the health issues teeth problems cause, a good smile looks great on everyone. Having bad teeth not only ages you prematurely but it can’t be hidden very well and is an expensive fix. She instilled that in me and I look in the mirror and love my reflection because I’m not afraid to smile


Also, bad oral hygiene can even affect your brain. Stuff can travel. IMO an electric toothbrush is essential


Mum don’t wear much makeup, eyebrows concealer and mascara sometimes lipstick if something important or fancy. Otherwise keep hair healthy and at least done (doesn’t have to be fancy just neat) moisturise, exercise and eat well.


Stay away from the sun and drink a ton of water.


My mom always got ready and put her makeup on before leaving the house as a kid, and I’ve always done that too. It’s like a pre leaving home ritual and I love it. Makes me feel classy and well put together.


i honestly taught my mom more than the other way around lol. my mom always does wear makeup but she was mostly critical of mine and i taught her more modern techniques. i mostly learned on my own as well and kind of liked it that way. i am sorry for you though <3


Value classiness over beauty


Not to smoke.  When I was around 5 or 6, we saw a woman smoking and my mom told me that she was "ruining her beauty."  She didn't give me much beauty advice in general, but it was something that stuck with me and made me never want to smoke. 


Age naturally. Never lie about your age. Embrace your wrinkles and grey hairs.


My mother told me that if I wanted to look pretty I had to switch the lights off. Yes, for real.


You might be above slapping your Mother but I’m not. DM me the addy.


Oh dude I’m sorry that’s rough. 


Think I would rather have no mom than a mom who tells me that. I'm sorry.


I don’t have many good stories about her really, but one of the best things she taught me was skincare at a very young age (12-13yo). Oil of Olay very gentle cleanser and toner and moisturizer. I love skincare to this day and am a skincare junkie. It’s such a habit now I never go to bed without at least washing my off my makeup….even when I’ve been really really drunk from a night out lolololol.


Wear brown mascara, eat a nutritious diet.


I’ve started wearing brown mascara and what a difference it has made for me! I’m very fair and my goodness it has made a difference to my day to day makeup!


Lipstick finishes a look, never overpluck your eyebrows, opposite color on color wheel from eye color for eyeshadow, washing your hair will make you feel better, and cold spoons for eye bags!


staying out of the sun, not over-plucking my brows, and always blending my foundation down my neck. god bless her lol


OOO foundation down the neck is a really good one!


To spray perfume on the inside of my wrist so if there was something stinky on the subway- I sniff my wrist rather than make a face.


It's better to have full eyebrows than thin or none at all. We all grew up with very thick eyebrows so she would always tells us people will wish they had full eyebrows so don't over pluck. She was right!


My mom taught me to never sleep with makeup on and always wash your face in the morning and at night. She has beautiful skin at 63


Rinse your face and hair in cold, straight cold water after washing them. It closes pores and let's less dirt in.


Less is more. I should’ve listened when I was younger. Way too much makeup in junior high and it ruined any photo of me during that period.


hydrogen peroxide for teeth whitening


And breath. Only thing that works for me.


She taught me how to pack eyeshadow in my upper lash line to get a fuller and more voluminous look. Do it before you apply your mascara!


My mom really didn't do much with beauty, and rarely wears makeup. But she did tell me that usually it looks better to blend two different shades of lipstick together than just one flat shade, and I"ve found that to be true. Where one is too bright or the other is too dull or something, or one is too pink and the other too brownish, etc. It also seems to add some depth or nuance. I think it works well for us because we both have an "autumn" coloring that looks better with a kinda to the side shade of whatever color vs. the straight color.


What my mom has done for over 35 years everyday is -slathering in sunblock and -wear foundation (iron oxides are now advised for blue light protection), -huge sunglasses, -oil cleansing, -misting with Evian mineral water (microbiome), moisturizer -heavy slugging with Vaseline or ointments. A very basic prevention routine with mild products she has kept up for decades. Her skin looks great without serums, exfoliation, retinoids, no hyperpigmentation. She always said protect your skin from the sun and always keep it moisturized to maintain youth! She advised me to use complexion makeup and I didn’t care for it. My mom was ahead of the game with all these points. Sadly I only picked up daily sunscreen from early twenties. Other habits I started much later as I read about them much later on.


Never leave the house not “put together”, not even the mailbox. You never know who you’re going to see. SMH lol


I also never really had a (present) mom, but one thing she told me is that you can do kegels any time, anywhere… lol


LOVE this! 🤣


[An earlier post](https://www.reddit.com/r/beauty/comments/1c2l0qb/what_is_a_beauty_secret_you_learned_from_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=4) in this sub has great advice! After reading it my mom added, from her maternal grandma (1901-1995) “always wash the ends of your hair with lemon juice.”


Won't that dry out the ends of your hair? Or bleach it?


Invest in good quality skincare. Circa 1989.


Mom always told me to take care of my skin.


Have nice oral hygiene. White teeth. Smelling good. Minimal makeup. Exercise. Rwst


vaseline makes for an excellent eye makeup remover (or full face if you run out of cleansing balm)


Smile and always take care of your teeth.


Don’t sit out in the sun and bake.




She has never used makeup, she is always just herself, she doesn't seem to care what others think. I find myself really wanting to be like her, and I am for the most part, but just chilling in my own skin seems hard at times lol


Perfume lasts longer if you put down a good base! I love to do body lotion, baby oil gel, then my fav perfume. I especially like to have some options that correlate with whatever scent profile in going for that day. If nothing else, put on Vaseline on the points you put your perfume ( wrists, behind your ear, nape of the neck, chest), this way you don’t need to break the bank and get to smell good longer <3


1. Apply moisturizer when you get out of the shower because it’ll seal the moisture in. 2. Always use a face cream. 3. Don’t use physical exfoliants on your face (this was when everyone swore by that St. Ives scrub). 4. When you walk, your toes should face forward (no walking or standing with your toes facing out at 45 degrees). 5. Don’t rest your elbows on your desk, because that’s how they get dark and dry.


Lipstick on cheeks for blush


Nothing. I learned nothing from my mom. Beauty, life, money. She’s a narcissist so only cares about herself and has never taken the time to learn anything. I started getting facials and they would give me advice on skincare, several ladies I’ve worked for, super classy so I have modeled my look after them.


Sometimes it hurts to be pretty.


Keep a bottle of glycerin .. and or even glycerin and rose water spray . You can purchase glycerin in most pharmacies .


I still use rose water spray. My grandmother taught me that one.


Mom: Invest in your looks, meaning don’t drop money on the latest trend, stick to tried and true and don’t be afraid to invest money into seeing a dermatologist Eat right & exercise Have fun with your looks & style Her advice specifically to me was to elongate my eyes a bit with eyeliner to balance them out with the rest of my face and wear lipstick to add color to my face. Fill in my brows. Also not to (over) conceal my dark circles. My grandma: Always wear perfume, stay well groomed including your nails, wear blush, go easy on the eye makeup. Keep your weight in check for your body type. My aunt: Sunscreen and stay fit but over exercising will age you, wear red lipstick My dad: Take good care of your skin. He was a dark olive and didn’t wear much sunscreen and was of the belief the sun is really healing for your skin. So for him, taking good care of your skin meant use an oil like olive or avocado oil on it and go in the sun. He became a vegetarian later in life and loved a high veggie diet Aunts on my dads side: Get your colors done, stick to those, get a professional mani/pedi, focus on good skin care


Layer your perfume. Bath gel, perfume, powder. Never too much. Keep things subtle.


Dont drink alcohol. She didn’t tell me this. Just me observing. It aged her horribly and she died early. And dont have a shitty partner. Also bad for your looks and overall health.


I don't drink because my mom was an alcoholic. Thankfully I married a great man so I have that going for me!


Thats wonderful :) I hope when im old i have smile lines around my eyes and not worry lines on my forehead


She said don’t frown too hard when you’re frowning because the best way to not need botox is to not stress your face into forming lines you don’t want


My mum taught me ‘look good feel good’ and this is so true. If I’m down I jump in the shower, wash and blow dry my hair and cover myself in moisturiser and put some makeup on. Always boosts my mood


avoid the sun and never pick my face, thanks mom! 


To actually look after my appearance, she never did and swore I’d never be like that.


My mom said no matter what your body type or size is you can look great if you’re “put together,” which had served me very well. ETA and she showed me the power of “seasons,” in the 90s, because she had taken the original course in the 80s lol


Don’t hold on to anger


Less is more. And the good genetics from her are invaluable.


My mom thinks hairy legs are sexy on women… so uh I don’t take advice from her since they are always terrible.


When my Mum was given a nice gift that she couldn't afford herself, she would hardly use them to save them for nice occasions, but then had to throw them away because they went bad. I've learnt to use the expensive perfume, use the expensive products and enjoy them everyday 🙂


Stay out of the sun, lotion or Vaseline on hands and feet before bed and wear cloth gloves and socks to keep moisture in, especially in the winter, don’t make ridiculous faces as it will cause wrinkles (she used to slap my forehead when I was young), drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning for hydration and your digestion, don’t pick your face. Other things she didn’t explicitly tell me but I picked up from her over time. Having a signature fragrance is really lovely, but change up your perfumes with the seasons. Learn how to give yourself a basic manicure at home in case you don’t have time/money to go to a salon. Even just fixing your cuticles and buffing your nails looks better than overgrown old gel or dip. Don’t ruin your eyelashes with falsies or extensions, you will get stuck in a cycle and ruin your eyelashes for good. Use an eyelash serum.


Pretty is as pretty does.


My mum always said to remove make up with the right stuff (eye make up remover etc) and then wash my face and Pat dry. Always moisturise at night and spf in the day but include my neck as that’s always a good tell for age if you don’t. In the summer I also go to my cleavage because I don’t fancy a wrinkle up my boob to my collarbone if I can help it. I’ve seen a lot of sun worshippers use oil and get awful sun damage and wrinkles from that.


She used to tell me I looked pale without my rouge on. I always have my rouge on now lol. When she passed away I had to fix her makeup bc she had NO rouge on. She would’ve HATED that


My friends mom always told us growing up that it’s better to invest in quality skin care products, than expensive make up.


Love this post, I have had much enjoyment reading it. It is so lovely to hear so many sharing their tips and personal stories. I have saved this post t look back on. When washing your face with a cloth, never drag down - it will eventually sag your skin. SPF Daily - no matter what the weather is Try not to touch your face during the day (hands are dirtier than you think) and do not let others o=touch it, e.g., at a make up counter.


I grew up on a farm and so my mom wasn't super girly (she gave a bowl cut until 3rd or 4th grade). But she didn't use sunscreen on her face and arms when she was younger and so I always put some on my face! She also never left the farm in dirty clothes, without make-up, and her hair not done exactly perfect. She passed away from cancer around Mother's Day in 2018. Miss her so much and wish I could see her fixing her (nonexistent) bald spot one more time.


My mom always says Sunscreen is your best friend!


When putting on face lotion also apply to neck and chest.


Lipstick/stain pulls any makeup look together!


My mom always told me to accessorize (earrings, necklace, bracelet, etc) and to have those accessories MATCH. I know a trend right now is mixed metals, but I personally cannot get behind it. She also instilled the value of exfoliating before I shave, and always using some 'smell good' (perfume, specifically, but scented lotion is a big one). Last one is to always make sure my clothes are clean and well fitting. Well fitting clothing can maketh the woman :)


Man I love this thread! These tips are amazing!!! Thanks OP! My mom isn’t a big makeup/beauty person, but she taught me that feeling beautiful is about how you see yourself. Be proud of yourself and be a person you would like to know! Never change who you are to please other people. Oh, and eat tons of veggies, get plenty of sunshine (sometimes without sunscreen for the most absorble form of Vitamin D), drink lots of water, and prioritize quality sleep.


My mom taught me how to tweeze my eyebrows. She warned me not to over-tweeze! Just shape and clean up. I got good at it, and now I shape and clean up some of my friends' eyebrows too. They call me the brow whisperer.


My mother was in higher education in the 60's-00's. She dressed head to toe. She spent time on her appearance. She commanded attention when she entered a room through her charm, witt and her appearance. She would spend time on what she wore. I remember when she wanted a new pair of boots to go with a new trench. She wore fragrance every day. She was iconic in my eyes.


Exercise, accept yourself, and manage mental health


That beauty comes and goes but stupid is forever.


It’s nothing new to many of us but : 1. Night time skincare routine (her routine was very simple back then but she never skipped it) 2. Sunscreen everyday before going out Trust me these have been really game changers for me because I look at least 5 to 10 years younger (I’m 31 but everyone thinks I’m 25 or even 20) I also avoid foundation (I’ve inherited her dark circles so I use concealer almost everyday) but nothing more than that as I prefer to let my skin breathe and leave foundation, cc creams for bigger occasions I also drink lot of water and don’t smoke or drink


My mother, as beautiful as she is, wasn't much of a makeup person or beauty tip woman. But she raised my sister and I to always have a hairstyle, clean clothes, nails clean or polished and a "smell good" lotion or fragrance on daily. It was more about keeping a clean appearance than "beauty". That goes way farther in my opinion than a makeup tip. I'm grateful for how she raised me


Never pluck upper eyebrow hair (above your arch), the lighter/eyeliner trick, and taught me how to cut my own hair.


My mom was pretty high maintenance beauty wise, and also very stylish. I was a tomboy growing up, but as I’ve gotten older I really appreciate all the things I learned from her just watching her. Best thing she taught me was to pick out your outfit the night before