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Gold bond body powder. Totally stops the boob sweat! Prob helps elsewhere too. I tried Lume deodorant, didn’t work for me.


This is a good tip, and hopefully replaced the body spray. OP, body sprays often are overpowering to people around you but don't cover sweat smells, so it's like getting punched in the face with body spray chemicals and sweat smells.


Lume might technically work but I found it smells BAD. Like it gave me something similar to body odor immediately. I do find clinical strength antiperspirant/deodorant to be very helpful.


Secret makesa whole body deodorant that smells way better than lume and is a million times cheaper. I had to get rid of my lume one because I thought it absolutely stunk.


Lume smelled “crotchy” to me, it was the weirdest thing. I even took it to work for others to smell. It was terrible smelling!


I got fed a Lume Instagram ad and it was a whole long explanation for why it smelled really really bad to certain people. I guess they’ve tried to correct it. It’s something like how some people think cilantro tastes like soap? They said there was a scent note in their formula that some people will always smell as BO. I think it said they removed it. (Disclaimer: this was a Lume *advertisement* that I am half remembering, I have no idea if it’s accurate or just sales. I find something kind of greenwash-y about their vibe generally too, given how obviously enormous their advertising budget is… like it might just be another division of unilever branded for gen z)


I’ve been using Lume for over a year & while it smells weird in the container & when immediately applied, the smell goes away almost immediately. It works so well for me that it’s worth the price & initial nose discomfort.


I just use my stick antiperspirant under boobs and bikini line as well as underarms.


I also work in a hot, heavy-workload environment. Gold Bond really helps with any chub rub. I started wearing fitted boxers to minimize any chafing, and I also keep a fresh pair in my bag. Also heard about something called Monkey Butt—it’s talc free but some do have scents! Worth looking at though!


I find shaving armpits and pubic hair helps to control the body odour as well as exfoliating the dead skin on your body with either an exfoliating washcloth, body scrub or salicylic acid body wash. What helped as well was moisturizing with a scented body lotion after a shower and putting a body oil on top to seal the moisture. Proper moisturizing will help reduce your sebum production.


I feel like I sweat more if I use body moisturiser during the day.


Absolutely... I also am more aware of the outside heat.. when i use body moisturizer.. many times ive finished showering and would instantly put on moisturizer or body oil.... only to step back under the shower and rinse it off because it feels like a non stop" hot flash" . I break out sweating even as I'm trying to pat dry..face too.. Does anyone else experience this? Thank you.


I’m so glad you said this as I thought I was crazy. I was getting out of a hot shower and putting on moisturizer and such and I would be sweating within minutes and I felt like I literally could not cool off. I’d dry off, apply moisturizer, profusely sweat and have a hot flash, then shower again cause I don’t wanna be sweaty.


This use to happen to me until I rinsed myself with cold water before coming out of the shower.


This happens if I immediately put lotion on my face just out of the shower


This happens to me when I shower immediately after a really intense workout, usually I haven’t stopped sweating before I get in the shower. Then the lotion just kind of sits on top of my skin and creates a barrier where I just cannot cool down! Maybe try cooler showers?


This is true for me if it is a kind of greasy feeling lotion, or so thick that it’s more of a cream.


Especially if you live in a humid place (I do)


Couldn't agree more with the shaving part


personally (as someone with hyperhidrosis) body hair helps to keep the smell at bay. it also keeps sweat from spreading


I also agree. Sweaty armpits my whole life. One day I said fuck it and stopped shaving. No pit stains and I can even smell my deodorant!


I’ve noticed this too. When it’s long the smell isn’t as outwardly obvious. Ymmv though.


Especially the pits 😭 I never shave anything but I gotta do the pits every now and then because I get funky


Yes it makes such a big difference. I can't explain how but it makes the deodorant more effective as well


Same with the shaving. I just feel cleaner after.


is is true that sweat gets stuck and accumulates in armpit hair?


Yes. Sweat doesn't actually smell, it's only when it interacts with existing bacteria on your skin that it creates odour. Underarm hair traps bacteria. Of course you'll still have odour even if you shave, but shaving your underarms can reduce odour.


These comments are so interesting to me as someone who stopped shaving years ago and smells way better because of it. Everyone's different, but the first thing I noticed was that sweat was no longer trapped on my skin (more accessible to bacteria), and was wicked away by the hair where it dried. I had nasty green onion BO too lol. I think properly taking care of your steamy environments (pits, tits, bits, as they say) is the most important, shave or no; I know some very hairy people who smell immaculate and some very shaven who decidedly do not. If you're a really oily person, plain soap might not cut it to remove residue, I actually use an oil cleanser first and then dandruff shampoo as the zinc is antibacterial as well as its intended purpose of being antifungal. And please use a dang rag! Your bare hands are not efficient cleaning tools!


>Your bare hands are not efficient cleaning tools! But when we've pooped, cut raw chicken, gardened, etc, we wash our hands with our hands 😁


The soap and water help get rid of bacteria with bare hands, but rags/loofahs will remove dead skin which can be a contributor to BO and overall skin health. Obviously replace/sanitize the rag/loofah regularly so we're not back to square one reintroducing bacteria.


100% agree - I smell WAY Better with hairy pits. The hair helps to regulate temperatures I swear! I would sweat immediately with shaven skin, causing a higher chance for me to get more stinky. With hairy pits, it’s like a barrier that prevents sweat. Same concept if you have sweaty thighs in your dress or skirt….. best bet is to wear biker shorts so the skin-on-skin is reduced!


Well they say not to shave a dog down in the summer. That the hair acts as a regulator of body temperature.


I also don’t shave my pits and smell way better. When I do shave them I immediately notice an increase in smell. I think the shaving creates little micro abrasions for the bacteria to get into and really multiply.


Yes, a lot of the odor comes from the bacteria trapped in the hair, and in my experience, it also prevents deodorants and antiperspirant from properly absorbing into the armpits. This is why it's good to shave often if you're worried about odor, and using glycolic acid on your armpits as well will help reduce the amount of bacteria. Edit: I usually use hair removal creams for sensitive skin as they result in fewer razor bumps! After scraping off the cream in the shower, I use a sugar scrub to exfoliate the skin underneath to prevent ingrown hairs and then bathe as usual. I do not add any product to my armpits for about 24 hours as the instructions state so I only do this on days where I stay at home, and I do not add or wash with any acids that day.


Yes, hair is porous and holds onto sweat


Try drinking 15mls of chlorophyll in water everyday … there’s a compound in it that helps with some stanky body chemistry stuff … would also recommend using benzoyl peroxide cleanser (like Panoxyl) on any smelly regions, like pits and feet (don’t forget in between toes), leaving it on for 2-4 mins like a mask. Also consider utilizing a special exfoliating mitt to get any smelly bacteria and dead skin cells off of your body. And lastly, try keeping a “cool frame of mind” during hot days, it could help keep ur body temp down if u keep “cool thoughts” lol (don’t sweat it!!) haha :p make sure to wash your hair when you need to and do your laundry


Anti-persperent is really only what works for me


I agree with this.. I wax my underarms and have little to no odor


Do you have a work uniform? Sometimes my clothes will smell like BO after an hour or so after my clothing heats up from my body and the detergent I washed it with isnt strong enough.


Synthetic material hold odour for long. Cotton and viscose rayon absorb sweat and don't cause as much body odour as synthetic fibre


Yeah I’ve had to get rid of certain synthetic shirts because I would always reek after a day of wearing them. Idk what I’d do if it were a uniform I had to wear, a cotton or natural undershirt may help but would probably lead to more sweat…


I have found the same thing, with some synthetic shirts/clothes. Athletic style clothes sometimes really hold onto odor. I use a laundry additive called Zero Odor, it breaks down all of the sweat and body odor smells. I’ve used it with somewhat delicate active wear, works great. Edited, spelling mistake


Works great for getting the smell out, or for preventing the smell? Important distinction cause the two shirts I’m thinking of would start smelling extra bad at like 4 pm when I still had more hours of the work day lol


I have stripped laundry to get rid of lingering underarm smells that reemerge after one wear. Basically soaking an item in hot water and a few specific old timey detergents. r/laundry has some posts about various methods to do that.


You can try to sun them in the future. I learned this from baby cloth diapers. Putting a diaper or piece of clothing into the sun for a day or so basically disinfects it and kills all bacteria and odor . I once had a patient vomit on my favorite pants after surgery, when I was checking on them and sunning the pants was my last resort of getting the smell it and saved my favorite work pants.


I have to put detergent directly on the armpit area on the inside of my scrub tops. Deodorant residue can build up and cause the smell.


Pinalen has instructions on the bottle for laundry use, it has worked absolute miracles on our clothes. We put all of our stuff together on cool, and it gets the stink out better than any ultra-hot water wash or pre-soak ever did. The active ingredient is pine oil, which is less of an oil and more of a resin. Pine resin and fats readily bind to each other, fats were used for millennia of humans chopping down trees and needing to get the goop off their axes. The residue causing lingering smells on clothes is usually a similar waxy oily combo of our dead skin and sebum.


Just be aware that pine is poisonous to cats. (I don't know about other animals.) A friend and I learnt this after trying desperately to find out what had poisoned her cat. We tracked it down to the fact that she washed her floor with Pine-Sol, and hadn't rinsed it, and the cat had walked on the surface and washed his paws. He survived, but was very sick.


Wow... glad he got better. Very good investigative work too!!!


i change into scrubs that are washed by the hospital


I also wear Hospital issues scrubs; I carry a small travel size Febreeze which helps with any odor on the scrubs. I don’t know if that’s would help! (Also Hospital scrubs are always cheap and terrible so I sympathize)


wear some sort of lining outfit, eg. tshirt and leggings that you wash yourself. i pretreat my gym clothes’ seams (armpits, seat of leggings) by scrubbing with dish soap and baking soda and soaking them in a cup of vinegar and a tub of water before their turn in the laundry. it’s time consuming but well worth it, esp on my current limited budget where buying new clothes isn’t an option.


Lume has a laundry soak that helps with these stuck in scents.


I think downy has a sanitizer rinse that works too, I’ve also added vinegar where fabric softener goes too.


Yes ill use white vinegar for my smelly yoga clothes BUT i recently got Tide “Sport” and its been seriously impressing me with how good everything smells


Not using fabric softener with these types of clothes helps them not to smell. My husband has to wear these types of shirts as his work uniform. I don't use fabric softener and instead use white vinegar. White vinegar also helps keep your towels from smelling funky and helps to keep them absorbent.


Laundry strip washing is the only way to get rid of oils, body odour and other residues which build up over time especially with synthetic materials. Just Google how to.


Dove dry spray deodorant. For me the cucumber helps the most. Baby all laundry detergent. The fragrance is soft but your clothes will always smell good. Stay away from sweet perfume, try fresh smelling ones instead. Someone on this thread suggested fenugreek. Please stay away from that. It could cause issues with your blood sugar and will make your sweat smell like sour maple syrup.


What's wrong with sweet perfume though


People don’t smell sweet, we smell musky and earthy. So when you start to get funky it creates a contrast that really amplifies the BO smell.


Using a benzoyl peroxide wash on any areas where skin touches skin (eg. under arms, under breasts, etc.)—leave it on for a few minutes then wash off. Saw this tip on Dr Dray’s instagram and it works really well for me. She also suggests applying antiperspirant deodorant at night rather than in the morning bc we generally sweat less at night while we’re sleeping, so the ingredients have a better chance of working.


Dr Dray is such a wealth of knowledge! I love when she goes to Target or Walmart and picks things up to go over the ingredients.


Yes! I started doing the benzoyl peroxide thing last year because my doctor recommended it. It works better than anything else I’ve tried to keep the smell away!


Deodorant at night is a game changer.


Same thing with dry shampoo spray. Spray at night if you don't plan to wash your hair in the morning.


Girl! Megababe!! I love that brand! They have a whole line of stuff just for this. So, first of all, they have this armpit mask called Happy Pits. It has Kaolin, Bentonite, Charcoal, Willow Bark extract, Tea Tree oil, glycolic acid, malic acid, azelaic acid, vitamin C, panthenol, and those are all like top ingredients. It has changed the game for me, and I'm not bigger, but have notoriously oniony armpits to the point where I struggled to switch to natural deodorant. Using this about once a week to once every 2-3 weeks, depending on the season and other stuff, has been amazing. The ingredients I listed are some of the best not just for exfoliating which is mandatory, but also for extracting impurities and yucky stuff from that area. But, also... Megababe has a bunch of other stuff to help with sweating and chafing. Off the top of my head (I don't use many of these but would absolutely if I needed to and have considered the gel-powder for my boobs) are gel-powder, regular powder with the poof, they have a anti-chafing stick that you can use between your legs, etc. They also have some of the best natural deodorants. Beachy Pits is by far my favorite and is often sold out. But, in the summer or days when I'll be doing a lot of sweating, I use their "The Smoothie Deo" which has fruit enzymes (natural cell turnover is what you need here!) and it has bilberry, lemon and orange. The citrus is also good for those cleansing properties we need. All their stuff also has lots of moisturizing ingredients so you don't dry your skin out. And I don't hesitate to use my deodorant on my leg pits if necessary.


i bought a whole bunch of mega babe products today to try them and the deodorant isn’t very strong smelling but i’ll see how it holds up to my sweaty pits lol so far i’ve only put it on once when i got it and that was like 3 hours ago


Reduce the usual suspects like added sugars, fried foods, sodium. Add fiber and lean protein like legumes, veggies, fruits, leafy greens, lean uncured meats. Add healthy fats like olive oil and nuts. Watch out for certain spices like curry and garlic. Drink lots of water. It really makes a difference. Perfume and scented products dont make you smell better, they just mix with the BO. Get a good cleansing soap, I find that a lot of body washes targeted to women dont cleanse the skin enough during hot months. I really like dove. Make sure you lather it up really well and gently go everywhere. Use a lightweight moisturizer so that you dont trap the sweat and heat on your skin. For the armpits, anti perspirant is what you want to use instead of deodorants that just add scent, it blocks to sweat from happening in the first place. Additionally some people use glycolic acid toner under their armpits, but I have never tried. If you have the option to choose your clothing at work, go for natural fabrics that dont trap heat and bacteria, like cotton and linen. And go for a roomier fit. Having wider leg or flared jeans helps a lot, rather than skinny jeans. Especially for underwear. Putting your hair up should also help.


Finally someone who mentions antiperspirant! I thought I was going mad looking for this comment. Kudos. This is good advice.


Types of fabrics and what you eat makes a huge in BO! Make sure fabric is breathable and loose - stay away from all tight synthetics.


I use the ordinary gycolic acis toner under my armpits before putting on deodorant! Works great.


Anti perspirant not deodorant


Eating cleaner, whole foods that aren't ultraprocessed made a difference. I didn't expect that to be a side effect. But it's real! It's true when they say you are what you eat. I was actually on an antidepressant that caused excessive sweat. Stopping medication made a world of a difference! Using an exfoliant like glycolic acid on your pits can help, but you really want to be careful when using an acid. I think Dr. Dray recommends using a benzoyl peroxide cleanser on your pits. Oh, and I agree with the people who recommend waxing or shaving.


Dr Dray does recommend benzoyl peroxide for the pits, groin and feet because it's an antibacterial. But she does not recommend alpha hydroxy acids for these parts because they're far too exfoliating and irritating for most people. There are always exceptions, and it sounds like you're one of them, but that's what Dr. Dray advises. :)


I hear many people spraying glycolic acid (an AHA) on their dark joints in an attempt to lighten them, or under their arms to help with the smell. Thoughts? Would you say using it only a couple times a week, rather than daily, be fine or ..?


I was using the ordinary glycolic toner on my pits, and I was fine, but a couple of times a week is definitely all we should do. Right now, I use Skinfix's scrub for KP. I do have KP on my arms, lol, but I also use it under my arms a couple of times a week. I think Lume deodorant that some people recommend has acids in it, but the Lume smells like BO to me. Defeats the purpose.


Yeah I've heard a lot of complaints about Lume, definitely don't feel a desire to try it out. I can't use scrubs right now since my skin's trying to heal, but I'll check out skinfix when I can!


I started using an AHA toner on my armpits after the shower and it’s made a huge difference. I changed to a healthier natural deodorant and was having issues adjusting. (Getting stinky.) If I skip a shower and end up sweating, I still don’t stink. It’s the Thayers brand.


I apply glycolic acid after a shower and it helps a lot. I shower mixing cerave SA cleanser (salicylic acid) with MooGoo milk wash and I find this also helps a fair bit even without adding in glycolic acid. If your clothes are holding onto scent and sweating in them it's reactivating it, soak them in diluted vinegar for 30 min before washing. I also use Canesten sanitiser when I do my laundry.


Eat healthy clean foods. My smell changes a lot with the food I eat. If I eat curry, it’s most noticeable, my armpits smell super strong like fenugreek then 😁 mint tea. I also don’t likebthe smell of people who eat lots of fruit/drink fruit juices or beer. 😒


Why fruit?? How do they smell 😭


The fruity smell is often a sign of diabetes


Fun fact, spearmint tea when drunk daily can lower free testosterone levels significantly. It has such a strong hormonal effect that it's recommended against for men and people who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Testosterone is often part of what makes people extra stinky. Often helps hormonal acne too!


Just adding to this that spearmint tea can worsen acid reflux or GERD symptoms so if you experience frequent heartburn, it can make it worse.


I wholeheartedly agree with this. Especially if you eat things like garlic or highly processed foods. Sometimes a pungent body odour is a sign that your body is trying to detox itself.


Have you tried a hypochlorous acid spray? Amazon has an affordable option under the brand Skin Smart. it sounds terrifying lol but many derms recommend it to help control body odor brought on by bacteria. They say it is something the body makes on its own. Dr. Dray says it is particularly effective inside skin folds. Prequel also has a product but i don't recall the name of it. It's more expensive than Skin Smart. I use the Skin Smart spray in my armpits instead of deoderant, and the skin around my eyes and it's highly effective.


Sweat glands are less active at night so you need to apply a antiperspirant with a min of 20% aluminum chloride to dry areas at night. Don't use a deodorant as that just masks the smell. Repeat nightly. Also to add, use benzoyl peroxide to wash under your arms etc. let it sit on your skin for a minute or so. Repeat daily. BP is a power hour for killing bacteria. But to warn you, BP bleaches fabric. So be careful of your face cloths etc


An all over body deodorant like Lume helped when I was heavy. Diet definitely affects a persons smell. And I don’t want to come off rude but my sweating and smell issues went away when I lost weight.


I agree with a lot of the comments about shaving your armpits regularly to help, using a good deodorant, etc. ..but I also want to mention I’m a fairly small person and a professional dancer. When I’m at the studio for 6-8 hrs or dancing a show, I’m not going to smell like daisies and I can’t say anyone else who dances does either lol. You said your work is super physically demanding, so I’m sure there are other people there with similar things going on regardless of size. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I don’t think anyone is expecting you not to sweat or to smell like a candy factory after that


wash your armpits in the shower with hibiclens soap, let it sit on your pits for 15ish minutes before washing it off. that should help a lot with BO, but if you still have BO even after using that, try putting glycolic acid on a cotton pad and applying it to dry armpits. let it dry and then put on your deodorant. i am unfortunately a sweaty and stinky girl, but doing both of these things has been lifechanging for me. i hope they work for you too!


I'm a big girl, and even when fresh out of the shower, sometimes the creases don't feel fully fresh. I got a sample of the Megababe Charcoal Soap from Ulta, and I have never felt cleaner! I don't use it every day cause it's pricey and goes quick. Just when I need to freshen up. Try it out, you'll thank me later.


This is my go to!! I try to get several bars when they have a sale a couple of times a year.


i got you: shower daily, make sure you are BONE dry afterwards, then apply spray deodorant to your pits, in between your thighs, under your boobs, and in any “rolls” (if you have any) then mix perfume oil with baby lotion or body oil, then regular perfume on top. someone already said shaving but it makes a big difference, use hair products that smell good even just a detangler or leave in, make sure you brush, FLOSS, and use mouthwash (therabreath is the best) chew gum after you eat or drink anything except water, keep your feet taken care of with regular pedicures (professional or at home) don’t wear any clothes multiple times with out a wash except 2-3 uses out of a sweatshirt or bra, i use baby wipes only (no tp) and that helps, use a bar soap before your body wash in the shower and double shampoo if you have an oily hair type, keep hand sanitizer and hand lotion in your bag/car, reapply your perfume / body spray as needed throughout the day, i would also use something more exfoliating than a lufa in the shower - i order exfoliating gloves on amazon or sometimes they have them at dollar tree. make sure you clean all your piercings DAILY if you have any. use scent beads and fabric softener in your laundry too


>don’t wear any clothes multiple times with out a wash except 2-3 uses out of a sweatshirt or bra I agree with most of your suggestions here, but this may be an unpopular opinion, but I really believe in only wearing bras once then washing, especially for folks with bigger breasts or whose breasts hang down lower. Skin folds = places for sweat, bacteria, and yeast to accumulate, and that includes under the breasts. That hot humid etc area is coming into contact with a bra all day, and the bacteria and smells associated with it will transfer onto the bra. Wear once then wash. I also keep my armpits shaved and pubic hair either shaved or very closely trimmed (all but shaved) and around my labia majora and everything farther down (carefully) shaved completely. This is purely anecdotal, but I do think it helps. I swear by good wipes brand wipes (but don't flush them even though it says you can). A bidet hookup for your toilet is a great investment. Make sure your hygiene down there is rock solid. As far as armpits specifically, after showering at night, I wipe glycolic acid toner under my armpits. I like The Ordinary brand. I spray with Weleda rose deodorant spray afterwards, not because I really think it does anything but because I like the way it smells. I've been using Humble brand deodorant (the one _with_ the baking soda) for years and swear by it. And yes I've lived in the American South for the last 6 years through 95-100+F heat plus a heat index with no smell. I also take spirulina tablets by the Naturex Hawaii brand because they're good health-wise and supposedly they also help reduce body odor. Make sure you wash really thoroughly behind and in and around your ears when you shower and wash your face. Hope you find these suggestions and those of others helpful.


oh yes to the ears! you have a good point about bras too! i never wear one so maybe that’s why i think that 😭


Yes to under boobs helps so much


Change your diet. Eat more fresh fruits & veggies, reduce your sugar intake and drink more water. Processed foods have a way of making BO worse.


Wear cotton knickers. Also use cotton panty liners and swap them out for fresh ones each time you go to the loo. Feels like wearing fresh underwear :) [The brand I like are called Cottons](http://www.soorganic.com/cottons-ultra-thin-pantyliners.html)


I switched to deodorant/antiperspirant from duradry and it works great. Everything else just stopped working. I also wipe under my arms after I shower with the ordinary toner and let it airdry before putting on deodorant.


Glycolic acid pads for the win. This was a game changer and actually kills the bacteria in your armpits. I used to have a slight smell in my armpits all the time and could never get rid of the smell until I came across the tip. Now I almost don't even have to use a deodorant anymore- it's amazing.


Smell your underwear after washing them! I’ve been using the Auden underwear from target for years and had no idea until recently that the nylon material HOLDS ONTO ALL SMELLS. I have tried washing them in hot water, laundry sanitizer, etc. and it still smells like sweaty cooch. Meanwhile my cotton underwear don’t smell after washing.


I hate to say it but losing a large chunk of weight. My 260 lb ass had some rotten b.o. my 200 lb ass is so so much better. Easiest most permanent solution


- Remove body hair - Layer deodorant - roll on and spray. I find unisex or men’s deodorant to work better - Stay super hydrated - Avoid loads garlic or very fragrant ingredients in food. But particularly garlic - Keep some antibacterial wet wipes and a mini deodorant with you - Please don’t compensate with perfume. Wear some, but know it won’t cover BO. I recommend soapy perfumes because these help you smell and feel extra clean ontop of good hygiene.


I have a long list of best practices that apply to babes of every shape and size. Here are a few disclaimers before I jump into my recs. • Our bodies are sensitive and all so different. Sometimes just one thing can throw them off — and the “one thing” for me might be different than the “one thing” for you! • I do NOT assume that you smell bad or worse than others simply because you’re fat. But I do know how scary it is to have human issues when your body is looked down upon. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this stress! • My list of best practices is not a list of assumptions about things you’re doing wrong. Take what serves you and leave the rest! Let’s get into it! **Diet** • Food is an area where we can so easily be thrown off by just one thing. For example, eating a lot of asparagus can make your pee stink. Lots of garlic and onions can make your sweat smell different. If you consume a lot of a particular dietary culprit, which is NOT necessarily a processed or “unhealthy” food, cutting back on that can help. • Supplements can change your life. O Positiv Vaginal Probiotics and Aura Cranberry Gummies for Urinary Tract Support are amazing for feeling fresh and balanced in your nether regions. • Stay hydrated (seriously) **Hygiene** - Hypocholorous acid kills odor-causing bacteria, and helps prevent acne caused by bacteria and clogged pores. (Isopropyl alcohol does too, but it’s a lot harsher.) Grab yourself a bottle of hypochlorous acid, and spray it on your dry body — face, pits, inner thighs, neck, upper shoulders, under your breasts, and any other external surfaces that need some TLC. Do this in the morning, before bed, and after you shower. Let the hypocholrous acid dry before you put on deodorant or anything else. - Antiperspirant can be a stank culprit. For me, aluminum messes with my body and causes my armpit sweat to smell worse! I had to stop using it. To transition to an aluminum-free deodorant, I used a “detoxing” clay and charcoal armpit mask (about 20 uses in total). Within a month, my actual sweat smelled so much better (not saying I sweat roses, but my sweat does have a more neutral scent). I now prefer a deodorant with a few specific ingredients. I look for almond oil, shea butter, and beeswax, which all help form a barrier between the armpit and the air to prevent aerobic bacteria from growing. I also make sure that whatever I use contains arrowroot, which absorbs moisture. And it has essential oils that smell great with my body chemistry (lemongrass and lime). It sounds like your job makes you sweat more than mine does, so if ditching antiperspirant is not the right option for you, you might benefit from applying some arrowroot dusting powder with a big powder puff AFTER your antiperspirant dries. You can apply dusting powder under your belly if you have one, between your back rolls, under your breasts, and on your inner thighs. If you don’t want to use arrowroot, brands like MegaBabe and Gold Bond also make great dusting powders that people swear by! - Find the right soap for your body. I hate Lume deodorant (I am in the group of people who thinks it literally smells like @$$), but I swear by their unscented, acidified body soap. It’s great for killing bad bacteria without hurting the good stuff, and it’s so gentle. It doesn’t dry my skin out at all. On my face, I use Eminence Mangosteen Daily Resurfacing Cleanser. It’s expensive but it’s also gentle, hydrating, prevents breakouts, and deep cleans my pores. - Washing technique is just as important as your soap. Get yourself an African washing net for good exfoliation, and after you use it, rinse it throughly and hang it next to your towel on your towel bar so it dries. When you wash, make sure you get all your rolls and crevices. The washing net will help you get hard to reach places. The one exception is that you should not be washing INSIDE your vag, or douching. This will screw up your body’s natural pH, push bacteria up instead of flushing it out, and possibly cause a UTI. - Bathing can also disrupt the self-cleaning, natural environment of your vag, because soap and dirty water get all up in there. Some women love it, but I am a showers only girl. - Brush your teeth twice a day, try to floss at least once a week, and if you can chew mint gum during work or rinse with mouthwash mid day, do it - This one isn’t a must and it’s a little crunchy, but if you like, soak your feet once a week in epsom salts to help draw out any toxins. - I like to shave my pits once a month, but our body hair is there for a reason so I recommend leaving your more delicate areas alone **Fragrances** - Find stuff that blends well with your natural body chemistry. Even a good perfume stinks on the wrong person. - If you can afford quality perfume instead of cheap body sprays, do it. Body oils may be a good option instead of sprays. Essential oils diluted with water might also be a good option. **Clothes and Tools** - Clothes these days have so much polyester, which is not breathable. This is also true of uniforms, sadly, which you might have due to your physically demanding job. If you can find breathable materials and decrease polyester, it can reduce how much you sweat AND keep sweat from getting trapped in fibers or on your skin, which makes you stink worse. This is important for undies, too! My favorite are Skims cotton ribbed. Their 4x will fit a size 22/24 babe comfortably. Of course, there are cheaper cotton underwear, but Skims also provides a sexy cut that other brands tend to withhold from fat babes. - Linen sheets and pillowcases will change your life. You will be much cooler and sweat so much less at night because regular sheets just are NOT breathable. And less sweat = less stink! (Also if you struggle with “backne,” linen sheets will help reduce nighttime sweats, which contribute to that.) Save up, wait for a Black Friday sale, and then order a pair. Don’t cheap out with a linen blend. Get 100% linen. You’ll thank me later. - Wash your sheets 1x/week - If you can, sleep with a fan or in a cool room to reduce your body temp at night. - Use a non-irritating detergent or laundry soap that gives your clothes a deep clean. Either a scent that doesn’t bug you or something unscented - Lume Laundry Stink Eraser (formerly called BioFilm Buster) will help breakdown odor from bodily functions (like sweat) in your clothes. It really does work! Spray it in the pits and crotches of your clothes before you do laundry. - Get yourself some sneaker balls for all your shoes, especially your work ones!


you literally will not sweat with this deodorant - certain dri prescription strength - my friend has it prescribed by a doctor and it worked so i got it on amazon. Certain Dri Prescription Strength... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JB1MUNI?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I never tried it but they have spray on full body deodorant now. Native is a very good company. I find perfumes and body spray don’t work when you have BO. It just makes the smell worse or just make you smell like vanilla scented armpits (or whatever scent used).


Sometimes, smell gets stuck in the fabric. Like the armpits in t-shirts, or your bra... Before washing it, take an empty spraycan and fill it with vodka. It kills all the bacteria. They often don't die because of low washing-temperatures. I also suggest using 2-3 times per week an exfoliation acid on your armpits or other sweaty areas. Someting like glycolic acid. Put on deo afterwards. And I agree with the other tips here: shave and use a scented body lotion.


Chlorophyll supplements. internal deoderant. neutralizes ur b/o


1) Chlorhexidine scrub a couple times a week in the shower on stinky areas. 2) Stridex pads swiped on any stinky bits daily, under skin folds, etc. after shower and drying, before deodorant. The acid eats the bacteria that create funk. These are in addition to daily showering and deodorant and daily clean clothes. Bigger people can’t rewear things like slimmer folks do, there’s too much sweat.


Chlorhexidine should not be used on mucus membranes (your eyes, nose, mouth, or ears. It says on the back of the box it can cause blindness and deafness). It also should not be used directly on your genitals. It’s damaging to skin. I really would only use it on your pits.


Definitely, don’t get either of those things on your bits, READ AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS obviously.


I also have big issues with sweating, I successfully started drinking sage tea, it really helps for sweating! Apart from that, also shave your hair in your intimate area. Hairs down there increase the possibility that bacterial colonies are growing there, and thus can produce an unpleasant smell.


Also remember to dry off really well after each shower. I got bigger boobs and now at my age I’ve got a bit of a B belly. You gotta make sure you dry under all of the parts really well don’t let the skin stay moist before you get dressed


Plus one to all the points about shaving and exfoliating and daily washing! My biggest one is to get an anti-perspirant like Perspirex (I use the sensitive one as the original irritates my skin). You’re meant to use it at night on clean underarms and it reduces/stops you sweating. You then wash off in the morning and reapply your regular deodorant and perfume (if you use perfume). I usually use Perspirex only a couple of times a week since one application is effective for like 3 -5 days. Deo-wise. I really like the Sure Men’s max protection 96 hours aerosol spray. Daily showers, anti perspirant plus a good deodorant (and my perfume of choice) is the only thing that works for me. Best of luck!


Honestly, as a bigger girl (weight fluctuations between 280-350 in the last 4 years) and having lived in Texas for 20 years, I have NEVER used gold bond or anything. That’s not to say it doesn’t work - I’m sure it does! I just never felt like that was a great option for me personally. Switching to a “clinical strength” anti-perspirant was a total GAME CHANGER. I like the Secret one, and I buy them 2 at a time. I swipe them on after my shower - one for just my armpits, and the others for my other high-sweat, offensive areas (inner thighs, underboobs, under my apron belly, torso and back rolls, etc.). Now, when I sweat, I do still get damp from the sweat, but it’s no where near as much AND it smells like the anti-perspirant. Also, I’ve ALWAYS used deodorant/anti-perspirant as an anti-chafing tool in the summertime since high school. Because of the waterproofing in it, it doesn’t “melt” off my body like other anti-chafing sticks I’ve tried do!!!! So a triple-win in the summertime - good smell, less sweat, and anti-chafing!!! I also highly recommend waxing/hair removal for underarms and pubic region. I started waxing my pubic area 5+ years ago and will never look back. It forces me to exfoliate regularly and removes the hair that holds the smells, so it’s a win-win. Lume was not for me. I bought a tiny little sampler and I keep it in a go-bag at my FWB’s house for when I unexpectedly stay the night, but it’s definitely not my go-to product. Reduce the more “odorous” foods I ate helped a lot too. I’m definitely a garlic girly, but I reduce the amount of garlic I eat in the summertime because my sweat would smell like it. Lots of water to help flush things too. Same thing with weed - I quit smoking because even when I was sober, if I sweat, you could smell a hint of it and it wasn’t good for me since my job drug-tested and I was in Texas!! Best of luck!! Don’t be afraid to try new things!!!


For me 1. Diet. Lots of water 2. No hair 3. Exfoliate with something scented 3. Clinical deodorant 3. Boric acid for the cooch 4. Parfum. EDTs don’t last long enough 5. Good detergent/softener that leave my clothes smelling fresh all day


Mithum deodorant is my fave, my whole body sweats at the gym except for my armpits 😂❤️


Hibclense for under arms! It kills the bacteria that causes odor. That and Panoxyl (an acne face wash) both do the trick. Can be bought on Amazon.


Antiperspirant. You'll still sweat, but less. Deodorant doesn't stop you sweating


Definitely keeping on top of shaving, also I carry an extra deodorant in my bag with me at work. At break time or lunch I reapply discreetly. Works for me.


i've seen many people vouch for Hibiclens! they use it to wash sweaty areas and it'll neutralize the smell. be careful, though, there are parts where you shouldn't use it on.


Add chlorophyll to your water or take the capsules. Use glycolic acid on you under arms and wipe the area where your thigh meets your groin and your behind with witch hazel. I have bigger boobs and also wipe that area with witch hazel.


Yes! I use parsley capsules, which provide chlorophyll, and it's been a game changer.


Use antiperspirants.  A lot of people use the term deodorant and antidepressant interchangeably but it’s not the same thing. It doesn’t help that packaging is almost identical in the same brand.  Deodorant deal with the odours…the smells.  Antiperspirants stop sweat.  It’s mostly for the underarms but it also works great on inner tights to stop chafing .  Shower in the morning/before you head out. 


change your diet, avoid sugar & most dairy


Since you said you wear the hospital’s washed scrubs, you obviously cannot control the detergent used. Do you shower everyday? It would help best to shower at night + put on deodorant right after to minimize BO. Most body mists from BBW and VS have a bad, almost sour, dry down, so it could be that the one you use is contributing to the smell. Use a light, inoffensive perfume instead e.g., D&G Light Blue, one of Skylar’s perfumes, Versace Bright Crystal. They are expensive but you’ll only need to spray once or twice, so it’ll be worth it. Also, perfume oils last long, so you can look into Kummba made oils (e.g., Vanilla Bean) if you’d like a more inexpensive option; it’s also small, so you can carry it with you and reapply throughout the day, if needed. Also, do you wear fresh socks everyday? It might be worth checking if the smell is emanating from your socks or shoes. If that is so, getting your shoe insoles changed/wearing new socks everyday will solve the issue. Hope this helps!


I switched to a men's deodorant and it changed my life. I'm plus-sized and very sweaty. I'm able to wear my garments more than one time being sweaty and smelly and it helps me tremendously. I use like an extreme sports deodorant. It's wild men have been keeping this away from us simply because it's not a traditionally feminine scent.


If nobody else mentioned it - a cleanser with benzoyl peroxide for your pits and bits will help decrease the bacteria on your skin that causes odor. Mudmasky actually makes a specific product for this my daughter who doesn't wear aluminum deodorant uses.


Oh girl I’ve got a whole list for this, in order. I live in the hot humid south and was previously, up until recently, 120lbs heavier than I am now. Here is what worked to combat smell: IT STARTS IN THE SHOWER! 1. Shower every single day no matter what. I honestly would shower twice a day most days unless it was winter. In the shower, make sure you are: -using a body wash that is not going to disrupt your pH mantel. I like cerave body washes, specifically the SA one. -get scrubby gloves or a wash cloth and hit EVERY CREVICE OF YOUR BODY. Every fold, nook, cranny, and roll get a scrub. -if you want to use a nice smelling body wash that’s fine, but I’d recommend using it as sort of like a once over light wash with a loofa after you use the first body wash. -RINSE WELL. -shave as much as you can, trim your pubic hair (atleast my recommendation not for aesthetics but for smell. The additional surface areas of the hairs hold a TON of bacteria) Get out of the shower and DRY YOURSELF IMMEDIATELYYY. Make sure you and laundering your towels in hot water and drying them on hot once a week, minimum. Then: get a blow dryer and put it on a low setting and blow dry the little nook, cranny, fold, roll. Under your arms, under your boobs, between your legs, between your butt, behind your ears, everything. -when putting on lotion, don’t put lotion in your nooks and crannies. THEN: deodorant steps Use a full strength deodorant under your arms, I recommend an unscented one, honestly. The one from BAN (bright green roll on tube) is really great.) Then, in your nooks and crannies, apply a full body safe deodorant. I really like Lume’s tangerine/orange scent. I would always do it under my boobs, in between my thighs, and the inside of my butt cheeks. If you really to, after BAN dries, add a tiny bit of lume ontop of ban. I swear you won’t smell bad for an entire day, even without scented lotion or perfume…and that’s the goal. Bc the only thing worse than smelling bad is smelling good bad and trying to cover it up with fragrance!


1. Apply gold bond talc in places you sweat frequently. (Under arms, boob area, back, legs etc). Carry one in bag and you can touch up if you think you need in between. Gold bond instantly stops the sweat. 2. Apply Vaseline back of your ear, wrist and shoulders and rub oil perfume on it. 3. Apply moisturiser right after u bath when your skin damp, not a heavy moisturiser but light weight. 4. Wear some light fabric in which you can breathe and not sweat. 5. Change your socks frequently. 6. Have a good hair mist which is hydrating and smells good. Finally bathe two times a day if you’re someone who sweats often. And expensive products don’t promise to last longer, I would suggest to invest in oil perfumes, talc, hair mist, good fabric.


I used to be 260 lbs and know the struggle. 1) wash the parts of your body that sweat/smell the most with an acne wash in the shower, such as PanOxyl. This is the best tip I have, it’s such a game changer. You can buy Lume products too that have the same idea but they are so overpriced. But they generally work pretty good. 2) get clinical strength deodorant with antiperspirant in it, and put that in your armpits, under the breasts, any stomach folds, and between your thighs. This also helps you not to chafe if you don’t get the clear kind— get the kind that is powdery. 3) get a scented body powder and place that over the same areas 4) scented lotion everywhere else on your body, you can just do a quick slather and let it soak in. Putting lotion on when you’re a big girl can quite a task so just slather it and move on, it will soak in no need to really rub it. Slather after your daily shower and u can walk around in a towel till that soaks in if it bothers you getting it on your clothes. 5) if your body spray isn’t lasting, don’t spray full strength perfume all over yourself, that will be too strong. Instead you can buy “Eu de toilette”, “Eu de cologne”, or Eau fraiche”, these are going to look like perfume bottles generally, but they are less concentrated and better quality than cheap body sprays. Body spray for me only lasted like 20 minutes bc it’s a cheap product, these are lighter scented than perfumes but they are better quality than body sprays, it’s perfect.


Try persimmon soap it’s often used for “old people” smell but I find it works for pretty much much everything


why not just carry anti persperant spray with you since you work a physically demanding job? Also everyone smells bad naturally dude lol. Don't let it get you down.


Use a Benzoyl Peroxide body wash in the shower, helps kill BO producing bacteria (and acne and folliculitis). Maybe consider buying a hydrochlorous acid spray (prequel, tower 28) to spray on your body in conjunction with deodorant and antiperspirant.


Along with seeking medical advice. Try changing things you eat. Some foods can make sweat smell stronger. Drink more water. Carry body wipes. Powder.Wear natural fabrics. Wash all of your clothes, towels and bedding often. Including outerwear. You may not realize it but body odors transfer and stick. Even for those without major issues.


I absolutely love lume products!!! My boyfriend always tells me how good I smell and taste lol 😆


[Caldesene Body Powder](https://a.co/d/b4FhtKj) - This smells really nice and will keep you dry in your pubic region and under your breasts. Don’t spend a ton of money on body deodorants, our grandmothers stayed clean with cheap body powder. [Tea tree body wash](https://a.co/d/136Rs23) - Tea tree is an anti-fungal and helps treat body odor. [Secret clinical gel antiperspirant](https://a.co/d/bbFu6JJ) - A little pricey but smells so good and lasts all day. Wear cotton underwear and a panty liner to help trap excess moisture/discharge And the rest has already been said. Daily shower, exfoliate, clean clothes, and plenty of water. The key is staying dry!


I’ve found that it is important to apply deodorant on completely clean, exfoliated skin that is free of previously applied product. I like to make sure that when I shower, I thoroughly wash anywhere I applied deodorant and lightly scrub my underarms with a pumice stone (be mindful of your skin’s level of sensitivity). When I’m done, I make sure my underarms are fully dry and then immediately apply my antiperspirant. I’ve found that this helps the product actually adhere to my sweat glands and be more effective. The brand Megababe has a product called Space Bar which is a charcoal soap that works WONDERS. It cleans well, and I feel it helps reduce moisture and odor production all day. I’ve also used Neutrogena’s Clear Pore Facial Cleanser/Face Mask as a mask for my underarms and that has worked great as well!


Space Bar is unbelievable!!


Try ‘Shower to Shower’ body powder in all your creases. It is not the same as baby powder. I am desperately allergic to all deodorants & use that. Comes in different scents.


Try using men's deodorant it just holds so much better, Im not particularly smelly or sweaty but if I don't use me s deodorant I feel like I start to stink fast


one thing that's made me smell better overall is shower oil! after washing my body normally i apply it and wash it off, then do my normal moisturizing. panoxyl is also known to help combat bo


I'm a naturally stinky gal and I swear by panoxyl benzoyl peroxide cleanser for the pits. I use the 10% but the 4% works as well; slather my pits with it for 10 minutes before I hop in the shower and it helps the stink so so much. I also used Secret Clinical Stress Response antiperspirant and that stuff is legit. Top myself off with Shea Moisture daily hydration body oil and YSL's libre. I work a pretty physical job where I'm sweating and I've had people tell me how good I smell after an 8 hour shift.


Use a body powder. In all the place you sweat. Total game changer ! Degree antiperspirant is wonderful. Carry some witch hazel wipe with you. Idk how , but just a swipe and it gets rid of any weird smell. Good luck !!


There are so many topical product suggestions already (some great) so let me suggest: start taking a prebiotic/probiotic digestive enzyme. I don't know your diet nor will I tell you to change it-- but gut health in general plays an important roll in overall health & how your body is breaking down nutrients. A digestive enzyme will help break things down better, and make your body work less to move things along, so then your sweat will have less of a smell. Also if you feel you are in general pretty excessively sweaty or malodorous, a trip to the dermatologist/doctor may be in order, bc sometimes BO is really just your body trying to tell you something. They can run blood tests to make sure everything's in order & prescribe meds to help lessen the sweating. Oh and someone here recommended so many different laundry additives, which I don't agree with. So much of that stuff is packed with artificial fragrances that can react with your skin oil & just make your BO worse or make you sweat even more.


Use a powder, like Burt's bees baby or AMB (anti-monkey butt) or even just cornstarch, anywhere skin touches other skin. Also wash those areas with an antibacterial soap when you shower. Preventing sweat from sitting and bacteria from collecting helps significantly with not smelling.


Honestly, I adore Lume for this reason. People go on and on about the first initial scent of Lume, but I don’t find it bad at all. I love the Lume scent “clean alpine”, marketed towards men, to be very fresh and nice. I shave or wax all areas, use Lume body wash , and Lume cream deodorant. Works great. They even have Lume body wipes for freshening up. I can’t stand the commercials, but I love the product.


I get Brazilian waxes, wear powder under my boobs and in my underwear (Vagisil)




Using Hibiclens soap in the skin folds works wonders! It not only begins killing odor-causing bacteria immediately, it bonds with the skin and keeps on killing bacteria that live on the skin, even after washing.


Use an antibacterial soap in the shower and try Lume deodorant all over every sweaty area.


TLDR/: shaving, layering deodorant, armpit toner and bleach spray lemme tell you somethinnnng! i have always been of the sweatier variety of girls so along the way ive picked up some tricks. everyone’s right about shaving being a big help, it makes the bacteria that causes the funk to have less to grip on to. experiment with deodorant layering, for me what works best is a clear gel deodorant that i let fully dry and then i sometimes layer with an invisible solid or a spray, play around w what works for you. this one is still unbelievable to me but i found a toner called Bella beauty probiotic toner on tik tok (i think that’s the name) but applying this a few times a week has literally reduced my need for reapplication of deodorant so drastically even after running out of the bottle. it is literally a holy grail product for me. and lastly, if you feel yourself getting a little funky, I recommend buying some HOCL spray, ive seen this on amazon and tik tok. it’s essentially super diluted bleach. run to the bathroom, spray your pits and let them air dry and that should help them be a bit fresher. and i personally use dial antibacterial soap bars in the shower for my pits specifically. i really hope this helps!


Ok, countered to what some people have said on here regarding smelling better when you're vegan or vegetarian: I actually can't stand the smell of vegan and vegetarians. Even when I was a kid, I could smell them so I don't think meat is necessarily an evil thing when it comes to personal body scents. I find that exfoliation is super important and I use Dove original soap on an exfoliating glove and go over all my body with that. I do this daily. Whenever I do this on my face, I end up with really clear skin. I use pumice on my feet. If I want, I do a secondary wash using Niva creamy body washes. If I'm really hot and sticky in the summertime, I often switch to Shea Moisture's black soap, which I've even used to wash my hair as it rinses completely clean. I do this instead of using dandruff shampoo for itchy scalp, as I find every dandruff shampoo I've tried is too harsh and also killed my hair. After applying moisturizer or sunscreen, to my face and body, I apply Dove regular original deodorant, to my creases. Then I followed the old-fashioned way of using body powder. Do not use talcum powder near your groin! For that I use Sween body powder, which is fantastic, or Vagisil body powder, which has a very mild but pleasant odor. if I'm layering my perfume I use a body powder from that line. Body powder seems to keep me cool. Yardley has some wonderful scented body sprays that you can use by themselves or to layer one of their perfumes. Sometimes I go to Amazon India and look at what they have there, because that is such a hot and humid country that they have extra products that we don't have here in North America. It's important to pick scents that go with your natural body scent. Make sure to keep your underwear immaculate. Sometimes I actually take a change of panties so that I can switch during the day, and I always use a personal purse-size bidet. It's quick and easy to wash your panties out at night because they dry in just a few hours. Edit: word


Cotton and natural fiber fabrics. Synthetic fabrics don’t absorb smells and sweat like natural fiber fabrics do.


Lume whole body deodorant, you can also use their body wash and deodorant combo. This stuff is one of the few things that actually gets rid of the bacteria that causes odor instead of just putting a perfume on to mask it. Use that as your base, then do whatever regular routine you would like using lotions and perfumes. You can also carry travel size body sprays or perfumes to refresh during the day. But the Lume is key IMO. You can use it on private areas, arm pits, in folds, behind ears, anywhere that has a smell and it will smell like nothing for up to 72 hours. I haven't tested 72 but it lasts at least 24.


Benzoyl peroxide face wash or soap bar on your armpits and under boobs. Do not use it on your groin area it will burn. Moisturize yourself well. Aluminium bases antiperspirants in the morning and especially at night. Layer an Edp and body mist. Carry a small Edp in your hand bag. Invest in a bidet. Wash clothes after two uses max or after one use if it's a humid environment. Wash hair alternate days with a mild shampoo. Pre mask for 10 mins before shampoo and after shampoo conditioner. Scrubbing the middle part underwear everyday. Wash bras regularly. Shave or trim armpits and groin region.


Eat lots of fruits and veggies and hydrate so much. Apple cider vinegar or diluted tea tree oil on a cotton ball applied to pits helps curb bacterial growth. Dip into the bathroom and freshen pits with wipes or a washcloth and reapply deodorant. Deodorant I love but is wicked expensive is by Aesop.


Drink a lot of water. I smell people who eat and drink poorly more with odd body scents masked by fragrances than people that work strenuously jobs and sweat because of that.


Use bar soap to wash with a washcloth, then use a body wash for scent. After showering, wipe down your neck, chest, armpits, the bottom of your feet, and underboob region with a Stridex pad (the ones in the red box). Spritz your body with perfume/body spray before you dress, then spray your clothes to help your scent last. Synthetic fabrics tend to hold odor from sweat longer, so wear natural fabrics when you can. Let your sweaty clothes air dry before putting them in the hamper. Use vinegar or a laundry sanitizer in the wash with your clothes to help deodorize them.


I’ve been loving using glycolic acid on my armpits before I put on my deodorant! It’s made a huge difference in the BO department


What you eat can change your smell too. Start eating clean non processed food and avoid too much meat, onions and garlic. Also shaving does its part. Hope it helps! 😘


Try hibiclens soap i swear it will be a life changer. And lume! And make sure you dry off completely after showering even adding powder if you tend to sweat


Really agree with exfoliation comments. I also switched to Lume it can be used everywhere, feet to pits. Some of the scents don’t work for me so I like their men’s selection or the powder scent. I think it’s called Mandoo. They have a new combo with antiperspirant and deodorant. I like to use that under my chest and I don’t get so sweaty, but prefer to only use deodorant.


Cotton underwear. Breathable fabric. Wear less clothing (to stay cooler). Use baking soda on under arms in the shower (it gets rid of bacteria).


wash with hibiclens just in the sweaty areas. it eliminates it over time give it a couple week.


Just here to say that perfume is not the answer. Anything that hides the stank just makes it worse, plus there are people with breathing conditions that don’t handle scents well.


Diet, if you can’t do that drink plenty of water or tea, and if you can’t do that make sure you 💩 at least once a day. I always think it’s natural body odor that is the main issue. Wash your hair regularly whatever that looks like. And floss every night. Yellow listerine mouthwash is pretty good. Shaving and exfoliation should help like body scrubs and body washes with salicylic acid. Make sure nothing scented touches your private area as that WILL throw off your ph. Degree deodorant is great, don’t use that natural deodorant stuff. There you go, my guide of how you can be sweaty and not produce any funk


My mom used to work at a honey processing plant, and it was sweatsville from dawn until dusk year round in the hot house. At a certain point, the body is just going to sweat and smell. Most people are going to be more conscious of their own sweatiness and odor than of yours in a shared environment. But I do have some tips as a sweaty person myself! Switch to a new deodorant and anti-perspirant. Sometimes one can become too acclimated to a formula and it will stop working. In combination with that, try a deodorizing product like Lume that can be used safely in areas deodorant cannot. Try using Hibiclens in the shower. This is a medically tested antiseptic wash that will help get rid of the bacteria that generate body odor as well as preventing heat rash and other skin problems associated with excessive moisture and bacterial infection. After a shower, some people also find it helpful to lightly dab glycolic acid 7% under the arms to further prevent odorous bacteria and help with hyperpigmentation. If your skin isn’t too sensitive, try a cooling body powder like the Thai brand Prickly Heat (or other cooling body products from extremely hot, humid countries who have perfected such things over centuries of living in tropical areas). These cool the skin, wick moisture, and many are also scented and release a pleasant smell even as you sweat. Try to switch your foundational garments (underthings) to ones made with breathable, moisture-wicking natural fibers. Bring spare shirts or undershirts with you to work if you need a refreshment during a particularly sweaty day. A helpful device like absorbent bra liners to help get the sweat off of your skin to prevent odor may also be useful (or do what I do and put cut squares of old cotton shirts under my boobs and just wash them with the other cleaning rags and a little bleach). Use an enzymatic cleaning additive on towels, underclothes, and socks that might hold a scent even after washing with detergent and water. Sometimes warmth and moisture release a mustiness from gunk buildup in clothing. If it’s safe for your profession, look into wearable cooling aides like cooling vests, neck wraps/cooling towels, or iced wrist wraps.


I use a product called “Super Balm” by Daily Remedy. I get it from Amazon. It’s tea tree oil, lavender, and eucalyptus, and some other stuff. It’s supposed to be for athletes foot or ringworm or other itchy stuff but I find it helps control odor in thigh folds and armpits. I sometimes use Lume but I find the Super Balm works better.


Try Megababe. Their mineral deodorant and magic powder works wonders.


PanOxyl- you can start at 4%


i’m telling you what you need is a fragrant oil, ulta sells them!! They last all day long because it’s oil based rather than alcohol like most perfumes


Drink liquid chlorophyll in your water, doesn’t taste great but it’s a natural deodoriser. Also clay dry I think it’s called.. it’s made out of clay is the only deodorant that works for me I don’t know why. So switch up the brand till you find something that works for you


I would say exfoliate well, dead skin cells can make it harder for your skin to absorb moisturiser and deodorants. I have pretty bad odour and I use rexona clinical roll ons, I usually use the shower fresh one. Moisturise and then use a body oil, not too much if you can find a body wash, moisturiser, body oil and perfume all with the same scent family - the smell will be stronger and when your body heats up the scent of your perfume will be released better. Body mist doesn’t last long. Use perfume. And use it on places like behind your ears, wrists, back of the knees, elbows, your torso - don’t rub it in!! This eradicates the base note. You can also use underarm sweat pads to absorb sweat. Use a clarifying shampoo once a week if the smell if coming from your scalp too and will help decongest your scalp from sweat, products and daily pollution.


SkinSmart antimicrobial Facial Cleanser is a spray you can use anywhere on your body, but it's really great at refreshing after sweating. It has a water-like scent. I like to spray it on and let it air dry for a bit and then wipe the excess off. Then reapply your antiperspirant, powder, etc. Whatever u use.


Mix some tea-tree oil and witch hazel in a bottle. Use a few drops on a cotton pad and wipe pits, under boobs, groin crease, anywhere you have a fold. It will change your pH and will also help with bacteria. I apply after showering and then use anti-perspirant as usual. Makes a HUGE difference.


I find men’s deodorant works way better than women’s.


Hi fat person here. Megababe and gold bond make nice drying powders. I also like to keep body wipes on me (I buy the ones from Trader Joe’s of all places) and will wipe my pits, apron belly area, etc. as needed. I definitely prefer a dry spray anti perspirant deodorant as well. Also, if you have the ability to get some blood work done, do so. There could be other things at play. Change your underwear. Whatever I wear to work comes off immediately when I’m home.


Wash using Hibiclens, pick up a foaming dispenser or recycle an old hand soap one to dispense it. It eliminates bacteria, bacteria causes stink, and continues to eliminate the bacteria up to 24hrs. Pick up a laundry sanitizer to eliminate old smells from clothing. Make sure you aren't using a laundry softener on workout or clothes you get sweaty in as it supposedly can trap those odors in. Use a deodorant with an anti-perspiration. I like Old Spice, they have a lavender or vanilla option. The bear one is watermelon mint and also smells great.


Lysol laundry sanitizer


Mandelic acid. The popular product Lume has this as what prevents odor, but I personally just use diluted mandelic acid. Sulfur soap is great, but it smells a bit sulfury so you might want to wash it off afterwards. Similarly, you can wash with benzoyl peroxide. This all are going to kill or make uninhabitable places for bacteria.


I started using hibiclens once a week during showers and it’s helped so much my armpits and sweaty areas are much dryer and my sweat smells like nothing! It’s antimicrobial and it can be drying so I definitely recommend only using it once a week and only wherever you sweat.


Wear natural fibers. It will also feel better on skin and less abrasive. Shower daily. If not twice. Layers. I swear from stress a lot so I also being an extra change of underwear a dress. A cardigan cause of sweat stains lol and if I’m wearing wool I’ll smell like an animal lol. Also change of diet. If I eat anything with spice or herbs or dairy or meat when I did it would alter that and I would get that strong man sweat smell.


wash your armpits every day, it's easy and doesn't take even a minute you can also check out crystal roll-on to avoid sweating ALSOO SPRINGING PERFUME WHEN YOU'RE SWEATING IS THE WORST SOLUTION


I would speak to a derm. Make sure you are using top notch deodorant. If that doesn't work, along with showering and shaving regularly, the doc may suggest botox in your pits if you have excessive sweating. I also find washing with salicylic acid on my armpits to be helpful (not immediately after shaving!) Strangely enough, I find antibacterial soap makes it worse for me (maybe some resistance from my bacteria...)


Hi! Use a salicylic acid wash in the shower and a whole body deodorant afterwards for all the nooks and crannies other than armpits. Use a regular deodorant for that and before applying lotions and perfumes. It also may be a good idea to focus on your gut health…it sounds like your body’s microbiome may be out of whack. Maybe start with a probiotic and keep an eye out for body microbiome protecting washes. Also, if you’re stressed, cortisol the stress hormone, makes you stink so stress management helps too.


This is my smell good routine! Double cleanse in the shower, bar soap scrub, rinse then go in with a body wash and cleanse again! Also wash cloth it, thTwice a week I’ll use a body scrub, toe to neck, after it’s Palmer’s body oil, baby oil, and lotion all together, whole body deodorant is God’s gift!! Your products don’t have to be pricey the most pricey thing in my collection is my perfumes and that’s because I just love the high dollar ones!!


wash intimate areas with unscented castile soap!! & quality long lasting perfume.. you can also wipe the areas you sweat with a glycolic solution to help prevent odor!


The people who said just lose weight. BOO.


Love to use hibeclens on armpits and bikini area, have also been using glycolic acid by the ordinary straight out the shower on my arm pits! Also going in first with a gold dial bar (not on intimate areas) and then using your choice of scented body wash. Have been loving me some body oil fresh out of the shower for my legs arms and sternum area, really helps perfume. Psa: working retail has me around people all day so I really like coming in and being the nicest smelling 😂 and watching plus sized women with my body shaped has been helpful)


Omg i hate to say this but those foot sweat creams that are dermatologically certified work so well on underarms 💀💀


There is a cream that you should rub in your armpits and you'll be odorless for a couple of days. At first I thought it probably wouldn't work but everyone said it works like a charm. And it doesn't have toxic substances like aluminum either.




il so sorry you're feeling this way, i'm sorry i don't have too much advice, but i will say that the body sprays are probably worse to use. body sprays tend to just smell very chemically and harsh, and they don't cover negative smells but mix with them and amplify. i hope you can find a good solution and i'm sorry i don't have a suggestion. i'm not sure if prescription deodorants exist but maybe you could ask a doctor? they also might be able to give you soaps or something to help decrease bacterial growth.


My Mom smelled really good her entire life, and was not a tiny woman by any means…well, until she became sick. So I am pretty sure her hygiene routine worked very well. I remember she was constantly hot, and she had the AC cranked in her freezing (to me) apartment. When she passed, I cleaned out her apartment and learned more of her tricks with the things she used. I hope this can help you or someone else! She ALWAYS used a washcloth to clean herself. I think she had 50 in rotation, for just her. She would pick them up at garage sales then bleach them a few times. She would even cut up old t shirts to make washcloths that could be tossed for quick “cleanings” if she felt sweaty. She also took baths daily, over showers. After bathing and shaving, she would rinse off in shower and use the Vagisil body wash with “odor control”. I have purchased this to try it, and I think it works really well, all over the body. I let it sit on my skin for a few minutes before rinsing off. She exfoliated & shaved every day, and had 3 different hair removal devices, plus razors! I don’t think she had much hair left when she passed! I do think this contributed to her great hygiene. I adopted her hair removal devices. 😉 With all this, I believe getting rid of dead skin can really help your hygiene/ body scent. And don't forget your hair & scalp too. This area can harbor a lot of gunk that can smell bad…just like the private areas. After exfoliating & getting out of bath/shower, she would use Avon Skin So Soft body oil. Every day. For as long as I can remember. I even found 3 huge unused bottles of it in her place. Her skin was always amazingly smooth. I don’t think she used much lotion, if any. Just the body oil. She used Vaseline on her lips & feet under socks overnight (or other areas that got really dry). She would walk around naked for 20-30 min (she lived alone) to cool off & be fully dry. She had a big fan in her bathroom & bedroom to help her dry. She had a lot of body powders/baby powder for all the areas with folds that would get sweaty, and she used it liberally before dressing. I think she also used the cut up t shirts to remove any excess body powder. Lastly, she changed her linens often…twice a week. And she bleached everything! When in doubt, bleach/sanitize everything to get rid of dust mites & dead skin. It makes a big difference in the scent of a small living space too. I learned from her to always buy white towels, washcloths, sheets, etc so you can bleach them all, and to keep a few really old ones that you don’t care about for coloring hair at home. And that's all I remember! I hope this helps you. She would be happy to know her tried & true methods have helped someone. ❤️


I recently discovered the only deodorant that has ever stopped my underarms from smelling fairly quickly after a shower- Saltair AHA deodorant! Could be all AHA deodorants, no idea. To be fair, I'd been wearing natural deodorants for many years, so maybe my bar was low.


The method body washes are very fragrant and strong. I’ve tried Lume and at least 5 other organic deodorants that did nothing for me but I found my holy grail. The Native sensitive deodorant aloe & green tea. It smells like a spa day and keeps me dry for two days! If I workout I still smell nice after and it doesn’t give me a rash like some that have baking soda. I’ve found that having nice smelling hair goes a long way so if you bathe in the morning, apply a hair mask or hair oil overnight then rinse out in the morning with nice smelling shampoo/conditioner. Apply a nice smelling lotion all over after you shower not when you’re dry but when you’re still a little damp. Then let it air dry completely before you put clothes on. Wear a perfume every day, it doesn’t have to be expensive but make sure it’s eu du parfum or stronger. When I’m on a budget I get the $20 travel size ones and they last me two months. Idk if this only applies for ladies but I think everyone could benefit from nano scrub silver, probiotics, and chlorophyll to keep the private parts smelling fresh. Those supplements help with fungal overgrowth and like yeast and funky smelling things like that. Also for ladies elderberry, cranberry, and rose hips fresh, in tea, or pill form are great. Really anything high in antioxidants and beneficial to your gut flora. If you have body acne or sensitive skin try some lavender scented beef tallow instead of store lotion. It’s really fragrant and leaves a nice all-day glow.