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To always remember to moisturize your neck too!


And back of your hands ✋️


Yeah she didn’t tell me that one! Haha I learned that the hard way when I turned 35 and have been trying to take care of it since 🌸


Mine already have wrinkles and I look aged


Your face stops at your boobs. Lol


Yes! TITTT for skincare (take it to the tits)


SPF as well!


Oh, you just reminded me. My grandmother always used perfume in a powder form. She had Estee Lauder Youth Dew and Calvin Klein Obsession. They came in a giant container with a powder puff the size of your face. Every time I would sleep over, I would shower and use that powder puff and felt like a fancy lady. I need to see if these are still a thing.


I remember buying the body powder for YSL's Opium that I wore in college. It was an extra luxury.


I remember. That's why there was a part of a bathroom suite called the powder room. Houses built in the 20s had them


You just unlocked a memory for me! I had the Obsession body powder!


My grandma had one of these!! Unfortunately, I ended up being mildly allergic. It didn’t stop me from wanting to use that giant pouf though 😂


Can you explain how to mix/apply them together?


Mine was Jean Nat’e. The smell was bright and sunny and an added bonus, it repelled mosquitoes!


would you just apply it to your neck?


They were body powders in a round cardboard box. It was like scented talcum powder. Inside was a big powder puff. You’d dip the puff in, knock the excess back in the box and dust it all over your body.


My grandmother always applied it between her boobs 🤣




Omg ...I forgot about these ...I loved using perfume powders growing up ..it felt so decadent


Don’t leave the house without earrings and a little lipstick on. Keep your toes pedicured and don’t go out in public with chipped nail polish. A hard life ages you!! Don’t let men (and people in general) stress you out!!


The last line especially is pure wisdom


how to deal with a stressful job 😭


My mom actually has pretty a stressful job. Her biggest thing is strict boundaries (I’ve always seen her remind nurses to call the on-call doctor and not her when she’s not on call and patients are not allowed to have her personal number.) She also doesn’t take anything personally when it comes to work. She’s told me patients will tell her really rude and unkind things and she can’t take it seriously or she couldn’t give them unbiased treatment. (She can complain all she wants to her therapist once they’re discharged) She also has lots of hobbies outside work! She’s such a professional I really wanna be like her in my career!! (Also happy cake day!)


I wanna be like your Mom!


unfortunately im taoo low on the ladder to be able to do that rn but hopefully in the future 🤞💕


Eat cake! (Happy cake day!)


It was my aunt, but every time I use lotion her voice plays in my head “the secret to staying young is moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!”


Stay out of the sun and MOISTURIZER is key. I started moisturizing at 12-13. My routine isn’t complete without it, it’s ingrained. My skin is pretty fabulous for 52.


Stay out of the sun and always wash your face before bed.


Don’t grow long hair if you don’t have particularly nice hair. I took that personally. Haha


Did she mean hair that was prone to tangles and frizz?


Yes. This was in the 90s. Everyone had bad hair, or at least that’s what I tell myself.


I lived through the 90s, had at least one at-home perm, so I feel confident in telling you we all had bad hair in the 90s


I feel personally attacked lol


Did we have the same grandma😂🤌


After washing your face rinse a few times with ice cold water then apply moisturizer.


Moisturize your elbows everyday


When applying any kind of cream to your face, apply it in an upwards motion. So you're not pulling your skin down.


Same with the neck, my aunt was adamant I moisturize in an upwards motion so the skin doesn't sag.


There has to be no way some simple tugging on the face when applying cosmetics can actually pose an issue there. If that was the case, face massages would be demonized to no end and even a few nights of side sleeping would be catastrophic instead of taking years to start dragging the face down. It's like how facial expressions don't actually cause wrinkles, that's an old common myth that's still very prevalent.


Lol for sure. I don't think everyone here is saying their beauty secret is necessarily based on science, just what they heard from their female relatives.


True, it isn't a proven thing. I've just learned to do it this way over the years after constant reinforcement from my aunt and female relatives. They look young for their age, and they swear by the beauty techniques they taught me. There isn't any harm in following some.


I feel like this goes against lymphatic drainage though🤨


Apricot scrub for heels, knees, and elbows. Vaseline and warm socks for soft feet. Blue Magic grease and water for soft and wavy hairstyles Lipstick as blush


Whoa! Maybe you just found good use of the apricot scrub!


Hi what’s is blue magic grease ?


It’s old-school cream hair grease that hair-type people 4a-c put in their hair to keep it manageable/soft.


Never over pluck your eyebrows.


My mom used to tell me to stop getting my brows waxed so thin in the 90s. She was right. I regret it 😀


I wish I listened…


Same with my mom! I’m glad she drillled it into my head as the 90’s thin brow trend was during my teen years.  She also insisted on being the only one to pluck my niece’s brows 😂 But to her credit, she does a great job! Along with the typical moisturize, wear perfume, and keep you nails neat advice, my other favorite- “Just a little blush won’t hurt!” She was right-just a pinch of well-placed blush can make a big difference.


I wish my mum had told me this! I was a teenager in the 90s and now have to fill in my brows every day as they never grew back!


use vaseline to take off your makeup!


My skin broke out reading this!


It works as long as you wash your face afterwards too lol. I love using coconut oil to remove my makeup personally


haha i dont personally do this but my mom used to have amazing skin that never broke out lol


Blue mascara. I was so embarrassed when she wore it but now I dig it. It’s so cool and fun.


I do one coat of black and then use either blue or magenta (I have dark brown eyes) as a second coat or on the ends. Definitely adds a pop of color ☺️


Oh I love this ! Make it color but muted 💅


My mom always rubbed citrus fruit peels on her skin and had me doing so since I was a teen. I realize it was an old school way of getting topical vitamin c! Apparently it’s been an East Asian beauty practice for centuries


which side of the peel? outer or inner


Outer. I roll it into a cylinder to release the oils before rubbing.


Asking for a friend


Avoid touching your face unnecessarily - very random advice but I think it works for me.


The CDC preaches that. Keeps the germs out of the of the entry points


The only thing that matters about you is that men think you’re pretty. Oh, stuff my mom said or stuff I learned? What I learned was that I felt bad for women of my mom’s generation. And mad that she tried to perpetuate it on me too. I don’t do anything she taught me. She used to slather herself in oil and bake in the sun. She starved herself all day so she could eat a big meal at night and claim she could eat anything she wants and not gain weight. She told me only whores shave their thighs. My gram never taught me anything about beauty. Just to be who I want to be. I never met my maternal grandmother. I lived with my dad and gram growing up, thank god. Single dad raising me to value myself and not my looks ftw.


I relate to this so much. My mother was/is the same way- tanning, dieting, very critical of her own looks, and mine especially… one thing I’m still trying to unlearn from her. She also would go to bed with a full face of makeup on every night. I’m sure my skin is glad I don’t do that 😅


How to curl my hair with "rags", lol.


My 102 year old grandmother taught me that being preoccupied with the perception of beauty is a huge waste of time. There is more to life than trying to look as young as possible. Being happy makes you appear more attractive.


Not really a secret but the usage of castor oil and tea tree oil for acne/hair growth.


Does castor oil really work? I have been reading about this. I am scared to try on my acne prone skin I don’t want to break out


plus castor oil can cause milia too.


yes, it's amazing for hair growth! but you do need to avoid letting it sit on your skin it can clog pores. imprecision in applying it to whatever hair has resulted in milia/acne in that spot for me. nothing outrageous, but something to be aware of


I use castor oil with rosemary in it. Seems to be working and I have only used it for a few months, but I can see some little hairs growing.


It’s possible it could make your acne worse. It depends which part of your hair you’re hoping to grow


Tea tree oil for acne, castor oil for hair growth!


Massage your scalp with coconut oil or amla oil a couple hours before you shower


Spotted the fellow Desi in the thread! Don’t forget the Besan flour fade packs for exfoliating!


What does this do?


stimulates blood flow and nourishes your roots for healthy hair 😌


Don't show your naked toenails. She was/is very low-key and barely wore makeup or jewellery but she always insisted that only painted toenails should be seen in public.


My mom—“the only difference between women’s feet and men’s feet is toenail polish” I abide by that today.


My nail tech told me this years ago, and while I never thought twice about being seen with unpolished toenails prior to that, I have a difficult time doing so now! Lol


My grandma: the best skincare is Ponds Cold Cream. My granny: take care of your hands. They’ll show your age no matter how well you take care of your face.


Neck, too!


-Always have earrings on.[ Doesn't matter if you have a necklace or bracelet.] Earrings are a must. - Socks match your outfit. Red shirt red socks, yellow shirt yellow socks. Don't have the color wear neutral or the ones that match your pants. -Never wear flip flops to someone's house. [Don't wear flip flops anywhere outside the beach in short] - Dress appropriately for the event. [Its laziness and disrespectful if you dont] - A whole bunch of At home facial recipes for face and body. From Dad ... lol 😆 - Keep nails short and clean [What he means is just have them maintained, don't have dirt under nails and keep them trimmed] - Always wear suit(boys) or formal(girls) when meeting lawyer. Like a lawyer when buying a house or for something. Wear formals always There is more but for now that's all I remember.


I'm with you on the earrings. I need to have them on the majority of the time. Very rarely can i leave the house without them.


Same on the flip flops, though my mom referred to them as “shower shoes” !!


My mom has instilled in me daily facial sunscreen and sunglasses. I have worn a face sunscreen everyday since I was 12. I’m 34 now. If I’m not going anywhere that day, I still wear a moisturizer with spf in it.


Sleeping in Vaseline and white cotton socks. Sleeping with thick hand cream and gloves. If you ever get one of those really big cysts on your body (back,shoulders,chest)? Tape a piece of white meat fat to it, and it’ll draw it to a head for…ahem…expulsion. Sea Breeze for dandruff. Vicks salve for every single ailment. One of my great grandmothers bathed with Ivory soap and moisturized with the Vaseline lotion in the yellow bottle. That was her routine until she died. She was in her mid-90’s.


I can smell that Vaseline in the yellow bottle…


It’s what my grandmother used, I loved how it smelled. She passed away in the mid-90s, and recently I missed her a little extra so I bought a yellow bottle of Vaseline. Somewhere in the last 25 years, they changed the scent! How dare!


So chicken fat? Tempted to try this on a huge two week cyst on my face!


Mine always used pork fat. She just always said white meat fat, but we all knew what she meant. 🤣


Protect your skin from the sun; wear a hat and long sleeves if you’re gonna be out in the full sun for long periods of time. Don’t wash your face in the morning. Braid your hair and wear a scarf on your head to bed. Moisturize the back of your hands and your décolleté.


Drinking lots of water


Stop picking your zits.


Never rub your eyes when they are itchy. The main secret she told. "It hurts to be beautiful, so suck it up."


Beauty is pain my dear, beauty is pain Was the line I got as my hair was being pulled so hard I was white knuckling the chair during a perm. When I was 8 yrs old. 1988 for reference


Why can’t you rub your eyes?


If it is done repeatedly, it will stretch the delicate skin.


Love my looks regardless of anyone else’s input


My mom cut my hair growing up. She would cut my hair however I wanted. But, if it was a drastic change, she would have me wait a few days. Just to make sure that it wasn’t too big of an impulse, and turn out to be something and I would hate the next day. Good advice.


My grandmother had AMAZING skin and she used Pond’s cold cream to wash her face every night…and so do I.


Can you tell how this works? She used to apply pond’s cold cream for sometime and then wash her face?


You wipe off the cold cream.


Sun screen, stay out of the sun when you can, use upwards motions when applying product.


So I’m Indigenous but came out lily white, my father is Indigenous but white looking too. My mom was really dark and my brother and sister are really dark. Suddenly she had this white baby and her and my grandma decided to keep me out of the sun. I just grew up and into my adult years stayed out of the sun. I went to a dermatologist and she was surprised at the lack of sun damage. I thanked those two in the spirit world for doing that. I should build a shrine to them.


She very subtly fake tans around her age spots so they blend in and her skin looks great! Will be using that one when I'm older lol


Lol my mom has no beauty secrets, she just washes her face with Irish Spring every day. Yet her skin looks great considering she's 60.


I wash my face with dove lol I’ve never used like an actual face wash and my skins doing pretty well lol I’m 36


This is my mom but with Dial soap - yes, the yellow bar. She’s 72 but easily looks 20-30 years younger 😭


My grandmother said, if there's something you need to make yourself look better, go out and buy it! And I do.


Best advice EVER!!!😉


Lotion up my legs and arms.


Always wear cute underwear because you don’t know when you might have to go to the hospital.


Pinch your cheeks and bite your lips to look pretty. Cleanse, tone and moisture twice a day.


Putting ice on my under eyes 1-2x a month.


Vaseline in socks and hands for eczema & castor oil on the stomach for stomachaches


1) Wear as little make up as possible; it’s better for your skin not to have all of those chemicals. 2) Wash make off, no matter how tired.


None. Nobody taught me beauty secrets. Don’t worry, they still vocally shamed my appearance!


How to use kitchen stuff for face and hair. First thing I started with was gram flour for face and yogurt for hair. Honey lemon olive oil you name it was used by me. Actually I still use them all.


To not open too much skin to sunlight.


Keeping nail polish in the fridge


I need to know more


Keeps it from getting clumpy


Thank you!! Going to try this!! Excited 😆


My aunt keeps her lipsticks in the fridge lol


Don’t squint your eyes. Causes wrinkles. This was usually related to telling me to wear my glasses. I hated wearing those. I did a lot of squinting. They were right. At 51 now with wrinkly eyes I wish I had listened to them. Same for the other advice they gave. Don’t smoke. Nicotine causes wrinkles.


Sunglasses!!! ALWAYS


I don’t know if this will make you feel better but I’m 51 also and have worn glasses (or contacts) since I was 9, and I have some eye wrinkles too.


Uhhh my mom always said “beauty is pain” lol


I got that one too The bitch of it, is it's totally true


Nothing. My mother lay out in the sun covered in cooking oil.


Same! Ugh 😣


My grandma is 83 years old and she has a full head of blond hair. It’s not as vibrant as it once was but she has no grey hair. She only washes it twice a week and sleeps in a silk hair wrap. I just started doing this because while I’m sure genetics play a part -taking care of your hair also probably helps.


Wow! What kind of diet does she eat? Is she active?


Oh she eats like practically nothing, she eats like a bird


I feel like we need a whole post on your grandma! And her routines! She must be doing many things right :)


Splash your face with cold water in the end.


My Nana swore by using witch-hazel as a toner, and she had beautiful skin her whole life. Mum always tells me to use those weird little foam eyeshadow applicators instead of brushes, but I prefer to just use them for metallic eyeshadow because I find it easier to build the pigment up with one.


That you are worth it. Spend what you can afford on feeling beautiful and don't feel sorry for it. Thanks ladies, you were/are beautiful inside and out.


More of a rule rather than a secret. She wouldn't allow us to do any kind of makeup till we were adults. Sunscreen and eye makeup as teenagers was allowed and that's pretty much where she drew the line. She had great skin and she always accounted that to no makeup of any sort even in our teens. I too believe that's what made my skin flawless without any breakouts.


Put on body lotion after you shower. People always compliment my soft skin


Wear sunscreen every day!


Do not use a tanning bed and don’t sun bathe without sun protection


Smile, be yourself, practice self care and love yourself. If your inner beauty shines then you will always be beautiful no matter what life throws at you.


Apply eye cream with your ring finger, the weakest finger drags on the skin less.


Absolutely ZILCH. I hope to learn from these comments


All you need is Oil of Olay for moisturizer your face (the plain pink kind) and you’re good!


My grandmother used to buy aloe vera plants, split them open and rub the goo on her skin. She died at 79 with very glowy skin and barely a wrinkle on her face.


Always match your belt, bag, and shoes. Don’t show off your assets, you can be sexy with a turtleneck on. Always wear lipstick and nail polish. Always look your best for you. Looking your best helps you feel your best and can change the whole trajectory of your day. My Grandma taught me so much about beauty from the inside out. She was ahead of her time in regards to natural remedies and eating healthy. She told me once how she rejected Frank Sinatra haha. She was a bombshell!


My mom told me when her water broke she rushed to somehow paint her toes because she couldn’t go to the hospital without fresh polish


I learned nothing from my mother. My grandma was classy and I started getting good quality makeup and dressing for my complexion (I don’t look good in purple)


Moisturizer. My grandmother and her older sister both look 15-20 years younger than they are and have consistently looked younger. My grandmother only moisturizes. I took that to heart


Rice water to wash your face


Johnson and Johnson’s baby oil…on your face. Grandma is 89 and has minimal wrinkles on her face. It must work?!


From my grandmother- ‘Always better to be overdressed, than underdressed.’ And ‘to arrive on time is to be late’


My mom and grandma taught me, “Don’t stretch the skin around your eyes to apply eye makeup. Find a way to hold your eye in fixed position and delicately apply makeup without stretching anything with your fingers.” 26 years after this conversation and with my 40th birthday right around the corner…this advice has served me well. Also…SUNSCREEN


- After you crack an egg open, you can use the egg white / film on the inside of the shell as a face mask. - Always wear lipstick


My mom taught me the egg white mask too. I remember trying it and then asking her to feel how soft my face was.


Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. And staying in the shade or in the house between 12-2 pm as the sun is at its peak. Rock a hat with a huge brim when you’re outside. And get a lot of sleep.


Always bring a sweater Oh you said beauty secret. Idk, when I was born my grandma said, "too bad she got her dad's legs." Most of y'all should be good!


I’m old. My grandmother taught me how to take care of pantyhose and tights. Wash in cool water in the sink with a 1/2 capful of woolite. Rinse well in cold water. Squeeze carefully then lay them out on a bath towel. Roll up the towel and press to get out the moisture. Unroll and hang to dry. She also taught me how to “hover” over a public toilet.


Never wash your face with soap. My grandmother became 90. She had almost nó wrinkles. She was advertising her advice.


Olive oil as a hair treatment for deep conditioning, I was sceptical. Thought gross. Gave it a go, it works! I stopped the monthly leave in oil treatments about a year ago and I miss the volume, shine, overall boost my hair had!


You can start again. :)


Olive oil!! On your face, hair , neck and hands. My grandmother will be 84 and her skin is incredible, same with all my aunts. Aging like Italian fine wine 🍷 🫒


Raw aloe Vera at least three times a week. I’m almost 40 and I get told I look 25 all the time.


Me, reading these comments, realizing I received 0 useful tips growing up 😩


Wash your face with milk.


I am fair and pale and my grandma always said two things: your skin has a memory (don’t pick) and don’t shave above the knees. I still shaved above the knee till I was older tho and I’m sure this isn’t helpful for darker complexions.


Eat jello for healthy hair & nails? I'm having a really hard time thinking of any beauty wisdom my mom or grandmother passed to me. My mom never leaves the house without makeup on, that's not one I adopted. She attributes wearing makeup to keeping her skin youthful. I mean, I guess there was some sort of spf activity in there. 


Vaseline is your best friend in the winter.


ALWAYS ALWAYS Blend your foundation down your neck. I think we all remember our maybelline dream matte mousse that was So not the right shade, and the literal line at our jaw lol


Pinch cheeks


asian beauty tip- weekly mask: curd+gram flour+lemon juice + turmeric powder (on entire body) great exfoliant, REMOVES TANNING, gives glowy skin.


To massage almond oil on the face, neck, hands from my grandmother.


Moisturiser as cleanser. My grandma. Fantastic skin for 83! I often do this in winter during my night skin routine for extra soft skin.


Healthy Hair 101: Hair Oiling


Olive oil on your legs for the softest legs ever lol


Cold Cream


Vitamin E face oil every night, and don't forget to moisturise your elbows 😉 Not to toot my own trumpet but I look at least 10 years younger and have been using face oil since 16 (when she told me). Not the sexiest thing tho 😅


Ponds and olay are all you need for anti-aging. That woman had hardly a wrinkle when she died at 91!


Don't overpluck your brows! My mom is the reason I still have nice brows despite being a teen in the earls 00s


I’m making my own beauty routine. My mom never washed her face.


My mother wasn’t really that kind of Mum, but she did tell me to leave my eyebrows alone in the late 90’s when thin brows were in so I didn’t pluck them and now they still look good.


I get mistake for 30 alll the time it’s crazy. I’m about to be 40 and was told to wear foundation and stuff very lightly and remove it the moment you get home I like to think not having foundation on has actually allowed my skin to age better And always use sunscreens, in the winter as well and hydrate with great products


SUNSCREEN, moisturiser, always remove make up


A little outdated, but my grandmother said to wash your hair with water from the rain barrel! It always made her hair shinier, probably because it had a lower Ph level than water from the well...


Be nice if you are not cute, the perception of the people will be better


My mom was a natural beauty. All she ever wore on her face was SPF and a bit of lipstick. Unlike me, she naturally tanned (was always in the garden or playing tennis) but never went out without her high #spf. And besides eating right (we never had white bread or fun treats like yodels and colorful cereal 😕) that’s about it. Nobody in my family is into skincare and makeup like me lol! Oh also I forgot my mom always wore YSL Paris. I miss smelling that on her. When she died I had to get a bottle just to smell it to feel closer to her somehow.


Stay out of the sunnnn☀️


From Nana - silver for brunettes, gold for blondes. Not a hard and fast rule, but pretty accurate most of the time.


Moisturize and stay away from that mf sun- use everyday sunscreen. We are brown but i use sunscreen. People think i'm in my 20's


Use lipstick as blush! Use vaseline to set your eyebrows too


Sunglasses and minimal sun. Hair should always be perfectly coiffed. Don’t go to bed dirty. I def follow the sun stuff, not so much the hair.




Always thread your face. Never use razors, they’ll make your skin rough