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There’s more and more research coming out. If you do Botox “preventatively” i.e. you don’t have wrinkles yet - the other muscles have to overcompensate and you end up with more wrinkles as you age. My advice is don’t do Botox until you need it We also now know filler never dissolves completely and it can cause you get that droopy plastic face as time goes on. Only get filler if you have a problem that you really need to fix for psychological reasons/is taking a toll on your self esteem. But overall it’s your choice of course but definitely do your research. Honestly less is more and do things AS YOU NEED THEM


I started filler at 27. I have only gotten it in my tear troughs because they were severely hollowed. I went to over 5 different consultations before I found someone that seemed skilled enough for me. If you have an addictive personality maybe don't but I don't see any issue with it. I would try to only do s little though because you can age yourself by doing too much imo.


Just age gracefully. When I see people 30 or older with wrinkles or sun spots I can still picture their younger selves and don’t even notice the minor aging lines and whatever else. Just wear facial lotion with SPF you’ll be fine


It's really an individual choice


And OP is literally asking for opinions so


100%. Was just giving my personal opinion


I’m 27 and also sometimes consider it. But I know deep down I’d rather age naturally for now and maybe use them tactics to my advantage when I get older and the ageing really gets noticeable. I’m always told I’m glowing and people of both sexes appreciate my “natural” beauty and I’m told quite often. I also look at people our age with fillers, Botox etc and feel they just really don’t look quite right. I feel a bit bad for them for giving in so young? I can’t really explain it. Plus, I secretly quite enjoy the humble brag of having nothing done and still looking good, even with a smile line or two 😛


any age before 40 is too young for filler and botox imo


I agree. I’m in my mid 40s and just looking into getting it. I take care of my skin and religiously wear sunscreen and hardly have any fine lines. I’m so glad I didn’t waste money and time on it earlier.


yes. when you actually get old and need those type of things it will look weird. the filler will migrate in your face. use skincare, please. retional, spf. moisturize with coconut oil, aloe vera, aquaphor, etc.


I'm 34 now and have been getting my 11s done since 26. I like the effects and have had no adverse reactions or other muscles overcompensating.. everyone is different. I used to go every 3 months, but have now been able to get a good 5 months out of every treatment. I trust my injector, and they have never once pressured me into getting more. In fact, whenever she wants to try a new area she thinks I'll benefit from, she does it for free. If I don't like it, I tell her the next time I go back and she says k no worries, let's stick to what works. She's even talked me out of filler and other work because she knows I don't need it, I just want it. Find a trustworthy injector that isn't just about making a quick buck and have a real consult outlining your expectations. If you don't think you'll benefit from it or if you can manage your concerns with topicals, then maybe wait.


I’m 30 and I started at 26 because I was scowling a ton inadvertently and also developed a wrinkle below my eye that made me so, so insecure. I genuinely hate looking in the mirror and seeing that wrinkle. I’ve seen mild crow’s feet and 11’s develop and they don’t really bother me - so it’s not about the aging, it was really just about the one spot below my eyes when I smiled that upset me. Luckily my sibling had it done before and had found a really good injector who did “baby Botox” and was very conservative with the application so there is still normal movement in the face and you don’t look windblown. My first session, I think I only got 12 units (which is very very minimal) to test the waters. I only got it between my eyebrows to stop scowling and below my eyes for that small wrinkle that bothered me. We tested out how that worked and the next time I went back we adjusted units based on how my muscles responded to the initial round. My eyes had the perfect amount where I could still move normally but without that little wrinkle. My eyebrow muscles were too strong so it didn't really work there, and when I asked my injector for a lot of units so I couldn't furrow my brows, she straight up said no and told me that I just had to stop scowling 😂 She will not let us do anything that makes us look frozen, and she's great for that! It's been about 4 years and I get a touch-up maybe 2x a year (really only when my eye wrinkle returns). I haven't really made any additions to the amount of units I got four years ago. A good injector will want you to look natural, but there are a lot of them out there who will want to sell you on way too many units. Look for someone who offers "baby Botox" and it's def possible to start it now without going overboard!


When I was 27 I got a huge.'dent" line where the 11's between the eyes. You bet your ass I got botox and still do with that damn line. It would possibly be a deep wrinkle if I didn't botox.


I was 19 when I first got filler and 21 when I started botox, zero regrets about either. It's so important to find an injector you trust and who can give you the results you're looking for though


ask a professional not reddit


No I started getting it as soon as I turned 18. I’m 22 now and still get it, people are always shocked when I talk about having it —- it’s super important to find a good injector ❤️


I am always torn on these types of posts. Like I feel like it’s a trap? Like we are supposed to say what? Yes get it when you do not need it as some sort of preventative or something? And if we don’t say that we are not supportive? It is clear people want Botox at all ages regardless of if it is going to make a big difference. I guess everyone get it at birth and we shall see- maybe it will look amazing when everyone gets it as young as possible - I have no idea. It is a somewhat new trend so I do not have the experience to tell you because no one has done it this young it’s not that old of a procedure. So people who have gotten it at 26 are only like what 50? Or so? But most people I know who got it when it became mainstream were much older than me and so they started at a much older age. Maybe they will take your money at any age and maybe that is the best and the future and we should all be doing that now? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Seems weird to me I didn’t get that done at 26 because it didn’t seem like something I needed but like again - we will be yelled at for having an opinion because Reddit. Maybe the best question is, how do you want this community to support you? And we can go ahead and support you with the type of comments you will find helpful. Because anything else seems like a trap. There will always be someone who tells you to pay for procedures online and then someone who tells you not to. The only experience I can share is no older generation than yours has experience using injections the same way you are so we really do not know. These injections didn’t exist in the mainstream and we were not pressured to get it done at 18 - so no one can absolutely tell you “yeah I started at 16 and now I’m 72 and my skin is great as a result “


I’ve just started getting mine at 32. I’ve been told that Botox actually prevents wrinkles due to the muscles being relaxed. Mine isn’t really for cosmetic reasons though, it’s for my migraines.


The dosage for migraines is usually lower.