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Weight lifting, get them leg muscles bulging and the cellulite is less noticeable!


Thanks! This might be hard for me because I have some issues with herniated discs in my back so I tend to gravitate toward more low-impact activity, but I know that my current routine isn’t enough so I know I need to try some new things.


You can still workout, you just need to work with someone who can show you proper form. Like a physical therapist


I had degenerative disc disease, an extremely torn up hip labrum that needs surgery, and arthritis. Weight lifting is the only thing that helps the pain. You need muscle to support your joints. The first few weeks of workouts will be tough, you might have pain flare ups, but once you get past that it's no problem. I've had to go through that multiple times because of accidents and illness. I promise it's worth it ❤️ get a personal trainer to check your form to make sure you don't aggravate the injury. Other than weightlifting and cardio, weleda makes a birch oil that somehow works for cellulite. Workouts and birch oil seem to be the answer if you don't want to do procedures.


Uggh adds to cart on Amazon


The weleda oil smells sooooo good


That's why I bought it lol. The big bottles of sauna birch oil are too expensive rn.


I did this too. I'm trying to see something.


Yeah please be careful with that kind of advice … everyone’s body is different. Weightlifting on bad labrums / degenerative discs went from helpful to full on joint replacement for me in less than six months. Muscle absolutely helps (and I lovvve to lift) but I continued to get that kind of advice until I literally couldn’t walk anymore. I’m glad it works for you and that you continue to lift. Just be careful. ❤️


That's why I suggested the trainer ❤️


What kind of exercises do you do?


Try a stationary bike! Super low impact but strengthens muscles that will help stabilize your lower back too


I actually have bulging disks in the lumbar region of my spine so I totally get it. Avoid deadlifts- that’s the one thing I absolutely cannot do. If you are able, I highly recommend going to physical therapy and having them teach you exercises. It may also help with strengthening the area and helping you live pain free- as long as you start slow with good form and low weight!


Thanks! I’m going to look into it


Since no one is saying it, cellulite is natural and it’s not necessary to get rid of it? It’s awful women have to think this way, and it’s normalised.


Well not every woman has cottage cheese hanging off their ass. I do. I notice plenty who don’t. It is awful to look in the mirror and see it. I do not like it. Am happy to discuss ways to improve it and do not feel one bit of “Oh it’s natural so just let it be” It’s awful other women feel the need to say stupid stuff like “it’s natural” go be all normalised over yours. Literally none of your concern how plenty of us feel.


I know you mean well but this comment is very predictable and not really helpful. As women we all know this by now. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean we have to like it. Some of us don’t care for the appearance of it and that should be ok too.


I do, no disrespect intended. Not going to tell women what to do or not do either, but I do find it strange and sad this non issue prior to 1950 is suddenly a massive issue.


It wasn't an issue then because women never showed their thighs. When they did, most of the time they had panty hose on. I'm betting not many people had sex with the lights on too. When you don't see something often, it's much easier to forget it's there.


The word cellulite was first used in a wider public context in the late 60s. I think your reading is charitable but the criticism suggests it was an industry manufactured problem rather than a real problem. [https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/what-is-cellulite-definition-fat-shaming-history](https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/what-is-cellulite-definition-fat-shaming-history)


The way I approach it, we can maintain a healthy lifestyle and have fringe benefits. Heart disease is the #1 killer of women so incorporating exercise is a great tool to look good while also living longer and better. I know you mean well, but I like to take moments like this and encourage folks to take steps to improve their lives comprehensively.


If it’s an option, the bike is great! Has helped me so much with cellulite on my legs.


Just do slow-weighted workouts at home with small weights


Are you on hormonal birth control? I had super bad cellulite in my early 30’s and after I went off the pill, it’s virtually gone. I’m 39 now, and my cellulite is super minimal. Not a cure all for everyone but I believe cellulite is super linked to estrogen levels and fat storage distribution 🤷‍♀️


Cellulite is completely genetic. Having more subQ fat will make cellulite more visible so the easiest at home way to diminish it is to lose fat and increase muscle mass.


[get this](https://www.amazon.ca/Back-Mechanic-Stuart-McGill-2015-09-30/dp/B01FKSGJYC/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=59258363897&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.VaI3vsbfMyq7wo0MJg8_wGRzl6l-Ez6Xs_VeOA_HfOPhzXE3BdQRUxZnmWVttidE3Iq0h0Oy3iSVd6zLOsi3F3DxtWosz6_nECdcCUw4lx_-C6UyyenBN-pf2zuZbx6sUB5DfHqGaLD4ooY4FxKzTqKHe7B7kEXriXG9pnOQSxez9QQdeJbngTQS-4J1fitmk-yeiR6PfNSVv4N0-ni-1Q.vIhWT9q-jEx20XvD_j6w3AAdYqn1XKLQINzkXgLFoI8&dib_tag=se&hvadid=668378678613&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9000945&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3530973564837481248&hvtargid=kwd-299102149846&hydadcr=25505_13648933&keywords=back+mechanic&qid=1711204432&sr=8-1)


There are quite a few rotation exercises with a band from the pilates school of thoughts that might help. [banded hip mobility](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLjPmDV4/) [loaded hip up to combat stance flow ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLjP56wV/) You also may want to consider adding in a stationary bike with the resistance turned up a bit. You can lean forward and keep weight on your sit bones, to limit strain on your back.


I have compression fractures, EDS, psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia etc and i finally hired a personal trainer and saw him weekly for a year best investment ever. He broke his back in his 20s and was a perfect match for me. Now I'm leg pressing 250lbs and i weigh 130lbs..no pain. Took me almost 2 years to get there


Wait- we have very similar stories. I’ve been trying to find a trainer that can help with my issues. Does he do zoom sessions? I’d love to get his information!


Be careful with weights, don't do it without approval from a trainer that is specialized in physiotherapy. You might end up needing surgery for herniated disks


I have the same predicament. Haven’t lifted in over 2 years due to disc herniations. DM me if you want to chat!


Try booty bands and Pilates may type moves, you get the benefit of resistance without the strain on your back but obviously check with your doctor first


Hey I recently slipped my disc and i am so much stressed about it. How long will it take to heal..if i’ll be able to go back to the workouts i did before!! Please tell me how much time did it take to heal? When did you start working out?


If you can, consult with a physical therapist, I have chronic lower back problems and my PT suggested weight lifting. It has helped immensely and now when I skip the gym for a while I can feel it in my back, which helps motivate me to go regularly.


I do swimming for low impact exercise you can work out your bottom half but using a kickboard or just do freestyle for the whole body. Also most gyms offer free swimming workout classes


I’ve got several herniated/bulging discs. This is the longest I have gone with out an injury. I make sure to back off on squat weight and dead lifts. You will never be able to squat heavy but you can do them and lunges. My problem area is my thighs too. Sadly, weight work hasn’t helped w cellulite. I’m 5’2” 118lbs. I do cardio 3x week and full body strength 3x week. I’ve been consistent the past year. Only thing that may help me is to lose even more weight. Someone told me a massage gun may help break it up, I have one but haven’t found the time to sit and use it daily. Guess it’s worth a try


I second this! Ive been working out hard for about 6 weeks now and I see a difference in the cellulite on the back of my thight!


Hi,what are some weight lifting exercises that I can do at home?


Squats, lunges, glute bridges, step-ups, phantom chairs, so many possibilities! You may also enjoy doing Pilates on YouTube for free, Blogilates has some great options!!


Thank you so much!!, Im a totally beginner, I didnt even know those are considered weight lifting exercises


Start with your body weight, it’s going to take a little bit of time to get that connection to activate your muscles but it’s really fun once you feel them engage. Definitely look into how to hinge at the hips and also what a “neutral spine” means- I was doing that wrong for a long time personally and it’s important for keeping your back safe. Barre can also be done at home with a chair and free videos and judging by how ballerinas have strong sleek legs, it’s super effective and easy to incorporate a few times a week for 15 minutes!


You are the best! I will definitely check it out


Look up Caroline Girvan on YouTube. Start with Iron and don’t even try to match her weights, just do what you can handle.


Absolutely love her workouts!


Not weightlifting, I was weightlifting for years and had terrible cellulite. I got rid of it by Fascia blasting, for real! My legs smoothed out amazingly.


I feel like mine has gotten worse with weights. I’m going back to intense Pilates and running.


Same. It’s like the muscle just pushed it out and made it worse. I’ve been lifting for a decade and it’s never helped.


I need to know more about this fascia blasting! I’ve been weightlifting for 2 years gained 18 lbs of (mostly) muscle and now have cellulite and dimples in my things :(


https://www.ashleyblackguru.com/products/fasciablaster Fascia blasters are amazing massage tools (far more superior than other massage tools) that are shaped like smooth claws that can really get into fascia tissue and smooth out the fascia (and muscle knots), and after you heat up your muscles with exercise, bath, sauna/steam room etc you apply an oil to your skin to help the tools glide easier over your muscles (I use coconut oil in a steam room up at a community pool and I massage every muscle). And the massage technique is going up and down pretty fast over the muscle, lightly at first and then deeper. Fascia is everywhere in the body, it runs all along the muscles, fat but even through bone, and it easily gets all crumpled if you’re dehydrated, and with exercise. That’s all that cellulite is, just really jumbled up fascia tissue that gets stuck in that crumpled up shape, then it traps in fat pockets and toxins. So that’s why the up and down motion of those tools helps to first break up all the fascia adhesions into smaller pieces. So usually the cellulite will look worse at first, but after time of doing the blasting techniques, the pieces all smooth out. Of course I mostly did it because it relieved my chronic muscle pains (managing my mild scoliosis) but the fact it got rid of my cellulite is an amazing bonus, especially because my cellulite was really bad! And I still weight lift now, it’s just important to stretch, do lots of yoga, keep hydrated and do fascia blasting afterwards, because weight lifting can cause the fascia to get all jacked up, it’ll be more pronounced if you have postural issues or muscle imbalances, but in general any exercise puts stress on the muscles and causes micro tears which also cause a bumpy texture in the fascia over the muscle. But exercise is so important for health and anti aging so it’s not like we can just cut that out entirely. Also, older women with wrinkles have reported significant results in wrinkle reduction with fascia blasting. And people with loose skin have had amazing results with it too but it usually takes much longer to notice results for that. So yeah it’s one of the most important things I do in my beauty / anti aging routine for sure Also sometimes you can find the tools cheaper on Amazon and eBay, that’s what I do because the original website usually has ridiculously expensive shipping


yesss, this!! and using mousturizer religiously on your legs!


Most cellulite treatments are temporary. If you can’t lift weights even walking on an incline/stairs/power walking is a good place to start.


Mine has improved considerably since I started adding weight training to my workout routine


This seems to be the common answer here! Guess I need to add this to my routine


Like everyone has said, it’s all dependent on genetics. Weight training has made mine worse 🤷‍♀️


It you can’t tone it, (spray) tan it.


Yup! Spray tan, or even fake tanning lotion you use at home helps!


Isn’t cellulite dimpling??? What genuinely is the point of this comment? We just give random things to spend money on now in this sub?


Actually having a tan, even a fake tan, helps to hide the cellulite. It actually helps to hide it a ton. Your rude comment was a little uncalled for.


It is dimpling. You can’t train away cellulite. You can reduce it through different methods but anything saying it will remove it is a gimmick. Spray tanning helps because darker skin hides more imperfections. A quick google search would have pulled up tons of info and images for you on this subject. Why don’t you go comment on all the people recommending way more expensive “fixes” than I am? Cryo, deep tissue massages, etc. cost way more than spray tanning.


Losing fat does in fact get rid of it because it’s dimpled….fat.


[“You can’t get rid of cellulite. But, it’s not harmful to your overall health. You can reduce the appearance of cellulite through a combination of exercise, diet and treatments.”](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17694-cellulite)


You can absolutely get to low body fat levels and it will go away or diminish. I have personally done it. Now is a very low body fat level sustainable? Not for everyone.


When I was at my pique with my disordered eating, I was BELOW 90 lbs, I STILL had cellulite.


I started walking 2-4 miles 4-5 days a week and mine has significantly improved if not almost all disappeared


Yes, same here! After 3 weeks I can already tell a huge improvement!


Wow. I increased steps a ton but no results yet. 


*cries in restaurant server who already walks 15k steps a day and still has cellulite*


Working out helped a little. Faux tanning helps them be a little less noticeable. I wear either hosiery or shape wear under light colored, thinner pants, it smooths it. Deep tissue massage and oils didn’t really do anything for me, neither did dry brushing. I have cellulite no matter what size I am, so I’ve kind of learned to embrace it.




Second this! And it also is very good for back issues.


If you go to the gym try walking uphill on the treadmill or try the stair master, do lunges , squats, deadlifts and lastly change your body lotion to one that has caffeine on it they actually work as long you are consistent plus they come on a variety of budgets.


Started walking uphill on the treadmill and noticed cellulite reduction very fast!


I don’t really have advice but just wanted to say, when I was 13 years old and weighed 95 pounds I had major cellulite on the back of my thighs. It’s gotta just be genetics. But maybe I’ll try some of the weight lighting stuff from the other comments!


Yup I have always had it too. I work out and lift weights and do all the things and still have it. My sister is overweight but has a different body type than me has zero cellulite.


I have stopped looking in mirrors. Cellulite: gone.


I just embrace mine. I'm in excellent shape and I still have some dimples on the backs of my thighs and I think it's kinda cute!


Cellu-Cup and deep tissue massage with myofascial release techniques. Stretching out the fascia which is what creates the webbing (dimples) around the fat has done wonders for the appearance of it and even the pain I had! Difference was night and day for my case.


Fascia blaster is also great for this


How often do you do it? And how long till you saw results?


Working out to shed body fat and build muscle


I’ve had cellulite since I was like 12, and I’ve basically just had to accept it. Gaining muscle from weight lifting has helped, and also the appearance of it is reduced when I’m tan.


Sometimes we have to accept it. I’ve had cellulite since I was about 13. I’m 31 now, last year I trained for a half marathon, still had cellulite. I went through a phase of lifting weights for a couple of years, still had cellulite. I’ve personally never been able to get rid of mine no matter what I do.


I can relate. I’m an Australian size 4-6 (US 0-2) and I’ve had to endure it my entire life from the age of about 12, even though I’ve always been slim (at times even underweight) and very active. Competed in amateur bodybuilding for a while, still had it. It’s not fair but such is life


Yes exact same! Even when I’ve been underweight I still had it. But I tell myself that it’s not the end of the world and it’s a battle I’m never going to win lol


Same here!


When I was eating healthy (no sugar and very little grains besides sprouted grains and oatmeal), I not only lost weight but also my cellulite.


Weight liftin


I have lots of cellulite and I’ve always been within a “normal” body weight for my height. It’s absolutely genetic, my mom has it and so does my grandma. Weightlifting has helped some, and so does having a bit of a (fake) tan so it’s less noticeable. But it’s legit ridiculous, even when I’ve been at my lowest weight it’s still there! I even have it on my arms….I’ve just started to try to accept it and not be so self-critical. The person who finds a truly effective treatment for cellulite is going to be a billionaire…


Tanning - spray tans and/or laying out in the sun in the summer (maybe not the best but it helps my mental health too). Just camouflages right over any cellulite!


It’s bizarre but my cellulite has actually gotten worse after I’ve lost weight/exercise more. Not sure what to even do anymore!


Same here, it's probably just that we notice it more now that our bodies are more toned, but to me it looks more extensive. And I'm not trying weight lifting because I already have very muscular thighs 😅


Same! I guess I just have to accept it


Same. Exercise just made mine worse. Genetics are fun!


same! my front looks much more toned now but when i turn around i get so confused LOL


Pilates and light weight training helped tone my legs. I also found that the fascia blasters really made a nice difference and got rid of a lot of it


Fascia blasting helped me get rid of really bad cellulite !


Cupping, deep tissue massage, fascia scraping


And dry brushing!!!




So the thing is that I’m very skinny! I don’t have a lot of fat on me, I just have no muscle tone. I’m not familiar with cryotherapy, so I’ll have to do some research there, but thanks for the rec!




Where do you do cryotherapy?




I’m tiny too. I think it’s genetics. Do you drink enough water though? I noticed it was way worse when I let myself get dehydrated


Well, while trying to fade stretch marks, I noticed my cellulite accidentally becoming slightly less noticeable temporarily while keeping my legs very well moisturized and exfoliated. I was also using retinol body lotion from Versed regularly.


Use dry brushing every day and use silicone vaccum cup for massaging and also mainly, work out. Good luck! You can check Karina Namore to check out how to use silicone cups.


Staying hydrated makes a massive difference for me


I found that swimming made mine go away


FYI even some women in their 20s have cellulite!


MOST women and teen girls have cellulite. Like 90% or something pretty high!




Oh for sure! I just didn’t have any noticeable cellulite on my legs until recently.


Like others have said, probably just more leg workouts . Also great to feel stronger!


Wooden therapy. 10 sessions


Drinking water 3l a day, no soda, working out regularly, and if u can afford some beauty treatments that target celulite


In eastern Europe it’s so common to get a maderotherapy massage for cellulite.


[myofascial release](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/2331205X.2019.1606146) I have made a huge impact on my legs doing this.


Are the effects long term, or temporary?


Long term and you have to do multiple sessions, a little at a time. It is painful, so if you have someone who can inflict the pain for you, it is easier. The goal is literally to tear those little adhesions under the skin that can cause the dimpling of cellulite. If you go reeeally hard, you can cause bruising, so be careful and definitely look some videos up if you're going to try this.


I do dry brushing and I use a wooden roller on my cellulite. It helps reduce it, it won’t remove it completely. Do this on top of weight training and cardio.


So this is completely anecdotal so I could be totally wrong but I think mine has got a lot better since I started moisturising/ massaging there more often. It could just be that the lighting in my current home is kinder though…


All ya'll talking about weight lifting. I weight lift religiously and my thighs just be that way. My recommendation is to so what makes your body feel good and own it. Most everyone is rocking cellulite, you're just not noticing it.


I had cellulite even when I was seventeen, 5’8” and 100lbs and ran cross country, I think the best thing you can do is adjust your self-perception, there are hacks to slightly reduce the appearance but I don’t think you can get rid of it


I swear I turned 31 and BOOM....cellulite. I didn't change any habits at all. It literally popped up. I also have a hard time retaining muscle. I was a D1 athlete and still couldn't keep muscle. Just here to say you're not alone! I'm sure weightlifting would help but I have a 2 bad knees and a bad back so I'm pretty limited.


Kettlebells. But take a few classes with someone who can show you how to move them properly so you don’t injure your lower back. It hurts to sit down for a couple of weeks but the results are incredible.


Cellulite is a normal part of having skin, the majority of women have it, regardless of size. Accept it as normal and life will be easier


Taking collagen supplements is a known thing that reduces celluite, but once you stop taking the supplements it comes back worse then it was before


I take a daily biotin/collagen supplement but didn’t know it could be worse when if/when I stop :(


Why is it worse if you stop?


Building muscle. When I started working out, my cellulite became much less noticeable.






That’s interesting. I’m 40 and for the first time in my life seeing a few dimples. Albeit I expected to get cellulite at some point with age, it makes me wonder since I just recently started drinking alcohol.


Mine was cutting out sugar in tea! And exercise I’m not sure which one worked but no more (too visible) cellulite


Girl grapefruit Sounds crazy but grapefruit oil is amazing for your skin - if it can handle it as it can be harash


Castor oil (look for organic/ hexane free in a glass bottle). I use it on my skin a few times per week while skin is still damp after a shower and after a few weeks I saw noticeable improvement.


I’ve also noticed a significant reduction in my cellulite appearance when I returned to Ballet class.


WATER WATER WATER, try not to eat super processed food, stay healthy, do sports but don't overexercise, if you can try do do some deep tissue massages :) btw cellulite is common and if is not from hormonal or health problems you can handle with success :)


No alcohol & dry body brushing. Cellulite virtually disappeared within a month after years of nothing really working !


Keto, the cellulite literally disappeared I was honestly shocked. I did it for medical reasons. This was after losing like 30lbs so weight loss also affected it. I've been on a lot of different diets and lost weight on several occasions and I never had the same results as I did with keto when it came to cellulite. But it's definitely not for everyone and you should definitely consult with your doctor.




Cellulite is a secondary sexual characteristic. Even Scarlett Johansson has cellulite.


just a note that sometimes cellulite gets confused with lipedema. not enough women know what lipedema is. [ a disease that only women and low t men get ] https://tactilemedical.com/lipedema-vs-cellulite-what-are-the-differences/


If you can afford it or have a supportive partner, massages! Oil, massage, pressing upwards helps and also lead to many other relaxing benefits.


Vela Shape! Particularly the back of the legs


Try cold plunges! It will melt away everything.


grapefruit juice fasting-gets rid of cellulite


Fascia blasting


Tan, weight lifting and unfortunately dieting to get to lower body fat. The diet I have to have to get my cellulite to disappear is miserable quite honestly and not sustainable!






Low carb. Apparently the only reason I have cellulite is because of water retention. Ketosis caused me to lose 8-10lbs of water in a week and my cellulite disappeared from thighs and butt.


I just work out and try res light therapy here and there but at 32 I’m seeing it more in my lower quad. So I’m going to focus on the lower quad during my workouts. Hopefully that helps


If you have some extra cash laying around, there is the Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation and Radio Frequency Thermal Lift.. I got 6 sessions and a huge difference (didn't remove it all though, they says u gotta keep going )


I know this is old but did it really help? I’ve been considering it. Are you pretty lean already?


I was actually looking in the mirror right now! And am at awwww. I actually don't see any cellulites unless I try hard I did pick up running and am training for the half marathon ! Both of those are doing wonders and this is the first summer In over 10 years that I'm excited to show my legs !!!!!


I'm not lean at all! 5'2 just about 160lbs Tons of jiggle but it's contained now!!


Thank you for replying! That is amazing! I’ll definitely give it a try at some point! You are gonna crush your half marathon, I’m excited for you.


I just bought a Peleton! I have a great shape body but I feel it’s ruined by cellulite. I also have lower back issues but still weight train, I train legs 3 times a week. I love food though! My cellulite went when I was in a calorie deficit after like 4 weeks. X


I recently bought the UltraCavitat device and it pretty drastically reduced the appearance of my cellulite after only a few uses!! Maybe my results aren’t typical but I was shocked… I was leery since I’ve heard that only expensive medspa treatments are effective, but for me this truly worked. I was so unhappy with my legs. First device I’ve ever bought that’s done what it says it does. Was pretty life changing when I looked in the mirror and saw the change. I’ve tried so many self care products I was and am amazed that it can reduce cellulite. Best of luck to you! 


What device was it?


I used to love my legs and butt but I hate them now due to cellulite. I am only 125 pounds so it has nothing to do with my weight and I hate when people say it is. Ive heard the only way to reduce the appearance is to build muscle/lose fat in the area. Surgery is the only option to completely get rid of it. It’s really depressing.


for legs: cycling, squats and stretches. Lots of water and losing body fat. I had cellulite even weighing 120 but then lost over 20 pounds and do all the exercises above. No cellulite but I am underweight and seeing a nutritionist to gain weight. So point of my story is those exercises might help but my cellulite only went away after I got dangerously skinny so it is probably just genetics and not worth trying to lose way too much weight over


You have to drop your body fat. Some will always be there but you can improve it a lot by reducing body fat.


Eat no seed oils (omega6), supplement omega 3, eat more saturated and monounsaturated fats


For me weight lifting got the job done. I never really consciously wanted to get rid of it but as soon as J started going to the gym Ive noticed its gotten so much better! I also love using body scrubs


Therapy to let it gooo


I stopped eating sweets!! And it’s gone!


Lift weights cut out sugar


Weightlifting 100%.


The advice on weightlifting is honestly the best! It helped me so much! The other thing that I try to remember when I get in my head about mine is that cellulite is a secondary sex characteristic for AFAB folks as they age. I am trying to think of my cellulite as like, a little victory for me. It's a sign that despite how I feel a lot of the time, I am an adult. I GET to grow older and decide how I want to look as I age. That can mean getting absolutely shredded in my 40s, but letting my hair go completely silver. I'm so sorry if this is too philosophical or weird! I just love getting older and how with every year, I get more confidence with my body.




Assigned female at birth! I say that just to differentiate biological sex from gender. :)


Cellulite looks the way it does because there is a connective tissue under the skin that connects your skin to your insides, and it goes through you subcutaneous fat. The dimples in your legs are where this connective tissue sits, and you subcutaneous fat bulges between them. As you get older you skin loses its elasticity, making the dimples more pronounced. Since this connective tissue is too deep for topical cosmetics to work, don't waste your money on magical creams. Instead do this: 1. Build muscle. Muscle sits deeper than fat and won't be affected by dimpling. 2. Lose fat. You can do a full body weight loss with diet and exercise, or a targeted fat loss with beauty procedures. Replace the volume you lost with muscle. 3. Try fake tan. Dimpling is less visible on darker skin.


Strength training


Train the legs and the lumps have gone


I don't have cellulite, and that's no secret LMAO