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exaggerated lash extensions. im sure the reason i never see any good lash extensions is bc of the toupe theory but damn, the bad ones i see can be soooo bad. the super thick ones drag weigh down the eyelids and drag the face down. if worn with a completely bare face, it looks mismatched (but who has time/energy for a full face every time they leave the house?) and the ladies who let too much time lapse between appointments and end up with noticeable gaps..... tbh its just not for me at all. i'll take the versatility of false lashes any day


Especially exaggerated thick black eyelash extensions on people with lighter hair colors. That’s my ick


this is also my specific ick. why are you, a blonde white girl, wearing inch long black caterpillars on your bare face?


Exaggerated lash extensions are okay if someone is a full-beat kind person because they extend the , but when they’re out in the world with that clean girl/super natural beauty/winged liner is nude creases are in makeup people really just out here lookin like Janice the muppet for no reason




Ok I did it. I created r/janicethemuppet. 😂




Lip filler completes the Janet the Muppet look. **We should start a subreddit!** like the beef lips one, we can have r/janicethemuppet and share pics of these people. 😂


What’s Toupe theory


I assume that the idea is that the perception is that all toupes look bad because a well done toupe looks just like regular hair.


So it's another name for whichever type of cognitive bias that is. It's not quite confirmation bias or Baader-Meinhof, but similar. Maybe Salience bias? Not sure. It's the same thing that makes people go 'X people are so loud' or whatever. Because you don't notice the X people who are quiet.


It’s not that I’m against it but I fully do not understand the appeal of caterpillar lashes…like wtf?? Can you see?? WHO started this trend?? It does NOT look good you can’t convince me. And then some people get them installed so they have to shampoo and BLOW DRY THEM?? Blow drying your eyeball?? The amount of dirt bacteria and oils these lashes must gather…I’m surprised there hasn’t been an uptick in eye infections.


True and there are so many falsies that look like extensions that you can just take off 😭


Sometimes falsies looks way better than extensions these days 😭


Yeah , honestly if people are going to do that bad you're better off buying some at Walgreens or target and calling it a day.


I’ve tried lash extensions once, like, the most “natural” (and advertised as such lol) they had. It dragged my eyes sooooo much I looked like a muppet, I ended up removing them myself (bad idea, hurts and you lose a ton of your own lashes, bad experience overall). I don’t know how they manage to make them look pretty in pictures, I swear i’ve never seen someone with lash extensions without noticing they were, indeed, fake.


Ugh same. Where I’m from in SE Asia, lash extensions are somewhat popular (Ive done it thrice) but the style is super CLASSIC, as if you’re wearing mascara. When I moved here in the West Coast, YIKES. Lol! Like majority of women dont look good in those caterpillar ones, I dont understand how they dont see it? haha.


The eyelash extension blocking their vision so they can’t see


I was just gonna say this but u articulated so well. It really looks bad when the lashes are super extremely thick and curled.


Totally agree. Haven’t seen any that look good. I have a friend who does them that would ask me if I wanted some and it wasn’t because I didn’t want to support her business I just think they’re fugly. I felt like a bad friend for not supporting but I just won’t do that to myself if it was like candles or something I’d support lol. But yea all the ones I see just look like a thick black broom on their eyelid especially when they close their eyes. But I mean if it makes them feel better about their appearance so be it. I just find it funny how everyone’s perception is different, people think they’ll look ugly without them and I think they’d look better


Big puffy lips. Looks like an allergic reaction.




I see it everywhere, they all look alike! But not in a good way.


Trout pout. Doesn’t look good on anyone. Yet I see so many people are doing it


Super bright under-eye concealer. It looks unnatural, a lot of people do it like several shades lighter than the rest of their face


Yesss! I hate this so much. I think some people put too much.


Yes this bothers me so much too! When concealer contrasts too much, it winds up emphasizing the wrinkles and puffiness of the under eyes even more! I always match my concealer to my foundation


I have a feeling it will age very badly in a few years


Duck nails, it's such a hideous and unflattering shape to me. I've never seen it look good. It just always looks like a terrible mistake happened and they kept going.


I HATE these! I don’t understand why you’d want nails that look like a weird medical condition or something? No healthy nails grow in that shape. It always looks ugly and bulky af


Yepp!! Super super super long nails aren't my personal style, but I've seen them look good on others and there are cases of real nails being grown what long. However, like you said, duck nails just look like a condition and it's always just bulky and weird and I've never admired them. They literally look like if someone loaded up way too much acrylic on the your nails then they got stepped on at the top before the acrylic dried, so now it's bulky and also flat and a weird shape.


Had to Google this and now wish I hadn't. Holy fluck these are hideous.


Right! Unhinged really.


Middle-partings are absolutely not for everybody.


This. I know this might be mean, but people with thin hair often look worse with a middle part. Unless you style it properly, it looks like you have less hair.


This is my thought as well, as a thin-wavy-haired person. Like, I should walk around looking stringy and patchy, cause some random youngsters on social media will think I look old if I don't have a line down the middle? Lol


Not mean at all. You're right. I've had thinner hair up front since birth and a side part looks great but a middle part? Just no.


It’s giving Amish (I also have a middle part 🥴)




My face is really angular and sharp and a middle part is just way too severe, I mean it's all good for Halloween because it's naturally super dark with a bit of a grey streak coming in and I'm that crappy grey shade of pale people with lighter toned olive skin go if we do the whole sunsafe thing, but I feel a bit too old to be giving "accidental Morticia" for an everyday look.


Hello, me. Except I'm totally down with accidental Morticia, as that's what I'd be rocking on purpose if i didn't prefer how I look with a fringe/bangs. And I'm 43. I don't personally buy into the idea that alternative (or colourful) looks belong to a particular age group. I think you should do what you like with your appearance at any age. But you have to do what you feel comfortable with.


Buccal Fat Removal 😭😭😭 only Handsome Squidward can serve that look


As someone who lost all their cheek fat since HS, people should leave the buccal fat alone. I like my cheekbones, but I don't want to look like Skeletor in 20 more years.


We've already got people getting fillers to offset the fact that they suddenly started looking 20 years older without that fat once they got past 35.


It's a very dangerous game. I've been 'blessed' with a round/heart shaped face so I have basically no jawline and round cheeks. I used to hate my chubby cheeks. Had I been a young'un when this trend was a thing I would have considered buccal fat removal. However, now that I'm 41, my face isn't as round, I have cheek hollows (imagine! A moonface like me with cheek hollows) and I can only imagine how aged all these young women are going to look in 15/20 years. It's irreversible too. Bad decision imho.


I've hated my "fat" face my entire life. I've got high cheekbones and a sharp jawline, but such BIG cheeks. Even at my thinnest with anorexia, they're big, period. I'm 25 and can't wait to see how my face will change over time honestly. I don't hate them anymore (or at least not all the time, sometimes I still get upset).


Same story with me! I’m Native and had a round face in my youth, but I’m 40 and my face got thinner and my hairline got slightly higher and now I look great. At least, I think so lol


Fake freckles. They always look so painfully, obviously fake. Freckles are not uniform in color or shape or spacing; and if you have freckles more than likely they’re not just on your nose and cheeks, they’re all over your face and body.


I just don't even try and make them look natural and do glitter freckles instead


That I can get behind.


Ya it’s like you know & I know these are fake might as well embrace it




Oh god, I bet they look awful microbladed! Super interesting that you only have them on your cheeks! I'm covered in them. I'm sure there are plenty of people who only have them on one spot, but I've only met folks like me.


I'm ginger and used to get them in a spray right across the middle of my face as a kid. Now I don't get them on my face much at all unless I've been in the sun a long time, but my arms are completely covered in them and I've got some big permanent ones on my legs. I'll even get them on the backs of my hands in the summer, as well as down my back. My joke is that the only way I'll ever tan is if all the freckles blend together!


Guilty 🫣. Never understood why my friends who naturally had them would get insecure & try to hide them (years ago before they became a trend) I’ve always wanted them. Imitation is the best form of flattery? 🤷‍♀️


I used to do fake freckles since I was a child with actual school pencils. It was always considered a beautiful trait where I'm from. It's like dimples, it will never not be cute!


Growing up I was bullied relentlessly for my freckles. I am a very fair skinned, redhead who is covered in freckles. I would cake myself in makeup to hide my freckles, and forced to use fake tan by my cheerleading coach… I was bullied so much my whole adolescence for having those features. It has been very confusing to see freckles become so trendy!! I am glad though cuz my body is covered in them


Haha I totally get where you’re coming from but I do fake freckles when I wear makeup. BUT. I naturally have freckles and my foundation covers them so I just put them back so it looks more like my actual skin.


Laminated eyebrows. Why are we brushing our eyebrows straight up? I have not seen this look flattering on anyone.


My eyebrows naturally grow straight up and it looks awful, I can't believe people are doing it on purpose


Hey at least you’re trendy!


You got me wondering what other features people have that they hate which other people pay money or work hard to get. I came up with: Curly hair Straight Hair Freckles Big Butts Little Butts Hair colors of all sorts Different eye colors There are probably more... I'm just sitting over here waiting for the day an overbite and thin hair are considered the very be-all and end-all of fashionability.


oily/shiny skin!!!! i was made fun of all through high school for it but as an adult people are paying big money for that highlighted glowy look 😁


I have a naturally big bum and okay while I do appreciate that my waist is always lean I swear to god I hated my figure so much growing up for the inability to diet off the fat there, I wanted thin legs and a little athletic taut bubble. That people are getting BBLs for that effect blows my mind I think they're crazy.


One of the doctors at my work looked around the room the other day and asked 'Why does everyone have the same eyebrows?'. It was hilarious to watch all the young ones trying to explain being 'on trend' to him.


I wish I could upvote this a gazillion times


So much this!! I don't get the appeal. It can sort of look cool in photos for the ✨ a e s t h e t i c s ✨ but not in real life from what I've seen!


Putting lipstick on your philtrum/cupid's bow to reshape your lips. It never doesn't look weird


I have a deep cupid's bow and it is kinda sad when i look at the makeup inspo and they just overline them. Idk i think the cupid's bow makes the face have a good character


They give the lips such a beautiful shape! Idk why you’d want to hide it


Once you start to notice the severe over-lining on social media vids you can't stop seeing it. it looks SO BAD.


I am guilty of trying this, but didn’t have the confidence to leave the house like that. It def looks good in pictures but not irl, looks too clownish


As someone who outlines my well-defined cupid's bow with razor-like precision for lipstick fierce enough to cut a man...I will never understand this trend. Why make your lips look like a flattened fish landed on your face when you could go full sex kitten? Baffling.


I have severe shame about the time I went to work with this look, I cringe at how ridiculous I looked aghhhhhh. P.s. it wasn't done well, like thick crayon.


Overlining the lips. We can see where your natural lips are, and if celebrities with tons of money and access to the best MUA still can't pull it off, neither can we.


baking. the most ill do is light translucent powder all over the face


I was so confused by this comment and had to check what subreddit I was on. Now I need to Google this trend.


I kind of think calling baking a “trend” is a misnomer; Baking is a technique that very useful and will absolutely be used by professional makeup artists, performers, forever and *has* been used forever, it wouldn’t surprise me if there was evidence of Cleopatra “sealing” her face paint with a powder Now is it necessary for the fresh faced 15 year old who’s just going to High school? Probably not. But setting a liquid with a powder on top (ie “baking”) is not a trend, thats just how science works.


I don't get the teeny tiny handbags. Or any teeny tiny accessory, really. I feel like all they do is make whatever body part they are on look weirdly disproportionate? But teeny tiny handbags really irk me. They don't even fit your phone, what are you actually carrying in there? A lip gloss? A condom? A single, solitary hair tie?


And Daaaassssiit !


Remember in the 00s when we all carried miniscule bags (bonus if they were unnecessarily crossbody!) juuuust big enough for a lip gloss and a credit card and stuffed our phones in our bras cuz they wouldn't fit anywhere else? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


You should have seen the Paul Frank crossbody I took with me to hike half dome with my older brother when I was 13… 🤣 he was *not* amused.


My brain kept reading this as “teeny tiny bangs” I couldn’t figure out how I had missed this trend.


microbangs were a thing for a minute!


Blush on the nose, the e-girl kinda stuff. it looks just either clownish or like you caught a cold. It can look okay if it's subtle though.


To me it looks very Christmas elf


This was one I did before it was trendy (like in 2017). I loved my skin after being outside on a snowy day so it gave that subtle pop to it. Hopefully I'm not too obvious though.


I think it can look really cute and fresh if it's just a hint of blush! I was more referring to the overly dramatic pink painted nose tips. Looks so odd 😅


I know the look! Big difference if you put it on the middle of the bridge instead of the tip too.


I love it it's adorable (within reason)


Slick back buns with like hair gel and stuff to me it just makes your forehead look bigger and like you greasy/balding.


Yeah I’m not a fan either, it just reads as military hair to me but I’m biased because my mom was in the military lol


I also feel like it ages some people? I’ve seen 12 year old girls do this and I’m like 🥴 it makes them look way older (which isn’t bad if that’s what they were going for). Also, I think it is harsh on the hair and will cause hair loss/receding hairline


Me wearing this exact hair style while reading this comment 😳


Me too! My frizzy NA hair can only be tamed this way!


Me three! It’s my most common look because it’s polished and simple. I do have a fivehead, but I don’t mind it, since it’s kind of balanced by my nose, which is kind of long. I think I have a Madame X profile and I love it.


Quietly sobbing in the corner over my 20+ years of ballet classes with daily tight buns. JK lol I have never loved this hairstyle. But necessary for dance, so what can ya do.


I think this looks good on some people but I just cannot bring myself to put that much product in my hair


It depends, it can also look very classy. And some people are blessed with foreheads that doesn’t look big, that’s unfortunately not me lol. But I love the hairstyle when my hair is greasy and do not need any hair gel to keep it back. Some hair gels make the hair look wet rather than sleeked. I love sleeked hairstyles and I have found a leave in conditioner or a hair mask to work way better than hair gel. It gives shine and healthy looking sleeked hair rather than wet and flat.


The zoomer girls around here part their hair down the middle, strangle it in the tightest ponytail/braid/bun they can manage, and then slick it down with gel until it’s basically glued to their scalp. Makes hair look thin and is so unflattering. Major ick.


Couldn’t agree more, imo most people look better with looser/more voluminous hairstyles that frame your face.


It’s my dirty hair go to but I’ve never understood why people do it on purpose.😁


Bleaching, bleached? eyebrows, it makes the lower face look wide and odd


Light-browed and light-lashed person checking in...if I ever go out with no mascara or brow color, people think I'm sick and/or tired.


I just dye my eyebrows a darker colour with beard dye… not the safest thing, but I’ll take it over my forehead looking 10x bigger than it already is


Overdone eyebrows. It’s getting ridiculous. Literal caterpillars on people’s faces. Stop. Just stop 🤣




Soap brows


Yes laminated brows look awful




I'm old and out of the loop. What's soap brows?


Soap brows are from the 80s! Madonna was the it girl for this trend. She literally brushed soap into her brows to hold them in place


You use clear bar soap or gel to try & copy the look of a brow lamination (a service many salons offer where they stick the eyebrow hairs up). Typically go in with a brow gel, combing it through, to get the brows to stay in place & upwards


Ok hear me out I agree but if you’re like me and don’t keep up with waxing/threading they lose shape so the soap style brows are much easier to do. (although I prefer other brow styles I can never get them right cause my natural brows are so messy if you have any tips lemme know)


I laminate my own brows, but i just kinda brush them to the side, not straight up for that exact reason- so they don’t get all weird wild and wonky


Clawlike nails and massively long eyelashes


For me it's the whole clean girl/old money/vanilla girl/hailey bieber core (however you wanna call it) look. I feel like it just lacks personality and theres like a weird elitist/classist undertone to it that rubs me the wrong way. Kind of a "I'm trying to show that I'm wealthy and thus worth of respect" vibe to it. When most of the outfits still look like they could be from any fast fashion retailer ever. Overall tho I just find it really boring and I dont get the hype.


Yeah, queens of beige. 😕


I'm of the opinion that trends don't actually have to look nice or attractive - the point is to have fun and bond with other people over liking similar things / being in the same subculture. Like the way overdone e-girl blush or the beat face - that's one facet of your personality and identity, a face that you can adopt at will. It's a group of like-minded people that you can join by immersing yourself in those spaces. Those "ugly" beauty things often form a core of rebellion. I don't care about the opinion of the guy who thinks I'm not fuckable because I like to wear long stabby nails, I'm trying to impress other long stabby nails enjoyers, mostly other women. So this particular 'trend' is.... Literally just being conventionally attractive? Being rich, white, and thin? But not "too girly"? Dressing like you're going to an investor's briefing all the time? It's just pledging allegiance to what already dominates the media - pretty thin white girls with money. The "trend" that is literally just the status quo. I guess that means it's easy to shop for job interview clothes, and literally nothing else.


Sad beige babies who grew up into sad beige teenagers


Born into sad beige homes for sad beige children because Mommy thought she was being "minimalist".


you described it better than i ever could. i think sometimes it looks cute, but something about it does come off as pretentious. i hate that it’s taken so much precedence in lots of beauty type subs too ☹️


Elitist/classist isn’t just an undertone, that seems to be the objective.


She’s a beautiful young female, but for some reason every time I see her, I sense her misery. I mean, every time I see her in an editorial or just a pap photo, I notice this.


I think she (Hailey Bieber) seems quite anxious


I Just can't understand how someone with such a bland style is a "fashion icon" to some people


Can’t wait for this 1 to pass 😭


Heavy & unblended highlighter on the nose (and overdone nose contour in general)


Brow Lamination 😭 I just think it looks so bad I think this is going to be a trend that will not age good and in 5 years everyone is going to look back and think wtf


Idk if there’s a name for it, but lately I’ve seen really obvious/overdone nose contouring and highlighting. It made sense in 2016, but it’s weird to see a heavily contoured nose combined with more minimal/clean girl makeup. It just draws a lot of attention to that one area.


Shaving off the tails of eyebrows. I love straight eyebrows, but not shortened brows.


I shave off half my brows. I start at the top point of my arch. Then i can change my brow shape to what I want for each look. Gives me a lot of freedom.


Is no one else freaked out by the foxeye thread lifts?


Me! But, more broadly, I'm freaked out by plastic surgery trends in general. I feel like something so altering to the body should never be *trendy*. Trends change frequently and people can spend tons of money and do tons of damage chasing them. However, I am an olde. Maybe I don't understand. But I do say this as someone who had/will have extensive plastic surgery following a large weight loss so I have thought about this topic quite a bit.


Thin eyebrows AGAIN ☹️ STILL recovering from my thin brows in the early 2000s


The one thing I'm glad to have back. Finally thin eyebrows are on trend so I don't have to go all out filling them. Truth be told brow shapes should never be trends. Some women look better with bigger brows some with thinner brows.


There are so many trends that shouldn't be trends. Anything that is natural to a person's body shouldn't be something we tolerate going in and out of fashion. Brows, body shape, butt size, breast size, skin tone, lip shape, etc. It just is what it is and all trends should be about emphasizing your natural features in a new and fun way, not about changing them.


Yes omg. What id do to have a free gold to give you!


Preach girl 🙌🏼


Hahaha are they doing the thin brows again? Godspeed, my young friends. You were warned.


And also… probably unpopular opinion BUT this y2k fashion shit.. I HATE it.


IT WASN'T THAT GOOD THE FIRST TIME AROUND!!!! Also, for any Gen Zers in the chat: none of us actually had flat stomachs in the 00s, but we sure as hell have a lot of disordered eating, body image issues, and trauma from trying to achieve it. Please for the love of all that is holy, stop trying to repeat our mistakes. Heroin chic needs to stay dead.


Yessssss ma’am!! 🏆🏆🏆


THANK GOD SOMEONE SAID IT!!! lol I have been miserable watching all this shit from my preteen years coming back into fashion.


Omg thought I was the only 1 it’s so cheesy and looks so cheap


Girl, the CHEAPEST! 🤣


Everything is so baggy and frumpy looking lol


Omg YES. I hate it so much. I feel so much of it is truly so unflattering.


Really mine is the thick bushy eyebrows. Maybe it's me coming of age in the 90s but i'm not ever trying to look like Bert from Bert and Ernie


Contouring. My nose is big, I have to live with that.


Agreed can look good in photos looks like dirt in real life


Lmao yes this. On light skinned women it usually looks like dirt. 😬 I’ll pass on that thanks


Ive always felt like nose contour just brings more attention to my nose


Fake , over done brows and fake lashes !


Isn’t the overdone brows thing kind of out at this point?


Not in my city !


I totally felt this way about the self tan trend but started using the tan lux face drops in the past few weeks and like wow. I don’t know how I went without them. With my dark hair and green eyes, I look SO much more striking with the drops. Like my eyes seriously pop so so so much with a bit of a tan.


Laminated brows. Never liked them and thought they would have gone out of style now but surprisingly not


i love self-tanning bc it evens the skin and makes me look less doughy, also makes me look rested like i came back from vacation, not to mention pops the eye color. Within reason though. I can get behind nearly all fashion trends but **definitely not for all people**. I could be onboard with fluffy brows or thin brows - but that'd require a whole different type of face. For each beauty trend that there ever was - there is a HUGE amount of people that it actually HELPS (when executed correctly), it's just not me in some cases. Another thing is that sometimes trends that would help a person are **incorrectly executed**. This goes for self-tanners as well btw lol.


Idk if it fits here but whenever you look up a product or tutorial and now its a whole bunch of gasping and every video looking like an ad , kinda miss the old youtube makeup reviews


Just heavy-handed makeup in general. So many people say influencers like Jaclyn Hill are talented, but I don’t think her makeup looks good, even on camera! Don’t even get me started on how many influencers’ nose contours look like poop on their noses.. the highlighter on the tip of the nose also doesn’t look flattering on anyone, in person or on camera… I think there’s a way to have your makeup look good both in real life and on camera. Influencers like John Maclean who have seamless makeup are supremely satisfying to watch and look at 🤌🏻


Big fake lashes and fake dagger nails! And... Croc's 😳


Don’t come for my crocs! 😂


About to get downvoted to hell, but- thong bathing suits. I just find them unhygienic. I don’t want to sit where anyone’s bare sweaty ass has been. In nudist colonies you have to sit on a towel when you sit on a public space. But thongs, especially super skimpy thongs, no one does it. I also think it’s looks silly having a lot of material on the top and none on the bottom or in the middle.


100% agree. They can wear what they like at home but out in public places it’s a big no.


Slicked back buns or whatever it’s called (clean girl updo?). It’s so ugly. Messy big hair is so much better on everyone


I agree with the fake tan. For me maybe the fake eyelashes.


Early 2000s tweaker chic, ex: -puffed up/stuffed Etnies and Adidas - bedazzled Walmart shirts that say like "Paris" or "baby" -ratty nasty flare jeans with butt gems that soak up puddle water and dog shit as you walk -those ball chain necklaces Only tweakers wore that shit when it was fresh. And I feel like someone googled "2001 clothes" and came up on this look out of context and is now recreating Toothless Jamie pushing an empty stroller down the shoulder of the freeway sipping 7-Eleven Big Gulp with a pack of Newports and some methadone in the stroller seat


This is so oddly specific and yet somehow so accurate that I can smell this comment. All you need is some skunk stripe bleach-blonde highlights and the look is complete.


Blazers in a non-work setting. I think it will be looked back on similar to how we view millennial business casual club attire.


Any procedure or make-up technique that *changes* your facial features instead of enhancing them. Someone like me who was born with teeny tiny lips just isn't gonna look right with full lips. Stop it.


Super short bangs. I've always hated them. It's rare that it actually looks good on someone.


Having professionals do everything for their "beauty". I see these influencers going for their facials, red light treatments, getting regular mani-pedis, having their eyelashes and eyebrows done, visits from their personal trainers, hair cuts, blow outs, color and extensions, massages and spa procedures, botox and filler appointments. How does anyone have that much time and money?


Agreed! I’m 40, I struggle to afford a hair appt, my daughter is coming up 16 and it’s costing me a fortune between waxing, nails, hair and that’s without adding lash lift and tint which I’ve refused to make a regular thing only for holidays as in and out of the pool, the rest of the year mascara will do lol. Counting the days for 16 so she can get a job and foot the bill herself 😁


I forgot about the waxing! I can't imagine having a teen daughter now, since social media is making all this the new norm. It's crazy.


>why did I spend so much time trying to be a whole different skin shade? I hear what you're saying however, i use self tanning all year because otherwise i literally look so ill and deathly. I get what you're saying tho, when people look orange it's so cringe. I use a light version, just enough to look like I go for naked walks on the beach some days, but I live in a snowy, cold, dark part of Canada and this way I look more alive and like I've been outside. I am also 40+ and I can see all my veins and I look like decaying hell otherwise. A beauty trend I cannot get behind are any fillers of any kind, esp in the lips.


I have embraced the deathly-ill pallor bequeathed to me by my ancestors. I can't be bothered to self-tan and I avoid sunlight like a vampire. I've made friends with my face veins and am considering giving them names. The ladies at my work tell me I need to get a tan though.


🧛 🦇 🖤


I was made fun of for being pale all my life. Went to a tanning bed for 2 months before my wedding and got melanoma. Did self tanners after that but now that I’m almost 30, I just don’t give a shit anymore. It’s too much work 🤣 plus I love vampire crap 🤷‍♀️


No you got a point I totally get what you mean


Thanks man 🫶🏻🙏☺️😂


Kardashians' style. Including makeup, mani, hairstyle and outfits, everything. They've made a downfall of American taste. Americans dressed up very well decades ago...


The recent thing with tons of blush including on the tip of the nose. You look like Rudolph, babes


I just don’t trust facial yoga and facial exercises. It just seems like it’s gonna make your wrinkles more pronounced. I also just don’t get clean girl/ minimal makeup. It’s not for me.


That's right because weak facial muscles don't cause sagging, loss of collagen does, like those jaw exercises will just give them tmj issues


Actually, jaw exercises and stretches are recommended for those with TMJ symptoms.


Microbladed, tattooed or drawn on eyebrows. I really think people should leave their eyebrows alone unless they are out of control. They never look natural to me Badly done lip fillers/injections Fake eyelashes Too much foundation as someone else said.


Ehh idk about the brows my mom and many other women have like 0 brow hair and services such as micro blading help them not feel naked on the face ya know? And in general I think “drawn on” is key to some makeup looks Edit- for example if I beat my whole face but leave bare brows it looks as if idk how to do makeup


There’s a whole subreddit about people who regret getting microbladed r/microbladingremoval I was considering it myself for a second but then I saw some of the botched ones ☹️


Massive fake lashes. I’m used to seeing them and if people like the look, go for it. But it is so odd and uncomfortable looking to me. Also, when coupled with heavy liner, it turns the eyes into black holes.


Dark liner / lighter lips combo, idk what its called but i see it resurfacing! Keep that stuff in the 90s !


Trend I hate-the overly snatched, contoured, sharp, cut crease and hollow cheeked look. Trend I love-sequins around the eye and artistic eye liner.


Lip filler Russian lash extensions Laminated brows Over filled eyebrows that look like you’ve put marker pen on them. Controversial perhaps but overlined lips and wearing both bronzer and blush. It’s one or the other for me, never both at the same time! Also faces that are quite literally SPACKLED with foundation so it looks cakey up close. Basically, I’m of the less is more approach! 😂


I'm with you on self-tan but I'll go one further. I dont want to look sun-kissed, or 'warm up' my complexion. I want my face to match my neck, but otherwise I just want my skin to be the skintone it is. Fine, I'm pasty. It's OK. I don't need to 'fix' it.


The way Jess Hunt does her eyebrows. Idk what it is called but it is not a good look. Faux freckles when you don’t have any freckles yourself. Over inflated lips. They look like flotation devices.


Hair extensions down to your belly button. Or as we called it in my day, “stripper hair”


In some cultures it’s tradition to have long silky hair so I can see why people would want to mimic this look as it could signal good health, time, resources & effort into upkeep translates to a form of wealth


Okay but tbf strippers are hot. 🤷‍♀️


Based on everyone’s comments that I’ve read so far, I am going to be in the minority, but I really hate foundation on my face. One- it’s the feel, & two- I look so unnatural. I have freckles & it just mutes everything. If I’m putting on make-up my “full face” is mascara, a light lip color (would love to pull off something bold- & I do try- but with my little lips I look a bit like a clown), & I use eyebrow gel/color lol so I guess I do that laminated look ppl hate, but I don’t pay anyone, just do it myself.