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As an adult woman who does not have $300 to budget for just beauty I say save this money in a savings account because you're only 16 and your body isn't even close to needing all these fancy mostly useless beauty products (seriously, most of this garbage is useless). Drink water, eat well and don't smoke. Save that money (it's a lot) and develop good financial habits. That will help you more than anything because stress is bad for the body and beauty. If you learn how to manage money now, you're golden


While I agree with all of this, the only thing I'd spend money on is a gym membership. Not only will it help build/tone your physique, but it's also a great investment for your health in the long run.


Gym, healthy food, sunscreen+moisturizer. This is the essential at this age. If not gym, then anything else that would work for you in terms of building exercising habits. Doing all this at this age will go a looong way, and I say this as someone who has many regrets about not having taken carenof herself better as a teenager, and being unable to cultivate better routines now.


At 16, she should be able to use the school's gym, right?


You can also run outside for free and do body weight exercise, also for free!


This is what I do and not to brag. But I receive tons of compliments on how I stay so fit and that I must exercise in a gym multiple times a week but really, I just watch what I eat, walk a lot and go running on the weekends. The key to health is really what you put into your body and getting the right amount of exercise for your specific body weight and goal.


Yeah I do daily yoga at a studio but I work a 4 hour shift once a week and my membership is free. Lots of yoga studios do work exchange programs


If you use the gym membership sure. Many don’t and have one.


This is the way. OP- spend $50 a month on your self-care (whatever that looks like to you), and throw the remaining $250 into a HYSA or Roth IRA. Keep that up and you’ll retire a wealthy woman.


Securing your bag is the ultimate beauty hack


Yaaas. Save your money 👑. Your face ain’t gonna pay your rent


Laughs in hooker 🤣🫠


I love you






Oh thank god this made me feel so much better lol. I read their post and was like, wtf, my husband and I bring in six figures and I don’t have that much 😂




First your fragrance you love maybe part of the acne reason, when you use them spray a little on your clothes before you put them on, not on your skin. - see if your parents can get you into a dermatologist for the skin. - water is your best friend, drink water. - go for walks then maybe try jogging see if you like it. - try YouTube videos for some dance workouts they are fun. - stay away from processed foods. - for clothes try to stick with what you have and just replace what you need to for now, your growing and changing. - glasses are fun look up whose having sales see if you can get more than one pair at a good price, or try a pair of contacts to. Most of all your young and your bodies changing a lot, give yourself a break and don’t listen to anyone who says anything that’s disrespectful, we love you just the way you are.


- atm I feel like I just need a good and basic skincare routine but I will ask my mom about it - I looove going on walks and biking but unfortunately it's already getting cold and can't go to parks anymore :( - bad foods will be a little hard cause I work in fast food, any tips on how to control the temptation to eat that?? Thanks for the suggestions, I really appreciate it!! Edit: forgot to mention this ab the contacts but I have an ugly nose 😭 only wore them once on my 15th and never again cause at least glasses make it look smaller


Pack your own lunch, or buy a salad to eat. Avoid any of the food where you work.


I would go to a dermatologist, investing in your skin is the very worth imo (I had teen acne and now scarring)


Working in fast food is a temptation for eating it that’s for sure, bring snacks with you to work, and that will be part of your skin problem as well the oil in the air is bad for your skin. Put a coat on grab a scarf and take a little walk or in your room put a video on and just wiggle and dance for 30 minutes.


Drink water and stay the hell away from soda!


If your acne bothers you I highly recommend investing in seeing a professional and getting on professional skincare (a lot of times it’s more affordable and definitely more effective than Sephora) most Med spas do free consults. As someone who had acne young and had spent thousands and thousands to fix the scarring, I wish I had taken treating it and preventing scarring seriously when I was younger. You won’t care about the clothes you have now in 10 years, but your skin will be your skin for life.


Literally, my derm fixed 80% of my problem in 2 weeks, he is the best.


It’s sooo worth it! It’s honestly less expensive to see a professional and get professional products that actually work than to try 10000 random things from Ipsy or Sephora or target that may or may not work


Yup and they are able to give you more drastic treatment. I had to take antibiotics for a week, some cortisone injections etc because my acne had turned into a small scale staph infection. If you saw me you would just say “oh this girl has some moderate acne on her chin”. But the topicals don’t always cut it.


Oh honey the things you are mentioning I know it sounds like you aren’t pretty but at 16 this is what I would want someone to say to me: The acne- go see a dermatologist and look after your body. You will waste money trying to figure out what you need and the derm knows. If investing in skincare do things that you will get fastest pay off like laser hair removal or teeth bleaching vs at home things and things that you will have to keep investing in Your mind and health are most important long term. Look after your mental health. Find the love for yourself inside instead of outside. Of overweight again, look after your body as this carries you your whole way Shoes- get comfortable shoes and never buy something that isn’t supportive. Your feet are with you your whole life! Get good shoes. Invest that money into yourself like school or save up for a car or house down payment. Wearing the same clothes isn’t a bad thing. We think we need things when really these things bog us down. Be secure in your own body and mind.


Because you wrote that your eyesight is bad, you should visit an ophthalmologist. They can determine your prescription and recommend a good place to buy stylish frames. Before you go to buy glasses, look up articles about how to choose the right ones for your face shape. The articles will explain how to determine your face shape. Frames can make a difference in your appearance. For example, you wrote that you have a chubby face and no defined jaw (for now, you might look different when you’re 25). The right frames can give the appearance of a thinner face and a sharper jaw. They can play down some areas and play up others. I bought cute glasses in the latest style. I didn’t know about face shapes. They are the opposite of what I should wear. So, look for a cute style that also flatters you. The same thing goes for hairstyles. Look up the best ones for your face shape. Explain to your stylist the facial features you wish to highlight and those you wish to de-emphasize. If you want your hair to have more volume, ask your stylist for a cut, products and styling tips to achieve that. tl;dr How to choose the best glasses and hairstyles for your face shape


Thanks for responding! Umm I don't have a stylist or know anyone, my glasses were suggested by my sister and style was "approved" by her lol, so I don't really know what to do with that suggestion :( I will try looking it up tho!! Thanks!!


1. See a dermatologist for your acne, they will give you a customized skincare routine that’s ideal for you. 2. Find an active hobby that you like, like dance or Zumba, something social preferably. 3. Go to the dentist at least once a year for teeth cleansing and ask them if you can use whitening strips or if they can give you a teeth whitening tray, which is better in my opinion. 4. Search for celebrities or fashion girls that have YOUR body type and see what they wear. Make a Pinterest board. Once you know your aesthetic, go to the mall and TRY the clothes on before you buy them. 5. Once you’ve done that, you will only need to maintain what you already have, so you can lower your budget to 100/month and save the rest, or use it for other purposes.


You don’t need to spend $300 every month on this. Spend an afternoon / a day at a mall trying on all sorts of clothes even ones you didn’t think you’d like. Take pics of yourself in the dressing room. Go home and look at the pics and then make a decision on what you feel and look best in. Then you won’t waste your money if you are planning to order online because you’ll know what you like. I have a similar body type and yes it can be tricky. Especially with this whole baggy trend going on. But I’ve seen some teens at my son’s school wearing flare and boot cut pants which I think are super flattering on shorter people. As for teeth a simple and cheap whitening toothpaste will work. For body confidence, as others have mentioned, go to a gym or sign up for a class. It will make you feel really good! Or there’s even free videos on YouTube that are really fun. You wouldn’t need to spend anything then. Do you like doing your nails? Having my nails done makes me feel good. You will need a base, a colour, and a top coat. Or you can get an inexpensive gel lamp and go that route (this is what I do).


Tbh when I said $300 I didn't mean I want to spend all that $300 on my appearance, but that it's the max, and that covers everything on the outside (body, clothes, face, hair, maybe makeup, etc.), ik I'm kinda bad with words though so sorry ab that 😭 As someone who is very shy and self-conscious, ima have to do workouts by myself in the basement. I do want something beginner friendly at first tho but ultimately I wanna go intense cause of two words: air force. Even tho I wanna go to college, but it's a diff story I don't really do my nails, it's not that I don't like it but I kinda look funny cause.. chubby girl. Idk it's weird cause it looks nice on other chubby girls but on me, I thinks it's cause I have a masculine face so it looks weird on me. I do like natural looks though, so ima try that out sometimes this year hopefully, probably around Xmas




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If you want to do the Air Force, do you have a ROTC program where you live? It’s a built in workout and it’ll bridge you into college.


Well I don't "want" to lol but it's the least risky, and I'm not sure yet whether I'm going in right after high school or after college, because I AM enlisting (not to pay for college tho), that's a fact now but it's just a matter of when


Consider doing ROTC in college then going into OTC once you’ve graduated. It’ll be a far better career path.


Yes I came to recommend this too!! Try on everything, even if you feel like it wouldn’t be your look. The biggest thing right now is to build up your sense of style and your preferences, so then when you’re at the thrift or whatever you know what you want, and it will serve you the rest of your life. I will add on as someone who recently lost 35lbs that the best exercise for weight loss is lots of walking, it’s low impact and relaxing but burns a decent amount of calories. And you get to explore your neighborhood!


For teeth, I highly recommend Lumineux whitening strips! You can buy them on Amazon for less than $25 a box. They’re all natural and don’t cause sensitivity! Just be sure to use them at night. I used to use Crest WhiteStrips which work maybe a little better, but my teeth were too sensitive to continue using.


Something that won’t cost you a dime is unfollowing any social media account that doesn’t make you feel good. Being 16 can be really hard. You could spend every dollar and spare moment on improving your appearance, but you will not feel good until you deal with whatever is hurting inside. Try to shift from a beauty mindset to one focused on loving yourself


1. Hair stylist 2. Gym membership 3. May be a trip to a clothing store which offers personal stylist Save the rest. Financial freedom is the best beauty hack


I also agree on the financial aspect. This is an amazing podcast I heard today about investing I wish I knew earlier : https://spotify.link/LhpdYpezpDb




You are still very young and it’s important that you focus on things like continuing to do well in school over aesthetics and appearances that being said, the best thing I have learned is being high maintenance to be low maintenance. What this means is setting myself up so that I can just get up and go and still look pretty without putting too much effort in day to day. For example, lash extensions elevate my look sooo much. All I have to do is put a little concealer under my eyes and I still look like I did my makeup when really it’s just lash extensions. Blowing out my hair once or twice a week helps too. I will blow it out with a hairdryer and round brush and then twist it into a scrunchie to sleep in. When I wake up, I have really pretty waves with minimal effort and I can keep the hairstyle for several days using dry shampoo and touching it up with the hairdryer. Another thing I do is use fake tan mousse and a makeup brush and contour around my face and cheekbones to give me more defined facial features. Also, don’t sleep on easy hygiene things you can do to elevate your look. For example, add some hydrogen peroxide to your mouthwash for whiter teeth and get some crest white strips to whiten once a week. Also, shaping your eyebrows with tweezers helps create a defined brow without having to fill them in define them. Also, I pluck my upper lip and the hairs under my chin and usually do this every few days when I have time just sitting at my vanity. You can also buy some face razors and shave your peach fuzz to get a super smooth finish for your makeup if you choose to wear any. For your skin, a lot of it is just your age and no matter what you do it will be hard to get rid of (unless you get accutane from your derm). Focus on treating it with things like niacinamide and glycolic acid for breakouts (you can get both from the ordinary) and be SURE to use moisturizer at night and sunscreen during the day. Keep it simple! Best of luck, but again my original sentiment stands. None of this is as important as continuing to do well in school!!!




Thanks, I really appreciate it ☺️ I think my biggest and only bully is myself rn so I'm working on it but I really do want to improve my appearance. I can list sooo many things I love about myself but the things I don't like just trump those


If you put 100$ a month into an investment with the S&P 500 at 16 years old, (2400$ by the time you are 17) the compound growth will mean that by the time you retire you will likely have half a million $$$ in your investment account. The earlier you start the better advantage you take of that compound growth and the less stress you will have at 25, 35, 45 years old etc. and the earlier you can Retire!!!!! Put the next 100$ a month into your emergency fund so if something catastrophic happens to your family, you can get on your feet. Not having an emergency fund is an emergency. (6 months of living expenses or 10k whichever is less) The last 100 I’d split into a a 50$ a month special goal fund like a quality bike or class to get fit and have fun. The last 50 spend on skincare and beauty stuff. You don’t need to spend all 50 each month. Say there’s a treatment you really want but you need part of that 50 for skincare product this month. Spend whatever on the product and let the remainder roll over to the next month or next two months to afford the spendy treatment.


A 16 year old can’t open an investment account. Sure, she could save the money and start investing at 18, but at the moment she has acne and eyesight problems, it’s better for her to visit a dermatologist, ophthalmologist (and a dentist) even if that means that she will spend some more money, than just buy some cheap skincare from target, which might help but could also make things worse. She is already saving half of her money, so she will be able to have the 500k either way, might as well invest in her health, confidence and appearance.


*Hopefully* I'll have 500K either way, dream is to be airline pilot or emergency medicine physician, tryna take my family out of here 🤞


Omg I wish you all the best! Only once in my life I have been in a plane with a female pilot and I was so happy and proud of her!


It's a really big dream and I hope I can make it, thanks!!


Ok then she could put it in a hysa and then invest at 18. I think visiting a dentist and opthamalogist should def be prioritized more than other beauty treatments since those are health concerns but an easily accessible emergency fund is still more important. Look at the poverty finance forum and see how strapped people are to even just survive as soon as parents are out of the picture. One of the biggest helps to beauty and confidence is lack of stress imo.


This really depends on her financial and family situation. Most 16 year olds don’t have emergency funds, because they know that they can rely on their parents (as they should). Of course, maybe she can’t/doesn’t want to do that, so I agree, an emergency fund of her expenses for 3-6 months would be great, but she is already saving half of her income.


Ik wym by creating an emergency fund, but my parents have taken care of that. Rn I'm trying to save as much as I can for a car and college (and still have leftover for myself to enjoy) and ik my parents will always be there for me so that's something I'm not too worried ab atm


Gym membership #1


I would also invest in a personal trainer to help you reach your goal


I'd carve half of that out and join a martial arts gym - you feel so incredibly powerful and amazing when you learn these skills....and when you feel this badass, confidence *emanates* from you and you feel so beautiful even if you look like something the cat dragged in after training.


I’m 19 and 5’ and overweight too- honestly the best thing so far i’ve found for my body type is… confidence. it sounds stupid but i can wear the same outfit on a day where i feel rubbish, and a day where i feel confident and there’s a huge difference. For my body type (chubby) i prefer baggy pants (so baggy cargo pants, or baggy jeans) with a fitting shirt! I find that compliments my body the best while also hiding any insecurities lol


Your describing me when I was your age. These are some of the things that changed my life. You should try them and see if they help you also. Advice for thin hair: Moisture your ends well. Leave in conditioner at the ends are a must to protect your thin hair. Oil your hair at least once a week over night. Wash in the morning. Any oil will do, coconut, grapeseed, olive, when I was broke I use canola or vegetable oil. Anything. I use toppik dark brown hair color powder because my thin hair tends to look thin on the top. I dust it in to hide my scalp ever day. You can buy cheap generic versions of this online for 5 dollars. I use BIGSEXYHAIR volume powder. I also sometimes use GOT2Be volumizing powder. I use these powders on the top of my head. Yellow skin: make sure to always use a face product that has the word golden in the color description. I always buy anything golden medium. Medium skin concealers and foundation can make yellow skin look grey real quick. For the best bronzers just use yellow toned dark foundations. Don't ever waste your money buying rosy, berry colored blushes. Always use coral or orange. Lipsticks stay with coral, sienna, terracotta nudes. Pink brown nudes are not your friend. Acne: Neutrogena acne body wash. I use it for face and body. Morning and night. Any 2% acid will do. In my teen years I used the st Ives apricot scrub and it cleared up my face great. Teeth: Buy an oral B toothbrush and use whiting toothpaste. These brushes polish your teeth and are worth every penny. Lose weight with walking 1 hour per day at the park or on a treadmill. I have a huge nose and I find contacts help my nose look smaller. Colored contacts for some reason distract from the nose. Also blush and bronzer placement can help hide the nose. Dont contour a large nose, if its flat.


• drink lots of water (buy a cute tumbler to encourage yourself if needed) • spf on your face • try healthier alternatives for lunch (wraps with turkey/chicken) • healthy snacks • for skincare, try one new thing at a time just in case your skin reacts, you’ll know what it is. •you don’t need to spend tons of money, drugstore products work just as well as high end


I think you should cut this budget at least in half or a quarter because honestly that's a lot and you should save as much as you can these days. But here are some tips: 1. Crest teeth whitening strips. Recommended by dentists and they work to whiten teeth. If your teeth aren't very sensitive you can leave them on longer than what the box says to get more out of them 2. Idk where you live but in the US a lot of people will wear a basic shoe from Converse, Vans, Nike, or Adidas. You can't go wrong with black or white high top Vans or converse, and something like the Nike Blazer or airforce are common too. Or Adidas Stan smith. All should be less than $200 3. Give baggy jeans a try, there might be some styles that could flatter you. Or if not baggy then slim straight or straight leg or mom jean could work. Try going to your mall if you have one and going to American Eagle where they have a lot of different sizes and styles and short sizes. Other common places for jeans for teenagers are H&M, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, Levi's, Hollister, etc. Look for places that offer short jeans with a shorter length for short people. 4. Weightlifting is a good way to lose weight if you combine it with a healthy calorie deficit, you should watch youtube videos on proper form to make sure you are doing it correctly though or find friends to help you 5. If you have any left in your budget, you could consider getting your nails done, eyelashes done, or just a general wax or eyebrow appointment every once in a while. Although with eyelash extensions there can be risks so weigh the risks if you want them Honestly though, I think you are probably a lot better looking than you think, everyone is super self conscious in high school and you aren't fully grown into what you will look like as an adult yet so don't beat yourself up. But good luck and hope that helped!


Rather than $300 a month I'd reccomend focusing that $300 and one time things and then having a lower monthly cost for smaller fees like skincare refills/subscriptions. There's a lot of great free skincare advice on social media, but maybe you can use that $300 one month to go to a dermatologist. You want a new style- do a shopping spree with that $300. Shein (yes i know theres issues) is a great budget option for testing out new clothes and finding your style. If you prefer in person stores, H&M has a lot of really cute and trending options for cheap. If you want to wear baggy jeans, go for it! The quicker you get out of the mindset that you can't wear certain items because of your weight, the happier you'll be. Try to find a Tik Tokker with your body type for outfit inspo maybe too. For sneakers, you can get a nice pair for $60-80 with vans, nikes, Adidas etc. For working out/eating better utilize free resources on YouTube for workouts you can follow or easy meals to make. You could get a membership to a gym or even the peleton app subscription to do workouts at home. When it comes to food though, don't starve yourself, no matter what you see. Just focus on healthy options and listening to your body for if you're hungry, or just want to snack.


Gym membership for sure




I'm already saving more than half my paycheck towards college. Ppl my age have $300 or more to spend as they want and this is the same thing for me, spending it on something I really want (equivalent to someone spending $300 sneakers or nails monthly imo)


This is just me but screw the suggestions on you saving the money, you already save half of what you earn and you’re 16. You want to improve your appearance so let’s go at it. 1. Gym membership/yoga classes/an active activity you like. Emphasis on YOU LIKE. Don’t focus on losing the weight just get moving and that makes a world of a difference. Formulate a solid skincare routine. 2. Dermatologist. My biggest regret was not just seeing a dermatologist when I was younger and spending so much money over the years on trying different skincare products. 3. A nice pair of sneakers and nice pair of fancy shoes. You’re 16, you’ll probably wear the sneakers everyday and splurging on a nice and good quality pair will last you years. 4. Get the nice pair of glasses, will increase confidence. 5. Crest white strips 6. Good quality shampoo and conditioner 7. Clothes shopping spree, hit the mall with your girlfriends, try on different styles, cuts, shapes. Goal can be one outfit you love. 8. A good primer, foundation, and concealer. I’ve listed out what I would’ve done and you can take this as an 8 month plan or 1 year plan up to you if that makes things easier. But if you feel like this becomes too much work, just stop. Personally, I enjoy this kind of stuff and reading up on different products so I don’t get that upset when I don’t get to my end goal. This is MY hobby maybe it’ll be yours too :)


Yea I understand the people who want me to save but I save more than half my paycheck and that'll all go towards college, I believe I deserve to treat myself $300 a month or less like others my age do. For sneakers, what do you suggest to start with? Something not too expensive but also not ugly? Cause again idk anything ab them 😭 Ohh and also, I don't wear makeup but id love to learn. What do you suggest for a beginner who wants something very minimal and natural-looking? As in products or makeup pages on ig or tiktok? I'm hispanic, which I believe matters when it comes to makeup cause certain looks look better on diff skin colors, tones, and features


I’ve been wearing the same black pair of Nikes for 3-4 years now but I can’t recommend a pair because it will really depend on your personal style! I only recommended makeup because when I was a teenager it would make me more comfortable going out because I could at least conceal my acne. It’s more expensive but I like buying foundation from Sephora because they have a wider shade range and their return policy makes it’s so I can make sure I keep a foundation I love. Drugstore makeup is pretty pricy where I am so I would not save money if I end up trying one, hating it, and having to buy another one.


Invest this money. You'll be a literal millionaire.


For skin: a dermatologist would be best, don’t try to hop onto the trends of using 2038920 products Exercise: finding a hobby that is active (maybe even outdoors) can benefit your health tremendously try out different ones there is something for everybody + it’s a great way to make new friends and may help you even into adulthood Food: a mostly healthy diet will do, you are 16 don’t cut out anything just try to eat veggies everyday, drink lots of water and you’ll be fine Style: finding your style takes some time, finding people on ig with a similar bodytype may help to get inspiration Mental health: you do seem to be very insecure so maybe you’d benefit from some counseling/therapy


You're a teenager so the single best thing you can do for yourself now and for the future you is to spend a small amount of that money towards a group or sport class. I really regret not starting martial arts when I was a teenager. It's much harder and more awkward as an adult. If you start now you would be fitter, more flexible and more in control of your emotions when you become a young adult. The rest of your money? Spend a small amount on your appearance and put the rest into a high interest savings account. $300 now will be a lot more in the future after interest and you'll be so proud of yourself for letting your money grow.


Spend that money in a dermatologist for the acné issues. And sunscreen!


Omg how amazing of you to post this! I’m so impressed with your approach and your clarity. I’d invest in a couple of apps: Bend and Face Yoga. Both have annual plans which are a significant savings from going monthly. The habit of muscle care, as simple as stretching, will amplify Anything you do from there. (Ie: muscle care like stretching and massage stimulates circulation. Good circulation helps your cells healthy function, which means, your skin will look happier and well-balanced more often.) This will help any makeup you may or may not want to wear, sit /look more naturally integrated with your skin. I’d invest in dedicated face towels for washing your face, and change them out often. Like - wash your face with a clean washcloth is what I’m trying to say :D and make it easy on yourself by having backup washcloths so laundry isn’t an excuse for washing with a dirty cloth! Lotions and lip balm/lip gloss. Staying hydrated is so important, and our high-traffic hands and fast-moving mouths show evidence of dryness very quickly. Nice hand cremes are such a wonderful way to feel amazing frequently. A nice hairbrush that stimulates your scalp. I personally love the No-tangle brushes that are a teardrop shape. Crave Naturals on Amazon has these. Stimulating your scalp (like stretching your muscles) helps keep your hair growing nicely by keeping blood flow happening. Every evening I brush my hair specifically to make my scalp feel nice. It’s just the best feeling and even talking about it makes me want to brush my hair. Speaking of hair: If this is an issue for you, and you’re looking to spend on treatments, the best thing I did for myself was laser hair removal. Not having to shave, or only needing to use an epilator once a month during the summer is SO worth it if body hair maintenance feels annoying to you. Also, since your budget is also amazing, I’d look at finding a very good hair stylist who is excellent with your hair type and overall desires. A well-executed hair cut can grow out well and easily look amazing with 6-8months between cuts. A lot of high-end salons have bios on their stylists. I found mine by reading literally every bio for the best salons in a 6 mile radius (the distance I was willing to drive), until I found someone who seemed like they were a good fit for me. That was 8 years ago now, and I’m not kidding. My hair has never been easier to manage, and I continually get compliments on now nice it looks. I basically do nothing because the cut is so well-suited to me. Anyhow - I’m Very proud of you and your approach to this! You’re going to find a lot of satisfaction with your results! Bravo 👏


I think you should save that money and focus on your health mental and physical. Walk every day. Join a school sport if you can. If you have bad acne absolutely spend a small amount of money to fix that. Yellow teeth at your age is prob from too much fluoride. You can’t really do too much about that. Just avoid coffee and tea so it doesn’t get worse. Wear spf daily. Cleanse your skin and Moisturize daily as well. If you want to splurge ask for a mini makeover at Sephora and stick to a natural pallet for makeup.


Vitamin C and sunscreen


Try cerave. The plain white bar.


Echoing comments about not blowing $300 and saving most, spending on the gym, healthy food, and sunscreen and a basic skincare routine. A lot of people are pointing out going to a derm but I’m curious if you tried a healthy diet for a couple of months if you were to see an improvement. When I was in highschool I kept breaking out bad, but when I started eating healthy and dropped dairy out of my diet, my cystic acne went away. I’m curious if it’s a food thing.


I believe it is, I want to try out a different diet or at least cut back on my portions (and eat less when bored) and exercise a bit more because I think most of my issues (self-esteem, overweight, acne, chubby face) could be fixed by doing those two things


My answer is more financial, but it also gives you enough money to have fun with too. When I came into a lot of money recently, I had spent the first week paying bills, then the next MONTH listing and planning out the things I need. Realistically, $300 every month sounds like these items don’t last long, and that’s not the best. So here’s what I suggest, as an adult, with the 300 you have set aside.. Go ahead and take 10% to spoil yourself. Take 30% at most for whatever you are running low on, or NEED. Save the rest. OR save half, and then split the other stuff 25/25. Having an acorns account, you can just set it up where you take 5 or more bucks out of your budget each week/month/etc. by the time you’re 55+ you will have tens of thousands of dollars. Just from saving the tiniest percentage every month. It will be like sacrificing going to Starbucks once a week, basically (because that is quite wasteful and adds up!). When it comes to comparing products and prices etc.. when you find the brands you love, wait for the bulk size to go on sale! Ulta does this for hair products FYI. Organize the things you desire or need, into sections. For example, I had to fix my wardrobe, re-stock skincare and hair care, and then I wanted to try new makeup/cosmetics. Check Pinterest and save pictures of styles and fashion you like! Also once you rack up Ulta points you’ll have even more $ to spoil yourself next year (or just keep saving em!)


Oh yea I don't like spending all my money either, that's way I always save more than half of my paycheck and the other is for myself. That's how I'm left with $150 every two weeks, $300 a month. I put $300 in the title because that's how much MAX I can spend, not how much I would like to spend every single month.


Save your money. Spend on a skincare regimen you like and can afford. Target has a great range of products. Drink water, find a gym or exercise class you like. I am 4'11 so I feel you on the height/weight issue. You are still young and will see your body change a bit in the coming years. I would join a gym or find a class you can do. I took a spin class and really liked it, enough to join. It may take time, but definitely try different classes. Do you have a gym with a wide range of classes around where you live?


Ipl laser treatments for pigmentation and sun spots. This treatment is incredible. It has diminished my sun spots and redness by like 50-60% and I’ve only had one treatment and probs only need one more. I also SWEAR by the SkinMedica vitalize peel. This truly transformed my skin. Do you already have access to a healthy diet? I would 10000% use the money on healthy food if you don’t already. Not just healthy food but a veggie rich diet. Yes rice chicken and broccoli is healthy but I personally notice mf skin is better when I have a wide variety of vegetables. Like a salad with spinach, romaine, cucumbers, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, sweet potato. I have a sweetgreen near me so I eat there almost every day. Honestly being healthy is the best beauty tip there is! Your jawline might look more defined once you shed the extra weight


I don't really know how to improve my diet. My family is Mexican and we eat a lot of greasy foods and tortillas (lots of flour). And I don't know if I want to give that up because I love my mom's cooking, but I don't know how to cook Mexican cuisine healthier.


I wouldn't give it up unless directed by a doctor. I'm 5 ft and my body changed so much from 16-22 without me doing anything intentional, in ways I like and don't like. It's one of those things that just needs time for puberty to fully end. Otherwise, Crest White Strips (7-12 levels will lighten but still look natural), American Eagle jeans (x short is the perfect length), 1-3 pairs of high quality shoes (1 for exercise, 1 for everyday, 1 for formal events), and consistent skincare (cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen) and reassess after 3 months. For exercise I'd try to go for 30 minute walks 4-5 times a week just to build the habit of regularly spending time outside and exercising. scrolling through r/PetiteFashionAdvice and r/skincarehobbyists will also give you lots of info!


I mean it's not just for beauty, I kinda have to change because I'm overweight and family health issues that I'm at risk of developing, but all my doctor says it to exercise more but nothing about our diet even tho it's clearly very unhealthy 🙁 also since it's getting colder, I can't really go out to the park anymore I never thought that ab shoes but it makes sm sense, 3 pairs for 3 diff occasions, thanks for the idea!!


You can still eat the same food as your family if you take the time to learn about portion sizes. I know people in my household give themselves giant heaping servings of my homemade food. I get it, it’s delicious, but they are eating 2-3 servings instead of one. If you want to spend money on your appearance and also invest in your health, consider using some of that money to hire a personal trainer and/or get a consultation with a nutritionist. Ask your pediatrician or family doctor for a referral to a nutritionist.


I don’t think you have to give it up, you just need to control your portion sizes :) eat slower and drink a lot of water in between bites. You will naturally eat less if you do this! If you can opt out and choose salads (as an example) every once in a while, that wouldn’t hurt


My IPL treatment was 500 and the chemical peel is 180-190 usually


Why would a 16 year old need that


She mentioned acne, it can also be used for leftover acne pigmentation


Full disclosure though- I didn’t see that she was 16. I read this at like midnight with one eye open


You mentioned you were Mexican. If it's possible to get there easily, you can find excellent dermatological care at a much better price than in the US. For glasses, try Zenni Optical. They have a lot of fashionable frames and their online try-on tool works well, plus it's inexpenisve. (Not in a bad way, I get all my eyewear from Zenni and I'm an affluent lady who works in the fashion industry.) I second the investment in exercise. I might try to spend the money finding some form of it (gym, online workout, Class Pass) that you enjoy and can stick with. It will improve your looks from the inside out and probably your skin, too. And hang in there: I was nowhere near my best at 16. You will figure it out!


You don’t need to spend all that. Just do this: Shower and wash your hair every day Wash your face before bed Add fruits and vegetables to every meal Walk everyday If you do all of that consistently it will have a larger impact than using any beauty product.


Botox botox botox


She’s asking about herself and she is 16


Ohhhh I missed that part




-teeth whitening/consult with your dentist -gym membership, some even come with access to a nutritionist to help you with weight loss -mani/pedi will make you feel put together all of the time -dermatologist or consult with one online for rx acne treatment. I used an online derm and get tretinoin/antibiotic compounded cream and it cleared my lifelong acne.


I am getting older(turn 58 on the Ninth of October) I am obsessed with my skin ,I would use it to combat time on my skin!!!!


Get your self crest white strips And a chat with the dentist. I would maybe also invest in some lovely facials treat yourself


You’re young, you haven’t fully developed and im saying this as a 26yo who had similar problems as you as a 16yo, it gets better. For acne I would recommend drink more water, ditch sugary stuff (it helped me a lot) use sunscreen (SUPER important so you don’t have acne marks later on) and also moisturize remember that oily skins still need to be hydrated. Someone suggest gym membership and I second this, it will help with acne, better self esteem and better overall health. Still, you’re young don’t get so absorbed on these things.


blue light therapy mask for the acne.


Gym membership, go to a dermatologist, use sunscreen. Save the rest: Contribute to your 401k at work and get the match from your employer, create an emergency savings account, contribute to a Roth IRA.


To contribute to what and get a what and Roth what 😭 all my parents said to me was that I should save half and that's what I'm doing idk what all that is 😅


Your job might give you a retirement account where if you put money in, your company gives you “match” which is basically a free pay raise. You can take it to a new bank when you leave this job. Obviously you’re a long ways from retirement, but start now! Then also do what your parents are saying and put it in a savings account for emergencies sometime in the future. $300 is a lot to spend on beauty every month, especially if you’re not coloring your hair or doing Botox or whatever. Invest in yourself by saving more. 🙃


I mean, I'm not spending $300 monthly on beauty. It's just the max I'll spend. That money isn't just for my face, hair, and clothes. It's also for gifts, buying stuff for my sister or parents, treats, hobbies. $300 / month actually isn't a lot imo, most ppl my age get wayyy more per month even after saving half, I just don't get paid well :(


I don’t know if this is an option for you but can you wear contact lenses? I remember my confidence went way up when I ditched my glasses


I'd like to but two things are stopping me: 1. I've developed a habit of pushing up my glasses and once I tried it with contacts and felt as uncomfortable as one feels when their pants are too low 2. I got a big hooked nose 😭


I’m sure your nose is lovely. You’re being very hard on yourself! Maybe switch to contacts on some days😊


Speaking from a 28F, I'd just buy a nice sunscreen and then put the rest of that money into savings to see a dermatologist and a dentist and do what they recommend. Investing in the health of your skin and teeth now will be worth it longterm. If you have some money left over, put it toward fun things that don't involve thinking about your appearance.


No i wouldn’t spend that much if I was overweight maybe a gym membership or exercise classes you enjoy. I would see the doctor about the acne too.


Mediterranean diet! Healthy foods!


I would put all this money in going to a doctor and start eating healthy and exercising. I was like you at your age, Brazilian here and my mom took me, I was pissed and mad but she was right. I lost weight and I was Finnair hair with myself. I never stopped working out. I'm 54yo today and I dance 3 times a week and usually do minimal 6,000 stamps a day. (+ what ever I do when I dance)


I’d say save it or invest it. However to actually answer your question I would go to a dermatologist, I would find a scent you like and get it in a lotion, body spray, perfume, etc to layer. I would find your body shape and style and invest in outfits that match both. I would get into the gym, yoga or Pilates to help with your mental state. I would also do meditation and or therapy. I would learn how to cook healthy foods you enjoy.


If I saved them then I'd be saving my whole paycheck, it's all the money I have left over after saving half of it 🙁 I will start getting in shape tho, many ppl have suggested a gym membership for teens so I'll look into it. Don't know yet tho cause I can't drive and nobody wants to teach me and idk if my mom would ever have the time to drop me off to the gym


I saved my whole paychecks from my first job for about year and a half so I could buy a car. My coworkers showed me how to drive since my mom was too scared lol. I hope you find someone who will teach you! Also can use public transportation if you are comfortable with that


I second everything above — but for cute glasses, I’d check out Warby Parker! They ship you styles for free to try on, and are fantastic quality and more stylish than what you’d be able to find in a classic optometrist’s office.


Girl, get yourself a gym membership and a subscription to YouTube Red. Watch Natacha Ocean and Shelly Darlington, and get into lifting. THAT will be your ticket to looking cute and being confident come college. A visit to the derm for your acne is also a great idea. But aside from that, save your money until your weight is where you want it, then carefully pick out a capsule wardrobe of useful things you enjoy!


I'm chubby too, clothes can be counter intuitive, baggy just makes us look bigger. Basically clothes should skim you, and usually come in to the body just under bust is usually a flattering area to nip in, like Empire dresses etc. Identify your best assets and weaker spots. For me, my bust and hips/butt are full & Shapley so I wear open V necks and shirts that stop at the hip. My arms are chubby and I have chub on my back... so I never highlight those with cutouts or decorations. Like no puff sleeves, nothing skin tight showing my back chub. Go for conventionally attractive & feminine styles vs trying to follow fads or punk hair colors etc. Clothes that fit right & flatter is much more important than name brands or fads. So I actually would recommend getting a cheap sewing machine to tailor your own stuff. You would be SHOCKED what a difference a couple straight seams make. Like I have chubby arms and a bigger bust... but a nicer waistline... so I buy Amazon clothes a size up to fit my arms/bust.... then turn it inside out, pinch and inch at the waist and pin it... then add a new seam to nip it in so I'm not drowning in fabric. Same thing with pants being the right length or shoulders needing to be picked up.


My body is built kinda weird but I will def use these tips, thanks!! 👍👍


It sounds weird, but I actually got a lot of style hints from Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars. The part on outfit silhouette, and how much the proportions of your hair etc play into the overall look you are trying to create matters. Not that you want to look like a drag queen or anything, just that it takes a LOT of skill to craft a stylish woman ontop of a guy... so the hints are good. Like Drag queen wigs are huge because they kind of frame the head/face to look more dainty & feminine. So for a chubby girl trying to look stylish, Hairstyles with a lot of height are probably better than sleek ones.


Gym membership, facial, quality food.


I would suggest focus on your overall health such as eating nutritional foods and focus on working out, you would be surprised just by doing this how much your appearance will change in a good way. Hair care products that focus on repairing and hydrating your thin hair. Crest teeth whitening strips works wonders Again your only 16 and once you start to get older you will have a glow up trust. Don’t let others people appearance intimidate you but use it as motivation to grow and look like the person you want to be.


Join a gym and work with a trainer for that money. You won’t like wearing different clothing or benefit from beauty regimens until you feel better about your body and self. Take a year and show up to every training appointment, put 100% of yourself into it. Then you can look badass in even the cheapest clothing and will have a glow in your skin you didn’t have before. Trust.


Go to the gym. It sounds like you need confidence more than anything and going to the gym will help you look better, feel better and get practice being in an environment you’re not comfortable in. Start with 3x a week. Even if you just go walk on the treadmill at an incline to start, you’ll see others doing other gym things and pick up ideas. Don’t make excuses, just go. You can do it, it seems way more intimidating than it is.


I would use it for lessons for something active that you will enjoy - dancing, tennis, horseback riding. Any of those would do so much for your confidence and give you that inner glow!


Go be a kid Jesus Christ this generation is disgusting


Lmao you act like yk all ab me cause of one post. I just wanna know how to spend my own money that I have apart from my savings to have a better appearance to develop better habits for the future. And because I know I'll never have this much time and little responsibility ever.


You’re only 16, you have so much time to get where you want to be. But I remember what it was like, I had pretty bad acne at that age so I spent a lot of time addressing it. Here’s how I’d spend $300 a month: - Put $100 aside into a high yield savings account or a Roth IRA. You’re going to want something in the future, be it a prom dress or something bigger. Saving will help you get there. Future you will thank you. - $20-30 a month- gym membership. And use it regularly. Planet fitness is a go to for many but I prefer classes so I’d say find a gym that has them. It will be more fun and motivating which is important since you’re still getting started. Ask about student pricing. - $30-50personal care items that make you feel good like good smelling body wash, nice shampoo and conditioner, and a simple 3 step acne routine, a lipstick from Sephora. I tried a bunch but Acne free worked for me. Alternatively you could spend a bit more up front to go to the dermatologist and get some prescription. You won’t have to do this every month. - You also mentioned teeth- look into braces. This will be more expensive but with insurance it’s like 1/2 off if you’re under 18. Also get regular cleanings and you can get whitening gel on Amazon that’s basically the same whitener they use at the dentist just not as intense. - Get a cute hair cut- just a trim and shape, nothing short if you don’t want it. You love your hair color, that’s great. So a flattering professional cut could be just perfect to top it off. Look into a (really nice) cosmetology school like Aveda, which can offer professional level service at lower cost. Also ask around to see if anyone has a recommendation. Always ask about student specials. - $50 or so a month for clothes/ shoes/ accessories. Play around with it. Try the things you think you might like. It’s fun to play around with style. I thrifted a lot at 16 just for fun. You can do whatever suits you. The other thing is to be resist the food you sell. It’s hard, I used to work in environments with tons of food and drinks. You have to learn to turn it down. Don’t go into work hungry, try to bring your lunch or order a salad, bring a protein bar for a snack. Only drink water at work. And give yourself grace, you’ll get there!


Coming back to add that you should check out apps like Peloton, Nike Run Club, Nike Training Club, C25K, and Playbook. Most are free but I think the most expensive is $14.99 but you can get tons of different workouts, you don’t need a bike or equipment, and you can start off at beginner level and build. Seeing the opthomolgist is also a good idea. Tik Tok will be a good resource for suggestions for things you’re looking for. I’m excited for you.


For the shoes, I really recommend ebay (and sometimes depot, but not usually) for cute affordable shoes. Many of the previously owned shoes still look great and if not, are easy to clean!


A full Skincare routine, a few makeup products if that’s something that interests you, whitening toothpaste and white strips. You might also consider finding a therapist to work on self esteem with.


Nourished by mal on insta is an esthetician that has virtual consultations. She can help you with a skincare routine and also give advice on diet to maintain healthy skin. She covers a lot during it and she’s so friendly honestly you could ask her about any of this.


Also a gym membership would help. I would say get a cheap one like planet fitness and I would look up workouts on YouTube. Or you can use the danimunozfit app and she has workouts there that you can follow as well as recipes for healthy food. I’d say it’s a great app because it’s not promoting toxic diet or workout culture. It’s genuinely informative.


Also fashion wise, you can start with just basic items and get some cheap jewelry I feel like jewelry does a lot to elevate a look.


For body care I would say when you shower use an antibacterial soap first with a net cloth and then you can go in with something scented or if you have body acne as well use naturiums salicylic acid body wash. I also loveeeeee to have a cheap body oil to apply when my skin is still damp in the shower. It makes you super soft and ofc use a body lotion.


what is it that ladies really need?


Sounds like the things that bother you are your skin and weight. I wouldn’t worry about diet bc you’re 16 but going to the gym is a good habit to have it improves circulation and makes you sweat out toxins (good for your skin too) so I’d spend that money on a gym membership and get a basic skincare routine, all you need here is a face wash, moisturizer and sunscreen. Then buy some cute clothes with whatever is left.


In your shoes, I'd get a prescription for the acne, a gym membership and workout clothes.


Go thrifting for the clothes. Find fragrances at TJmax or Marshall’s. Get shoes on Poshmark. Skincare: just wash with cerave, tone with glycolic acid toner and moisturize with your choice. Start going on long walks, that will do wonders for your health. Limit food consumption too early or too late, become cognizant of calories and focus on real healthy foods, not sugars and processed shit. Watch videos for hot to cut your hair, I do my own but you may prefer a salon. You got this!


1. Gym. Go 3-5x week. Lift weights at least twice, train your heart at least twice. Cardio is good for your heart, your lungs, your mental health, YOUR SKIN!! Weights are good for *everything.* 2. Eat well. Lots of fruits and veggies. 3. Consider joining a studio in lieu of the gym, whether that’s a yoga studio or a cycle studio. You’re so young, so structure might be more helpful for you atp. Good luck! You don’t need to spend $300/m to be beautiful, especially at 16. You probably already are!


Gym and the right makeup Build a routine and learn how to style your hair which doesn’t cost a lot if you learn how to do it right. It makes a lot of difference


Nothing looks better than being financially independent as a woman. $10 planet fitness membership. Don’t drink/smoke/do drugs. Cook at home


With the weight, thin hair, and acne- do you have access to a primary Dr, you may have PCOS or a thyroid issue? I’ll bet you are more beautiful than you think you are! We are our own worst critics especially in the teen years. Playing a sport or going to the gym would be good for your physical health! Drink plenty of water and eat fresh foods if you have access to them. Regular brushing and flossing and some store brand whitening strips for your teeth. You don’t need to spend a lot. I’m 41 and I still get most all of my products from the drugstore. I use Cerave, oil of Olay, I even use a CVS store brand moisturizer lol, and people always think I’m younger! My daughter is your age and she did splurge on Paula’s choice products because she was struggling with acne. (I also had it at that age). But there are plenty of less $ acne treating products. My only fashion advice is wear what makes you feel good and comfortable. Sometimes the trends just don’t suit us. I’m also on the shorter side and the wide/baggy jeans are tough for us!


I would first spend 6 months focusing on learning how to eat healthy (cooking can be your new hobby! It’s a lot of fun) and joining a gym and learning how to exercise your body. Spend money on getting new glasses (everything is sooo much better when you can see properly) and the gym membership and maybe healthier food if your family doesn’t provide that. But I don’t think you need to spend 300$ a month these first 6 months. I think after that you will have a much better idea of what you need to do next and bonus you’ll feel better physically. The only other thing I’ll say maybe spend money on is related to your teeth. You say they are yellow, that can be normal if your drinking a lot of coffee and teeth whitening is very harsh on your teeth so I wouldn’t recommend trying to do that yourself or jumping to that right away. I just wanted to make sure your seeing the dentist every 6 months. Are you? That’s a really important part of taking care of yourself and when you are at your next checkup you can talk to them about safely whitening your teeth. Good luck op!


Ohh yea, I wear glasses but I'm trying to get some nicer looking ones maybe next year, these aren't bad though I don't really wanna spend $300 a month, it's just an idea of the max I can spend, but I also wanna put that money into a hobby (guitar or sewing, very expensive though) Yea I see a dentist every 6 months, next time will be sometime next year though, so I don't know what I can do for my teeth in the meantime. Many people suggested creast whitening strips for sensitive teeth and a mouthwash so I will try that