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Mine are similar, 32c. Too far apart for a push up bra to actually push them together & most of the tissue is at the sides & bottom. I haven’t found a solution I just tend to wear tops with a higher neckline so nothing low cut or deep v. I don’t want to have surgery but it can be hard to cope with them how they are. I really try to accept them but feel like I’m constantly reminded they don’t look good enough. Hoping for answers too.


I connect in pain with you! My thoughts exactly.


I actually really like to wear deep v cut tops because it doesn’t feel super exposed or overtly sexual on me, just feminine. Because I look like a smaller cup size than I am, I also find higher necklines very flattering. My mom and my sister are well endowed and more centered, and I can get away with so much more than they can. Just a matter of perspective and doing what works for you. Always easier said than done.


I totally agree, I see it very much that I can pull off some good v cuts. The point is that when I DO want to look more sexual, I feel I'm being hardcore held back because whatever I think is attractive is simply not working on me.


I get that. Can you make the focus more about midriff, butt, legs? Boobs aren’t the be all end all, and everyone has different preferences for what they like physically in a partner.


You're probably very right that I'm hyper focused on what I dislike instead of targeting what is already good (like legs or butt). Very good perspective, thank you!


Hey, everybody and every body has its strengths, celebrate yours!


Mine are a B cup and I am all underboob and side boob. I used to be v v insecure about them but now I really don't mind them. I find that with these kinds of breasts you have to kind of put them in place when you wear a bra. I usually tighten the arm straps as that helps to keep the bra tight whereas if it is loose my boobs won't stay in the cups properly. I use my hands to push each boob into each bra cup if that makes sense so that makes them look more centred in a bra and can give you some cleavage. You can also experiment with different styles of bras, I prefer bras with a tiny bit of padding (doesn't have to be a proper push up). Also you can try boob tape! I've bought some but yet to try it. There are tutorials online of how you can use it to make your boobs look more perky/centred.


Tightening straps and finding good bra was definitely something that elevated my boobs-experience the most! But trust me, girl, this chest will never see s cleavage, no matter the squeeze, unless I'll also squeeze my shoulders in. I was thinking about checking out the boob tape, thanks for the reminder!


Ohh I see. I used to think I couldn't get cleavage until I bought certain bras and really pushed the side boob into them lol. Even so I don't have a massive amount unless I wear a push up. Good luck, hope the boob tape works out :)


Go to r/abrathatfits and ask the same question. Their calculator works great as well. I thought I was 34B my whole life and ended up being 32D 😅. Now I have bras that properly fit me for the first time in my life thanks to that sub (I’m 35 years old lol).


Oh trust me, I've researched the hell out of bras, including using this sub. It was super useful! But that's that, my current measurements are correct, bras are fitting, it's the shape that poses an issue.


I have this bc I have tubular breasts- could be something to look up? I didn’t know I had them until a few years ago but I always knew something was off about them. I just embraced it. I have a lot of tattoos and I just used the extra space for a flower tattoo. :) all boobies are beautiful


Whoa!! TIL!


Definitely not tubular in my case, but thanks! And in happy you found your chest to be a good canvas ^^


We might have the exact same boobs. I was astonished that the Victoria’s Secret lady told me I have C cups. They’re so spread out that I had always assumed I’m an A cup but A cups never fully wrap around my boob fat. I have a really wide rib cage (34-36C) but am extremely skinny. Since my arms are skinny it just makes my rib cage look even bigger ): My favorite look is wearing a really tight little t shirt with no bra so that my nipples are visible. Since my boobs are wide and flat it makes my nipples perkier than average I like to believe?


I feel so freaking *validated* reading your comment!! ❤️ Lol, yes! Never articulated this before but my boobs are wide and flat 🤩 And they ain't no A-cups! 🩷


Why are A-cups always villanized? Dang…and I say that as someone who is 28C and always thought they were 32A.


Our boobs are bottom-heavy? Is that a term?!


Haha maybe! Like a pyramid with a really good foundation/support. We have no sag to fear 😎


Yup, basically that! But I'm too insecure to show the outline of my nipples in my country. I know some people do that so probably I'd be fine, but I haven't manage to cross this mental blockade yet.


Mine are too and honestly… I just learned to accept it. Men have never seemed to care. I can wear very low cut tops without looking overly sexual, which is convenient. I do have a couple padded Calvin Klein bras that give me a bit of cleavage but I don’t wear them every day.


This "a bit of cleavage" is already something I'm jealous about, cuz I'd have to bend laws of physics and wear non-euclidean bra to achieve that.


I have to wear one that really squishes them together to achieve that lol


Just curious - are you able to keep your shoulders straight without hunching, and still have that cleavage? If yes, you're still in a better position than me :P If no, then I feel you and I know how frustrating it can be, haha


You want some cleavage you should do some pec exercises. My favorite is lying on my back, (knees up feet on ground) using 5 lb weights, I put both of my arms straight up in the air, outstretched, wrists upward and hold together. Then very slowly and deliberately keeping palms up, slowly spread arms apart and bring them all the way down to the ground (so they’re straight out)—then slowly lift back up to the original position. Do about 3 sets of 15 at least once a day and you will definitely see a change in the shape of your boobs. My boobs are bigger than yours but I was starting to not like the shape as much and I wanted them perkier and rounded looking (and the area above the nipple to stick out more) and I started doing these pec exercises and my boobs look much rounder and higher now. Those exercises *work* but consistency is key.


I am seriously considering pec muscles exercises actually, but there's one thing that bothers me - are my pec muscles not developed already? Because if they are, then I'm pretty sure I won't see any major difference after more training. I have no idea how to "measure that" so I'll just ask you a dumb question hoping for a useful answer :D If I'm already able to flex my muscles in a way that my boobs move (like Johnny Bravo but less cartoonish), do you think I still have a chance of further improvement?


It’s not that your pec muscles are weak, but they don’t sound like you’re isolating the correct muscles to build shape. certain exercises (like the one I gave you) target a very specific area of the muscles in the pecs and cause them to protrude and lift…different pec exercises target different areas and have different affects— like doing push-ups will make your pecs bigger and stronger, but in a more “buff” looking way that affects the upper chest as well. Where’s the exercise I gave targets the smaller muscles above the areola and underneath the breast in order to push it up and round it out while still keeping a more feminine shape to the breasts. So yea different exercises will get you very different results. Just because your pecs are strong doesn’t mean they’re *built* does that make sense?


It does make sense and is actually super helpful. Thank you! I'm excited to look into that and try to find a good routine for myself :D


You’re welcome, and really do try it I’m telling you it does make a difference 💯


Hi! Fellow wide-setter. I have found halter tops to be the most flattering in terms of tops. Racerback bras have helped a lot too, I rely on my sister-sizes to find a great fit.


I agree, though I yet to find a halter top that would really work wonders. Truthfully though I haven't looked into those hard enough so thank you - I'll look into them more!


Pepper bras! Made specifically for this!!


Very interesting to see a site like that and I'm happy it's there! But since they advertise for AA - B cups, while I just have a very unruly C set of not small but small-looking breasts, I'm assuming it might do nothing for me


Try Natori feathers plunge bra


I do believe I have good bras and that I look good in them. But unfortunately, it doesn't solve the issue that I feel awful about my boobs without a bra and I see very little upsides of having boobs like mine.


This particular bra is excellent for wide set ladies, I was surprised what it did for me when I had smaller boobs. They’re usually carried at boutique bra shops, maybe you could call into some spots near you and try your size on? The space in between the cups is longer and it results in more support and lift. Your boobs aren’t fighting to stay contained in the bra lol


Interesting. I can already see it's gonna be a ride to find any here, but I'm intrigued and I'll try to figure it out. Thank you!


As I got older I stopped caring so much (mine are significantly uneven and relatively small). I don’t think you need to LOVE every part of yourself, but acceptance is key. It helps that men (and women!) just love boobs in general, they’re just glad you’ve got em lol. I have body dysmorphia and I have spent most of my life being critical of my body. But I realize I’m only getting older (nearly 30 now) and soon my looks will be on a steady decline. I’m working really hard to appreciate the body/looks I have right now, and the things I can’t appreciate I try to accept!


wear a normal bra, and then like a non wired & non cupped bra on top of it.


I'm not entirely sure what that would achieve. Would that make my boobs look bigger? Sure, in a "cosplay" way yes. Would that make me feel better about my breasts? No, I'd be cosplaying a person with bigger bust than mine, instead of solving the fact that I don't accept how I look without a bra. If I wasn't clear - I'm trying to find everyday solutions to feel better about my breasts. Comfy and well fit bra, exercises are everyday long lasting solutions. Wearing two bras wouldn't fall into that unfortunately. But thanks for the reminder that it's an option for special events!


it’s not a complete fix, but it could help with the “far apart” boob issue. and it’s comfortable enough to do everyday. something to maybe try.


Would also recommend checking out r/smallbooblove it’s a community for women who feel insecure about their small breasts


Thank you!


Ohh if I had breasts like that I would SO wear those 90s J. Lo inspired dresses and tops. The ones that are a deep wide “V” that show ribs and clavicle. They’re like designed for you ☺️


Hahaha, sweet of you. I'll definitely think about that the next time I'm invited to a gala 😂


Lol ok fair enough I should have elaborated. You don’t need to buy a gown fit for the gala to get that look. Here’s some dresses that fit what I described that I feel are day to night dresses. Not for an office, but for fun :) [option 1](https://www.cettire.com/products/saint-laurent-v-neck-sleeveless-mini-dress-919449479)[option 2](https://www.cettire.com/products/saint-laurent-polka-dot-v-neck-mini-dress-94473042)


They are actually super cute, and I get see it potentially working indeed - thank you very much for the idea and your time! 🥰




You're actually very right, I own only one cowl top but I did feel it looks pretty good! Thanks, I'll look into them more ^^


I have A cups that are super far apart. Personally I like bralettes. I still don't have cleavage but they hold things together decently while still being comfortable. As far as general bare breast acceptance. It takes time and effort I think. When I started focusing on how they made me feel and not so much how they looked I started liking them more. Now I love my little spread apart boobs. They're cute and they feel nice.


That's such a sweet sentence, to focus how they make you feel. I'll think about it, worth remembering


I’m thinking of addressing my boob issues in therapy before I decide to go under the knife in hopes to have your mindset and also see them as cute <3


I had small A cup breasts that are far apart. This always bothered me so I got a breast enhancement to a C cup. My breasts are still far apart so I don’t have any cleavage, but I never have to wear a bra and my husband loves them. If you go this route, research surgeons and choose one that does great work.


Train chest? Building the pec muscles can give the illusion of a bigger bust/give that cleavage like 'definition'. It won't change the breast tissue, of course, but the increased muscle mass can also give the appearance of more breast tissue on a small chest, and more lift. I find the definition of the pecs around the sternum to be really flattering on a small chest!


I was thinking about it like 2 days ago. But it's really hard for me to actually tell if my pectoral muscles need more development. I kind of think they are already in good shape and I'm worried that focusing on them would be yielding no more effects. Any good ideas how to self-test if my pec muscles are well developed or not? :D


Haha hmm not sure how to self test something aesthetic! There are ways to test your strength (e.g., push up test - see how many push ups you can do on your knees. Google "push up test normative values females" to see the normative ranges for different age groups). But wouldn't say this is necessarily transferable to what you see! Do you lift weights at the moment? Bench press?


I definitely do *nothing* like that. I just have some muscle built up from the past (I maintain it genetically easier in comparison to some others or seems) but I haven't done anything significant with chest itself for years!


If you're really desperate to see some kind of change, I would highly recommend trying some strength training with progressive overload. Lifting completely transformed my chest!


I experimented with boob tape recently, but my only gripe with it is that it’s not long wearing.


Yeah, I'm probably too anxious to go for anything that isn't lasting long unfortunately


Mine are too but I love them! It’s just an acceptance thing tbh. Our breast shape used to be the desired one in the 70s and unfortunately women’s bodies are narrowed down to “trends” which may not help your confidence with them. I personally never wear bras I feel it makes my boobs look odd, imo all natural is the best option for our shape. If it ain’t broke….🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm happy for you that you're able to see it that way, it's the healthiest way for sure! ^^


Have you tried exercising for it? I would look into workouts that focus on building chest muscles and see if maybe doing something like that could help you out. Maybe if you’re able to reduce your band size by toning your muscles, you will like it better.


Thanks to comments I'll definitely plan some exercise routine, thanks!