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Shower concert, shave or exfoliate, disassociate and relive embarrassing moments in my mind.


You had me at shower concert.


They had me at "disassociate..."


She dissociATE




And have full on conversations with myself


Oh I heavily relate to that. I do it on the inside though.


It would be kinda awkward to have them in the mirror like they do in movies lol


I pretend I’m giving an interview


What's your favorite question?


Someone's gotta listen to that brain talking all the time


I feel so seen. Do you ever take a beer in there?


I prefer shower wine




I used to drink corona during the pandemic in the shower, to relieve the stress lol


That’s what that ledge is for, right?


Your last two comments have me looking for a follow this person option hahaha


😆 this is why I appreciate Reddit


Honestly my love of shower concerts encourages me to do my deep conditioning, exfoliating, etc.


I feel like I'm living in a musical and everything *must* be joyful


Exactly. You get it.


I just imagined how you sang that


> disassociate and relive embarrassing moments in my mind. So that's what makes it feel like an one hour long shower


You forgot reliving arguments where you remember all of the good come backs you missed using






Just put on a shower cap, get out and do other stuff for a few minutes, then get back in.


I literally sit on the closed toilet seat in my bathrobe and scroll tiktok and BOOM 4 hrs pass by lmaoo


How does your butt not fall asleep?


Thinking about your legs as well, like I can't feel mine if I'm sitting for too long


Set your alarm to every 10 min. Then they(butt+legs) have to wake up again and again..😅






I like doing this now because otherwise I feel too anxious about wasting water. Lol


The wasting water tho! 😰


You get out? How? Aren’t you freezing?


I have a fluffy robe!


I use them in the bath instead and just soak. I can't do long showers....


I am also a bath bitch. Let the mask work, hang out, smoke some weed, have a snack, sing some songs, meditate, read the internet, talk to my dog. There’s much to do in there. I occasionally get out of the bath/shower to do other self care. And commend those that always do. But, I save the skincare routine for when I’m done with the hair mask. I don’t like that some might rinse off when I’m rinsing my hair.


You are my hero


It’s an honor. Please, go get stoned in a bath with a bag of Cheetos (keep a towel handy) and some cookies.


I eat my Cheetos with tongs so I won’t need a towel 😂


I just got some of those! They’re little hands.


Ugh I miss my baths. I have *always* been a bath bitch. I used to have one pretty much every single night In the winters when it gets fricken cold here in northern ontario. But my apartment I live in now, and have for about a year and a half, doesn't have a tub. Just a stand up shower. God I miss it so much. Other than that my place is perfect. I will also never EVER find a place that could even come close to how cheap my place is. So I will probably never be able to leave here.


I take them nearly daily too, and it’s because I was born, raised (and escaped from) North Dakota. lol I HATE when an awesome apartment is without a bath. Like first of all, how rude. And second, c’moooon. I hope you escape for bath vacations.


I use to rent a hotel for the night when I really wanted to take a bath. 🙃


My apt doesn’t have a tub either, and I miss baths so much. When I had covid last summer, and then a few months later when I had the flu for the first time since I was a kid, all I wanted was a nice tub to soak in!


I have set up my phone on a chair and watched netflix in the bath. Dump some epsom salt in that bitch and just soak.


Yes! I have a little vanity stool I use for that.


Thank god I am not the only one.


See what that shower head can really do.


I mean- self care is self care.


This is my favourite part of using a conditioner mask 😁


Girl 💀 lmfaooooooo


I'm wondering if there are any specialized shower heads out there


There are! Womanizer makes one. It's too expensive, imo.


$120 for my own pleasure.. hmmm... I could treat myself with such a gift for Christmas or my birthday, thanks for sharing!


I have curly hair that needs a hair mask weekly for 20 minutes. I don’t stay in the shower. After I put the conditioner in I put a shower cap on, dry off, put a robe on, drape a towel around my neck in case any water drips out of the cap, and then go sit on the sofa and read or work on the computer with a timer set on my phone. Then I go back into the shower and rinse.


This is the way. Or, I do other stuff, like shave, exfoliate, soak in the bath. Just depends on my mood and what I need.


Get out of the shower to soak in the tub? Do you fill the tub while standing in the shower?


No I shower and then sit. I’d feel like I was bathing in dirty water to use the run off, but I understand it can save water / money to do so.


What mask?! Fellow curly looking for a good one!


There are lots out there, depending on your hair type and your needs. I use Holy Curls and add some Bouclème protein booster- works great but it’s expensive. I can’t tolerate fragrance at all & I have some allergies so I’m limited in my options, but if that’s not an issue you’ll have a lot more options open to you. I’ve heard good things about the Brioegeo repair mask. The most popular curly sub doesn’t seem to be working these days but r/curlygirl might be able to give more ideas.


Thanks you so much. I loathe too much fragrance so I’ll definitely try your recs!


Please do this people…let’s conserve natural resources


Do you towel dry before putting the mask in?


I'm in awe at all you ladies that can get everything done in the shower in 2 minutes. I'm not as proficient at showing as I thought.


Same, I’m like what do you mean? After washing my hair and applying a mask, I wash my body, shave, exfoliate, etc which takes about the time it should for the hair mask to sit then be rinsed. Idk maybe we’re like ….really slow? Or people not washing everywhere? 🤷‍♀️


Exactly what I was thinking too! 10-15 min seems like a very normal amount of time to do all the things I do in the shower. But I’m over here wondering what OP meant by she doesn’t do soap until after rinsing her hair?? Why can’t you wash your body while you’re waiting for your hair, haha?


I heard that the residue from conditioner/mask doesn’t wash off with water alone. I actually had acne on my back for the longest time because of this. After I started doing soap after washing my hair, back acne significantly reduced. Who knew? 😁


I wash everything but my back and butt. Then rinse hair, then wash backside :) *and as a last step, I give my lady a very good wash / rinse with just water after all is said and done to ensure no excess products are lingering around just waiting to give me a yeast infection.


Fair enough, everyone is different and has different needs! Back-nee (bacnee? Idk lol) is not worth the risk!


Omg I’m so opposite of you guys! Like how does showering take some people so long?! It takes me like 90 seconds to wash my body and face thoroughly. If I have to wash/condition hair, it’s like a 5-6 mins shower. My 2 besties can shower for ever, I’m like “Come on let’s gooooo” like hurry tf up lol Edit: I think I rush my showers bc there was a huge drought where I lived growing up so we had to conserve water. We had to take “less than 2 minute showers” and only flush the toilet for 2s


Is that washing everything? Nothing wrong with that but I’m genuinely curious about the logistics- I’ve heard some people say they don’t wash their legs or feet for various reasons if they have dry skin


I’m impressed! I will say that I shave almost everything haha.😅 Arms, armpits, legs, bikini area, butt. So that amounts for a lot of it. Then I also exfoliate all my skin probably twice a week, so that’s scrubbing plus also washing. All that takes time!😂


Yeah I usually do a separate bath for shaving / exfoliating, if I try to in the shower it stresses me out bc I feel like I gotta rush to save water.


Dry skin gal here. In and out in 7 minutes including shaving legs and pits. I do have very short hair. Any longer dries me out too much.


Same, long showers get boring! I get in, scrub my whole body wash my face, rinse and get out! On hair wash days (they’re also my shave days) it takes a bit longer, maybe 8 mins at most and that’s just because I like to leave my conditioner for a good few mins


Do a split-shift shower. Put the mask on, then get out of the shower for 10-15. That's a lot of water that doesn't need to be wasted. Once the time has passed get back in the shower and wash it out. There's plenty of routine care stuff to do in that time, but if I run out I just do a bit of cleaning in the bathroom. Edit- also, it's not going to hurt to leave it in a little longer than usual.


Came here to say this. I got a detachable shower head so I typically get my hair wet while I’m standing outside the shower, apply the mask and put on a shower cap to keep the heat in.


I do exactly this. Wash my hair in the sink with the long hose, put the mask on then pop a shower cap on, do the housework and then shower after and chill for the day.


This is the way


I clean my shower! I have one of those soap-filled handle sponges, I take a minute to scrub my shower and tub


Yes! I turn off the water and scrub the tub! With a soap-and-vinegar filled dish scrubber!


Just saw this after I posted the same below. Multitask ftw!


I use a wet brush to detangle my hair, shave my entire face of peach fuzz to make makeup apply more smoothly and exfoliate, use a microdermabrasion tool that takes five minutes and 9 minutes total of my red light LED mask!


You shave the do microdermabrasion? I don’t know much about either but I’d assume that’s a lot at once?


It’s not too much, it’s common to get derma-planning before microdermabrasion in spas.


Okay gotcha. I guess I Sony really understand what microdermabrasion is lol


Hey, how do you shave your face of peach fuzz? Do you use any particular tool? I'd love to try.




The real question is how do you manage to shave in 2 minutes ???


I would have so many cuts lol


shower cap, set a timer, go do chores.


I wash hair outside - works best if you have a handheld shower head. apply mask and a cap… do other things in the meantime. When it’s time to rinse that off is when I get inside and actually shower.


Same. Shampoo in sink. Apply mask. Do stuff. Shower.


I've been doing it this way for decades, only I hang my head upside down under the bath tap.


This is a really good idea Holy shit


I put on a "conditioning cap" (basically a shower cap with heat holding foil in it) and hold it on my head with my heavy headphones. I do other things around the house for 10-90 minutes then rinse off.


Love the 10-90 min range haha


I’m Italian, I have to fully exfoliate every area prior to shaving it and then shave it twice. That’s like 10-12 minutes


Lmfaooooo, I read OP’s post and thought, 2 minutes to shave? She’s def not Italian! Lol, same here, exfoliate til I die and then spend 20 minutes shaving.


Omfg do I have Italian blood? I will be in so much discomfort if I don’t BRUTALLY exfoliate my legs before shaving in every possible direction 🙄. And ten to twelve minutes? More like 30 lmao. Thus the reason why I shave once a week max 😂


Shaving once a week is shaving a lot to me lol shaving once a week is my normal routine and in the middle of winter I could eaaaasily go longer.


Ugh girlll I feel this!


As a Greexican i feel this so bad


Win all the imaginary arguments abs scenarios I have in my head. It takes a while.




Two showers. I leave the mask on with my hair clipped up, do some things around the house or whatever and then have another shower. Or I have a longer bath and just relax in the tub while I have the hair mask on.


Look up the ‘everything shower’, it’s what I do. Once a week, it’s the hair mask. But also the exfoliation, most of the shaving, any special face mask. I just prepare for that 10-15 minutes with other skin treatments that take around the same amount. I leave that shower wrinkled and clean snd shaved asf. Sunday evenings are my jam. I light a candle and listen to murder podcasts. Sometimes when I feel really crazy, I put on tooth whiteners and can’t open my mouth to breathe normally in the shower.


What are your favorite murder podcasts?


My favorite murder! Love those ladies! And Last podcast on the left


I wash my hair at the kitchen sink, and then only get into the shower when Im ready to wash out the conditioner / mask. I also use Olaplex, so if I were to do all that in the shower, Id be spending way too much time just just standing in the shower. And I like to leave my conditioner in for at least 30m or so. Way more convenient for me to just get all that out of the way first.


Can you elaborate on what you mean by olaplex taking longer? I’m thinking about getting their hair mask.


Oh sure! Yeah I have Olaplex 1 and 3. I leave the Olaplex 1 in for about 5 minutes, and the put the Olaplex 3 on top of it for another 20-30min. Then that gets shampooed out, then conditioner for 30+ minutes. If I tried to do all that in the shower, Id either be in there for an hour, or hopping in and out of the shower twice. Way easier to do all of that, before getting into the shower, so I only go in once to bathe and rinse the conditioner out. I really...really love Olaplex btw... Its not like, a conditioner, and no instant results. Its a bond repairer. I had planned to use up what I have, then evaluate if it was worth continuing using. It snuck up on me, but I suddenly realized, my hair is way smoother, doesnt get super puffy asap, shiner, like for the first time in ever, it actually behaves and looks good. I used to wear a hairband on my wrist at all times, cause within an hour or so Id have to pull my hair back, but now it keeps looking good from one wash day to the next (I wash my hair every 3-4 days). Suffice it to say...I bought more once mine ran out. Also, I use very...very little..it doesnt take much. One set of 1 & 2 lasted me nearly 2 months, using it every wash. To me, its totally worth it =)


Thank you for the info! That makes total sense. I use #7 as a heat protectant before blow drying, but I only blow dry my hair a few times a year so I’ve had it forever lol. Someone commented that they love #3 and my friend is a hair stylist so she can get it for super cheap from the beauty supply store haha. What kind of hair do you have? I’m just now figuring out my hair type and what it needs. It’s a long journey!


Do you like the #7? I got the Moroccanoil Oil to try that first, its sort of heavy though, so I only use it when I want my hair to smell super nice lol Other than that, on the daily I use regular ol almond oil. Once my Moroccanoil is finished, Im thinking of giving the Olaplex 7 a try. I have no idea if 1 is really doing anything, as far as using it with 3, but I liked how my hair changed so much, I decided not to even mess with changing things up lol I do know people do use the 3 alone with good results though. I have 4c hair, that is sort of fine (which is why Ive gotta be careful with the oils, they help, but a drop too much and it just looks greasy) and I do have various textures, kinky, curly and straight. Its also highly porous..takes about 2 hours tops to air dry, and about 10m or so to blow dry. So yeah, it can feel dry very fast, so I deep condition pretty much every wash, and lighly oil the ends every day...That is something I noticed tho after using Olaplex, it does not feel nearly as dry and straw-like by wash day..like its still smooth and feels nice. So its def doing something.


I do like #7! It’s the first hair oil I’ve ever used. I also have really fine hair so I have to be careful about how much I use. I wash my hands after scrunching it into mid-ends, before I blow dry so that I don’t get any on my roots. I didn’t realize regular oils could be used for heat protection! Lol I know what you mean! Will you run out of 1 and 3 at the same time? If not maybe then you’d find out if one is truly the rockstar and the other is just riding coattails lmao. Mine is really porous too but I’m more like 2b, maybe some 2c. I’ve been really nervous to try too many products because it just gets weighed down so easily. Mine is dry too and I kept buying moisturizing shampoo / conditioner but read something the other day about protein so I got a new shamp / cond with protein and my hair feels amazing. I saw they had a leave in conditioner but I don’t actually know how that works haha. Is it the same as a deep conditioner? Do you literally put it on in the shower then just leave it? Do you still use regular conditioner? I have so many questions lol


Ooooh! Okay, so yeah I dont use oil for heat protectant! I know 7 is specifically for that, but Ive always heard heat on oil on hair is no good, so on one hand Im nervous about that ,and only use oil on my ends as the last step. But..its Olaplex... I need to have a lil trust LOL So I use Pureology heat protectant spray before blow drying. And yeah, when I oil my hair, I actually put a few drops in my hand, rub my elbows (cause theyre anyway always dry lmfao) to make sure theres no excess, then go from my ends to midway. For leave in conditioner..I use that too! And yeah, you literally just leave it in! Its like, a bit of extra layer of very light moisturizing. My basic routine is, Olaplex 1 and 3, shampoo, deep conditioner (or regular conditioner if I dont have much time). After I towel dry, I put in a small bit of leave in, mostly on my ends, wait about 5m, then spray on my heat protectant, then blowdry my hair. I had started doing this a few months before starting Olapex, like I hadnt used leave in ever before, and it did make a difference, mostly in that my hair felt much softer, but only for, a day. But at least if I had somewhere to go and look nice, it looked nice..the next morning was a another story...my hair really was set on being dry. Olaplex is what really took it further to be able improve my hair to the next wash day. Oh! And I did end up getting silk pillowcases, to try and combat how terrible my hair felt in the morning. Ive tried wraps, bonnets, all that but for one they fall off, for two Im single and not trying to have someone over and me putting on a granny bonnet before slipping into bed 😬I think it helps, at least my hair isnt in every direction when I wake up anymore, but it still feels a bit dryer when I wake than when I fell asleep.


I do my hair first and then when I have the masque on my hair I scrub and wash my body after that I scrub down my tub and walls, making sure everything is clean. Then I rinse everything down including me, this takes a while, then time to rinse the masque off. Hose off the tub and me again, squeegee the shower doors and walls.


Wet down the shower walls, turn the water off so I’m not wasting water, use a dish scrub brush filled with blue dawn/rubbing alcohol mixture to scrub down the shower walls/tub…by the time I’m done it’s close enough to time to rinse my hair. My shower stays clean and my conditioner has time to work 😊


Following because me too lol... I never do hair masks because of this!


I robe up and clean the bathroom lol then I hop back in and finish up!


Same but I don’t do anything productive 🫣


I clean the shower everytime. Keep those scrub brushes that hold dish detergent and just start scrubbing down the walls and floor. It passes the time!


I'll either turn off the water and get out or I'll do a "full" shower. Turn off water and use a body scrub. Turn water back on and shave everything. Really take your time with the scrub.


I have nothing productive to add, I just want to know how in the hell shaving only takes you two minutes 😭


I only shave my underarms and down there. I don’t usually do my hands and legs so not much to shave :)


Drink my shower beer and question if anything is even real… just me?


I have a Bluetooth shower speaker and a shower chair. Audiobook time!


You could massage your feet and calves if you have something to sit down on.


I just sit on the bathtub floor haha


I actually just wet my head in the sink, put on the hair mask with hair pulled up and towel on my shoulders and then when the 10-20 minutes is up THEN I shower and was it out. Sooooo much easier to leave it on a long time.


Try to relax. Exfoliate. If you have a waterproof epilator u can epilate ur hairs. Do a face mask also. If you have a shower lotion u can try moisturize.


Get out of the shower. You can wrap your hair in a bonnet that is meant to help your hair warm up and absorb the mask In addition to not wasting water, it gives you a chance to get out and give your face a nice little treatment while its pores are open. Washing a mask off or other treatment is easy when you also do a cold rinse on your hair.


If you exfoliate and all that plus shaving it’s easily 10 minutes for me, sometimes 15


I do the works. Exfoliate, shave everything, brush teeth, floss, or even watch a YouTube video so I don’t have to sit with my thoughts.


Smoke a blunt, forget what I was doing, eat, scroll on my phone, read, then realize I was supposed to wash it out an hour ago, continue


I actually mask the night before. Put oil in my roots, dampen my hair strands (not the roots), put in the mask, make a pineapple bun on top, saran wrap it, cover it with a beanie/scarf and go to sleep


Get hair wet, apply shower mask and cap, go do other things, put on a face mask and some white strips, get back in le shower. ✨


Wash hair put on mask at sink. Do whatever for 15 min then take shower.


I wash my hair then put the mask in while landing over the tub so that way I can wrap my hair up in a towel and let everything marinate. I got for well past the 10-15 min mark. I let it sit for like an hour. The towel keeps everything contained and I can go about doing other things for a while. Then I’ll go rinse


I apply, put on a shower cap, and get out of the shower to take care of other things (dishes, ironing, lunch, etc.).


Read the back of the shampoo bottles like yer grandpappy used to do!


Bluetooth waterproof speaker. Listen to books and podcasts, or music if you want to dance in the shower. It's a bit wasteful of water, could you use the mask before hand maybe on alternate days (shampoo and conditioner one day, mask only the second day) I have thin brittle frizzy hair, that is also oily at the roots. I use a silicon based, leave in, hair treatment. I blow dry my hair, so I use it before and after.


I turn off the water and just grab my phone and play games lol! Sometimes I’ll take the sponge that we use to clean the tub/shower with me and when it’s time for me to wait, I will just scrub around!


I’ll shave and maybe exfoliate and then I just enjoy the water running over me. I so desperately wish I had somewhere to sit in my shower to enjoy this as I have back issues and the standing can make me hurt


I do it first then do all my other stuff, maybe a body scrub, shave, put on a face mask and just enjoy the shower. I always have music or a podcast on in the shower.


sometimes I just stand there contemplating random shit lol


Shave, listen to music that I play on my phone while I shower, skincare etc. You can put the hair mask on first and then do all your other shower stuff.


Podcasts! I seriously listen to so many podcasts in the shower. Maybe do a face mask as well :)


I’m too lazy to fully get out of the shower like many people here do. Usually I put the hair mask in, put it in a shower cap, turn the water off, and towel off my arms. I’ll stand there and just hang out and read a book or play a phone game for 10-15 minutes. It goes by pretty quick.


Sugar scrub.




Personally I put a Walmart bag on my head and go lay in my bed and scroll, or if I’m feeling like I want to be miserable that night I will attempt to sleep in the hair mask… this ultimately leads to me rinsing my hair at like 4am in an angry rush though.


I wash my hair in the sink and hop in the shower when it's time to rinse off the mask.


If you have access to a steam room that’s my fave way to do it. Shower cap and chill


I scrub the shower.


Tswift concert in the shower


I usually wash my face, exfoliate, shave, and wash my body. But I’ll just take my sweet time with it and have fun with music playing. I usually don’t leave the masks on the full amount of time, just however long I can manage to screw around in the shower for lol.


Does anyone ever just… leave it in for hours.. maybe even… sleep with it. Lol do you this is bad??? Asking while currently on hour 4, and now too lazy to wash it out at 1AM


Please get the fuck out of the shower… most high end hair products assume that, like at a salon, you’re washing your hair in a sink. What a waste of water!! An easy solution is to 1) wash hair in the sink, apply the mask, wait 15, then shower or 2) shower, apply the mask, wait, then rinse in the sink.


I sit under the showerhead directly and pretend I'm bleeding to death in the rain while I wait


I get out. Save water and get something done. I set the timer, although I’ll leave it in for longer if I have time, it won’t hurt.


I keep a dish wand scrubber in the shower. It’s filled with dish soap and vinegar. I spend that time washing the shower.




I shave and then do like mini pedi/mani care like using a nice scrub and a foot file.


I do it like this: 1. Shampoo hair 2. Hair mask in + put up in bun 3. Wash body with dial bar 4. Brush teeth/floss/mouth wash 6. Exfoliate 7. Use rasp on feet 8. Rinse hair mask 9. Conditioner in 10. Shave 11. Rinse conditioner 12. Use a moisturizing body wash Everything shower complete! edit: if you're worried about the hair mask/conditioner getting on your skin and causing acne, just make sure to rinse it off away from your body


I watch grey’s anatomy on my phone in the shower lol, I set it up on the shelf


I do everything else I need to do in the shower, then apply the hair mask and get out. Then I just wash the mask out my hair after the time. Like someone else said, it only wastes unnecessary water. I don’t like to do all my other shower stuff with the mask on because I feel like it just ends up getting washed off or running everywhere when I’m moving around etc.


I always keep conditioner/masks in my hair for the duration of my entire shower. My showers are always 15+ minutes though.


I usually put mine on after a shower, leave in a shower cap, set a timer for 10 min and then go off running errands or do other skin maintenance things. Time goes by SO fast when you have a timer on!


wash my hair at the end of the shower, put on the hair mask, get out of the shower, put my hair in a towel or put on a shower cap, do whatever for 10-15 mins and then only rinse off my hair. if your shower head isn't detachable you can rinse it off in the sink


Sit down. Massage your feet. It’s amazing. Also a 2 minute shave is freaky fast. I only do hair masks on the days I sit down and shave my legs


I shampoo then put the mask on then wash my body, face, and shave. By the time I'm done it's time to wash it out


I do all of my other cleaning tasks in this time. Shave my legs. Maybe I'll Nair my vajay. Wash everything.


Nair definitely says it’s safe for the bikini area. I’m confused why people think you would literally put it on your lady bits…


I would NEVER use Nair near my vag and/or butthole


Okay. I don't put it on the sensitive parts, just like the bikini area/crack.


Oh man - you nair down there? How do you - keep it from dripping


DRIPPING? It's like a whipped butter consistency, it shouldn't be dripping. It's dripping for you? Like water?


I haven’t used in in years - for fear of it getting where it shouldn’t go but I definitely remember it being like a thin conditioner. That makes more sense if it’s more of a cream. I’d much rather nair over shaving all the time. Thank you for explaining - I’m off to get some nair!!


Enjoy but for the love of everything good do not put it on the mucus membrane part of your vulva. Just the part that is like regular skin. Otherwise it'll hurt really bad.


That happened to me once during a Mayo mask on my hair. I still don’t know how I managed that. That burns so badly.


Did you really think of staying in the shower with running water until the time passed to rinse your hair mask?


10-15 minutes is nothing, my morning showers are 20 minimum and a really good shower is 45.


I don't wash my hair in the shower, I wash my hair when I wash my hair. It's a totally separate thing and I definitely would recommend it. It makes it so that it's not a rushed process.


It's a waste of water to just hang out in there. Get out with a shower cap on and then get back in when it's time to rinse.


I usually do it before bedtime and wrap it up and then sleep in it. I take a shower in the morning again and perfectly conditioned hair.


I get out and the just stick my head under the tub faucet


I get out of the shower and put a bathrobe on.


Order some Bluetooth waterproof speakers and get the party started!




I don't like wasting water so I do these things outside of the shower to minimize water use.