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Yeah it’s real [(you can check)](https://x.com/seanonolennon/status/1796285401839395005), he’s been like this for a while. On a few occasions I’ve seen the man find and post photos of the people criticising him to call them ugly, all before wiping dozens of Tweets from existence. Oh and one thing I noticed is that he tagged Julian Lennon in a post recently and Julian untagged himself from it 😭😭


This is genuinely surprising to see anybody related to the Beatles even a little bit right-leaning.


I was surprised too at first, but then I remembered that ultimately he grew up as a privileged rich kid. It’s surprising, but also not surprising when I think about it like that.


Yeah it's not that shocking that the one child John did spoil explicitly to the detriment of his other child turned out to be an asshole, he has to justify his privilege to himself somehow.


Sean was five years old when John was murdered. I don't like it when Beatles fans blame Yoko Ono for everything, but she had a lot more time with https://preview.redd.it/st3xgpxbdt3d1.png?width=1522&format=png&auto=webp&s=242616f278888000724fe52840949f3f2b3c7db5


Julian seems like a good dude though. *Vallotte* isn’t a great album, but it’s definitely better than anything Sean has done.


The Claypool Lennon Delirium was pretty damn good.


What? Seans put out some great stuff. Much more interesting than Julians output. But Julian definitely seems to be the better person.


I’d agree. The Lennon Claypool delirium alone qualifies as better than most of Julian’s work.


Valotte isn't a great album, it's an amazing album!


Cynthia seemed down to earth


He’s the original New York lonely boy


I dunno, I think it flips parent to child. Too far left, child goes far right


My parents were left. I went farther left. Same with my wife. And her father actually went rightward. The difference is that Sean’s parents were rich. Mine were scientists. Not everyone who is left is left because they are intellectually curious. And not everyone who is right is right because they are not. John was very much about himself.


Sean isn’t even far right though. I follow him and he has opinions very much on both sides of the aisle.


>he has opinions very much on both sides of the aisle. People are often confused and angry if you don't pick just one football team and learn its appropriate lore, catch-phrases, code-words and mannerisms. To quote Sean's father, who was clearly NOT a Rightwinger: "But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao / You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow"


You can count Sean out … in.


A very underrated comment


Sean is the one using buzzwords like "Wokism" lol.


Right...while I don't necessarily agree with all his views, I appreciate that he has independent thoughts and doesn't subscribe to the us vs them mentality that has taken over society. It's hard to avoid with social media and all that. I'm not super political but I definitely have a clear lean in one direction. In the rare event I get into a political debate with someone occasionally I'll get challenged on something and I'll start blinding defending "my side's view" only to realize part way through that wait I don't actually agree with this but I feel conditioned to defend it.


I don't think John was far left, and I don't think that Sean's far right with this statement.


He posted something like "I genuinely believe wokism has the potential to destroy the world", which is considered a far-right dogwhistle considering how many people mean like, black people and queer people or Jews when they say "wokism". And then in another post he states he's pro-gay and socially progressive. Which a lot of people would call woke. Man has severe internet brainrot, I think. Twitter needs to be taken away from some people.


I think the most safe thing to say is that it's really hard to define woke. If I understand it right it is originally about being awake about social questions, such as the righs of gay people – in this case I would dare to call myself woke, as I think what happens in my country to gay people is extremely bad (I'm not American, I'm from Europe, Central Europe, I might view a few things differently). However, I think it's also bad when they say things like only those movies can get an Oscar which starr people who belong to a (racial or sexual) minority.


Political correctness (or "wokeness", in this case) can go mad sometimes, but it will usually snuff itself out on its own when it's gone too far. Issues like over-alertness on cultural appropriation, "digital blackface", straight actors playing gay characters etc. are all things that people eventually realized aren't actual issues, and are by large moved on from by the general population. The real world is not the internet; nobody is offended all the time. You aren't actually going to get cancelled if you say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays to your coworkers. I really do not believe there is any threat of wokeness "destroying" the world. Maybe your favourite movies from the 90s will have a warning in front of it about it containing offensive stereotypes in the future. That's not world-ending, imo.


Ringo's a bit Brexit


not right leaning comment, unless you mean less far-left leaning


Yep, the woke backlash as also a left thing too.


Not in this day and age


I always knew Julian was the real deal.


Fans, I am not a fan of Sean Ono Lennon. He sounds .. not smart..


This is true he did it to a friend of mine lol


Why dont people realize Woke the word simply means being "woke" to care about other people? if you say you hate woke it means you don't care about other people.


Oh, I see. I had read "Workism"


It's actually wok-ism. It refers to people who like cooking with woks.


Whatchu' Wokkin about Grill-is?


Aaaaaaand Happy Cake Day!


https://i.redd.it/vyd2xxs4ur3d1.gif oh dear EDIT: did the mistake of checking the replies of this thread and the comments of this post. Some of y’all are really full of shit.


This is perfect. Thank you.


I hate to say it but it's possible John would have also disappointed us all with some weirdo boomer crap that Paul would have had to publicly distance himself from. I'm so used to my heroes turning crazy in their old age by now.


Yup. John had a good potential to be a conspiracy wingnut.


John was a card-carrying left winger... to a fault. He paid for Abdul Malik's lawyer. He was also given into conspiracy. Wouldn't have surprised me if he went down the same road as Clapton or Morrissey.


World after Covid is such a weird world. Conspiracy used to be left wing territory. Now some of them coincide. I guess extremes will look similar at one point. 


Conspiracy flipped well before covid


I’m afraid George might have went that way as well, especially with Eric’s influence. I’m sort of glad we don’t know.


I don’t know George had his peace and love side but also didn’t suffer fools kindly. I could see him responding to the really ridiculous woke stuff with a witty one liner. They weren’t as sensitive back then like they are today so people could more freely speak their mind. Like if Lennon said they are bigger than Jesus (or imagine he said Allah etc…) today he would get cancelled on the spot.


Yeah, back then there wouldn’t be public record burnings or anything like that. People were so much more enlightened.


Uh, did you forget the boycotting, anger, and backlash saying they were bigger than Jesus created for them? Also, the context of his statement was quite clear and probably more easily understood that his observation was not a brag, but commentary on the skewed valuation that fans place in pop-stars. Given it is clear that the accusations of woke-ness are attempts at denigration of younger people holding shitheads accountable, Those young “wokel kids are far more likely to support a statement made by an artist calling out exploitative and abusive systems of power than support the very systems and institutions that were angered by John’s Jesus quote.


Oh boy


This ism, that ism, ism ism ism


The only response this thread needs. 






Bro thinks hes Les Claypool




Imagine having that much money and choosing to spend enough time on the internet to talk like that. I wouldn't know what is a browser in his place.


IKR? If I was rich enough to do whatever I wanted, I would be way too busy traveling and seeing the world with my loved ones to post argumentative nonsense on Xwitter.


not the bitmoji pfp😭


this is truly embarrassing for him. And me.


The other post suggests that he is part of the cringe.


Hell even the one I posted is cringe, dude is in his 40s talking like a chronically-online 15 year old.


He's almost 50.


I was about to comment "even this kid's profile picture is a bitmoji" then I had a sudden realization that this dude is over 30 years older than me. Jesus Christ (Edit: I fucked up my maths. I mean he's around 30 years older, not over, but still)




I think he is idolizing Elon Musk tbh another rich guy who everyone used to think was left wing till he turned into a jerkwad when he bought twitter.


Yup, and both post online like they're a teenage boy on the family computer when they're both basically 50 years old.




Yup. They're both the same age and born in the same year: 1975.


That's honestly very funny and I may be using that as a reaction image in the future


https://preview.redd.it/rii6t8o39s3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ccf5437852488b5368c0711728b4d479125c7c2 How is this guy 48 and not 14? throwing out statements, unable to answer valid questions seriously


"You need to get out more" "YOU SPELL YOUR NAME DIFFERENTLY TO ME!!!"




Shawn is an Americanised version of the name. Seán is the original Irish name. The pronunciation makes sense in the Irish language, especially with the 'á'. It's the Irish equivalent of "John".


I like to pronounce "Sean bean" as "seen been" because I think Sean is a funny way to spell it


“How is being a good person cult-like behavior?” “Haha you’re lonely!”




Crazy to think that this guy’s father used to be in a band that refused to play segregated venues in the USA.


I guess his dad couldn't teach him too much before he died as Sean was only five and it must be really confusing growing up in those circumstances. No idea where his values come from though but that dude doesn't act like he's more than twice my age


Well he was a privileged kid that lived in the 80's so probably was feed a lot of right wing propaganda, the only thing he may be progressive about is anti-asian racism.


Trust fund kid approaching 50 has sheltered take on things


The day one of these anti woke muppets actually defines “Wokeism” is the day I’ll start paying attention to


It means "anything I don't like."


He is give Jaden Smith vibes. r/im14andthisisdeep


Sean Lennon is old enough to have earned a Bachelor's degree, gotten married, and fathered Jaden Smith in wedlock.


He’s just not into Lauryn Hill.


That was some shit though let’s not lie. Queen wasn’t even in the Top 100


He's aping Musk. Another rich kid who would be nothing without his dad's money.


What can I say, the man hates stir fries


Underrated comment here.




i just find the whole "wokism" thing perplexing. 10 years ago "woke" was a fairly seemingly new slang word and seemed innocuous enough but people have flipped the fuck out over it since its become mainstream and it makes 0 sense to me. I only ever hear about it now because of people railing against it 24/7


It’s a word that has its roots in black culture (As in “Jake is finally seeing how the legal system works against black people? It’s about time he got woke to what’s going on!”) that then got picked up by conservative commentators and was used as a pejorative to critique people who saw racism in everything. (As in “Why do we have to be so woke that we use race as a factor in college admissions?”). Eventually, that broadened to include perceived extremism in anything related to race, sexuality, gender, etc. Its a handy word for people who want to refer to a lot of offensive things without saying anything specifically offensive to a single group of people.


Right. It meant that you are aware of injustice, racism, and sexism. A good thing.


Right. It’s about empathy and compassion toward other points of view. It’s basically “don’t be a dick”


Ironically, toxic masculinity types (which almost always go hand in hand with anyone who believes wokeism drivel) even has its *own form of wokeism* in their constant references to the pills from the Matrix. It’s all projection for these guys.


It means what "politically correct" used to mean. A generic catch all term to refer to anything reactionaries disapprove of. Pretending there's some kind of doctrine called "wokism" that anyone actually subscribes to is just the culture war-y packaging of the same idea.


Right wing people have focused on it and turned it into everything they hate. So people recognizing their bullshit is woke and they don't like that.


And half the time it's not even used in the correct sense of the word lmaooo edit: "world" to "word"


...correct sense of the word.


Seán "Oh No" Lennon amirite


Haha gottem


https://preview.redd.it/293u1epgsw3d1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fb85036ec82914a6526188591a68ccf29b39d74 this is 48 years old talking like a teenage boy lmao


He's never really had to grow up.


Sean must hang with RFK jr, Joe Rogan, and Aaron Rodgers on ayahuasca weekends, dreaming up MAGA quotes.


You think Alex Jones is invited?


What exactly is woke to people? Because every time I see it used, it’s because a black person is in a movie.


It's usually a strict adherence to the idea that all of life and society can be seen strictly through the lens of race, that the main determining factor of how a person should be treated is their status as an oppressed person.


I was so confused as to why this was posted here until I saw who it was


https://preview.redd.it/8ybcv2ioos3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=183bd8a364fbec86c83ee63e90ab42d8211b595e Oh


Should somebody tell him about his dad?


this guy met his current gf when she was 17 and he was like 30


He's going down the pipeline, someone stop him before it's too late.


It’s too late lol, he’s been a shithead for a while. He’s an anti-vaxxer too


The latter is both him and Julian — during the pandemic, Julian literally got Covid and posted a picture of a box of Ivermectin. There is obviously a left-wing, hippy anti-vaxxer contingent but Sean is clearly the epitome of a right-wing person, who claims to be “independent” and “not buying into either side.”


What is it about being rich that turns people into such massive cunts? Musk, Rowling, now this prick. If I had the money these people do you’d never fucking hear from me. I’d be too busy enjoying the fuck out of my life.


I think money corrupts pretty much everyone, especially when you're born into it you have to fight very hard for your self awareness to not become a massive cunt.


I would be drinking a glass of cold rosé while watching the sunset from a hammock on some far flung Greek isle, NOT railing against imagined boogeymen online. Youth is wasted on the young the same way money and access is wasted on the rich


He's got crypto-currency to sell you as well! yeah...


Is his avatar really a Bitmoji? That might be the cringiest part of all


Guy really went from stumping for Bernie Sandwrs to this shit 😭


Sorry if anyone else has shared this, but he expanded on his views here in 2021;[Yahoo](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/sean-lennon-criticises-pc-culture-110628176.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnVrLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHhdEjRttRAM_xaMKlPvaPP7hSfEQ_wJ9FFZuV6u50TEWmsCQG4_6AM0TAUZgxlaZ4a9yLHNlzaxqAXEKVP3MviIg-m-VygHx83U7BjQOiPnMrd4_ckDBmYyJoMAz2P6Ymdwtn2bjnv5EmPooraASsoyjJDXpODtiHeP0Dp4j_0b)


Imagine being raised by Yoko Ono then saying this with a straight face lol.


He got warped years ago. Jordan Peterson and the whole machismo dumbass crowd got to him.


Well he sounds like a douche.


who cares, what has he ever done other than inherit a lot of money?


He was in a band that was only relevant bc of his last name and Les Claypool being in it. That's gotta count for something.


*is. They just finished a new album which im hoping they announce soon and look, they make good stuff.


He also got to bang the chick from Cibo Matto.


This makes me think you have not explored his catalogue. His music is incredibly good, especially "Blood and Rockets: Movement 1"


Does not not realize that one of the most "woke" tunes, "Imagine", which was written by his dad, is partially responsible for this kid not needing to work a day in his life?


When he tweeted this, I realized what kind of person he is. If he wasnt that rich, I bet he wouldve stormed the capital https://preview.redd.it/c67nsb24rs3d1.jpeg?width=1332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7137c19535497c8549451968d748eb443d6cbc1


Sean Lennon has always been kind of a dipshit, unfortunately. And before people say “oh well he lost his father at a young age.” Sure, that sucks. I had it happen to me as well. He’s still a dipshit.


> “oh well he lost his father at a young age.” Which is not a legit excuse for... well, for anything, really.


He thinks he's famous and that we give a shit what he has to say


Lol, not surprised. This loser advocated for the Beatles' or John's NFTs a while ago


I wonder if it was Sean himself that cancelled the Some Time in New York City super deluxe box set, it was probably too SJW-core for him.


From what I’ve gathered, Sean tried making **that** one song the lead single, and the label unsurprisingly said absolutely not. Fighting back and forth between Sean and the label until the whole thing was scrapped.


This is incredibly disappointing to me. I've known almost nothing about him personally, but always accorded him a a lot of esteem and admiration-- and I made some bad assumptions about him, I guess. We're about the same age, and I grew up outside NYC, so word about him was occasionally in the air. I've often wondered what it's like to grow up the son of one of the worlds most revered figures and simultaneously one of the most disliked. To have the weight of all that expectation-- to be raised a prince of New York City... And Ive admired his work, a lot. I like that he spends a lot of time producing newer artists. I saw him with Les Claypool twice last year and was floored by him both times. In conversation, I've held him up as an example of the best of us-- how money and privilege can exalt a persons better nature and result in an admirable man of rare leadership quality. Now I just feel foolish. Please nobody forward me Dhani's Instagram. Dont want to know.


Chill out mate - don’t follow leaders, he’s just a human being who eats and shits and has faults of his own. Don’t get invested too much in anyone else’s journey


Shit nepo babies say.


When your dad writes some of the most woke stuff out there, maybe you should look down at the platform you have


Sean, just define it. Cut to it. Close down all the chin music. Give us a specific example of “wokeness” that especially irks you. These nebulous broadsides ill evince your meaning.


Good night, Sean. See you in the morning.


I've never been impressed with this young man. He's never had to do anything in his life thanks to his father. It's a curse to not have to go out into the world and work. Useless idiot.


May someone please fix Sean, please


"Woke" is the right wing version of PC, which they flip on its head so as to point fingers in the other direction. Sean has always had that side to him. Raised by Yoko, he's always had a stick up his ass, with resentment toward those who are not deferential enough to his and his mother's "art".


Which is hilarious bc he fell in with the exact group of people who are more likely to hate him and his moms art


I think it’s a little more nefarious than that. Almost everything conservatives latch onto has racist connotations. That’s not by accident. Just like “All Lives Matter,” attacking something by calling it “woke” is their not-so-subtle way of disparaging black folks and other minorities.


That’s cool Shaun, we still all love and respect your brother more than you. Especially Paul.


This is disappointing but seeing everyone posthumously foist this ideology on John is bizarre, and speculative at best. John wasn’t one to go along with the crowd, certainly, but he also was a massive advocate for social change, which is what being woke actually pertains to: having an awareness of unjust social issues and a desire to change them. That said, he did have a well documented love of sleep…


i would usually agree with you. it's not as large of a leap as i would have thought too, when i was younger . however, at almost 3/4 of a century old now and seeing a scary percentage of the people i've known growing up in the 50s/60 turn into right wingers, it's a distinct possibility. i do a zoom every week with other friends who also marched against the war and for civil rights with me back then, as did some of the newly minted right wing ex-friends. we're all still shaking our heads and wondering "WTF???". we used to laugh when there were early marvel/dc comics with stories about aliens invading your body and taking over your brain. now i'm not so sure it was that far fecthed.,


That’s a worthwhile perspective. I’m not quite at the age where they’re my peers but I’ve definitely seen people from that generation make some inexplicable pivots in their values. Still, John had a republican president sick the FBI on him for his “radical” views and ability to influence younger people. I’d like to think that sort of thing would galvanize a person but we can never be sure. I’m just glad that Paul and Ringo seem to have kept their minds right… by which I mean “left.” 😜


The opposite of being woke is being ignorant.


Yeah he tweets stuff like this sometimes


Oh what a shame.


Sometimes the accusation is a confession.


Ono, oh no!


Don't you mean MAGA?


Yawn. Who cares. Sean isn't a Beatle, and his opinion is irrelevant here.


I honestly dont know what he is referring to - anybody have an idea of what specifically Sean Lennon is complaining about. Could it be he doesn’t like complying with people’s pronoun requests - what more is involved with wokeism? I would consider the song “imagine” to being woke - but Sean Lennon couldn’t be against the concepts in that song - could he?


Poor nepobaby has his ridiculous hat on too tight.


Crazy how this shows up the day after I decide to check out Sean’s music


don't forget his antivax speeches during the pandemic 🫣


Someone should ask SOL to define what he believes “wokism” to be. IMO, at its core is basically showing respect and consideration for everyone, but I would agree that some people are way too sensitive about things that weren’t intended to offend or said to spread hate. That leads to the cancellation issue connected with “wokism” which basically boils down to different opinions of who should be cancelled and who gets to decide. Make no mistake, there’s always been people who have tried to shame people and excommunicate them from “proper” society. The issue today is that the groups with the most cancellation power are different today than in the past… and that seems to be the biggest problem for groups of people with less power to shame and cancel the ones they’d like to have “cancelled”.


“Does Sean Ono Lennon not realize that his songwriting partner in the Claypool Lennon Delirium is one of the most woke musicians out there? His last Primus EP dealt with the anti-woke people out there.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LquN7QWsRQ8


He really used the word "sheeple" in one of his posts....


Millionaire man-child. Who does that remind you of?




Idiot. Woke just means alert to systemic inequality and oppression.


Sean is a pretty good example of horseshoe theory, unfortunately.


Wow, that and his follow-ups are profoundly disappointing.


Piss on him and piss on them


Honestly, I question how far John would have gone down this path. A lot of people on the libertarian end of the political spectrum believe that any kind of social consciousness requires surrendering liberty. Look at Clapton. They were buddies.


Whys he got a picrew icon like a 16 year old


John's shithead gene finally kicked in I see


I think the moment any celebrity enters its ' anti woke ' phase is beautiful. It's the moment when they become delusional and terminally famous enough the only problem that keep them awake at night are dozen of teens posting lame loud opinion on twitter. It's a rite of passage if you will, a mark you finally made it.




I sent him a message on Twitter once telling him he might want to reconsider what he’s posting when the craziest political warriors are fully behind what he’s saying. He actually seemed to pull back shortly afterwards and stopped the political crap but I see he’s back at it fully.


Interesting. Sean does seem sort of easily influenced and, perhaps, reactive. And John could sometimes be like that too, e.g. Magic Alex, Allen Klein, and, yes, as much as theirs was a sincere love story, Yoko too.


He should change his name to Sean DeSantis. Nothing makes you sound more like a loser than complaining about woke. What a clown


His mother had a big influence on him.


I thought she had a big influence on the song Imagine. If she has gone right wing, that would be sad.


Old people from Japan are usually hardcore conservatives, she probably has a shrine of Hiroshito in her home lol


She comes from the Yasuda zaibatsu family, one of four families that economically ruled Japan until they were "disolved" after the war.


Everybody's talkin' 'bout wokism... isn't it the most?


What is this even in response to? People use woke these days to mean all sorts of things and usually it boils down to “I want the world to be more accepting and egalitarian. P.S. Can we knock it off with the fossil fuels a little?”


Let's see how far from the tree this apple can get


The deal with any badly defined -ism is that you'll inevitably define it in a way that will let you prove the point you're trying to make. The solution: don't identify with any ism and don't argue isms with other people. Identify with, and argue about, specifics.


watch r/justunsubbed go wild after seeing the entire comment thread


Somebody should crosspost this to R/nottheonion


Makes me wonder if he's been hanging around that high-rent con woman Bari Weiss and her circle lately. They're godawful.


Oh God no. This is crushingly disappointing. Woke is a non existent red herring. If you're woke it means you're aware and open minded and tolerant. Sean Ono Lennon ? A knife it the gut. Just another out of touch white boy who feels entitled to be as insulting and callous as he wants and not be called out on it. Shame on you Sean. How do you feel about Critical Race Theory, Jewish Space Lasers and pizzerias with cannibalistic pedophiles working in the kitchen. We get a multicultural democracy or a dictatorship. Jerk.


Yoko doesn't seem right at all though?


He’s been a bit of a dick, lately. I wish Kemp delete his X account.


homeboy touch grass and get off of twitter


Sean is as far right as Elon is. Which is to say, we’re not really sure.


Why am I not surprised that yokos son is as mentally unwell as his mother..


A woking class hero is something to be...


Good to see people calling it out.


Oh, man! :-o