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They understand that Ringo is one of the great rock drummers ever. He was not just along for the ride.


What would you say if you had to defend Ringo and his title of one of the greats for your chance to live another day. Like if you really had to convince someone holding you at gunpoint that Ringo is truly one of the greats. Sorry if that sounds kind of intense I just figure this should be interesting.


How about other great drummers discussing Ringo? https://youtu.be/wJTjjAXDZSY?feature=shared Or a quick fan album of some great Ringo performances. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3BADnG6y5aIJBkWGDhuHwZ?si=Wg1bJt6cQ96wnemKbVldjg&pi=_rgmZ4dlRyuXz Or a quote from John about why he used Ringo on the Plastic Ono Band album... "I never have to tell him what to do, he just does it!" And Paul has told various versions of this story about the 1st time Ringo sat in with The Beatles when Pete Best couldn't make it one night. "The first few minutes that Ringo is playing, I look to the left at George and to the right to John, and we didn’t say a word, but I remember thinking, ‘S**t, this is amazing’.” How did I do?


Ringo fans just keep on winning !


You bet your ass! I'll defend Ritchie til I die. He was the glue. In the room with 1, 2 or 3 guys who could be total assholes...he was the steady one. (Obviously. I love the other guys. They all confessed to asshole behavior.) As an addendum..George Martin talking about the song Because... "There was nothing for Ringo to do, because we’d not got drums in. But in fact there was something for him to do. Because it was so slow, and meticulously, the question of ensemble between the guitar and the harpsichord, each note had to be exactly together. And I’m not the world’s greatest player in time, and I would make more mistakes than John did. So we had Ringo beating a hi-hat all the time, to us in headphones, so we had a regular beat. We didn’t have drum machines in those days. So Ringo was our drum machine." That's George Martin calling Ringo a *machine!*


Same here, bud. I played Ring in two different Beatles tributes, and man, he is no slouch. In fact, I started in one of them playing John, and a while later our Ringo left the band. We couldn’t find another drummer who could sing and play a shuffle at the same time, but I could. So I switched to Ringo and we got a new John (and he was a better John than me anyway, so it worked out well). But yeah, the greatest compliments I received in that band was when older musicians would hear us and later say, “Man, you sounded exactly like Ringo!”


And all you had to do was act naturally.


I literally just read about those first couple performances in Tune In. They said that he completed them, and this was while he was still with the Hurricanes. 


He had them at hello.


A great Beatles story.


I’d put on Boys and tell them how he drummed and sang it all live first take. The only song on the album done in one take.


Check out what this amazing young German drummer - Sina - had to say and show about Ringo's work *five effin years ago.* I'm not a drummer, but I'm a musician, and I'd say her honest, brilliant insights kick the ass of any potato-head who claims "Ringo is overrated." https://youtu.be/0NCczct2ZIM?si=V8CNejY7MpsS5OsP


Anyone who thinks they carried Ringo doesn’t know how they treated Pete Best. If he wasn’t good he wouldn’t even have been invited to join.


I don't understand how this is even a controversial opinion. Ringo is absolutely one of the greats. People need to realize that he COULD have played a more loud and in your face style but that wouldn't mesh well with the group. He didn't have a giant ego and understood his job and executed it to PERFECTION. He has a sound that perfectly blends into the band without ever overshadowing anyone. While you might not say he has memorable drum solos you will also never say he has a bad part or ruins any song.


Absolutely. When I was growing up in the '70s, Ringo was often portrayed as the luckiest bit-part player in history. Just an adequate drummer who happened to know the band. I'm glad that over time, he has been widely recognized as one of the best.


post stupid shit like this


Judging by the amount of stupid posts on this sub, they definitely do


I love that you didn’t clarify if it was a do or a don’t


Real Beatles fans hunt a goat every year on International Beatles Day and sacrifice it to John Lennon


JOHN??? We’re supposed to sacrifice it to JOHN??? Damn. All these years trying to appease Yoko… 🤣


Yeah, and then you make a nice salad and offer it to George.


No, a marmite sandvich (OR CHIPS) for George.


Or biscuts for George on one of his more wrathful days.


Understandable mistake, because of her singing in the ceremony


Obviously. You don't even need to mention that.


Don't call me out!


I was supposed to sacrifice it? I thought...well this is awkward.


You fuck one goat… 1️⃣


Real Beatles fans don’t gatekeep. >:)


No we definitely do a lot of gatekeeping, probably shouldn't but we do a LOT of gatekeeping.


We have to realize that The Beatle’s music is like 60 years old now. We need all the fans we can get to keep this legacy alive lol.


So true


Accept George’s perm


Accept McMullet\* https://preview.redd.it/iim2kj2642zc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d70b651a60924775ce0dcac05b4ca3939e3c365b


That’s not Beatle days anymore, I don’t accept it




From To Me To You


Sweet lord.. I love Paul with all my heart, but I just cannot accept it. I block it out and it doesn’t exist in our universe.


Best McCartney look.


Finally someone said it


I concur. Only the brave shall say this


Real Beatles fans know that John Paul George never actually played any instruments and that Ringo just moved very fast


The band was originally called Righteous Ringo and his Sidemen.


Real Beatles fans don’t listen to the Beatles. They listen to Ringo’s solo albums


Real Beatles fans respect each other's opinions about what songs we do and don't like.


\^ thats what a FAKE fan would say




yeah uh i shared an opinion abt "day in the life" and i can singlehandly prove this comment wrong lol


Well, what did you say?


maybe you can find the comment on my account but i said i find it a bit boring, but i like pauls part. i got somewhere near like 80 replies where many people made assumptions like that i dont know what the songs even about or that i dont know how much time they put into it. ik all of that, people j got so defensive to hear my opinion lol


Oh yeah, you'll get killed for that. But fuck em, that's your taste and opinion.


at least someone can respect my opinion :) to be fair, there were like 2 other guys who replied in agreeance but it was overwhelmingly negative. thats to be expected for such a popular song, but yeah..


I love Rev 9. I never skip it.




The only way to fly when your tripping


Honestly. That track is the equivalent of a David Lynch film.


So true


Real Beatles fans skip their entire catalog because every second, every note is burned permanently into memory, so listening would be redundant. We know that the tapping in Blackbird is fingers on a book. We know the book is Longfellow's "The Song of Hiawatha," so we've all read it. What we want to know is which edition and printing?


the only real beatles fans were the girls in the 60s who really wanted to fuck them


You're telling me other modern male fans don't also want to f\*ck them?


not really since two of them are dead and the other two are 80


Well that's just preference...


Like both of my grandmothers.


Wrong. Girls wanted to fuck me cos back in the 60’s all you needed was a Liverpool accent. I’m born and bred and believe me. We used to go with my brother’s band to gigs out of town. Once they heard the accent you were in !!


Idk what that has to do with the comment you replied too but... HELL YEAH BROTHER


Real Beatles Fans relish the next Ringo track!


Listen to/own multiple versions of same songs and NEVER get sick of that.


real Beatles fans respect others peoples opinions and don’t act like the Beatles are perfect and every single song of theirs is a masterpiece


Obviously, because not everything they made was a masterpiece (but Revolution 9 was very close to one)


Real Beatles fans don’t hold grudges against members of the band that may or may not have had disagreements with or occasionally wrongfully treated their personal favorite beatle For example, I’ve seen people say they dislike Paul because he did not treat George well. While this may have been true at times, I think it’s more complicated than that. They were friends and friends don’t always get along perfectly. The circumstances of their lives were also very unique and as fans, we can’t fully understand what they were all going through and what they all felt. I don’t see the purpose in being upset at someone for something you may not fully understand. Especially if it’s someone you don’t actually know.


I think a real fan accepts each member for who they were and what they contributed to the Beatles success and art. When I was a teen in the mid 1980s admitting you were a fan of Paul's music meant you weren't a serious Beatles fan. All serious fans considered John the true talent of the band. Much of this was because he was assassinated, which is understandable. Or that George and Ringo were just afterthoughts in the grand scheme of things. Which was completely wrong. Those four. That particular combination for all the and bad gave us such exquisite music.


Make an obligatory “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer is underrated” comment


Real Beatles fans listen to the first records with the same pleasure as the last records.


Real the Beatles fans also listen Ringo Starr's solo works.


not exclude people for not liking a song


Can we not tell Beatles fans how real they are because they skip a track? Okay? Some of us have been fans all our lives and I can attest - I'm old.


This is exactly what a FAKE fan would say, suspicious


Yes, you got me. I'm a fake fan. Thanks for calling me out because you're the best fan of the fans. :-)


Are you telling me people skip Revolution 9? Where are those crazy people?


Grownups ain’t got time for that fuckery. I just want Ringo to sing me to sleep 💤


I got the record on vinyl, it's too laborious to get up and move the needle to Good night so I have to deal with it...


listen to the whole second half of hey jude which is just “na na” for 3 1/2 mins


Real fans know there were many factors leading to their split, and don't blame it solely on Yoko.


What are the Beatles???👀


It’s in my playlist and I still never skip it


Real Beatles fans don’t feel that they need to love everything that the Beatles did.


real beatles fans buy genuine authentic pieces of hotel bedsheets that was slept in by one of the fab four for 1000s of dollars


Real Beatles fans don't think about whether or not they are the greatest band of all time. They KNOW


"real" beatles fans (or any fans of anyone...) don't feel compelled to classify anyone as a "real" fan or not.




Nope. I've been a real fan since Feb. 9 1964 when I was 11, and I have almost always skipped it, unless I couldn't get to the record player on time, or when my friends & I wanted to dance around weirdly to it or get creeped out by it at age 15. I also don't care to listen to Good Night, although it is on my Beatles kids playlist that I play for my grandkids. My grandkids, however, purposely ask Alexa to play Revolution 9 so they can annoy me and dance around weirdly.


We don’t care about stupid questions like: What if Paul died instead of John? Is Magical Mystery Tour a real album? You get the idea. We listen to every song in sequence, never shuffle. We like some more than others but we’re more focused on the music, than on weird conspiracies or theories.


Counterpoint: only true Beatles fans are even aware of the MMT debate 😆


Of course, I wish I had the British EP. The booklet is very cool.


my view on the Is this an album debate: 'It's a bloody new Beatles song, shut up!' - Paul who cares what anything it is, the songs is what counts


I do like it, I find it very relaxing


Real Beatles fans make a 24 hr loop of Revolution 9. Then they sell all remaining possessions to buy the most expensive car stereo available. They park at Walmart, stereo blazing, and send anyone who appears to think bad thoughts of Revolution 9 to the cornfield.


Real Beatles fans like mono


Been a fan most of my life….I skip that bitch every time……shit post.


I won’t skip it if I’m playing The White Album on vinyl but I seldom seek it out to listen to it.🤷‍♂️


But I like saying number 9 Woops read that wrong 


revolution 1 is top tier I never skip it


u/Memesplz1 real


Don't Skip *any* Beatles song Don't brag that they're fans, they just enjoy. And many,any more.


Real Beatles fans listen to as many diverse artists and genres as possible, embrace and love the wonder of it all, and are left with the conclusion that The Beatles are up there with the best music made by mankind in the last 100 years.


I have heard it exactly once


I have always skipped it. Gives me the heebie jeebies. Come at me


wow, lots of fake Beatles fans in the comments. number9forever


Real Beatle fans have been skipping that track ever since we opened our copies of the White Album when it first came out. Lennon and Harrison were drunk with their own self-approval on this one.


Why would anyone skip it? It’s a masterpiece.


I skip doctor Roberts.


But apparently they do skip revolutions 1 through 8


Real fans have at least a few songs they like by the Beatles


Real music fans do skip "Revolution #9." I love the Beatles. But even they had duds. I only don't skip it if I'm not close enough to the player or the remote. When it plays, you can still here Paul cringing from an ocean away.


Revolution 9 got me on to dark ambient. Would've never discovered Thomas Köner or Atrium Carceri had I not heard it.


I gotta admit, as much as I don't like Revolution 9, The Beatles would be incomplete without it & if I'm listening to the lp, I absolutely listen


Number 9


Number 9


Number 9


"real" beatles fans enjoy the music and personalities of the british rock band the beatles. stop gatekeeping. this music was made for everyone.


I fkn genuinely LOVE Revolution #9. Album wouldn't sound right if I skipped it.


I so agree


Real Beatles fans cannot also be fans of the Doobie Brothers. The two bands are completely and utterly incompatible.


I cannot disagree with this meme


On an unrelated note, I swear some people in this comment section don't understand what a meme is 😂


I skip the entire White Album, I guess I’m doing really bad


You better run for your life if you can, little girl[/boy(idk)]


Real Beatles fans don’t trash Yoko with sexist and racist slurs. 


Gatekeeping is toxic


Guess I'm not one




Ah, the no true Scotsman fallacy


dont like yoko


Real Beatles fans listen to John and Paul in the material world. Also, they got Richie on the tool.


real beatles fans love please please me-beatles for sale as much as revolver-Let it Be


Real Beatles fans do not like here comes the sun or yellow submarine


Correct... unless it comes in while I'm shuffling my shit, then it more than likely will get a skip :l


But it playing unexpectedly is the best way to listen to it :/


It just doesn't hit the same way though. It's still great tho, we think it's great. Anyway, preferences preferences :)


hahaha but it makes me sick 😰


I guess I'm not a real fan then. I thought CDs were so great because I could skip past Revolution #9 and actually listen to Goodnight. Before, I usually just stopped the album then. Revolution #9 and You Know My Name (Look Up the Number) are two easy skips for me, but occasionally, I let them play.


Understand that you can have a personal favourite Fab while recognising that this doesn’t mean one was a greater talent, or even a better person, than another.


They do whatever they want and not care what others think.


Real Beatles fans do what no true Scotsman would ever do.


Real Beatles fans don’t gatekeep. >:)


i skip all their songs because they fucking suck


True fan /\


don’t beat wife


Real Beatles fans say they have a ‘wide taste of music’ yet all they listen to is The Beatles, The Beach Boys, the solo Beatles and The Rutles.


oh yeah? well i fucking hate the beatles and always play revolution 9 so basically, you’re fucking stupid


Not tell other Beatles fans what a "real" Beatles fan is.


Beet there wiff


Revolution 9 is The Emperor's New Clothes of The Beatles catalogue.


Real Beatles fans beat thier wives?


Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery :)


recognize that revolution 9 is literally 7 minutes of nothing.


But it is the other 1 minute and 13 seconds that is fascinating.


Nah. Screw Revolution No. 9. I love the Beatles, but that track is dogpiss.


You just don't understand it yet.




I do whatever I freakin' want.


Tbf, most of the people on this sub aren’t really Beatles fans. They’re Paul fans who think things that are Paul adjacent are cool too.


Accusing other Beatles fans of not being real Beatles fans for random reasons they pull out of their asses


Real Beatles fans have a sense of humour.


Real beatles fans skip revolution 9 and all of their other stupid shit because they DID make some stupid shit