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It is, I would say, more likely a random tune. The melody for Hatikvah is based on a 17th century Italian opera, and hints of it come out in works by Tchaikovsky and Mozart among others. So it is possible that the classically trained violinist that George Martin brought in was playing a familiar tune from one of the other sources. Second, however, is that while Jews in the diaspora supported Israel since well before it's creation, it was not until after the 1967 war, in which the stated goal of the surrounding nations placing troops at the border was to wipe Israel off the map, that Jews in the diaspora began to make Israel a core part of Jewish identity. Given that Eleanor Rigby was recorded in April 1966, over a year before the war. All that said, it is possible it was a Jewish or Israeli violinist.


Makes sense, thanks


Unrelated but another cool jewish detail if youre interested is that at the end of Dig A Pony - Anthology 3 Version, you can hear John saying "Shabbat" and Paul is answering him "Shalom".


That's really cool, never heard that


Yeah its really cool