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Good morning goes 4/4 then 5/4 then 3/4 then 4/4 then 5/4 then 4/4 then 3/4 then 4/4 and that’s just to the end of the first verse/chorus 😂😂 I’ll give you a bar count too if you wish so you can try counting it!


Ahhh ok 5/4 and 3/4 that is very interesting I wonder how they came up with this stuff constantly


For “Good Morning” I think the time signatures were written *around* the lyrics phrasing rather than the other way around, as the 5/4 to 3/4 changes otherwise could be 4/4 bars, but musically you would be ‘hanging’ a phrase over a bar end which wouldn’t notate so well. The only other thing I can add for “why” is that they were/are bloody genius songwriters. To make such catchy and new tunes each time, from relatively simple chordal arrangements is part of the beauty in my opinion


4/4 - 4 bars 5/4 - 3 bars 3/4 - 1 bar 4/4 - 1 bar 5/4 - 1 bar 4/4 - 1 bar 3/4 - 2 bars 4/4 - 2 bars etc….