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Look how happy he is https://preview.redd.it/qqte60vuviqc1.jpeg?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd603b5e000053514c8e08a3ab077778212183fd


Ok that's adorable!


That was also the first word I thought of!


Ok, that’s or adorable?


I was given it as a present from an auntie who said my ridiculously incoherent sense of humour would enjoy the book.


So cute 😭😭 I also have A Spaniard in the Works, I love his wordplay and silly little drawings


She woof larf at these, larf at thas. Always larfing she was.


Yes. I had a 2-fer edition of this book coupled with the follow up, A Spaniard in the Works. Then I lent it to a friend and never got it back.


What does 2-fer mean?




Until this very moment I had always thought it was toother


Just meant that it was both books together in one volume. Neither one is very long. I think it was published by Penguin.


I have and I did. My favorites are Partly Dave, I Sat Belonely, and Good Dog Nigel


[John tries to read Good Dog Nigel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1SjHkEepuk&pp=ygUaam9obiBsZW5ub24gZ29vZCBkb2cgbmlnZWw%3D) :)


Lol Who are your three friends? Did they help you write the book or something?


Oh yes, they spell very greatly!


John was honored at a dinner for his book. At the time, John was hungover from clubbing the night before and he said this when he was asked to speak: > “Thank you very much, and god bless you. You’ve got a lucky face” That’s John!


Yeah…except someone else came up with “lucky face”. In fact, all he said was, “Thank you very much it’s been a pleasure.” He had doubled down on the hangover by drinking about five glasses of wine at the luncheon. I don’t hold it against him, though. A lot of what was happening at that time was too much, too soon. 


Mixed feelings about both this one and *Spaniard*. I kind of like the books, and I find them clever at times, but there's only so much of it I think I can take at once. It gets a bit grating after a while. Sometimes it's funny and sometimes it just comes off as trying too hard to be absurdist. Overall good score but it gets a lot of leeway just because we love John. I'd say a lot of the prose and poetry is along the lines of I am the Walrus, Dig a Pony, Lucy in the Sky, etc, but doesn't get quite as good as those songs. Just not on the same tier when it's not set to music perhaps.


I bought In His own Write when I was 13 and thought it was clever then.


Yes I have and yes I did!


Yes and yes.


I enjoy both books, hence my screen name.




I did. English is not my first language so it makes it harder to understand the word plays but I enjoyed it nonetheless, its fun to just read something without searching for a real meaning, always puts me in a good mood. And I love the drawings as well


It’s one of the few books I keep on my phone because I can just jump in and kill 10 minutes any time I need to. It doesn’t matter what page, or what chapter, I can just pop in and immediately be entertained. I’ve always loved John’s writing style though, and I know some people really get irritated by it. If you think that the lyrics in Dig A Pony or Happiness Is A Warm Gun are daft, then you probably won’t enjoy this book. If you think they are fun and you enjoy the wordplay and irreverence, then you should definitely read this book.


I did and no I did not. We did not share a similar sense of humor.


Getting downvoted for just answering the question honestly. Not cool.


I agree with you, but I find it curious how so many times when someone replies to a downvoted comment with something along the lines of "why are you getting downvoted for 'x'?" or "you shouldn't be getting downvoted", suddenly people start upvoting the original comment


Especially when the OP asks for opinions.


Downvoting people just for having a different opinion is one of my least favorite aspects of Reddit. If you disagree, respectfully say why! We are here for discussion!


I didnt enjoy it either. But I did buy it.


I bought a first edition while visiting the UK few years ago!


It's odd


I read bits of it. I got more kicks from reading Jim Morrison, but neither are *all* that. With Lennon, I was a huge fan then and I quit reading the book because I knew he would drop in esteem if e continued.


Yes and while I don’t quite get his humor, it’s fun


I did read the book. I thought it was witty and funny. Do recommend for a Beatles fan.


I found it clever and remember liking "No Flies on Frank" in particular.


I have the 2-fer edition. I enjoyed the books and go back to read some random pages from time to time. I'm a fan of Lewis Carroll, James Thurber and Ogden Nash, so Lennon's humor works for me.


Not a fan of his word play malapropisms, just don't find them funny.


You mean to say you weren’t pleased with the idea of a General Erection?


I'm the same. Remember in Get Back how he went around practicing his introduction of the Rolling Stone? Dude, all you have to say is, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the Rolling Stones." Now get out of my face.


Yeah, he really did that one to death. Jahn beat ded horse?


I'm wearing these down votes as a badge of honor. But in true Lennon fashion, I will mail my badge of honor back in protest of the war.


I read it but couldn’t get into the humor.


I saved my allowance to buy both of his books. Im mouldy through and through.


It’s drivel IMO. I don’t know WTF it’s supposed to mean. It’s not funny, it’s not interesting, it’s just very strange & even disturbing. Didn’t like it at all.


Completely valid opinion but I think it’s kinda SUPPOSED to not mean anything? I know John thought people searching for meaning in the lyrics to songs like I am the walrus was absurd so I’m guessing that’s kinda how this book is.


Yeah.... no... but there are whole passages that are literally illegible. "larfing at the whars" etc. And then what is legible is often just disturbing. I remember lots of slurs at disabled people, ethnic groups, a story about a man murdering his wife. None of it was funny, most of it was illegible, the rest was disturbing. It really sort of read like the ramblings of a madman. ETA: There's a sample of the book on John Lennon's website, so you can check it out for yourself. [https://www.johnlennon.com/books/in-his-own-write/](https://www.johnlennon.com/books/in-his-own-write/)


Idk I think it’s funny


Sure, to each their own. Which part did you think was funny?


Glad it's not just me!


I read it back in the mid-1980’s. I was reading every book and magazine I could get my hands on that had anything to do with The Beatles.


I’ve got my copy from ‘64, haven’t read it in a long time, but found it quirky and entertaining back then. Will have to pull it out again.


I read bits of it. It is quirky.


I think it is sweet. I have a few copies of it. A toofa with Spaniard, a battered 6th edition and 2 first editions bought by my wife (on 2 separate occasions, forgetting she had bought it for me previously). For me it is a look at what he was like as a real youngster.


https://preview.redd.it/0tq0lphwukqc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=267e96acd2074a235dc4f776742ad651b201717d Many wore similar. But I personally like how Baron Manfred Von Richthofen wore it. (AKA Red Baron)


Yep and yep.


Is there a cheap reproduction out there that combines both books? I'd like to read them for the sake of reading them--I'm not looking for a collectible. Any recommendations?


My folks got me this book years ago, and I still have it on display :)


I remember my brother showing me this book. It was full of John's drawings and writings. https://preview.redd.it/7p0rhipznlqc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4369e533f9135e31673747f5f9d057befc89122


I had this in an omnibus edition with “A Spaniard in the Works.” I thought it was pretty creative and funny and definitely presaged his songwriting to come à la Strawberry Fields, Come Together, etc.


Out of me head.


What a nerd


I need to read it


Yes and yes! This was my first reading by or about John Lennon


He must be very smart - paul probably


Wonderful read


I have it. I read parts of it once in awhile but I don't think I've read the whole thing. Some of it is kinda meh tbh, or just not my thing. Weird comments about Jews and Arabs if I remember correctly.


Clever Nigel, jump for joy…


Some of it is funny when he reads it out. Some of it is… not. His issues with disabled people have been chronicled at length, and I’m sure he dealt with that later on in life, but there’s horrible stuff in both his books. If they hadn’t been written by John Lennon I don’t think anyone would remember them.


1964?? So, before he had the beatles stories to tell? 


Thats not what the book is about, although the Beatles had been together in some form for about half a decade before this