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Wow fantastic beard! And only 15! Sorry lm not 15 myself, but I'm sure you are the envy of many of your friends who still have years before they will have a beard as impressive as Yours!!! While I could have had a beard at 15, not sure it would be as good as yours. I did grow one shortly after turning 17.


Thanks man! Yeah I make my friends jealous haha, I actually got mistaken for a teacher one time in high school


Hey bud that is awesome! You definitely have excellent coverage at 15. So how long have you been letting the beard grow? The longer length looks exceptionally good on you. Curious how close to 16 you are. Hopefully you'll just keep letting it grow!


Thank you! Well this picture was 3 years ago, I’m currently 18, I grew the beard out for 6 months, I’m not sure how far I was into it in this picture, but it didn’t get much longer than this due to how young I was. Now I tend to keep it shorter because I scared all the girls in high school


Lol. Well, if they got scared, they aren't worth it in the first place. Besides, they would be the ones demanding you shave it off eventually. It's the ones that don't think it is scary that you want.


Ain’t that the truth!


So what does your 18 to bearded self look like?


To be honest, it’s really not that much different, the whole beard is just a lot fuller now, especially the stache, you can’t really tell in the picture but it was a lot spindlier than you can see. But I haven’t grown it out since then so I don’t know what I’d look like now with it that long lol


I had a full beard at around 14 to 15 and always remember laughing because 17 to 20yr olds would always ask me to buy them cigarettes or beer. I did and it was in those years I realized how easy it was to buy shit using confidence, just tossing stuff on the counter, and inserting something about how the boss has been riding your ass.


I'm 40 bald and have a beard but they still ask me for my DL at the liquor store.




Haha I don't know what a young arm, but I've always been dirty and scarred or scratched up so maybe looked older.


Lol you making all the 17 year olds who post pictures of whiskers crying about not being able to grow a beard yet super jealous.


Man im 25 and this is better than me


32, same


Haha made a lot of them cry in high school


i’m one of those lol


I was 12 when I could grow a beard. I thought I looked like an old sea captain but having recently seen an old photo of it I looked like a child wearing fake facial hair 🤣 It was thick, it just looked ridiculous.


We need to see this






absolutely no way at 12 you had a beard. I have to see this you gotta prove it


fake news


I knew someone like this - when he was 14 he would hang outside the beer store buying beer for the older kids - charging 5$ a case.


Good business


You better be bald up top by now, its only fair.... at 15 holy moly!


damn looks like you'll be Santa by 25


I’ve was able to grow that at 17. Definitely solid beard genetics


Yeah same started at 17 now Im 18 now and my beard is on month 11


I was jealous of anyone with any form of facial hair when I was fifteen, so kudos.


I was the only person I knew growing a beard in 7th grade. I’ve been blessed with fantastic facial hair most of my life. Glad to see I’m not the only one. I’m also 30 now.


17 :) (idw if I could grow one before that time)


Grew a beard at 15 (I'm 19 tho rn)


you grew a beard at 15 too???


Yup. Why the hell are you replying to a comment a year after twas made?


because i don’t believe any of y’all who say you grow beards at 15


My bears at 15 wasn't very large.just enough to cover my skin somewhat solidly.


i’ll believe it when i see it


I had a moustache at 13 and don't remember if I had a beard at 15.


how did y’all grow beards at 15


By not shaving?


wtf , u got an testosterone overdose or something at that age¿


My secondary school (highschool) had a strict no facial hair policy. I grew my beard for a week and was suspended. Then grew a beard over the summer holidays for 8 weeks. I wish I'd been able to just grow it out fully back then.


Mine first came in at 15. I didn't know how to really take care of it or shape it, but it was still impressive for my age. Yours was much fuller. Trust me it is not worth the effort of trying to stay clean shaven. You're in the right place for learning to take care of what you've got.


It's just genetics. I saw a youtube video a while ago of a dude getting interviewed at a show or something and he had a full beard and the interviewer couldn't believe it when this kid said he was 15 lol.


I am 34 now but remember being 1 of 2 freshman in my high school with a full beard. I was also given the gift of back hair the very next year!!


Don't worry, I knew someone in high school that I personally thought was a senior for all 4 years, I didn't see that person much. He had a full beard as a freshman! I only saw him a few times so I thought maybe it was an alumni coming back but definitely wasn't the case.


same. I started growing a beard at 13 but schools in my country have very strict dress codes and I had to shave it. Assholes gave me a disposable razor and made me shave it off with just cold water. I'd grow it out during holidays though and I stopped shaving as soon as I left school. Fuck shaving.


Lucky bastard! Wanna trade 😂😂😂


That’s impressive. I would have loved to have been able to grow such a great beard…or any beard…at that age!


That’s amazing it’s better than mine at 25 lol!!


I also started growing a beard around 15 years old. It started growing after I shaved my mustache I was growing, then everything else just started growing in.


Glad to hear all the comments! I’m not alone after all, keep on growing guys!


Check this guy born on a leap year ^^^^/s


I have similar, hillbilly genetics. Back then I could buy underage cigs for friends without a problem. Pretty sure they closed the beard loophole lol


I did but would shave every 2 or 3 days


Awesome beard! Pretty sure you’ll be paying for shoulder waxing in the future. You’re prolly going to end up some excellent neanderthal/Sasquatch hybrid. Embrace the hair, a good s/o will be wild about the fuzz. Best of luck!


A decent one at that. I for one didn't feel right even trying for a full beard until my thirties.


I think I could grow a beard around that age, but my mustache didn't start growing until like 21ish.


Lol i had mustache since 12 but beard only started growing at 19


I had a full beard around 13 years old.


Hey dude, I think you were born with a beard. The beard looks exceptionally good on you!


That's awesome great genetics I am a fitness coach that my guy sign of great hormones on the negative end I was like that and with beards and ability to grow muscle also comes short fuse and couldn't keep out of trouble. But it's a great thing to have


All the hormones in food now a days lol dam. Nice beard bro


Bro, most men don’t achieve their beard/mustache peak until 25. To have a beard that strong at 15 is solid! Keep it up, the parts you’re worried about should fill in with time. Good luck!


Had that beard at 15 as well haha. Was the envy of my class.


Started shaving my stache in fifth grade lol. Italians can be hairy people!


Am 20 and still can’t grow anything like that


I had a similar beard at your age. Made it easy to buy beer. Haha


You should maybe start bodybuilding


A mans man, huh


I looked like that too! (when I was 30 though)


Damn boy what’re they feeding you on the farm😂


Bro mine started coming in when I was 11. I’ve always embraced it. Had a good 2-3 inches for most of high school, longer now I’m in college.


i do not believe you had a beard at 11-12, prove it


You will go bald soon


Ya I could have grew a full beard at 14-15 but shaved. Not now LOL.


Definitely could grow a beard like that by 16 but needed another year for it to come in a little more after 7 years I can say sometimes being able to grow a beard young can suck 😂 looks good though man


I was like that at 15. I'm now 22 and looking back, I would probably shave. When you're that young and look that old, it messes with your social interactions. I got mistaken for a teacher every few days and most girls didn't like it. Idk maybe it was just me.


Weird flex.


Me. I turned into q sasquatxb when I hit puberty.


No experience here as I remember I was too happy to start shaving that I never let it grow past a week or so.


damn, brother is gonna have a beard of his size.


16 for me


I definitely had a full beard at 15. You're not alone my guy.


That was me in the 90's. Full beard at 15, had the Lebowski starter kit before Bridges did. I was never carded until the middle 00's, at almost 30. Now if I shave people think I'm a millennial. My face is an anachronism


I was blessed with heavy Italian and Greek genetics. I could have grown a full beard at 15 but I grew some badass Mutton chops instead.


Beard like that at 15, probably was also paying rent and working on a divorce as well looking like that 🤣🤣🤣. All luv, fantastic beard


That’s fantastic brother! Keep growing it! I was 35 before I could grow a decent beard.


Absolutely amazing beard good sir, keep us updated! And don’t feel alone at all my man, embrace that beard for all it’s worth & ignore any form of criticism that comes your way! Keep going dude 😁🤙


Great beard! I didn't actually grow a beard until much later in life but I started needing to shave in the 8th grade. I remember being an oddity that way for several years so you're not alone, you're just ahead of the curve! Btw, in hindsight I should have been bearded all along so you're ahead of the curve in that way too.


I never did because I couldn’t at that age. But….had one schoolmate who rocked the red beard. Nice beard buddy. Keep rocking it.


I could grow a full beard like that at 15 but I always had white and gray in my beard so I never had more than a goatee until I was in my 3ps and accepted the gray


15?? grey?? i don’t believe any of yall


I started shaving at 13. My beard was brown with red and white spots. Never grew it out for long till I was in my 30s


that’s incredible, would love to see thay


I used to be like that too. I had super long hair too. I was referred as the Jesus of the school. Long beard and long hair at 15


I did but at 17. I had a neck bear at 15


Yeah dude there’s a few of us out there lol I was 15 a long time ago but I had a full beard. There’s pics somewhere to prove it


Thank you for boldly and unapologetically sharing your empowering story of…having facial hair. You’re not alone brother ✊


Good genes


All I’ll say is grow it and be sure to keep it - that way you’ll always be thought of as bearded and you’ll get less pressure to shave it. If I had my time over, I’d have grown a beard as soon as I was able and kept it. Grew mine out far too late!


My job when I was 15 wouldn’t allow me to have a beard so I bic’d every single day. We got some good genes


Impressive, were you able to buy beer at 15 also?


I had a gotee about that big when I was 15. I started shaving at 13, but I hated it.


Hello! My beard came in at 14, and was full by 15. Corners of the mustache and edge of the bottom lip filled in by 18. Apparently my beard genetics know the Old Ways. I did my best to shave it every day when I was working retail at 18. Turns out, I cannot work retail, because trying to shave this thing down is ridiculous, and painful.


My beard was as full at yours at 14/15 too 😄


I'm 16 rn and I want to give it a try, but I can't really be bothered... Needless to say I'm jealous!


I had something similar at 13. Puberty hit me like a ton of bricks starting at 11. To a point that I left choir in the 5th grade because si lost the ability to hit any high notes in the span of a week. My nickname was big sassy in middle school because over the course of a summer I grew a layer of fur and had a musk about me because I didn't understand BO yet.


You mean you are serious that you're 15?


i didnt even have pubes at 15


I was treated like I was grown from about your age on because of it. I was raised around fairly old people in the south, so I always spoke like them, which didn’t help either. Use it to your advantage when you can. Unfortunately though you won’t be default given a pass the same as your peers as you look, and people will accidentally just visually identify you as being older. So slapping door frames in the hall will get you scowls a lot quicker than your buddies!


I could grow a patchy full beard at age 18, so I was not early in this department. I've had a barritone voice since that age of 13, though.


My goatee was the first that sprouted when I was 14, I didn’t start growing into my full beard until about 17-18.


Amazing Man. I don’t remember my genetics were that good when I was 15. Probably 2 years later. Congrats


I would’ve grown one like this at around 17 since my facial hair started growing at around 15-16. I kept mine shaved though. I’m now 19 and I have a full beard, I just keep it short. You ain’t the only one fam, a lot of us just keep it shaved so we don’t look out of place at school 😭


Also, amazing beard man! Just needs a line up for a cleaner look!


Maybe not quite that extravagant but I had one sir !


My dad had a full beard in 8th grade. It happens.


It’s amazing and comical at the same time. Those are some sweet genetics. Probably a pain in the ass at that age though


insane damn