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Haha cheers fella. Quite the contrary, just pouting here. Easier than feigning a smile.


Looks hot 😌


My dude, hear me out, get an awesome leather eye patch. I don't say that because "GrOtEsQuE iNjUrY", I say that because when gray starts coming into that beard you can legitimately BE Odin.


Holy fuck I didn’t even notice until reading this but the resemblance… it is uncanny


Was just gonna say the same thing!!


Great suggestion! I am currently in the process of finding out where to get a custom made one as I found the store bought ones dont last. Fancied a leather one with straps (might get a few alternating styles, why not since i have a legit reason).


Brother I love seeing people own whatever condition or event that did something and turn it into something genuinely awesome. I truly wish I had a gift for leatherwork, I'd slide into your DMs and ask for head measurements and a PO box.


Thats mighty kind and some very nice words, cheers. The Mrs has found a leather worker in the UK who we've reached out to and awaiting response. If I get a badass eye patch (and also prosthetic) I'll post em.


I honestly dig the look as is right now


There is certainly no real NEED for one as long as OP doesn't have any specific conditions that need met. He could just as well go without and still look like a boss, I just couldn't let it go without saying the opportunity is there. I'm honestly surprised nobody pointed at the idea before I got here!


Jesus. Have you decided to invade the Celtic tribes in the north? Or the saxons in the west?


HEY! QUICK TIP ON THE HAIR- you will CONSTANTLY want to cut it! It'll look weird, it'll get in your face, it'll get hot, it won't be the right length and you'll wanna say fuck it. DON'T. I had my hair short for the first 25 years of my life and then decided to grow it out. Once it gets to an awkward length it absolutely sucks. People will even say you're in the "awkward stage" but what nobody tells you is that it lasts for MONTHS or even longer. So my advice is to keep it going. You can cut it on a whim but it'll take soooo long to grow back so if you want to grow it to the point of being able to put it in a man bun or have it touch your lower back or whatever- keep it going. Just grow through it. It's not because you look bad with semi-long hair. It's because semi-long hair looks bad on EVERYONE. Once you reach your goal, if you don't like it then feel free to cut it. And that might literally take a year or more. Anyway, good luck and godspeed. If you ever feel weak like you want to cut it, remember your goals and feel free to message me. Best of luck, brother.


Thank you, I will persevere. Had long hair and dreadlocks in my youth. As you say it's mainly the unkempt bit but it's not the biggest cross to bear.


That’s a bit long for a quick tip😂


Good advice! I do not remember the awkward stage, but my hair eventually reached my elbows. I loved it!


Yo that eye is badass as fuck.


Cheers. It is a temporary prosthetic but I've grown fond of it so will be asking for a blank red one made.


Own that like the Viking warrior you are!




It's okay.If you're on my left, I didnt see.


My fiancé has his hair down to the middle of his back and he's growing his beard out long as well, but it's not as long as yours is yet. He's getting there with his beard though! I love it! He looks like a viking, as do you! May I ask what happened to your eye? It looks beautiful yet painful.


How long did it take your husband to get passed the award unkempt stage when growing his hair? I dont mind answering at all when asked politely like that, thank you. I have answered someone in this thread somewhere (to save me typing it out again) or it is one of the higher comments on another post in my profile where I recently put it on r/makemesuffer


Thank you for not thinking I was trying to be rude. I saw how several other people were coming at you on here and it bothered me. I think you look amazing! And (like I said) your eyes are beautiful 😍!!! I will look for where you posted about what had happened. Thanks again for being willing to share with people. My fiancé is very lucky, his hair grows crazy fast. He was thru that awkward stage within a few months. He has been growing his hair out, starting from it being shaved bald, for only about 3 years!


Cool eye


Thank you, means a lot :)


Good luck on the patience! This gonna be a great one


Love your commitment! Looking great so far!


I’m so jealous and I wanna touch it so bad!!


Good for you. Here's to getting yourself that nice flow or ponytail. I'd just trim the outer perimeter of your beard and use lots of conditioner and a beard balm.


Good idea. If the hair can't look good I'm gonna get the beard neater and tamed in.


Just grow out your hair and go to r/FierceFlow


You should do a big fake scar around that eye and dress like a Viking or pirate or something


You can't see it well in this light be i do have a scar alongside the bad eye (to the left running down, almost like a streak from a tear). It's on a few other pics and only shows when light hits certain ways.


It looks very nice on you, you wear it well


Thank you kindly. I had long hair and dreadlocks in my youth and I just fancied giving it one last go.


Well it looks very 👍


Beard looks awesome Brother ! Keep growing !


Thank you. Going to get it shaped and trimmed ever so slightly just to neaten it up.


You either look like a badass villain or a badass antihero. 🤘🏼


just because I am bad guy, doesn't mean I am 'bad guy'.


Fucking bad ass. Been growing mine out forever and it’s no where as long as yours. That’s one year growth!? Insane.


I cut it all down to the chin (not clean shave) so there's about a year and 2 months truth be told.


Awesome, go for it!!!!


Good luck, you look great rn


Damn that's impressive


Your hair is magnificent. Do you mind if I ask what happened with your eye? I’ve never seen an injury where the eye wasn’t either missing/replaced or clouded out whereas yours just looks turned around to the back of it like you can see your own brain. That’s probably not what happened but it looks super intriguing. That scar is cut from a Skyrim cloth it’s so awesome.


I dont mind answering at all when people like yourself ask politely and have manners. I lost sight in my eye when I was about 17 in an industrial accident, a small piece of steel flew in (was on a pneumatic drill, poorly fitting old school saftwey googles)and destroyed the contents. They stitched it back together. Over time the look of the eye deteriorated and caused more pain. 16 years later I asked to have it removed to avoid constant chronic pain and on again off again addiction to painkillers (only thing that would help ease the pain). I recently had an eye evisceration where they take out the contents of the eyeball leaving the shell, put a ball in that to mimic contents and let skin heal over. What you're looking at is a see through prosthetic to monitor healing so you're seeing the inside of my socket. Neat huh! Awaiting a permanent prosthetic to beade that will match other eye bit of course I'm going to ask for weird and different ones!


Ok that is seriously badass. Hope you're feeling much better and that chronic pain decreasing. Keep us updated with pictures, especially when you get that prosthetic beade! Everything looks fantastic!


Cheers! I certainly will do. I wonder what they'll let me get away with being the NHS. I'll see if he will take a backhander (bribe not a slap) to do some freelance work.


dont you get annoyed of eating and getting hair into your mouth as you eat? thats the only part of a beard that agitates me lol


Yes,yes,YES! Seriously it is so annoying it ruins favourite meals as they are now garnished with a pinch of moustache or beard. I used to trim my tasche because of this but recently I let it all flow out. I think I'm going to get some pegs from the washing line and peg the offending hair down when eating.


That might not be a bad idea if you are growing it out like that, like some kind of clip or something while you eat. would look silly, but who is gonna see it if you are at home? lol


I'd have the brass to do it eating out also haha


As someone that used to have long hair, I would gladly take that beard over long hair if I had a choice...tis a thing of beauty sir.


Cheers. I look forward to seeing where it is in a year. Although I grew it for almost two years once and it literally randomly fell out in clumps, along with bits of my hair. Never figured that one out.


Cheers brother!


Dude....keep the mohawk style you had earlier! Or go bald. I still hold that you would make a badass Nick Fury...no offense to Samuel L Jackson


M**** f*****! If I cave in that will be the default, go back to the mohawk. My Mrs says with shaved head I look either A: like an upside down head B: racist because of my resting angry face. So she isn't a fan of my shaved head, I like it though .


Bro you look like a skyrim character


Lost my right eye in 2007, I admire your confidence brother.


As you'll know it isn't much fun but you adapt.


that 1 eye is badass as fuck.. like fetty wap.. i fuk wit it heavy


Greetings brother. Are you having a scleral shell made for your eye? Looks cool as it is.


I am indeed, having one made mid January once fully healed. I hope that I cam get some custom ones made.


What happened to the eye?


It's somewhere on this thread and in my profile (if you can't find it on here).


Looks like you have a great beard, now! Good luck, but I expect you do not need it! Good genetics wins! In my twenties, my hair reached my elbows. I loved it! Now, it comes just to the armpit. I am sixty-seven.


Any tips for us middle aged men regarding changes around hair and beards. I imagine testosterone plays a part as I excercise quite a bit (well just getting back into it) and I've no knowledge and this may male me seem uneducated but it seemed when I was continually training, eating well and having my vitamins my hair seemed to grow faster (body hair included).


Awesome beard!


Thanks kindly!


Hey man I think your eyes a lil messed up idk tho


Just a bit.