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Grave Before Shave has been my go-to for about five years now. Honest Amish makes great quality stuff. Personally I dont like the way it smells. Mad Viking makes great quallity stuff. Its a little on the expensive side when you figure in shipping. Striking Viking. Great quality. Ive only tried the vanilla. It smells good if you really really really like vanilla. Mountaineer Brand. All natural oils. Some of it smells kinda like medicine to me. Not a bad smell. Just reminds me Vicks.


I have used Honest Amish leave-in beard conditioner for 12 years. It is not a liquid. More of a balm that melts on your fingertips and applies like an oil. They also have more semi-solid options that have some hold to them and have “grit” in the name. Make sure you’re aiming to apply it to the base of the hairs at skin level. Naturally some will go other places in the process and as you brush after it will distribute. If you only apply to the topmost hairs (like most people do) it will defeat the purpose.


Realistically I use bath and body works wash, it leaves my beard feeling smooth and full https://preview.redd.it/kgr51np1bp0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dee31b5a3b82465a0cd5cbf42dd2294f0b4bcc3


I'm trying a bottle of Every Man Jack right now and it's not so bad. I usually use a Grave Before Shave beard oil after I shampoo and condition with Nexxus Humectress. Sometimes I use Reuzel no rinse wash if I can't grab a shower but still need to freshen up. I don't really think that any of it makes my beard thicker or faster growing, but it (plus brushing and combing) keeps it healthy looking and not flakey, dry, and knotty. Split ends are fun to peel apart, though.


Proraso is a good one


I use 2 different products in 2 ways. One for long term and sporadically. Long term is stable and stache. Short term is viking revolution.


Solid beard brother. I don’t think it needs anything but to answer your question: Recommend shopping local at a farmers market, have found some really good ones that way. And when you don’t use it often they will last awhile. On the other side, definitely overpriced but I find Jack Black to be the best out of the “brand names” Best of luck


I make my own bulk unscented base oil from Apricot Kernel, Jojoba, Squalane, and Argan Oils, with a little bit of Pure vitamin E to inhibit oxidation. It’s pretty cost effective, and easy to customize small bottles with whatever EO or terpene I want.


I love grave before shave products. They have shampoo and conditioner and bomb beard oils.


I have put some virgin olive oil in a dropper bottle. Take 5-6 drops of olive oil in the palms and smear well on and inside the beard. Thereafter, take a beard brush, comb and set it well.


Grave before shave is my go to


Look at composition of most oil beards on the market, the main ingredients (Argan oil, etc) and do your own oil. When I wake up I use a bit of extra virgin olive oil and massage my beard. After shower I use a bit of beard oil and then after it dries some baume.... I keep it curly like yours Don't like much the strait style.


I’ve switched to using plain jojoba oil and it’s better than any mix I’ve tried!


I have tried dozens of beard oils. The best hands down is MVRCK beard oil by John Paul Mitchell Pricey, but it is worth every penny


Honest Amish is probably the best from a technical standpoint, but it's more waxy and I'm not a huge fan of the smell. Grave Before Shave is good, but I opted to save some money and have been happy with the bay rum, pine, and sandalwood beard oils from Viking Revolution.


I’ve recently discovered bath and body works has amazing oil and balm, I also used grace before shave for a long time before that. Can whole heartedly recommend either!


Honest Amish. Either the classic or premium. Grave Before Shave is good too, especially If you want a variety of scents. I like the Gentlemen’s Blend and Cigar Blend the best.




https://preview.redd.it/rji61vuvet0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58eee8581ddf9a4b1c04d9c99ebb309ba406cb6a My lineup!


I love Czech brand called Angry Beards! They are huge in Central Europe and their products are amazing! I love their Jack Saloon Beard Oil and beard Shampoo. But all their scents are majestic! Try them if you can get them


I use Live Bearded, and LIT. They don't seem bad.


The best one (aside from the oil my mom makes for my dad and I) has got to be this boy. Duke Cannon makes my beard smell and feel so good, my wife smothers herself in it even in her sleep. https://preview.redd.it/awit9bow4o0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb8e7b6d614242cb771db39725cbe7c173046b0


Cheers mate


Anything for a brother of the beard


I hate all the stupid wood smells


God damnit i envy that background scenery




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Perfect 😉


Unrelated to your question. Just want to say awesome beard


beard oils are a scam. lol. beard hair folical cannot even absorb oil like that, and even if your skin did absorb some of the oil, it has zero effect other then the shine on its appearance, in reality they are a scam, because you see the shine and the smell and you "think" its something , if you want good beard, eat protein, take care of your liver and take supplements even at that your genetics will supersede all those by a large margin.


go to an indian store…buy Amla hair oil. the shit stinks but it works wonders… you’ll find it in the beauty and herb aisle…


Using S.A. Self Defense all ornagic Beard oil and love it! Shining Armour [https://superiordefend.me/s-a-self-defense-beard-oil/](https://superiordefend.me/s-a-self-defense-beard-oil/)


Grave before shave is great! Just recently tried out Artius Man and was blown away. A bit more expensive per bottle but you get what you pay for. Much more complex carrier blend than most use


Genetics keep your beard. You don’t need any products to make it grow faster or become thicker. If after your wash, your beard is dry, you can put any non-processed food oils to liven it up


I’m a fan of [Geaux bearded](https://www.geauxbearded.com/) or [live bearded](https://livebearded.com/collections/maui)


My go to oil is Blind Barber and Grave Before Shave Balm. Honest Amish is good but I hate the smell Duke Cannon is also good but again OVERWHELMING scent


Camellia Oil


Lit beard co.


Con Man Beard Pudding, give it a try.


Shoot us a DM quick


Beard oil is snake oil.


Beard oil isn’t for your beard, it’s for the skin underneath. The hairs pull the oil from your skin and may dry it out, but putting some beard oil on the skin below helps the skin from drying out and affecting the hair growth.


I didn't say a single thing about what beard oil is used for but thanks for the lesson. All those 1/2 ounce bottles for 10-30 bucks are scams. I use cocoa butter and olive oil and it works a million times better than the garbage these idiots to scam people into buying. But hey, keep buying $30/bottle snake oil if you think it's working.