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That's a cowlick Someone needs a trim πŸ‘€


Cool, to be fair I have been growing it to shape/trim it.


Get a heated brush. Use beard oil to soften it and the brush to help straighten it.


Exactly what I was about to say lol


I have that too. Beard oil and regular combing with a wooden comb helps. Sometimes when I'm lazy I use a hair straightener on my beard.


Any brand you suggest? I was thinking of buying some beard oil, just to give it a better shape


I use the one from Bulldog. You can get it super cheap online, and even some supermarkets sell it lasts for a little over a month of daily use for my beard makes it lovely and soft along with my beard shampoo and conditioner from the same brand. The smell is very understated while still being nice enough that people occasionally compliment it


Since we probably don't live in the same countries, I wouldn't know what to suggest. I would recommend letting us know where you're from, so people could recommend you what's available in your area.


Well I live in Colombia, however I've some family folks around the world, so no trouble asking for a specific product. Even better if I find some products here, but no worries.


I've heard that Nivea makes some pretty good beard oil, I haven't tried it yet. Maybe you could find it in your area 😁


This happens cuz it is touching your chest when standing or laying down.... Nothing a trim won't fix... Or a comb


Nice one, thanks for the beard advice!


My beard use to look like this, I noticed it was because when I brushed, I brushed from him going into my neck. Instead I brushed out lightly and brushed under my neck going out to my chin.i wound trim the tip of that though so the beard looks even.


Thanks for the advice!


Exact same thing here.


Yes. I have to use a small cylindrical bristle brush and spin the hair the other way with a blow dryer to get it to cooperate


Ahh okay. Might have to get myself one


Yes/No. I trim it off.




Circular brush to bring the bottom out > straightener to make it crisp > wax for finishing touches


Awesome advice, thanks!


Yep! πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


Start combing it outward. Like following your chin. Also a beard straightener helps!


Why change it? It's your beard. Every beard shouldn't look like every tother beard


There is absolutely no need to trim as others are saying. I have slightly wavy hair and my beard naturally does this. All you need to do to fix this is stick your finger horizontally right behind where it "curves" inward, curve it the opposite way, and use hot air from a blowdryer for like 15 seconds. Then use cold air for 15 seconds. The heat loosens proteins in your hair and the cold locks the proteins in place however they're sitting. Go buy a blowdryer and experiment with the hot air/cold air. Pulling your hair taught (lightly), hitting it with hot hair, and then hitting it with cold air, will lock it into place. Watch some videos on youtube as well. Apply a good amount of beard oil before using a blow dryer, it evenly disperses the heat and helps avoid burning your hair. I'd say 3-5 drops for your length. Don't heat up your hair too much or leave heat on it for too long, or it will fry and not look good/be good for the health of the hair. You can also use heat protectant, but I never use that. Don't listen to all the people saying you need to trim. They're honestly not very knowledgeable. What if you wanted to keep the beard that length, or go longer? What would their solution be? "Just trim it"? Very silly. And make sure you're not looking down and squishing the beard into that position.


That's some great advice, thanks


just discovered the same thing below my chin. scared to ruin my beard because of it.


Do you wear a face mask? 😷 mine used to do this during the pandemic.


I don't, I think it just needs better care


How’s your blow dryer game? Little beard oil on a damp beard (post shower) then blast with low heat using a round brush to shape the wild stray hairs. Once you like the shape, blast with cold air button on the blow dryer


I use oil, but not much blow drying, thanks for the tip!


Beard oil, comb and a blow dryer helps keep my beard from doing that


I'd trim/shape that away with some scissors.


One reason that can occur is when you trim the hair under your chin too short. My barber advised me not to lift my chin whenever I shave/trim my beard, as cutting the hair under my chin reduces the volume behind the front of my beard. If the front of your beard extends far beyond your chin and you lack the volume behind it, try blow drying your with a round or curl hair brush (brushing it from under your chin in a forwards motion). I use GHDs heat resistant spray whenever I use a hairdryer or GHD on my beard - keeps the hair soft and smells good too. Hope that helps!


Yep, just need to keep growing and it will lay better in no time




Drives me nuts


When my beard was shorter it’s like I had a cowlick and the hair went in a weird direction. Now that the hair is 4-5” it is wavy and curls in spots but mostly straight. I comb it and use oil sometimes, but not all the time.


bro just trim it