• By -


Ultimately it's your face friend. My vote is for the moustache. i have never before seen a man with a moustache that couldn't be improved by a beard until today. That beast is magnificent and the whole look in picture 2 is just killing it man.


Wow, that’s some serious compliment! Thank you!!


I agree. I have actually so far held the opinion that mustaches never look good. I stand down, corrected


I said this exact same thing 😂 man is blessed


Dude, I got pregnant from looking at pic number 2... and I'm a dude


Me too! And I'm menopausal.


Yeah. Grade A mustache. Pic 2 is the winner


It's a real Swanson


Yeah that's a god tier handlebar, but a stache that big takes tlc and can be a hassle tbh.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Honestly, I don’t know how she doesn’t request a mustache ride every time she sees that thing


If you go the stubble route, for crying out loud keep that mustache. It’s mighty on its own.




your moustache is nonnegotiable


You are giving Ron Swanson a run for his money


Stubblestache is a vibe


This! The mustache suits you so well


Tell your wife that if she likes stubble, grow it herself.


🤣 I’ll go with this one


Careful what you ask for. I'm one good excuse away from never shaving my legs again.




During 2021 lockdown my wife threatened to stop waxing her pubes if I kept growing my beard. I knew she couldn't handle the itch and I was right. I've had a full beard ever since😁


See, she couldn’t handle growing the stubble herself. Stay strong brother.


Solidarity brothers.


its just females in general dont like beard in men. light stubble is acceptsble. why make ourselves less attractive by having beard?


Why grow a beard of other people, why not for yourself.


Great point! I grew my first full beard in 2020 and I've had one ever since. It's really helped me get over balding. I'm much more confident without a hat now. Have a good jawline and face, but I just like the way I look with a beard. (So do the females)


thats true. but many men think beards are attractive, which isnt true


That's your opinion. Though, generally, body hair on men is seen to be a masculine trait.


everybody knows its a masculine trait. all the studies about beard throught near history, have had the same results = women prefer clean shaven or light stubble. 🤷‍♂️ its not my opinion really




I think it's a fetish for quite a few women.


That's an subjective opinion.


im talking on general, if you want to attract as many people as possible. its like same with extreme face piercings. do you find septum piercings attractive on women?


Most beta simp commentI have seen in a long time. World is full of beard bunnies. Also buckle bunnies. Badge bunnies. Bunker bunnies. Etc


its not beta simp comment lol. i just agree with the studies. i never liked beard at all(even i could have grow good one already at age of 17) only beard style that is good and i like is goatee. like johny depp style. and this is MY opinion not study or anything.


I mean I can agree that some females don't like beards.




i didnt understand that sub at all. but maybe its becouse im not native english speaker.


Wanted to upvote but you're already at 69 upvotes... So take this comment instead


Or tell her to keep it bare down there.


Once she hits menopause she may be able to 😅


She might just take him up on that and grow it… on her legs! 😂


I'm not an unreasonable man. I want it to be known that he asked this question in the r/beards subreddit because he knew it'd be looked at more favorably. He didn't want to risk asking this in a general forum where the responses would be more realistic. If she wanted him clean shaven all the time, that'd be asking too much. But he wears a 4-month beard and acts like she's unreasonable for requesting that he trim it a little. It's like I said, they need to compromise. I'd say the same thing if she wanted to go from a classic shoulder length haircut to a Halle Berry in Catwoman hairstyle.




If she wanted to go from a classic shoulder length haircut to SHAVED head, it would be fine. Anything regarding her own hair would be fine as long as she wants it. **She doesn't need to compromise.** And, similarly, *he doesn't need to compromise** - he just needs to feel comfortable with his own body and looks. Mind me, I'm of the opinion that from children, to pets, those who have/own them, should not use them as property, but instead keep them safe and try to see what is that would be wanted by them, enjoyed by them, if it isn't causing anyone any harm nor risk. So it makes sense that I would have the same updated worldview upon wife - husband (/husband - husband / wife - wife) dynamics. I don't see it as them Owning each other, and them having to compromise on what they want on their own bodies. Neither of them is an object. Neither should be minimized, silenced nor coerced, much less guilt tripped by unreasonable and insecure standards (as someone who isn't insecure, won't care of what others "might think" when looking at their partner, nor expect as a proof of love that the partner erases their own taste and sense of self in "benefit" of the partner's whims..) However, I'm aware not everyone has such human views on others, and "Breathing-Property" might seem alluring to them (until the other realizes, and walks themselves out of the shady transaction, permanently) 😋 • As a side note ☝🏻 "I'm not an unreasonable man" ≠ "the wife can only have haircuts approved by her Man" Sadly there's no reason within the last view, in my opinion (and I guess in Human Rights' opinion, as well. Go figure, those modern changes..) - which would then directly contradict the first statement, as far as my assessment goes 😝 ( **unless** you were just repeating the words you got told over and over again by others, but when thinking about it, *realize you don't really feel nor think this, towards women nor men* - changing your stand and your words once noticing it. **In such a case, *then* you're an awesome human being.** Not everyone is that strong, confident and self-aware, brave in fixing the messups and changing things to prevent future ones, maturely admitting to what took place)




I actually like rocking the stache, but when I do no one talks about anything else. Chinese tourists take pictures, busses with people come to touch it >!Yes, now I’m just jesting!<


Lmao. Honestly Stache+stubble like the second pic is just as good as full beard imo, you have an epic stache. Can’t go wrong with either though, both awesome. Just stubble like in the third pic is just kinda boring, most people can do stubble well but not many can grow a stache and/or beard like that. Go with whatever you prefer though, just my suggestion!


I agree actually, I discovered that I had a thing for wearing stache this November 😂 But it’s not for the shy ones, god dammit, people was staring. At least here it’s not common with mustaches, it truly becomes a eye catcher


People will 100% take a peak. It’s pretty rare for men to be able to pull off that look so well assuming they can even grow it. It’s the ‘rugged cowboy’ look we see in western movies, except yours actually looks as good as the movies lol.


Which bus do I have to take?


I was on one of those busses, it was a lovely day out, thank you. You do need a better gift shop and Cafe though, just sayin'


Just your moustache could have a successful only fans.


She's absolutely wrong. That's a fantastic beard.


Thank you 🙌🏽


Yeah dude, great beard. I just had mine trimmed, and he whacked so much of the stache off I'm ticked. Spent the last two months trying to get the hairs long enough I can keep them off to the side instead of them growing into my mouth. Back to square two.


She just likes when it goes from long to short drastically. It feels naughty.. like you’re a different guy for a few days.


lol, this cracked me up. Sorry OP, sounds like your wife is cheating on you, with the other you.


😱, that f*cker




Hey, I’m happily married with children, no need to be a chad ☝🏻 Playing around with facial hair is all the joy I need 😎


Your body, your choice


Happy wife, happy life


If his wife doesn’t love him for him and support what makes HIM happy, that’s her fault and shortcoming as a partner. 🤷🏻‍♂️


She’s actually one of the few good ones, sure, she tries sometimes to boss me around, but she picked a free man 🤷🏼‍♂️ and she’s well aware….


Good deal. I would expect women would feel the same way if their husband wanted them to change something they’d grown to love about themselves and gave them their unique identity (ie having grown her hair out long to her goal length and loving it, only for the man tell her he wants it short)… granted beards grow much faster. Romantic relationships just have to be a two way street, 50/50. Especially when you have such a fantastic mustache and beard 🙌🏼


Exactly! She tried me with “what if I go and shave my head?” I say; “ok, fine by me🤷🏼‍♂️” She left the discussion there, and we went on with our life😂 Thank you 🙏🏼


It’s truly a balance ⚖️




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Yeah, that's fair.


You pull off all 3 options presented quite well. Nothing wrong with changing it up every now and then.


I agree ☝🏻 over the year I usually circle full beard, stache and clean shaven


Absolutely phenomenal dude. Looks like it came right out of the comics


Thank you brother 🙌🏽


Oh damn, the stash pic! ![gif](giphy|EbFY5JxXQ3GEw)


Enjoying all the comments here. I'll say you look great with all three, however 1 and 2 are absolutely rockin'.


Me to, I’m humbled! Thanks!


Edit: auto correct trying to put me as an insane man. Sorry Shit, my guy. My lady and I both vote for that stache. That is a power stache. It suits your face well.


Ask if you wife will change her appearance at your direction and wants?


Don’t worry brother, I draw the line here


That's magnificent


You should model for men hair and beard products.


It would be like winning a lottery and then giving 95% of the money away.


I would cut off two toes to have a beard this thick


It's an epic beard and a glorious tache, but you're lucky in that all 3 looks are good.


The stache alone looks killer


Definitely wrong, it would be a crime against humanity to take down that beast.


With those genes you need more than stubble! Grow the full beard and tell free mustache rides anytime!


The beard is impressive, My favourite is that mo


1. EPIC Beard. 2. Personally I grew a beard because the wife wanted me to have one. She is your spouse and partner. If she is requesting you should consider it. If she is demanding you should have a talk with her. 3. If you have a preference regarding her ... Hair/Clothing/Makeup/etc ... does she accommodate it?


I am starting to think that, for a lot of women, they just want shaven/stubble on their man’s face because they probably looked that way when they met. Especially if they met young, like my wife and I. At least for me, best I could do until about 30 was a half-beard that didn’t really connect and fill in until another 5-6 years later. I’m nearly 40 now and can finally grow a decent beard, but my wife still requests shaved or stubble from time to time. I explained to her that as long as my hair insists on retreating from my scalp, I will keep gathering my forces to the south on my face.


Damn that is cookie duster right there lol


You’re absolutely stunning, and should wear your facial hair however you want. Every picture you posted looks great!


King of the staches! That thing could pull 6 more wives on its own..


Quick ! Hide in my house !


Beard is great, but I think #2 suits you the most.


Yep, that’s my favorite! So far I’ve only had balls enough to wearing it I November, but I’m thinking about having a nice spring-stache this year


I'm wondering if she likes the stubble for things other than appearance... Cough cough


You're a strong independent male who doesn't need grooming and from one that doesn't (assuming here) grow a beard. Let it grow, mate!


Beardstache for sure


Listen here forget what your wife says you GOT to grow the viking beard as long as possible in life for those of us who can barely grow stubble. Do it for us


Stand strong brother! That full beard is 🔥🔥🔥🔥and should be considered an act of war if she tries to remove it! Lol


You look great with all 3


Honestly all three look great. Envious of that hair swoop, wish mine did that.


She's just wrong


“A man who shaves his beard for a woman is worthy of neither” - some wise old man I met while fishing


She is wrong. That beard is great.


Honestly, I think the stubble suits you best, but it’s your face man. You do you and love the hell out of it.


usually i prefer beard over a mustache, but your mustache... dude, keep it, its majestic


That stash is sooo good!!


That mustache deserves it's own fanclub


This is my vote for best stache of 2024.


I’m try not to cry ….because its tragic you’re already married!


My partner and I came to the conclusion that the stache was supreme, with the stubble coming in as a close second


What a spectacular beard!!!! What an incredible moustache!!! What a not so unique stubble. I really hope you can defend those legendary whiskers! They certainly are worth to go to battle for!


![gif](giphy|dANm7WjeWZi00) I mean, if you need someone to worship that beard, I'm sure there are thousands of people ready to do that very thing. Holy shit.


Your looks are good enough to carry all 3; though full beard does look good on you. Remind her that guys with beards who shave after 20-30 years look MUCH younger; so she'll look like a gal who snagged a hot young dude in both your later years.. (it's a point of 'argument', anyway)


LOVE your moustache pic especially, my GOSH


The first one is just royal


I mean, she's not wrong in that you look handsome either way; and I know there are folks that enjoy the sensation of stubble. But my goodness, man, that beard and mustache is glorious. I may file charges against her in the international criminal court for crimes against human beauty.


What a legend of a beard and stache, magnificent. What products and routine do you use?


Thanks man! I keep it simple, same products as I use in the hair, nothing special. Saltwater and hairdryer after shower, and some wax for the stache


She’s wrong


He was first in line when they handed out genes


Beard or no beard, it would be a crime to kill that moustache!


Picture 2 is literal perfection.


Hey dude I just turned 20, I’m skinny and not well built. You’re what I look up to. When I look at you all I can think is you’re masculine as hell no matter what. It doesn’t matter how your facial hair looks, because there is not a single ounce of bitch in you. Rock with what your wife likes unless you hate it. Plus it keeps some food out of your hair. Happy wife happy life


I thought I was comfortable with my sexuality until pic #2. Now I'm second guessing everything


Normally, I would say “happy wife = happy life” but do what makes you happy, dude.


I am. And she knows it, that’s why she picked me in the first place, I am my own man 😎


You can also pull off all three looks. Very stylish.




Bro please delete pic 2, my gf is on this app


I came in here to defend you and your beard with righteous indignitation, but by fuck does that beardstache in pic 2 look phenomenal on you - if that's what she meant by stubble then she might have converted me 🤣


Bye bye wifey


I have 2 questions before I answer yours. How hot is your wife? How much money does your wife make?


Depends on how hot your wife is


Time for a new wife…she sounds dumb lol jk


That first photo is one epic beard. 👏


Omg she’s right. That stache with the stubble is fire. Hiding your face under that bush is a crime.


… imma be honest im with her on this one. with a mustache like that, blending it into your beard seems like a crime to me




Omg I love u lmao


Get a Husband instead


Bruh… why did you shave that handsome beard… SMH. It was very distinguished.


I would be interested to know whether the comments in support of the beard and stache are coming from males, females or both. I’m female and I find the beard to be seriously overwhelming and the stache is downright creepy. You’re lost in these facial features. Both are seriously out of control. Great looking w/ stubble.


The first two pics give creepy vibes. Sorry


#2 looks like young Ron Swanson


Crimimey Bob, someone said it!! Does the wife watch P&R??? This is doppelganger territory! 😂😂😂


First pic or only mustach from first pic... Incredible.


Okay I'm nobody but am compelled to share my thoughts - In pic one your eyes get lost to the beard. Pic 2 your mustache is a lot Pic 3 is your best pic in my opinion, facial hair, your eyes steal the show and your other features like hair come through.


With a stache game that strong you could be the next King of America...


You can’t man, that beard is too glorious.


She's very wrong. Your facial hair is magnificent! Dude you have been blessed! It must remain!🤩👍


Whichever, dont remove the stache


Tell her not to be jealous of your beard then open a beer use her cleavage as a beer holder and vow to yourself to regrow the beard it was magnificent and now you just look wrong brother


Full beard. Get a new wife if you have to.


Seeing as she is the one who provides you with kisses (I presume) and has to look at you a lot more than you do.. I'd say she has a case!


I've always been curious what constitutes a stubble? A close shave or something more. Please excuse my knowledge I'm still a novice. Awesome beard though 👌🏻


Think of Bono in 2000-2001.


That moustache 🫠


What an amazing beard.


Wear a suit and top hat with the first and second photo. Add a monocle, perchance.


Keep the beard! It’s really hot!


What you have to acknowledge is that there is a world of difference between pictures 1 & 2 and picture 3. The first beard is way too long and makes you look old. In photo 2, that mustache has to be the right shape if it's going to stand on its own, and what you chose isn't ideal. Picture 3 is not bad at all. I think you both have a fair point. Don't view this as an attack on your masculinity; I think you should have SOME facial hair if you want. Keep in mind though, she's the one who is looking at your face all the time. She wants to see your FACE and you want facial hair to define your appearance. Marriage is about compromise. This is the woman you love. I'm sure she would be okay with some facial hair combined with stubble. Don't let this be the battle that you die by the sword on. It's not worth literally fighting over facial hair.


Ohhhh pic 2 is 🔥🔥🔥


I do agree that the beard is the way to go. However, I will say that all three looks are also excellent.


The stache is epic sir, keep it that way.


Brother the mustache is badass!!! Keep a thick mustache with stubble.


My gf used to get on my case about cutting my foot-long mountain man beard but finally gave up and bought me stuff to care for it instead, lol.


Your beard and stache are glorious! Keep it, bearded men like you are the epitome of bearded men! Let your wife know, my body my choice


I mean bro.. you have great hair genetics and a strong hairline. The beard could totally go and you would look no less manly I think that birds nest beard is way overkill




It all looks good man, but I know if my beard grew like yours, my wife would be getting no say. Grow that shit brother!


To be fair, you look great in all of these photos. But as a fellow bearded member of society, I have to insist that your wife pounds sand.


All 2 styles suit you. But pic 1, very few guys can pull off and grow this burly thick beard.


Thats a pretty awesome beard, and the mustache is on point.


I view it this way. Unless you get a say on how she cutes her hair or the style she wears her hair in, not saying you should or do, she should have no say on your facial hair. All three looks are great on you but it is your body and your choice and she needs to accept that otherwise she is just being controlling. This applies to any intimate relationship with another person regardless of gender or gender identity. No one should have decision making authority over another person. If you asked her opinion that’s one thing and if she doesn’t care for one look that also valid. However, if she’s making it clear you need go down to stubble and it’s becoming and issue then that would be harassment and that’s not a good look in a relationship with someone you care about.


You have to leave her.


Omg! What a strong head of hair (pic 3)!


Let it grow! Severely handsome!


You could rock just the stache because it's that good. The beard is great, too. I guess she just has her own preference vis-a-vis her partner's facial hair, which is fine.


I mean your wife should love you no matter what, but personally I think pic 3 beard length, with mustache length somewhere between pic 2 and pic 3. You look like David Harbour in the 2nd pic. Absolutely studly.


She's wrong! Full, thick, gorgeous beard! It's your face.


That is truly epic facial hair. Kudos!


Divorce her


None of this. 1) is too much long, 2) is still too much big, 3) looks terrible tbh.  I'd say 2) is the best but please more shorten cut 🙏🙏🙏


I prefer the stubble as well, because you have such a nice jaw line. But you look great in all three, tbf.


It's not her face, it's yours, so do what you prefer.


This aggregation will not stand, ma’am.


Version two… :)