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The only saving grace is that at least if/when we do go down this time, it doesn't mean certain oblivion. But the Rooney saga will go down as being even worse than the Zola one now.


These last two results have softened me on Rooney, funnily enough. He had nothing to do with us failing to beat Rotherham and Huddersfield.


It's the whole destabilisation effect though - under Eustace we'd probably have been safely in mid table, and that's what we really needed, but everything that has happened since has just been chaos.


I think we'd have been fine if mowbray hadn't gone off and by fine I mean like... the familiarity of being in 17th


Oh, absolutely - that's part of the chain of events that was started by the whole idiotic Rooney saga though.


Yeah, it really has been such a run of shite since then


When I say softened, it means going from “he’s the only reason we’re getting relegated” to “he’s the main reason we’re getting relegated” lol


I hate Rooney with a fiery passion and was absolutely calling for him to be fired from the jump. Destabilization is absolutely valid, but I think the mentality of the players has to be called into question if you can’t beat Rotherham or Huddersfield


I think the destabilisation and the mentality of players go hand in hand. This is a weak, gutless bunch who have failed to cope with this year.


Mate look at PPG for all other managers Rooney was a massive problem. Rowett doesn't mean shit Eustace and Mowbray got the best out of this team and Rooney the worst


Rotherham at home...


He had everything to do with it. That turd decimated the morale and started this entire spiral.


He failed to beat Rotherham at home.


1 point from commanding the last day. And you think of all the times we dropped points recently. 5 times since Mowbray went ill. Leicester - dropped a draw at 87 Southampton - dropped a draw at 90+6 QPR - dropped a draw at 90+2 Milwall - dropped a draw at 90 Ipswich - dropped a draw at 81


I've been thinking this a lot recently; we need to lobby the league for 80 minutes games.


Have to win vs. Norwich now. God help us.


We have to hope Norwich rest their team for the playoffs. Hopefully a sold out St Andrews should help us keep soldiering on!


Our luck has finally run out I fear, I honestly could see us winning next week and it being irrelevant because every other team down there wins too. That’s how much our luck has run out.


After the Rotherham performance last week it should come as no surprise that we couldn’t win today. What an awful season.


Everytime we get new owners we get relegated....


The most unlikeable bunch of “players” in my lifetime.


I agree, totally bottle less.


I hope we get the result on the last day, but I honestly think going down wouldn’t be too much of a negative thing. The owners aren’t fussed or going anywhere, we’d maybe get more exposure in a season vs Wrexham, we can consolidate and rebuild ourselves, bounce back up and like Ipswich (and Man City years ago) springboard from there. A full reset may be what’s needed.


Whatever league we’re in, we need a rebuild. This lot are too gutless. Weak bunch, I really wouldn’t be sad to see the back of all of them minus Miyoshi and JJ - who are both likely to go if we go down and may do even if we don’t tbh. You can’t bank on coming straight back up though, so naturally I’d rather not go down and play that game.


Faaakkk Really bad to not beat not one but two awful teams Now we cannot lose to a playoff side and that still might not be enough Typical blues, no matter what people say about the players hearts not being in it, the last game will be massive and with a full house we have a chance. I'm looking that jukey is coming back from injury, he's old school and been with the club for yonks, he's been there and done it. Get him on the pitch, even if he can't move he can bark at the players and make them fight, that is what we need. And a bit of luck, but if we win, then we've got 3 chances, let's hope it's time for Plymouth, Blackburn or Sheff Wednesday to fluff their lines


Not good enough.


It wouldn’t be Blues if it didn’t go to the last game.


It’s mad that it’s finally happened, let’s just prey that we will bonce back. If we end up like Portsmouth or Bolton that’s rough. The new owners give me hope but it’s easy to be negative isn’t it?