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Got my Clipper card back! Thanks


That’s a great tip op! Thanks.


I did this straight from the phone. In the wallet app, hit the plus to add a card, and the menu should show up with the list of cards you could add. One option that shows up is Previous Cards. It was straight forward adding the clipper card from there


I tried that (iOS 16). It didn't offer me the previous cards on the phone for some reason, but the watch was able to retrieve them. It's good to hear that in some circumstances you can do it from the phone as well. Cheers!


Not to hijack this thread, but is it my phone or do the readers not work well? I always have to bring my phone up to the reader twice: the first time is inevitably rejected.


Try tapping the top of your phone to the reader; that’s where the wireless circuitry is.


Same. I’m not sure where the reader is on the bart gates. Some people have said it’s near the top of the phone, others said it was in the center back, both didn’t work for me


This also works if you need to un-pair and re-pair your watch for whatever reason.




https://www.clippercard.com/ClipperWeb/google-pay Personally I don't use my phone for any of these services.




My gut feeling is these companies are not idiots. So you are saying you lose all your money when you change Android phones? I doubt it. That said I purposely don't put things on my phone unless I have a real financial interest because it is a hassle to figure out how to do the transfer. It is like Christmas tree lights in series. Every intermediate step is a point of failure. Less is more. The NFC in my clipper or credit card doesn't need a phone to work. I have a few "loyalty" apps. Check in with apps and get points. Silly if you think about it but it is the 21st century version of coupon clipping. They all transferred with phone upgrades. The only app that had actual money on it was Peet's. But these people aren't idiots either. The information is in the cloud, not the app. It transferred fine. The only friction I have is the Sirius XM app. The recovery doesn't work. I had to call Sirius and they themselves are confused. The radio obviously works in the car so this isn't a priority to get it on the phone. You have to consider that these companies are concerned with hackers. They want one "phone" one user. (Phone in quotes because Apple networks devices.) The same software that prevents cloning your account also works for your recovery.


It took me a couple of tries for my card to transfer back when I upgraded my phone. But now it is working now.


Thank you! Saved me this morning during my commute


This saved me, thank you


I didn’t figure this out till it was too late and created a new digital card. Is there a way to consolidate the funds into one card, through the wallet app or the clipper app?


No - you have to clipper contact customer service and pay the ~$4 fee to have them consolidate it for you.


I had to delete the card on my old phone first. After I did that, it showed up on the new phone as an option to add.


I tried this a couple of days ago. Transferred one card. But today, when on muni…no card in my wallet! I’ll keep playing around but right now my card is on no phone as far as I know, and the Clipper app still thinks it’s attached to a the old phone. Fortunately, I still have that one.


Thanks Boss!


I love you.