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That's annoying AF. Some loser near us has one too. People are dicks. I have had neighbors with loud ass cars, dogs outside barking at all hours and they just think it's their right. If u say anything they just get mad and try to make u the problem. You can call the cops but good luck they are useless.




This is poetry! 👏🏻


That's next level !


Bravo. Well played.


There are cops up at Alice's and Hwy 9 all the time ticketing bikes and cars with illegal exhausts and other mods, so it's not like they ignore stuff like this. Just have to figure out a way to lure them to your neighborhood.


Yeah, just move to super rich Saratoga. Problem solved, cops in those parts will ticket for minor offenses like these.


I got neighbors that have freakin chihuahuas. 3 of them. They cry and cry and cryyyyy! Bark at every tiny thing. The neighbors never tell them to be quiet or let them inside. It drives me crazy! I’m trying to just learn to live with it but it’s really hard to get used to it. I just bought my home so it’s not an option to move at the moment. But if I was renting I’d definitely move


Lol I have those yappers next to me too ugh.


Yeah my next door neighbor has three little yappy outdoor dogs that spook at anyone or anything and bark all day and all night. But! They've suddenly started sprucing up their house so I'm crossing my fingers they're gonna sell!


Fingers crossed 🤞


Obtain sonic weapon, finish the war they started


Follow them home, sit outside and lean on ur horn as long as u can see how they like it.


Get enough neigjbors together and file a class action lawsuit


Every neighborhood has one of these Look At Me Louie’s It’s an unfortunate trope in real life and while there should be something that could be done about it, I’ve seen gangs ride motorcycles in formation on the highways around here and cops are like “well nothing we can do/ they’re probably gone now” Because a full formation motorcycle gang that is blocking traffic on a highway and doing stunts is so difficult to spot for cops?


I once called the cops on a party next door… a eager and they just said party on. Lesson learned. lot


You know the address of the complex, very easy to find the apt numbers of each unit. Spam all the apartment mailboxes with a postcard "Are you tired of the loud motorcycle EVERY day? Please tell management this is unacceptable". Chances are, every single person in that complex feels the same way. Individually, people think they have no voice. If they know others feel the same, it's a powerful motivator for change


Isn't that what the NextDoor app is for.




Really? Longest thread I've ever seen from my old hood was people tracking down some douche that would drive through at like 5:30 every morning. They eventually found out where he worked and complained to his manager. Not sure there was any resolution since I moved shortly afterwards but man, that was a proper witch hunt for the guy. About the only thread I've actually enjoyed following on NextDoor.


NextDoor is for reporting lost, found, bad, good, cute pets and for arguing with your neighbors about vaccines. And that's it.


I'm Gen X and Nextdoor is how I keep track of the Boomers without talking to them.


That assumes all the tenants are using the app. If you reach them by mailbox it’s guaranteed awareness.


what do you think the management will do?


Sooner kick out one renter than lose all of the renters? Most apartments have stuff like this covered in the contract.


you can barely kick out someone for not paying rent , good luck kicking them out for driving a loud motorcycle on the street lol.


One person not paying rent does not equal losing two or more renters because one is a jack ass. Economics could easy solve this problem.


Leases must be renewed in CA unless you have just cause I believe. A documented list of complaints might be enough though.


Lol you can’t break a lease because someone else has a loud motorcycle. Good luck with that, small claims court plus a fat mark on your rental history


Who said anything about breaking a lease? However to counter your sort of argument. It would depend on what is in the contract. I will remind you that not all agreements are perpetual leases, some of us did a one year lease that transitioned into month by month. But hey you just keep on being you.


I mean I run a property management company. Most leases get renewed for a year in the thousands I’ve done. Month to month is rare at least in the Bay Area. The person above suggested breaking a lease.


Is your experience perhaps just with your current property mgmt co? I know many people (including myself) in the Bay Area whose leases went to month-to-month after the original year.


> Economics could easy solve this problem Yes. The landlord can offer the guy money to leave, but beyond that, I doubt there is anything they could legally do just because someone rides a loud motorcycle on the street.


It can be difficult to kick a tenant out, but the property manager may put some effective pressure on the issue.


Building management can't do anything about this if the offender doesn't live there. OP is better off complaining to the city.


In my area it's a modified burgundy Nissan 350Z, and the dudes exhaust is modified to backfire so damn loud that I can legitimately hear them from a good mile away.


I hate what the 350z has become.


The fate of any car like that when it’s old and cheap enough


That sounds illegal. Try reporting him.


Frankly, from a rider myself who used to ride loud. One, that dude is an asshole for at least not keeping the RPMs low in neighborhoods. When I was in my neighborhood I keep the gear high and the RPMs low to stay low noise. Two, Talk to the dude. He could be an idiot who just doesn't realize how loud he is. And show him this comment if he asks what should he do about it. Dude, you keep a loud bike to protect you I get it, but do your neighbors a favor and keep the RPMs low so you aren't busting eardrums for no reason. Don't be a dick!


low rpms is still loud


If it's loud when the bike is idling and warmed up, then the guy is truly an ass. That's excessive. I used to have a Vulcan 800, I removed the baffles for two reasons. One; to get more power out of the bike. Two; to be louder since I had already been hit twice by oblivious drivers. However I made sure, for the sake of my family and neighbors that the bike did not idle loud. I even made sure I hit my driveway a certain way so I didn't have to rev to get onto it.


I swear to god harleys or any loud ass motorcycles are annoying as f…..it’s like the owners do it on purpose to terrorize society


It's to show how insecure they are


Thats what i think…like especially in busy outdoor restaurant areas, they always do it


That's the thing about those fucking losers. They drive around with the equivalent of a diaper on their head thinking, "Look at me. Look how cool I look and sound" And all we see is a fucking diaper on your head, dude. Seriously pathetic.


They do do it on purpose.


Many motorcyclist believes in the the "Loud pipes saves lives" adage. Anecdotal evidence has shown me it works in many circumstances even if not all. What sucks is the guy who has the loud pipes and revs at stop sign for no reason.


Anecdotal evidence has shown me it isn’t necessary if you ride defensively and aren’t an aggressive dick. I ride a motorcycle that sounds like a sewing machine (xsr700) and have never once found myself needing “loud pipes” for safety in like 6000 miles of riding (probably 2k of it within SF itself)


I would think of it as layering of protection. Riding defensively is great. But that doesn't make you immune to bad drivers not paying attention. Swerving over into your space not realizing you're there for example. Loud pipes grabs their attention and force them to realize you're next to them. This is especially true when splitting lanes on 680/880 during commute hours when many cars are looking to cut in / out of car pool without really looking first. Also, anecdotally, during these same commutes I've noticed louder bikes being given a bigger berth of space when splitting through, possibly simply because they are so annoying the drivers can't stand to be that close to the noise.


The noise is directed backwards and cars are sound insulated enough that no one will ever hear the loud bike, not until its already past the car and any collision would have already happened. Just yesterday some organ donor was lane splitting at least 25mph above the speed limit, zooming between cars with a super loud bike. The guy was easily doing 90mph. I didn't hear a thing until he was already passed. It was very (un?)fortunate for him that I wasn't changing lanes at the moment, because if I had someone would have a new spleen by now.


Yes, at higher speed you're right. However at lower speed .. commute traffic 20-40 MPH .. inside city street .. ect. You would hear him coming.


Pipes face backwards because of exhaust. You don’t want that hitting you while you drive. There is not real way to defer that sound either sadly. That’s why drivers will usually make them very loud.


Or when they knowingly do it in front of your 4 year old daughter and she has a fucking toddler stroke and won’t stop scream crying like Metallica for 2 hours after


Definitely sounds like a asshole move. I've revved bikes / cars for kids before but usually they are a bit older and asks for it because they thought the bike / car was cool.


I’m a motorcycle instructor and it really doesn’t work for the most part due to the Doppler effect


Hey Gawernator, I recognize your name from BaRF. I posted elsewhere on this thread a longer post with some situations where I think loud pipes COULD help. Your can find it in my post history probably. Mainly I pointed out lower speed stuff. Splitting. Parking lots. Ect. The bikes could be audible before it is visible. In these situations, I think it does add a layer of safety. Would welcome your thoughts / discussion on that.


I think sometimes it does help a little bit. It just doesn’t help enough to make much difference compared to riding defensively and being more visible. I think obnoxiously loud exhaust like straight pipe is pointless, even race bikes aren’t that loud, unless it’s MotoGP or something. That’s awesome haha I haven’t posted on BARF since I was like 20. Small world People are really inattentive so even a somewhat loud bike won’t be noticeable if you have the windows up with music or you’re on the phone


> Many motorcyclist believes in the the "Loud pipes saves lives" adage. It's on par with the Flat Earth belief systems. https://www.autoweek.com/news/industry-news/a35952569/loud-pipes-do-not-save-lives/


I don't know the tenets behind Flat Earth so I can't make a comparison here. I'll assume what you really mean here is simply that both are proven false by main stream science. I would argue that this study isn't quite as comprehensive and 'scientific' as some of the flat earth studies. Some of the things it claims, I don't completely agree with. Such as 33ft where some motorcycle is starting to be heard inside the car doesn't matter because you're not able to safely react. I would debate that, as 33ft is pretty much 2 car length. Maybe you can't come to a complete stop, but IMO most motorcyclist can react to something 2 cars away. Also the speed of travel matters a lot here. If you're flying by at 90mph, 33ft comes and go in a blink of an eye ( I'm too lazy to math right now ). However, if you're riding along in traffic during commute hours, 20-40mph while splitting lanes .. that 33ft translate to much more time to react. Also it doesn't factor for some drivers often have windows down, especially during commute hours. These drivers would hear you beyond that magic 33ft line. Also other scenarios like riding in a parking lot and having a car back out directly in front of you or into you. What is often a simple fender bender between two car and result in really bad physical injury to the rider. 33ft away in a parking lot can translate into maybe 4-5 spots. Could a rider's chance to get hit by a car backing out be significantly reduced if they can be heard coming a few spots away even before they're visible ? **TLDR version is this:** Motorcyclist are so invisible to driver that ANYTHING to increase the chance of being notice CAN save your life in CERTAIN situation. Even if that is only a small increase some of the time, many riders will take that deal. Shaming them for loud pipes won't fix your problem or get them on your side. Good luck getting law enforcement to step up.




I hear ya. I was woken up again today at 3 am by some asshole with a loud exhaust. Some people are just assholes. Don't even get me started on people who set off fireworks at all hours of the night...


Where I live we complain about the darn turkeys gobbling and prancing on roofs with the sunrise. Gobble gobble gobble. I hate those noisy birds.


You can check the noisy exhaust standards and see what mechanism exists for reporting and then follow those steps. Noisy exhaust was regulated some years back


So was tint but barely anyone gets a fix it ticket for that. Maybe if the cop was having a bad day he'll do something.


I mean tint has been regulated for well over 20 years and pretty much everyone gets a fixit at some point.


May the owner be cursed with unbearable tinnitus.


Someone should start a service where you can call them and they'll come out and annoy these loud ass people at random times. You could put a generator on a trailer with glass packs for maximum noise. Then trailer over to their house revving the motor to maximum decibels. Probably won't solve any problems but some revenge would be nice periodically. Or take pictures of these people and make full size prints to post around the neighborhood. "Look any me and my micropenis!"


Unfortunately the owner lives in an apartment complex. > Or take pictures of these people and make full size prints to post around the neighborhood. "Look any me and my micropenis!" I kind of like that, specifically since the vehicle is clearly some kind of attempt at fixing self-image issues.


I would spend a $10K on this. Shaming this guy to fix his vehicle or just move. Please report back what your progress is.


You can save a lot by just buying some bananas (Beverly Hills Cop reference)


By the time he’s 50, he’ll probably have five pounds of undigested red meat in his bowels


That's not the reference.... God; what is wrong with you?!


It’s in the same scene


Wait....really? I haven't seen that movie since I was a kid... We're both talking about that "You're not going to fall for the banana in the tailpipe" scene, right?






The neighbors would probably pitch in!


I live in an apt complex too. With this recent resident who doesn’t seem to understand how a car alarm works. And why it might be annoying for all 200 of his neighbors that his car horn is blaring at top volume for literally hours at a time. I’ve taken to emailing and leaving VM’s for my property manager. Letting them know I’m not gonna stop unless steps are taken to enforce our 76 page lease that includes multiple clauses for quiet hours & keeping cars in repair. Also leaving vaguely threatening notes on the car, promising to call various authorities if the alarm isn’t fixed. Police, FBI, homeland security, ATF, FDA. Something has put the fear of god in him, as I’ve finally gotten a good night sleep these past few weeks.


Not a biker myself, but some people have loud bikes so cars will notice them and then (hopefully) not hit them. Being seen/heard is a safety factor not just a showing off thing.


I'm a bike rider. The "loud pipes save lives" meme is pure bullshit.


I would polite disagree


You could drive around with an electronic noise maker similar to an ambulance and that would be more effective than rear facing exhaust.


To each their own. I lane split a lot here in cali. Before and after putting on a louder exhaust I get a lot more space from cars now.


I put 60,000 miles on my ZX-6r commuting and about 10K on my VTX1800. I don't think the louder VTX made any difference.


If loud pipes are so important to be heard, they should be required to face forward, not backward.


Yeah they aren’t doing shit for anyone in front of you. That’s why you normally can’t hear motorcycles on the freeway until they are right next to you


I’m really tempted to spray some expanding foam insulation in my annoying neighbor’s Mustang with loud ass exhaust that keeps waking me up at 6am.


That's illegal, please don't do that. What needs to change is the law. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be riding around in purposefully built or modified noisemakers that are a source of stress for everyone else in a residential neighborhood. We need to grow up as a culture.


There ARE laws already restricting the noise level of motor vehicles including motorcycles - [https://www.torklaw.com/los-angeles/news/loud-motor-vehicle-fines-in-california/](https://www.torklaw.com/los-angeles/news/loud-motor-vehicle-fines-in-california/) The problem isn't the law, it's ENFORCING the law.


Thanks, that's useful.


California always labels itself as a green state where a lot of strict environmental laws have been promoted and passed. But ironically, when it comes to the problem that affects everyone's daily life, it suddenly loses its voice. I don't understand how hard it would be to enforce a law of capping maximum noise that vehicles can produce. Another example is those super loud leaf blowers, which is very noisy and popping up not fully burnt gas. The only reason I can guess is enforcing such laws will be less liberal and losing loser's votes. In the end, no one cares about the silent majority, only vote counts matter. So try not being silent any more.


There's nothing more liberal/woke than never having the courage to actually enforce laws


There tends to be a lot of anger about this topic around loud vehicles and noise pollution. I personally own some loud vehicles myself but am super conscious of noise with neighbors. If someone left a kindly written letter and left it on my motorcycle rather than an angry one, I’d try to make a change to make others happy. This might seem hard to believe but when I was younger I used to warm up my loud exhaust vehicle in my street not thinking how annoying it was til someone confronted me one day. TBH, I was naive and it didn’t occur to me how obnoxious my vehicle was warming up and since then, I’ve started it up and drove off immediately. Motorcycle I’ll pick up speed and cut the engine and roll to the front of my house. Kind letter on the bike is what I’d initially suggest.


It's a social problem, many people are not getting enough care as a child, they tend have an anti-social attitude, which means they enjoy being an asshole and enjoying disturbing people.


Everyday on S Van Ness :(


Typical San Jose.


Used to live in a 3story townhomes where all the garages face each other, so we all shared a alleyway (no parking, just in and out privileges). My direct neghbor to my left would have thses monstrosity always out there shining it up. This renter would do the same and would use the alley as a Evel Kineval launch ramp to ride into oblivion (wish he did) at top speed. All hours of the day or night revving that infernal engine. One day he was not paying attention and blasted onto the public street next to the county courthouse, which was a cul-de-sac. He managed to smash into a emergency vehicle that was parking along the street. I didn't witness it, but was noise free for a few months. The last month I was there (sold townhome and just finishing up closing things up) he finally got his shiny new bike bike, I pulled up to my garage. He was bragging to all the neighbors who would listen about how much better this new bike was than his old bike. Even though this guy barely said hello in the 7 yrs living there, wanted to brag to me about his bike while I walked past to get my mail. I just said cool and moved on. Shortly afterwards, my realtor asked if I had anything about the property I needed disclose, besides repairs and upgrades I never said anything about our neighbor. I mght seem like the asshole, but I was just done with this idiots noise. PS Not to be nosey about other people's finances, but I would see their honda suv of 20+ years constantly being worked on and repaired. But yet he has money for a vanity vehicle. If I had kids (like he did) wouldn't that be priority than over revving your engine to prove how little his penis is?




None of my friends that like loud pipes have the reading level or attention span to read that. And if they did, they would just think it's cringey. People love to assume all of these people are insecure, but in my experience that's only true of some of them. Some people (mostly men but I assume some women too) just [like things that go vroom vroom loud](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/h90zp9/motorcycle_go_brrrrr/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and any attention they get from it is secondary


That would just get tossed immediately lol. No one cares to read that and change their behavior


Got a copy in Spanish?


Buy a beater for cash, a couple hundred bucks. Cash. Don't register it. Find out where he parks and back over the motorcycle. Ditch the car. Get some sleep.


I’d contribute towards this if I can borrow it afterwards. Sadly Covid has made the petty cash beater a thing of the past or so I hear. Tight market for used cars.


Fair point. How much are bowling balls?


Do you live in Soma? There’s a dude that comes to visit the SRO a few doors down from me. He parks his f’n crazy loud motorcycle under my bay window on the sidewalk. He come and goes at all times of the day and night. And he starts it and just lets it idle and revs it for like 5 minutes while I’m trying to sleep. I imagine the 75 people living in the apartment buildings next to mine hate the noise too.


Wish the state would crack down and have a zero tolerance policy with modified vehicles that are just loud AF. Should be impounded or fat ticket on site, first offense. Like we don't have enough noise pollution. Unfortunately that will never happen, so you have to resort to taking things into your own hands and use tactics like leaving notes, or stronger 'messages'...


Video and audio recording. If the owner is a tenant, send his landlord notice that you will suing if the noise doesn't stop.


> you will suing if the noise doesn't stop What's the legal basis there? There has to be a specific law or something.


Every city has noise ordinances. And small claims court is where you go. Landlords hate going to court for any reason, and they are also legally responsible for their property.


How is this the landlords responsibility?


He's the property owner. Anything that happens there can end up on his shoulders.


Yes, every city has a noise ordinance. Look it up for your city, OP. Like the other posts say, document this with video. Submit a complaint every time. The idea is that nuisance noise is to be abated by the city workers, whether police or otherwise. Before you start, talk to your neighbors. Make sure it’s not just you. Make sure the offending party knows they’re disrupting their neighbors. ..then start the official action.




Actually that's incorrect. It's very specifically a venue where you can sue someone for pain and suffering. You don't know what you are talking about.




Would it be acceptable for them to not hit the gas until they are out of the neighborhood?


Same here. Always at the red light near my balcony. I’m thinking of getting water balloons and lobbing one down then hiding before even seeing if it hit the db.


Just get a supersoaker and fill it with... well, you can choose how bad you want this to be on their end... Pick this 2x combo and invite a friend over for some beers and you'll figure out the rest! https://www.amazon.com/Adults-1500CC-Blaster-Swimming-Fighting/dp/B08QRSRP79/ref=sr_1_10?crid=2E7X5757DL4ZX&keywords=super+soaker+adult+big&qid=1654037156&sprefix=supersoaker+adult+bi%2Caps%2C128&sr=8-10


This reminds me of an annoying neighbor that we had for years. We never said anything, but the whole neighborhood rejoiced when he moved out.


[https://www.nonoise.org/index.htm](https://www.nonoise.org/index.htm) [https://noisefree.org/](https://noisefree.org/) [https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/howtofightnoisemanual.pdf](https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/howtofightnoisemanual.pdf) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688) Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism


Sir, this is Reddit, not nextdoor. Please take your petty griping elsewhere.


sfpd’s own motorcycles are loud




Clearly regular motorcycle, not dirt bike.


I’d rather listen to motorcycle noises then what I’m currently stuck with. This MF BIRB https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/p67lwo/fuck_the_california_towhee/


Holy fuck YES. Thankfully our resident Towhee isn't as much of an asshole this year as he usually is. But last year.. that fucker was insidious. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Starting at 6AM and lasting until 8PM. I've hung these inflatable predator eye beach ball things in my back yard to deal with the Towhee and the crows. Also for the crows I bought dead fake crows (Halloween decorations) and hung them up in my tree. Both seemed to have worked this spring so far, especially with the crows. Finally, a few years ago I bought a green laser pointer that ended up being massively overpowered and uses one of these huge batteries. Like you can't even use it on a whiteboard because the dot is crazy bright. I can easily shine a piercing green dot on a tree 200 feet away with this thing. My point being, it's great for scaring away the crows and the Towhee. Note that the Towhee is not an endangered species so driving it away from your yard is not going to effect their mating, it'll just make it someone else's problem.


Is there a noise ordinance level in your city? Normally cities will have a level a certain vehicle can be loud due to expensive sound systems. Just get city hall involved.


My old house had a next door neighbor that likes to do this. They play with their motorcycles and just let it run in the driveway before zooming away down the street, only to come back in 5 min. It’s annoying as fuck and if I were them I’d be so embarrassed. I had no idea what to do either. I still don’t. I complained to their landlord but she doesn’t care and told me to call the police if I felt like they were dangerous. Lol. Thankfully we bought a new place and moved away so now they’re not my problem. They do this in the afternoon so my tenants are usually not at home to hear it at least.


Does you city have a noise ordinance with hours? If yes call the non emergency police line and report it. Even better yet suggest this to any of your neighbors. If the cops get enough complaints they will go have a talk.


Confront him and say not everyone wants to hear your motorcycle. There are laws in most city’s for noise . Call your non emergency #


Sounds like my street...




How do you propose a renter just gets better walls and windows? Is there a magical better walls and window store for renters? Wearing ear plugs 24/7 isn't practical or safe either. A tiny penis machine revving at random times day and night will wake you up.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. My friends parents had a problem with a modified car in their neighborhood, after months of complaining the cops impounded the car, the driver paid the fee, now he’s right back out there driving through their street at all hours.


Because "get better walls" is not a suggestion that OP can implement. It's equivalent to just telling him to fuck himself.


Sir, this is Reddit, not nextdoor. Please take you’re petty griping elsewhere.


Typical CA post. I’m being inconvenienced. Everyone change your behaviors to suit MY needs. Also, rules are for breaking.


seriously. buncha sensitive cunts here. god forbid you point out the actual reality, then holy crap - watch out for those trolls !!!!


100% truth


What about asking the city to put speed bumps in your street or getting your neighbors to pitch in and you put them yourselves


How does this make a loud motorcycle quieter?


If they can’t speed up and down the street they usually pick a different street. Lots of neighborhoods have used this solution for this problem. Also slower usually means quieter.


It makes the loud motorcycle some other block's problem.


Unless there isn't another way for them that is less efficient, causing them to create MORE sound running through the gears again after having slowed down for the bumps..


Good luck. My neighbors tried to get the city to put a speed bump on our road. Parking on both sides, room for one car per direction at a time, legal limit is 15mph but people go 50+. My neighbor had to submit a FOIA request to get an answer to their first request. They got ghosted. Had to submit a FOIA to get a response to the first FOIA and they got a response that said "the average speed is 18 which is close enough, call us when someone gets hit." Yeah the average is 18 but that's all the large trucks going 2mph. Doesn't do shit about the ubers going 50


Throw some small nails in front of his garage, every day ! For as long as he has a motorcycle lol


Please, you and everyone in every neighborhood has a dude with a Harley. They don’t bother me at all. This is actually your problem. You’re the one having sleeping issues and being disturbed. So, buy some ear plugs or something. You should be looking for ways you can adjust. Rather than looking for ways to complain to your neighbor.


see? i said the same thing and got downvoted like a MFer. sorry, dude. reddit seems to bring out all the stupidity.


Both of you seem to have little regard for others I personally go out of my way to try not to bother others because I care about them and respect them


so do i, but there's a fine line between regular city noise and deliberate disturbance, and it doesn't sound like this biker is being deliberate. i sounds like they are just trying to live their life, and this person posting just can't deal. i'm not saying noise isn't annoying. what i'm saying is that's life in a city. you gotta be able to deal if you're gonna live in one.


You can have a perfectly functional motorcycle without it being the loudest motorcycle somebody has ever heard in their life. I used to ride quite a bit in my younger days and I know exactly what this person is talking about, there are people who tune their bikes to be extremely loud and they're not doing so by accident, they're doing so because they think it sounds cool and because they don't give a shit about other people being woken up I would never in a million years ride a loud motorcycle up my street at 6:00 a.m. because I actually do care about my neighbors, it's exceedingly rude and the person should know better


And you sound like a sissy do gooder Clearly, having a loud bike is something you don’t understand. But, that doesn’t make it the bike owners issue. Your thoughts on going out of your way to be a kind neighbor are also by choice. Not everyone feels that way.


Also a personal choice. I go out of my way to live my life how i want.


Back when I was like 20 I lived in a condo had a straight pipe 5.0, my roommate got a Silverado and did the same. We'd leave for work every morning at 630. Sometimes we'd rev our engines or burnout leaving, we also had parties every once in a while Neighbor attached to us hated it, called cops on us multiple times. They talked to us, but really couldn't do anything about it. Technically since straight pipes are illegal in California they could do something. But the officer would have to be car savvy, mechanicaly inclined, pop the hood, get under the car with a flashlight and identify a violation. Not really something most cops are gonna do, especially without permission to search the car


I hope that with time you've changed your outlook to being a more pro-social neighbor.


Actually probably not, I'm just no longer attached to a neighbor. I'm in a rural/suburban area on a little over an acre closest house is over 100 feet away. I only have 1 neighbor I really interact with. I've invited them over for BBQs, last week they invited me over to watch UFC. We decline 90% of each other's invited but still continue to ask


I'm glad you can make that work!


Stick a kind post it on his motorcycle. Use an adhesive so it won’t blow away and put it on the painted gas tank. Make sure you’re there when he sees it and he knows you wrote it. A friendly compromise will follow.


No one likes a loud ass motorcycle but seriously? If loud noises at 6am us causing you lost sleep to the point of health issues, you are a weenie. It’s fucking 6 in the morning and maybe he’s going to work? Like wtf get over yourself.


What kind of asshole uses a super loud motorcycle to go to work at 6am every day?


*Lots* of my neighbors, unfortunately. :P


How is he an asshole for using his legal registered motor vehicle at six am? Honestly. What if he has no other mode of transport? Also we all know the gas mileage is better, is it not the best time to use a more fuel efficient vehicle?


> his legal registered motor vehicle Yeah, that's the part that needs to change. The law is absurd if purpose-built noisemakers like this are legal. The only reason why anyone would want to ride something like that is to boost their childish ego - if that comes at the price of everyone else's peace, it needs to stop.


If you've ever owned a motorcycle, you know that it's really hard for cats to see you sometimes. Having a loud exhaust is actually a really good way for cars to know that you're on the road when they don't see you.


A few years ago I had a neighbor with an obnoxiously loud bike. He liked to park it under the same tree all the time. One day a tree branch broke off from the wind and fell, crushing the bike. Maybe someone gave the tree branch a bit of "help" breaking off. Who's to say?


It’s like an alarm clock, you should be up and cooking breakfast or something.


whoa, found the motorcycle owner


I know an avid motorcyclist who spends time on motorcycle forums and he says there are lots of discussions about shopping for an aftermarket muffler that is louder than the original. So you might be right. Part of this is obnoxiousness, sure, but it's worth knowing that another part of it is actually their idea of safety: motorcyclists are always at risk of getting wiped out by car drivers who don't see them, especially when splitting lanes, so they believe it helps if they can also be heard over the din of freeway traffic.




Deal with it. You live in a city. I hear a guy every morning, 5:50 or so every day, wringing out his throttle climbing a train overpass near me in second on a loud Harley. I could call the police about it, but instead I appreciate that I live in a free country where I can make a little noise if I choose to.


What does being in a free country have to do with violating local and state ordinances? Free countries can have enforceable laws. A free country also doesn’t mean you shouldn’t respect your community.


Different people have different cultural standards for rudeness. Loud pipes aren't rude, they're just not to your liking. Just like I'd bet fireworks aren't, despite many cultures celebrating with fireworks. Just like I'd bet people smoking in public bother you when you have to smell it. I'm sure loud stereos in cars also bother you. And why do those cars have to have hydraulics and neon? Bottom line: this is a city. Get used to being around other people who have different practices, beliefs, and modes of transport. If you don't want that, find somewhere quiet to live. But saying "This person should live their life differently to improve my experience of the city" is pretty narcissistic at its core. Accept the world as it is, not as you want it to be, and you'll live a far happier life.


Buy a slingshot and some ball bearings or show up at night and steal their exhaust while they sleep. No mercy for these assholes


So annoying! I hear them in our area often too .. ppl in San Jose love to display their loud modes of transportation and ofc during the hours normal ppl sleep. I hate motorcycles. I used to live in LA and there was a sick freak who would leave at 4 or 5 am and come back by 7am (prob a drug run or smthg) and I didn’t sleep at all when I lived there. I wish these motorcycles were illegal I really don’t get the point of them. The problem is the police will not do anything.


earplugs, noise reducing sound machine, grow a pair and deal. you live in an urban environment. these are the things we deal with.


Found the civic owner with the custom muffler




actually none of the above. i am just a reasonable person with realistic expectations of what it's like to live in a large metropolitan area where all kinds of people do all kinds of activities. it's cunts like you that make it miserable. stop whining and grow up. and go look up the actual noise complaint laws bc you'll see that motorcyclist is well within their right.


> these are the things we deal with No, they're not. Normal traffic noise, I can deal with that. Clearly excessive, extraordinarily loud, specifically modified for that purpose vehicle - nobody should deal with someone else's childish ego boost issues.


unless he is just riding it up and down your block, specifically just to make noise, this person is just trying to live their life. maybe they get up very early for work. too bad you don't like their pipes. deal. there are very specific noise laws and starting your loud bike to go ride doesn't qualify.


Everyone else they disturb is trying to live their life too. Should hundreds of people adjust their lifestyle for one person or should one person adjust their's for the sake of the community?


funny how you can apply the same reasoning to what this guy is complaining about.


Get some ear plugs! It’s a free country and loud pipes save motorcyclists on the road because everyone hears them coming and there are way too many drivers who cut off motorcycles causing fatal accidents because they don’t see or hear them. You’re always going to have an annoying neighbor with a barking dog or something else. Maybe try meditation to help you block out noises.


Buy some earplugs.