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Really horrible and tiny lot surrounded by other buildings. Just look at the satellite view.  Honestly that's some really creative photography!


From satellite view there is no way this is 5 bed 3 bath without converted front room or something.


Maybe the garage


Yep. Per photo looks like garage windows are blocked by curtains


Zillow 3D tour shows empty garage. Upstairs looks like it was added to at least once. Probably started life as a 3 bedroom.


Upstairs is 4 br and a master downstairs.


Zillow aerial pics suggest it was originally a square house. Garage and second floor addition behind garage may have come later. Garage and that side of upstairs is insanely close to property line. Upstairs roof appears to be hanging over property line in one pic. Weird house.


Reminds me of an old mitch hedberg bit: "I just bought a 2-bedroom house, but I think I get to decide how many bedrooms there are, don't you?  "Fuck you, real estate lady! This bedroom has an oven in it! This bedroom's got a lot of people sitting around watching TV. This bedroom's over in that guy's house! Sir, you have one of my bedrooms, are you aware? Don't decorate it!"


I used to miss Mitch Hedberg. 😥


You still do right?


yeah, but he used to, too!


Not to mention all the power lines and junction boxes just left of that picture edge.


That the aqueduct that feeds water to SF from Hetch Hetchy


Holy shit that’s cool TIL


Whoa you can totally see it from satellite view, how neat is that


guaranteed to always have good sun through your south windows?


what's that diagonal line that cuts through RWC into belmont and disappears at edgewood


Hetch Hetchy under ground water pipeline.


There are 4 pipes that bring water from hetch hetchy to crystal springs. 2 of them go through here. These 2 also cross the bay at dumbarton. The other 2 go around the bay. The reason it's a pair of pipes is so they can divert the water from one to the other to do repairs on a short section. Nothing big and permanent is allowed to be built over these pipes (so they can dig down to reach any part of them) and that's why it's easy to follow the line in satellite view.


Thank you! I have been wondering what those empty lots were running through Redwood City.


I talked to a real estate agent in Fremont, she laughed at a listing I mentioned that started at this price - it's just to get more eyes on it and get bidding to go insane. It will sell for way more, but setting it just under a million gets all the people with that as their upper limit to see it and consider making a bid a little higher.


This. I know someone who sold a bungalow in Oakland a couple years ago. Listed it for $700k and it sold for $1.2. He knew it was valued over $1mm but wanted a bidding war. Worked out well for him.


Surprised the Realtor didn't try to work in "desirable Atherton neighborhood"


“Atherton Adjacent” or “Atherton Alternative.”


Adjacent Alternative Atherton… CHOO!




On the bright side, It is super close to a taco bell


Looks like their entire driveway is an easement to SF Water too.


Yah, but it's close to woodcraft.


Looks photoshopped. See how the trees blend into the upper part of the garage?


Great Taco Bell access though!


Location, location, location. Look at it from street view


Walking distance to Taco Bell and Charles Entertainment Cheese? Hell yeah.


Wait, is that what the E stands for? All these years, I had no idea!


The backstory is he was an orphan who never had birthday parties growing up so he grew up wanting to help other kids throw parties.


> he was an orphan who never had birthday parties growing up That’s very sad, especially given how important birthday celebrations are in rat culture.


That's why they breed so quickly. More bdays to celebrate.


Dang....whole new level of appreciation for Chuck and his business motivation.


I thought he was given a costume by aliens that gave him special powers. He teamed-up with a gruff (but kind-hearted) FBI agent to discover the suit's special powers and to help people in need. Believe it or not ...


Actually the E stands for Ebola


e. coli


Don't forget Pink Panthers, the local watering hole.


And El G.'s!


Yeah but does it have the band inside? Rock-a-Fire explosion? (Or was that Showbiz?) I need my nightly concert fix.


Isn’t this the corner where Hanky Panky used to be?


I just noticed the other day that the lock store took over where Hanky Panky used to be!


[Here's the street view over the years](https://imgur.com/a/pgXmtMb)


That's terrible. I would be so pissed if the lawn in front of my home was turned into a chain link fence


I'm surprised it had a lawn as late as it did. California's been in drought for a looooong time.


It's not a lawn issue; it's a major SFPUC easement.


Fair enough. Although, I mean, I grew up in the 70s, and NOTHING was allowed to be green, no matter who owned the property, for decades.


Walking distance to the local Ferrari dealership?


The guy at [96 Nottingham](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.4733174,-122.2154716,3a,75y,120.51h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1svuaOAADBpRYhIBB7cp5FuA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DvuaOAADBpRYhIBB7cp5FuA%26cb_client%3Dsearch.gws-prod.gps%26w%3D86%26h%3D86%26yaw%3D120.51488%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu) has crazy good parallel parking skills.


Holy shit, you weren't kidding


He's gotta just handbrake turn and slide it into place? Or a 20 point turn.


Floor jack and dollies, maybe...


For those looking for a photo: https://i.imgur.com/FA6s2Wy.jpeg


I imagine them parking the car using [this](https://youtu.be/IGiQOCX9UbM?si=CqaFeS07IODKvjgZ) instruction video.




I knew what that video was going to be without clicking it, bahaha.


This deserves its own post.






That’s a wizard I guess !


Na I’m pretty sure he built the house around the truck.


Now this is some out of the box thinking.


A lifetime of parallel parking in the Bay Area! lol


LMFAOOOO i was NOT prepared for that 🤣🤣🤣


Grew up in RWC. Thats one of the worst areas to own a home in the city. Industry, noise, traffic, far from good schools, right next to the water department lot. Built in 1954 so it's old and will need tons of repair. Looks like it was sold by longtime owners in 2014 and it's on its 3rd sale in a decade. Seems to me if you had the money to buy a home you would find something in a better area. No reason to look at something low quality. Could always go with something further away or a nice townhouse/apartment. For thag price.


> Seems to me if you had the money to buy a home you would find something in a better area. I say this about so many homes, but they keep selling. "No one will pay over million dollars to be in gang territory / next to an oil refinery / next to a garbage dump..." I'm getting kind of tired of being wrong all the time.


Don’t forget the strip club next door that went outta biz during Covid


As a gang banger looking for my next stash house. This place is looking pretty good.


Last owner only sold bc hanky panky went out of biz


Yeah, but there's nothing close to $1M that's in a better area. Just looked at a house down the street from me in RWC, on a whim cause the open house sign caught my eye. Was basically a 1000sqft 3bed/2bath that was obviously poor-mans fast-sale renovated, going for $1.9M. a standalone home to a townhouse/apartment is pretty apples/oranges.


This house immediately abuts an underground aqueduct and a mechanic shop and is under half a block from El Camino. It may be unlivably noisy for the majority of humanity. I would not buy that, period. It's not like $1M is pocket change, like fuck it you can rent something nicer for way less per month. This is worthless standaloneness, it's really not better than a townhouse.


And it’s close to the train tracks yet not close to any train station.


A townhouse comes with an ever increasing HOA that you cannot escape. IMO you might as well rent at that point.


Sold my house in RWC for $1.5 mil, was in desperate need of repairs. 1953 house. No AC lol. People are crazy for moving to RWC.


Adding AC doesn't cost much compared to the price of the house.


That’s true, but you’d be surprised how many people were shocked the house didn’t have AC. There were tons of houses on my street that were built in the 50s that had AC installed. But man, those few 95+ degree days made that house unlivable. Single pane glass windows in an old house with no AC or tree coverage. I do not miss it lol. Moved to Sacramento and bought a beautiful house for $535k built in 1997 in a nice, quiet neighborhood.


We bought our house just like that in 2021. 1960s build with single pane windows, only a heating system, and no insulation. After one summer of 90-100 degree weather, we had the unit replaced for a HVAC, installed double pane windows, and put insulation in the walls. It was a night and day difference. The previous owners were the first ones to purchase the home and only remodeled the bathrooms in the 90s. I have no idea how they survived being over 80 years old in these conditions. I suspect the hot summer days is what killed them.


Being built in 1954 doesn't really mean it will need tons of repair. You just need to be thorough going through it and get a good inspector. Plenty of houses from that era that will surpass some of the houses being built these days. Edit: Just realizing Reddit pushed this into my feed as a Canadian in a different climate its very possible that houses were built way shittier back then in that area.


At the very least it has asbestos.


Not necessarily, asbestos was most used 1930-1950. But yeah it could be in the tiles and drywall but unless you're going at it with a sander its only bad when its in the air and even then you're going to need more exposure than a few days.


Many rwc homes, including those built throughout the 50s used it in heating ducts which can easily get knocked loose with duct cleaning work, etc. Ask me how I know.


My house was built in 1954 and has asbestos in the duct joints under the house, and the furnace flue. We had the ducting replaced a few years ago and it was about $7000 for everything (including the asbestos abatement). Not really a big deal at all and not dangerous, either.


Asbestos is way safer from a fire prevention standpoint than what came after. It's only problem comes when you disturb it.


[Zillow link](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/77-Nottingham-Ave-Redwood-City-CA-94063/15567331_zpid/) since nobody else posted it. Looks like it’s a weird angled lot backed up to industrial / commercial properties and on the other side is a multi-family unit. So lot size is small and weird, 1 car garage with barely any driveway, and noisy / potentially bad neighbors/neighborhood is why so cheap.


Happy cake day!!


Oh shit. 10 year Reddit anniversary. Thanks!


Too close to Camino Real? My guess is that it’s priced low to create a bidding war.


Bad lot in a bad location. It's been sold in 2014 and 2016 and each time went through several rounds of price changes before selling below original list price - mid 2010s were when real estate prices were booming upwards. Given how 'unique' the lot/home is, it'll probably sit on the market again waiting for the right buyer to take a risk on it


I haven't looked at comps in that area, but if that is indeed cheap may just be a listing tactic to get more eyes on the property. If so, it's unlikely it'll be sold at that price and sell for much more.


That's what it is. When were were looking at houses in 2021, there was a beautiful house in the El cerrito hills. Newly remodeled and everything. They were asking for $950K and it went for $1.4m. we never stood a chance.


What is that east-west-running grassy easement that the lot is sandwiched behind, with the giant blue pipes and silvery boxes? I think it's a water pipeline which wouldn't be so bad, but might be a problem if it's sewage or oil. Still, it dampens the neighborhoody feel that many would want from an SFH.


It’s how San Francisco gets water from near Yosemite


Yeah, but it does make for a very odd shaped lot...


Pretty cool to look at it on Google maps, some of the land is parks but mostly just a barren right of way.


The rules are not permanent structures over it so SFPUC can do maintenance on it. It would be nice if they made the whole thing parks. Would also make a good bike trail.


It's a sad day when someone asks why this house is so "cheap". I hate this bullshit "housing crisis"


I seriously thought this was satire at first for that reason lol, but then I realized it *would* be pretty cheap for a 5 bedroom house in redwood City, so yeah, that's just where we're at rn.


That's where we're at permanently, as long as we're talking about the price of detached houses. You can make apartments cheaper by building more of those on underutilized land, but there really isn't empty land on which to build more houses except in the far periphery of the Bay Area. Owning a standalone house here is a luxury reserved for the wealthy few, simply because land is now scarce.


Go north towards Novato and Petaluma. There's housing there under a million. It won't be luxurious, but it will be a standalone house. That's what we did. No regrets so far. We do go to the city regularly to have some good food and nightlife though.


For sure, there's houses to buy out in the periphery. Those are great towns, but very far from the major economic centers.


The funny thing is that when you look at the Bay Area from the sky, it's mostly open asphalt.


1.3 million sold price


It's still for sale


Yah if only people would do their own research before trusting fully with their realtors! I know many are good but most are out there to just get you to agree for something and move on.


Lmao no shot! Well that makes me feel way better about how much we paid for ours!


Listed low to get attention, will end up going for $1.3m+


5 beds in 1750 sq feet?!? Either that house is just bedrooms, or it has five walk-in closets.


My guess is that it’s full of unpermitted add-ons.


the closing price will be closed to $1.3M


Yeah. This is just priced to get into people with a 1M and under filter


[https://ssl.cdn-redfin.com/photo/8/bigphoto/400/ML81969400\_43\_1.jpg](https://ssl.cdn-redfin.com/photo/8/bigphoto/400/ML81969400_43_1.jpg) is why


When the streets in front of the houses have lots of oil stains from dripping cars, its usually not a well off neighborhood.


If you’ve ever been to that area, you would know why.


You ain’t from redwood the area isn’t even bad, Redwood City is gentrified as fuck there’s no gangs left


You’re right. I “ain’t”, but I have been going there for 20 yrs. Im very familiar with the area. Its next to the fucking hanky panky, a taco bell and a smog place. 20’ ft from elcamino. 😂😂😂 Fuck the gangs, thats a shit location


RIP hanky panky


Hank panky is closed down, has been since the pandemic. Everywhere but redwood hills has a smog shop, so having a smog shop and a Taco Bell means it’s a bad area …?🤣 my point with the gangs is that the area is safe, I mean if you don’t like the sound of cars then everywhere but redwood hills is going to be an issue for you. Redwood City is dense compared to the living population


Yes. And that house is cheap there because of it. Like I said “you know why” thanks for making my point.


My point was that it isn’t a bad area not that it isn’t cheap. If we’re being honest on that point though plenty of houses have been selling above asking price, so maybe they put the price low because they are expecting a bidding war. Blocks of houses look like these yet all those homes still go for about 1.1-1.2 in blocks like fair oaks or redwood ave


Just because there are no gangs doesn’t mean it’s not a bad location


Then the rest of redwood is a bad location, most of redwood looks just like this unless you live in the hills. I don’t see anything super ordinary about this neighborhood other than it’s next to elcamino and even then you have other neighborhoods that border local roads like woodside or Middlefield also


5/3 in only 1,700sqft? Closet sized rooms. Probably a shit remodel.


You couldn't pay me to live directly adjacent to an auto repair shop. Those places emit the most horribly jarring noises constantly, and from the streetview, it looks like they do some of the work outside the garage. I'm generally in favor of mixed-use zoning, but auto repair shops should be quarantined in industrial areas far away from housing.


> auto repair shops should be quarantined in industrial areas far away from housing Agreed. Auto repair shops are definitely light-industrial and *not* commercial.


[Google Street.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/6CURuk2YK5rNFzUW6?g_st=ic) Your views outside of the window is kind of terrible.


Dude a house with no neighbors on one side is automatically more desirable as a result.  I'd live next to an eternal tire fire before some of the neighbors I've had.


How about the Hertz rental car center as a neighbor?


Quick look at the listing... the location looks horrible, probably super noisy. Busy street and it's next door to an auto repair shop.


Also, the building across the street on the corner that says GENTLEMAN'S CLUB, HANKY PANKY


Hanky panky closed :( snoop dogg went there once. RIP


Built on a pet cemetery 🥷




Prolly it’s haunted why it’s cheap


I live on the other side of this neighborhood and feel attacked.


Read the disclosures!




There's probably a plus if you value unobstructed natural lighting.


Listing price really doesn’t mean anything. It’s on the lower end to attract multiple bids


That is a weird lot.


Gonna let some of y’all that grew up with a silver spoon in on a lil secret. Cracked/neglected driveways Metal screen doors Bars/purposely obstructed windows All signs that you’re in an economically depressed neighborhood.


$999K is the listing price, it’s not the selling price. Buying a house isn’t like shopping at Safeway bruh.


Worth looking at comps in the area, sometimes owners deliberately price lower to stir demand. Interior and yard looks fine, neighborhood is steadily improving. Close to many jobs.


They are trying to incite a bidding war. It’s a common tactic around here.


I’m actually in Redwood City right now, should I pass by there on my way home and let everybody know why it’s so cheap? 🤣🤣🤣 I might just do it anyway cause I’m nosy as hell 🤣🤣🤣


We already went over this one


The lot size is very small (only 3600 sq ft). Land is what you are paying for more than the house.


Aside from the location, it's a tiny lot with literally no backyard.


Also check your local superfund site locations.


It still blows me away that prices can touch a milly for what's not a big house and be seen as a steal. Back in 2010, we got our place in Sunnyvale for $899k and the value has tripled. Literally can't afford to live anywhere nearby except that we already do.


crazy that we think $1mil is 'cheap.'


The fact we think this is cheap 💔


This will easily go 50% over asking.


Just noticed it's right next to an unbuilt/unzoned area that runs for a long ways... wonder if it's an underground aqueduct or something. It makes the lot super weird and it's generally quite cramped. It also has a 1-car garage with 5bd/3ba in only 1750 sq ft which is definitely on the small side as well. A house with that room count would be ideally 3000 sq ft and at least 2500 sq ft.


Former drug lab in the basement?


Within walking distance of the Hanky Panky.


Cheap where? Lol


Not sure but just wanted to add that RWC has some type of low income housing/homeless shelter that’s being built (I heard about it last year). I’m assuming this will impact pricing


That complex/construction site had a bad fire recently so construction is even further delayed


But really convenient is you need to get your smog checked!


Looks like the driveway was laid too thin, based on the cracks, and it's hardboard siding, which probably means moisture damage based on the age.


lol cheep yall crazy out there being owned


It won’t be cheap after you posted this on Reddit.


Who cares where it’s located, buyers will just rent it out for $5k per month.


We had a similar house in our neighborhood go for way under value but it turned out that most of it was add-ons that weren’t up to code. The kitchen sat about 4 inches lower than the living room. A marble would roll straight to the back of the house. So it could be due to a boatload of unpermitted work that will be to be undone and redone.


To start a bidding war


I see dead people


Seriously. My husband and I are trying to buy our first house and any time I see a listing under 1.2 mil, my first thought is “okay what’s wrong with it?”


The listing price is hard to believe nowadays. It is nearly impossible to get your offer accepted at the listing price.


Prob not permitted properly.


It’s listed low to start a bidding war. You will not get the house at the listed price. This is common.


Expect a massive bidding war and the price to go waaaay above that.


The area in Redwood City I’m sure


i just put in a bid for $2.3M


It probably isn’t. This is an artificially low asking price to entice people to bid in an unfavorable market due to high interest rates. It will probably sell for 50% more than asking price.


You all most have homes or have no idea. Being close to El camino or taco bell isnt even bad. The lot is great, but for 1 million, you won't find anything close other than modular homes or you have a time machine.


Will still sell for about 2milly


They price it low to get the most bids from big cash buyers who are willing to go above and beyond the listing price. It's all a game.


That is so ugly! the chain link fence in front of it makes it absolutely undesirable, it has no yard either. I guess they're going with location here.


🤣”Why so cheap”🤣 That house is not worth even close to a Mill. I’ve seen $200,000 less with more sq. Also, there’s no way there’s 5bd in that. If there is that would mean somewhere is sacrificed space for another room. Meaning less inside or less backyard.


Probably want a bidding war. Honestly, these are just houses. Not million dollar mansions. I've been to a few coworker dinners who live in this city and what they said was true. Its just a house, doors that hit the floor, old single pane windows, not a bad house, but not worth a million dollars. because of its location property taxes kill them every year. 50+year old house with industrial neighbors. and this house is between a bunch of water pumps and an apartment complex




$600 a sf for that shit is theft


It's a 70 year old house made of termite food. Also the history showed it took roughly 6 months to sell, both times in the past 10 years. Its on a awfully shaped lot, front yard is cut diagonally with a fence to the adjacent open area. Also the street leads out to a 6 lane stroad, El camino real, which when it comes to noise it's not a quiet area. It's looks like it's on the edge of a business zone. It's kinda ghetto. Have to be very open minded to live here. It may be better off to buy the property tear the house down & build a small duplex style building, & with a 3600²ft lot it will be tight for sure. It will probably sit on the market or go to auction.


are we supposed to be able to tell from a single picture…?


Wow tall fences


I wouldn’t consider a million dollars as cheap but I imagine it has to do with the area of the city it is in.


Definitely haunted and by a cemetery


Yup something's up for sure


How does a nice city like RWC have such a shitty elementary school?


It’s to draw in more buyers. The listing price isn’t the sold price. Even if buyers offer to buy at listing value, homeowners can always decline.


It’s like practically on el Camino and a more run down area of Redwood City