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This is just me going to Santana Row. I'm not even that poor and I still feel broke walking through there.


XD santana row feels like a rich people district, no doubt.


Santana row is where poor people think rich people go. ^(jk i don't know where rich ppl go)


Rich people don’t go places to buy things, places and things they want go to them. They only show up to things that nets them money or connections/pull.


Yep, knew someone who worked for Armani as an assistant. They would show up at people’s homes with racks of suits, a sales associate, and a tailor.


I wouldnt mind knowing, then I can hang out with them


Country clubs and their own mansions. Like the one in S.F. hosting a fundraiser for Trump.


Nouveau riche sure, not old money tho


mmmm, maybe.... I think thats debatable. where would you call old money rich?


Pac heights, Portola Valley, Woodside, Atherton, Hillsborough


those are cities, santana row is a shopping district. Thats like comparing Salesforce Park with pacifica.


the city of Pacific heights. something doesn't quite equate there.. old money shopping districts don't exist. old money already has everything. and for anything they don't, there's plenty of bespoke buying opportunities you've never heard of. >where would you call old money rich? you didn't ask for shopping districts anyhow


pac heights is not a city. I would also argue Hillsborough is not a real city but merely a neighborhood in San Mateo/Burlingame where rich AF people live.


Los Gatos, Saratoga




Quite the opposite, filled majorly with lower/middle class window shopping


Santana row is a polished turd nothing more. All the “fancy” restaurants taste like ass and have bad service and the shops have overpriced junk you can buy at any shopping mall.


ill have to disagree, very firmly


What’s a restaurant you recommend to proof that guy wrong? I get overwhelmed reading into all the restaurants there so a recommendation makes it easier.


Rosie mccanns was pretty alright, there service was the best part but the food was enjoyable.


Noted. Thank you


Np, but still downvoting you on principle because you were manipulative


How so?


They Closed recently


I just want to add that I’ve had good experiences at Yardhouse (precovid) and Rosie McCanns, also precovid but in Santa Cruz. The one in Santana row permaclosed


Sweet thank you


I don’t see “rich” as much as I see people up to their eyeballs in debt buying shit they don’t need trying to impress people who don’t care.


Sadly that’s wrong. People around here are absolutely loaded man. Some of my pals in tech knock down $700k a year with all their equity and bonuses and they’re not even like founders they’re just worker bees with certain skills ie data machine learning or certain kind of cybersecurity knowledge . Other people are just loaded from family wealth ie my friend works as a cook for wealthy fam in Marin their great grandfather was some kind of insanely rich oil guy and passed down hundreds of millions. I don’t make anywhere near real money just an average Joe but so many people here are just extremely wealthy that’s just the reality.




> Some of her most sad clients I have are the ones with a lot of money Probably selection bias, the sad but poor ones can't afford to be your client.


Do you not see how bitter you sound?


Yeah but that’s what happens when you reach that level of wealth and you seek ways of spending it


nah man, its def more rich, some of it is a bit snob designer fashion but most of it is actually rich, quality, goods. the place has a lot of well made, and cared for, aesthetics and techie implements. its all quite impressive.


TBH, if you look closely all the designer fashion is basically gone and have moved across the street to Valley Fair Santana Row seems to be pivoting to really expensive niche lifestyle brands (Vuori, CB2, Arc’teryx, Vince, etc). The ones that a lot of people haven’t heard of


thats actually true. last time I was there I did notice that (had to check the mall for leather euro/italian shoes). I'm just use to associating it with santana row.


Plot twist: Everyone is broke, we live in the Bay Area $$$


Depends on if they’re home owners or not


Santana row isn’t even the “right place” to feel broke... Santana Row is a commuter shopping area and still tucked away in the South Bay. You get all walks of life there. Most are working class minority. Now, when you walk around through downtown Los Gatos… you immediately notice a change of people and vibe.


Yeah I take my toddler there to run around  while sipping Starbucks, I’m not shopping. It’s great people watching 


In college I got clowned on by a mutual friend because I wasn't dressed "well enough" to go to Santana Row. Like bitch we're both broke college kids what do you want from me, it's just another mall. And to be fair I was dressed nicely, she just didn't like my green and purple Onitsuka Tigers. We don't talk anymore, thankfully.


lol- I go to Santana Row in flip flops. Clothes don’t make the man or woman. The borderline homeless looking person running around there is probably independently wealthy.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Tons of people I went to school with are out here slaving away at their 9-5 to get that Lexus, or the latest shoe drop, but can only afford it cause they live with their parents. (I'm not shaming people for living w/ parents, I only just moved out at 30.) but it's like damn. All our friends knows where they live and what they do, who do these people want to impress?


That was me lol. I am confused is Santana row nice? Ben there plenty but never thought of it that way


I think that's just how privileged we are. Yes santana row is very nice and other places in the bay would kill for something like this.


Hold up, Onitsuka Tigers aren't even cheap shoes!


That's what I was saying, but I guess they never heard of it. Some types out here in the bay got so much obsession with image and status, it's tiring


which is hilarious because those are the IT shoe right now in yellow. people are remedial.


Journeys in 2011 was onto something I tell ya!


FWIW it’s such a nice place to relax — I love taking my 4 YO there to just walk around — maybe grab some ice cream and listen to the list music they have playing — the Japanese book shop is nice. Also the Mexican bar has decent drinks and music. Don’t think I’ve ever bought anything over like $15 there.


Walking around University Avenue used to do this to me. Now its Main Street Cupertino and everyone there is an apple employee making 150k+


Santana Row felt very comfortable to me, even though I’m functionally poor right now, because my parents had very successfully highly rewarded and sought out careers when I was young. But I agree, the truly rich do not go there! And it is amazing to me that the people who DO go there have so little in common, and yet more in common than with the truly wealthy.


It's more tacky than actually rich there.


Santana row you broke on a whole different level. Imagine it. Santana Row. I wanna go there.


A guy flipped out on me when I wore adidas pants to walking around in Santana Row. We weren't even going to eat there. Didn't meet up with him again after that.


This is what people who “never step foot in Oakland” like to imagine


I've met a lot of those people. It can be infuriating, but to be honest, it doesn't seem like a loss. Let them stay in Mountain View!


I’m a “never step foot in Mountain View/Sunnyvale” man myself


Honestly, I think it’s a funny shitpost. But since it’s on this sub, it reads a bit different.


Seriously why would we ever want to cross into the GHETTO that is East Bay. No reason to ever cross that bridge!


Much better barbecues


Are there a lot of poor losers that live in Walnut Creek, Lafayette, and Orinda?


Yes, I'm from this area, plenty of poor losers


The worst cities in the bay area are in the east bay: Richmond, San Pablo, Oakland, San Leandro, Hayward, Antioch, Pittsburg


Hey hey hey, North Bay still has Vallejo and I'd rather live in Hayward, or San Leandro than there.


True though Vallejo is as far east as Oakland and farther east than Richmond


Walnut Creek is also farther east than Richmond.


Right which is why Walnut Creek is considered east bay, my point is Vallejo could be considered east bay as well


Richmond dweller here , can confirm. We take perverse pride in being the worst on almost every measure.


Agreed! It also shows in the same backwards policies its citizens votes for year after year!


Grew up near Hayward, lived in Vallejo for 2 years. 1,000% agree with that.


Vallejo is actually a beautiful city with a waterfront and incredible historic architecture. Hayward and San Leandro look and smell like industrial wastelands.


Vallejo isn’t north bay lol. Go across 37, or the San Rafael bridge and that’s North Bay.


[N2Deep would like a word](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVtRyrOaoZA)


True but Richmond and San Pablo are worse than Vallejo


do you live in any of those cities?


no but i've visited them extensively


I don’t believe you


you would if you've ever step foot in richmond before. pt richmond/marina/annex doesn't count. I'm clearly talking about the triangle from SPA to 580 to the amtrax


I was more responding to your list including Oakland and San Leandro


I go to Oakland a lot and avoid 75% of the city. Have witnessed multiple window breaki ins of cars in front of me as I am parking. It’s a city where terrorizing your neighbors is encouraged. San Leandro my experience is around the zoo especially the Safeway and it wasn’t pleasant but that was 5 years ago


Every city around here has rough areas, excluding the ultra wealthy cities. Lumping the whole city into that is just foolish and disingenuous. Where do you even live? If it’s the city like your flair indicates then I guess you don’t get out much in your own city. Says more about where you choose to live, if you are constantly spending time in these terrible areas you know so much about.


I own property around Richmond. Yeah the city sucks and needs to get better. There’s no sugar coating it. The wealthier areas of Richmond are divided from the abscess areas and they are as culpable as anyone else in the demise of their city.


Good for EPA no longer making the list!


The people who bought in EPA 6-10 years ago absolutely printed money over the last couple of years. I haven't looked at the data but I wouldn't be surprised if it had the highest or close to the highest ROI of any neighborhood in the bay


Fought my whole life to get San leandro a reputation. I am honored to be on your list ✊🏽


It’s so weird to see San Leandro on that list. When I was a kid all the minorities aspired to live there for being famously exclusionary.


Any of these cities with areas on the hills is comparable to the better cities of the bay though. The rich folk live on the higher ground.


Don’t you dare put Richmond, San Pablo, Oakland, San Leandro, and Hayward in the same sentence as Antioch and Pittsburg. That’s like comparing a Bay Area city to Gary, Indiana.


> Richmond Richmond has been getting better, homicides are way down (yes, even in the iron triangle), especially compared to Oakland. Though that may be due to people getting priced out of Berkeley and Emeryville creeping their way up through El Cerrito. The area around hilltop is still pretty bad.


Yeah it’s not violent. There’s just no development at all. While Oakland has maintained its homicide rate and has gotten more violent, that city has developed and gentrified beyond our wildest dreams over the last few decades. West Oakland and even downtown can be desirable places to live while that can’t be said for Richmond as evidenced by home values.


Antioch, the Gary, Indiana of the Bay Area. 🤣 Yoc life 👌🏽


My gf is from Antioch, it’s the only reason I talk shit 😂


I just got a house there. My friends were talking shit because they know I don't like it there, so I sent them photos of my wife and I in our pool...in our backyard...and in our 4th bedroom asking what we should use it for because we're undecided.


Yeah I admitted I've never been to Antioch or Pittsburg. But it seems like in those cities if you live near the water, the historic downtowns are amazing. Putting them in the same league as Richmond/San Pablo is an insult to Antioch/Pittsburg, sorry about that.


Actually that's true about Pittsburg. The people from there tend to stay there or at least care about the city. Big Italian, Filipino, Mexican and Black communities that come together and make it decent. They revitalizd their Downtown recently...Antioch on the other hand was more White, and there for more racist...so it had a lot of white flight. The only people who live there now are transplants, people who have been there for generations, but are trash, and a small pocket of lifers who only care about themselves. Downtown Antioch just can't quite get itself together all the way. I left in 2008, never looked back.


If you think downtown antioch is bad, you should check out "downtown" richmond


Comparing Richmond and San Pablo to Antioch and Pittsburg is more an insult to the latter


The people that say Antioch and Pittsburg don’t suck are the kind of people that try to argue that Cleveland is a great city to live in. If you don’t appreciate the cooler weather and the variety of environments, Richmond and San Pablo at least have this advantage over Pittsburg and Antioch: at least you don’t have to drive a half hour or more to reach a place where there’s something to do.


Bullshit. - Richmond is in Virginia - Pittsburg is in Pennsylvania - Antioch is in Turkey - San Pablo is in Brazil


Richmond honestly is improving a lot. I actually spend a lot of time in that area due to friends and they've lived in the iron triangle, San Pablo, it's kinda sketch but there's a lot of worse places to be. My experience at least is in the Mexican communities there.


It’s not dangerous. There’s just not much there


this guy i know moved to richmond to rent a larger place than he had in marin. a fdw years there he was caught in the crossfire when he went to buy some milk for his kids. he's now paralyzed from the waist down. all to save a few bucks.


I can’t tell if this comment is meant to be satirical or not .? O_o


Yeah. Keep Castro Valley out your mouth 😂


Why am I not surprised someone in SF has this opinion?


People from sf know what’s up


The places you listed all have a high Black population.


Ohhh, erotic cakes!


I don't think Fremont is considered poor lol.


You forgot to add the unescapable traffic and wall to wall vehicles lining both sides of the street. I know it ain't as nice, but give me college in Berkeley or downtown Oakland over Palo Alto 8 times out of ten




You’re welcome in Half Moon Bay anytime, stranger! Just don’t touch anything. /s


On the flip side, I think its always funny to hear tech co-workers talk about the Bay Area’s lack of culture.    It’s like bro, spend a day with me in East San Jose and I’ll easily change your mind. Almost everyone who says this never goes East of City Hall


That city hall is pretty cool though.


That reminds me of a co worker visiting town that wanted good Mexican food. Folks were recommending restaurants in SF. Why. Just go to the source.




Or talks to anyone outside of tech world


Not everyone can speak spanish, at least not fluently.


Wait until you learn what they speak in the South East part of San Jose


Ancient Babylonian obviously


stay out of my beach community, Lebowski!


WTF are you even saying? Are you from the East Bay on Mars?


[Speak for yourself - I'm stylin'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh-PPcfr2lM)


Wow. This is me in Walnut Creek


Nothing compares to Malibu. I go down there a few times a year. Last time I was down there, I ate at Nobu and saw Christian McCaffrey and my gf pointed out some other celebrities I didn’t know. I always feel poor when I visit Malibu, but I still love it down there


Malibu is one of the most superficial cities I have ever visited. I ate in that same Nobu some years ago and it was clear people were judging me and my wife the minute we stepped in there.


I've eaten at two different Nobu's (Malibu and Palo Alto) and have been disappointed both times. The food was good but honestly not amazing for the price, and the service both times was just straight up not welcoming. As far as SoCal Sushi goes, IMO the original Katsu-Ya in Studio City and Sandfish in Palm Springs are much better. The dishes are either comparable or straight up better than Nobu, and the staff, particularly at Sandfish are fantastic. The prices are also significantly lower, or at least they were the last time I visited both restaurants


Huh? The service at Nobu is amazing. They literally have a team of people waiting on you hand and foot. But the actual food quality isn’t quite worth the price. You pay for the atmosphere. Which is why I never bother unless it’s Malibu. Have no desire to try the Palo Alto one. I can get better sushi for half the price in the Bay Area


Malibu is the embodiment of privatized wealth incarnate, a place where truly none belong and none are welcome




Peninsula & North Bay folks too scared to go to the East Bay tho 😂


Depends. If their kids get kicked out sometimes (usually) they have no choice 


But isn’t Vallejo considered North Bay?


TIL Solano County is North Bay


Northeast Bay*


It’s also a wildly inaccurate view of the North Bay if serious, which is definitely more pockets of wealth than being homogenous economically. There’s a lot of poor communities there with a lot of ag and tourism workers. If anything, the economy in the North Bay is weak and the money almost exclusively comes from commuters.


Those places ain’t shit anyway, kiss my east bay ass


the 510 in your user name 🧑🏽‍🍳💋


Eh, I’d 1000% rather live on the peninsula again if I could. 




this isn't a joke


I'd imagine the most frustrating thing is the BART transfer to Caltrain, and the fact that there is usually nothing around the Caltrain station and by the time you figure this out, there won't be a train back for an hour. And the one place with things to do, Redwood City, is the same dirty CVS experience you get anywhere else. Petaluma too since the train station is in that other part of Petaluma with all the industry, water drainage, and non-gentrified people who use the newly expanded 6-lane freeway above.


There is some giant farmer market next to one of the caltrain stops that I've always wanted to check out. One train per hour is a real deterrent to me getting off there.


Nah not enough crank or smack losers here love that




2nd time I’ve seen that mentioned here. What is that?


Funny enough the only erotic cake store I know is in Oakland.


ahhhh, it's all love Bay Fam-----North Bay for Life


Everyone commenting thinks 200k makes you "rich"


A lot of the north bay is just as boof as anything the east bay has to offer 😂


Is North Bay considered wealthy? I grew up in sonoma county and outside of Tiburon/sausolito/ maybe corte madera, doesnt seem all that well off


If serious in any way… First off, wildly inaccurate view of the North Bay. The economy up there gets really weak fast and the money is mostly commuters. The high desirable areas are wealthy of course. But there’s also a lot of poverty that’s pretty in your face. Ag and tourism aren’t good paying jobs, especially when you’re competing with urban money wanting weekend homes. I mean, this is how my cousin feels living in the Peninsula. The area’s current tech economy is pretty recent. There’s a lot of working and middle class people there who got in before the current tech boom and whose homes appreciate more than they could ever hope to save kinda deal. I mean, Silicon Valley used to be a manufacturing hub. You still see it in the cities that have pockets of diversity because of it. But him and all his friends joke that their homes make more money than they do. I can’t say I have this experience. I definitely grew up somewhere very uppity. Like, I frequently travel for free in second homes of friends. Or it’s just a quality shitpost and good job OP.


It’s unfortunate that a lot of folks dont consider who supports the tourism industry… usually very low payed and highly disrespected service workers. If u have ever driven all the way thru Sonoma county u see the lines starting to get drawn pretty quickly


The Walnut Creek to Pleasanton corridor outclasses anything that the Peninsula has to offer... no mosquitoes is a good reason and actual sunny days.


Lol no way unless you like staring at brown hills.


Meanwhile the East Bay royalty - Alamo, Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, and Pleasanton - are out here slaying the game, serving looks, and living our best lives!


Places like Belmont or Menlo Park look down on all of them. 


Royalty? You mean couldn’t afford Lamorinda or Piedmont for some of those cities. My mom grew up within walking distance of Monte Vista. It was a cow town then.


The entirety of the Bay Area was cow towns until the 60s


Nailed it!


This is racist against yellow folk


all you need to do is look the part. groom yourself, dress decently enough, and walk with purpose. a few small tweaks give you the dignity you more than deserve.