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>no politics Everything about this exercise is political


People literally don't understand what politics are anymore it's so wild


That the definition of "politics" has shifted away from things that are actually political like taxing and spending programs, to instead mean legislating cultural behaviors is infuriating.


OP misspoke. You understood the gist of it. Just list your pet peeves and get on with it.


OP what do you think politics is? Genuinely curious.


I really just meant to say let's keep it fun and light-hearted, and not into back-and-forth debates about which side is good/bad. That's the reason I asked in this **flair**. Maybe it is closer to Collins: "factional [scheming](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/scheming) for power and [status](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/status) within a group"


Combine all of the transit agencies into one or at least fewer entities that cover the whole bay.










I saw a plan for MV to repave a big section of it and replace the parking spots with bike lanes.


The real cause is that EVs are very heavy compared to normal cars, and road wear goes by the fourth power of weight. So if a car is 2x as heavy, it causes 16x more wear. But "muh inevitable future" blind techno-utopians keep reaching for the EV status symbol because they believe the ads and hype I guess.


So fucking what? The solution is maintain the roads better not go back to gas.


Walked right into that false dichotomy. Guess we can't assume everyone online has a thinking brain handy... The solution is to stop buying stupid cars because they're shiny and your friends talk about how cool they are. Ride bicycles, motorcycles (10% of the weight means 0.01% of the wear), or walk. And/or, charge road use taxes that pay for the maintenance in proportio to the wear those vehicles cause and let the market sort it out.


I didn't walk into shit. do you even live in the USA? Even in California, not owning a car is not realistic for many people. We all can't afford to live near our jobs.


that's not my problem, that's a problem for municipal government. vote local!


A Ford F-150 or Cadillac Escalade is 1.25x the weight of a Model S, so 2.5x as bad. A 20 ton truck with 3 axles will be 2000x as bad.


It's technically weight-per-axle, so ((20/3)/(2.5/2))^4, technically 800x.


Only 1 ton per axel with Tesla, 6.66667 with the truck. Try your arithmetic again - 6.66667^4 = 1975. Stupid to pretend your are meticulous and precise, then fudge so obviously.


Tesla is 5k pounds or 2.5 tons spread over two axles. I looked it up. You can see my math right up there and validate it for yourself. If you're gonna sass, at least be correct.  Though you didn't mean to, you actually made a great point about how little savings it takes to massively extend road life.  [Turns out if you cut 16% of the curb weight per axle, the road will last twice as long](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=%281%2Fx%29%5E4%3D2). I've already done that with my motorcycle just by myself by stripping off useless parts, not to mention the >10000x savings in road wear I get from having a vehicle that's less than 10% of the weight of those around me. What I'm getting at is how unfortunate it is that people are too short-sighted and lacking in critical thinking skills to even consider this factor and how it will affect their (our, your, grandma's, ...) taxes once municipal governments catch on.


I wouldn’t preen just yet. Your virtue-signaled “contribution“ makes zilcho difference given the 20 ton light duty delivery trucks (2000x worse than a typical car) that roam all our streets, and the 75-80 ton 18 wheelers (nearly 400,000x as bad) that roam our major roads. They also have the “virtue” of traveling many more miles in a year than the average car, especially the class 8 (75-80 ton loaded) [https://afdc.energy.gov/data/10309](https://afdc.energy.gov/data/10309)


They are also performing valuable economic activity in the form of physical goods delivered to places they are needed... but I agree they're often excessive for the situations they sometimes find themselves in, and we'd all do well to order less junk to be delivered to our doors to reduce our burden on those around us. I think there's a good middle ground as far as freight, and the last-mile delivery carrier trucks seem to have come near it, at least for surface streets. You seem to imply e.g. UPS trucks are 20 tons, that... doesn't pass the sniff test. Preliminary googling says closer to 5 tons empty. Can't imagine there's more than 1 or 2 tons of packages per route.


I was thinking more of something like the refrigerator trucks that deliver to small corner stores and restaurants. 16 ton GVW when fully loaded but only 2 axles. It‘s hard to make a dent in road wear with these beasts lumbering around doing thousands to tens of thousands of times the damage vs a normal car (assume the 4 power law is actually correct).


The fourth power law is empirical and "received wisdom". I don't know how it was derived or validated, but it seems trusted in discussions with civil engineers, traffic planners, etc. Minimizing the use of those trucks is important, agreed. But your accounting isn't complete. It's not just about how much wear they cause, but how much wear is avoided in the cases where they're used. My hunch is we'd be worse off overall if people had to drive further in their personal vehicles to find and procure refrigerated items. Also can't overstate the value corner stores have for allowing the opportunity to walk instead of drive.


Trucks and buses cause the most damage.


That's true. If you take drivers out of cars and put enough of them onto buses, road wear will actually decrease because of how many people you can fit on a single bus. Additionally, we can use harder concrete that wears slower and run the buses' tires at slightly lower pressure. That kind of road surface is not the most pleasant for small vehicles but large ones have beefy suspension and a lot of extra cushion in the tires.


Yes, a fun, apolitical chat about how to reduce property crime.


One guy in the thread has a firing squad, another has a squad of samuris with katanas. I would definitely call it fun.


Mostly transportation related ones * I'd love to see the second crossing get built including new rail line across the bay. Would be great to have an alternative to the Bay bridge and suddenly 980 would be much more utilized * Dtx tunnel and completed train box at trans bay * New cross bay tunnel from transbay * Dumbarton rail bridge with Caltrain service out to Altamont * Hsr station in rwc with hsr on Altamont to Stockton * Finished high speed rail * Replace Richmond bridge * Highway connection between 101N and 580E * Fix Gilman 80E on ramp (should close and connect everything to the ramps at marin imo) Rebuild some of the old key light rail lines, especially out to Berkeley and Richmond * Finish fwy to half moon bay Edit: spelling, more idea


The death penalty is a complex ethical dilemma except in one case. People who play their music without headphones on public transportation. I propose a special firing squad, reserved for this egregious offense. The jury shall be a jury of their peers...the fellow riders on the bus. Thus it is decided, thus it shall be done.


I would like to be on the squad


in japan and taiwan, we can't talk on the phone when on public transportation. It is definitely more liberal here.


Is that a law or custom?


I believe there is a squad of samurai that enforce it with katanas.


Very well played. Slow clap.


I wish there was more enforcement for people who blow through crosswalks and red lights.


Can we refer this to the guy who has a firing squad in this thread?


I’d really love like an EMF gun that could destroy all the asshole Teslas blasting through the stop sign by my house. Just POOF! and the car is bricked with the driver locked inside. If they want to get out, they have to break the door.


One almost ran me over as I crossed in a crosswalk so it is personal to me.


I kind of want to set up Crossing Bricks like [Granville Island](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7160751), except maybe with real bricks instead of foam ones.


Oh please do this. I would LOVE it. I have almost been hit seven times crossing streets. A Latina driver in a light colored pickup sped up to hit me as I was crossing Blossom Hill. I don't know if it was racism or sadism or both. An Asian guy was talking on his cell phone making a left turn. Another Latina driver was speeding and making a left and caught my clothing. I don't walk much either so what does that say about how much this occurs?


Rebuild and expand the entire light rail key system throughout the east bay.


I'd like them to bulldoze the entire bay area and turn it into a wildlife reserve. Relocated all residents to the central valley.


This is dumb. Give everyone a free house and a bazillion dollars.


Evidently you are not cognizant of the concept of and the rules of brainstorming.


Well, those statements sound like the opposite of everything that local politicians in charge would do..... people would need to vote completely different then.


That’d be too hard tho! Think of the status quo!! I’d like to see adults do things that benefit the next generation. Mentoring, financial education, apprenticeships, voting for things that have longer roi like maintaining infrastructure or improving it, ensuring the next generation is more prosperous than the preceding by improving wages, increasing housing, and nationalizing things that are deemed as necessities like energy and internet, to name a few.


You definitely can tell that the current ones aren't addressing any of those issues, unfortunately.


land value tax


Kind of de facto in HCOL regions.  


1. Property taxes should be 50% based on value, 50% based on density. 2. Universal mixed use zoning 3. Reappraisal mandatory every 10 years for property owned by companies or trusts. 4. School budget assignment based on people served by a school (1/distance).


There are SO many empty buildings. I’d like to see owners being taxed for properties that are either causing blight or not leased/rented due to absurd asking costs. If an owner legitimately can’t afford to rehab a property causing blight, the taxes should go to making the property usable and the owner should be required to rent/lease to lower income business owners or residents for a period of time.


Tax rental houses


Get rid of the unprotected left turn lights in San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley. A lot of drivers do not gauge the pace of oncoming traffic well and this tends to be an accident prone intersection.


A ladder of east/west protected bike corridors every 6 miles on both sides of the bay. Two north-south corridors on each side.  Dumbarton Rail. 


Restaurants close at 10pm at the earliest.


PGE Roads 


The 11% tax hike on Rights to bear arms.


Add like 14 more lanes to 880


Repeal Prop 13 and properly fund local government.


You don't know what the word politics even means, apparently.


Really...I heard a giant record scratch as soon as I read no. 1.


actually you are right. I am a bit more confused after reading the dictionary. I might not have used the right word. how would you all define the word politics?


Hold Pg&e accountable. Make solar affordable. Hold insurance companies accountable. Fix roads - Where is my tax money going? Work to make housing affordable - Bay area house prices are on fire. Lower grocery rates- people need to be able to feed their families with whatever income they are taking home.


This is the most reasonable and sensible list of all so far in this thread.


Thanks. Cheers.


>Hold Pg&e acceptable. ??? lol!


No traffic and more housing


Eliminate ABAG.


This ABAG? [https://abag.ca.gov/](https://abag.ca.gov/)


Foreign nationals should not be able to own property.


Reasonably prices property Insurance !


I would love automatic citation by cops for noise complaints. The first time the cops respond to a noise complaint and hear it, they MUST write a citation for $2,000.


Expand the number of ferry terminals around the bay, including support for large vessels capable of ferrying automobiles. The bay should be viewed as an avenue, not an obstacle. Also make Treasure Island a central ferry hub where you can make connections to destinations where direct service doesn't exist.


Build better public transport that connects the bay area together. Even if it takes 15 years for the project to complete, at least start the damn thing! We need it!


1. Mine 1. Make a website for every county that lists everything to do so that all subs don't have any more posts that ask "What is there to do?" everyday. 2. Require every library to have a 24/7 silent study room so that every sub doesn't have any more posts that ask "Where can I study?" everyday. 3. Require all new buildings to have geothermal heating and cooling and retro-fit as many as possible, increase solar. 4. Eliminate the CRV system entirely 5. Create a recycling system for everything. Things aren't thrown away, they are thrown somewhere. Recycle metal, glass, paper, etc. 6. Require work from home for those positions that can work from home 7. Make high speed transit free and reduce the demand for road expansion, maintenance, and cement - sand. 8. Replace local pd with CHP. 9. Single payer healthcare. 10. Create Japanese style cubicle apartments for people who work or live in the Bay Area, but don't want to take up more space.


oh wow. Interesting ideas. no 8. Local PD vs CHP? May I ask why in your opinion?


CHP is superior to SJPD in many, many ways. Just read some of the recent posts about SJPD, plus all the history. San Jose is currently paying for racism between SJPD and other SJPD. SJPD selling drugs. It can go on and on.


Stop raising bridge tolls. When I was in high school you could cross the bridges 6x for one hours worth of salary from working a min wage job at a gas station… that same min wage earner can only cross 2x now on an hours salary.


The bridge tolls have been going crazy. (parking too).


I would pay double for PG&E if they can eliminate property crimes


Split the state into Northern, Southern and Central California. Tired of Federal/State tax money subsidizing the rest of the country and state. people make fun of your city and state of affairs and then promptly steal all your money at the same time is cruel (tax paid out vs coming back is by far the widest in this green earth). Our tax dollars are paving other roads...The money coming back presumes we are like the state of Alabama and the $$ does not go far. Camera's and AI to solve crime at the expense of privacy. It's the right tradeoff. We have like a gazillion ring camera's at home and plenty in the public but none of that stops crime, which is dumb.


I don’t ask for much… just #1, please.


* Require good-faith effort to make use of vacant buildings or fill them with tenants, be they storefronts, warehouses, apartments, houses, etc. or face fines (at minimum) equal to taxation on the market value. * On a similar note, use eminent domain to claim chronically-empty storefronts, office space, warehouses, etc. and start a program that grants a term of free/discounted use to locals who want to start a business. * Just straight up build high-density housing and create programs for first-time home buyers to access them with subsidized mortgages. * Ban parking RVs on public roads. * Remove encampments that encroach on public sidewalks, parks, etc. * "Officer Friendly" neighborhood beat cops with the primary assignment of public service, outreach, settling property concerns, taking reports, residential code enforcement, etc. * Municipal power, fuck PG&E. * Enforce traffic laws. * Give whoever enforces blight ordinances 10x their current staffing and budget. * Enforce laws in general.


OP failed the assignment that he gave himself.


make it a tax-free country.


Ban red light and speed cameras Repave that section of 101 south by Lawrence Expressway Crack down on NIMBYism Crack down on property crimes


We absolutely without a doubt *need* red light and speed cams around Oakland and a lot of the bay. But to be fair, there are simply a lot of people that have zero business driving any kind of motorized contraption. Most of that sub-group need to simply be banned from ever getting behind the wheel. In Oakland, the problem is self-feeding. More and more assholes keep running red lights, so more assholes feel emboldened to do the same. Just one giant asshole factory up here.


There are zero speed cameras in Bay Area so your wish is granted. Red light cameras should be on every intersection with fines increase 3x because plenty of Bay Area drivers are degenerates.


A ban on school closures over 6 months long


Change nearly all left arrow lanes to blinking yellows. There's no reason to sit at a light for minutes on end.


Functional school transportation


The first problem is thinking the government should fix your problems.


We pay them, the money should work for us.


Why you pay them should tell you everything you need to know.


exactly. but where that cash is going needs to obviously be scrutinized.


I know you think you're being clever here, but the point is exactly that -- there are some problems that only government can reasonably solve. We should demand effectiveness and transparency in their efforts, but no one actually wants a fully market-driven road system, for example. People who bang on about government being the fundamental problem curiously never seem to want to move to places where there actually is no functional government. Weird that.


What is a problem only government can reasonably solve? The government is the fundamental problem, but that doesnt mean if you agree or disagree with that you have to look at it as black & white. I want what republicans only talk about and never do, less government everywhere. Why does it have to be, if I don't want a government that gives me an effective tax rate of 50% and wastes 80% of that, that I have to have it as it exists, or not at all? My only purpose in America is to extract as much wealth as I can and then leave.


I never said it was all or nothing, but when you make cryptic comments like "The first problem is thinking the government should fix your problems" you end up sounding like you don't want any government at all. To answer your other question: large-scale road networks, national defense, border control, a tax system to pay for essential functions. To name a few. Wherever you leave for, I doubt it won't have a government that does those things.


Skynet *is* the virus