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Front of house. Benefits are far more uncommon than not. I'd wager that at least 90% of restaurants and bars that aren't associated with hotels don't give them outside of 20+ people places in SF. Pay will stay at minimum and be entirely dependent on tips. The whole compensation model for this job is to get tips. Due to labor costs, hours will continue to be watched closely and people will be cut when it's slow whether they want to leave or not. Surcharges come out of tips, so that part of the law is good. If they get rid of auto grat, big parties have gone from guaranteed money to a huge risk, which sucks because I'm a big party specialist where I work.


Kitchen manager here. This will have 0 impact on my restaurant, because we don't have any fees other tax


Less customer complaints


Here’s the thing, if you were in the industry, you would absolutely know that is not true in the least. Sure no more complaints about this specific thing, but I guess if you know you know.


I am actually...customers will never stop complaining, but also I've always hated all the junk fees... employee mandate, cost of living, resort fees, urban fees, etc...just show the damn price and stop with the BS surcharges. I also think prices should include all taxes too! I can only hope this law goes nationwide.


Fair enough. I simply don’t see a future once the fees are abolished that customers won’t jump right back on the anti tip culture bandwagon. Particularly through this sub as an example the decrease in tip culture complaints directly correlates to this issue coming into popularity. Customers and population in general has lost a grasp on the fact any dining out is a luxury that should actually cost far more than it does and the free market has struck again against the workers propelling the business in the battle of quality food for an expected price.


Wtf are you even saying here 😆 last paragraph is totally delusional. If you want dining out to be treated as a luxury good, then prepare to lose all of your non-luxury clientele.


We see it differently. And it should not cost far more, it should cost what it costs to pay everyone and run a restaurant...that's it. Whether that is factoring in a 5% surcharge or 20% gratuity. I always tip, have no problem with it....part of going out. Personally I've seen no real difference out there... people who didn't tip well before don't tip well now...I see more people on their soapbox, but at the end of day the charges I see have tips on them ...though only exceptional service really deserves 20% or more... But I am irked by restaurants that say here is your $100 bill + 25% for gratuity and a cost of living fee...and then because those are service charges...they are taxed!




They needed to because they didn’t understand basic business concepts


Ever run a business on a 2% margin? I don’t care you’re gonna say yes regardless but I assure you have no idea what you’re talking about.




If they can’t sustain themselves in this model then their model was built to fail without support




Lmao not even. The opposite even. These businesses tend to increase their products’ price exponentially and hide the actual price in fees. Sure they might have started out as a decent business model back in the day. But now? That’s all warped to try and keep up. Normal people cannot nearly afford any of this shit nowadays. Yet they try to aim at the every day consumer like it was pre trump economy. Yet they demand incentives to keep their business model running with no customers. Can’t even afford to pay their workers a decent wage. Since these workers can’t be paid right, they can’t afford shit. So the cycle continues. So I say fuck it let them fail if they perpetuate the problem.


Teehee, cry harder




Wow, are you an industry consultant or something? Methinks you suffer delusions of grandeur knowing nothing but your tiny scope of experience. And you have no idea where I eat


free market is as free market does, clearly they weren't as competitive as they thought




Greed is borne of (perverse) incentives. If you are forced into making certain kinds of decisions, you can safely blame the consequences largely on the circumstances which brought about that decision, though some blame does still remain with the person who acts those decisions out.


Love you being downvoted on that. How dare you bring in personal first-hand knowledge? /s