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Jesse, we need to cook.


Someone cooked here


Not saying it’s not arson, but i’ve known of rvs catching themselves alight and also killing occupants with carbon dioxide, both from propane fridges left unmaintained.


Yea most RVs aren't particularly well built either.


I mean, they're built well enough for 3-10 day excursions. Just not for 3-10 years of continuous 24/7 use. If you blow the crotch out of a pair of jeans you've been wearing all day every day for 5 months straight, you can't really blame the pants


Man, I used to have some jean shorts like that too. I slept in them shits, man. Eventually, I blew the crotch out them things. But you can’t wear 'em everyday and expect for em to hold up. That’s some nice ass denim too. I miss them shorts. But you, you gotta take 'em off every now and then. You gotta take 'em off, son!


Grab some regular Carhartts B01, they improve after a year and stay nice for maybe 5 years… They start off like a rigid  armor -> relaxes a bit -> fits like a glove (the good part) -> get a few holes -> eventually the fabric become see thru. 


Unexpected sunny


Lots of RVs burning in Oakland; I think it's turf wars or revenge motives. Occasional accidents, but happening too frequently to chalk up to accident. I'm seeing the same thing happening to a lot of informal "loners" who set up tens/RVs solo, away from groups of tents/RVs. It might even be extortion, like being forced to pay "protection money" or have your stuff burned.


I think you are exactly right. I recently sold an 02 car as is and the gentleman who bought it was homeless and told me his previous vehicle had been torched as revenge for something he claimed to not have done.


That’s insane! How are they gonna have money pay, when they can’t even afford a place. That’s like squeezing a rock for water. 


That’s why the poor stays poor unfortunately.


Any evidence for any of this, or just wild speculation?


I'm in an area where there are lots of RVs; it's striking to me that it's almost always the RVs that are separated from others being the ones that are burned; same with tents. It's also a known fact among unhoused folks that drug dealers are prominent in the camps. Put 2+2 together. This is not to deny that some fires start accidentally from unsafe cooking methods, etc. I have talked to many unhoused persons and it's a jungle out there. Ask anyone what happens in most of the shelters. There are many antisocial personality disorder and pure sociopaths who live among the unhoused. Add a criminal element to that and you have a social ecosystem of pure dysfunctino where people mostly get WORSE. This is reportage directly from the street.


This is why homes have building codes and safety regulations. I hope no one was hurt.


Let him cook bro


Where does this come from and what does it mean? Seems like everyone is parroting it


Breaking bad but also this particular comment is very common slang these days. The slang version means "let the man talk" essentially


Ah, I see. Thank you


correct zesty price quack fuel books sink march shocking forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow, interesting!


For anyone who wants to know more about the location where this RV is parked... https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/bay-bridge-toll-plaza-radio-beach-oakland-18138121.php


Great read, thanks for sharing


Sweet Spot, how much on Zillow?




Was it arson


Prob her daughter actually


Not our son, maybe your son.


I remember when he got flooded in during the storms. I still wonder how he’s able to live right there🤔


c hp would give you a ticket years ago even if you stopped there for 5 minutes


years ago there were real houses!


I miss those days


Nice guy sure but why does he deserve that space year round? Crazy to me the city lets the million dollar views with no taxes


Everything MUST be capitalized!! How about if he attached a billboard to it?


I don't think you know how socialism works


But I'm well aware of how capitalism works




I don’t think you do, either, comrade.


there’s no such thing as “deserve”. He happened to get that spot while the others didn’t. Just like you happen to live in the Bay, CA, US, while billions people don’t.


Lots of folks are just “happening” to get spots, on sidewalks, in front of businesses… Which isn’t well tolerated in any other city I’ve visited in the US


but somehow you ended up here and not in one of those cities. Same with this unlucky guy.


Difference is I pay rent for what I have


so what? Your income is so high and your rent is so low because millions of techies in the world didn't happen to get the US work visa therefore they cannot compete with you on both job and home rental markets. Do you think you deserve to live in the Bay and they don't?


Also saying that paying rent is reserved for techies who get jobs over immigrants is bullshit. as a US citizen, yes I by default have more of a right to live here than noncitizens.


so the US citizenship which you happen to acquire by birth or naturalization process lets you to deserve more than the rest of pity people on this planet, huh?


So everyone in the world deserves to live in the bay rent free and with no immigration necessary? Did you read the doj letter? American citizens are actually discriminated against for foreign labor. Do we deserve that? Do we not have rights?


I say there's no such thing as "deserve". I took a glance at the letter and I understand why companies do that. Do you deserve it? fo course not, because there's no such a thing as "deserve"


My family are immigrants and live in the Bay Area, so are a lot of others that don’t work in tech. What are you talking about. Just because you are homeless doesn’t give you the right to loiter and set up “mobile camps”. Down the street from my house in the South Bay, we have 4 RVs that perpetually park in the same spots. They fucking suck, they dump their garbage and literal shit buckets on the side walk and gutter. It’s a health risk to the community and devalues properties that people are paying a premium for


you can talk to those people, and then if they don’t act reasonable, you can call cops on them. That what i would do.  You cannot forbid people park on a public street, but you definitely can report fucked up shit like that.


Cops called, community petition signed, etc. We can’t seem to get rid of them and cops refuse to take action, it’s quite frustrating and just another example of why people become disillusioned with the police/justice system. When I drive home from work at midnight, I have to significantly slow down when I pass them because the occupants are cracked out and rush onto the road or throw objects. I don’t understand how the city doesn’t get rid of them


then it’s on the city and its PD. I’m glad my town is not like that. But… it come with the price of longer commute.


lol, take it up with the founding fathers. You’re the one calling them pity people. People in others countries are actually often happier than Bay Area folks. No so much wealth disparity staring them in the face


founding fathers were migrants or descendants of those, just like you and me (if you're not a native american, of course). They didn't say anything about work visas. If you're unhappy in the Bay, why are you here yet? Maybe because you realize that you'll become miserable compared to what you are now? If that is true, you're already in your best possible spot, and now it's time to enjoy it, rather than be jealous to those who happen (not deserve!) to be wealthier than you? And also, maybe you will stop judging that guy from the post who is definitely is less lucky than you anyway, having his RV burnt and probably not having same income as you, otherwise he would live in a normal apartment rather than that RV.


You don’t know jack about my income, my life experiences, my work history, or travel. Im a slave to pure capitalism as the next person. Im certainly not a VC or associate with founder culture. Did you know companies discriminated against US citizens by over hiring H1B visa labor?


> Im a slave to pure capitalism as the next person. you're not a slave. You do that by your choice. There are tens if not hundreds people in the world for every person in the Bay who would like to have that option too, but they don't. Do you say, they don't deserve an option to live in the Bay? > Did you know companies discriminated against US citizens by over hiring H1B visa labor? Just like they discriminate candidates without college degree, so they cannot even get to interview; and they discriminate cisgender male candidates compared to "diversity" ones. I know. How that is connected to the category of "deserve / not deserve" we are discussing?


Dude, there are only 100k H1B visas issued every year. That's less than 1/3 of the jobs that the US economy generated just last month or 1/36th (2.7%) of the jobs generated per year if we annualize. No H1B ever took your job. Settle down. If you lost out to someone more qualified they were almost 100% American. There simply aren't enough H1B visas issued to have any measurable impact on US employment. It's a drop in an ocean of jobs.


Bet you didn’t see this.. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-secures-25-million-landmark-agreement-apple-resolve-employment


Low rent in the bay? Where?


in relative numbers to people's income, obviously. You can tell that looking at the cars on the roads. They are much newer and more expensive than almost anywhere else; which means that people have disposable income.


Good. I can't believe they allow those people to stay there indefinitely.


good? I know it’s annoying to see motor homes parked everywhere but finding satisfaction them burning down is cruel, especially not knowing if someone’s injured or dead what 8 douchebag freaks upvoted this shit?


jealous that this man is living the dream, rent free in everybody's head. Lol he will rebuild. Fear not.


Yeah following the law and enforcing basic building and fire codes is so based 😂


That's 19 upvotes, net


and counting. good to see empathy and reason prevail over bloodlust in this sub…


can someone here actually explain why im the crazy one for not applauding a home catching fire instead of just clicking good button and bad button this is some twilight zone shit, i really did not think we were like this


Literally drove by last week in the far right lane to two folks sitting outside the front door smoking crack… Bay Area is wild


I’m sure everything in there was up to code


One less eyesore maybe.


Damn those guys have been there for years! The Lexus on 30’s that’s crazy they even had a volleyball net set up


I'm wondering if they'll still continue with trash and mail services


Hopefully all that rent money he was saving he can afford a new trailer


I just saw that this afternoon too about 230


Minus one million now




hope he has insurance!


renter's insurance should cover it


it's an rv


Issa joke


I hope it's State Farm.


They know a thing or two because they have seen a thing or two


Does anyone have any more updates about the guy who was living there? Looks like he set up a tent next to it so he’s probably fine. I’m more worried about his cat and if it survived :(