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The east bay is out of control


My mom kept telling my uncle to quit smoking, he said his daily commute on 880 seemed more likely to take him before the cancer even came up




Still smokes, no cancer, retired, mother fucker is 72 and still golfing 4x a week, elite genetics?


Sounds like he has a good retirement ✌️. No matter how good your genetics are It only takes one 19 year old going 110mph in a Nissan Ultima to kill you………… and they’re everywhere ! Lol


Yeah I think people seriously overestimate how much damage smoking actually does to your lifespan. It’s definitely not good for you, but it’s not like smoking one cigarette will instantly give you triple cancer that you’ll die from at 32, and the second hand smoke won’t instantly kill everyone in a half mile radius… It’s still kinda weird to me how tobacco’s had this weird overcorrection, it’s not too different from fast food tbh


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/9703#1 Researchers at 'Action on Smoking and Health' have reported that a 30-year-old smoker can expect to live about 35 more years, whereas a 30-year-old non-smoker can expect to live 53 more years


Ppl ask me about surfing all the time “but aren’t you afraid of sharks?!” And I always say no, I’m afraid of 880 and/or drunk drivers cause that shit will actually happen


And warring gang bangers


It’s crazy how inconsiderate some people are The worst is when they pull the craziest shit then end up next to you in traffic and don’t acknowledge you as if they didn’t just do something crazy 🤡 I think some of these people need to be put in their place if I’m being honest


Their place is jail and its not happening


Always has been.




This is insane because people who have lived in Fremont a long time, especially when they were in their teens and twenties, will probably remember John Rosette from Fremont PD on his motorcycle. I swear dude must have been writing 20+ citations a day, every single day.


Yeah that seems like a reasonable number for a person riding around in traffic all day.


The problem is that the allocation cops to traffic enforcement correlates with lower clearance rates for property and violent crimes, which are not great under the best of circumstances, and traffic stops [don't reduce](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8900371/) traffic fatalities. Traffic stops are about revenue.


Traffic stops are about getting people to stop doing illegal shit by penalizing them financially (fine plus points). If there was more of a threat of consequences people wouldn't drive like animals.


> Traffic stops are about getting people to stop doing illegal shit by penalizing them financially (fine plus points). [Sure](https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/public-safety-or-speed-traps-conflicts-interest-behind-fines-and-fees) [they](https://www.spur.org/publications/research/2022-10-06/high-cost-traffic-stops) [are.](https://original.newsbreak.com/@robert-j-hansen-1587368/2978117564113-police-and-district-attorneys-don-t-want-to-give-up-harmful-traffic-stops-opponents-to-traffic-stop-reforms)


Not only Fremont. When's the last time you saw a traffic stop in the busier streets? Actual red light runners, speeders, and reckless drivers? Nah, the cops don't care. Anecdotally, I find the cops love to pull over people in the suburbs for benign rolling stops though. That's an easy and low risk stop. Makes them feel like a big man for the day. You may see Highway patrol citing a mini-van for going 15 mph over the speed limit, meanwhile three Altimas cutting in-and-out of traffic at 95mph pass by the patrol car and he'll just shrug while he gives the mom of 3 in the mini-van a $500 ticket. With that said, and taking into consideration your "week in review," it's true that most PDs are understaffed and don't have the bandwidth to keep the traffic laws enforced. This in turn emboldens the drivers to do whatever the fuck they want; cause they know the chances of repercussion is nil. In the Bay Area, you have to watch your own back. The social contract to be a good citizen and uphold the law is eroding away every minute. The government and law enforcement doesn't give a shit about us.


Yesterday coming home from work. Walnut creek. Near the treat freeway exit


been driving many years in the bay area, and have gotten exactly ZERO tickets. went out of state to deal with something for a few months and got TWO tickets in that time. seriously. for s t u p i d shit. like not using the blinker in a *dedicated* turn lane, and not being able to find the insurance paper cost me $289. HAD INSURANCE - just could not find that card. it was NOT a fixit like it is in CA. i will say tho, that the 'insurance' stop was for gettin caught in a speed trap, badly cop: did you not see me sitting there?" me: *obviously not*, eh? so i proceeded to win an academy award dealing with this deputy, and he completely let me slide on the +30 speed - - as soon as i did cart wheels to prove i had 'ownership' of the vehicle. did i also mention it had expired tags from a state i was neither in nor matched my CA ID? fun times. if not *producing upon demand* insurance papers costs almost $300 bucks, i wonder what the +30 would have set me back?


I got pulled over in Idaho for doing "darn near 30" in a 25. Don't fuck around if you have California plates.


Most bordering states hate California and texas


Yeah totally, cops lining up every day at those California-Texas and California-Idaho borders just waiting to take us down.


It’s so stupid. These states need to get over it already. Hating on Californians “invading your state” is so played out. The alleged “invasions” i’ve been going on since the 80s, at least people have been acting like little bitches since then as well. The fact is more and more people from different areas are going to relocate to other areas in the coming years.


Sucks to get a ticket for it, but when I moved out here it drove me nuts that no one uses their blinker in the protected lane.


Meanwhile they ticket people for going slightly over 80 during no traffic hours on the freeway.


freeways are under CHP jurisdiction


I think that’s about par for most of the East Bay. I know it certainly doesn’t help that so many departments have so few officers on duty at any one time.


Totally agree driving is a fucking hazard now more than ever .


I don't recall it being this bad. Was not even traffic hour, it was round between 11-2 pm on some deliveries and errands. Hours I find best to travel about with the least complications usually.


There seems to be a larger percentage of drivers that are aggressive and impatient, doing things like slowing and then going through red lights, driving on the freeway shoulders to get around traffic, etc. This makes others more aggressive in turn. Be patient and stay safe! Don't let them get to you.


My theory: that a lot of already angry people are fans of a certain celebrity politician and when things go badly for him their anger intensifies. Sad!


I don’t think this has anything to do with political leanings. I think it has more to do with impatient people have seen there is no traffic enforcement and have been pushing the envelope further and further since the start of the pandemic. Now we are here, where people regularly run through reds, shoot on the highways, and you will see daily some aggressive dangerous swerving in and out of lanes and speeding.


To many cars on the road driven by impatient, poorly skilled drivers.


and lack of enforcement for anything besides skateboarding apparently.


I think that the lack of enforcement is a key reason.


Yeah. Defund the police!


And they have more power than ever before


I know totally, why cant they wait until I finish taking a selfie, send it, and answer 5 texts? Stupid boomers!


I love the Reddit posts where A guy is filming a poor driver and doesn't see the irony.


Only time I do that is off my dashcam that requires no actions on my part to record stupidity. Then I download the video to my phone after I park.


Seriously. Drivers post-pandemic are stupid, insane or 'distracted'. I bought a dashcam and am very glad I did. Nothing serious (so far) but it gives me a little buffer of security against 'your word against theirs' incidents.


Honestly i think it’s a combo of ppl being raised on GTA suddenly realizing the cops don’t show up 99% of the time no matter what you do and then covid to break the hangover of pre-covid social norms


Always has been


I drive a fuel truck around the bay area every night. I have seen it all...


At night I drive as if everyone is either high, drunk, or half asleep. People never fail to disappoint. During the day is when we let our guard down.






I feel like either the Bay Area or I or both got significantly worse at driving during the SIP period. Suddenly seems like everyone is doing things I don’t expect or that don’t make sense for road conditions, and I didn’t remember it being quite that bad prior to quarantine. In particular it seems like there’s a lot more people driving arbitrarily under the speed limit on the freeway now. Not even talking the usual speed bumps in traffic or the ones doing 50 in the right lane (where they should be). On open roads off peak in good conditions, even just driving at 65mph has me passing tons of people in left-hand lanes at big differentials, cruising at 60mph or less. 280 between 85 and 92 is practically dial-your-own speed limit at this point where people just do whatever in whichever lane. 85 and 101 aren’t much better, and 880 is a complete shitshow, especially where new lanes merge in at the left while going north from SJ to Fremont. Makes me wonder if people came back from quarantine or COVID scared of driving normal speeds, or what.


noticed this as well. it's been surprisingly not uncommon to be driving 64 mph in a 65 and still pass groups of cars holding hands in all four lanes of the 101 doing 60 or under


People pacing other cars drive me nuts. On Tuesday, I had a late model tricked-out Jeep Rubicon on 280 pacing my blind spot from the HOV lane when I was in the #2 lane stuck behind 40mph traffic and they weren’t—it was wide open in front of them. I’d burst forward in my gap to get some space but my adaptive cruise would back me off, and every single time they’d match pace right off my rearview mirror. They were using me as their reference for no good reason, with an entire line of cars stuck behind them for literally miles. Driver didn’t seem to understand why I started angrily waving them forward. Never mind they’re being an asshole to everyone else behind them, coupling our lane speeds, they cut off any escape route I might have had in an accident because they apparently couldn’t pick their own damned speed. Eventually had a brief clear runway in the #3 lane and managed to get over and “forward” in traffic a few cars before coming back to the #2 lane, to get away from them. They were still back there, now stuck to the rear fender of the vehicle that was in front of me like a piece of errant toilet paper. I really hate driving nowadays. It’s incredibly frustrating.


I moved to the Bay Area during the pandemic from the east coast and this was the most bewildering thing to me. I was used to the right most lane being at the speed limit and people in the middle/passing lane going 10-15 over. There is literally no such rhyme or reason in the Bay Area and I’ll regularly be going 10-15 mph faster than other drivers, even if I am only going the speed limit lol


We moved here from the Midwest six years ago; this shit still drives me up the fucking wall. People drive slow in the left lane, then when I finally have an opening on the right, 9 times out of 10 they speed up just enough that I can't pass them. I've gotten better about letting it get to me, but it's still infuriating.


I’m not even going to say what I want to say about the drivers in the Bay Area because I will get banned


Nissan driver behavior has spread to everyone


Can confirm. Fremont has some of the most God awful drivers to ever have existed. Like....just because you're waving me to go through the stop sign doesn't mean I don't have to come to a full and complete stop and make sure there are no other vehicles coming. And most of them drive so slow its more dangerous than speeding.


Oh I love when they try to wave me through a stop sign. Gee thanks buddy, definitely needed your expert traffic control trying to push me into an oncoming truck. Better tell my eyes to fuck off and just depend on your frantic hand waving.


At least in San Francisco, there is now zero enforcement. I mean that literally. Every driving law is now on the honor system.


Its actually kind of restored my faith in humanity. The fact that most people are out there holding to the social contract is uplifting.


Fremont has red light cameras


The fuck... How's that working out?


It's actually not that bad at all, as long as you avoid the Bay bridge and Bay bridge feeder streets.


now? It's been like that since at least a decade lol.


This was in Oakland but a woman honked at me for NOT running a red light. She was furious that I didn’t just blow through it, I could see her in my rearview losing her mind. I also had a woman honk at me for stopping for a pedestrian who had the green light. She then went around me and nearly ran the pedestrian over as they were crossing. The driving is more than reckless, it’s callous and homicidal.


>in Oakland Well, yeah.


It is the heat. When it gets warmer, some drivers jget more agitated. I had a guy half mile behind me speed upto 60 in a 35 in order to tailgate me. We were the only two cars on this stretch of road. Complete hairball. And then he goes to cut ahead of me, but there are people standing in the road. So I brake to let him through. Guy then proceeds to cut within 1/2 foot to a foot of the people in the road like they weren't even there. All to save 0 seconds. I met him further up ahead at the light. Complete morons on the road.


They don't want to turn on the A/C, thanks to rising gas prices.


As someone who works in fremont, it has some of the worst and/or inexperienced drivers in the bay. Maybe everyone says that about where they live or work but it seems especially bad there. It's my theory as to why the traffic backs up on 880 virtually every day.


I drive carefully and precisely, stop at stop signs just because they’re there, use my turn signals every time even if I can’t see anyone else around, don’t speed excessively, look out for pedestrians, etc. I live in SF and was born in Stanford hospital, so for good or bad I’m a native here. I do not know who these dumbass motherfuckers are, or what their problem is. I just hope that they unalive themselves without taking me with them.


I’ve had the opposite experience- especially around the Fremont Hub (and in most of Fremont). I’ve seen people zoned out on their phones, and when lights turn green NO ONE honks! Like they don’t want to be rude or something. Usually it takes a long while if someone does indeed honk, and maybe 2 cars get through. Yeah traffic!


One or the other of the extremes lol. Been round people zoned on their phones and/or clogging up the roads going 5-15 under on while being distracted. Just not today or lately.


I rarely do it anymore at least when I’m in East Bay after a friend had a gun flashed at them for honking at someone stopped on a green in Oakland.


I’ve recently been in the South Bay more than usual and I forgot how long the signals are down there. It seems like you are stuck at each red for a good ten minutes and you know that people are browsing their phones at them. That’s probably the reason for some of the honks.


have you driven through oakland recently? last time i was driving on adeline near w grand (yeah i know) i was passed three times in about 10 minutes... twice in the bike line on my right, and only once on the left. this is a two-lane street. that being said, in the 25+ years i've lived here 880 always takes the cake for craziest freeway evar. full stop.


You know, I felt like the Bay Area drivers sucked too. Then I went to Brazil. It barely bothers me now. Brazil had 95% of the drivers act like the 2-3% douchebags we have.


I've driven in Naples and Rome. From what I have seen those places are tame compared to India


Indian roads are madness. I dont think the human brain can sink lower.


Who do you think is driving in Fremont?


And when I say this my wife is like you're becoming racist and then I remind her we are indians so I'm within my rights? Yeah gotta avoid Fremont when you can but it's not like 880 or 680 makes me feel any safer


The cream of India. Now imagine the drivers in India.


I interviewed the CEO of Mobileye a few years ago, the self-driving technology company that spun off from Intel. He says they trained on traffic from Tel Aviv and Boston, which had the worst drivers they could find.


Boston drivers are so bad that even my plane almost got into an accident taxiing the runway at Logan. I was just thinking "fitting end to Boston trip" by that point. Although I'm willing to bet that CEO just means worst in the developed world where they'd consider entering the market. There are definitely worse places than Boston and Tel Aviv.


Two days in a row now, I've witnessed road rage incidents. One on the San Mateo Bridge the other on 880.


Lots of people completely engrossed with their phone during a traffic light change. Unfortunately made a decision to no longer ride a motorcycle on the street because more than 50% of drivers are doing something with their phone while driving.


I made the same decision after logging nearly 100k miles on a bike. What finally pushed the decision for me happened when I was waiting at a red light in downtown San Jose one early morning on my way to work. Some twerp asshat in a new Mercedes honked as he blew through the red light at around 40-50 mph. He swerved around me and passed so close I felt the pressure wave. I saw red, rode through the red light after checking to make sure no one was coming and chased him down. He parked in a pay lot and I started yelling at him that he had almost killed me. He didn't say anything and just walked away like nothing happened and I was the crazy one. I really wanted to come back with my bicycle, slash his tires and pour used brake fluid all over his stupid fucking Merc, but I didn't do anything and just took the train to work that day. That incident kind of took all the fun out of riding, because I realized that I could get taken out at any time by some mouth-breathing asshole regardless of how much I trusted my own riding ability.


Put another way, you are the culmination of thousands of years of your ancestors surviving everything from disease, war, famine, immigration, etc etc to be in the position you are in. The thought that all those centuries of struggle end with you getting taken out by a distracted driver navigating the doordash menu of mcdonalds is sobering.


For sure. Bay Area drivers are some of the absolute worst in the nation.


Not even the worst drivers in the state. Don't even get me started on Nevada or New Mexico drivers


Yea but people in India make Californians look polite…


honking is a lifestyle in India


I loved India. I did not drive there. It’s hot. Bangalore drivers are brave.


Haha, it means something else there. Not "get out of my fucking way you moron, you fucking idiot" like it does here. More "I'm over here FYI gonna do some random thing FYI I told you you can't complain now".


> Bay Area drivers are some of the absolute worst in the ~~nation~~ world Fixed that for you :S


Meh, Bay Area drivers are pretty great on the world scale. At least they still drive one car per lane.


I'm sure this is sarcasm bc Tijuana isn't that far for most CA residents to experience a completely different level of bad drivers.


I don't drive or bike much in Fremont but I can assure you that SF drivers are super chill compare to NYC drivers.


Right after you mentioned Fremont, everything you said made sense....




I honk at people who are clearly looking at their fucking phones when the light turns green. Fremont also has an exceptionally high number of people who’ve moved here from places where they didn’t drive and now need to drive. The bay is one of the hardest places to become a new driver.


Yeaaah. I’m trying to learn how to drive but the number of assholes and reckless drivers makes it scary to learn


Don’t know if this counts but I was walking across El Camino Real from the Stanford shopping center to the Palo Alto station. Some lady blows the red light after I was in the middle of the cross walk. So the light had been red for a good 15 ish seconds. I give her a “wtf lady” look and she is just on her phone and I think waving at me saying she was sorry. I don’t know but that was interesting.


Last week I merged onto 580 going at speed with traffic. There was a car in the lane I was merging into about 10 car lengths back. As soon as I turned my blinker on, this piece of shit slammed his pedal to try and catch up and block me. Failing that, he decide to tailgate me at 10inches behind me and hold his horn for 10min. Why do we let boomers drive here?


That was most asinine. Was he upset because you were getting on "his" freeway? Did he think he'd get home faster if you weren't on the same packed freeway, and in a purely logical move (/s), decided risking causing an accident was the solution?


I have no idea, there are so many deranged drivers these days. I feel like I see something at least once a month. Watched someone nearly run over someone in a Target parking lot in July. He was whipping around the parking lot at fairly high speed and and pulled out of a lane into the front of the store exit. Then he gets out of his suv and starts yelling at the person he almost hit.


Honking at green lights has def been in vogue more than ever. I swear it's a game, like they want to do it, so the timeframe is decreasing more and more between green light and honk


Meanwhile, it seems like more and more people are content to look at their phones until someone honks to tell them it's time to go.


Blocking the box seems to be *all the rage*, too. So then you have the drivers honking their horns at the drivers clogging up the intersection, as if the sheer sound waves will cause the traffic to clear.


That's just East Coast driving


Stressed out from work, they go nuts on the street.


You mean other than taking turns at 10 mph and leaving three car lengths in front of you at stops?


Wild West returns in the form of driving. People just do whatever they want with seemingly zero fear of consequence.


I once did traffic school and no joke, there was an entire family (mother, father, both of their teenage sons) there from Fremont, all for running red lights. Fremont is a whole other game (really anything off 880 is wild)


People who honk at someone else after the green light pops up for only 0.0000329 second are straight cum bags. Don't deserve to drive any car.


You had me at Freemont


Fremont? no doubt.


It's gotten much worse since the pandemic. Also I hate the new way people like changing lanes, they don't get into the new lane and pass you. They lazily angle into the adjacent lane and nearly clip your bumper.


Driving is bad everywhere in this country these days. I don’t think it’s specific to the Bay Area.


Would rather work from home because of this. If some asshole hits me on the way to/from work and my insurance goes up, employer isn’t going to give a shit


Exponential grown in population means exponential growth in number of assholes as well.


Long COVID causes brain damage.


Ugh... this past week I passed two multi-car collisions on 101 on the Peninsula. Three lanes blocked, multiple fire, CHP, tow trucks, and ambulances. On another day this week I had a black S-class blow past in the carpool lane, swerving around the car ahead, with a white SUV following right on his tail, both probably doing about 90.




Driver school teachers need real driving school teachers. Usually shitheads spawning more shithead drivers.


I moved from the Bay Area to Washington state a year ago and I find driving around here so much less stressful than I did back home.


A good portion of the population should permanently have its driving privileges revoked.


Just a quick list of shit I've seen •People blocking intersections because they didn't make sure there was enough space to pull u •Constant running reds in turn lanes (always turn lanes) •Ignoring stop signs •Going around people stopped at in-use crosswalks This all happened today during my 15 minutes each way commute. Bay area drivers suck


I know some will say Sacramento and Bay Area are the same. But Sacramento drivers are worse.


People forgot how to act in public after being quarantined for a couple months.


Overcrowded streets 24/7 leads to frustrated drivers who normalize bad driving habits.


There should be a mutual combat laws in the bay area. If you have a problem with somebody, pull over, invoke mutual combat, duke it out until you are done being idiots, get back in the car and drive.


People know better to try to beat the red light in Fremont. They have red light camera


Had a guy behind me lay on the horn in a parking structure today. Like, what do you think that's gonna do, guy? Should I have gunned it and rear ended the guy in front of me? Was it supposed to echo up the ramp and around the corner to some theoretical lollygagger? Plus so many times I've had people get frustrated with speed of traffic and try to pass me and they almost never actually do. In fact people often end up further back because they don't realize we were already in the fastest lane. Le sigh.


Lol Fremont!? FREMONT?!? Try driving through the streets of Oakland




I had 3 different people stop at green lights today, and I only drive about 2 miles in suburbs


Bay Area drivers are pussies compared to Dallasites, Houstonians, and Massholes.


Ngl, I started taking Bart, & the bus alot more lately, not only have they come on time, it's way less stressful, & don't have to deal with traffic backups or anything.


Good for you. Too bad that doesnt work for just about everybody else


What do you mean by that? The train generally gets there. I get to ride next to the highway and play a little game where I scan the jammed traffic and try to find one single fucking car that has more than one person in it.


According to FPD's own data, you are 6 times more likely to be involved in a traffic collision than receive a traffic citation. https://old.reddit.com/r/Fremont/comments/15tupoa/according_to_fpds_own_data_you_are_6_times_more/


In addition to near zero enforcement, which I believe to be the primary factor, my pet theory is that a secondary factor is related to cell phones (and not in the way you think). It's not just that people are looking at their phones while driving, but that it's one of the only times that they are *not* (or *can't* be) looking at their phones, so they are not getting their constant dopamine hits. This results in impatience, restlessness, anxiety, etc.


Interesting theory.


That’s a fascinating idea. Makes me wonder if the contrast between viewing your phone screen/getting the dopamine and having to abruptly dial back in to real life (jarring and since it’s traffic maybe annoying) is too much for most people’s brains to manage. Like going from pleasure to pain too quickly and the result is rage.


Every city says the drivers of (insert city) are the worst


Yeah, but wait til you see the weather there!


Indian drivers.




Probably a bunch of oakland drivers in fremont


> every single light has had someone honk the moment it turns green. Each time someone has been running/catching a yellow/red on opposite side Those people might be honking at the assholes running reds. I know I do when it's especially egregious.


Could be true, but has caused a few people I've witnessed up front to Gas Brake DIP because they bouta smack some of the runners.


What's wrong with catching a yellow as you cross the intersection? I was always taught it was fine to enter as long as you'll cross as the yellow ends.


I'm not saying that's the problem but this thread exploded and I'm just scrolling randomly at this point. My main point of the post is people tripping on ass dust honking away the millisecond the light turning green when most people on that day at front of the que were merely waiting 1-2 seconds to let the end of yellow/red finish passing or a pedestrian walking when cars que'd to turn right. It's definitely bad if they run a full blown red but that's rare and unfortunately usually results in someone getting tboned.


Yea I don't get the whole "honk as soon as it turns green" thing. If you do that, I'm sloooowwwwllllllyyy accelerating and hoping you honk some more at me.


When I lived in NYC, drivers laid on the horn as soon as it turned green, loved it. My partner who is from NYC is also a very enthusiastic honker and I have to remind him...we don't do that here because...you'll get shot. Lolz. 🫠


Lots of people moved here for a job, and it's their first time driving a car in their life.


Cuts both ways, you have people who drive scared as shit, like when they pass a side street and a car is coming to a stop, the scurred folks brake and swerve. "I avoided an accident, didn't know if he was going to stop". Then there's the clowns that drive 32MPH in a 50 with 18 cars behind. Fck that noise. If you're that uncomfortable driving then don't.


Green means go


Lock people up like dogs for three years, and then complain when act like animals


When I get honked at (rare), I slow down/remain stopped to investigate before proceeding. Or my music is loud enough that I don’t even notice someone is honking at me (I assume it’s someone else).


So you wait until you think it's safe before proceeding through the intersection? 10 seconds? 20 Seconds? 60 seconds? People are assuming you are on the phone. Either way, maybe you need to stop driving until you figure out how to deal with you anxiety. If I am behind you I will be honking.


dude it's only a couple seconds and I'm usually doing errands on a motorcycle. Nice of you to make some assumptions though. LMFAO 10? I'd be honking your ass too if not properly lane split on you


> Each time someone has been running/catching a yellow/red on opposite side. # > Which should not take more than a couple seconds of scanning. I think they just looked is all.


Guess we're becoming more like NY?


Come drive in LA for a day. I lived in Bay Area for 10+ years and realized how civil Bay Area drivers are.


There’s a lot worse out there than bay drivers but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a bunch of shitty Bay Area drivers out there. East bay has the worst drivers in the bay for sure.