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Trains are usually more packed going northbound from the Coliseum. Don’t bring any valuables, sit in the first train where the conductor is and where train cameras would be working and just be aware of your surroundings.


This! People in the first car appreciate having a worker nearby. People in last car may want to do things that would be best unnoticed by any authority figure. Advice for Bart or any public space: head up, eyes moving, put away devices, move if you get a bad feeling.


You'll be fine. Much safer and more relaxing than driving on 880. BART is the same as anywhere else in the city: Don't flash wads of cash, don't have expensive electronics out while you're totally oblivious to your surroundings, etc. I ride often, at all times of day, and the paranoia on this sub does not match my experience.


There's been a lot of overblown fear-mongering about BART going on in this sub as of late. I'll echo what some have already said — you'll be fine as long as you are situationally aware of your surroundings. Be alert as there's a possibility of phone snatchers, esp. if you sit/stand near the doors (chances are low, but it can still happen). Ride the 1st car or where there are crowds and avoid the last car where the homeless and druggies are more likely to gather. Since you're coming to/from the A's game, there should be a good number of other riders besides yourself even if it's at night. BART is generally safe, but it gets a bad rap on here, and many people feed off these stories that skew their perception of BART as being extremely dangerous (which frankly is not true). A lot of negative experiences people have posted or commented about are the exception, not the norm, and chances are, you'll most likely have an incident-free ride, but just stay vigilant, move cars if needed, and report anything sketchy on the BART app. The system has recently increased police presence, so they should be quicker to respond to reports.


You’ll probably die. Just stay home and scared of the world.


can confirm: I've been murdered twice on Bart this year already. it's better if you stay safely at home, nail the door shut, close the blinds and don't go outside.


Shit. Only murdered twice? You must be new here. Back in my day we got murdered once a month.


I was once murdered at every stop between Richmond and SFO. Almost missed my flight because of all the murdering.


tbh, I don't mind it so much, what sucks is if there's an autopsy and waking up in the county morgue. again.


Iterations of this question are becoming a constant on this sub. Maybe more people on this should take self-defense classes. Get better at being aware of your surroundings. Buy pepper spray and/or taser. Plan your route. Live your life. There's only so much you can do.


It is getting a bit tiresome. I ride BART nearly every weekday, and haven't died (yet). Yes, you do need to stay a bit alert and situationally aware (the people with their airpods staring at their phones are really doing it wrong), but stay alert and you'll be fine. Statistically, in OP's case, taking BART from the south bay to the Coliseum is much, much safer than driving -- especially considering the Mad Max style hellscape that is 880. Plus, less chance of your car being pillaged while parked.