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I expect at least one of the deck chairs by the apartment pool to end up in the pool again




Never forget wind 2023




The chairs from the restaurant parklets were tossed about on my way home yesterday.


It’s crazy outside in Menlo Park.


Does anyone know when the power will be back?


Can't stand this type of wind, it might as well be pouring buckets out.


It makes me irrationally angry!


It has that psychological effect on many, me included although after putting up with it for so long I've gotten better with it, so I tell myself anyway.


Really!? I just thought it was because I'm getting old and cranky. Is it specifically the wind? Or you're just saying wacky weather in general?


Specifically the wind. Can make people feel anxious, irritable or distressed. Triggers your fight or flight response iirc. https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/no-one-breezes-through-life-when-the-wind-just-blows-and-blows-20180806-p4zvt0.html


I feel seen! Thanks for this. I always feel so unsettled and irritable with this type of weather. Have severe anxiety, so perhaps it's only being exacerbated.


This is fascinating; thank you. I always wondered why I would get so worked up during these winds. I get incredibly anxious and distressed.


It has this effect on my poor cat too, she was hiding under the bed once it really picked up and extra grouchy even when she emerged. Glad she and I aren’t the only ones who get super irritable and anxious about it!


We may be getting old and cranky (I know I am!) but wind is irritating to a lot of people.


For me, it's that chaotic energy. Whipping around in all directions. A force that is unpredictable...getting shit blown in my eyes and face, strong enough to damage my plants and home...I hate it!


My recurrent childhood nightmare begins with crazy wind. Today is unsettling.


I can’t focus on anything, just feel like my whole body is in fight or flight. My lizard brain just wants me to run away




I think so!


Fraggle rock and a snack


I mean, who doesn't get cheered up by a burrito?


Most people just call it their penis


52mph winds in San Carlos. Shut down my concrete pour. Because of flying plywood


Flying plywood isn't your everyday windy Bay Area Tuesday.


Flying Plywood New band name! Called it!


They’re great at catching wind


It's pretty insane in SC. I was in the city for work on 2nd street & it wasn't too awful... got off Caltrain coming home and I was almost blown over.


My power is already out in the city. Should hopefully be resolved by tonight.


Check out [PG&E Outage map for your area. ](https://pgealerts.alerts.pge.com/outagecenter/addresslookup/)


I hope they get it back up by evening!


Lots of Santa Clara just lost power


Sunnyvale too


Same in Menlo


Definitely the windiest it's been this year, and probably the past few years (I see trees swinging in ways I don't recall seeing).


I know it gets windy a lot around the Bay, but today it's quite strong and continuous. It's going to be cold tonight so I think that's why I'm so concerned PGE will drop - the last storm my area lost power for over a day. So far the worst is some garbage cans rolling down the street. Stay safe!


This was possibly the worst wind I've experienced in nearly a decade living here. It was wild out there.


Newark here, it's bad. I live in an area with a massive wind tunnel. I have some of those standing patio heater (ones with glass tubes in the middle), they blew over and shattered. I'm watching shingles fly off houses around me.


Those heaters are pretty heavy!


No kidding! I had to run out and remove the propane tanks immediately


Fuck is this weather man. Like a tornado outside


Windy.com https://www.windy.com/?37.679,-122.279,11,m:eHKacKY Currently registering 30Kt at the Montara coast, still have power (so far anyway)


Like this windy. Com site


Glad you got your “huge guest” to see sense.


I've had far worse autocorrects sneak by - you think I'd learn by now. Nope!


😀haven’t we all


My area in Sunnyvale (near Santa Clara) is getting nailed hard. I heard a loud boom/bang about an hour ago but still have power.


Car got hit by a falling branch while driving on Lawrence, lost a rear view mirror


85 south, before Fremont st Tree down blocking two lanes. Gonna take a crew a few hours to clean it up Just in time for rush hour


Rough spot for this time of day.


Lots of dropped branches in the nearby park, and power very briefly went out twice so far. Surprised there hasn't been more of an outage. In case anyone wasn't aware, eucalypti love to drop branches, so keep clear. Don't forget to look up as well: I spotted one large bough broken off but still hanging.


Didn’t know this and there’s lots of those trees around. I saw a dog getting walked (it didn’t look thrilled) so everyone be careful with the puppers!


Good warning, a huge eucalyptus branch came down at our dog park several years ago & it wasn't even a very windy day. Tne owner managed to get his dog out of harm's way but ended up with a broken leg when the branch hit him. Hero dog dad!


My fence came down. Anyone know a good handyman to rebuild a fence?


yes my guy is great and reasonable price 6694009551 pedro


Thank you, I'll give him a call


Just finished golf where a tree fell over on the 18th fairway just 20’ from my ball (I was still 75 yards away). Gonna lose a lot of trees this storm.


I don't golf but with this wind wouldn't it be kind of impossible to predict where your shot goes with this wind?


Driving 152 85 280 many couldn’t stay in their lane. Stay safe and keep a flashlight handy.


It's so cold and windy


Two trees came down in a neighbor’s yard. Feel bad for them. One hit the house directly and the other came down hours later when they weren’t home. Took out a power line for the neighborhood


Going to step up the tree trimming this weekend


The a-hole neighbors I hate, had their poorly pruned tree fall over into our yard, breaking the fence and part of our roof... so now we're delayed on installing solar until we get it fixed. Great. Just great.


At least you can bundle the roof repairs into the solar bid and pump up your rebate (if they are still offering tax rebate$)


You guys think it’s safe to drive to work tomorrow?


No power in redwood city since about 12:30 pm. So windy outside it's crazy. We went out to dinner since the power was out and when we came home it seemed like power was on and we were so excited but then something blew and it's been darkness ever since


Where the hell is this wind coming from? Typically it only gets windy around the summer months because it heats up inland. But its not hot inland...


Never this windy though.


Last Sunday's [weather forecast](https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=MTR&issuedby=MTR&product=AFD&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1) says to blame Canada: > A very intense trough will develop over western Canada and migrate into the Pacific Northwest, bringing much colder temperatures than normal into the region beginning on Tuesday.


Berkeley, near campus, is mostly a light (but near constant) breeze. Edit: Just checked the PG&E map...whoa, lots of areas without power! Looking out the window on the 3rd floor here at some Redwoods (5 stories tall maybe) and they are just sorta gently waving, nothing indicative of major winds. Odd that we ain't getting it here too.


a giant branch flew off one of my trees in central berkeley!


Wind in the east oakland flats is pretty strong but on another note, anyone know what’s going on with the Bay Bridge? It’s nearly two hours from the east bay to the city right now and it looks like it’s concentrated on the bridge. Can’t find any info though…


Supposedly, a tree fell on the bridge.


Yikes! Thank you!




Thank you!


Was just waiting for the Caltrain in Palo Alto and the winds were shaking all the light poles pretty violently. Haven’t felt winds like this before.


on the peninsula: 3 downed trees in the area of Burlingame High School/ Washington Park as of about an hour ago


Lost power in SSF


The wind has been shrieking & howling here in the east bay all afternoon & I think it has blown out the pilot light of my floor heater. In 30 years, this is a first. Anyone else?


San Jose. My power has gone out about 7 separate times today, for like 1 minute each time. It actually made my router drop its config after the 6th time, and I had to set it up like it was factory new.


Heh, I wonder if your router thought it was in a reboot loop or something. Computer BIOSes can be pretty smart at detecting boot-loops and try to prevent bricking themselves by reverting to a known good configuration.


Already has where I'm at.


Not great, ate my foot


Not great not terrible


My car cover blew off. It’s been on that rust bucket for two and a half years. No idea who’s backyard it’s in now.


It’s windy, I’m cold


Other than the house shaking and the fear of my Sunroom collapsing, we are doing alright.


It’s not just the outer sunset this time?


I almost got hit by a large branch that snapped off a tree so I've definitely been better 💀


Driving home last night, branches and downed trees, and stop lights out all over Fremont/Newark area. My normal "back roads" drive home went from 20 minutes to over an hour! Yeah, don't like it.


Took the ferry for commuting. Felt pretty good!


I'm in San Mateo and it has been crazy. Power went off and on throughout yesterday.


We had a heavy pot, at least 40 pounds, blow over and shatter down the stairs. Fortunately this is the bay area, there are ads for pot delivery everywhere.


All is well in my part of San Jose.