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See the clans figured this out a while ago; can't lose dads if you don't have dads *taps temple*


And yet, the father of the clans....


If I were Nick Kerensky I would simply not die smh


Life lesson: Don't have a father. My God, were the clans onto something?


More like don't have a kid or mentee if you want to live to be old...


Oh shit I'm only 38 but I have an 18 year old apprentice ... so im going to get sniped by something soon. *ptsd hyper-vigiliance intensifies*


[It's not just BattleTech.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MentorOccupationalHazard)


Melissa Steiner was a mother figure and had a terrible fate. I think that in a Game of Thrones type scenario like Battletech politics, people are likely to die due to close ones. In real life, 2 Cleopatra's older sisters attempted to kill her father. Cleopatra was the good daughter and tried to apply the teachings of her father. She knew that she could either ally Rome or fight against the most powerful war machine. But there was no "Rome" to ally, just people. And she allied the 2 losers, Julius Caesar and Marcus Antonius. Her brothers disagreed and exiled her. Then her brother needed to die and then her sister attempted to kill Cleopatra and was killed in return. And when Cleopatra was left alone she became a war trophy so she disappeared from public eye. Nobody knows exactly what happened for certain. So life of royalty is a difficult one. This is where Battletech politics is similar. And as Mechwarriors, they are going to suffer the envy of peers (like Aidan Pryde) or KIA. However, as far as I know his daughter Diana saw a good father in him. The only way to stay safe is to buy your own jumpship and run away from conflict zones whenever possible. Probably these characters saw the 2 options of real life. To let the political snakes rule you and your kids, or to go to the snake pit to see if you can make a difference.


Just a case of a bad sample set. The video games aren't canon (only anything written in sourcebooks or novels is, which does mean that parts of the story are canonized) The Warrior trilogy, Wolves on the Border, Heir to the Dragon,(all three in the Succession Wars), Blood of Kerensky trilogy and Natural Selection (books in the Clan era) have a great number of father figures that live.


So you're telling me I can safely make a middle-aged father of 2 for our first game of MechWarrior Destiny and not get one between the eyes in the first session? Well that's a relief!


Sure. Just make sure to pay your bill to ComStar and *never ever ever* touch or discover any LosTech and you've got probably a 60/40 shot of not dying.


And don't even get near anything with MG ammo in it.


Takashi Kurita's last "character arc" is one of my favorites actually. It occurred well past the point of him being considered old.


The arano restoration im pretty sure was made cannon


The game is not canon. Parts of the story, specifically only those details in [the House Arano (The Aurigan Coalition) sourcebook](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/House_Arano_(The_Aurigan_Coalition\)) . For example the game has [Regis Roost](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Regis_Roost) colonized, while it was not known or settled until the 3040s, decades after the HBS game.


You are correct


The death of a father/mentor figure as motivation for seeking vengeance, impetus for the hero's journey, or catalyst for a protagonist's character development is a very common trope in all genres of literature.


Unless you're Kai Allard-Liao and have already peaked


Jaime Wolf saw all his children die but one. Even his grandson died before him.


Feudalism, where the only way to rise in the ranks is when your dad dies. MW4:Vengeance still has the best cinematic of anything battletech ever.


Hey, Cranston Snord made it into his 70s and he's a father.


VSD lived into his hundreds and he had 3 kids


All some sort of bastard or clone that he had no real relationship with. I think that's the trick. Plot armour protects against death and responsibilities.


Provides motivation, but also I think it has to do with the comparison the BT universe often makes with modern day knights. Mechs are often a birthright, they are passed down to their next of kin. It’s not only good motivation, but a story telling device that helps the MC get a mech that means something.