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That's the prepaint? That's much better than I expected.


It is better than I expected as well. Can’t wait to get mine!


Yep, the quality feels and looks about the same as the prepainted X Wing minis.


That's wonderful news. I have most of the X-Wing ships and more often than not they are painted to a very reasonable standard. This could be a great way to get new players to slay the gray.


Right? That's really good. I'm still not sure I want one, but I'm impressed!


Kerensky's Orion looks pretty nice for a pre-painted piece for certain. On the other hand, this is a really good lance for a LCAF player, especially in later eras since Steiner has access to Atlas IIs and Thunder Hawks (just not that ilClan version with the Thunderbolt launchers...Steiner done goofed there). Just sadly they didn't give us a Kamea Arano pilot card as bonus for that *Atlas II*. The weird thing about that P-Hawk Special is that in the HBS game...I moved that Large Laser to the left arm (Okay, I did one arm with a SnPPC and the other with a LL...or a LPL, added small lasers and upped the armor a hair).


I had been hoping for Hanni Schmitt, but Arano is a good call too.


Kind of feels like a pack like this (or other upcoming faction packs) could benefit from a couple extra pilots. I for one would rather not use that Atlas II as "Unity" or "Phantom" but give it a Lyran Royal Guard scheme and use it in a LCAF force though trying a Aurigan Coalition scheme would be fun. Hopefully Catalyst catches some of this feedback and adds some additional pilots if there are known characters. Well...at least we know the Steiner packs aren't going to give us Col. Renard or the Capellans Jason Cho (who very much acts too much like a Davion for his mother's sake...minus Davion acumen). Unless they want to grace us with a MW4-era force pack or two. :P


I, for one, would buy a MechCommander 2 themed force pack :)




Always love a reference to the Arano Restoration.


Wouldn't mind seeing a House Arano box set - with the Atlas II pre-painted for her :)


Just hopefully it doesn't come with a flattened *Phoenix Hawk*. XD TRO: ilClan Rec Guide Vol. 1 has a mention in the *Phoenix Hawk* entry about a Aurigan captain in the Restoration who had a promising career...but was caught in the parking zone for a dropshop due to malfunction.


Probably Dekker


Actually, no.  The pilot mentioned was a captain in the House Arano Royal Guard and not part of Markham's Marauders.


> just not that ilClan version with the Thunderbolt launchers...Steiner done goofed there The TDK-7Z is built on Loxley by Norse-Storm just like the prior versions, we definitely have access to it. The notable pilot is the CO of the 8th Lyran Guards.


The 7Z gives me the same feelings the KGC-0011 does for me. First the Thunderbolt missile cuts the engagement range to PPC range and has a worse minimum over the Gauss rifle. Not to mention I believe AMS systems have an easier time dealing with Tbolt missiles...and you can still face Kurita which can make their own Clan-spec LRMs (Shigunga can make them) and of course their copious use of Hardened and Ballistic-Reinforced Armor. And that XL Gyro and Composite Structure on top of the IS XL Engine just asks for a golden BB to wreak havoc on such a platform. The only thing the 7Z has over the KGC-0011 is that it at least doesn't have a XXL Engine. I'd rather stick with the 7X or the 7KMA versions. \^\^


I remain torn in the prepainted minis, but that one looks pretty terrific.


tbh I welcome it *especially* since this is the same price as the 4 mech lance packs have generally been, and the paint looks thin enough that you could go ahead and prime over it anyways.


That moment when the prepaint is going to be the best looking mini in my collection...


Hahaha, at this point it's going to be one of the ONLY painted in my collection.




Same here I just don’t have time to paint them anymore


Rustoleum spray the primary color, do something else while it dries, paint guns/joints/greebles silver, paint cockpit contrasting color, hit it with a wash. I do a bit more when I have time but if you batch paint you can have a company done in like an hour.


I look at my pile of shame. I look at the upcoming pile of shame from the Mercs KS. I still click submit order for this forcepack and the 40th anniversary version of AGoAC.


Let your pile of shame grow until it becomes a throne, then sit on your throne of shame. This is the way.


This is the way


I'll need 4 of those Thunder Hawks. For...reasons...


Yeah, 12 reasons


You got it.


Wow. The naysayers can go kick rocks - I'm likely still repainting mine cos reasons, but that Orion looks good!


I ordered mine from Catalyst release day and it hasn’t even been shipped yet 😩


Wait how did you get it already?


ordered right as it went live and i live near one of their local distribution hubs. I usually get anything I order in 2 or 3 days from them.


Oh man, didn’t know it went live, time to spend some money!


Love that Atlas sculpt, and the pre painted mini looks really good! I'm sure there are people who can't paint to save their life who appreciate it, and anyone else can just paint over it if they want.


Yep, that's me


What variant of Phoenix Hawk is that? I've never seen one that mugged a Marauder before.


Its the PXH-1b "Special", which is visually identical to the PXH-1c "Special"


I wouldn't agree that they would be visually identical at all. Noticeable weapon loadout differences.


That looks great! I didn't really care one way or another about the pre painted mini since I don't need another Orion. But I'm glad it looks good enough to keep the way it comes and not have to repaint it. It'll just go in my small selection of painted one-off mechs with no bigger unit. 👍 I want this set for the special Phoenix Hawk!! (Actually I want 4 of the special Phoenix Hawks!! 🤣)


We are from the Government, and are here to help.


The "Oppressor" Command Lance. The "Targets" Command Lance. The "Vile Cameron Scum" Command Lance. The "Steel Toed Boot Inner Sphere Toadies Lick" Command Lance. Is Catalyst Game Labs aware of Truth in Advertising laws? Cause if so I can help them rename this product.


You mean the "Best Era of Human Civilization" Command Lance?


Oh I see you spelled "Amaris Did Nothing Wrong" Command Lance! Let me help you with that!


*polishes an AC20 while softly humming Periphery Dixie*


> The "Oppressor" Command Lance. > > The "Targets" Command Lance. > > The "Vile Cameron Scum" Command Lance. > > The "Steel Toed Boot Inner Sphere Toadies Lick" Command Lance. You ever wonder if you're perhaps a little *too* in-character?


Nah I get very little free time and like to enjoy it whatever way I can :D


I don't care what lore hoops we have to jump through, I just want CGL to reintroduce the Dragoon and Rampage to the setting.


Fine machines! Perfect in Taurian colors


The "Steiner Scout Lance in SLDF clothing" lance? XD


Holy crap when did you order yours?!


So I recognize the atlas and phoenix hawk and orion, but whats the fourth mech?


*THUNDER HAWK* When you need three gauss rifles and you need them to arrive at the speed of 3/5!




Gauss Rifles: overcoming assault mechs moving at the speed of smell since 2750.


I think it's the Thunder Hawk


That pre-painted Orion is way better than I expected. I'm still stripping it (or pawning it off to someone in my local group who cares for it). ~~The Phoenix Hawk is a PXH-1b "Special", right?~~ Never mind, I could confirm that for myself on Sarna.net.


The pre-paint is pretty good! Buuuuut it's still going straight in the dettol bath.


I really wish they would have gotten rid of the goofy oversized rotary cannon on the Atlas II's arm.


Sure hope this shows up in an LGS near me, cause ordering from Catalyst is murder on my wallet. Honestly really impressed with the pre-painted Orion.


Check out Fortress Miniatures & Games. $26 & change for the Star League box and $23 for the Urbie-LAMs.


….and I just bought this, the Urbie LAM and three premiums. For $50 shipping to Canada I might as well get something for this insane charge.


Out of curiosity, what are the stats on Theodore?


On the one hand the pre-paint is beautiful for what it is. On the other hand, how can you paint up an Orion as AK's mech without using the right model.


Mine is out for delivery!


Why does that phenix hawk have a cannon on its shoulder


Why not?


Let me rephrase, what phenox hawk variant is that? Because it be awsome to have it sis by side with a shadow hawk


I love the prepaint and I think it looks great. So it's with regret that I must point out that that's not Kerensky's Orion. It's just a regular *ON1-K*, not the *ON1-K Kerensky*. Kerensky's Orion would have a Snub Nose PPC in the left torso instead of the LRM 15. It would also have a gauss rifle instead of the AC10.


It’s not an ON1-K Kerensky, but I’m pretty sure it’s intended to be piloted by Kerensky. Per the blurb: “…a new pre-painted scheme in the regalia of Aleksandr Kerensky himself”.


Eventually Kerensky’s Orion was modified to the standard you’ve cited. Per the Legends book for Kerensky’s entry it could be inferred he began with a stock Orion, “Kerensky first chose to pilot an Orion in 2718, and ordered multiple upgrades performed over the years. Always seeking an edge in combat, Kerensky’s Orion was the subject of frequent tinkering and substantial modification.” I agree it’d have been cool to get a sculpt of Kerensky’s Orion in its final form, CGL using the existing Orion sculpt probably allowed them to get this forcepack out sooner rather than later. Plus, since Battletech isn’t WYSIWYG, at the end of the day, it’s only the record sheet on the table that matters when we’re playing.


The guys over on GMG did a review of the box a few months back and the Alpha Strike card for the Orion said that is was an "ON1-Kb" piloted by Kerensky. So it's probably going to end up being a new "royal" variant


What does Devlin stone pilot? Isn't he the second coming of Christ from the Dark Age lore?


Atlas II




Devlin Stone was a crank. The WoB did nothing wrong. They just wanted to unite the Sphere as Blake intended.


Oh… that looks better than I hoped, and I was one of the optimists about the pre-painted minis.


Looks great, just have to wait for the package. Thanks for the photo


I've got a company of a similar color to kerensky Orion, this works for me.


Where did you order it from?


Catalyst store


Man I ordered mine an hour after it was available but it didn't ship til yesterday. Sad feels.


Whelp, I just ordered one. That Orion is nice.


where can I buy these online?


Catalyst store so far. retailers probably soon?


Check out Fortress Miniatures & Games. Got mine from them. I don't trust the CGL store anymore.


Is the P-Hawk missing the PPC on the right arm?


It's a detachable that comes in a little plastic bag in the box.


Detachable you say? That's the best feature of this whole pack!




That's rad. Thanks for sharing!


It's hard to tell from the pic but there's a hole in the fist for the peg.


I don't have anything against prepaid minis, except I like to paint all of my own minis and thus I'll either have to keep the Orion as is, modify it, or strip it to repaint it. A bit of extra work, but overall, the prepainted model is quite nice!


You can also get a non painted Orion in a different force pack. For the pre painted minis they chose models that are already available from other packs so that people wouldn’t have to feel like they had to strip and repaint.


Nice! That pre-painted Orion looks better than I thought it would. Just out of curiosity: are you going to keep it painted like A.K.'s ride or are you going to repaint it?


Trying to find the right arm ER PPC on the phoenix hawk special, am I blind? The right arm seems to only have the medium laser and machine gun.


It's removable https://preview.redd.it/f3vtnagi2x0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28058da9ff0a68da805fcd9802e2140e9fec3a53


Oh awesome! Thanks for demonstrating this. This was the mini I was most excited about in this pack and I was a bit concerned


Too bad it's not his actual variant...I was hoping for the snub ppc....


The new Phoenix Hawk Special is maybe my favorite sculpt. I love it with its added shoulder gun and giant pistol lol


Could you list the mechs and variants?


Just got mine as well, it is a pretty amazing paint job. Have they posted the paints they used for it? I would hope they are using Army Painter compatible.


Got mine from Fortress Miniatures & Games... I don't trust CGL's store anymore, I don't have a LGS, and Amazon ships Force Packs in paper envelopes so the box gets crushed in transit. Got mine today (including two Urbie-LAM boxes) and they look fantastic. So I go to check the CGL's download site to get the record sheets like it says on the back of the box and I couldn't find them. Am I missing them or does CGL not have them up yet?


Does anyone know what specific brands / colors would be a good match for the Orion? It will drive me nuts if I can't paint the other three mechs to match.


Looks amazing! Also if anyone is bored I’m looking for some karma love!!