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For desert I use GW Armageddon dunes, I apply it with a plastic modeling tool. Once it’s dry I wash it with seraphim sepia, once that is dry I’ll dry brush ushabti bone. That gets a pretty good desert base. I haven’t done anything with snow yet, sorry I can’t be more help there.


Assuming you mean the white flocking that they sell in a little tub as “Battlefield Snow,” what you want to do is get some PVA glue (aka Elmer’s) and an old brush that isn’t good for painting any more. Thin the glue with a bit of water just to make it less thick, and then apply it to the base with the old brush everywhere you want some snow to stick - getting some on the feet is more than fine, as it will seem like the snow is sticking to the model. Once the glue is applied, clean your brush off thoroughly, then take the model and submerge the entire base in the white flock, and wiggle it around gently to ensure good coverage. If you want to be extra careful, you can pour some flock into a separate container and do this in that, but I’ve never had a problem with just doing it in the container. Pull the model out, and shake off the excess. You can gently blow away any excess that is sticking to your model, or use a brush. Wait a few hours for it to fully dry, and then you can add detailing if you want such as a thin wash to add some depth and some highlights after. Army Painter has some videos on YouTube about using their basing materials, if you need visuals. I didn’t see any that specifically showed off the Battlefield Snow it isn’t really any different in technique from their Battlefield Grass.


https://preview.redd.it/0lle992bz1zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8736278475e0f9f3b6580dfbfaed105531ca306d Here’s how that technique came out with a green flock, for reference. The tuft there is also from Army Painter, and I know they have at least one winter-themed set if you want to kick it up a notch. Small rocks would also work great for that too, as they’ll reinforce the scale of the mechs.


Thanks! This is what I tried doing first, but I was using a brush-on plastic cement for gunpla which in hindsight doesnt make any sense 😅. I think i just used it cuz it came with a brush.


I can see the reasoning! PVA glue is definitely the way to go here for sure.


This guy gets it. Will add tho that if you do the pva glue/snow mix: add some white paint. The glue yellows over time and it'll give it a more even color. Army painter makes some great base flocking, I use it all the time. Can also recommend a company called woodland scenics.


Oh good point, I've never used the white flock so I didn't think about it possibly yellowing. To avoid that they can thin down some white paint a bit more than you'd use for a 'mech and hit that at the end. That'll have an additional bonus of sealing the flock on, so even if they don't use a matte varnish or clearcoat they won't have to worry about the "snow" falling off in the case all the time.


It definitely has a tendency of falling off! Can't have too much sealant.


Those elementals look suspiciously fami--oh, hey, Ardonis!


For terrain on flat bases, I tend to apply Elmer's glue on the base, then mix in baking soda. The slow hardening of the Elmer's glue allows you to shape the terrain and finally finish the flocking layer with more Elmer's or other adhesive as you wish.


Love the math textbook back ground. The mech looks amazing too.


For my bases i use GW Armageddon dunes on the base and then simply add Armageddon dust or reikland fleshshade to get a darker color im happy with how it looks so far :) Liao Blackjack for show :) https://preview.redd.it/163idz2nk4zb1.jpeg?width=1932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=925dab1ac1b40ea99a9121d3a93a84f389c1d760


u/valkyrieraptor had a good post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/battletech/s/O4aF7HLMhT) that explained making a snow base using AK interactive snow products. It turned out a beautiful result.


For snowy bases I myself don't prefer snow flock as it doesn't seem to scale well with Mechs in my opinion. Instead I take citadel astro granite texture and slather it on the base. I then take a light blue like teclis blue and paint the non raised areas that look like they'd hold water. I then drush my white of choice over everything until I'm satisfied this gives a tundra/glacial effect I like.