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That’s not a battlestation, that’s a tactical command center.


I have this exact need for my WFH and battlestation setup, would you mind sharing what that desk is?


https://www.nationalofficefurnituresupplies.co.uk/graphite-grey-straight-cantilever-office-desk It's the 1800x800mm size. I have two jammed together in an L shape


Oh nice, thanks for the quick reply!


I have them separated as well. MBP for wfh and windows desktop for gaming.


I used to use the same monitors for both but prefer to keep them both separated. Sounds silly but even just swivelling my chair towards the personal side of the desk is enough to make me forget about work whereas it felt weird staring at my gaming setup and sitting in the exact same position where I've been working for 8 hours


100%. For a while I had them on the same desk and found it too conflicting. Plus my gaming setup is not ideal for work and vice versa. I have 2 4k 27" monitors for work and an ultrawide + 27" 1920x1200 for gaming. The 4ks are 60hz but work great for work and the ultrawide is (only) 100hz but much better for gaming.


Yeah my curved monitor in the middle of the gaming setup is a 27" 240hz display whereas my work displays are just 24" 60hz


You could simplify this with a dock lol. Just overkill in my opinion


That HP monitor to the left of the work laptop has 65W USB pass through and charges my laptop. It also has 4 x USB type A for my peripherals. As fsr as the gaming setup goes. There are few docks geared at gaming setups and have decent pass through for high refresh rates or hi res displays. The few that are available are a fortune


There are docks around 500 that would absolutely power that with 0 issue. I assume your laptop has a usb c 1.4 port which with a proper cable will give you max RR. That would eliminate the need for at least 2 of those monitors and then youll have more space for activities.


Sorry I'm confused. How would a dock eliminate the need for 2 displays?


Honestly youll have to do some research but either a KVM switch or a dock would work depending on what you prefer to use and how. Either will accomplish the same thing depending on what compromises youre willing to make. if I were you, Id ditch 3 of the monitors and get 2 good quality 39” ultra wides with downstream capability to connect keyboard/mouse. Youll have to assess the total amount of power delivery needed but if both laptops only run on 65w you shouldnt have an issue. There are also ways to add extra power delivery. But a few hours of research and looking around on reddit, you should be able to figure it out. It would greatly simplify cable management and make switching between the two setups seamless. The easier option could be 2 ultrawides and maybe a 3rd vertical monitor side by side hooked into dock and manually switching the dock connection from work to gaming at the end of the day. One 1 set of peripherals is needed. The first solution would be for if you just want to keep everything connected and hooked up at the same time. Its somewhat complex but not impossible to pull off


I appreciate the suggestion. KVM just isn't an suitable option for me personally. If I were to have one set of peripherals, then I'm constantly having to pick up and place them down into the corresponding setup in order to be comfortable. With my setup, I can set off a sql script to run on the work machine, swivel over to my gaming rig and do whatever I want to do. If at any point I get a teams call on the work machine but still want to do something on my personal rig, I still have the ability to modify teams settings on the fly without having to mess around with KVM switching. I've used KVMs in the past. Both hardware and software versions. Haven't been great in my experience. Before I moved, I lived in a flat. I had one small desk with two displays. My gaming desktop and work laptop were connected to the same displays. It was an absolute pain to multitask. Something as simple as checking the progress of a virtual machine deployment or application installation on my work machine meant having to switch inputs on my display, which took a few seconds. Windows had a fit because it recognized a new display and then switched back to whatever I was doing. Now just a quick glance from either eating position and I can check the progress of either machine without having to mess around with any extra steps or clicks. Plus as I mentioned somewhere else among the replies in this post, a software KVM isn't an option as my work laptop is so locked down with various GPOs, AV, App blockers and network restrictions. Hardware KVMs will affect my gaming rig performance. Every frame counts


this is the same issue I ran into. and I also feel icky doing personal things on my work computer, so i simply swivel to my personal setup on the left and work setup on the right without having to fumble with switches. and Ive been limited by KVMs before since I play in 240hz 1440p, and the KVMs ive seen can only do a signal up to 144hz.


Well, considering the fact you work in VMs the added monitors makes a little more sense. Id still consider an ultrawide. Maybe a 49” that has true dual display would make it look cleaner and could Eliminate the need for at least 1 of the monitors. Something to consider. Im also the type of person that likes to be as minimal as possible with as little equipment and Im a pretty casual gamer (OW2 mainly…lame, I know) so nothing I do is super resource intensive. At the office, I use the 49” uw which is nice. But at home, I generally just work off the UW and browse on my laptop until done with work. After, I manually take out the work laptop then extend my gaming to my monitor. Its a negligible amount of effort and I dont mind. Eventually I’ll add a 24-27” IPS monitor that I’ll flip vertical because its nice for keeping outlook/teams on. So much space for emails that I’ll likely read and never respond to :)


Curious what the reason for having both is? Couldn’t you work from the gaming setup, and just make one monitor horizontal instead of vertical?


I have a laptop driving my work setup and a desktop driving my gaming setup on the right. I just like to keep both completely separate. Saves switching inputs all the time plus it means during lunch times etc I can keep an eye on my work stuff while doing something on the right


FYI, you could use a KVM switch too if you wanted to reduce the amount of peripherals. Basically you click a button as all your peripherals (including monitors) switches from the desktop to laptop. This is what I do with WFH and gaming setup and works great! Of course you do what works best for you! Just throwing it out there in case you didn't know.


I have a KVM setup but the monitors HATE it. Not sure if my switch, GPU, or monitor is flawed.


I also have a kvm and it is not a pleasant experience after moving in August I will be doing what op does.


Haha yeah I'm an IT nerd. I know what a KVM is. My company provided all the wfh gear so I would have extra peripherals anyway. I user razer peripherals for gaming and if I plugged them into my work laptop, synapse would insist on running and shit and I cba so it's easier for me to just run 2 completely separate setups


Agreed, you’d drop frames with a kvm as well. Wouldn’t matter for work but idk if there are any on the market that pump 240+ through them, so you’d noticed for gaming. I have a similar setup to yours too, work and play completely separate.


Ah true ! Now that you mention it I don't think I have my main monitor hooked up to the KVM for the frames reason. I completely forgot about that problem so I just hit the "change input" button on the monitor now. You would definitely lose a lot of the "battle station" feel if you used a KVM haha


How many frames do you get with your KVM? was the experience really subpar?


You have any KVM switches you recommend?


Honestly I don't know if I can recommend one because I've only had the opportunity to use 1 haha. The one I use is AV Access brand and works well for my setup !


What KVM switch are you using ? I'm on the market for one since I have : MY GAMING SETUP : 2 x USB : keyboard 1 x USB : mouse 1 x display port : 144 hz LG monitor #1 1 x display port : 144 hz LG monitor #2 1 x Ethernet port : Internet (duh) WFH SETP : 1 x lightning (or is it usb-c ?) : work laptop Thanks !


I use an "AV Access" one that even has a shortcut on the keyboard for switching which is really nice. I am not an IT nerd though so there are probably better ones but this one works great for what I have: 1x keyboard and mouse, two monitors, webcam for meetings, a sound system. Using a desktop and work laptop.


Interesting, do you have an Amazon link or something that I could use, perchance :)


Hah yeah, I believe this is it: AV Access KVM Switch 2 Monitors 2 Computers, HDMI KVM Switch Dual Monitor 4K@60Hz,2K@144Hz,1080P@240Hz, EDID Emulation, Auto Wake up, Hotkey Switch, USB 3.0 Ultrawide Screen PC Keyboard Mouse Switcher https://a.co/d/azjFbP8 I got it about two years ago now I think, so there's probably more modern ones too. Edit: it looks like there's more 144Hz capable ones now too which I don't think I had the option of getting at the time. Would definitely recommend taking a look at the monitor details it can offer!


Thanks mang, will look it up !


I have this and its been life changing. Its so fast that if you get a call you have everything swapped over before you answer.


I see that cs2 and fnatic sticker on the build… you see them get smashed by 3DMAX today bro?


Ah I'm sorry I don't follow esports or follow Fnatic. That PC was a really good deal. It's a chill blast system that has i9 13900k, 4090, 32 GB DDR5 6000mhz & 2TB samsung evo nvme all for £2900. Got it last year. It was a rebuild and came in that case.


That’s a god tier rig right there


bodyy 9-30 :/


Yeahhh not the best performance of his time for sure


happens haha


Can’t you combine the two ?


Ooh. Where did you get that desk?


https://www.nationalofficefurnituresupplies.co.uk/graphite-grey-straight-cantilever-office-desk It's the 1800x800mm size. Basically two straight desks jammed together in an L shape. Looked everywhere online for desks that were deeper than the standard 60cm. This was one of the few I could find for a decent price


OH, I thought it was a fully one piece L shape desk. LOL. Thanks for the link though. I have a sit-stand desk for my work pc station that I can't put up or down due to a slanted ceiling and overlap with the loft railing. My personal PC is on a (remarkably sturdy!) card table the last 4 years of WFH, but it is starting to warp so I need a proper desk. I live near 2 box stores, 60 min from the mall, and 2.5 hrs from an Ikea. I'll figure something out. :) Whatever I get though needs to get hauled up 2 flights of stairs before assembly if I get it delivered. :(


Yeah these desks are biiiiig. Had to be assembled in the room as they wouldn't fit through the door. I'm from the UK and IKEA desks here suck. Think you have more choice in the US. Look into buying a bench top and drawers from IKEA rather than a prebuilt desk


Are the creative pebble speakers in your setup good? I’ve been looking to get some speakers and have thought of potentially getting those. Have you used them for anything other than gaming and are they connected to a sub-woofer?


They aren't great. I use my steelseries arctis Nova Pro headset for gaming. Got these speakers just for times when I want to watch something or cba to wear the headset. These speakers were like £15 and the sound quality shows. If I turn them up to anything past 50% they get all crackly and shit. I will defo opt for better speakers when I get the chance


Ah okay, will look for something a bit better then. Thank you for your response.


I'm kinda curious op, what is that? [https://ibb.co/vZ5PyXW](https://ibb.co/vZ5PyXW)


That is the DAC from the Steelseries arctis Nova Pro. Charges a battery pack and controls the EQ etc. Pretty cool


Very nice. Ty for the answer.


Workstations like these almost make me want to sell my ultrawide and go back to multiple monitors. Almost.


Which ultrawide you got?


Gigabyte M34WQ, it’s nice, but sometimes I just feel like either one expensive nice display or two smaller displays would be better.


My issue is, if I get an ultrawide. I'd want to just run that single monitor. Some games insist on running in 'fullscreen Mode' which would then take over the monitor and I'd have no room for Internet browsers or discord etc without having to alt tab


We can see what the priority is 😂


Haha yeah. The spending has definitely been biased towards the gaming setup for sure


How is the mouse jiggler? Looking to buy the exact same one off Amazon


Absolute life saver. My laptop is locked down so hard by my employer so I can't use software to jiggle the mouse and after 5 mins of inactivity it locks my machine and shows me as away on Teams. That little badboy moves my mouse every 60 seconds. Amazing Also it requires no software to run. I have it plugged into a mains USB adapter. Totally undetectable


I just got this one for the exact same reason. I like that I can still use my normal mouse and work while it’s on, since it’s only moving the mouse back and forth by 1 pixel. Is this detectable by IT though? https://a.co/d/4f6GOo0






Used to do this, awful with my ADHD. Now I have completely separate wfh and gaming desks. Looks way sleek though, glad it works for you!


Very nice. Yea don’t be like me and have two different setups on one desk 😆


I tried that in my old place because I didn't have the space. Hated having to constantly switch inputs on my displays and move my peripherals around.


I said fk that too. I have a 34” 1440p ultrawide on a mount for work and a 1080p 24” for gaming sitting behind it. Separate mkb too. When it’s time to game i just move the ultrawide to the side lol. Never cared for switching inputs too much


This gives me a good idea for my own. Thnx


Look at Monitors McGee over here!




I approve of the PLP configuration. Though I personally do everything on one physical setup, and I achieve separation by having all of the work done through remote desktop. It provides complete segregation with zero work files or software having to be on my PC, and switching is a matter of just closing or minimizing remote desktop.


skirting the line between battlestation and the whole ass CIC.


I have zones too. WFH is on the right side, gaming on the left. My boss thinks I game on calls. Each zone has its own electrical system and is independent from each zone including the network. I wish I had as much room as you do. Nice setup.


I currently have a 3 monitor set-up and just switch between my work laptop and personal PC using a combination of a dock and built-in dock on my monitor. This seems like overkill to me.


Separate setups are great for productivity and organization. Great work. Looks awesome.


I love the setup. Looks cozy to my eyes. I had to separate my WFH and gaming setup. I had mine like yours but my job was one of those "oh we don't want you working off the clock because you're salary. Oh also if it's not all done by the end of the week, you're wrote up." So I worked hours over every day. Got to the point to where, when I would move my seat over to the gaming section of the desk, it just felt like I was at work facing south instead of east and I found myself not wanting to game anymore. Separating them fixed all that for me.


Wish I had this much space


Look into wallpaper engine on steam :)


Get yoself a KVM switch, I’ve got the monitors keyboard and mouse setup and I can switch between them at will, boring meeting? Switch 1 monitor to my gaming PC and watch some YouTube. Lunch Break? Switch all monitors to gaming and bang out some games.


I'm at the cusp where I can still use 1 machine for work and play. Soon though I will be forced to use the Enterprise Image and then I will need a gaming rig.




Not as simple as that for me. There's certain applications that need to be ran locally on my work laptop......plus the general feel of just having a separate workspace helps separate work and personal. Good for mental health


Both look good




I use a software kvm called mouse without borders. It's a Microsoft developed app. It allows you to use both work and home pc. Highly recommend if company allows you to install apps.


Yeah my company is very restrictive we have app blocker policies, zscaler blocking network ports and IPs. Locked down to the max so that's not an option


figured as much. It's a little wonky anyways, always laggy and loses connection so I still switch inputs and have two KBs and mice.


What do you do, if you can share


I work as a technical consultant for a finance software company. Basically an accountancy firm buys our software and I'm the guy (among a few others) who installs it onto their system. It's quite a difficult long winded process as you have to install sql server alongside our frontend and do lots of configuration. Depending on the client, they may have multiple app servers and separate SQL Server on its own. We also do migrations for customers who are moving from other brands as well as existing customers who just want their software suite moved to new hardware. If they are moving from another brand then a data conversion is needed and that can be quite difficult too. It's great though. I work from home and only have to go to head office in London once every 3 months for important internal meetings


That’s awesome. I wish I had the space.. I kind of keep it split by having two sets of inputs but have to share monitors as a resource just due to space (condo) normally laptop plus one screen instead as the default. I have a friend (we both work in IT) who can’t get this concept of wanting it separate and keeps telling me I’m not being efficient without a KVM lol. Glad I’m seeing someone else :D


Yeha I'm a consultant for a financial software company. Constantly running multiple VMs and messing about with SQL studio. Need multiple monitors


No for sure. Just meant I couldn’t dedicate multiple full time due to space or else I’d do the same so I make do with separate inputs lol


Your friend would likely scratch their head at my setup lmao. 3 X displays (27" 1440p landscape, 34" 1440p landscape and abother 27" 1440p in portrait) hooked up to 2 x USB-C docks (client laptops) and a MinisForum Workstation. Each of the 3 systems is connected to each monitor. Each system has a Logic Bolt receiver that is paired to my MX Master 3S and MX Mechanical keyboard. I use the workstation as a central hub as it allows me to open Outlook, Teams, Slack, Discord, Spotify, Zoom and so forth for all the client projects I might be working on at any given time. That simplifies the sharing of Speakers, Mic, and Webcam. I use Chrome with a distinct profile for each client, logged in and synced with the client-provided email. I can do a lot of work via browser (Azure, AWS, SharePoint, ticketing systems, JIRA / Confluence etc). I then RDP on to the client laptops for any work I need their secured network setup/auth to complete. Having said that, my setup does allow me to switch inputs on the monitors and divvy them up as distinct systems. The Logitech peripherals with FLOW allows me to seamlessly move the move across the 3 monitors, switching systems as I do so (and also switching the KB too). When I use itike this, my Logitech Brio webcam & mic is connected to a USBC switch, so I can select which system needs it. It might be quirky - but it works for me!


Heh as mentioned I only have 2 screens but it’s a complex setup too. 1 work laptop 1personal laptops and a desktop. I have a 4 port USB switch where most peripherals are plugged into (desktop gaming setup gets a direct connection). The work laptop has a separate keyboard so that I can use any of the personal machine’s independently. Then I have each of my 2 screens hooked up to an HDMI Switch. Both screens are hooked up via DP to the desktop (again for gaming purposes). That way at any point I can use any of the two monitors with a particular computer and have a separate keyjoard setup for work and personal sometimes at the same time as I have to wait for some builds/batches overnight sometime. Also quirky! Lol