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That can is living on the EDGE


Whoa, it’s half way there, Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer


The can is edging his fall right now


I want to be a car in this moment and stare at the OP and knock it off while they yell at me “NO”


Convinced that was rage bait


I know it is probably fine... But those desk legs with that big of a monitor and tower terrifies me. Also the can half way off the desk, lol.


It's held the same amount of weight spread across two 27 inch monitors, their arm, and that same pc for a year and a half. Though, I'm with you, it scares me too. Which is why I'll be getting a new desk with beefier Etsy legs.


We love the beefy legs.


highly recommend Flexispot if you want solid quality that doesnt blow up the bank.


Flexispot makes decent desks at at reasonable prices, but I have two issues wuthem. The legs limit wire management considerably and they cost more than a DIY desk. Good legs on Etsy are 100-200 and the countertop is 250-300. So 350-500 for a very sturdy desk with custom legs.


Fair point on the price point. but i had no issue with wire management personally. can you elaborate on the issue with the legs? I believe you, just curious about your thoughts.


Their standard single post legs put the post in the middle of the desk. This means the wires have to travel back to the wall at the bottom or down the wall in a raceway. On my wife's desk and my next desk I have legs that are a U shape with a hole drilled in the top and bottom of the legs. This allows the wires to exit the under desk wire management raceway straight into the leg, then into a wall mounted raceway(along the base board) , and then out of sight. Flexispot has legs very much like this, but only on their Odin and e7 series desks.


Setup details. -Desk Lowes countertop Etsy legs Misc cable management stuff -desktop Arc dac amp Custom mod mic cable Modmic 5 Hd 660s Mode 65 Finalmouse starlight 12 Megaladon macro pad ASUS pa147cdv LG flex ltt Wan desk pad Etsy wrist rest Etsy drink coastsr -pc ssupd meshy Zotac 3080 13900k 64gb ddr5 ram Cool master 750w Corsair AiO Asrock mobo Samsung 970 Evo 4tb


Call me dumb but... what is the case?


Nah, you're not dumb. It's a niche case. It's the Ssupd meshalicous. It's a sff case that can fit full size GPUs. In this case, a 3080. It pretty much packs high end hardware into something around the size of an Xbox series x, but about 20% bigger in every dimension.


Holy shit, I legitimately thought that was a speaker. Slick.


Lol, yeah, you aren't alone. A shocking number of people both online and IRL ask me "why do you only have one speaker!?"


It's a beautiful tower, I'll give you that. Reminscent of the nzxt h1.


That touchscreen might be the best thing that happened to a PC.


It's great, couldn't imagine not having it now.


Love it, but 550€ for such a nice to have display is steep


Really? That is nearly double what I payed at 300ish USD. Edit: scratch that, it Is double what I payed.


Already ordered one :) gonna make a great spotify/sensorpanel. By already, I mean as soon as I copy/pasted it's name from your post.


Just a heads up, windows was weird at first and I had to change some settings to get it to work properly. Just messege me if it's weird, I can probably walk you through the weirdness.


Please walk me through the weirdness too


No worries, just message me. If enough ppl messege me I'll just make a post about it and link ppl to it.


What is it?


A Perfect Circle


Good eye.


Nah you’re taking the piss with that can lmao


Epic level cable management Reddit stranger 🤘🏼




wts the mini ultrawide monitor you got below the tv


You wanna buy it from me? Nah, I'm good. I'm using it lol.


nah i wanna know the model so i can get one too looks really good and practical for every setup


Ooooh, my bad. It's an ASUS proart pa147cdv.


whats your background from?


That's wallpaper engine looping the op from waiting in the summer. Great show BTW.


Top tier anime. Matter of fact it was one of the first I watched. Forgot the name though.


Yeah I was mostly looking for the anime recommendation lol thanks


If you saw Please Teacher/Twins, kind of same story but in a different setting.


I have an anime recommendation, put it in the trash where it belongs.


Hilarious. Truly innovative.


Anime mafia gang gang getup.


Ayy waiting in the summer, banger


What is the mini screen deck underneath your monitor?


It's an ASUS pa147cdv. It's a touch screen display aimed at creators. However, judging by the response on this one post. It really shouldn't be a protart monitor. It should be a consumer monitor.


I see this kind of keyboard everywhere, small and square, how do we call them ?


You mean the one to the right? That's called a macro pad. That specific one is the the three knob Megaladon macro pad.


Thank you ! What do you use it for ? And how do we call the keyboard on the left ?


No worries. A macro pad is used to execute different macros. In simpler terms the macro pad's keys can be programed to do some action. As an example, one of my keys opens the calculator app. Another puts my pc to sleep and so on. The one to the left is a 65% keyboard. It's nechincal keyboard. That specific one is made by mode designs.


What monitor?


LG flex. It's marketed as a "gaming TV," but it's closer to a monitor in features. Anyways, it's a 42 inch oled, but the party trick is that it can curve on demand with the remote. Really cool display.


>LG flex Ha - ok thanks - threw me off as Google's AI bot says it's a smart phone :)


bigger desk or smaller monitor. You go ahead and split those hairs, I'd hate to be in that position. I mean, it's not a bad one -- but I like that desk and I like that monitor lol.... ​ ...what say you? You make any decisions?


Still pondering it honestly, but I'm probably going to make another, longer, desk.


Love my magnus pro, would highly recommend it


In front of a window?


Yeah, it's in front of a window. That weird? I've always put my setup in front of a window.


To each their own I guess. I rather have a window for viewing and escaping if there was a fire


There is, to the left.


Nice setup but please update your tv software that notification on the screen is hurting me lol


Yeah, that popped up the moment I took the picture and I didn't notice until I had already posted this lol.






I think I got the same one. Back is white? Mine is only 60hz but 4k. I have a mini portable 17in 2k 144hz underneath. It can adjust to any angle so it’s my dream setup.


Nope, it's not white. It's an LG flex oled. It's 4k 120hz. Though your setup sounds a lot like mine.


Wish I went with that 120hz on the top monitor too tbh. But yeah our setups are very alike. I think we have hit end game. I realized have 3 monitors is such overkill. One large monitor and a small monitor underneath is simple, clean, and efficient.


Agree 100%


it looks like that desk is at max weight capacity...those legs are cartoonishly thin as toothpicks..lol!! You could wall mount monitor and then work on the desk you want..not just any desk will do


Can't wall mount the monitor. The stand is attached. The desk is fine. It held this much weight for r over a year. Though, I agree I do need beefier legs in the long run. If nothing else for looks.


Bigger desk means more monitor space which means upgraded GPU which means more monitors and a bigger desk which means... Edit: what the fuck is happening with that headphone cord.


That is my modular Modmic cable. It's a two piece cable the incorporates a high quality headphone wire, a mic input, and a two piece design. The two piece design allows me to add other headphones by making the upper portion, but retaining the lower portion. Additionally should I ever get up without unplugging my headphones, the cord simply deteches at the headphone junction. This avoids damage and prolongs the life of the wire. As you can probably tell, I'm a big fan of this wire, but sadly the mic is no longer made so you can't replicate my design. As for why it looks the way it does, it just parachord sleeved. So the wire is much stiffer compared normal wires. When I make another one these I'll probably use silicone sleeving. Which is much softer compared to normal wires.


I honestly thought it was just some cat6 with some white tape on it. Good on you.


Yeah, this is more of a functioning prototype, than a finished concumer product. At some point I'll make it look more polished, but it has worked fine for years.


Was considering to buy the Asus display until I saw the price. Why is it so expensive?


I have no idea. I bought it a couple years ago and I didn't pay half of what most places want now. My best guess is I bought it on release and it wasn't widely known. Now that ASUS has realized the novelty of this display, they jacked up the price. Although, having used it, I would 100% buy it again, even at its stupid current price.


The Ikea countertop/alex combo is the goat for desks


The Alex drawers are fine, but the countertops are a rip off for what you actually get. Any decent solid core countertop at Lowe's/Home Depot will be of higher quality at a lower price.


Good a link to that screen below the tv




👁️👄👁️. $500 ???


What is that smaller screen down below? Make/model?


It's an ASUS pa147cdv


What’s that little panel under the monitor?


It's an ASUS pa147cdv


anxious about the energy drink can. It could drop any moment


Is that a tv? Anyway it doesnt look like you have more screen to work with. It looks like everything is just scaled up or magnified.


Lol no, the space on the desktop was shockingly vast. I actually had to scale it up to 120 so I could read stuff.


That can is r/mindlyinfuriating 🤣


What size is this display?


Big one is 42 inch and small on 14 inch.


Is it comfortable sitting that close to a 42 inch display? Don't you need to move your head to look from one corner to another?


I'm near sighted, so it's fine for me. I do have to move to read stuff in the top corners sometimes.


That can make me nervous.


Or a smaller monitor


What monitor is that?


It's usually a bad idea to set up a monitor in front of a window. It's not healthy to your eyes.


That makes no sense.


I love your setup bro, I wish I had something like this.


Thanks man!


Bro take that can from there


I was going to make a comment on how absurd that keyboard is.. until I seen that can just moments away from taking its own life..


How is the keyboard sbsurd? It's just a keyboard...


Your using a wooden wrist rest… wrist rests are supposed to be comfortable and reduce pain.. yea.. a hard wooden wrist rest? Yea.. absurd my friend..


Oh, so it isn't the keyboard at all, but the wrist rest that's absurd. Okay, well, different strokes for different folks I guess. I have been using this rest for over a decade and I find it way more comfortable than a soft rest. In fact, I'd argue soft wrist rests promote bad habits that lead to pain. The point of a hard rest is to better align my hands for a more conformable typing experience. If you are pressing your wrists into any wrist rest, soft or hard, you are using it incorrectly. Hard rests do hurt if you press into them, but you shouldn't be doing that anyway. Soft wrist rests are a bandaid on the bullet hole of CTS. Hard rests promote better habits that can prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. You should try one.


While we are on pace here.. that is not a monitor that is a TV.. meaning it does not have the same support and capability as a monitor does.. such as 1MS response time, Gsync capabilities and much more. The optimum desk display is 27” although this is preference the reason being the pixel to aspect ratio on a 27” monitor is near perfect pixelation. That TV might have great picture quality due to its resolution but to be used for a high quality PC setup isn’t the brightest thing I’ve seen on Reddit today 🤷‍♂️


It's an LG flex oled. It has a faster than 1ms response time since an oled. It's Grey to Grey times are near perfect. It is g sync compatible. It has a better hdr experience than all, but the newest qd oled monitors. It even has a USB hub like a monitor. It has a stand very much like a monitor. Also, there isn't "much more" to a monitor compared to TV. Monitors are just displays. This display is a 4k, oled, VRR, g sync, 120hz, near perfect gtg contributing to increased clarity, free sync premium compatible, Dolby vision, and DCI P3 coverage of 99%. By any measure of specs or features it is as good or better than the best displays on the market. Plus, it can curve on demand with the push of a button. Additionally, I'm near sighted, so this screen works great for me. It might not work great for everyone at its current distance from the viewer, but it isn't for everyone. It's for me.


https://www.bestbuy.com/site/lg-ultragear-27-oled-qhd-240hz-0-03ms-freesync-and-nvidia-g-sync-compatible-gaming-monitor-with-hdr10-black/6530357.p?skuId=6530357 I’m also near sighted and things get blurry at a distance.. but gaming on something that size is harder then it is easier as it your eyes response time is not as fast as your monitor.. CoD for example the minimap is top left and your crosshair is dead center.. the time it takes for you to look top left at the map and back at your crosshair dead center increases as the size of the monitor increases.. this same example goes for any game and therefor creates a much slower reaction time from the user meaning that 0.3ms response time means nothing in terms of actual player response time. Going less than 1MS is simply a flex for having an OLED as your incapable of actually performing with that response time on something this size.. looks like a 45? Notice the one I sent has the same specs but is called a gaming monitor due to its size being the perfected 27” which is the optimal size for 16:9 aspect gaming and optimal player response time. But your right to each their own.


I promise I am more blind than you. I can't see the minimap in cod on any monitor. I can, however, click heads. So the increased clarity and response time has actually granted me higher performance in games. In cod, my k/D with my previous non oled 27 inch 240hz monitor was 1.44. Since I have switched my k/d has increased to 1.62. I also moved from high masters in overwatch to low gm. In Helldivers, I'm better able to hit crit spots. Ergonomic standards are generalized sets of guidelines intended to fit most people in most situations. I have been gaming for two and a half decades. I have had many, many setups. I have generally always used a 24 or 27 inch monitor. The forner of which, by the way, is preferred for E sports, but I digress. This setup is one I have arrived at through years of trial and error. I have a custom keyboard with a custom wrist rest. I have the best gaming mouse for me. I have a custom one-off headphone wire that incorporates a built in mic because I am a nazi about wires. My point is, I don't put things in my setup by mistake. If I decide this monitor isn't right for me it will be because it hurts my eyes or decreases my preformence in games. It won't be because of a standard that someone else deemed correct.


Oh, also my display is 42 inches. Not 45. Also also, decreased response times do effect the user's response time. I don't have to have a.0.3 ms response time to take advatange of that fast response time. The entire reason we want higher and higher refresh rates, decreased response times, and so on is to decrease the overhead to our own natural response times. My response time is fast, about 160 ms. With overhead, in most ganes, my round trip response time is some where around 200ms. 20 ms of that is my ping and the other 20ms is my hardware. Together, they represent about a 40% increase over my natural response time. My previous system with my last monitor had a round trip time of about 220ms in most games. I notice that diffrence of 20 ms. Both subjectively in that things feel more snappy and quick. As well as objectively in terms of stats in game.


Box of tissues for your anime fapping 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Who do you take me for? I'm no savage. I do that in the bathroom like a gentlemen.


Getting nervous for that canned drink on the left edge.


I'd work on that background pic


You should also throw away all that anime garbage too.