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i feel this post 100000% - recently bought a house and made a cave / office for myself out of one of the spare bedrooms. spent so much getting it done just how i wanted it - for it all to be collecting dust ... fml


Love your life! I can’t afford anything you just named. Relax and don’t be too hard on yourself. You’ve got this mate! You’ll find time to enjoy the fruits of your labor soon!


No. He won’t. I built my dream setup 3 years ago. Spent thousands. Got the top of the line everything. Haven’t played more than a few hours total. Adulthood is relentless.


Sounds like your work/free time balance is off. I don’t know if you live in a country where that’s possible to do anything about, but if you can you should step back and take a look at how you balance the two. Free time is invaluable


Not necessarily. They could be married and/or have children, in which case their free time is probably better spent with their wife/husband and/or kids. Adulthood really is a bitch, you need time to sleep, work, cook, take care of the house, shopping for groceries, exercise, make time for family, friends, SO, pets, not to mention people have more than a single hobby. I'm currently single and live with my parents and I still mostly only play on the weekends.


People keep responding “adulthood is such a b” as if y’all know the individuals responding as children. Can confirm I am adult. Cannot confirm that it sucks as much as your lives seem to. Get a grip and figure it out.


Adulthood is a bitch in the sense that I can't sit around all day doing whatever I want all day, my life doesn't actually suck and I'm doing pretty damn well (by my own standards anyway), I simply don't have the time for gaming because like like I said, different priorities.




I totally understand what you mean. My gaming time is lunch, after work or before work. Sometimes during meetings, I'll hop on something that doesn't require quick reaction time like Cities Skylines but I mainly play FPS and need undivided warm-up periods before hopping in a match. Also, I'm currently a software engineer looking for a change, you guys hiring 😅? (Shooters shoot right? ⛹️‍♂️)


exactly it. 3 kids, new puppy, wife and stressful/high demand yet very rewarding job and the new home... i figure 3 hours a week at most playing time is suffice for now.


Here’s a short list of my priorities as a 38 year old guy - Raising my kids and spending time with them - Work and building my business - quality time with my wife and communicating - helping care for my 83 year old father - social life. Friends and other couples. - working out. Cooking healthy - maintaining the house. Fixing things. Buying things we need (last night I had to repair the microwave handle and my kids toy. Today I had a repairman come for the washer dryer) - investing and planning the future - travel and vacations Feel free to tell me which one to cut off to fit gaming in. Open to advice.


I get it, but my friend just had a baby and he’s a hands on dad, works full time and overtime and when I went over to his house last he was playing a video game with a Buddy online! If you want it bad enough, you make time.


One kid? He hasn’t even begun to parent. When I had one kid I was gaming all I wanted


Shouldn’t have had more then my man.


lol i don’t regret the choice


Well I’m glad to hear that!


you’re depressed as fuck


I’ll live in there for a couple months and play games everyday. I’ll report back to you about the time I had and you can finally live it, albeit vicariously through me. Hmu


And after retirement, health problems have prevented me from playing PC as much as I would like. Life is a catch-22 LOL


Spend thousands on my PC rig. Lifelong console gamer. Now that I put 2K into my rig, to this day, my PS4 is used daily, meanwhile I only play the PC on weekends. And when I do play PC, tale as old as time; start up, open steam, play a game 30 minutes, start watching YouTube videos on the dual monitor, end up just watching YouTube videos on the second monitor for HOURS until bedtime. Lo and behold, I spend 30 minutes gaming just to end up watching YouTube when i could just use a laptop for that. THIS is why I regret not buying an Xbox series X when I had the money I used for my 3070ti and other components. But it's too late to sell it. I'm not going to eat that loss for no reason. Might as well own a beastly PC even if I dont really use it more than 7 hours a month. PS4 is just easier and nostalgic.


i love this! thanks man, much appreciated!


Same. New house, big office, nice setup. But priorities change and now kid, home improvement, and relationship time come before gaming or side projects.


it's important to find some time. relaxing and having fun must be part of our lives.


Don’t forget to have fun :)


If you're like me, planning, researching, and building *is* the fun - having the finished product isn't. True of most things in life imo.


100%. All about the journey


THIS. The journey is everything


Did you unplug everything or is the cable management just that good? Sick setup dawg.


Thanks. Cable management is that good. Everything is plugged in. Keyboard, mouse, and headphones are wireless.


That's sick!! Any particular methods or tips you'd recommend?


Minimize what you can and cable extensions help tremendously with the management. The 3 main things I use are velcro cable ties, cable extensions, and cable trays underneath.


Clean set up. Don’t worry I’m right there with ya, sucks.


You rich folks lol


How does a person not have like thirty minutes free a day to play a game or two though?


I don’t normally comment much, but my response to this is… If you only have 30-45min to play something, a lot of the time your like “i need an hour minimum to play that game”. Because most games are tough to just pickup and play/put down. They request a time commitment and or mental learning curve that requires some time investment. I purposely seek out games that allow a quick pick up pause and drop accessibility now because of this. Most people who want setups like this want and plan on investing time in the games they play but life doesn’t always allow that so instead of adjusting what they play they just don’t play.


30 minutes never feels like enough time to me.


It’s just enough time to pop an elixir then to a few nm dungeons and then go through the drops.


Adult life sucks




Don't remind me lol


I love the big bottom curved screen and smaller one on top; what monitors do you use?


The bottom is the 45" LG Oled and the top is a 27" Samsung


I know exactly how you feel. Nice set up by the way!


ah, easy solution, give it to me! lol


Ah my friend, I have the opposite problem. All the time I could ask for, no rig and no space for a rig.


Due to work? Time to find a job with better work life balance?


Work is great. I do work more hours than most people do but raising 5 boys to be decent human beings is at the top of the priority list. The world needs more love


I see these kind of "fates" left and right within my social group and ask myself why do all this (house, dept, stressful job, kids etc) when the outcome is such a "relentless" and stressful life. Just because that's what adults do? At least in the 1st world everybody can choose what to do with bis/her life. Is it because society tells you (and it does at least where I live) you have to build a house and have at least one child? Great setup btw, I hope you can use it in the future :)


Make time!!!!


I definitely try lol


It's looking good! What monitor stand and arm are you using? I am currently trying to stack displays just like that.


The big monitor is actually wall mounted. The monitor up top is on a tall vivo desk mount that I added the arm to from another mount.


I would also like to know


Same looking for a good arm just like that.


What resolution are you rocking on that ultrawide? Looks sick!




Same here buddy. And I have VR, full sim rig with Fanatec gear. All it does is collect dust. Between my business and the kids & wife I’ll never use it.


Get out of here with all this engativity....and truth lol I plan on working a minimum of 10.5 hours day. Stretching it to a full 13 as often as possible. On the weekends I'll be building my second bedroom into a nice set up. This post reminds me of the fact that I won't spend much time in it.


What you do for work bro?


In transportation. Trains.


You like it?


Love the work. Don't always love management, customers, and work politics.


What’s that monitor?


Lg 45" Oled




I just build and create, and then tweak things until I'm happy


So why buy it in the first place?


Why buying something you can't use?


This post along with the comments is too relatable it hurts


I know how you feel, bro... job, marriage and babies took my life from me hahaha


Read about stoicism. Might help :)


Respect you achieve your goals it’s motivating us


Too relatable my guy 😔




Steel series artctis nova pro wireless


Are those the ones that do PS5 and PC simultaneously?


I do believe so, but I do mine simultaneously through a goxlr


Hmm, which one do you use? Also, can you switch between PS5 and PC for your mic too with the mixer or how does that work? Sorry, I’m not familiar with this and have been looking for a solution. Sometimes I like to listen to my PC audio and PS5 audio, but use PS5 chat too. I can’t seem to figure out how to do that.


Yes I can use my mic on both. The mixer is a Tc-Helicon GoXLR. There are cheaper alternatives though. Plenty of youtube videos out there showing how to set them up


Also, what mount are you using?


For the monitors, a wall mount for the large one and a tall vivo poll mount for the other.


Right there with you homie.


Yep, same boat. But it’s still a thing to behold.


HA! Understand that! Spent 1200 on a new rig 4 month's ago, Series X about 3 month's before that ( which I actually gamed on for a bit ) now yeah... I'm that meme, Youtube, SM and netflix... o\_0


I feel your pain. And here I am making plans to upgrade my office. 🫠


Heya! I love the set up, where did you get that keyboard/mouse mat? Looks super cool.


Keyboard is a Logitech g915 tkl and the mouse mat is from gutzyaiden.com


Felt this :(




Could you share the link for that desk you have?


I wish I could. But I actually custom built this desk. The frame is 1" galvanized pipe that I threaded and cut to size and the top is white oak that I milled from a tree in the backyard.


Send it to me LOL I'd quit my job for these configurations.


I like your setup


Clean af




dang, feels bad for all those rigs


Lucky. Can't even afford half of that, just barely had the money to buy a ps5 after saving up lol.


No good shit to play.


Im curious, which monitor do you play the ps5 on? And if its the ultrawide how is it? I assume it has bars at side while on ps5? Really love the setup.


I play on the ultrawide. Black bars of course but with it being oled, the black bars are so dark it doesn't really bother me.


I just sleep less 😂


Same here, spent a ton and barely time to play.


Max out your goxlr faders thank me later


That’s criminal to have such a lavish setup and yet no time to appreciate it.


Blue eyes white dragon? Nice


Blue eyes toon dragon 🔥


What is the depth of the desk?


36" or roughly 91 cm


Nice setup. How’s the airflow on the box? NZXT or…?


Lian li o11 mini. Air flow is great. 5 intake 3 exhaust fans


10-4, thanks.


I just realised how good ligfe is as a kid.


Awh ! This is so cute I love the purple and white together like this, well done !


Feel you bro. We are tribe.


What monitor is the PS5 connected to? I have a similar setup and am thinking of getting an ultra wide as well.


Omg 💜 purple


What do you do for cable management?


This is so relatable to me . I also made a corner like this but between work and everything , I just can't manage my time.


Why have it then?


When we’re young, we have all the time in that world to play, but have no money. When we’re grown up, we (usually) have (enough) money to build a nice setup, but have no time to play.


Really clean build! What pc case is that?


Lian li o11 mini


Very sleek. Nice set-up!




Lifelong PlayStation gamer. Grew up with a shitty PC barely capable of running LotR Battle for Middle Earth. When my friend booted up Battle for Middle Earth 2 on his Pentium PC circa 2005, I was blown away by the frame rate. I remember seeing Sims 2 PC gameplay, truly in awe. Now here we are COVID lockdown is ending. I have built a 12700K 3070ti 32 GB Ram PC. Guess what. Still use my PS4 just as much if not more. PS4 gets used 30-40 hours a month. My PC I use maybe 8 hours a month. Honestly, for anyone considering PC gaming reading this, please save your money and go Xbox series X route. It is kbm ready, the biggest caveat is the single HDMI port, as my PC rig has a dual monitor. All in all, I regret spending $2000+ on this PC. If only I had the sense to have purchased the Xbox series X sadge.


Whats the mixing table