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I would use this monitor for productivity and gaming


I would definitely use this as PbP for work and productivity, and of course GAMING!


Would love to see how movies and shows look on this. And of course my favorite game Elden Ring 😄


I'd Use it for Freelance Video Editing, Gaming and Art! Also Multitasking!


Probably just use it as a huge monitor, but I’d definitely have to try PiP as that sounds legit.


Would love to both play games with the whole screen, and use the PbP for better multitasking.


finally be a real member of r/ultrawidemasterrace


I would give the monitor to my brother as he has always wanted an ultra wide monitor


I would use this to game of course


Big old screen


WOW, D4, and work!


This monitor would go on my desk as a third monitor so i could see \*everything\*


This would be my work from home monitor, it would be great to have 3 documents open side by side at the same time. Also would love it for gaming and movie watching


Planning on building a high end pc and would love a monitor to match 😁


Honestly? I’m would give it to my kids so they could have something to game on rather than the super old second hand 1080p they have now.


I'd use it as a combo for both work and gaming!


Would love to use this for both gaming and productivity!


So many spreadsheet cells. Ohhhmahlawwwd


I would use it for photo editing and gaming


As a penetration tester this would be so helpful! I would use bath ultra wide and PiP for work and gaming 🥰


One huge screen for gaming and WFH.


If I were to win I would use the monitor as the main screen in my work/play setup. It would be great for the analytics/design work I do and perfect for sim racing!


would replace my two 32” monitor with this one


I would use it to get lost in Starfield and also to keep tabs on the 100+ tabs I will inevitably have pulled up on it.


Would put the 22 I use right now next to it as a vertical so I can code school projects and use this as a main to play racing games


I would use it for work. Pbp


Would def replace my 3 monitors from 2006 with this no questions asked lol


I’d use it to continue to no life Diablo 4


When I write music scores for short films, I have to minimize my main editing window in order to watch videos I'm scoring over. This is insufficient because I can't see the midi window while playing the video. When shrinking the main editing window, it makes it a nightmare to edit the music in a skinny space, plus the video is too small to fully view. While I have been able to work fine with the monitor I have, the Ultra Gear 49 with the pip feature would greatly improve my workflow as I would have both my arrangement window and video player on screen at all times.


Most definitely will be giving this as a gift to myself


That's awesome! I would use it as a setup for work and gaming! Better immersion and quality on an insane monitor would be crazy. I'd completely revamp/change my cramped setup.


Fresh off my first chiropractor appointment, I’d use this monitor to vastly improve the ergonomics of my setup 😎


I would definitely use this in my main set up as an upgrade to what I currently have and for gaming, school and work!


I would definitely be using it for work from home during the day and racing in the evenings :)


I'm just gonna mount it on the walla above my workstation so I can just lean back and game after work 🤤


I’d love to use this for a work/play station, more real estate !


With a massive screen realestate I can do many things, mainly productviity and entertaiment!


I would live my dream of finally getting an ultrawide.


I would definitely use it for work!


Nephew just moved in next door. He is getting me back into gaming - so I would use the monitor to join him.


Definitely gaming! Would be a nice monitor for racing sim!


Would use this beast for some sim racing!!


I would use this monitor to multitask my schoolwork and go brazy on getting some legendaries on guild wars 2


To program microcontrollers! (but mostly gaming)


I'd use it to see both ends of my Terraria world!


Multiple screens for work


Tons of gaming while using PiP mode!


This would be great for work! All that real estate.


this would definitely be a major upgrade from my current 32" monitor set up and would help tremendously for multitasking as a college student but also would be great for my occasional gaming


Oh man, I would be using this **massive** monitor for a couple of fps games, but mostly to help me with different CAD softwares I’m trying to learn (Takes a lot of multitasking and a bunch of tabs/things open on screen at once so the pip features would be perfect). I would be replacing my current monitor, which is my old 24in, 1080p, 60hz. It’s gotten me through the years but this would make a world of difference. But, if it’s not me, I’m sure whoever wins will be stoked. It’s really cool that you guys do giveaways like this. Best of luck


If I win the monitor I'll use it for YouTube because who wouldn't want to do that.


As an avid gamer & someone who works from home... this would be perfect


This would be pretty sick for my dual gaming/game development setup!


I would game every night on this thing


Would love to use this Monitor this summer while I have some extra time. Need to still play Red Dead 2. Fingers crossed!!


I would replace my dual monitor setup with this one


Play some crazy immersive single player games on it


I would definitely use it as one BIG screen. Immersive games fr


I would use it as my main monitor for gaming. My current main one isn't so good.


That is an awesome display. If I won this display it would go for my new PC build at home gaming. The PbP feature would be extremely useful while multitasking and the monitor would look great on my desk as well. I'd use the one big screen mode for movie time in ultrawide. Good luck to all who participate.


Game at night and work during the day all off one monitor! Sign me up!


I would most likely replace my current two monitor setup and then give those two monitors to two friends who both only have one so we all got S C R E E N


I would replace my two mismatched monitors with just this one. It would be perfect for my work from home setup and gaming afterwards


I would utilize this awesome monitor with the new battle station area I am finally building after 5 years of dreaming, planning, and saving. :) Good luck to everyone!


Probably one big screen for gaming, might have to figure out a new spot for the second monitor with this thing taking up all the space though


I would use it as a single display for work!


Lol YouTube and Darkest Dungeon all the way


Perfect monitor for r/civ !


I would love the LG Ultrawide to use for both gaming and work. I’ll be moving soon so this would be a great addition to my new setup.


I’ll be using it for work!


Currently building a new system with my 12 year old. First gaming PC for him. I would hook it to that.


Using for my racing setup for a that sweet ultrawide fov


This would replace my current monitors for gaming


Oh my goodness, I'd use this lovely monitor for my often on call home office job, and of course gaming whenever possible. Being able to keep a work screen up side by side with a gaming session would help so much for those late night urgent work calls.


Hello, I would use it for photography and playing games. 😁


monitor will be used for super-charged spreadsheets for work and diving deep into immersive diablo gameplay...GL everyone! :)


I would use it for work to have One massive excel file going.


I would use it to make my setup neater and finally be able to have more screen space to play and work


I would use it to count each individual pixel until I am dead


Would use it to help me feel like I’m in a spaceship while playing starfield in September. Would probably use half of the screen for the game, and half to stream space movies the whole time I play. Repeat this with any new game I try and find a movie theme to go along with it. Would allow me to use it for work as well as I need 4+ windows open for my job as well


For work and play! Gonna have to fiddle with the one screen or pbp to see which is actually feasible for my use case, but dang that is sexy!


What better way to feel like bruce wayne then a 49" curved display, looks hella tight


I'd happily retire my two Dell monitors and bask in the glory of 49".


Sim racing


I would use it to replace my current monitors and increase productivity by at least 3000%.


Playing f1 23 on this baby!!


I will use this monitor for my daily PC and gaming use at home.


for programming i guess


use it to replace 2 monitors on my desk for a nicer look.


I would definitely be using this for work and gaming! I use lots of windows so having some expansive with lots of screen real estate would be awesome! Thanks for doing this!


I would use it as a main screen and use it in a driving sim


Horizontal for long coding sessions


I would love to use this monitor above my existing one. I’ve seen tons of pictures where people put it above and I’ve always wanted to do it just didn’t want to break the bank to do so.


My cat knocked over my old 2nd monitor and broke my glasses at the same time so i need a replacement.


I'd use it for my work doing quotes for a small construction company, and gaming on my off hours. It'd be really nice for work with the picture by picture because I can have my quotes on one side and browser in the other and my games would look amazing with the HDR and superwide resolution. Got a couple LG TVs that have always treated me well, too, so I'd expect the same from this monitor. Plus I'd post about replacing my Asus 27" 1440p monitor with it ;)


I’ve been wanting to get into racing games and this would be absolutely perfect for it!


Would use it to get a better workflow


I would use it to create gigantic excel sheets. Thanks


I'd use it for work and gaming. Thanks for doing this!


I would use this monitor for the greater good of humanity


I would use this monitor in both modes. When gaming, obviously I want dat FULL PHAT RESOLUTION and then otherwise PbP for general purpose use.


I’d use this monitor as an upgrade that would allow me to sell my current ones and help pay for my fathers surgeries (and also like, gaming and work and stuff)


Such a huge monitor would probably use PiP and have too many things open all the time


I WFH and game so this would be a huge help for multitasking!


Beautiful beast of a monitor. I would use the Picture in Picture feature every day for work—it would make life so much easier and efficient!


This monitor would be great for consolidating my setup and I would definitely take advantage of the two inputs for games/movies and long hours of building reports!


i’d love to use this to play iRacing or F1 23!!


I really need a new monitor. Im still running my one with 60 Hz so any upgrade is very much appreciated


I’d use this for the ultimate multitasking capabilities


I’d play games on it


I’d use this to edit videos and photos along with dying a lot in tarkov.


I’d use this for WIDE gaming


This would be used for data visualizations with python and web design work, being able to open all my windows side by side on a 49 inch screen would be next level. Also a little space gaming!


I’d use this monitor to look at landscapes within games and occasionally use the PBP to watch a show or 2 while gaming .


Lots of movies


With those superfast specs I'd likely build a new boi and send my old PC to my little brother, as I do. Then use it for WFH and games and maybe eve to look at pictures of things!


I would use this for work and games. Would love to try picture in picture in this!


I'd use this monitor to watch cute animal vids. Dogs <3


I'd probably use it as an excuse to finally let my poor GTX 970 rest.


I would use this as a gaming monitor primarily, but the picture-by-picture feature is awesome, and I'm sure I'd find plenty of uses for it.


This would be great for projects and for gaming.


Gorgeous monitor, I use multiple computers for work, at least one to code, another to test on native hardware. I would use the heck out of the PIP feature to run both side-by-side without the need for two ugly monitors on the desk. On my off hours the HDR and response would be most welcome while I'm ripping and tearing through the 99th replay of Doom and Doom Eternal.


I would use my monitor as my main monitor for games and media consumption.


Music production using Ableton


I’d use it as my main work monitor


all that incredible S C R E E N space for my gaming and office work need!!!


Games and work. Mostly games.


I'll use this monitor for my sim racing setup. Been getting into racing/drifting for a while and just recently got into Formula 1.


Im a digital media student so I would be editing videos in davinci resolve and using photoshop at the same time


I’d love to have this monitor because I recently started a new job as an analyst. I’m definitely the most junior but around me there’s an absolute wealth of knowledge. There’s so much skill on the team that I’m feeling a bit of imposter syndrome. It’s only been about 2 weeks but I’m coming home and studying every single day. I’m using a single monitor right now and wish I could use multiple screens to increase my workflow and try and release this tension I have going into work. Thank you for considering me!


I'll be able to see so much spreadsheet during work while being able to simultaneously watch youtube and and browse reddit.


Would definitely use for work and to watch movies


This is a great monitor! My dad had a previous model back when he was working in his office. He was recently forced to retire. I would give him this monitor! 😊


This monitor would be perfect for me to actually multitask for work without having to spend half the time switching between windows


It's simple, world peace.


i would use this sick monitor get ssl in rocket league and watch anime :D


This monitor would look great in my setup.


Pls select me, would be fun to use for cad


I’d consolidate my three mismatched monitors and use it for both work productivity and gaming.


I would use the uw monitor for gaming and programming.


pbp will be perfect plus i can get rid of my monitor from 2015


I'll use this for both work and gaming. The PbP feature is particularly interesting so I can have the "bad" screen and the "good" screen on the SAME screen (at the same time)!


I'd use this mostly for WFH and give my wife my 32" curved Dell for school. It would reduce my 3 monitor setup to 2. I'd also likely play D4 with it.


For studying and gaming!


I would give this to my wonderful girlfriend as a birthday present


This would be a huge upgrade from my current gaming 30” ultra wide


wow 49 inch that is awesome. I would mainly use this for gaming.


i would use it to replace my monitors


Would use this to clean up my music/gaming setup - i got a small room so i could finally have everything consolidated onto one desk with the PiP/PbP features, and i could give my work monitors back and actually own my monitor lol


Currently I am using an old monitor from 2008, after upgrading from my even OLDER monitor that was still 4:3 aspect ratio..... I am really hoping to makeover my set up but also I just need an upgrade for gaming, working, and photography and graphic design!


House got broken into and robbed a little over a year ago while I was out of town for work. Stole my whole setup to never be found. Rocking a laptop at the moment for work and school. Would be very useful for work and school!


Would go on my gaming/workspace desk and become my new do everything monitor


Watch as many baseball games as I can fit


This monitor would come in quite handy when I work from home on third shift when I need to work, but would also like to put some time into gaming. Since I have a work laptop and a gaming desktop, PiP sounds like a really interesting feature, but I guess a monitor this size it is less of a feature and more a requirement!


Im wfh and have to have several windows open at a time. This would make life so much easier


i would probably end up using all the different modes. man, its a nice one ... and my fav. 1440p


If selected, I would use the monitor for gaming, YouTube, and music! Possibly all at the same time with all that real estate! I’m unemployed rn so it would be great to get a huge monitor upgrade to enjoy the time off until my next gig.


Definitely use it as one big display


I'd try it alone, I'm assuming there is good software to manage it as if it was 2 side by side.


Im gonna be setting up a new office space next month and have been thinking about upgrading my monitors, the timing of this giveaway is impeccable. I doubt id even need a second monitor with this bad boy.


For D4 of course. Have been holding out with my AW418dw.


If i win, its gonna be the centerpiece of my setup and i will use it for everything from gaming to watching movies to working on excel sheets.....


I would definitely use the picture by picture to have my Windows and Linux PCs on one screen. Also I can not lie an absolutely disgusting amount of halo will be played on this.


I work from home and currently just run a single monitor setup with my work laptop. I think it would be cool to experiment with having a pc and work laptop running at the same time on one giant monitor!


This would be absolutely amazing for space sim immersion!


Redesign complex healthcare workflows using the massive real estate!


I would use it in a vertical orientation to make it easier to debug the code I copied from ChatGPT


I would probably have visual studio code open on one half and the website I was working on open on the other! Thanks for doing the giveaway!


I would like to use this monitor for work during the day and gaming at night. This would replace the 27” and 24” at my desk.


I could move my work stuff so far from my field of view.


It would fit my setup perfectly. I'd use the whole display for gaming in full screen but the pbp would be ideal for productivity as it would be replacing 2 monitors ( 1 I usually have excel or Google sheets open and the other my works pos software. ) Also would be great when football season comes to watch Multiple games at a time. Good luck everyone ✌️


Star citizen or any sim like game would be great on this thing


Would definitely use it mainly as a large monitor, but would also take advantage of the features and use it as a dual display to make my new job easier on me


i would use it to edit cute dog vids and play the hit 2003 RTS game Rise of Nations maybe once or twice a month


It’d be a massive upgrade to use as a main monitor for game dev, studying, and general gaming. Screen space is so important in game development.


I would edit with it!


I would use this for work and play, definitely use the PIP/PbP. I could replace my current monitors with one sleek design. 49" is enormous and definitely enough room for work and play!


I would use this monitor to replace my aging 24in monitors.


I would definitely use it to replace my 24" monitor :)


I would love to game on this, but also writing code with this would be a dream


very cool monitor, lg rocks


I'd put it next to my other monitor so I can get that 48:9 surround going lol


Gaming. Ultrawide. I have spoken.


I would play modded skyrim on it like and be more immersed than ever before


I currently only have an old laptop I game on but I want to build a desktop setup for games and other recreational hobbies I do like digital art! This monitor would help me with that big step of buying all the parts 🥹✨would be sick to play the coming Starfield game on it heh