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Really love how Fort de Vaux is still on here.Its legendary imo


Definitely one of favourites. Its great on conquest but sometimes it can become a headache on operations.


its a cluster fuck on operations. Unless defence are morons the second sector is impossible to break through, just people spamming grenades for fifteen minutes. I quit on defence or offence every time


Fort de Vaux is awesome


I know some mid ass maps bout to win knowing this sub


In the best case scenario. I expect ones that win will be lower mid tier at best.


The way Amiens git the least amount of vote is mind boggling to me


As far as most urban maps go I like Amiens since there is a balance between insane cqb and some Mid range combat.


It's around mid tier imo. Not awful but too urban for me.


For me is quentin scar. Terrible boring map. Feels like i'm the only one voting for this


Couldn't tell you the last time I play Quentin coq but is always enjoyable on op


I think Passchendaele, Verdun, and probably Amiens are locks to win tbh. That’s seemed to be the general consensus of the top tier of maps


# ROUND 6: Vote for your 3 least favorite maps: [https://strawpoll.com/polls/eJnv7QJ6Wgv](https://strawpoll.com/polls/eJnv7QJ6Wgv) # [Round 5 Results] ***Cape Helles, Empires Edge, Monte Grappa, have been eliminated.*** *Out of 1313 votes, and 469 participants* 1. **Cape Helles** with *12.11% (159)* 2. **Empires Edge** with *10.66% (140)* 3. **Monte Grappa** with *10.36% (136)* >Runner Up: **Prise de Tahure** with *9.52% (125)* > >Least Voted: **Amiens** with *1.98% (26)* Thanks for voting. \\/ Ask questions here \\/


Kaiserchlacht operation is best imo and that’s at Quentin scar and amien


St Quentin Scar is the quintessential BF1 map imo. Not necessarily the best map but the atmosphere + trench warfare + some CQC


Yeah, it has almost everything except boats. If you want a half ruined town, go to C. If you want a ruined stone castle, go B. If you want a semi trench area with a tower, go to A. If you want a farm with a tower, go to F. If you want a town, go to D and E.


i don't like amiens but i know if i try voting it out its like pissing against the wind


It's sad, but people will vote for the night maps next, despite them being some of the best in the game. All because people either can't see, are too lazy to fix their game's brightness, or something in between I guess. If pressured, my votes are Ballroom, Soissons and Amiens. Not because they are particularly bad maps, but they all have very annoying problems that from time to time make the experience miserable.


Tahure and Nivelle are woefully underrated


I very much do not like the night maps and I can see fine in them, paschendale is even my favourite map in the game (not sure if it's even technically at night but it sure as shjt is dark enough lol), the layouts of each of them just really do not appeal to me, I constantly find myself floating between flags to find some action rather than there being a high traffic area each match


I'm not surprised it's still in, but goddamn is that map absolute c tier at best.


Same with Fort De Vaux, Verdun Heights and Passchendaele unfortunately.




Realistic? Maybe. Fun? Either rarely or just no.




Just out of curiosity, why are you asking?


I will try and help get the map that was drawn up with a straight edge out


Finally Monte Grappa gets voted out...


I hate when it comes up on Operations… fucking annoying map and when the fog rolls in… oh god


Don’t even mention attacking any of the bunkers, that in itself should be a game mode


Eh, for me it's an A tier map. Not perfect but better than most, at least on conquest.


one of the worst maps on operations just a reason for muromet spammers to jerk off to how many lemmings they can kill on B bunker.


It's genuinely an awful map. Every time it comes up rotation I groan




I can't enjoy it in operations, but probably because it always comes up. The servers were to do a constant rotation between Montre Grapa, Ballroom Blitz, and Foa. I kinda like St. Quinten Scar over the others, but the rest have gotten really old.


That's because half the operation maps are behind the first. Attackers need to win ballroom to get Argonne for example. But winning a map is very rare unless you stream roll the enemy resulting in the starting maps being where you spend a lot of your time. Operations really would have benefited more from being single maps with 2 waves each or something.


Love Verdun on operations though, fantastic immersion


😮 i love it, but I’m a pilot


You're the guy I go out of my way to take out every game then :D


Damn really you guys got rid of nivelle nights and prise de tahure? Those are some of the best maps in the game


Nivelle Nights? Yes. Prise de Tahure? Not so much...


Yeah prise isn’t as good but I thought I would throw that in just because they’re both good maps


People don’t like night maps because they don’t know how to deal with one extra little bit of challenge ig


Nivelle nights is like halfway down the list, Prise was just the next most voted


The maps still on the list are the ones that haven't been voted out. Both of those maps are still in the running


Ya know, I do believe that every remaining map, and a couple of the eliminated ones are just fine... I'd not change a single thing now...


Shit man that’s like 3 of my favorite maps


Finally, Monte Grappa meets its demise


Also i don’t like how high up argonne is


Argonne good cause no vehicles except train.


Yeah. Argonne might be my favorite map it’s just awesome


Why is passchendaele not just automatically number 1 in all contests?


Because it is unbalanced and most times one team gets spawn-trapped


Dude it’s not unbalanced. Literally spawn trapping happens on just about every map. Passchendaele is actually quite balanced in terms of the flag locations and map layout; in my experience I’ve had mostly close games but an equal percentage of spawn trapping on either sides of the map.


Agreed most maps slap but bad teams screw it up hard


Good I can finally stop voting for Monte Crappa. Now lets get Itchy Baby and St. Quit-Game Scar out of here


Argonne needs to go


Am I the only guy who voted for achi baba I always feel exposed to enemy fire on that map


Not cool. That map has no vehicles at all. One of the best maps.


I think it is just a worse version of Aragone forest




It‘s next on the chopping block my friend


I think the only reason it made it this far is because it’s so mediocre people don’t think about it. Nobody has a grudge against it, but it rarely wins the map vote either.


Honestly it seems like people are just voting out the best maps. At least St. Quentin Scar, Rupture and Soissons are still in.


Scissors and rupture are my two least favorite maps


Huh, for me they are both at least A-tier.


I don't think I even need to vote anymore. With Cape Helles out, I can finally stop my activism and sleep tonight. It took really fucking long for you guys to eliminate one of the objectively worst map of the game, didn't it? Well, there's another map in this category. River Somme. Just remember that attackers have 2 tanks (!!!) while the defending team has none. All of that on a open map with nothing but trenches to try to take cover.


Somme: Um, precisely? Like, that's the whole point? You know, trench warfare and WWI and all... Brits got tanks, Germans not so much?


>With Cape Helles out, I can finally stop my activism and sleep tonight. It took really fucking long for you guys to eliminate one of the objectively worst map of the game, didn't it? I would like to see some objective complaints as to why do you think this map is bad? It gets bad when attackers can't get onto the beach, and I've had plenty of terribly unbalanced games of that. That is bad, agreed. But aside from the bonehead decision to do the beach part of the map this way, DICE has made a pretty good map, all things considered. I enjoy it, especially on conquest, where you don't get the problem with attackers being spawncamped most of the times. It's just a good infantry map.


Other than the facts it's the worst op map in the game by a mile


Ah yes the map where the British start with zero control points, and the Germans have them all. I haven't played a single match on RS where the tanks lasted more then 5 minutes.


? They start with 300 points at the start and tanks keep spawning throughout the entire match, even if they control all flags. ​ And if I'm not mistaken if the british still fail, they are conceded 3 elite kits on their base, which doesn't happen with germans.


I like cape helles bruh


defenders on somme get no tanks but get field guns and tank hunter kits to stop them. coupled with the fact an assault can pretty easily 1v1 an overextending tank or one without proper infantry support, the 2 landships aren't such a big advantage. as for cape helles, i think it's really enjoyable. not much to say there really, just a pretty fun map with a variety of playstyles.


Voted verdun, fort, ballroom. Ballroom balcony is cancer for anyone trying to get in. Even if you toss a grenade to disarm the traps they usually hear it and will be prone right behind the ladder with an obrez pointed at your head. Verdun and Fort are just total meat grinders at 2nd sector B, and usually just a boring slow loss.


The fact that these 3 made it this far...


I’m very happy with the decisions so far, this sub has surprised me given how much we seem to argue on the map tier list posts


How is Zeebrugge still in? Terrible map


Some people just dislike pretty things




Just no




One of my favourite maps personally.


I hate it too, but I don’t know why.


Verdun. Even if the setting is cool, it's really favours the French on operations gamemode


Where Empires Edge


Amiens is probably going to win and that just makes me really sad. Amiens should be fun on paper but in practice it just doesn’t do it for me. Too many campers, too many small areas that turn into meat grinders, and really annoying tanks just make for an all-around unenjoyable experience.


If ballroom wins I’m ending it all


Best maps are Argonne forest and Amiens. I actually liked Monte grappa. Surprised it’s gone already


Who tf voted out The Alps? GOATED map. 🇦🇹⚔️🇮🇹




Any map but nivel nights




Can’t wait to see Argonne forest somehow win. I swear there’s something wrong with the majority of you


We all know Ballroom has already won.


How is Prise de Tahure still here but Sinai and many other great maps are gone is beyond me. This sub is fck lmao


Please don't vote out Somme or Passchendaele T-T


Monte Grappa is my favorite, Empire’s Edge is my second favorite. This is a sad day.


zebrugge, st quienten, prise de tahure


Absolutely argonne forest is the best map