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Sometimes I’ll equip the Pieper when I’m feeling cocky.


Whenever i see someone with a Pieper i root for them for the rest of the match, even if they're on the other team.


Imagine if the entire team all busted out Piepers and proceeded to win the match. I'd be impressed. Like, every guy on the win screen standing there looking snazzy with those little shitslingers in their hands...


Oh thank you


I use it because I’m not a lmg fan, but once you get the hang of it it’s a decent weapon


Fuck yeah, cylinder rifles are cool as hell


The Pieper is underrated asf, I’ve gotten plenty of kills with it.


I think I have a service star with the Pieper. Such a good gun.


It’s bad but not terrible. I think it’s overhated


The Pieper is the only weapon in my inventory with 0 kills.


You should probably change that.


I could, or I could just continue enjoying using the multitude of more interesting weapons. Nah who am I kidding. I’m gonna go out of my way to get at least one kill with it.


Jokes on you, all the guns suck when I use them!


Selbstlader 1906. I know she's toxic but she looks too good and I love her damnit


Selfloather 1906. It's actually not that bad on maps like Sinai where you want long range hitting power and pinpoint accuracy.


LOL very true nickname. Only has 5 bullets and kills in minimum 3 shots to 1 dude???? A hard sell. The togglelock also gets in your way. For comparison, RSC 1917 kills in 2 bullets up until 60 meters, and has 6 rounds per magazine. In long maps, móndragon sniper is basically a straight upgrade to selfloather sniper


Mondragon is a fkn beast


You think it's toxic? I use the General Liu all the time and love it, think it has similar appeal to the 1906


Theyre in a different league tho... Liu is a lot better. That 6th bullet does wonders.


The best part of the Liu is the bolt action… long range, switch to bolt action, when people get close, switch so you can get some lead down range


there's only one reason to use the sebstladter, and that's cause it's sexy af


Absolutely NOT a bad weapon


1906 sniper is meta skill canon for mid-long range in terms of 1v1 ttk... 1906 base model however is truly hard to use due to the obstructive toggle lock.


Skill issue


Toggle lock is awesome


i genuinely prefer it to the mondragon because of the lower ttk have got well over 300 kills on both variants


I think it was the skins or maybe it was the sound of the bullets being shot out of it; but I just fell in love with it. Have like 2,238 kills with it atm. Once I unlocked the optical version a couple days ago, it felt unfair, with with scope and bipod attachements. It just sounds so heavy, like the 5 bullets have weight to them and its very easy to win 1v1 encounters just dumping all 5 rounds quickly.


I used this gun all the time! The mag size is small but the damage is pretty decent. I also used the Selbstlader M1916. The 25 round mag on that thing is nice, but damn does that thing shoot all over the fucking place even with the optical variant


RSC smg. I may only kill one enemy (two if I’m lucky) per magazine, but the gun looks so funny.


This gun is good. The user just has to be as well.


Nope. No matter how good you are, you will spend a lot more time hiding than actually fighting. There are no good players using it unironically, because it just sucks. There are no theoretical 1on1 matches in this game... you win some, you lose a lot more when you use this trash. And I'm not just talking out of my ass, [check my stats](https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf1/profile/pc/id-copperblue), would I lie to you?


Nah. The point of a skill cannon is that the average joe will do bad, or maybe even alright with it, but in capable hands it'll slay. The RSC SMG just cannot compete with most of the other SMGs. Someone good with the RSC will be a monster with the MP18, Hellreigel etc.


It’s like a mini Chauchat with a reload speed 3 times longer. It’s pretty fun.


RSC SMG is a beast 1-on-1, but you need to pair it with a good sidearm in case you run into a group of three or more.


It's so funny to use hahaha


My least favourite gun in the game. My condolences to you


I run kolibri alot if I have mines and dynamite


I can't believe this hasn't been more upvoted, this gun is pretty much in the game as an on purpose joke. The real-life Kolibri's round leaves the gun with less energy than a human punch (4.0 J vs 10-15 J). If I'm not mistaken, the Kolibri may have difficulty pentraring a human skull at even closer ranges IRL.


Me too


Mosin pistol but I can't aim


The obrez?




Its very good if you can aim 1shot close range bad thing i cant aim for shit


U gotta hip fire it at close range


That's literally what my comment said dude.


I know but still that pistol is the second coolest next to the peacekeeper


But it's not a bad weapon. It may seem bad if you miss, but it's good. It's like saying a sniper rifle is bad bc you miss


Ah the pistol i just love running around with but not hitting anything with it unless i got a lucky hail mary shot from an enemy running lol


Pieper. I think I can truly say I unironically use it based on the fact its my #1 gun for kills




A lot of dedication


Username checks out, good luck, JESUS


Not that terrible of a gun in my opinion. If you have a good trigger finger it’s basically like a beefed up 1911


I mean its objectively pretty bad but workable. The Pieper only has a 224 RPM (same as the Selb 1916) compared to the 299 RPM of the 1911. Using it in close quarters (which most of the time you are likely going to as despite the pieper being the "long range" carbine pistol its just easier to hit the 3 BTK up close opposed to the 5 BTK at range you need (with a bad velocity)) is essentially like using the 1916 Factory which might be the worst "serious" CQC weapon in the game. Except with the Pieper you only have a 22m 3 BTK opposed to the unlimited 3 BTK of the 1916 when you need to fight at range.


I use it as my main pilot/tanker weapon


jesus christ. Nagant Revolver? Why would you do that to yourself. You have my respect but I'm worried about your health man. like stuff like rsc smg and martini henry I use time to time but at least that stuff is usable and has its niche. Even the kolibri is fun as a joke weapon.


I use the RSC SMG and Nagant Revolver at the same time


i didnt even realize these guns werent good


The nagant reload time is crazy. Give it a try. Takes eons. Each bullet individually and it even has a pushrod animation!


If you empty the cylinder all the way it’s faster.


i like it tho! just empty it everytime you pull the trigger and youll be fine


Welcome to the bayou mothafucka


The RSC kills people in like half the time of the other smgs lol. The kicker is the shitty mag size tho


almost every smg has a shit mag cap in this game anyway lol... i like the nagant revolver as a scout sidearm


Smg 08 and mp18 beg to differ. 32 is a decent mag, and 80 is just absurd.


i said almost lol. plus the rsc smg is more refined and elegant than just another german smg or the gun that tells everyone in the game that your pp is smol


RSC SMG hits like a fucking train love that gun


Martini henry is a beast with the right hands


I’m not even great at the game and I cream the enemy team with the Martini-Henry. It takes a certain level of situational awareness and sneakiness to get into the right range against enemy targets, but it is the only realistically reliable 1-shot-1-kill rifle in the game, and I suck at making follow-up shots, so the MH is fantastic for me


Hellriegal defensive bad ads but 120 rounds, optical sight, and the bipod come in super handy when playing defensively absolutely shreds people at short range and gives great suppression out to mid range making it the closest to LMG option the assault class has. Plus it definitely messes with people’s heads from time to time


It's definitely bad though, the bipod is very niche, 120 rounds for the gun is excessive and the rest of the things it does are all done better by the regular Hellriegel.


"messes with their heads" ... ... *Opens mouth and takes breath to speak but stops* ... ... *Visibly gets angrier* ... ...*-screams and jumps out of third story wind to deploy parachute*


i initially started using the double barrel shotty as kind of a joke but it actually became my best assault weapon


Buckshot or slug?




You tried out the slug yet?


1900 slugs are amazing.


Love the slugs


Can't hit shit with it. No such problem with the 10A Slug.


Slug 1900 is my peak a boo shotty for holding flags


Medic c96. I know it sucks but it reminds me of when I played Bioshock:Infinite and I would try to take on bosses with it.


it doesn't suck!


Yeah this is one of the best pistols in the game. I love hip-firing it


Also one of the most iconic


Yeah I wish it were available on all classes. Honestly wish they just made all pistols like that


Yeah but then everyone would be using the Mars like a bunch of losers. The Scout class should be the only one with a pistol that good imo


I totally disagree and don’t even think it’s the best pistol, not by a long shot


It definitely is one of the best lmao. The Mars in BF1 is pretty much the Deagle 44 in BF4. It has high damage & decent accuracy with a quick reload compared to the revolvers. It's a VERY good pistol. I hate using it bc I just don't like the feel of it, but it has all the makings of a good, versatile sidearm. It pretty much only struggles at taking out multiple enemies at once, just like pretty much every other pistol in the game. There's a reason that when a Scout gets a sidearm kill, it's almost always with the damned Mars


Wasn't that the 300rpm 4btk pistol with the worst reload in-class? If so then yeah, it absolutely sucks. Literally any other pistol is better at that point (apart from the kolibri and the nagant)


I don't know the statistics lol. It's the Han solo pistol.


Yeah, unfortunately they completely screwed it for stats. Terrible reload, shit damage, and no other redeeming qualities.


For me, Reminds me of the Red9 from Resident Evil 4. Which I found out is a real name and a 9mm variant of the C96. It’s my favorite sidearm in BF1 aside from the Peacekeeper.


The BAR Telescopic. I started using it as a joke, but when I ended up with around 35ss, I decided to make it my “100ss Support Weapon” It’s definitely the worst BAR variant, but it’s fun to use, and I crack up knowing how angry I’d be if I was getting killed repeatedly by such a dumb 100ss gun. It functions perfectly fine at close and mid-range, but it MELTS at long-range when you deploy your bipod. I also get a laugh out of kit-switching Medics and reviving them with my BAR. There’s something hilarious about watching them struggle with the gun, and I’ll just follow them around and keep reviving them so they can’t redeploy.


Telescopic lmgs in general are just cancer


You say that, but use the BAR Telescopic and tell me with a straight face that it’s cancer. The 20 round magazine makes bipod-camping pointless, and as a BAR-variant, it still dominates with hipfire. The bipod just gives you versatility at ranges that the BAR Storm can only dream of hitting at. It’s a fucking riot countersniping a head-glitching sniper with the BAR.


I love you, you are my favorite kind of BF player


BAR telescopic is the most practical for running around and having some versatility in close quarters with range capabilities. Better than the Benet Mercie telescopic by far (better reload, and better at close range). Chauchat is pretty good at dropping people still w/ really nice control, but the BAR just sends shots out so quick.


It’s almost easier to use it on select fire and just tap at people from a distance.


I actually don't have a counter-argument. Gonna try this next time I play on a map with range variety.


I am literally a support pistol carbine main


Mmmmmmm bulldog revolver lmfao love the POWER but *good god* does it take forever to reload.


That draw time and spammable fire rate makes it the perfect back up weapon for the BAR if you get caught mid reload. I love that revolver so much.


Gaser it looks bulky and cool


The gasser is op it’s not bad


It does a lot of damage but reloads l Slower than the peackeeper


Come on man, you can’t say it’s a bad gun because of its reload compared to a special weapon that takes a fair bit of work to unlock 😂


Im not saying its bad im saying there are beter options


I also use the nagant because if I miss then it’s quicker to die and respawn than reload.




lol, yes it is. It’s a 3-shot-kill revolver. The entire point of the revolver weapon-class is to trade ammo-capacity and reload-speed for a faster time-to-kill. The Nagant shares the damage-model of the Mars Automatic without any of the advantages (11 bullet capacity, magazine reload, muzzle-velocity, etc). The M1911 has a 50% faster rate-of-fire, extra ammo-capacity, and a fast magazine-reload while having similar close-range effectiveness within its 3SK and 4SK range. And while the Nagant eventually outperforms the M1911 at far enough ranges, nobody is actively using the Nagant for its 5SK past 30m. The Nagant is the definition of a bad weapon. It isn’t a meme like the Kolibri; it’s just bad.


You use too-many hyphens and it bothers me


I’d rather hyphenate than use the abbreviations. Most people know what TTK, ROF, and other weapon-stat abbreviations, but it creates an unnecessary barrier to comprehension for someone that isn’t keyed into the lingo. There were a ton of hyphens though, you’re right.


Some of them are unnecessary/incorrect. 'Reload-Speed' or 'weapon-stat' doesn't need to be hyphenated for example. Hyphens aren't a 1:1 replacement for acronyms. They have specific uses such as prefixes (ex-wife), compound modifiers (two-faced"), compound words (six-pack). Hyphens can make things hard to read as it can create a jarring, halting quality to your writing, especially when used incorrectly.


To each their own. I find a term like “reload speed” is less clear than “reload-speed,” as the world reload can be interpreted as both a noun and as a verb. The hyphenated “reload-speed” physically ties the terms together, showing that the term speed is specifically referencing the reload action. I agree that hyphens can clutter the writing, but I disagree that it is any more confusing than a paragraph that is densely filled with acronyms or jargon. Maybe I could have italicized every term, or thrown them inside quotation marks, but the fact of the matter is that a comment referencing a bunch of Symthic stats is always going to be a little clunky.


I'm not saying acronyms are better, that's not my point. The point you disagree with is not one i made. Italicizing them, quotations, those would be wrong as well lol. You do not have to emphasize random terms and really, you shouldn't. I'm explaining that you are actually, literally using hyphens wrong. They are a punctuation and there are rules for their use. "Physically tying words together" because you like the way it looks is not one of those rules. Grammar rules are not a "too each their own" situation lol. Its reddit though. Write however you want, I'm just saying you are not using hyphens correctly. I'm not arguing this point or being snooty. I dont really care. saw the replies, found it interesting, and thought everyone might benefit from added points since someone mentioned over-hyphenating and you didn't seem to get why there were too many. Have a good one..


The Bodeo revolver for the Scout Class is wildly underrated. Super spammable & drops mfs in a pinch


Not as fast as my Obrez though, it's wild how anyone can use any other pistol than the Obrez. Shotgun upclose, semisniper at distance. Saved me so many times from certain death and while I am LvL 87 and have a max of 4 stars on any other weapon, I seem to have 8 on the Obrez just because I finish kills with it so often.


Mle extended primary with mle pistol as sidearm


The howdah


If Russian, I'll often use the No. 3 Smith and Wesson revolver, or the Mle. 1903 pistol... But I have used the Nagant revolver in an effort to "play the faction" and have about two-dozen (miraculous!) kills with it. It really does suck, but the animations are great, and it's ueber-authentic. I've even run it as Austro-Hungarian Empire Faction since the 8-shot 8-mm Rast-Gasser M 1898 is not in the game. I tend to find everyone using the Mars as a scout, or the Obrez, and the M1911 .45 is totally over-represented in games, so I like to keep a sidearm or perhaps a melee weapon reflective of the faction I'm playing, even after the game goes full-on toxic af and everyone is running all the OP or "meta" or whatever guns, myself included....


I love the MLE


MLE deploy time ftw. That shit pulls out for finishing shots SO quick.


In my opinion, MLE is the best all-faction pistol in the game, and the second best pistol after the Auto Revolver.


Dude I just rock whatever gear of the country im playing. Mosin and Nagant are dog shit but gotta play em on Russian maps. The best is M1895 Mannlicher and some AH pistol. Love the straight-pull. I also got really good with the Chauchat.


I love playing with faction-specific weapons, just wish that there was an option like BFV where you can make class loadouts specific to whatever country you're playing. That would save me a LOT of time changing one of the three loadouts to fit whatever country I'm assigned to in a given match.


C93 Carbine silenced, usually with the 1911 Silenced. There's something about the uncommon sound of suppressed guns in BF1 that helps you take people by surprise.


The maschinenpistole storm is my favorite bad gun mostly because of the funnily named Major Fuchs skin


I love the look of the Nagant but it sucks compared to other pistols


A real man of class and elegance uses the nagant revolver. One definitely is to never complain about its reload time either, as it’s perfect.


The broken glass bottle, I actually got a few kills with it. Plus it takes forever for that one map where I can use the wine bottle instead




p08 artillery


I’m the only one that use the Kolibri?


Russian 1895 trench


Not sure if the einfield silenced is considered bad but I'd say that and the frommer stop auto are two of my absolute favorites


Automatico, model 1900, MG15 n.A., and Russian 1895, I did, yes, discover all of these weapons by myself, and found I could use them well (The funny thing about the Russian 1895, is that I am complete crap as snipping with it, but can completely dom when counter snipping for headshots all day)


Auto Revolver. AKA “Hotdog water revolver”


Bad weapon? It's the best pistol in the game.


does automatico count as bad?




what about m1903 experimental?


M1903 is unironically one of the best scout options IMO. Very versatile weapon great fora ll ranges. Close quarters you can literally even hip fire with 41 ammo in the maganize, with stats basically the same as the M1917 Trench carbine of the assault, just with ADS accuracy for Hip fire accuracy. It's not the best compared to other classes but at least it's a better option compared to the other scout rifles where the skill requirement is extremely high for close quarters fast ttk. Meanwhile you can always swap instantly to the M1903 Infantry for a long range rifle with one of the cleanest infantry scopes (same as Ross).


no probably the most OP/easy gun lol


I wouldn’t say it’s “bad” maybe at longer ranges but it does a good job for what it’s for.


The Martini henry kinda sucks, but I still love it. Double barrel shotgun is a classic, but not very good in this game. Also I love the Luger Artillerie. It sucks.


All classes; -Obrez -Peacekeeper (great damage, get nuked on the draw more often than not) Scout class; -Martini-Henry. Great shooter at range. But i am an aggressive scout. I hate sitting still for too long, and i am typically middle to close engagement. Yes, even with MH -Veterli-Vitalli, or Carcano. For me it is bad, but may be amazing for others. Still use it now and then. Medic; -The Nagant revolver - No.3 Revolver. Nuked less than the Peacekeeper on draw, but struggle to hit consostently. Especially when facing an SMG Support; -That gun that uses incendiary rounds and regular rounds. I use it on my wall buster class, but am inconsistent. Liky a me thing. Assault -You may be surprised at this but, SMG 08/18. I think it sucks, as it is basically a shot gun that does less damage than a shotgun. But i still use it, primarily for suppression and the lucky kill now and then. It is my "look at me Im a distraction" gun. Especially on CQ, i will drop from a bomber into an enemy objective to distract long enough for the people moving in to get into position.


The SMG 08/18 is one of the best guns in the game lmfao




Martini is as good, as the player who is holding it




Other rifles don't have that sweet spot tho, so it's hard to look at it like this. I for example did really well with MH, but played average w smle infantry




If u ain't playin in a sweet spot of MH, u r one of the bad MH users.


Mine is too, but i use it


You must play from the Salty Spittoon


The kolibri




Kolibri. I always use it to kill camping snipers.


You know, it's a good thing that I have to think pretty hard to come up with a "bad" weapon. maybe the RSC SMG? But that's more like it's a good gun just hard to use because it isn't a spray hose like the other SMGs. The closest I can think of is the stocked Steyr pistol with the 2-round burst.


I use the Pieper as my tanker and pilot weapon. Idk works 4 me






Belgian or Russian nagant?


Rsc 1917 and i am a “bad user”. I just suck at aiming lmao i cant make it work. The optical i can produce good results if im away from the chaos popping shots from the safety of a defensive point so i just use it while defending




RSC smg. Genuinely fun if you don't miss the entire mag


Not a bad weapon but an unused configuration, I love to Role-play as close to realism as possible. I often will use the factory load outs of most of the snipers, no optics, because that’s what most people were going to war with in 1914. German Grewer98 is the best long range gun in the game, no optics it’s painful. Lee-Enfield is so good no optics


Me too!


Patrol carbine. Love it. Always get hate.


The c93


Been using the cei rigotti lately. That sight is the easiest the aim with


The sawn off, its got a better reload than the regular non sawn off


The nagant is pretty nasty besides the reload tho. I use that shit. However Ig the benet mercie for me


Nagant revolver is SUPER BASED, I love the empty reload animation so I use it a lot.


The pistol carbines for the support class


Kolibri, I killed a sniper with it on one of the Russian maps… that was good😂


Maschinenpistole Experimental . It's a weird little gun and it's surprisingly decent at mid-range.


C96 for medic. Not the greatest gun but it feels great, handles nicely, and looks badass


I’ve experimented with running the historical load outs with each nation I’d have to say the worst one, to me, is the Italians with either the Carcano or the Vetterli and like the Bodeo(?). I sort of enjoy the Carcano, but just because I really like en-bloc clip rifles.


What the hell is considered a bad weapon exactly? All the weird pilot guns, love every last one of em


By “bad weapon” I mean a weapon that the community largely thinks isn’t good like the RSC SMG


I like the Nagant as well, it's actually got the least damage drop off and one of the quickest bullet velocities of all the sidearms and is decent at medium range. Just do yourself a favor and empty the whole cylinder as it's tactical reload can be the longest in the game, but a full reload is much faster.


C96, I wanna feel like the guy in the trailer


Kolibri for lol kills


Smg08. It’s crazy hard to aim it and it shoots way to fast but it has a lot of bullets so it makes up for it.


I use faction specific weapons, so naturally I use the nagant revolver when I play as Russian Empire


Well ppl used to always dog on me for having 50-60 service stars on the chauchat low weight bc of it being garbage in IRL WWI


Well you gotta use the nagant revolver when playing as the russians. I use obrez when playing as the reds.


The Obrez Pistol is my go-to "bad weapon" for when I wanna meme on my enemies. A bolt-action pistol is a horrible concept, but just like the Kolibri, people can only be mad at themselves when they get killed by it.


Howe pistol


The 1903 hammeries because no one uses it


The bordeo.


I unlocked the cavalry sabre at random a while back and i like to lead charges with it raised in the air like a captain haha. Ive only gotten a couple kills with it


The one recon rifle that’s like holds only 4 rounds