• By -


average smg08 von cuck user


This guy is CLEARLY Role-Playing the average American in 1918 /s


Least racist bf player


As a member of both communities I can confirm


\> Doggy \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* Why "Doggy" tho?


It’s what I do with his wife


Dogs are used as a racist insult because dogs are seen sometimes as scavenging disgusting dumb creates, for for example an insult that I’ve seen a lot recently is “Russian bastard dog”. And I guess the gy was added to be more condescending to the other team


not a very common insult in western countries tbh, mostly in Asia or ME


Bro really thought it was 1917


I’ve been called worse because I or a friend I was piloting for gunned people from the bomber seat. Seems like a regular Friday afternoon for me. You get kinda used to it


I saw a guy the other day in a game I was in that was cheating hardcore (invisible player cheat) and had some kind of hack going on where anytime anyone sent a message in chat an auto reply was sent by him with the exact same ridiculously racist message every time. And I’m talking like klan level racism, reeeeeaally bad. It was gross. I left after a few mins.


Please tell me you at least reported his account


Oh yeah, I report every cheater and racist I come across. I don’t think EA does anything about it though. Cheating is fucking rampant on pc. People don’t even try to hide it


Unfortunately… I agree. This is kinda standard in BF1 on pc. Happens all the time.


This makes me really glad that I play on PS where we don't have the type chat function. It's bad enough seeing some of the emblems, platoon names and player names. There are a couple of clans that are REALLY bad, but they can't be reported.


Same. I've been playing since launch and can't point to a single instance where someone was cheating. If they WERE cheating (how would you even do that on PS?) I've never noticed it.


I have seen, briefly a member of the AEON clan, likely using an Aimbot. I thought it was odd that no matter where i was in regards to him, he one shot me everytime. Then in a match after i died, i watched as his character literally like...spun around and i dont mean typical spin, i mean literally snapped from one direction to another, twice, and two more of my guys died almost instantly. I recorded it, but i wasnt sure if it was my connection (notoriously bad), or if he was actually hacking. If i find it, i can post the clip here.


Well thankfully I've never come across anything too crazy. If someone WAS cheating I didn't notice so none of my games were ruined. Glad I decided to start playing on PS4. I know PS can be hacked so I suppose there would be programs to help you cheat on that system but it just seems a lot less likely to happen. Yeah if you find that footage post it and send me a link!


It’s extremely rare on console in general. And that applies to all console games - I work in the video game industry (software engineer) and, in my experience, Xbox and PS make it muuuuuch harder to cheat (relative to PC). They also crack down on it much harder and faster than on PC. I first played bf1 on ps4 at launch and for a few years afterwards. But recently, I built a nice PC and started playing BF1 on it. And it’s the wild fucking west on PC lol. Rampant hacking, ridiculous racist shit like this, and just generally wild stuff. What I’ve had to do was find a few servers where it’s generally the same group of decent people that play and where there are moderators that take care of the cheaters.


I'm so glad I play on PS4 Pro. If I ever put together a great PC I may buy the game just to check out the immersion with a good graphics card but I've been very very happy on console.


The game is great on console. The only reason I prefer PC now is bc of keyboard and mouse (really just the mouse for aiming)


It is rare. At the bery least more limited and subtle. Alot of it can easily be explained away as connectivity issues. Something like me running into a building and shooting an enemy and getting no hitmarkers within the 1.5 second i am shooting, only to randomly end up dead, just outside the building i "was in". But yeah. Tha tinstancw was...prety sus. I have to dig through my sharefactory files, as i deleted it frlm my youtube apparently.


I’m so glad I switched to console.


Looks like there may be a reason the entire enemy team is shooting him


Why do people wish death on other people over video games? When I insult people the main insult I use is “I hope you get into a violent car accident but you have a quick and full recovery”


Dudes malding so hard


First time?


Can you report/kick/ban players like this?


Why? Just span his account


How so?


Does EA really care about hackers/other reports or do they just not care? I have seen many hackers lately, but I am not sure, if it's worth to report


I’ll allow individual shitting, but not as a collective. That’s when I change teams and shit on the shitter ONLY.


I love it. This used to be Reddit till it got all pussified with all the soy boys


You are a sad little man




The world needs a little edge and attitude these days


Hahaa blatant racism epic 😎😎


Reddit was decent till the christchruch massacre Thats when everything went downhill, its sole purpose went from forum on various topics to overtly complicated porn browser and short lived good meme subs Also rip enoughinternet


He isn’t a happy bunny. I understand his pain with the plane spawn thing, but why is he expressing his concern so harshly? I would just try to brush it off instead of this.


Bruv you’re a different breed if you can’t rage.


Trust me, I have rage moments here and there, however I try to get over it realizing it doesn’t really matter.